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Análise dos efeitos de um imposto sobre alimentos engordativos no mercado brasileiro / Analysis of the effects of a fat tax in the Brazilian marketLeifert, Rodrigo Mantaut 02 May 2013 (has links)
A obesidade atingiu o estado de epidemia global para a Organização Mundial da Saúde. O Brasil não estaria imune a este fenômeno, segundo o IBGE presente em todas as classes sociais e faixas etárias. O interesse do ponto vista econômico é que o mercado de alimentos apresenta falhas, pois este não consegue precificar a relação entre consumo dos alimentos engordativos e a relação desses com doenças, a inconsistência temporal e o custo social para o sistema de saúde. Isso incentiva iniciativas de política pública para combater esse problema, uma das quais é analisada no presente trabalho. Mais especificamente, busca-se investigar a aplicação de um sobre tributo alimentos engordativos combinado com subsídio a cereais, frutas, verduras, vegetais e legumes. Para esta análise, foi necessário estimar a demanda por alimentos com base na POF-IBGE, para então aplicar a política fiscal proposta e avaliar seus impactos econômicos. O resultado, após a simulação de alguns cenários, é que o imposto sobre alimentos engordativos é uma opção que precisa ser combinada com um subsídio a alimentos saudáveis; caso seja aplicado apenas o imposto nos alimentos engordativos, podem ocorrer efeitos indesejáveis, tais como o aumento do consumo de alimentos ricos em sódio. / Obesity has reached global epidemic status for the World Health Organization, Brazil will not be immune to this phenomenon, according to IBGE present in all social classes and age groups. The interest point of view is that the economic food market is flawed, because it fails the price relationship between consumption of fattening foods and their relationship with disease, time inconsistency and social cost to the health system. This encourages public policy initiatives to combat this problem, one of which is analyzed in this dissertation. More specifically, it seeks to investigate the application of a tax on fattening foods combined with subsidies to cereals, fruits and vegetables. For this analysis, it was necessary to estimate the demand for food based on POF-IBGE, then apply a tax policy proposal and evaluate its economic impacts. The result, after some simulation scenarios, is that the tax on fattening foods is an option that needs to be combined with a subsidy to healthy food; if the tax is applied only in fattening foods, side effects can occur, such as increased consumption of foods high in sodium.
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Análise do comportamento subjacente ao encadeamento de viagens através do uso de minerador de dados / Analysis of behavior underlying chained trips by using data minerCira Souza Pitombo 21 February 2003 (has links)
O objetivo principal deste trabalho é analisar o comportamento de grupos homogêneos de indivíduos com relação às viagens encadeadas, usando um minerador de dados. Vários aspectos das viagens encadeadas foram representados através da extensão do processo de codificação inicialmente proposto por Ichikawa (2002). Foram codificados os aspectos como seqüência de atividades realizadas por cada indivíduo, modo de viagem, período do dia em que cada viagem foi realizada e tempo de viagem. O minerador de dados usado neste trabalho foi Árvore de Decisão e Classificação, uma ferramenta de análise disponível no software S-Plus 2000. A análise baseou-se na pesquisa origem-destino realizada pelo METRÔ-SP na região metropolitana de São Paulo, por meio de entrevistas domiciliares, em 1987. Concluiu-se que variáveis socioeconômicas podem explicar o comportamento relacionado a viagens encadeadas, indicando que minerador de dados pode ter um papel importante na análise do comportamento relacionado às viagens encadeadas. / The main aim of this work is to analyze the behavior of homogeneous groups of individuals regarding the chained trips by using a data miner. Several aspects of chained trips were represented through the extension of the coding process initially proposed by Ichikawa (2002). Aspects such as sequence of activities performed by each individual, travel mode, period of the day in which each trip occurs, and travel time were coded. The data miner used in this work was Decision and Classification Tree, an analysis tool available in S-Plus 2000 software package. The analysis was based on the origin-destination home-interview survey carried out by METRÔ-SP in São Paulo metropolitan area, in 1987. The main finding is that the socioeconomic variables can explain the behavior related to the chained trips, indicating that data miner can play an important role in the analysis of the behavior related to the chained trips.
