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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeitos da estimulação elétrica transcraniana em adultos com transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade

Cachoeira, Carolina Tosetto January 2016 (has links)
O transtorno do déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (TDAH) é um transtorno do neurodesenvolvimento e sua prevalência na vida adulta é em torno de 2,5%. O tratamento farmacológico, apesar de efetivo, possui importantes limitações, justificando a busca por outras estratégias terapêuticas. A estimulação elétrica transcraniana (EETC) é uma técnica não invasiva de neuroestimulação que tem apresentado resultados promissores em melhorar o desempenho cognitivo em vários distúrbios neuropsiquiátricos, no entanto, poucos estudos avaliaram a sua eficácia e tolerabilidade no TDAH. Foi realizado um ensaio clínico randomizado, duplo-cego e controlado, com estimulação falsa para avaliar a eficácia da EETC nos sintomas de TDAH. Dezessete adultos com TDAH foram randomizados em dois grupos, nove receberam EETC verdadeira e oito, falsa. No grupo da EETC verdadeira foi aplicada estimulação com intensidade de corrente de 2 mA, durante 20 minutos, em cinco dias consecutivos. O ânodo foi posicionado sobre o córtex pré-frontal dorsolateral (CPFDL) direito e o cátodo sobre o CPFDL esquerdo. O grupo controle recebeu estimulação falsa durante o mesmo período. Os sintomas do TDAH foram mensurados por meio da escala Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS) e a incapacidade com a escala Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS). As duas escalas foram aplicadas nos seguintes momentos: antes de iniciar (t0) as estimulações, ao final do protocolo (t1) e uma (t2), duas (t3) e quatro semanas (t4) após a intervenção. Observamos redução, estatisticamente significativa, na pontuação das escalas ASRS desatenção (p = 0,02) e SDS (p = 0,04) entre t0 e t1 após a intervenção em comparação ao grupo controle. Na ASRS total também observamos essa tendência, mas não se mostrou estatisticamente significativa (p = 0,07). Ampliando a análise dos dados observamos interação positiva entre tempo e tratamento na pontuação da ASRS total (p = 0,003), ASRS desatenção (p = 0,0001) e SDS (p = 0,001). Os dados deste estudo apontam que a EETC é eficaz para melhorar a atenção em adultos com TDAH. Contudo, mais pesquisas são necessárias para avaliar a eficácia clínica da ETCC nessa população. / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder with 2,5% prevalence in adulthood. Pharmacological treatment, although effective, has important limitations, justifying the search for other therapeutic strategies. Transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS) is a non-invasive neurostimulation technique which has show promising results to improve cognitive performance in several neuropsychiatric disorders, nonetheless few studies have evaluated their efficacy and tolerability in ADHD. A randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled trial was conducted to examine the efficacy of tDCS on ADHD symptoms. in adults with ADHD. Seventeen adults with ADHD were randomized into two groups, nine received active EETC eight, false. In the active group was applied EETC with 2mA current intensity, for 20 minutes, in five consecutive days. Anode was positioned on the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and cathode over the left DLPFC. Control group received false stimulation during the same period. ADHD symptoms were measured using the scale Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS) and the disability with Sheehan Disability Scale Scale (SDS). Both scales were applied at the following times: before starting the stimulation, the end of the protocol, and one, two and four weeks after the intervention. Subjects in the active group achieved significant reduction in ASRS inattention (p = 0,02) and SDS (p = 0,04) scores after intervention compared to control group. At ASRS total score was also observed this trend, without statistical significance (p = 0.07). Extending data analysis shows there are positive interaction between time and treatment on ASRS total score (p = 0,003), ASRS inattention (p = 0,0001) and SDS (p = 0,001). These data indicate that tDCS is effective to improving attention in adults with ADHD. However, further research is needed to assess the clinical efficacy of tDCS in this population.

