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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution à la mise au point d'un pilotage énergétique décentralisé par prédiction / Decentralized energy management by predictions

Dufour, Luc 20 March 2017 (has links)
Comment satisfaire les besoins en énergie d’une population de 9 milliards d’êtres humains en 2050, de façon économiquement viable tout en minimisant l’impact sur l’environnement. Une des réponses est l’insertion de production d’énergie propre d’origine éolienne et photovoltaïque mais leurs totales dépendances aux variations climatiques accentuent une pression sur le réseau. Les modèles prédictifs historiques centralisés et paramétriques ont du mal à appréhender les variations brutales de productions et de consommations. La révolution internet permet aujourd’hui une convergence entre le numérique et l’énergie. En Europe et depuis cinq ans, l’axe d’étude est celui de la maîtrise locale de l’électricité. Ainsi plusieurs quartiers intelligents ont été créés et les modèles utilisés de pilotage et de prédiction restent souvent la propriété des partenaires des projets. Dans cette thèse, Il s’agit de réaliser un bilan énergétique chaque heure pour prédire l’ensemble des vecteurs énergétiques d’un système. Le besoin en énergie d’un système comme une maison est décomposée en un besoin en chauffage, en un besoin en eau chaude sanitaire, en un besoin en luminaires, en besoin de ventilation et en usages spécifiques électriques utiles. Le système peut posséder une production décentralisée et un système de stockage ce qui augmentera sa capacité d’effacement. Pour le centre de pilotage, l’objectif est d’avoir une possibilité de scénarios de surproductions ou surconsommations sur un quartier donnée à court terme. Nous considérerons dans cette thèse un horizon à l’heure pour notre bilan énergétique. Cela implique une prédiction fine des différents flux énergétiques d’un système en particulier le chauffage et l’eau chaude qui représente le plus gros potentiel de flexibilité dans les bâtiments. Pour réaliser un bilan, nous devons calculer les différents flux énergétiques à l’intérieur de notre système : les déperditions par l’enveloppe et la ventilation, les gains internes solaires, des personnes et des appareils, le stockage, la production d’eau chaude sanitaire, les usages spécifiques électriques utiles. Sur certains de ces points, nous pouvons évaluer assez précisément et en fonction du temps les quantités d’énergie échangées. Pour les autres (ECS, USE, gains internes, stockage), la bibliographie nous donne que des méthodes globales et indépendantes du temps. Il n’est donc pas possible d’envisager une méthode correspondant au pas de temps souhaité. Ceci impose la mise au point d’une méthode prédictive et apprenante dont nos modèles de simulation énergétique seront le point de référence. Il n’en reste pas moins que ces modèles permettent la compréhension du comportement énergétique du système. L’outil se devra non intrusif, personnalisé, robuste et simple. Pour limiter le caractère intrusif de l’outil, il s’agit à la fois d’ajouter de l’intelligence comme par exemple l’identification des appareils utiles à partir d’un seul point de mesure mais aussi la collection et l’analyse d’informations localement. Les données privées ne sont pas transmises vers l’extérieur. Seules les informations de prédictions énergétiques sont envoyées à un niveau supérieur pour agrégation des données des quartiers. L’intelligence est également au niveau des prédictions réalisées issues de méthodes d’apprentissage comme l’utilisation des réseaux de neurones ou des arbres de décision. La robustesse est étudiée d’un point de vue technologie (plusieurs protocoles de communication ont été testés), techniques (plusieurs méthodes de collecte) et d’un point de vue du stockage de données (limiter la fréquence de collecte). La simplicité d’usage engendre une simplicité d’installation minimiser le nombre de données d’entrée tout en gardant une précision souhaitable sera notre principal axe d’optimisation. / This work presents a data-intensive solution to manage energy flux after a low transformer voltage named microgrid concept. A microgrid is an aggregation of building with a decentralized energy production and or not a storage system. These microgrid can be aggregate to create an intelligent virtual power plant. However, many problems must be resolved to increase the part of these microgrid and the renewable resource in a energy mix. The physic model can not integrate and resolve in a short time the quickly variations. The intelligent district can be integrate a part of flexibility in their production with a storage system. This storage can be electrical with a battery or thermal with the heating and the hot water. For a virtual power plant, the system can be autonomous when the price electricity prediction is low and increase the production provided on the market when the price electricity is high. For a energy supplier and with a decentralized production building distant of a low transformer voltage, a regulation with a storage capacity enable a tension regulation. Finally, the auto-consumption becomes more and more interesting combined with a low electrical storage price and the result of the COP 21 in Paris engage the different country towards the energy transition. In these cases, a flexibility is crucial at the building level but this flexibility is possible if, and only if, the locally prediction are correct to manage the energy. The main novelties of our approach is to provide an easy implemented and flexible solution to predict the consumption and the production at the building level based on the machine learning technique and tested on the real use cases in a residential and tertiary sector. A new evaluation of the consumption is realized: the point of view is energy and not only electrical. The energy consumption is decomposed between the heating consumption, the hot water consumption and the electrical devices consumption. A prediction every hour is provided for the heating and the hot water consumption to estimate the thermal storage capacity. A characterization of Electrical devices consumption is realized by a non-intrusive disaggregation from the global load curve. The heating and the hot water are identify to provide a non intrusive methodology of prediction. Every day, the heating, the hot water, the household appliances, the cooling and the stand by are identified. Every 15 minutes, our software provide a hot water prediction, a heating prediction, a decentralized prediction and a characterization of the electrical consumption. A comparison with the different physic model simulated enable an error evaluation the error of our different implemented model.