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Modelos para previsão de demanda por transporte de grãos: verificação, avaliação e análise comparativa / Grain transportation demand models: verification, evaluation and comparative analysisPaulo de Magalhães Bento Gonçalves 30 September 1996 (has links)
Neste trabalho realiza-se uma análise individual e comparativa de três modelos de demanda por transporte de grãos: de Oferta, de Incorporação de área e aumento de produtividade, e da Rede Ferroviária Federal S/A. O estudo foi desenvolvido com base num conjunto de dados coletados no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul. Esse conjunto contém dados referentes ao período de 1974 a 1994, e foi dividido em duas partes: a primeira, de 1974 a 1988, usada na calibração dos modelos, e a segunda, de 1989 a 1994, na verificação de desempenho dos modelos. A produção estimada para o segundo período foi comparada com a produção observada no mesmo período. A precisão dos modelos foi verificada para curto e longo prazos, e para dois níveis de agregação. Concluiu-se que tanto o modelo de Oferta como o modelo da RFFSA são apropriados para a previsão de curto prazo. E que o modelo de Oferta é melhor do que o de Incorporação de área e aumento de produtividade para a projeção de produção em nível agregado, e vice-versa. / This work carries out an individual and comparative analysis o f three grain transportation demand models: Supply model, Area and Productivity model and RFFSA (Federal Railway) model. The study was developed based on the data set collected in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul. This set contains data related to the period trom 1974 to 1994. It was divided into two periods, the first from 1974 to 1988, used to calibrate the models, and the second, from 1989 to 1994, used to verify the performance of the models. The production estimated for second period was compared to the observed production. The accuracy of the models was verified for short and long terms, and for two levels of aggregation. lt was concluded that both Supply and RFFSA models are appropriate to the short term forecasting, and that the Area and Productivity model may be used for the long term. It was also concluded that the Supply model is better than Area and Productivity model for estimating production at the aggregate level, and vice-versa.
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Análise comparativa do encadeamento de viagens de três áreas urbanas / Comparative analysis of the chained trips of three urban areasPablo Brilhante de Sousa 22 March 2004 (has links)
O objetivo principal deste trabalho é identificar se e como as áreas urbanas interferem nos padrões de viagens encadeadas dos viajantes urbanos. Para atingir os objetivos, as diferenças e similaridades notadas entre os principais grupos socioeconômicos das áreas urbanas em relação aos padrões de viagens encadeadas serão discutidas. O método para comparação dos comportamentos relacionados às viagens encadeadas baseia-se na compatibilização das variáveis das três áreas e posterior aplicação do minerador de dados denominado Árvore de Decisão e Classificação, disponível no pacote estatístico S-Plus 6.1. As viagens encadeadas foram representadas através da codificação inicialmente proposta por Ichikawa (2002) e ampliada por Pitombo (2003). Foram codificados os motivos, modos e período do dia em que cada viagem foi realizada. A análise foi baseada nas pesquisas origem-destino realizadas na região metropolitana de São Paulo pelo Metrô-SP, em 1997, na região metropolitana de Belém pela JICA/Governo do Estado do Pará, em 2000, e na cidade de Bauru pela EMDURB, em 1997. Concluiu-se que, em geral, o comportamento de viajantes urbanos são influenciados pelas políticas urbanas regionais, características socioeconômicas e espaciais de cada região. / The main aim of this work is to identify whether and how the urban areas interfere in the urban trips makers\'trip chaining pattern. For attaining the aims, the differences and similarities observed among the behaviour of trip makers belonging to the main socioeconomic groups living in the three urban areas will be discussed. The method to compare the behavior related to trip chaining is based on the compatibilization of the variables of three areas and subsequent application of the data miner named Decision and Classification Tree, available in the S-Plus 6.1 statistical package. The chained trips were coded by using the process initially proposed by Ichikawa (2002) and amplified later by Pitombo (2003). The trip purpose, travel mode and period of the day in which each trip occurs were coded. The analysis was based on the origin-destination home-interview surveys carried out in São Paulo Metropolitan Area by Metrô-SP, in 1997, Belém Metropolitan Area by JICA/Pará State Government, in 2000, and Bauru city by EMDURB, in 1997. The main finding is that urban trip makers\'behaviour are affected by regional urban policy, socioeconomic features and geographical characteristics of each area.