A família como contexto de desenvolvimento moral para crianças e adolescentes com Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade / The family as a context of moral development for children and adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Amaral, Ana Paula 28 June 2017 (has links)
O Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH) é um transtorno neurobiológico amplamente estudado e o que mais acomete a população infantil em idade escolar. No entanto, pesquisas relacionando o contexto familiar destas crianças e adolescentes com a moralidade são escassas. Este estudo teve por objetivo mapear o contexto familiar deste público no que diz respeito às concepções educativas morais, a legitimidade da autoridade parental e as representações de si dessas mães. MÉTODO: Participaram da pesquisa 17 mães e 5 avós (responsáveis legais) de crianças e adolescentes com diagnóstico de TDAH atendidos por uma instituição filantrópica especializada localizada na cidade de São João da Boa Vista, interior do estado de São Paulo. Para a coleta de dados, os instrumentos utilizados foram: Escala de Concepções Educativas Morais ECEM, Questionário de legitimidade da autoridade parental e Representações de si de mães de crianças e adolescentes com TDAH. RESULTADOS: Os resultados apontaram para mães que priorizam o respeito unilateral, a justiça retributiva com o uso de sanções expiatórias, o desejo pela obediência e baixa autonomia. Além disso, as mães legitimam a autoridade parental em todos os domínios, sendo as regras de domínio pessoal menos legitimadas que as demais. O uso de punições físicas está muito presente no discurso dessas mães. As representações de si como pessoa dessas mães estão voltadas para a maternidade como valor central e para um olhar positivo sobre si mesmas. Como mães, essas mulheres tem representações de si positivas e positivas morais com ênfase no cuidado. A maior parte das mães percebem diferenças entre educar crianças com TDAH e sem o transtorno. Elas também apresentam representações de si positivas, quando questionadas sobre como o filho, os familiares, os professores e os profissionais da saúde que atendem o filho com TDAH as veem como mães. Em relação às apresentações do TDAH, podemos destacar que as mães de crianças com apresentação predominantemente hiperativa/impulsiva apresentam a menor média para o construto autonomia e as maiores médias para o construto obediência e para as regras de domínio pessoal. As mães de crianças com apresentação predominantemente desatenta utilizam mais regras e apresentam maior legitimidade da autoridade parental, exceto quando se trata das regras de domínio pessoal. As mães de crianças com apresentação combinada apresentam as menores médias em todos os domínios, o que aponta para menor legitimidade da autoridade parental e menor expectativa de obediência. CONCLUSÃO: O contexto familiar dessa amostra não favorece o desenvolvimento moral. As participantes deste estudo desejam filhos obedientes e utilizam sanções expiatórias para garantir a obediência. Para as participantes, ser boa mãe está relacionado ao cuidado e o sacrifício pelos filhos / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurobiological disorder that is widely studied and which affects the school-age children. However, research relating the family context of these children and adolescents with morality is scarce. This study aimed to map the family context of this public with regard to moral educational conceptions, the legitimacy of parental authority and the self-representations of these mothers. METHODS: 17 mothers and 5 grandmothers (legal guardians) of children and adolescents diagnosed with ADHD attended by a specialized philanthropic institution located in the city of São João da Boa Vista, in the state of São Paulo, participated in the study. For the data collection, the instruments used were: Moral Educational Conceptions Scale - ECEM, Questionnaire of legitimacy of parental authority and Self-representations of mothers of children and adolescents with ADHD. RESULTS: The results pointed to mothers who prioritize unilateral respect, retributive justice with the use of expiatory sanctions, the desire for obedience and low autonomy. In addition, mothers legitimize parental authority in all domains, with rules of personal dominance less legitimized than the others. The use of physical punishments is very present in the discourse of these mothers. The self-representations as a person of these mothers are focused on motherhood as a central value and a positive image at themselves. As mothers, these women have positive and positive moral self-representations with an emphasis on care. Most mothers perceive differences between educating children with ADHD and without the disorder. They also present positive self-representations when questioned about how the child, family members, teachers, and health professionals who treat the child with ADHD see them as mothers. Regarding the presentations of ADHD, we can highlight that the mothers of children with predominantly hyperactive / impulsive presentation present the lowest mean for the autonomy construct and the highest averages for the obedience construct and the rules of personal dominance. Mothers of children with predominantly inattentive presentation use more rules and have greater legitimacy of parental authority, except when it comes to rules of personal domain. Mothers of children with a combined presentation have the lowest averages in all domains, which points to a lower legitimacy of parental authority and lower expectation of obedience. CONCLUSION: The family context of this sample does not favor moral development. Participants in this study desire obedient children and use expiatory sanctions to ensure obedience. For the participants, being a good mother is related to the care and sacrifice for the children