Toward an Urban Political Ecology of Energy Justice: The Case of Rooftop Solar in Tucson, AZ

Franklin, Remington Santiago, Franklin, Remington Santiago January 2017 (has links)
A central challenge of the twenty-first century is to transition to a low-carbon energy system to reduce the risks of climate change. For Pima County, Arizona, where electricity accounts for the majority of greenhouse gas emissions, this requires rapid deployment of grid-tied renewable energy resources. In light of this challenge, photovoltaic solar has emerged as an important solution, providing the top source of new US electric generating capacity installed in 2016. However, there is still no consensus about the optimal scale for solar (centralized power plants, or small, decentralized systems) and the socio-economic implications for low income households. This thesis explores the implications of rooftop solar for energy justice through empirical research about a southern Arizona electric utility rate case. Utilities argue that existing rate structures shift costs from solar owners to lower-income ratepayers, while critics say the utility's proposed rate changes are unjust and that rooftop solar benefits all ratepayers. Drawing on my empirical data and an urban political ecology (UPE) approach, I analyze competing narratives that speak to three types of justice: distributive, procedural, and recognition. While dominant justice claims revolve around the distribution of costs through rates, competing narratives emphasize procedural and recognition (in)justice. Focusing on political economy, power relations, and the materiality of the grid, I reframe the utility’s cost shift argument as a strategic narrative and explain why this justice claim is ultimately validated. I propose that UPE can further an energy justice analysis by understanding procedural and recognition injustice as systemic products of rate of return regulation and the material configuration of the electric grid.

Assessment of business opportunities forutilities in distributed battery storage forhousehold consumers in Germany

GUSTAFSSON, OSCAR, Maiorana, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
The German initiative Energiewende aims to decrease their dependence on nuclear andfossil-based energy, and to increase the share of variable renewable energy sources (V-RES).This transformation calls for new technical solutions that can meet future stakeholderneeds. Distributed battery storage (DBS), which can be used as a complement to theunreliable V-RES, is such a solution.In this thesis, the possibilities for incorporating DBS into the German energy market werefirst analyzed. This was followed by calculations of the economic potential for DBS, and lastlya possible business model for Vattenfall associated with the identified businessopportunities was developed. The assessment shows big opportunities of incorporating DBSinto the future energy system since it can increase the reliability and stability of thedecentralized generation of V-RES. DBS will also be the cheapest solution for an averagehousehold 2030, making the technology a profitable solution. A suitable business model hasalso been identified for Vattenfall, which focuses on the activities of leasing the DBS-units toprosumers and utilizing excess capacity for ancillary services to TSO’s and DSO’s. Theancillary services that can be utilized include frequency regulation and peak shaving.Theoretically the thesis contributes with knowledge about the increasing possibilities of DBSbecoming a large part of the future German power system. The thesis will also be a practicaltool for utilities on how to adapt their business offering with regards to the new market.

