Spelling suggestions: "subject:"deixar"" "subject:"deixam""
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Deictic categories in Toda Sedeq (Austronesian, Taiwan)Kerby, John P. January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this account of how deixis is encoded in Toda Sedeq, an Austronesian language indigenous to Taiwan, is two-fold; to contribute to 1) the description of a completely neglected dialect of a poorly understood language which faces language replacement and is in urgent need of description and 2) the theoretical understanding of deixis. From a theoretical standpoint, deixis has five categories, with a hierarchy as to which are most often represented in various language phenomena, viz.,: 1) ‘space’, 2) ‘person’, 3) ‘time’, 4) ‘social relations’ and 5) ‘discourse’ (in descending order). This hierarchy helps explain numbers of phenomena representing each category in the grammar of a given language, and also how likely a given category is to serve as the ‘template’ for combinations with other categories (e.g., ‘space’ is a template for ‘spatio-personal deixis’). For the target language, the categories are represented by numbers of phenomena that support the following hierarchy: 1) the most, with 2)-3) following, and practically nothing for 4)-5). Additionally, for two-way category combinations, 1) space was found to combine with all other categories, but 2) person with only two and the other three categories with none at all - also in keeping with the hierarchy. Finally, in the only triple category combination (spatio-personal-temporal deixis), categories 1) - 3) were all found to play important roles. The Sedeq deictic morphemes work in groups rather than independently (seven morphemes are combined into eight groups, each of which forms a grammatical subsystem, with multiple membership for all morphemes). The five-category deixis, category combinations, and morpheme grouping models have resulted in what I believe accounts for the deictic phenomena of the language more completely than any previous attempt. It also has implications for theoretical linguistics and raises questions to be addressed in the future description of other languages.
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Formaliteit in bedryfstekste met verwysing na bepaalde grammatikale veranderlikesSmith, Wanda 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / This study about formality in business texts is situated within the field of document
design. For this reason, the definition of formality and the operasionalisation thereof
in business texts are approached from a functional framework, which can lead to the
realisation of useful guidelines to text producers based on the conclusions drawn
from the research. With these guidelines, informed decisions can be made about
formality in texts.
In this study formality is defined and operasionalised in terms of the two notions
context (in)dependency and deixis. Formality and deixis both involve distance.
Greater distance between die text/writer and the reader or interlocutors mutually is
associated with a higher degree of formality. On the other hand, a higher frequency
deictic referential words such as personal pronouns (you, he, we, they), adverbs of
place (here, there), direction (forwards, outside) and time (just now, only just, at
present) implies a shorter social and spatio-temporal distance, and therefore a higher
degree of informality. The reason for this is that deictic referential words (you, here,
outside, now) and the reference to which such words refer should be deduced from
the context immediately in order for the message to be understood unambiguously.
For this reason, deictic referential words are context dependent in this study and
because the context is immediately available and the distance thus shorter, these
words are markers of informality. On the other hand, nondeictic referential words
imply a greater distance and therefore a higher degree of formality.
Grammatical variables that possibly have an effect on the degree of formality in
annual reports and brochures, such as nouns, objective and subjective adjectives,
verbs and pronouns, are divided in terms of their context dependence or context
independence into one of two categories, namely a nondeictic category that is
associated with context independence and formality, or a deictic category that is
associated with context dependence and informality.
Based on the frequencies of the various language variables in the two categories
(context independent, nondeictic category and context dependent, deictic category)
an empirical measure of formality is proposed with which formality (F-index) can be
measured in Afrikaans business texts. Although the proposed measure should be
refined, the study illustrates, among others, that the measure exhibits the capacity to
point out variation based on differences in formality between the text types.
The study further indicates that advice based on intuition should be regarded with
caution. A survey aimed at readers showed that variables such as subject, tone,
style, word choice and language usage play a greater role in the evaluation of the
degree of formality of texts than grammatical variables such as the passive voice.