Avaliação da associação entre obesidade e transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade em crianças e adolescentes / Evaluation of the association between obesity and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents

Granato, Mariana Facchini 09 October 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho avaliou a associação entre duas condições clínicas de grande importância no contexto atual da pediatria: o Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH) e a obesidade. O projeto foi desenvolvido com pacientes acompanhados no Instituto da Criança do Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HC-FMUSP) e dividido em 2 braços. No primeiro, realizamos uma análise retrospectiva dos prontuários dos pacientes seguidos no ambulatório de Distúrbios de Aprendizagem com o intuito de estimar a prevalência de sobrepeso/obesidade em pacientes com diagnóstico de TDAH e comparamos tal prevalência com a de um grupo controle. Em seguida, avaliamos a influência do tratamento medicamentoso do TDAH (metilfenidato) no estado nutricional e estatura dos indivíduos. No segundo braço do estudo, avaliamos os pacientes seguidos no ambulatório de Obesidade a fim de estimar a prevalência de TDAH. A primeira etapa dessa avaliação, ocorreu por meio da aplicação do questionário SNAP-IV. Pacientes que tiveram uma triagem inicial positiva, foram encaminhados para a segunda etapa de avaliação, que consistiu em anamnese clínica e aplicação das seguintes ferramentas: Escala Wechsler de Inteligência para Crianças (WISC-IV), Escala Multidimensional de Ansiedade para Crianças (MASC) e Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9). As análises estatísticas foram realizadas através dos testes \"qui-quadrado\" e teste \"T de Student pareado\". Ao final das coletas de dados, 93 pacientes com diagnóstico de TDAH foram incluídos no \"braço 1\" cujos resultados evidenciaram prevalência de sobrepeso/obesidade estatisticamente superior à observada no grupo controle (com p < 0,05). Na segunda etapa da avaliação, observamos que após o tratamento com metilfenidato (tempo médio de 2,6 anos) houve uma diminuição estatisticamente significativa (p < 0,01) no Z-score do IMC dos indivíduos, porém não foi observada influência estatisticamente significativa na estatura dos mesmos (p=0,30). Além disso, observamos que 42,1% dos indivíduos que estavam inicialmente nas faixas de sobrepeso/obesidade evoluíram com \"melhora\" do estado nutricional ao final do tratamento. No \"braço 2\" do estudo foram avaliados 103 pacientes, dos quais 37 (35,9%) apresentaram triagem inicial positiva para TDAH sendo convocados para a segunda etapa de avaliação. Desses, 26 participaram da segunda etapa, sendo 2 excluídos pois apresentaram déficit cognitivo. Em 15 pacientes foi confirmado o diagnóstico de TDAH (16,67%). As principais conclusões do trabalho são: (1) a prevalência de sobrepeso/obesidade em portadores de TDAH foi estatisticamente superior à observada na população geral; (2) o tratamento medicamentoso do TDAH não teve influência no crescimento estatural dos pacientes, independentemente do tempo de tratamento, mas promoveu uma redução no z-score de IMC dos indivíduos; (3) a prevalência de TDAH observada na amostra de pacientes portadores de obesidade foi estatisticamente superior à observada na população geral (16,7% - 95% IC 8,97-24,37% vs 5,29% - 95% CI=5,01-5,56%); (4) a presença de outras afecções como transtorno depressivo, transtorno de ansiedade e distúrbios do sono não foi significativa a ponto de explicar a associação entre TDAH e obesidade; (5) a ocorrência de ronco é bastante frequente em indivíduos obesos, tanto portadores quanto não portadores de TDAH. As principais limitações do estudo foram: (1) desenho retrospectivo do \"braço 1\"; (2) No \"braço 2\", 11 dos 37 pacientes que tiveram a triagem inicial positiva para TDAH não participaram da segunda etapa de avaliação. Além disso, seria interessante avaliar mais profundamente a ocorrência de distúrbios do sono (através da realização de polissonografia) e de alterações do processamento auditivo / The present study evaluated the association between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and obesity, two clinical conditions currently of great importance in the field of pediatrics. The project included patients at the Children Institute of the HC-FMUSP (Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo), and were divided into two arms. In the first arm, we retrospectively analyzed the medical records of the ADHD patients at the learning disorder clinic to estimate the prevalence of overweight/obesity and compared this prevalence with that of a control group. Next, we evaluated the effect of ADHD drug treatment (methylphenidate) on nutritional status and height of the patients. In the second arm of the study, we examined the patients at the obesity clinic to estimate the prevalence of ADHD. The first evaluation step involved the use of the SNAP-IV questionnaire. Patients considered to have ADHD on initial screening were included in the second evaluation step, which comprised clinical history examination and the use of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children, and Patient Health Questionnaire. Statistical analyses were performed using the chi-square and paired Student t tests. After data collection, 93 ADHD patients were included in arm 1; these patients showed a statistically higher prevalence of overweight/obesity than the control group (p < 0.05). During the second evaluation step, we found a statistically significant decrease (p < 0.01) in the BMI z-score of the individuals after methylphenidate treatment (mean duration of 2.6 years). However, there was no statistically significant effect on height (p=0,30). In addition, we found that 42.1% of patients who were initially overweight/obese evolved with improved nutritional status at the end of treatment. A total of 103 patients were evaluated in arm 2 of the study, among whom 37 (35.9%) found to have ADHD on initial screening were invited for the second evaluation step. Of these patients, 26 consented to participate in the second step. Two patients were excluded because they had cognitive impairment. ADHD was confirmed in 15 patients (16.67%). The main conclusions of the study were as follows: (1) prevalence of overweight/obesity among ADHD patients was statistically higher than that in the general population; (2) ADHD drug treatment did not affect the height of the patients, regardless of treatment duration, but caused a decrease in BMI z-score ; (3) prevalence of ADHD observed in the obese patient sample was statistically higher than that observed in the general population (16.7-95% CI 8.97-24.37% vs. 5.29- 95% CI=5.01-5.56%); (4) presence of other disorders such as depressive, anxiety, and sleep disorders was not sufficient to explain the association between ADHD and obesity; and (5) snoring is common in obese patients, both those with and without ADHD. The limitations of the study were as follows: (1) retrospective design of arm 1; (2) 11 of 37 patients in arm 2 diagnosed with ADHD on initial screening did not participate in the second evaluation step. Additionally, it would be interesting to further evaluate the occurrence of sleep disorders (using polysomnography) and auditory processing disorders