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Does IDA meet the requirements? : Evaluating the method Information Demand AnalysisWass, Sofie, Nyberg, Camilla January 2009 (has links)
<p>This study aims to evaluate the use of the method Information Demand Analysis (henceforth IDA) against an analysis tool. To gain empirical understanding of IDA, the method will be applied to a cooperation process between two business organisations. The research questions of the study are to investigate what can be required of a method, to identify the information demand for the above mentioned cooperation process, and to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the use of IDA.</p><p>Based on a literature study an evaluation framework, which describes what can be required of a method, was developed. The evaluation framework resulted in an analysis tool, which consists of the elements: method content, method user, method context, method validation, the method creator’s requirements, and the wishes and expectations of the business organisations. The use of IDA implied scoping to delimit the problem situation and a workshop to identify the information demand. In order to gain an understanding of the use of the method IDA, and to identify the information demand, the method was applied to a cooperation process between Steel AB and Wood AB. The information demand was later represented in Extended Enterprise Modelling Language (henceforth EEML). Finally, we analysed if and how the elements in the analysis tool were reflected in IDA and identified the strengths and weaknesses of the use of the method.</p><p>The strengths of IDA are that it is general and applicable on different types of business organisations. Furthermore, it has well defined concepts and the possibility of selecting appropriate concepts ensures that it is applicable on different problem situations. The business organisations, which participated in the workshop, found that IDA resulted in a holistic view and increased the understanding for each other. The weaknesses of IDA are lack of documentation of explicitly defined steps, the implications for selecting certain concepts, guidance, and explicitly described notations. Concerning the involved roles, in IDA, we request a description of them, their responsibilities, and the needed knowledge sets and skills for using the method. Since IDA still is under development we had difficulties understanding how our outcome of the method should fulfil the purpose of IDA.</p>
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Análise dos efeitos de um imposto sobre alimentos engordativos no mercado brasileiro / Analysis of the effects of a fat tax in the Brazilian marketRodrigo Mantaut Leifert 02 May 2013 (has links)
A obesidade atingiu o estado de epidemia global para a Organização Mundial da Saúde. O Brasil não estaria imune a este fenômeno, segundo o IBGE presente em todas as classes sociais e faixas etárias. O interesse do ponto vista econômico é que o mercado de alimentos apresenta falhas, pois este não consegue precificar a relação entre consumo dos alimentos engordativos e a relação desses com doenças, a inconsistência temporal e o custo social para o sistema de saúde. Isso incentiva iniciativas de política pública para combater esse problema, uma das quais é analisada no presente trabalho. Mais especificamente, busca-se investigar a aplicação de um sobre tributo alimentos engordativos combinado com subsídio a cereais, frutas, verduras, vegetais e legumes. Para esta análise, foi necessário estimar a demanda por alimentos com base na POF-IBGE, para então aplicar a política fiscal proposta e avaliar seus impactos econômicos. O resultado, após a simulação de alguns cenários, é que o imposto sobre alimentos engordativos é uma opção que precisa ser combinada com um subsídio a alimentos saudáveis; caso seja aplicado apenas o imposto nos alimentos engordativos, podem ocorrer efeitos indesejáveis, tais como o aumento do consumo de alimentos ricos em sódio. / Obesity has reached global epidemic status for the World Health Organization, Brazil will not be immune to this phenomenon, according to IBGE present in all social classes and age groups. The interest point of view is that the economic food market is flawed, because it fails the price relationship between consumption of fattening foods and their relationship with disease, time inconsistency and social cost to the health system. This encourages public policy initiatives to combat this problem, one of which is analyzed in this dissertation. More specifically, it seeks to investigate the application of a tax on fattening foods combined with subsidies to cereals, fruits and vegetables. For this analysis, it was necessary to estimate the demand for food based on POF-IBGE, then apply a tax policy proposal and evaluate its economic impacts. The result, after some simulation scenarios, is that the tax on fattening foods is an option that needs to be combined with a subsidy to healthy food; if the tax is applied only in fattening foods, side effects can occur, such as increased consumption of foods high in sodium.
