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Effet de Streptococcus Suis sur la capacité de présentation antigénique de cellules dendritiquesLetendre, Corinne 04 1900 (has links)
Streptococcus suis est un important pathogène porcin et humain, causant méningites et septicémies. Des études suggèrent que S. suis dispose de facteurs de virulence, notamment sa capsule polysaccharidique (CPS), qui lui permettent de moduler les fonctions des cellules dendritiques (DCs), situées à l’interface entre l’immunité innée et adaptative. Les difficultés à développer un vaccin efficace suggèrent aussi une altération de la voie T dépendante. L’objectif général du projet était d’évaluer l’effet de S. suis sur l’activation des cellules T CD4+ ainsi que sur la capacité de présentation antigénique des DCs. Nous avons étudié dans un modèle murin in vivo la réponse T CD4+ mémoire lors d’infections primaire et secondaire. Une faible réponse mémoire centrale a été obtenue, suggérant que la réponse adaptative générée contre S. suis est limitée. Étant donné l’importance du complexe majeur d’histocompatibilité (MHC) de classe II dans la présentation antigénique, nous avons évalué in vitro et in vivo l’expression de ces molécules chez les DCs. Une modulation de l’expression du MHC-II par S. suis a été observée. L’analyse de la transcription de gènes impliqués dans la régulation transcriptionnelle et post-transcriptionnelle du MHC-II nous permet de suggérer que S. suis régule à la baisse la synthèse de nouvelles molécules et favorise leur dégradation lysosomale. Cette stratégie, dans laquelle la CPS ne jouerait qu’un rôle partiel, permettrait à S. suis d’échapper à la réponse adaptative T dépendante. Les résultats de cette étude fourniront de nouvelles perspectives dans la compréhension de la réponse adaptative lors de l’infection par S. suis. / Streptococcus suis is an important swine and human pathogen causing meningitis and septicemia. Recent studies suggest that S. suis possesses several virulence factors, including the capsular polysaccharide, which enable this pathogen to modulate dendritic cell (DCs) functions. DCs are key immune cells that bridge innate and adaptive immunity. Moreover, the difficulties in developing an effective vaccine suggest that S. suis interferes with the T-cell dependent response. The main objective of the project was to evaluate the effect of S. suis on CD4+ T-cell activation, as well as on the antigen presentation ability of DCs. We investigated the CD4+ T-cell memory response in an in vivo mouse model. A poor central memory response was obtained following primary and secondary infections with S. suis, thus suggesting that the adaptive immune response against this pathogen is limited. The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II is central to the antigen presentation pathway. We thus investigated in vitro and in vivo the expression of these molecules on DCs. We observed a modulation in the expression of MHC-II by S. suis. Transcriptional analysis of genes involved in transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of MHC-II suggests that S. suis downregulates synthesis of MHC-II molecules and promotes their lysosomal degradation. This strategy, in which the CPS would play only a partial role, might allow S. suis to evade the T-cell dependent adaptive response. Overall, these results provide new insights into the comprehension of the adaptive immune response during the infection by S. suis.