Effectiveness of methylohenidate and combined treatment (methylphenidate and psychosocial treatment) for Chinese children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in a community mental health center. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection

January 2005 (has links)
Background. Numerous clinical trials demonstrate the efficacy of medication and behavioral treatment for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children, but provision of behavioral treatment for ADHD is limited in community clinics and only the pharmacological treatment is the standard care for children with ADHD. The current study evaluated the treatment effectiveness of combining psychosocial treatment to methylphenidate and to compare this combined treatment with medication alone in treating ADHD in children of a community mental health center in Hong Kong. Psychosocial treatment consisted of parent training and child intervention. The treatment group for children was a 24-week problem solving, anger coping, and social skills training program. Parent training consisted of 18 weekly sessions, highlighting parenting as an integration of elements of cognition, emotion, and behavior, as well as introducing effective parenting techniques based on social learning principles. Method. A group of 146 consecutive child patients with ADHD symptoms attending Yaumatei Child Psychiatric Center were invited for screening their eligibility of participating in this study. A randomized group comparison design was used with two treatment conditions (medication-only; combined medication and psychosocial treatment) and four assessment time points. Ninety eligible child-parent dyads were randomly allocated to the combined treatment condition or medication-only condition. Treatment outcomes were assessed in multiple domains at pre-intervention and post-intervention, and at 6-month and 12-month follow-ups. Data was analyzed through intent-to-treat mixed-effects regression model. / Conclusions. The combined treatment condition not only yielded significantly greater benefits than the medication-only condition on primary ADHD symptoms, but also other advantages in terms of conduct problem and adaptive functioning outcomes. / Results. Regarding ADHD symptoms, children in combined treatment condition showed significantly greater improvement than those given medication alone at post-treatment assessment. Combined treatment also proved better than medication alone in several other domains, such as oppositional behavior, a child's performance on computerized test, parenting behavior, and parental accurate knowledge of ADHD. Parental treatment-related attributions were also found to be changing over the course of treatment. Follow-up assessments revealed that children in the combined treatment condition maintained greater reduction in oppositional behavior one year after the completion of psychosocial treatment. / So Yuk-chi. / "May 2005." / Adviser: Patrick W. L. Leung. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 67-07, Section: B, page: 4119. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 222-247). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract in English and Chinese. / School code: 1307.