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Diseño de un planeamiento de requerimiento de materiales para mejorar la gestión del área de planeamiento y control de la producción en una empresa de la industria de pinturasCampos Mogrovejo, Luis Alberto, Valencia Sovero, José Martín January 2015 (has links)
El presente estudio se realizó en la empresa Soprin SAC pertenece al rubro de pinturas, cuenta con dos líneas de producción: la línea de temple y la línea de látex. El estudio estará enfocado a la línea de látex.
Actualmente, se fabrican los productos terminados (PT) de acuerdo a las cantidades especificadas en las órdenes de compra de los clientes, las cuales son ingresadas al módulo de ventas para luego ser aprobadas por el área de Créditos y Cobranzas, siendo finalmente atendidas por el área de Planeamiento y Control de la Producción que se encargará de generar las ordenes fabricación y envasado.
Las órdenes de fabricación y envasado generadas por el área de planeamiento para cubrir los pedidos son lanzadas de forma inadecuada, ya que solo tienen la finalidad de satisfacer las OV’s, pero no optimizando los recursos y la capacidad de la planta. Constantemente hay falta de insumos oportunos para la fabricación y envasado; lo que genera: Capacidad de planta ociosa, Desabastecimiento de productos terminados y Bajo nivel de servicio de órdenes de venta.
Aplicando las metodologías del Planeamiento de Requerimiento de Materiales, Análisis del Lote Estándar y el Análisis de la demanda; logramos incrementar nuestra Capacidad de Planta. La cantidad de litros producidos por lote es mayor; dando como resultado reducir los costos de energía, mano de obra, tiempo de fabricación, tiempo de preparación, cantidad de veces que Almacén Materias Primas nos despacha la materia prima y material de envase, cantidad de veces que se entregan los productos terminados a Almacén PT, y el tiempo de matizado de los colores.
El porcentaje de nivel de servicio se incrementa en un 28.6%, tomando como punto de partida el promedio de los meses Enero-Mayo 2015 y comparándolo con el obtenido en Septiembre 2015. Esto refleja la eficiencia en la atención de las OV’s por parte del Área de Producción.
This study was conducted at the company Soprin SAC belongs to the category of paints, it has two production lines: Temple line and the Latex line. The study will focus on the Latex line.
Currently, the finished products (FP) according to the amounts specified in purchase orders from customers, which are entered into the sales module then be approved by the area of Credit and Collections, finally being addressed are manufactured by area Planning and Production Control which is responsible for generating the manufacturing and packaging orders.
The manufacturing and packaging orders generated by the planning area to cover the orders are released improperly, as they only have the purpose of meeting the OV’s, but optimizing resources and the capacity of the plant. Constantly there is a lack of timely inputs for the manufacture and packaging; generating: idle plant capacity, shortage of finished products and services Low selling orders.
Applying methodologies Material Requirement Planning, Analysis Standard Lot and Demand Analysis; we increase our plant capacity. The number of liters produced per batch is greater; resulting in lower energy costs, labor, manufacturing time, preparation time, number of times we Warehouse Raw Materials shipped raw material and packaging material, number of times to store finished products are delivered FP and time hueing of colors.
The percentage of service level increases by 28.6%, taking as a starting point the average of the months January to May 2015 and compared with that obtained in September 2015. This reflects the efficiency of care by the OV's Production area.