Techno-economic analysis of a waste-to-energy system using innovative pyrolysis process

Perrens, Hannah Sofie January 2023 (has links)
Waste management is of growing concern with increasing amount of municipal waste generation and the industry standards are becoming stricter due to climate goals and sustainable development. Waste-to-energy (WTE) systems in the form of waste incineration have been promoted as a low-carbon energy source, but nevertheless have high greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Pyrolysis offers an alternative way of utilizing energy which at high temperatures and in the absence of oxygen thermally decomposes material and yields products such as synthetic gas and biochar. Bodø Storstue, a development project for a new sports arena in Northern Norway, has high ambitions for sustainable development. WTE by pyrolysis has been identified as a potential step toward reducing GHG emissions. Thus, this thesis looked into the technical and economic aspects of integrating pyrolysis as a decentralized WTE system. A simulation model was built in Aspen Plus, which shows the energy and mass balance through the different modules in the system. An economic analysis was performed using MS Excel which included the levelized cost of electricity and net present value calculation. The results suggest that the electricity demand in Bodø Storstue can be met by using pyrolysis for power generation, and that carbon can be stored in biochar which reduces the emissions compared to traditional waste incineration. Future studies should include a simulation model based on tested feedstock composition which would make the simulation more representative of true conditions. The price of biochar should also be included in the economic analysis to obtain more precise conclusions about the economic conditions that impact investment decisions. / Avfallshanteringen skapar en växande oro världen över med ökande avfallsmängder och strängare bestämmelser för industrianpassning till nya klimatmål och nya strategier för hållbar utveckling. Energiutvinningssystem ur avfall i form av direkt avfallsförbränning, s.k. waste-to-energy (WTE), har marknadsförts som en miljövänlig energikälla men låga utsläpp, men har trots detta en viss del fossilbaserad kolinnehåll samt höga helhetsutsläpp av växthusgaser. Pyrolysprocesser erbjuder ett alternativt sätt att utnyttja energi genom att termiskt bryta kolväten vid höga temperaturer och i frånvaro av syre ner till enklare molekyler och således generera gasformiga produkter samt biokol. Bodø Storstue är ett utvecklingsprojekt för att bygga en ny multifunktionell idrottsarena i norra Norge, med höga ambitioner för integrerat miljötänkande. WTE genom pyrolys har identifierats som en lovande åtgärd för att minska växthusgasutsläppen från arenan. Målet härmed är således att undersöka de tekniska och ekonomiska förutsättningarna for att integrera en nyutvecklad pyrolysprocess för arenan i form av ett decentraliserat kraftvärmeverk med lokal avfallshantering där också en del biokol utvinns i fast form för att potentiellt lagras som ren kol eller för att användas till jordförbättring. Simuleringsmodeller för kraftvärmesystemet byggdes i AspenPlusTM baserade på avfallspyrolys och syntesgasförbränning, som beräknar energi- och massbalanser genom olika delmoduler. I ett nästa skede utfördes förenklade ekonomiska analyser med andra verktyg för att sammanfatta elkostnader och nettonuvärdeuträkning. Resultaten tyder på att elbehovet i Bodø Storstue kan tillgodoses genom att använda avfallspyrolys för kraft- och värmegenerering, och att kol kan lagras i form av biokol vilket minskar utsläppen jämfört med traditionell avfallsförbränning. Framtida studier bör inkludera en simuleringsmodell baserad på testad och verklighetstrogen avfallssammansättning, vilket skulle göra simuleringen mer representativ för verkliga förhållanden på arenan. Värdet på biokol bör också inkluderas i den ekonomiska analysen för att få mer precisa slutsatser om de ekonomiska förutsättningarna.