Avaliação da associação entre obesidade e transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade em crianças e adolescentes / Evaluation of the association between obesity and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents

Mariana Facchini Granato 09 October 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho avaliou a associação entre duas condições clínicas de grande importância no contexto atual da pediatria: o Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH) e a obesidade. O projeto foi desenvolvido com pacientes acompanhados no Instituto da Criança do Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HC-FMUSP) e dividido em 2 braços. No primeiro, realizamos uma análise retrospectiva dos prontuários dos pacientes seguidos no ambulatório de Distúrbios de Aprendizagem com o intuito de estimar a prevalência de sobrepeso/obesidade em pacientes com diagnóstico de TDAH e comparamos tal prevalência com a de um grupo controle. Em seguida, avaliamos a influência do tratamento medicamentoso do TDAH (metilfenidato) no estado nutricional e estatura dos indivíduos. No segundo braço do estudo, avaliamos os pacientes seguidos no ambulatório de Obesidade a fim de estimar a prevalência de TDAH. A primeira etapa dessa avaliação, ocorreu por meio da aplicação do questionário SNAP-IV. Pacientes que tiveram uma triagem inicial positiva, foram encaminhados para a segunda etapa de avaliação, que consistiu em anamnese clínica e aplicação das seguintes ferramentas: Escala Wechsler de Inteligência para Crianças (WISC-IV), Escala Multidimensional de Ansiedade para Crianças (MASC) e Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9). As análises estatísticas foram realizadas através dos testes \"qui-quadrado\" e teste \"T de Student pareado\". Ao final das coletas de dados, 93 pacientes com diagnóstico de TDAH foram incluídos no \"braço 1\" cujos resultados evidenciaram prevalência de sobrepeso/obesidade estatisticamente superior à observada no grupo controle (com p < 0,05). Na segunda etapa da avaliação, observamos que após o tratamento com metilfenidato (tempo médio de 2,6 anos) houve uma diminuição estatisticamente significativa (p < 0,01) no Z-score do IMC dos indivíduos, porém não foi observada influência estatisticamente significativa na estatura dos mesmos (p=0,30). Além disso, observamos que 42,1% dos indivíduos que estavam inicialmente nas faixas de sobrepeso/obesidade evoluíram com \"melhora\" do estado nutricional ao final do tratamento. No \"braço 2\" do estudo foram avaliados 103 pacientes, dos quais 37 (35,9%) apresentaram triagem inicial positiva para TDAH sendo convocados para a segunda etapa de avaliação. Desses, 26 participaram da segunda etapa, sendo 2 excluídos pois apresentaram déficit cognitivo. Em 15 pacientes foi confirmado o diagnóstico de TDAH (16,67%). As principais conclusões do trabalho são: (1) a prevalência de sobrepeso/obesidade em portadores de TDAH foi estatisticamente superior à observada na população geral; (2) o tratamento medicamentoso do TDAH não teve influência no crescimento estatural dos pacientes, independentemente do tempo de tratamento, mas promoveu uma redução no z-score de IMC dos indivíduos; (3) a prevalência de TDAH observada na amostra de pacientes portadores de obesidade foi estatisticamente superior à observada na população geral (16,7% - 95% IC 8,97-24,37% vs 5,29% - 95% CI=5,01-5,56%); (4) a presença de outras afecções como transtorno depressivo, transtorno de ansiedade e distúrbios do sono não foi significativa a ponto de explicar a associação entre TDAH e obesidade; (5) a ocorrência de ronco é bastante frequente em indivíduos obesos, tanto portadores quanto não portadores de TDAH. As principais