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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Messa a punto di biosensori e processi biotecnologici per la gestione di matrici contaminate

Camanzi, Laura <1983> 28 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.

La comunicazione e la formazione linguistica per istituzioni e aziende

Polselli, Paola <1962> 29 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Educazione alla cittadinanza per cittadini immigrati adulti. Il contributo della formazione linguistico-giuridica all'acquisizione di competenze di cittadinanza in lingua seconda

Bavieri, Luisa <1961> 29 September 2011 (has links)
The research examines which cultural and linguistic instruments can be offered to provide adult migrants with formative access to citizenship competences. Starting from the questions: How can individuals of all community groups present in a nation-state acquire high standards of linguistic, sociolinguistic and discourse competences in order to be fully integrated, that is to participate and be included in social activities in the public domain such as work and institutional environments? How are these competencies developed in an educational context? How do adult migrants behave linguistically in this context, according to their needs and motivations? The research hypothesis aimed at outlining a formative project of citizenship education targeted at adult foreign citizens, where a central role is assigned both to law education and linguistic education. Acoordingly, as the study considered if the introduction of a law programme in a second language course could be conceived as an opportunity to further the access to active citizenship and social participation, a corpus of audiodata was collected in law classes of an Italian adult professional course attended by a 50% of foreign students. The observation was conducted on teacher and learner talk and learner participation in classroom interaction when curriculum legal topics were introduced and discussed. In the classroom law discourse two dimensions were analyzed: the legal knowledge construction and the participants’ interpersonal and identity construction. From the analysis, the understanding is that drawn that law classes seem to represent an educational setting where foreign citizens have an opportunity to learn and practise citizenship. The social and pragmatic approach to legal contents plays a relevant role, in a subject which, in non-academic contexts, loses its technical specificity and refers to law as a product of social representation. In the observed educational environment, where students are adults who bring into the classroom multiple personal and social identities, legal topics have the advantage of increasing adult migrants’ motivation to ‘go back to school’ as they are likely to give hints, if not provide solutions, to problems relating to participation in socio-institutional activities. At the same time, these contents offer an ideal context where individuals can acquire high discourse competences and citizenship skills, such as agency and critical reflection. Besides, the analysis reveals that providing adult learners with materials that focus on rights, politics and the law, i.e. with materials which stimulate discussion on concerns affecting their daily lives, is welcomed by learners themselves, who might appreciate the integration of these same topics in a second language course.

La Ragione violenta di Ramiro Ledesma Ramos. Fascismo e pensiero conservatore in Spagna / The Violent Reason of Ramiro Ledesma Ramos. Fascism and Conservative Thought in Spain

Soto Carrasco, David <1981> 30 March 2012 (has links)
Aunque esta tesis puede leerse desde diferentes perspectivas, tiene una voluntad fundamental: explicar, desde la metodología propia de la historia conceptual, la racionalidad específica del llamado fascismo español. Centra su interés en la figura de Ramiro Ledesma Ramos (1905-1936), fundador del primer movimiento fascista español. Ledesma ideó un proyecto de modernización de España que sólo podía pasar por la organización de un Estado total. Trató de crear un movimiento de masas de corte fascista con capacidad para fundar un Estado total capaz de ser una alternativa viable al liberalismo republicano y al socialismo. El fascismo español emergerá como una experiencia temporal propia de la modernidad. Buscará revitalizar y acelerar un proceso, el moderno, que a la luz de los jóvenes exaltados de principios de siglo se percibía como agotado y decadente. El planteamiento de Ledesma brotaba de la necesidad de combatir aquellas presuntas fuerzas degenerativas (liberalismo, comunismo, conservadurismo, etc.) de la historia contemporánea española para erigir una nueva modernidad basada en el renacimiento de la nación. Al mismo tiempo, se pretende poner en relieve la eficacia de la acción histórica planteada por el pensamiento reaccionario español. Bajo sus coordenadas, la nación jamás desarrollaría los rasgos sublimados de la política moderna europea. Jamás abandonó los pretendidos órdenes del derecho natural del clasicismo católico que, en última instancia, limitaban la potencia absoluta de cualquier soberano político. Esta particularidad histórica, arrastrada desde la primera modernidad, impedirá con obstinación cualquier oleada revolucionaria que supusiera la autonomización de la esfera política y por tanto, la instauración de un poder totalitario. De hecho, cuando se instauré la dictadura del Franco, a lo más que se llegaría, sería a un Estado mínimo, que bajo los presupuestos del tradicionalismo, dejaba a su suerte las dinámicas económicas. / Although the different perspectives this thesis could be read, it has a fundamental willing: explains, from the conceptual history owns methodology, the specific rationality of Spanish fascism. Focusing its interest in Ramiro Ledesma Ramos (1905-1936), he was the founder of the first Spanish fascist movement. Ledesma devised a modernization project of Spain that could only go through the organization of a total state. He tries to create a fascist mass movement with the capacity of founding a total state able to be an alternative to the republican liberalism and socialism. Spanish fascism emerges as a temporal experience typical of modernity. It would search to revitalize and accelerate a process, the modern one. This process was seen in the light of the angry Young of the beginnings of century which seen that as decadent and exhausted. Ledesma's approach arose from the need to combat those alleged degenerative forces (liberalism, communism, conservatism, etc.). Of contemporary Spanish history to erect a new modernity based on the rebirth of the nation. At the same time, it is intended to highlight the effectiveness of historical action raised by the Spanish reactionary thought. Under its coordinates, the nation never develops the sublimated features of European modern politics. He never abandoned the alleged orders of Catholic natural law of classicism that ultimately limited the absolute power of any political sovereign. This historical particularity, dragged from the first modernity, obstinately prevent any revolutionary wave that would cause the autonomy of the political sphere and thus the establishment of a totalitarian power. In fact, when it will be establish the dictatorship of Franco, the result would be a minimal state under the assumptions of traditionalism which left their own economic dynamics.