Providing Sustainable Life-solutions with a Hybrid Micro-Power Plant in Developing Countries: an Assessment of Potential Applications

Öncel, Melih, Marion, Gonzalo January 2013 (has links)
Today, energy access is a significant challenge all over the world, particularly in African countries. At the same time, providing energy access is generally accepted as a way to promote sustainable development. In countries such as Uganda, lack of energy access is evident. In this country only 9% of households have access to electricity. About 87% of these households are located in rural and remote areas. Thus, off-grid rural electrification solutions are required to supply electricity services to a significant part of the population.The ultimate objective of this thesis is to propose a specific solution to cover basic energy needs of the rural population considering environmental, social and economic benefits. How can sustainable life solutions be provided in rural areas, by using the energy surplus from a decentralized small-scale biomass gasification power plant? The analysis used as a starting point the Green Plant Concept, which considers the design of a sustainable off-grid platform that produces energy to provide life solutions and also to excite local entrepreneurship in the rural sites where it is implemented. The concept implies participation of the private sector – a telecommunication company – which is a unique feature in the context of rural energization.To develop our analysis, a field trip has been conducted in Uganda, Africa, to answer sub-questions such as How to reach a cost-effective system? How to adapt a business oriented approach to the community’s life-style in order to be well accepted? How to foster the development of the area by having a positive socio-economic impact on society? How to create an environmental friendly solution? How to achieve the maximum efficiency in terms of reusing waste? Tools such as Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) and SWOT analysis were used to interpret collected information and identify impacts of the suggested solutions.The research has shown the great potential of the Green Plan Concept. We conclude by selecting three applications that can enhance the provision of basic energy needs while creating benefits for the stakeholders involved in the process: i) Mini-Grid solutions, ii) Battery Charging Stations and iii) Heat Pipe Exchangers. We also highlighted the relevance of bringing, in addition to appropriated technologies, different stakeholders together, considering their common interests.The research is finalized by estimating the payback period based on the current and expected energy consumption and the capital investment related to the suggested applications. It is important to highlight that the payback time estimations do not include the participation of the telecom companies. This means that the estimated payback period of 7 years could be significantly reduced by the inclusion of this stakeholder.

Feasibility Analysis of the use of Hybrid Solar PV-Wind Power Systems for Grid Integrated Minigrids in India

Mata Yandiola, Cristina January 2017 (has links)