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Does IDA meet the requirements? : Evaluating the method Information Demand AnalysisWass, Sofie, Nyberg, Camilla January 2009 (has links)
This study aims to evaluate the use of the method Information Demand Analysis (henceforth IDA) against an analysis tool. To gain empirical understanding of IDA, the method will be applied to a cooperation process between two business organisations. The research questions of the study are to investigate what can be required of a method, to identify the information demand for the above mentioned cooperation process, and to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the use of IDA. Based on a literature study an evaluation framework, which describes what can be required of a method, was developed. The evaluation framework resulted in an analysis tool, which consists of the elements: method content, method user, method context, method validation, the method creator’s requirements, and the wishes and expectations of the business organisations. The use of IDA implied scoping to delimit the problem situation and a workshop to identify the information demand. In order to gain an understanding of the use of the method IDA, and to identify the information demand, the method was applied to a cooperation process between Steel AB and Wood AB. The information demand was later represented in Extended Enterprise Modelling Language (henceforth EEML). Finally, we analysed if and how the elements in the analysis tool were reflected in IDA and identified the strengths and weaknesses of the use of the method. The strengths of IDA are that it is general and applicable on different types of business organisations. Furthermore, it has well defined concepts and the possibility of selecting appropriate concepts ensures that it is applicable on different problem situations. The business organisations, which participated in the workshop, found that IDA resulted in a holistic view and increased the understanding for each other. The weaknesses of IDA are lack of documentation of explicitly defined steps, the implications for selecting certain concepts, guidance, and explicitly described notations. Concerning the involved roles, in IDA, we request a description of them, their responsibilities, and the needed knowledge sets and skills for using the method. Since IDA still is under development we had difficulties understanding how our outcome of the method should fulfil the purpose of IDA.
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Analyzing Total Demand for Specified Destinations : A Total Demand Analysis for an Airline CompanyKecoglu, Onur, Sua, Melih January 2012 (has links)
The airline industry is a highly competitive market. Particularly after the major liberalization in the industry, the competition carried a step forward for all the concerned companies. Airline industry is a very dynamic market also; the expenses of a single operation may change substantially in a very short time period, which could be due to the fickle regulations or the fluctuation of oil prices. At any time, for a certain destination, a new airline company can start its operations and become a competitor, which can result in a market share loss for current operators. In such an environment, airline companies strive to maximize their revenues in every single flight. Load factors of a flight, classification, and pricing of airline tickets in a flight are determinative on the revenue of a single operation. In order to maximize revenue for its operations, companies should have a broad range of information about airline market conditions and passenger profile and preferences for every destination that they operate. Turkish Airlines, which is the largest airline company of Republic of Turkey and increasing its global awareness day by day, also strives to maximize its revenues per flight. In order to do so, Turkish Airlines needs to have suitable decisions regarding the capacity issues (determination of type and number of aircrafts, and flight frequencies) which will be then used worldwide in the different branches of company. These reasons lead to the increased need for the company to adopt practical total demand analysis in its operating destinations. The company aims to specify the factors, which are effective on the change of total demand for every destination. Turkish Airlines also strives to make most accurate demand forecasting in order to manage the peaks and troughs of the company’s flights. This project was brought to agenda in order to help this company to address this issue and was initiated with the purpose of making a total demand analysis for specified destinations. Destinations are from Stockholm to Athens, Thessalonica, New Delhi, Mumbai, Istanbul, Bangkok, and Dubai. This study is a quantitative study. Chosen demand factors, which constitute the total airline traffic between destination cities, are analyzed with respect to change in total demand. Various demand-forecasting methods are also applied in order to determine the best forecasting method for each destination, which is compatible with the quantitative approach. Results of the study are directly related to the airline market conditions of aforementioned destinations. Results are presented in four subheadings for every destination; overview of airline market, competition level of airline market, factors regarding the destination and demand forecasting for the destination. This study provides important information to Turkish Airlines regarding total demand analysis of specified destinations. Company learns the common factors (price, total amount of luggage, etc.) and the destination specific factors (language of crew, Frequent Flyer Programs, etc.) that are effective on the change of demand. Company may use this information in order to increase its market share (amount of passengers carried in a certain destination by Turkish Airlines from total demand) for specified destinations. With the help of this study, the company can make an accurate demand forecasting for Turkish Airlines’ future flights, which can be used in planning activities like determining the type of aircraft and flight frequency for a destination, and pricing of flight tickets through different passenger segments.