In conclusion, the study gives clear guidelines as to how the language variables that
were part of this study should be dealt with and in a sense be manipulated to ensure
a suitable degree of formality of a text and thus the effective transfer of
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German demonstrative adverbs of spatial deixis: Evidence from native speakers, L2 learners, and corporaGajdos, Johnathan Lee William 01 May 2011 (has links)
The use of demonstrative adverbs is a function of making reference to a real or abstract location. In German, there are three principle demonstrative adverbs that are used spatially--hier, da, and dort. This thesis provides an overview of the primary theories proposed in the literature to explain the German hier/da/dort system of reference and examines those claims from the context of a study of L2 learners and L1 speakers combined with a corpus-based analysis of the frequency, distribution, and use of the demonstrative adverbs, both in isolation and in unison. The evidence from learner data, native speaker interpretations and grammaticality judgments, adult use corpora, and L1 child corpora all point to da as playing a more significant role than dort in the three-way spatial adverb system of German. Evidence from multiple sources points to the default hier `here' counterpart, there-like equivalent being da. While da is not always used to indicate a non-speaker location, this flexibility is not an indication of its primary or default role. Context often provides semantic information, and even if used in a semi-neutral manner, the use of da often suggests the possibility of a dort-type non-speaker location or of an abstract location/third location. The flexibility that da has in being used in non-contrastive locations or idiomatic expressions to refer to the location of the speaker does not discount the role da has as a primary means of indicating spatial differences in opposition to hier. The presence of dort enables a third location to be identified with a distinct spatial adverb, while hier appears to be highly restricted in its usage. Evidence from child L1 learners is congruent with this analysis. The frequency of da in child L1 learner speech cannot simply be explained by phonetic production, and the child L1 corpora show that dort is only chosen when da and hier are already present (three or more locations are referenced). Native speaker survey data concerning the three spatial adverbs under investigation indicate that locational situation affects the acceptance and interpretation of all three adverbs including da. Da is not shown to be a superfluous double, as it is neither consistently accepted at or near 100%, nor is its acceptance consistently near that of dort or hier. There is evidence that native speaker grammaticality judgments show regional variation when da is used to indicate a speaker location, with northern speakers tending to prefer hier and southern speakers tending to prefer da. L2 speakers show a greater variation from native speakers with respect to their acceptance and interpretations of da as compared with that of hier and dort. Non-native speakers were more likely to accept hier and less likely to accept da than were the native speakers in this study. Elementary, intermediate, and advanced L2 learners showed a significant difference in their acceptance rates of da in at least 50% of the items, while the group of highly-proficient L2 speakers of German showed a significant difference in their acceptance of da in only one item.
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Poétique du temps dans les tragédies de Sophocle : la construction de l'effet tragique / Time and the tragic effect in Sophocles' tragedies.Godard, Patricia 19 December 2018 (has links)
Par nature, le théâtre a partie liée avec le temps. Dans les sept pièces conservées de Sophocle, χρόνος est au cœur du discours des personnages, comme sujet de leur réflexion sur l’existence, mais aussi comme agent de la progression du drame. Au premier niveau, son action est destructrice, car l’homme de Sophocle, « homme d’un jour » (Aj.399 et Ant. 790), éprouve durement sa nature brutale, faite de revirements arbitraires, auxquels il résiste autant qu’il peut, à moins qu’il ne s’en joue. Mais au second niveau, celui de la dynamique de l’action, le temps est aussi constructeur de l’effet tragique. En atteste le lexique, important et varié, capable de rendre visible la fatalité en marche au sein de la tragédie. Ainsi, le temps, non représentable puisqu’il échappe à la mimèsis, peut servir de révélateur à la tension latente, qu’on appelle communément le tragique, concept flou et jamais véritablement défini par les textes, et qui va trouver ici une consistance poétique et une définition nouvelle dans l’observation des choix d’écriture du dramaturge. Ce faisant, c’est la démarche créatrice de Sophocle que l’on interroge. L’analyse du vocabulaire dans des passages choisis dément sa réputation d’auteur peu spectaculaire : retard, hâte, revirements, hasard, opportunité…sont mis en valeur au cœur des vers comme des indicateurs majeurs de la marche du drame vers sa fin. Et si l’on croise ensuite les données lexicales avec les marques de l’énonciation et les éléments des rites civiques qui affleurent dans les textes, on distingue alors la concaténation assurant la cohésion des ensembles et forgeant la temporalité propre à chaque pièce. Du rapport contraint entre le temps dramatique et le temps scénique, Sophocle a tiré des effets originaux qui forment sa poétique. Comme l’aède-démiurge d’Homère, le dramaturge construit ses tragédies en charpentier de l’effet tragique. Il fabrique un présent dramatique parsemé de signes indiciels marquant le passage de χρόνος. Ce présent, troublé par le passé qui s’y déploie encore, est celui de l’inadaptation du héros, tout à la fois temps de l’urgence, du