Reliable electricity supply remains a major problem in rural India nowadays. Renewable off-grid solutions have been applied in the last decades to increase power supply reliability but often failed to be feasible due to their high energy costs compared to the national grid. Grid Integrated Mini-grids with Storage (GIMS) can provide reliable power supply at an affordable price by combining mini-grids and national grid facilities. However, research on the techno-economic feasibility of these systems in the country is very limited and unavailable in the public sphere. This research project analysed three different aspects of the GIMS feasibility. First, the feasibility of the use of hybrid wind and solar Photovoltaic (PV) systems in GIMS was analysed by comparing the Levelised Cost of Electricity (LCOE) and Net Present Cost (NPC) of solar PV and hybrid PV/Wind GIMS systems. Second, the potential savings GIMS can offer due to the possibility of selling power to the grid were quantified by comparing the LCOE and NPC of the system with and without grid export. Lastly, the cost of reliability of the power supply was represented by the influence of the allowed percentage of capacity shortage on the total cost of the system. The analysis was carried out by means of the software HOMER and was based on three case studies in India. The results of this analysis showed that the use of hybrid systems could generate savings of up to 17% of the LCOE of the GIMS system in comparison to solar mini-grids. Moreover, power sales to the grid enabled LCOE savings up to 35% with respect to mini-grid without power sell-back possibility. In addition, the LCOE could be reduced in between 28% and 40% in all cases by enabling up to a 5% of capacity shortage in the system. / En tillförlitlig elförsörjning är ett stort problem på landsbygden i Indien. Elnätslösningar baserade på förnybara energikällor har undersökts under de senaste decennierna för att öka tillförlitligheten men har ofta misslyckats i genomförandefasen på grund av höga energikostnader jämfört med i det nationella nätet. Nätintegrerade mini-grids med energilagring (GIMS) kan ge tillförlitlig strömförsörjning till ett överkomligt pris genom att kombinera mini-grids och nationella elnätsanläggningar. Forskningen om den tekniskekonomiska genomförbarheten av dessa system i landet är emellertid mycket begränsad och otillgänglig inom den offentliga sfären. I den här studien analyseras tre olika aspekter av GIMS-genomförbarheten. För det första analyserades genomförbarheten av att använda hybrida vind- och solcellssystem i GIMS genom att jämföra ”Levelised Cost of Electricity” (LCOE) nivån och nuvärdeskostnaden (NPC) för solcellssystem (PV) och hybrid PV/Vind GIMS-system. För det andra kan de potentiella besparingar GIMS erbjuder, genom möjligheten att sälja elenergi till nätet, kvantifieras genom att jämföra LCOE och NPC i systemet med och utan ”nätexport”. Slutligen studeras kostnaden för tillförlitligheten hos strömförsörjningen i förhållande till accepterad kapacitetsbrist med avseende på systemets totala kostnad. Analysen har utförts med hjälp av mjukvaran HOMER och grundas på tre fallstudier i Indien. Resultaten av denna analys visar att användningen av hybridsystem skulle kunna generera besparingar på upp till 17% av LCOE i GIMS-systemet i jämförelse med enbart PV-baserade mini-grids. Försäljning av elenergi till nätet möjliggör LCOE-besparingar på upp till 35% med i förhållande till mini-grids utan möjlighet till export. Slutligen: LCOE kunde reduceras mellan 28% och 40% i samtliga fall genom att tillåta upp till 5% kapacitetsbrist i systemet.

