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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fingolimod additionally acts as immunomodulator focused on the innate immune system beyond its prominent effects on lymphocyte recirculation

Thomas, Katja, Sehr, Tony, Proschmann, Undine, Rodriguez-Leal, Francisco Alejandro, Haase, Rocco, Ziemssen, Tjalf 25 July 2017 (has links)
Background Growing evidence emphasizes the relevance of sphingolipids for metabolism and immunity of antigen-presenting cells (APC). APCs are key players in balancing tolerogenic and encephalitogenic responses in immunology. In contrast to the well-known prominent effects of sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) on lymphocyte trafficking, modulatory effects on APCs have not been fully characterized. Methods Frequencies and activation profiles of dendritic cell (DC) subtypes, monocytes, and T cell subsets in 35 multiple sclerosis (MS) patients were evaluated prior and after undergoing fingolimod treatment for up to 24 months. Impact of fingolimod and S1P on maturation and activation profile, pro-inflammatory cytokine release, and phagocytotic capacity was assessed in vitro and ex vivo. Modulation of DC-dependent programming of naïve CD4+ T cells, as well as CD4+ and CD8+ T cell proliferation, was also investigated in vitro and ex vivo. Results Fingolimod increased peripheral slanDC count—CD1+ DC, and monocyte frequencies remained stable. While CD4+ T cell count decreased, ratio of Treg/Th17 significantly increased in fingolimod-treated patients over time. CD83, CD150, and HLADR were all inhibited, but CD86 was upregulated in DCs after incubation in the presence of fingolimod. Fingolimod but not S1P was associated with reduced release of pro-inflammatory cytokines from DCs and monocytes in vitro and ex vivo. Fingolimod also inhibited phagocytic capacity of slanDCs and monocytes. After fingolimod, slanDCs demonstrated reduced potential to induce interferon–gamma-expressing Th1 or IL-17-expressing Th17 cells and DC-dependent T cell proliferation in vitro and in fingolimod-treated patients. Conclusions We present the first evidence that S1P-directed therapies can act additionally as immunomodulators that decrease the pro-inflammatory capabilities of APCs, which is a crucial element in DC-dependent T cell activation and programming.

Neurotrophin Receptor p75NTR Regulates Immune Function of Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells

Bandoła, Joanna, Richter, Cornelia, Ryser, Martin, Jamal, Arshad, Ashton, Michelle P., von Bonin, Malte, Kuhn, Matthias, Dorschner, Benjamin, Alexopoulou, Dimitra, Navratiel, Katrin, Roeder, Ingo, Dahl, Andreas, Hedrich, Christian M., Bonifacio, Ezio, Brenner, Sebastian, Thieme, Sebastian 06 December 2017 (has links)
Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) regulate innate and adaptive immunity. Neurotrophins and their receptors control the function of neuronal tissue. In addition, they have been demonstrated to be part of the immune response but little is known about the effector immune cells involved. We report, for the first time, the expression and immune-regulatory function of the low affinity neurotrophin receptor p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR) by the antigen-presenting pDCs, mediated by toll-like receptor (TLR) 9 activation and differential phosphorylation of interferon regulatory factor 3 and 7. The modulation of p75NTR on pDCs significantly influences disease progression of asthma in an ovalbumin-induced mouse model mediated by the TLR9 signaling pathway. p75NTR activation of pDCs from patients with asthma increased allergen-specific T cell proliferation and cytokine secretion in nerve growth factor concentration-dependent manner. Further, p75NTR activation of pDCs delayed the onset of autoimmune diabetes in RIP-CD80GP mice and aggravated graft-versus-host disease in a xenotransplantation model. Thus, p75NTR signaling on pDCs constitutes a new and critical mechanism connecting neurotrophin signaling and immune response regulation with great therapeutic potential for a variety of immune disorders.