retard, de l’immobilité qu’il faut conjurer pour que la perspective d’un futur puisse prendre forme. La tragédie sophocléenne s’avère finalement très consciente d’elle-même, développant un langage performatif qui entraîne à l’action, disant le rapport sensible de l’homme au temps et tout à la fois sa propre relation au temps qui la compose.MOTS-CLÉS : tragédie-effet tragique-deixis-temps-temporalité / By nature, theatre and time are linked. In Sophocles’ seven remaining tragedies, χρόνος is in the heart of the characters’ speeches, as a subject of their thought about human life, but first of all, as an agent of the progressing plot. On the first level, his action is destructive, because Sophocles’ hero, “a man of one day” (Aj. 399 and Ant.790), is afflicted by the brutal nature of time, made of arbitrary reversals to which he tries to resist to, as much he can, unless he makes light of them. But, on the second level, action in progress, time is also constructive of the tragic effect. This is attested by many and diverse words, showing fate going through the tragedy. So, time, that is impossible to represent on stage, because it is outside of the mimesis, reveals the hidden tension, commonly named the tragic, a woolly concept, never really defined by the texts, which will find here a poetic consistency and a new definition by the observation of the playwright’s choices. Thus, it is Sophocles’ creative reasoning that is analysed. According to the vocabulary in some passages selected, his reputation of not being a very spectacular author is belied: delay, haste, reversals, luck, opportunity… are highlighted in the texts, as major indicators of the action progressing to its end. And then, by crossing the lexical data, the enunciation marks and elements of civic rituals showed on the surface of the texts, we can then clearly distinguish the logical sequences of events making the tragedies’ coherence and the own temporality of each work. Sophocles builds his tragedies like a “carpenter” of the tragic effect. He makes up a dramatic present scattered with a plenty of signs showing χρόνος going through. At the end, Sophoclean tragedies are conscious of their own structure, because they develop a performative language to speak about the sensitive relation between man and time, and also, about their relation with time making of their poetic organization.KEYWORDS: tragedy-tragic effect-deixis-time-temporality
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Regard et communication face-à-face entre un locuteur humain et un agent conversationnel animé. Attention mutuelle et monstration multimodaleRaidt, Stephan 02 April 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Dans le contexte de la génération synthétique et le décodage d'informations linguistiques, non seulement le composant auditif mais aussi le composant visuel de la parole transmettent de l'information précieuse. Nous étudions le regard en tant qu´élément crucial pour enrichir la parole et fournir des informations supplémentaires. Le regard est un geste déictique très important, ainsi il influence de manières variées l'organisation du dialogue et de l'interaction sociale. Dans une première expérience nous étudions comment le regard d'une tête parlante peut être employé comme geste déictique dans un jeu de recherche et sélection sur un écran d'ordinateur. Nous avons trouvé que ces gestes sont capables de réduire le temps de réaction ainsi que la charge cognitive. Cet effet est accentué quand le geste est de caractère multimodal, utilisant la parole de manière adaptée. Dans une deuxième expérience nous avons étudié le rapport entre le regard d'un sujet cible et les différents éléments d'une interaction dialogique. Nous avons défini différents segments dans l'échange d'information dialogique et avons trouvé qu´ils sont liés aux variations du comportement du regard mesuré. Basé sur ces résultats nous proposons un modèle pour le contrôle du regard d'un agent conversationnel animé dans l'interaction face-à-face.
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Deictic shift theory (DST) was developed as a model of the construction and comprehension of all types of fictional narrative. With respect to the participant structures of texts, however, DST researchers have focused their attention on deictic shifts in third-person narratives, leaving first-person narratives unanalyzed from this theoretical perspective. As a result, DST in its present form does not adequately account for the variety of manipulations of a range of perspectives that may be achieved in first-person narratives. Nor has DST been systematically applied to texts whose participant structures undergo extensive reorganization as the result of a surprise ending or other narrative twist. By analyzing the deictic and referring expressions that create the participant structure of Chuck Palahniuks novel Fight Club, this thesis tests DSTs potential to account for authors and readers cognitive experiences of first-person narratives with plot twists. The analysis establishes a wider range of linguistic cues that may affect readers mental representations of characters. It identifies interactions between elements in the participant structure, including those that permit the representation of non-narrating characters subjective perspectives, as well as the linguistic features that enable these interactions. The thesis examines the effects of an authors violations of traditional narrative perspective constraints, and it underscores the importance, especially in DST-motivated analyses, of recognizing the potential for interplay between general narrative constraints and the narrative structure of a specific text. The thesis revises DSTs account of the nature and extent of deictic shifts in first-person narratives and describes the role deictic shifts play in fictional narratives that contain plot twists.