Planejamento e Políticas Públicas: uma análise sobre a Gestão Energética Descentralizada em âmbito municipal no Brasil. / Planning and Public Policy: an analysis of the Decentralized Energy Management at the municipal level in Brazil.

Collaço, Flavia Mendes de Almeida 30 January 2015 (has links)
A Gestão Energética Descentralizada é uma forma de gestão dos recursos energéticos cujas primeiras publicações referentes ao tema datam dos anos 1980, no entanto, foi verificado um crescimento do desenvolvimento de estudos e aplicações do conceito na prática de forma substancial somente em tempos recentes (anos 2000). A Gestão Energética Descentralizada é tratada sob uma infinidade de termos e conceitos, e também pode ser aplicada com graus diferentes de descentralização como em vilas, quarteirões, bairros, distritos e estados. Tal conceito está fortemente atrelado ao combate das emissões de Gases de Efeito Estufa, busca pela inserção das fontes de energia renováveis nas matrizes, conservação de energia e eficiência energética, e pela associação entre planejamento urbano, ou das cidades, ao dos sistemas energéticos. Ainda, cabe destacar que nesse modelo de gestão descentralizado- a participação popular e o engajamento dos cidadãos nos processos decisórios e na busca por cidades sustentáveis veem sendo colocado, por muitos pesquisadores do tema, como requisitos indispensáveis ao seu adequado funcionamento. Esta dissertação tem como foco de pesquisa a Gestão Energética Descentralizada em âmbito municipal e seu desenvolvimento nas cidades do Brasil. Dessa forma, foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o estado da arte do desenvolvimento da Gestão Energética Descentralizada Municipal no Brasil e no mundo, abarcando principalmente questões do planejamento e de políticas públicas como transparência e participação popular no desenvolvimento dos Planejamentos Energéticos Locais. O resultado da pesquisa mostra que existe Gestão de Energia Descentralizada Municipal no Brasil com desenvolvimento de Planejamentos Energéticos Municipais, os quais têm como principal instrumento incentivador o subprograma PROCEL-GEM, foco de estudo de caso também desenvolvido nessa pesquisa, que demonstrou que os planejamentos realizados dentro do subprograma estão restritos as unidades consumidoras de energia elétrica dos órgãos e serviços públicos, além disso, foram observados indícios de falta de transparência e participação popular nos processos de planejamento, assim como falta de recursos para a implementação dos projetos formulados em tais documentos. / Early publications on Decentralized Energy Management, which is a form of energy resources management, date back to the 1980s, however, a substantial increase in the development of such studies and applications of the concept was verified only in recent times (2000s). The Decentralized Energy Management is treated under a multitude of terms and concepts, and can also be applied with varying degrees of decentralization such as in villages, blocks, neighborhoods, districts and states. This concept is close linked to themes like Greenhouse Gases mitigation, integration of renewable energy sources in the energy matrix, energy conservation, energy efficiency and the relationship between urban planning and the energy system. It is noteworthy that in this management model decentralized the communitys participation and engagement in the decision making in the development of sustainable cities is being pointed out, by many researchers, as an indispensable requirement for the proper functioning of this kind of model. This dissertation focuses on Decentralized Energy Management at the municipal level and its development in the cities of Brazil. Thus, this work performs a state of art review on Decentralized Municipal Energy Management in Brazil as well as in the world, covering mainly planning and public policy issues such as transparency and community participation in the development of local Energy Planning. The results shows that there are Decentralized Municipal Energy Management projects in Brazil which develop Municipal Energy Planning, mostly supported by the PROCEL GEM-subprogram, that is also the case study of this research. Additionally, the results demonstrated that the planning made within this subprogram is restricted to the electricity consumption of public agencies or services. Moreover, were observed indications of a lack of transparency and community participation in the planning process as well as the lack of resources for the implementation of such projects.