High Temperature Deformation Mechanisms / High Temperature Deformation Mechanisms

Heczko, Milan January 2018 (has links)
Dvě pokročilé vysoce legované austenitické oceli s Fe-Ni-Cr matricí byly studovány za podmínek nízkocyklové únavy jak za pokojové tak vysoké teploty. Široká škála experimentálních a charakterizačních nástrojů byla použita ke studiu vzájemně souvisejících aspektů zahrnujících chemické složení slitin, mikrostrukturu, deformační mechanismy a celkovou odezvu materiálů na externě působící zatížení. Klíčové mechanismy a faktory definující mechanické vlastnosti a výkonnost v reálném provozu byly analyzovány a diskutovány v souvislosti s materiálovým designem. • Standardní únavové experimenty byly provedeny za pokojové teploty a teploty 700°C. Byly získány křivky cyklického zpevnění/změkčení, cyklické deformační křivky, Coffin-Manson a Wöhlerovy křivky. • Ke studiu změn mikrostrukturního stavu slitin v důsledku cyklického zatěžování za pokojové a zvýšené teploty byla použita široká škála technik charakterizace pomocí elektronové mikroskopie. • Únavové chování, pevnost a cyklická plastická odezva studovaných materiálů byla vysvětlena v souvislosti s mikrostrukturními změnami a mikrostrukturními aspekty deformačních mechanismů jak za pokojové tak za zvýšených teplot. • Bylo zjištěno, že Sanicro 25 vykazuje nejvyšší pevnostní charakteristiky ze všech materiálů stejné třídy. Výjimečné vlastnosti této slitiny jsou spojeny s populacemi dvou typů nanočástic, koherentními precipitáty bohatými na měď a nanočásticemi typu MX s charakteristikou disperzoidu. Tyto nanočástice mají klíčový vliv na pevnost a celkovou cyklickou odezvu. V důsledku interakcí s precipitáty způsobujících zachytávání je pohyb dislokací v Sanicro 25 významně zpomalen, což vede k potlačení normálních procesů zotavení obvykle vedoucích ke změně uspořádání dislokační struktury tak, aby byla celková vnitřní energie systému co nejnižší. Takové uspořádání je tvořeno například dislokačními buňkami. Jelikož jsou procesy zotavení potlačeny, dislokační struktura za vysokých teplot je charakteristická homogenní distribucí dislokací o vysoké hustotě s velkou mírou vzájemných interakcí. V kombinaci s dalšími mechanismy zpevnění jako jsou precipitáty a substituční prvky v tuhém roztoku, tyto deformační mechanismy vedou k významnému zvýšení cyklické pevnosti za vysokých teplot.

Vliv malých DNA virů na regulaci tvorby interferónu / Effect of small DNA viruses on regulation of interferon production

Hofman, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC) represent innate immune cells capable to detect viruses in their endosomal environment via Toll-like receptors (TLRs). Viral nuclear acid recognition leads to the massive production of type I interferon (IFN I) and induction of the antiviral state in uninfected cells. Crosslinking of the surface regulatory receptors, such as BDCA-2, with monoclonal antibodies or with some viruses leads to the activation of MEK1/2- ERK signaling pathway and inhibition of IFN I production in pDC. In this study, the role of MEK1/2 kinase has been highlighted. Its inhibition reversed the inhibitory effect of BDCA-2 crosslinking and its direct activation with PMA led to the inhibition of IFN-α production. Yet an unclear role of pDC in sensing of BK polyomavirus virus (BKV) responsible for kidney transplant rejection was investigated as a major topic of this thesis. Experiments with the pDC cell line Gen2.2 and HRPTEC primary cell line showed that pDCs were not able to detect BKV particles, however, exposure of activated Gen2.2 cells to BKV inoculum dramatically upregulated production of IFN-α. Most importantly, coculture of Gen2.2 cells with BKV- infected HRPTEC cells resulted in IFN-α and TNF-α production, which was prevented by Bafilomycin. These results suggest that BKV-infected...

Einfluss von klarzelligen Nierenkarzinomzellen auf die immunmodulatorischen Fähigkeiten von humanen 6-sulfo LacNAc+ dendritischen Zellen