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Essays on Environmental Economics with a Focus on Non-market ValuationCao, Xiang 09 July 2019 (has links)
This dissertation consists of two research projects in the area of Environmental Economics: water-recycling technology adoption and its cost-effectiveness in the U.S. horticulture industry (in Chapter 2), and urban tree cover's impact on residential location decision making in Milwaukee, WI (in Chapter 3).
Chapter 2 evaluates the economic effects of labeling plants grown with water-recycling technology (WRT) practices in selected nursery operations in the Mid-Atlantic region of Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania. Partial budgeting, whole enterprise-level budgeting, sensitivity and break-even analyses are conducted to determine whether consumer premiums for plants grown with recycled water are sufficient to make WRT economically feasible combined with plant eco-labeling, and how such a labeling program would affect greenhouse/nursery production costs, gross revenues and net revenues. It is concluded that consumer premiums for plants grown with recycled water could offer nursery growers a method to improve their net returns while reducing pollution runoff and improving irrigation water usage efficiency.
Chapter 3 focuses on non-market valuation of environmental (dis)amenities. Specifically, this chapter investigates the impact of urban tree cover on residential property location decision in the housing market of Milwaukee, WI. Residential sorting model embedded with "horizontal preference structure" is established to estimate the heterogeneous preferences for tree cover and other land cover attributes that vary by household socio-economic characteristics and then to identify the housing property owners' demand for these land cover attributes. The first part of this chapter mainly recovers the demand for "community trees" at the census block group level combined with 10 years property transaction data and neighborhood characteristics where the median income is aggregated to represent the household annual income. It is found that "community trees" are positively valued by the housing property owners and have a positive impact on housing price due to its positive externalities. Furthermore, income is found to be a strong exogenous demand shifter, leading to heterogeneous preference for the tree cover.
The second part of Chapter 3 further investigates the impacts of both nearby trees and distant trees on residential property location decision using different spatial scales of land covers measurements. Instead of aggregating block group level median income, this study matches and merges disaggregated individual household annual incomes from the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) dataset to mitigate the potential aggregation bias. It is found that different spatial scales of land cover measurement result in varying willingness to pay estimates, implying that housing property owners have heterogeneous demands for nearby trees and distant trees. In other words, preferences for urban tree cover not only vary by household annual income, but also differ across spatial scales of the tree cover measurement. / Doctor of Philosophy / This dissertation contains two research projects related to researches on environmental economics. Chapter 2 talks about how adoption of water-recycling technology affects nursery growers’ finance (i.e., production cost, gross revenue, profit) and operation management in Mid-Atlantic region of Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania. It is found that consumers are willing to pay more money for horticultural plants produced with recycled water and these additional moneys would be sufficient for the growers to compensate the extra costs after adopting the water-recycling technology in the production. This study helps nursery growers and policy makers assess WRT adoption to improve crop water productivity and to reduce pollution of off-site surface waters. Chapter 3 discusses the impact of urban tree cover on housing price in the area of Milwaukee, WI. It is assumed that households with different socio-economic characteristics (e.g., household annual income) would have varying preferences for tree cover and other key characteristics when they make decisions on choosing their residential property locations. The first part of this chapter mainly focuses on “community trees”, namely the trees and forest within given census block groups. The second part of this chapter further takes nearby trees into consideration besides the distant trees so as to determine how trees on/near the residential properties affect the housing prices and whether the housing property owners prefer more trees on/near their properties. It is found that urban tree cover is valued by housing property owners and households with different income levels have diverse preferences for both nearby and distant trees. The research presented in this chapter not only makes academic contributions to the literatures of residential sorting model related to landscape (dis)amenities, but also facilitates the policy making of local governments and practitioners when it comes to urban and community trees and forestry programs.
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