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Situierte Generierung deiktischer Objektreferenz in der multimodalen Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion /Kranstedt, Alfred. January 2008 (has links)
Universiẗat, Diss.--Bielefeld, 2007.
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Die Deixis im Theater des AbsurdenMüller, Volker. January 2004 (has links)
Stuttgart, Univ., Diss., 2003.
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Heterogeneidade marcada e referenciação / Marked heterogeneity and referentiationFernandes, Julianne Larens Lopes January 2008 (has links)
FERNANDES, Julianne Larens Lopes. Heterogeneidade marcada e referenciação. 2008. 111f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Letras Vernáculas, Programa de Pós-graduação em Linguística, Fortaleza (CE), 2008. / Submitted by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2014-08-21T11:55:20Z
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Previous issue date: 2008 / We proceed to the problematization of the frame of heterogeneities of the displayed type (marked versus not marked) as proposed by Authier-Revuz (1982) from the assumptions of the Linguistics of Enunciation. Our proposal consists in suggesting that the scope of the occurrences of facts of marked heterogeneity be widened in order that it includes phenomena of a (more) cognitive nature that make evident the presence of the other in the linguistic materialization in a specific point of the chain of the saying and, besides, articulate the displayed marked heterogeneity and the referentiation. We reexamine, appending whatever seems to us pertinent, a set of marks, besides those already established (e.g., bold face, font changing, inverted commas, direct speech) in an attempt to confer them the statute of markers of the conscious presence of the other in the discursive thread, considering the notion of model reader suggested by Eco (1979). To achieve this goal, we choose for main categories of analysis the deictic and anaphoric referential processes, the free indirect speech and the intertextuality by allusion. Our results legitimize our proposal and confirms the marking potential of such categories. Keywords: Enunciative heterogeneity, displayed/marked heterogeneity; referentiation; referential processes. / Procedemos, a partir dos pressupostos da Lingüística da Enunciação, à problematização do quadro das heterogeneidades do tipo mostrada (marcada vs. não-marcada), proposto por Authier-Revuz (1982). Nossa proposta consiste em sugerir que o escopo das ocorrências dos fatos de heterogeneidade marcada seja flexibilizado, de modo a abarcar fenômenos de natureza (mais) cognitiva que evidenciam a presença do alheio na materialidade lingüística num ponto específico da cadeia do dizer, promovendo, destarte, uma articulação entre heterogeneidade mostrada/marcada e referenciação. Submetemos a um reexame, acrescentando o que nos pareceu pertinente, um conjunto de marcas que não apenas as consagradas (como, por exemplo, negrito, mudança de fonte, aspas, discurso direto) na tentativa de lhes conferir um estatuto de marcadores da presença consciente do outro no fio discursivo, considerando a noção de leitor-modelo sugerida por Eco (1979). Para tanto, elegemos como categorias principais de análise os processos referenciais anafóricos e dêiticos, o discurso indireto livre e a intertextualidade por alusão. Nossos resultados legitimaram nossa proposta e confirmaram o potencial marcativo de tais categorias. Palavras-chave: Heterogeneidade enunciativa; heterogeneidade mostrada/marcada; referenciação; processos referenciais.