Kloß, Anja 02 September 2015 (has links)
Nierenzellkarzinome (NZKs) gelten als stark immunogene Tumore. Dies ist insbesondere auf die Infiltration durch verschiedene Immunzellpopulationen, wie T-Lymphozyten und Natürliche Killer (NK)-Zellen, sowie das klinische Ansprechen auf immuntherapeutische Strategien zurückzuführen. Bisher existieren jedoch nur sehr wenige Studien zur Rolle von humanen nativen dendritischen Zellen (DCs) in NZK-Geweben und über die Tumor-vermittelte Modulation dieser DCs. DCs nehmen als professionelle Antigen-präsentierende Zellen eine zentrale Schlüsselrolle bei der Induktion und Aufrechterhaltung der angeborenen sowie adaptiven Immunantwort ein. Daher wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erstmals der Effekt von klarzelligen NZKs auf den Phänotyp sowie die immunmodulatorischen Fähigkeiten von 6-sulfo LacNAc+ (slan)DCs evaluiert. SlanDCs, welche eine große Subpopulation humaner Blut-DCs darstellen, sind neben der Sekretion großer Mengen proinflammatorischer Zytokine dazu befähigt, Tumorzellen direkt zu lysieren. Des Weiteren sind slanDCs in der Lage, die antitumoralen Effekte von NK-Zellen zu fördern und CD4+ T-Helfer-Zellen sowie Tumor-reaktive CD8+ T-Lymphozyten effizient zu stimulieren. Angesichts dieser proinflammatorischen Eigenschaften können slanDCs wesentlich an einer Tumor-gerichteten Immunantwort beteiligt sein. Auf dieser Grundlage erfolgte im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit der immunhistochemische Nachweis von slanDCs in klarzelligen NZK-Geweben. Im Vergleich zu Tumor-freiem Nierengewebe trat in den primären Tumorgeweben eine erhöhte Zahl infiltrierender slanDCs auf. Zudem wurde die Präsenz von slanDCs in Lymphknoten- sowie Fernmetastasen von NZK-Patienten beobachtet. Weiterführende Untersuchungen an frischen klarzelligen NZK-Geweben demonstrierten, dass NZK-infiltrierende slanDCs einen unreifen Phänotyp ausprägen und Interleukin-10 produzieren. Ausgehend von diesen Erkenntnissen erfolgten funktionelle Analysen, bei denen der Einfluss der kommerziell erhältlichen klarzelligen NZK-Linien ACHN und Caki-1 sowie der primären klarzelligen NZK-Linien MZ1257RC und MZ2877RC auf bedeutende immunmodulatorische Fähigkeiten von slanDCs untersucht wurde. In diesem Zusammenhang zeigte sich, dass NZK-Zellen effektiv in der Lage sind, sowohl die slanDC-vermittelte Proliferation von CD4+ und CD8+ T-Lymphozyten, als auch die slanDC-induzierte Differenzierung naïver CD4+ T-Lymphozyten in proinflammatorische T-Helfer 1-Zellen zu inhibieren. Darüber hinaus wurde demonstriert, dass NZK-Zellen das Potenzial von slanDCs zur Aktivierung von NK-Zellen hemmen. Untersuchungen der zugrunde liegenden Mechanismen zeigten, dass die funktionelle Inhibition von slanDCs durch klarzellige NZK-Zellen über membranständige Moleküle vermittelt wird. Die im Rahmen dieser Dissertation gewonnenen Erkenntnisse weisen darauf hin, dass NZKs die Ausreifung sowie wesentliche funktionelle Eigenschaften von DCs inhibieren. Dies deutet auf einen neuen Immunescape-Mechanismus klarzelliger NZKs hin, welcher auf einer Tumorzell-vermittelten Generierung von tolerogenen slanDCs basiert und eine unzureichende Aktivierung der angeborenen sowie adaptiven Tumor-gerichteten Immunantwort zur Folge hat. Diese neuen Erkenntnisse können einen Beitrag zu einem besseren Verständnis der Interaktion von NZKs mit nativen humanen DCs leisten und die Konzeption neuer therapeutischer Strategien ermöglichen, welche auf einer Verstärkung der antitumoralen Eigenschaften von DCs beruhen.

Le rôle de l’expression de nétrine-1 par les cellules présentatrices d’antigènes dans la régulation immunitaire et la sclérose en plaques