Análise integrada do sistema energético urbano: estudo de caso da cidade de Porto Alegre / Integrated analysis of the urban energy system: case study of the city of Porto Alegre

Weber, Natália de Assis Brasil 20 March 2017 (has links)
Nos dias atuais as cidades são o epicentro de uma transformação energética, pois, são elas as principais consumidoras de matéria e energia. Energia fornecida, em sua maioria, através de um sistema convencional, centralizado e ineficiente. Dessa forma, são nos centros urbanos que poderão ser melhor implementadas estratégicas de eficiência energética e conservação de energia. Contudo, antes que os municípios se comprometam com novas iniciativas políticas e investimentos, o primeiro passo é melhorar a compreensão do sistema energético local. Por conseguinte, o objetivo central desta pesquisa é compreender de forma mais integrada o sistema energético de uma cidade através da aplicação de uma metodologia de análise. O município escolhido como estudo de caso é Porto Alegre, por ser uma cidade que se comprometeu em estabelecer mudanças para reduzir as emissões dos gases de efeito estufa, contudo, sem ainda possuir um plano de ação definido. A metodologia do trabalho é qualitativa e quantitativa e foi dividida em três etapas principais: a revisão bibliográfica, o desenvolvimento da metodologia de análise do sistema energético urbano e a aplicação da metodologia proposta. A revisão bibliográfica forneceu a base teórica para o desenvolvimento da metodologia de análise do sistema energético urbano. Esta metodologia prevê o levantamento de dados diversos que se complementam e, dessa forma, possibilitam uma análise integrada e mais aprofundada do sistema energético da cidade. Para tanto, a análise do sistema energético foi dividida em três etapas: caracterização municipal, análise da demanda de energia e levantamento da oferta das principais fontes energéticas locais. Para esta última etapa, visando um exercício concreto de avaliação, especificou-se o potencial de produção de eletricidade através do recurso solar. Os principais resultados da análise do sistema energético de Porto Alegre, entre os anos 2005 e 2014, destacam que o consumo de energia cresceu oito vezes mais que o aumento populacional e menos que a metade do PIB da cidade. Igualmente, no mesmo período, a frota de veículos, assim como o consumo de gasolina, aumentou 13 vezes mais que a população. Entre os setores econômicos analisados o setor transporte foi responsável, em 2014, pelo consumo de 60% da demanda final de energia da cidade. Nesse ano, a fonte de energia mais consumida foi a eletricidade, representando 28,1% do consumo final. Ainda analisando os dados de 2014, verificou-se que o consumo de eletricidade per capita de Porto Alegre pode ser considerado alto, 2,58 MWh/per capita, se igualando ao do Brasil e ao de alguns países desenvolvidos. Em relação ao potencial de produção de eletricidade, a partir da fonte solar, estimou-se um potencial de 2.549 GWh/ano, considerando todo o território da cidade, e de 772 GWh, considerando apenas o território que possuem edificações, aproximadamente 30% da cidade. Isto significa que se todos os consumidores residenciais e comerciais produzissem sua própria energia poderiam ser gerados 2.892 GWh por ano em Porto Alegre. Essa energia seria capaz de suprir 75,8% de toda a demanda de eletricidade da cidade em 2014. Ao final, ressaltou-se a importância de articular o planejamento energético ao planejamento urbano e ao plano de mobilidade urbana, uma vez que o sistema energético urbano está relacionado com os demais. / Nowadays cities at are the epicenter of an energetic transformation. Today, they are the main consumers of matter and energy. Most of that energy supplied through a conventional, centralized and inefficient system. Thus, it is in urban centers that strategic energy efficiency and energy conservation can be better implemented. However, before municipalities commit to new policy initiatives and investments, the first step is to improve understanding of the local energy system. Therefore, the central objective of this research is to understand in a more integrated way the energy system of a city through the application of a methodology of analysis of an urban energy system. The municipality chosen as a case study is Porto Alegre. It was chosen because is a city that has committed itself to establishing changes to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, however, it does not have a defined plan of action. The methodology of the work is qualitative and quantitative and was divided into three main stages, among them: literature review, development of the methodology of urban energy system analysis, and application of the proposed methodology. The literature review provided the theoretical basis for the development of the methodology of analysis of the urban energy system. This methodology determines the collection of diverse data that complement each other and, thus, enable an integrated and more in-depth analysis of the city\'s energy system. In order to do so, the analysis of the energy system was divided into three stages: municipal characterization, analysis of the energy demand and survey of the supply of the main local energy sources. For this last stage, aiming a specific evaluation exercise, was specified the potential of electricity production through the solar resource.The main results of the analysis of the energy system of Porto Alegre, between 2005 and 2014, highlight that energy consumption grew eight times more than the population increase and less than half of the city\'s GDP. Also, in the same period, the car fleet grew 13 times more than the population. Among the economic sectors analyzed, the transportation sector was responsible for the consumption of 60% of the final energy demand of the city, in 2014. In that year, the most consumed energy source was electricity, representing 28.1% of final consumption. The per capita electricity consumption in Porto Alegre was considered high, 2.58 MWh/per capita, which equals that of Brazil and some developed countries. Regarding the potential for electricity production, it was determined a potential of 2,549 GWh/year (considering the entire territory of the city), and 772 GWh (considering only the territory that have buildings, approximately 30% of the city). This means that if all residential and commercial consumers produced their own energy could generate 2,892 GWh per year in Porto Alegre. This energy would be able to supply 75.8% of all city electricity demand. In the end, it was emphasized the importance of unifying the energy planning to the urban planning and to the urban mobility plan, since the urban energy system is related to both.