Characterization of novel probiotics and prebiotics

Maccaferri, Simone <1983> 27 April 2012 (has links)
The role of the human gut microbiota in impacting host’s health has been widely studied in the last decade. Notably, it has been recently demonstrated that diet and nutritional status are among the most important modifiable determinants of human health, through a plethora of presumptive mechanisms among which microbiota-mediated processes are thought to have a relevant role. At present, probiotics and prebiotics represent a useful dietary approach for influencing the composition and activity of the human gut microbial community. The present study is composed of two main sections, aimed at elucidating the probiotic potential of the yeast strain K. marxianus B0399, as well as the promising putative prebiotic activity ascribable to four different flours, naturally enriched in dietary fibres content. Here, by in vitro studies we demonstrated that K. marxianus B0399 possesses a number of beneficial and strain-specific properties desirable for a microorganism considered for application as a probiotics. Successively, we investigated the impact of a novel probiotic yoghurt containing B. animalis subsp. lactis Bb12 and K. marxianus B0399 on the gut microbiota of a cohort of subjects suffering from IBS and enrolled in a in vivo clinical study. We demonstrated that beneficial effects described for the probiotic yoghurt were not associated to significant modifications of the human intestinal microbiota. Additionally, using a colonic model system we investigated the impact of different flours (wholegrain rye and wheat, chickpeas and lentils 50:50, and barley milled grains) on the intestinal microbiota composition and metabolomic output, combining molecular and cellular analysis with a NMR metabolomics approach. We demonstrated that each tested flour showed peculiar and positive modulations of the intestinal microbiota composition and its small molecule metabolome, thus supporting the utilisation of these ingredients in the development of a variety of potentially prebiotic food products aimed at improving human health.

Pretrattamenti termo-meccanici ed enzimatici su scarti dell'industria enologica per la produzione di Biogas / Physical and enzymatic conditioning of oenological wastes to improve biogas production

Bracchitta, Mirko <1983> 27 April 2012 (has links)
A fundamental assumption for by-product from winery industy waste-management is their economic and commercial increase in value. High energetic value recovery from winery industry is an attractive economic solution to stimulate new sustainable process. Approach of this work is based about physic and biological treatment with grape stalks and grape marc to increase polysaccharides components of cell wall and energetic availability of this by-products. Grape stalks for example have a high percentage of lignin and cellulose and can’t be used, whitout pretreatment, for an anaerobic digestion process. Our findings show enzymatic and thermo-mechanical pre-treatments in combined application for optimise hydrolytic mechanism on winemaking wastes which represents 0,9 milion ton/year in Italy and on straw, cereal by-products with high lignin content. A screening of specifically industrial enzymatic complex for the hydrolysis lignocellulosic biomass were tested using the principal polysaccharides component of the vegetal cells. Combined thermo-mechanical and enzymatic pretreatment improve substrates conversion in batch test fermentation experiment. The conservation of the grape stalks, at temperature above 0°C, allow the growth of spontaneus fermentation that reduce their polysaccharides content so had investigated anarobic condition of conservation. The other objective of this study was to investigate the capability of a proprietary strain of L.buchneri LN 40177 to enhance the accessibility of fermentable forage constituents during the anaerobic conservation process by releasing the enzyme ferulate esterase. The time sequence study by batch tests showed that the L. buchneri LN-40177 inoculated grape stalk substrate was more readily available in the fermenter. In batch tests with grape stalk, after mechanical treatment, the L. buchneri LN41077 treated substrate yielded on average 70% more biogas per kg/DM. Thermo-mechanical, enzymatic and biological treatment with L. buchneri LN-40177 can increase the biogas production from low fermented biomasses and the consequent their useful in anaerobic biodigesters for agro-bioenergy production.