Ouimet, Jean-Philippe 12 1900 (has links)
La sclérose en plaques (SEP) est une maladie auto-immune du système nerveux central (SNC) caractérisée par de l’infiltration leucocytaire et de la démyélinisation axonale. Les cellules présentatrices d’antigènes (APC) jouent un rôle primordial dans ce processus en activant dans la périphérie les lymphocytes T réactifs contre la myéline. Les lymphocytes activés peuvent traverser la barrière hémo-encéphalique (BHE) et infiltrer le SNC. Les lymphocytes sont ensuite réactivés dans l’espace périvasculaire par les APC, suite à quoi ils contribuent à la démyélinisation et aux dommages axonaux. Nétrine-1 (N1) est une protéine de guidance axonale possédant d’importantes propriétés anti-inflammatoires. L’importance de N1 dans le maintien de la BHE et l’inhibition de l’infiltration leucocytaire dans le SNC a été bien démontrée, mais son implication dans la présentation antigénique et la régulation de l’activation lymphocytaire n’a jamais été étudiée. Le présent ouvrage propose l’hypothèse que N1 est produite par les APC afin de réguler la neuro-inflammation. Il cherche à caractériser l’expression de N1 par les APC, déterminer l’influence de N1 sur l’activation lymphocytaire et explorer le rôle de la production de N1 par les APC dans la neuro-inflammation. Les expériences menées à terme dans le cadre de ce projet démontrent que N1 est exprimée par les cellules dendritiques matures et les macrophages de type M1. De plus, N1 a pour effet de stimuler la prolifération des lymphocytes TH1, TH17 et CD8+. N1 inhibe également la production de cytokines par les lymphocytes TH17 et diminue l’expression de perforine par les lymphocytes T CD8+. N1 n’a toutefois pas d’influence sur l’expression des molécules d’adhérence par les lymphocytes T. Enfin, les cellules dendritiques, macrophages et cellules microgliales n’expriment pas N1 dans le SNC des souris dans le cadre de l’encéphalomyélite auto-immune expérimentale, un modèle animal de SEP. En somme, les résultats ici présentés suggèrent que N1 est produite par les APC afin d’influencer le fonctionnement des lymphocytes T. / Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disorder of the central nervous system (CNS) characterized by leukocytic infiltration and axonal demyelination. Antigen presenting cells (APCs) play a crucial role in this process by activating myelin-reactive lymphocytes in the periphery. Activated lymphocytes subsequently cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and infiltrate the CNS. These lymphocytes are reactivated in the perivascular space by APCs, following which they contribute to demyelination and axonal damage. Netrin-1 (N1) is an axonal guidance protein with considerable anti-inflammatory properties. The relevance of N1 in maintaining BBB function has been thoroughly established, but its involvement in antigen presentation and T cell activation has yet to be studied. This project investigates the hypothesis that N1 is produced by APCs to regulate neuroinflammation and aims to characterize N1 production by APCs, delineate the impact of N1 on T cell activation and clarify the role of APC-derived N1 in neuroinflammation. The results presented in this thesis demonstrate that N1 is produced by mature dendritic cells and M1 macrophages. Furthermore, N1 is shown to increase T cell proliferation, decrease TH17 cell cytokine production and decrease CD8+ T cell perforin expression. N1 does not alter T cell expression of adhesion molecules. Finally, N1 is not expressed by the CNS dendritic cells, macrophages or microglial cells of mice undergoing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, an animal model for MS. In summary, these results suggest that N1 is produced by APCs to modulate T cell function.

Vliv střevní mikrobioty na slizniční a systémovou imunitu při experimentální autoimunitní uveitidě / Modulation of the Mucosal and Systemic Immunity by Microbiota in Experimental Autoimmune Uveitis

Šlemín, Johan January 2021 (has links)
The use of probiotics has emerged in the last decades as a promising strategy when it comes to the treatment of inflammatory diseases. Through modulation of composition of the intestinal microbiota and the signalling it provides, probiotics can favourably tune the immune system. Beneficial effects of probiotic treatment have been documented in multiple animal inflammatory disease models. The effect of probiotic treatment on uveitis-a sight- threatening disease-has however not yet been described. In our study, we have tested two commercially available probiotics-Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 (EcN) and Escherichia coli O83:K24:H31 (EcO)-in the treatment of experimental autoimmune uveitis (EAU). The disease severity was assessed by ophthalmoscopy and histology, proportions of leukocyte populations and intracellular expression of cytokines were evaluated by flow cytometry and the gut immune environment was analysed by tissue culture and ELISA. We found that prophylactic and early oral treatment with EcN reduces the severity of EAU. However, EcO treatment does not. The effects were accompanied by immune changes including a lowered production of inflammatory cytokines in Peyer's patches, a shift in macrophage populations in ileum and mesenteric lymph nodes or a reduced IRBP-specific response of CD4+ T...