limitações do estudo foram: (1) desenho retrospectivo do \"braço 1\"; (2) No \"braço 2\", 11 dos 37 pacientes que tiveram a triagem inicial positiva para TDAH não participaram da segunda etapa de avaliação. Além disso, seria interessante avaliar mais profundamente a ocorrência de distúrbios do sono (através da realização de polissonografia) e de alterações do processamento auditivo / The present study evaluated the association between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and obesity, two clinical conditions currently of great importance in the field of pediatrics. The project included patients at the Children Institute of the HC-FMUSP (Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo), and were divided into two arms. In the first arm, we retrospectively analyzed the medical records of the ADHD patients at the learning disorder clinic to estimate the prevalence of overweight/obesity and compared this prevalence with that of a control group. Next, we evaluated the effect of ADHD drug treatment (methylphenidate) on nutritional status and height of the patients. In the second arm of the study, we examined the patients at the obesity clinic to estimate the prevalence of ADHD. The first evaluation step involved the use of the SNAP-IV questionnaire. Patients considered to have ADHD on initial screening were included in the second evaluation step, which comprised clinical history examination and the use of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children, and Patient Health Questionnaire. Statistical analyses were performed using the chi-square and paired Student t tests. After data collection, 93 ADHD patients were included in arm 1; these patients showed a statistically higher prevalence of overweight/obesity than the control group (p < 0.05). During the second evaluation step, we found a statistically significant decrease (p < 0.01) in the BMI z-score of the individuals after methylphenidate treatment (mean duration of 2.6 years). However, there was no statistically significant effect on height (p=0,30). In addition, we found that 42.1% of patients who were initially overweight/obese evolved with improved nutritional status at the end of treatment. A total of 103 patients were evaluated in arm 2 of the study, among whom 37 (35.9%) found to have ADHD on initial screening were invited for the second evaluation step. Of these patients, 26 consented to participate in the second step. Two patients were excluded because they had cognitive impairment. ADHD was confirmed in 15 patients (16.67%). The main conclusions of the study were as follows: (1) prevalence of overweight/obesity among ADHD patients was statistically higher than that in the general population; (2) ADHD drug treatment did not affect the height of the patients, regardless of treatment duration, but caused a decrease in BMI z-score ; (3) prevalence of ADHD observed in the obese patient sample was statistically higher than that observed in the general population (16.7-95% CI 8.97-24.37% vs. 5.29- 95% CI=5.01-5.56%); (4) presence of other disorders such as depressive, anxiety, and sleep disorders was not sufficient to explain the association between ADHD and obesity; and (5) snoring is common in obese patients, both those with and without ADHD. The limitations of the study were as follows: (1) retrospective design of arm 1; (2) 11 of 37 patients in arm 2 diagnosed with ADHD on initial screening did not participate in the second evaluation step. Additionally, it would be interesting to further evaluate the occurrence of sleep disorders (using polysomnography) and auditory processing disorders

O conceito de TDAF : concepções e práticas de profissionais da saúde e educação /