La Comunità Energetica del Sud Est Europa quale fattore di stabilità nell’area Balcanica / Energy Community of South East Europe as stability factor in the Balkan Region

Massari, Saverio Francesco <1980> 17 September 2012 (has links)
Il lavoro cerca di valutare il possibile ruolo della Comunità Energetica del Sud Est Europa quale fattore di stabilita’ nell’area Balcanica. Il Trattato fondativo della Comunita’ assegna a questa l’obiettivo di condurre una cooperazione in campo energetico al fine diffondere istituzioni e normative condivise, quali elementi di superamento del conflitto: tuttavia, sono molti gli ostacoli posti su questo cammino sia di natura interna alla regione che esterna, per l’influenza di fattori e poteri internazionali interessati all’area. Il processo di transizione in molti dei paesi del quadrante non e’ ancora concluso e molti sono i nodi politici successivi ai processi di disgregazione della Federazione Jugoslava ancora presenti e non risolti. I progetti di corridoi energetici portati avanti dall’Unione Europea, Stati Uniti e Russia, concentrano sui Balcani un interesse sempre alto e tali attenzioni potrebbero influire sui processi d’area e sulle scelte politiche da compiersi. Sullo sfondo di tutto cio’ un altro importante fattore contribuisce alle dinamiche in corso: la crisi economica ha fatto sentire la sua presenza anche nella regione balcanica e questo crea importanti squilibri che devono essere valutati alla luce di processi di cooperazione quale quello della Comunita’ Energetica. / The aim of my thesis is to evaluate the possible role of the Energy Community South East Europe as a factor of stability in the Balkans. The founding Treaty gives to the Community the goal to create and improve the cooperation in energy field to promote shared norms and institutions, as elements to overcome the conflict period: however, there are many obstacles on this path since domestic and external factors, due to the influence of international powers interested in the area. Many Countries in the region have not concluded the transition process yet and there are many political problems following the processes of disintegration of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. On the other hand, the European Union, United States and Russia, energy corridor projects planned in the region are focusing on the Balkans important interests on geo political point of view. These dynamics could affect the processes and policy choices in the area. The background of the whole scenario is another important factor that is contributing to the dynamics in progress: the economic crisis has shown its presence even in the Balkan region and this creates significant imbalances that need to be evaluated on the light of processes of cooperation such as the Energy Community .

Fermentative processes for environmental remediation

Grilli, Selene <1969> 17 May 2013 (has links)
The growing interest in environmental protection has led to the development of emerging biotechnologies for environmental remediation also introducing the biorefinery concept. This work mainly aimed to evaluate the applicability of innovative biotechnologies for environmental remediation and bioenergy production, throught fermentative processes. The investigated biotechnologies for waste and wastewater treatment and for the valorisation of specific feedstocks and energy recovery, were mainly focused on four research lines. 1. Biotechnology for textile wastewater treatment and water reuse that involving anaerobic and aerobic processes in combination with membrane technologies. Combinations of different treatments were also implemented for water reuse in a textile company. 2. Biotechnology for the treatment of solid waste and leachate in landfill and for biogas production. Landfill operated as Bioreactor with recirculation of the generated leachate was proposed for organic matter biostabilisation and for ammonia removal from leachate by favouring the Anammox process. 3. An innovative two-stage anaerobic process for effective codigestion of waste from the dairy industry, as cheese whey and dairy manure, was studied by combining conventional fermentative processes with a simplified system design for enhancing biomethanisation. 4) The valorisation of the glycerol waste as surplus by-product of the biodiesel industry was investigated via microbial conversion to value-added chemicals, as 1,3-propanediol. The investigated fermentative processes have been successfully implemented and reached high yields of the produced bio-chemical. The studied biotechnological systems proved to be feasible for environmental remediation and bioenergy and chemicals production.