Vliv malých DNA virů na funkci plasmacytoidních dendritických buněk / Effect of small DNA viruses on function of plasmacytoid dendritic cells

Janovec, Václav January 2021 (has links)
Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC) are a highly specialized subset of immune cells that sense viral nucleic acids by endosomal toll-like receptors 7 and 9 (TLR7/9). Activation of TLR7/9 leads to the production of type I interferons (IFN-I). Moreover, pDC contribute to the antiviral response by presenting viral antigens to T lymphocytes and link innate and adaptive immunity. pDC need to be properly regulated in order to limit excessive production of IFN-I that is associated with autoimmune diseases. Therefore, pDC possess a battery of regulatory receptors (RR) that limit TLR7/9-mediated cytokine production. This thesis focuses on the mechanism of RR-mediated inhibition of IFN-I production in pDC and explores interactions between pDC and two enveloped viruses, that possess the ability to hijack RR in pDC: hepatitis B virus (HBV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). We showed, that MEK-ERK signaling pathway plays an active role in RR-mediated inhibition of IFN-I in pDC. Our results indicate that in line with other studies of our group, pharmacological targeting of MEK1/2-ERK signaling could be a strategy to re-establish immunogenic activity of pDC. Then, we investigated whether antiretroviral therapy (ART) in a cohort of 21 treatment-naive chronic HIV-infected patients has restored the number and...

Vliv malých DNA virů na regulaci tvorby interferónu / Effect of small DNA viruses on regulation of interferon production

Hofman, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC) represent innate immune cells capable to detect viruses in their endosomal environment via Toll-like receptors (TLRs). Viral nuclear acid recognition leads to the massive production of type I interferon (IFN I) and induction of the antiviral state in uninfected cells. Crosslinking of the surface regulatory receptors, such as BDCA-2, with monoclonal antibodies or with some viruses leads to the activation of MEK1/2- ERK signaling pathway and inhibition of IFN I production in pDC. In this study, the role of MEK1/2 kinase has been highlighted. Its inhibition reversed the inhibitory effect of BDCA-2 crosslinking and its direct activation with PMA led to the inhibition of IFN-α production. Yet an unclear role of pDC in sensing of BK polyomavirus virus (BKV) responsible for kidney transplant rejection was investigated as a major topic of this thesis. Experiments with the pDC cell line Gen2.2 and HRPTEC primary cell line showed that pDCs were not able to detect BKV particles, however, exposure of activated Gen2.2 cells to BKV inoculum dramatically upregulated production of IFN-α. Most importantly, coculture of Gen2.2 cells with BKV- infected HRPTEC cells resulted in IFN-α and TNF-α production, which was prevented by Bafilomycin. These results suggest that BKV-infected...

Structure-Activity Studies of Glycosphingolipids as Antigens of Natural Killer T Cells

Goff, Randal Donald 26 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Glycosphingolipids (GSLs), composed of a polar saccharide head and a lipophilic ceramide tail, are ubiquitous components of the plasma membrane of eukaryotic cells. They serve in many regulatory capacities and have antigenic properties towards natural killer T (NKT) cells of the innate immune system. Critical to the recognition of glycosylceramides by NKT cells are antigen presenting cells (APC), such as dendritic cells, which are responsible for binding, processing, and delivery of ligands to these lymphocytes. This event is mediated by CD1d, a major histocompatibility complex-like protein expressed on the surface of APCs, which binds GSL antigens by the ceramide moiety and presents the polar group to the T cell receptors of CD1d-restricted cells. The subsequent immune response involves NKT cell proliferation and emission of numerous cytokines, such as interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and interleukin-4 (IL-4), resulting in the stimulation of the innate and adaptive immune systems through maturation of APCs, activation of T cells, and secretion of antibodies by B cells. To understand the structure-activity relationship between GSLs and NKT cell activity and the requirements for intracellular processing of antigens, analogs of the model compound alphaGalCer (KRN-7000) have been synthesized. These include fluorophore-appended 6”-amino-α-galactosylceramides and N-alkenoyl GSLs, such as PBS-57, a potent alphaGalCer surrogate useful in NKT cell stimulation studies. A nonantigenic beta-C-galactosylceramide has also been prepared as an inhibitor of these innate lymphocytes. To probe the potential for using NKT cells to bias the immune system between the proinflammatory TH1 response or the immunomodulatory TH2 mode, versions of alphaGalCer with shortened ceramides have been created. One of these truncated analogs, PBS-25, has successfully been cocrystallized with CD1d and the binary complex structure solved by X-ray crystallography. Synthetic glycosphingolipids derived from Novosphingobium capsulatum and Sphingomonas paucimobilis have also been made. In assays with classical Valpha14i/Valpha24i NKT cell lines, these Gram-negative bacterial antigens were recognized directly and specifically by host immune systems through CD1d-restriction, unlike GSL-deficient microbes (e.g., Salmonella typhimurium). A search for other GSL-bearing alpha-proteobacteria led to the discovery of another natural glycosphingolipid, an N-alkenoylphytosphingoid-alpha-galactoside, isolated from the outer membrane of Ehrlichia muris.

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