Camilo, Lujani Aparecida. January 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Alfredo Pereira Júnior / Banca: Leonardo Ferreira Almada / Banca: Maria Lourdes Spazziani / Resumo: A dificuldade de aprendizagem associada a um comportamento hiperativo tem sido umas das principais queixas relatadas nos ambulatórios de saúde mental infantil. Dentre essas queixas no Brasil temos aquela referente ao Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção, com ou sem a Hiperatividade (TDAH). O TDAH associa-se a um comprometimento funcional em diversas áreas (acadêmica, profissional, social). As causas desse transtorno, embora muito pesquisadas e atribuídas a uma combinação de fatores genéticos, biológicos e ambientais, ainda não foram completamente elucidadas, o que dificulta a adoção de estratégias preventivas. Assim, nos últimos anos, muito se tem ouvido falar em TDAH, e sendo o espaço escolar aquele no qual esse mais se evidencia, essa pesquisa busca entender fundamentalmente como é concebido o conceito de doença e transtorno pelos profissionais da saúde e da educação. Objetivos - O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é investigar a equipe multiprofissional do ambulatório de pediatria da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, e professores de escolas públicas da mesma cidade que tem encaminhado crianças ao ambulatório, procurando entender quais as suas concepções e práticas a respeito do TDAH. Metodologia - A pesquisa é de natureza qualitativa. A técnica utilizada foi o Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo, para analisar os dados recolhidos, pois ele dá voz aos indivíduos e é apropriado para tratar os dados qualitativos. Resultados - Nas concepções de ambos os grupos (de saúde e educação), com relação ao modelo predominante, foi possível perceber que o modelo biomédico ainda está hegemonicamente presente. Com relação aos profissionais de saúde, percebe-se que estes realizam vínculos com a escola; no entanto, não ocorre a verdadeira intersetorialidade entre essas instituições. De modo geral, os professores , assim como os profissionais de saúde, percebem que a troca e discussão em um momento pós ... / Abstract: A learning disability associated with hyperactive behavior has been one of the main complaints in outpatient clinics children's mental health. Among these complaints have that in Brazil related to Attention Deficit Disorder with or without Hyperactivity (ADHD). ADHD is associated with functional impairment in several areas (academic, professional, social), the causes of this disorder, although much researched and attributed to a combination of genetic, biological and environmental factors have not been fully elucidated, hampering the adoption of preventive strategies. Thus, in recent years, much has been heard of ADHD, and being the school environment which this most evident, this research seeks to understand how fundamentally conceived the concept of disease and disorder by health professionals and education. Objectives - The main objective of this research is to investigate the multidisciplinary team of the pediatric clinic of the Faculty of Medicine of Botucatu, and public school teachers in the same city that has sent children to the clinic, which their conceptions and practices about ADHD. Methodology - The research is qualitative, which technique is the collective subject discourse to analyze the data collected in this research because it gives voice to individuals and is suitable for treating qualitative data. Results - The concepts of both health and education groups, with respect to the predominant model in their speech, it was revealed that the hegemonic biomedical model is still present. With regard to health professionals, one realizes that these ties to hold the school, however, is not the true intersectionality between these institutions. In general, teachers, and health professionals, realize the exchange and discussion at a time after diagnosis in the public health system and education is flawed. Conclusion - There is need for a sectorial, which aims to find similarities between the concepts, principles and values ... / Mestre

The spontaneously hypertensive rats as a possible model for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection

January 2007 (has links)
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neuropsychiatric disorder with onset at preschool age Approximately 5-10% of school-aged children worldwide have ADHD. Psychostimulants are the most common treatments for ADHD, although the precise etiology and pathological mechanisms underlying ADHD are poorly understood. Animal models could help to elucidate and further the understanding of this disorder. Among the major rodent models of ADHD of the genetic and neurotoxin-exposed animal models, the spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) are more extensively studied. Nevertheless, the mechanism of ADHD is complex and the evidence of SHR model for ADHD has been conflicting. Objective. In this work, we combined behavioral, neurochemical, neuroimaging, pharmacological and molecular studies to examine SHR as an animal model of ADHD. At the same time, the results of our studies could help us to explore the potential mechanism of ADHD. Material and methods. We compared the locomotor activity, attention, inhibition, learning and memory of juvenile male SHR with those of age- and gender-matched genetic control Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY) by using the open field test, Morris water maze and prepulse inhibition test. We employed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to measure potential morphological differences between different brain areas of SHR and WKY, and the functional MRI (fMRI) for functional differences in these brain areas. We also measured dopamine concentration and dopamine related genes expression in the different dopamine pathways by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to measure the dopamine concentration and by using real time PCR to assay genes expression. We examined SHR responses to D-amphetamine (D-AMP), which is psychostimulant. These included locomotor activity and inhibition ability during D-AMP treatment, expression of dopamine related genes after D-AMP treatment measured by real time PCR and c-fos protein after repeated treatment of D-AMP by the Western Blotting. Results . Hyperactivity, impulsivity and attention deficit were observed in SHR. Decreased brain volume in caudate-putamen and vermis cerebelli in SHR were demarcated using MRI. Functional MRI (fMRI) and altered c-fos expression indicated plasticity changes of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) in SHR. Dopamine content was found to decrease in mesocortical and mesolimbic dopamine pathways, but increased in the striatum. Dopamine D4 receptors gene and protein expression were decreased in the PFC in SHR. We also found that the expression of the synaptosomal-associated protein 25 (SNAP-25) gene was initially lower in the PFC but higher in the striatum in SHR. However, this disparity of SNAP-25 in the PFC vanished after repeated treatment of D-AMP between SHR and WKY. Conclusions. In the present study, we demonstrated that SHR could be established as an ADHD model by completing complex assessments of face validity, construct validity and prediction validity. We suggested that the "synaptogenesis hypotheses" might contribute to the abnormal release of dopamine and dysfunction of PFC and the striatum in SEER. In conclusion, our results have provided further new information relevant to the understanding of ADHD in human via the analysis of the SHR model. / Li, Qi. / Adviser: David Yen. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 69-02, Section: B, page: 1375. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 108-125). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract also in Chinese. / School code: 1307.

On the efficacy of the DSM-IV-TR, in the diagnosis of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). A survey of medical practitioners' perceptions.

Brest, Sharna 28 January 2009 (has links)
There has been an increase of attention placed on the diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), within South Africa. This has led to a number of controversies surrounding the legitimacy of ADHD diagnoses. And how effective the systems of categorising and diagnosing disorders are in aiding a number of practitioners in formulating a disorder. There is a substantial agreement within the literature that the understanding of ADHD is limited, the focus is mainly on the symptoms of disorders. This study explores the perceptions practitioners in the field, in identifying the effectiveness of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental disorders (DSM) is for diagnosing ADHD. It became evident throughout this study that there is no consensus around the efficacy of the DSM. Furthermore, ADHD is not completely understood and therefore creates serious implications for the treatment and diagnosis of the disorder.

Intervenční přístupy v podpoře žáků se specifickou poruchou chování ve Zlínském kraji / Intervention approaches in support of pupils with ADHD in Zlinsky region

Valentová, Karolína January 2019 (has links)
The theme of the master thesis is the intervention approaches used to support pupils with a specific behavioral disorder. The main aim of the thesis is to map the content of the consultancy services in Zlin Region, which are provided to pupils with specific behavioral disorders in schools and school counseling facilities, specifically pedagogical-psychological counselling centres. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. Basic concepts will be defined in the first chapter. The following chapter presents classification and differentiation of specific behavioral disorder from a medical point of view, risk factors of development of specific behavioral disorder, major and associated shows of specific behavioral disorder and its consequences. The third chapter deals with interventions and treatment options for specific behavioral disorders including prevention. Foreign approaches to pupils with a specific behavioral disorder are also outlined in this chapter. The researching part contains a chapter devoted to the methodology of research. There are included research objectives, research issues, data collection methods and the definition of a research sample. The following chapter already provides data analysis and interpretation. The chapter concludes by answering research questions....

Omega-3 fatty acids, micronutrients and cognitive and behaviour problems associated with child attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Sinn, Natalie January 2006 (has links)
This thesis concerns the role of nutrients in cognitive and behaviour problems associated with child attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Study 1 investigated relationships between Conners' ADHD Index ratings, fatty acid deficiency symptoms (FADS), and cognitive performance in a normal population of children. Studies 2 and 3 comprised a 30 week intervention trial investigating effects of n-3 PUFA supplementation on ADHD symptoms in 7-12 year old children with high ADHD scores.

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