Decentralized Sustainable Energy Planning For Tumkur District, India

Hiremath, Rahul B 01 1900 (has links)
The energy-planning involves finding a set of sources and conversion devices so as to meet the energy requirements/demands of all the activities in an optimal manner. This could occur at centralized or decentralized level. The current pattern of commercial energy oriented development, particularly focused on fossil fuels and centralized electricity, has resulted in inequities, external debt and environmental degradation. The current status is largely a result of adoption of centralized energy planning (CEP), which ignores the energy needs of rural areas and the poor and has further contributed to environmental degradation due to fossil fuel consumption and forest degradation. CEP does not pay attention to the variations in socio-economic and ecological factors of a region, which influence success of any intervention. Decentralized energy planning (DEP) provides an opportunity to address the energy needs of poor as well as promote efficient utilization of resources. The DEP mechanism takes into account various available resources and demands in a region. DEP, in the Indian context, could be at several scales namely district, block, panchayats (cluster of villages) and village level. Energy planning at the village level is the lowest level of the application of decentralized planning principle. A village constitutes a cluster of households with distinct geographic boundary consisting of settlement, agricultural land, water bodies and any other land category, in most parts of India. Further, the village level plans must be prepared within the limits set by a panchayat, a block or a district level plans, for the sum total of various village plans must correspond to a panchayat (local council), block (or taluka), or district level plan. A panchayat is the lowest administrative unit consisting of a cluster of villages and an elected body to administer developmental activities. A block (or taluka) consists of a cluster of panchayats and a district consists of a cluster of blocks. The main hypothesis for this study is that centralized energy planning has lead to excessive dependence on fossil fuels and import of petroleum, leading to concerns on environment and energy security and finally neglect of the energy needs of the rural communities and poor in particular. DEP could meet the local energy needs particularly in rural areas, protect environment and promote a self reliant and sustainable energy path. In this study, methodology for adopting energy planning from grassroot or village to district level is explored. The study adopts and compares the DEP approach of moving from village (Ungra), to panchayat (Yedavani), to block (Kunigal) and finally to district (Tumkur) level. Aims and objectives of research . • To review energy planning approaches adopted in India . • To evaluate models and methods for DEP at different scales; Village, Panchayat, District and State levels . • To develop a sustainable and decentralized energy planning approach . • To analyze the sustainable decentralized planning approach using multiple objective goal programming model and develop sustainable energy mix for meeting energy needs at village, panchayat, block and district level . • To assess the implications of sustainable and decentralized energy planning from the context of socio-economic and environmental concerns. The central theme of the research work is to prepare an optimized area-based decentralized energy plan to meet the energy needs, incorporating all potential alternate energy sources and end-use devices at least-cost to the economy and environment. One of the environmental goals addressed is to minimize or avoid CO2 emissions to address climate change. Study area selected for DEP is Tumkur district of Karnataka state, India and the DEP is carried out for the year 2005 and 2020. Advanced operation research technique, goal programming, is used to solve the large and complicated energy system problem having multiple conflicting goals.

Pastato aprūpinimo energija galimybių tyrimas / Possibility Study of Energy Supply for Building

Navickaitė, Agnė 27 June 2008 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjamos decentralizuoto (paskirstytojo) generavimo ir atsinaujinančių energijos išteklių panaudojimo sprendimai, aprūpinant pastatą įvairia energija – šiluma, vėsa, karštu vandeniu, elektra. Energija aprūpinama panaudojant tokius įrenginius – kogeneratorių, kompresorinę ir absorbcinę šaldymo mašinas, saulės kolektorius, dujinį katilą. Apibūdinami pasirinkti įrenginiai, jų veikimo principai, savybės, atskleidžiami jų privalumai ir trūkumai. Parengiamos trys alternatyvių variantų principinės energijos sistemų schemos, suformuotos iš minėtų įrenginių derinių. Pristatomi šių alternatyvių įvairios eneregijos gaminimo variantų galios ir energijos kiekių rodikliai. Parenkamas optimalus naujų technologijų derinys. Alternatyvių variantų ekonominis pagrįstumas įvertinamas, parenkant optimalų energijos generatorių derinį atsižvelgiant į jų bendrą atsiperkamumą. Apibendrinus teorines žinias ir gautus skaičiavimo rezultatus, pateikiamos baigiamojo darbo išvados ir pasiūlymai. Darbą sudaro 6 dalys: įvadas, teorin�� dalis, analizinė dalis, ekonominė dalis, išvados ir pasiūlymai, literatūros sąrašas. Darbo apimtis – 61 psl. teksto be priedų, 34 iliustr., 11 lent., 46 literatūros šaltiniai. Atskirai pridedami darbo priedai. / Solutions of decentralized (distributed) production and application of renewable energy sources in the case of different energy - like heating, cooling, hot water, electricity - supply for a building were analyzed in the final master thesis work. Energy supply sources are cogenerator, compressor and absorption cooling machines, solar collectors, gas boiler. Selected devices, their principles of work, characteristics, their advantages and disadvantages were described. Three schemes of principal energy system alternative were described, using combinations of devices mentioned above. Power and energy amount indexes of different energy generating alternatives were specified. The optimal combinations of new technologies were selected. After the optimal combination of energy generating system was done, economical validity of alternatives were estimated taking into account their total payback time. After theory and received results were summarized, the conclusions and suggestions were presented in the end of the final master work. Work consists of 6 parts: introduction, theory, analysis part, economical part, conclusions and suggestions, literature source. Size of Work: 61 pages of text excluding the appendixes, 34 pictures, 11 tables, 46 literature sources. Appendixes of the work are attached separately.

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