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O processo referencial da dêixis: por uma proposta de recategorização / The referential process of deixis: a proposal for re-categorizationLeal, Abniza Pontes de Barros January 2015 (has links)
LEAL, Abniza Pontes de Barros. O processo referencial da dêixis: por uma proposta de recategorização. 2015. 293f. – Tese (Doutorado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Letras Vernáculas, Programa de Pós-graduação em Linguística, Fortaleza (CE), 2015. / Submitted by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2015-06-03T14:56:15Z
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Previous issue date: 2015 / Usually interpreted as a textual-discursive phenomenon and used as theoretical basis that focus on dynamic aspects about the construction of references, referentiantion has attracted the scholars’ attention for this relevance to production and understanding of meaning. Among the main principles to construct referents, it is the negotiation between speakers as well as the socio-cognitive nature of referents, this last one being considered in the perspective about the instability of reality. Cavalcante, Custódio Filho and Brito (2014) claim that initial reference, anaphora and deixis are three major categories for referential processes. According to this view, this study aims to analyze deictic referential processes, focusing on its recategorization role in narrative genres in order to answer the question: how does it apply the use of deictic expressions and discursive functions of deictic referential developing process to the constitution of genres with a predominance of narrative sequences? Initially I selected some concepts namely: 1) the deictic reinterpretation (LYONS, 1977); 2) the inter-subjectivity relation among speaker, discourse and context (CAVALCANTE, 2000), 3) the previous referent can change at any time while the discursive interaction occurs (CHAROLLES; SCHNEDECKER, 1993a) and 4) the evolution of referent, as advocated by Apothéloz and Reichler-Béguelin (1995), Cavalcante (2011), Koch (2004b). Based on these studies, I developed the hypothesis that the use of deictic expressions and socio-discursive functions of the deictic referential developing process is responsible to form a deictic chain in the constitution of genres with a predominance of narrative sequences. Plus an extensive research, 30 texts of different genres were selected, the analysis were conducted considering personal, temporal and spatial categories, 5 chains of each category. Since the role of deictic expressions expand the understanding of deictic processes in Textual Linguistics field, I present a list of the main features observed without develop a general framework as proposed by Cavalcante (2000) and Ciulla (2008). The results show that, in the formation of chains, deictic expressions had been changed, as the Deictic Shift Theory proposes, and these changes are, in fact, deictic expressions re-categorized. / Abordada como um fenômeno textual-discursivo e como uma proposta teórica que salienta aspectos dinâmicos do processo de construção dos referentes, a referenciação tem despertado, cada vez mais, o olhar de estudiosos por sua relevância para a produção e compreensão de sentidos. Dentre os princípios que ancoram a construção dos referentes, encontram-se a negociação dos interlocutores e a natureza sociocognitiva da referência, vista agora na perspectiva da instabilidade do real. Cavalcante, Custódio Filho e Brito (2014) apontam a introdução referencial, a anáfora e a dêixis como as três categorias maiores de processos referenciais. De acordo com essa perspectiva, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os processos referenciais dêiticos, evidenciando seu caráter recategorizador em gêneros predominantemente narrativos e, assim, responder à questão: como ocorre o uso das expressões dêiticas e das funções discursivas do processo evolutivo referencial dêitico na constituição de gêneros com predominância de sequências narrativas? Tomo como ponto de partida os enfoques sobre a reinterpretação dêitica (LYONS, 1977); a realização de um tipo de intersubjetividade que se dá entre o falante, o discurso e o contexto de criação (CAVALCANTE, 2000); a noção de que um antecedente sofre profundas mudanças do início ao fim do discurso (CHAROLLES; SCHNEDECKER, 1993.a) e a evolução dos referentes, conforme defendida por Apothéloz e Reichler-Béguelin (1995), Cavalcante (2011), Koch (2004b). A partir, principalmente, desses estudos, elaboro a hipótese de que, na constituição de gêneros com predominância de sequências narrativas, o uso das expressões dêiticas e as funções sociodiscursivas do processo evolutivo referencial dêitico respondem pela formação de uma cadeia dêitica. Além de uma ampla pesquisa bibliográfica, montei um corpus de 30 textos, pertencentes a diversos gêneros, e optei por analisar um exemplário formado por 5 cadeias de cada uma das categorias de análise do presente trabalho: pessoal, temporal e espacial. Parto da ideia de que as funções desempenhadas pelas expressões dêiticas ampliam a compreensão da dêixis no panorama da Linguística Textual e, por esse motivo, priorizei apresentar uma lista das principais funções observadas, mas não me detive na elaboração de um quadro geral que abrigasse tais funções, a exemplo dos estudos de Cavalcante (2000) e Ciulla (2008). Os resultados da pesquisa me permitiram, em primeiro lugar, comprovar que, na formação das cadeias, as expressões dêiticas sofrem modificações, conforme propõe a Teoria da Mudança Dêitica; e ainda, que tais modificações se constituem recategorizações das expressões dêiticas.
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