Produzione di bioetanolo da effluenti del settore lattiero-caseario con Kluyveromyces marxianus / Production of bioethanol from the effluents of dairies by Kluyveromyces marxianus

Zoppellari, Francesca <1983> 17 May 2013 (has links)
Il siero di latte e la scotta sono effluenti provenienti rispettivamente dal processo di trasformazione del latte in formaggio e ricotta. Il siero di latte contiene minerali, lipidi, lattosio e proteine; la scotta contiene principalmente lattosio. Il siero può essere riutilizzato in diversi modi, come l'estrazione di proteine o per l’alimentazione animale, mentre la scotta è considerata solamente un rifiuto. Inoltre, a causa degli ingenti volumi di siero prodotti nel mondo, vengono a crearsi seri problemi ambientali e di smaltimento. Destinazioni alternative di questi effluenti, come le trasformazioni biotecnologiche, possono essere un modo per raggiungere il duplice obiettivo di migliorare il valore aggiunto dei processi agroindustriali e di ridurre il loro impatto ambientale. In questo lavoro sono state studiate le condizioni migliori per produrre bioetanolo dal lattosio del siero e della scotta. Kluyveromyces marxianus è stato scelto come lievito lattosio-fermentante. Sono state effettuate fermentazioni su scala di laboratorio aerobiche e anaerobiche in batch, fermentazioni semicontinue in fase dispersa e con cellule immobilizzate in alginato di calcio,. Diverse temperature sono state testate per migliorare la produzione di etanolo. Le migliori prestazioni, per entrambe le matrici, sono state raggiunte a basse temperature (28°C). Anche le alte temperature sono compatibili con buone rese di etanolo nelle fermentazioni con siero. Ottimi risultati si sono ottenuti anche con la scotta a 37°C e a 28°C. Le fermentazioni semicontinue in fase dispersa danno le migliori produzioni di etanolo, in particolare con la scotta. Invece, l'uso di cellule di lievito intrappolate in alginato di calcio non ha migliorato i risultati di processo. In conclusione, entrambi gli effluenti possono essere considerati adatti per la produzione di etanolo. Le buone rese ottenute dalla scotta permettono di trasformare questo rifiuto in una risorsa. / Whey and scotta are effluents coming from cheese and ricotta processing respectively. Whey contains minerals, lipids, lactose and proteins; scotta contains mainly lactose. Whey can be reused by several ways, such as protein extraction or animal feeding, while nowadays scotta is just considered a waste; moreover, due to very high volumes of whey produced in the world, it poses serious environmental problems for disposal. Alternative destinations of these effluents, such as biotechnological transformations, can be a way to reach both goals of improving the added value of agroindustrial processes and reducing their environmental impact. In this work we investigated the way to produce bioethanol from lactose of whey and scotta and to optimize the fermentation yields. Kluyveromyces marxianus var. marxianus was chosen as lactose-fermenting yeast. Batch aerobic and anaerobic fermentations and semicontinuous fermentations in dispersed phase and in immobilized phase were carried out of whey, scotta at a laboratory scale. Different temperatures were also tested in order to try to improve the ethanol production. The best performances for both matrices were reached at low temperatures (28°C). High temperatures are also compatible with good ethanol yields in whey fermentations. Very good results are also obtained with scotta at 37°C and at 28°C. Semicontinuous fermentations in dispersed phase gave the best fermentation performances, in particular with scotta. Instead, the use of yeast cells entrapped in calcium alginate did not improve the process results. Then both effluents can be considered suitable for ethanol production. The good yields obtained from scotta allow to transform this waste in a source.

Vanillin production from ferulic acid with Pseudomonas fluorescens BF13-1p4

Dal Bello, Elena <1983> 17 May 2013 (has links)
Bioconversion of ferulic acid to vanillin represents an attractive opportunity for replacing synthetic vanillin with a bio-based product, that can be label “natural”, according to current food regulations. Ferulic acid is an abundant phenolic compound in cereals processing by-products, such as wheat bran, where it is linked to the cell wall constituents. In this work, the possibility of producing vanillin from ferulic acid released enzymatically from wheat bran was investigated by using resting cells of Pseudomonas fluorescens strain BF13-1p4 carrying an insertional inactivation of vdh gene and ech and fcs BF13 genes on a low copy number plasmid. Process parameters were optimized both for the biomass production phase and the bioconversion phase using food-grade ferulic acid as substrate and the approach of changing one variable while fixing the others at a certain level followed by the response surface methodology (RSM). Under optimized conditions, vanillin up to 8.46 mM (1.4 g/L) was achieved, whereas highest productivity was 0.53 mmoles vanillin L-1 h-1). Cocktails of a number of commercial enzyme (amylases, xylanases, proteases, feruloyl esterases) combined with bran pre-treatment with steam explosion and instant controlled pressure drop technology were then tested for the release of ferulic acid from wheat bran. The highest ferulic acid release was limited to 15-20 % of the ferulic acid occurring in bran, depending on the treatment conditions. Ferulic acid 1 mM in enzymatic hydrolyzates could be bioconverted into vanillin with molar yield (55.1%) and selectivity (68%) comparable to those obtained with food-grade ferulic acid after purification from reducing sugars with a non polar adsorption resin. Further improvement of ferulic acid recovery from wheat bran is however required to make more attractive the production of natural vanillin from this by-product.

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