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Nanoscopy inside living brain slicesUrban, Nicolai Thomas 01 November 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Mécanismes d'adaptation et de progression des maladies rénales chroniques : identification de nouvelles voies moléculaires / Mechanisms of adaptation and progession of chronic kidney diseases : identification of new molecular pathwaysZaidan, Mohamad 29 November 2016 (has links)
Toute maladie rénale chronique (MRC), et ce quelle qu’en soit la cause, aboutit à une réduction néphronique, c’est-à-dire à une diminution du nombre d’unités fonctionnelles qui assurent la fonction rénale. Celle-ci se caractérise initialement par une croissance compensatrice des néphrons sains restants. Néanmoins, elle aboutit, dans certaines circonstances, à une détérioration secondaire de ces néphrons, responsable du déclin progressif de la fonction rénale. L’étude du modèle murin de réduction néphronique par néphrectomie subtotale (Nx) a permis de souligner le rôle des facteurs génétiques dans la susceptibilité de développer une MRC. En particulier, les souris FVB/N (FVB) développent une MRC précoce et sévère après Nx, à la différence des souris C57Bl/6 (B6) qui préservent l’intégrité de leur parenchyme rénal. Mon travail de thèse avait pour objectif d’identifier de nouvelles voies moléculaires impliquées dans les processus d’adaptation et de progression des MRC en réponse à la réduction néphronique. Le projet s’est articulé autour de deux axes menés en parallèle: - une approche « globale » fondée sur l’analyse temporelle et différentielle du transcriptome rénal des souches « sensibles » (FVB) et « résistantes » (B6) après Nx ; - une approche « candidate » centrée sur l’étude du rôle de YAP/TAZ au cours de la réduction néphronique. Dans un premier travail, l’analyse du profil d’expression transcriptomique rénal des souris « résistantes » et « sensibles » a permis d’ identifier une signature Interféron (IFN) de type I uniquement chez les souris FVB pendant la phase de compensation rénale. Cette signature était corrélée à une expression plus importante : (i) de marqueurs des cellules dendritiques plasmacytoïdes, connues pour leur capacité à produire rapidement et en grande quantité de l’IFN de type I ; et (ii) de marqueurs de nécroptose, qui représente une mort cellulaire immunogène associée à la libération par les cellules endommagées de signaux « dangers » pouvant induire l’activation des cellules immunitaires. Nous avons également établi un parallélisme entre cette signature IFN et des perturbations de la prolifération des cellules tubulaires. En effet, il existe 2 jours après la Nx, une activation de p21 dans les cellules tubulaires et un probable blocage des cellules en prolifération à la transition G1/S. Nos résultats suggèrent que ce blocage retentit sur le taux de prolifération des cellules tubulaires et sous-tend une tendance à l’hypertrophie rénale chez les souris FVB au cours de la phase de compensation rénale. Ce premier travail a permis de souligner le lien potentiel entre des processus cellulaires et moléculaires survenant précocement après Nx, au cours de la phase de compensation rénale, et l’évolution ultérieure vers la MRC chez les souris FVB. Dans un second travail découlant de l’étude temporelle et différentielle de l’expression de YAP dans le modèle de Nx chez les souris FVB et B6, nous avons montré que l’expression nucléaire de YAP dans les podocytes était maintenue voire augmentée chez les souris « résistantes » et diminuait fortement chez les souris « sensibles » avec une corrélation entre cette expression et la sévérité des lésions glomérulaires. L’invalidation spécifique dans les podocytes de YAP, ou de son paralogue TAZ, chez des souris initialement « résistantes » a permis de mieux préciser leur rôle respectif dans l’adaptation des podocytes à la réduction néphronique. L’inactivation de YAP s’associe à : (i) l’apparition de lésions de hyalinose segmentaire et focale et de glomérulosclérose; (ii) une augmentation de l’apoptose glomérulaire ; (iii) une altération de l’architecture du cytosquelette des podocytes ; et (iv) une raréfaction podocytaire responsable d’une albuminurie et d’une détérioration de la fonction rénale. L’invalidation de TAZ n’induit pas de phénotype glomérulaire. A la différence de TAZ, YAP joue donc un rôle crucial dans l’adaptation podocytaire à la réduction néphronique. / Chronic kidney disease (CKD), irrespectively of the underlying cause, usually leads to nephron reduction, which is defined by a decrease in the number of the renal functional units. This is first characterized by a compensatory growth of the remaining nephrons, which in some circumstances, may result in the progressive deterioration of the initially healthy nephrons. The study of subtotal nephrectomy (Nx), a murine model of nephron reduction, has outlined the role of genetic factors in the susceptibility of developing CKD after nephron reduction. In particular, FVB/N mice (FVB) develop early and severe CKD after Nx, contrary to C57Bl/6 (B6) mice that are characterized by a preserved renal parenchyma. My work aimed at identifying new molecular pathways involved in the adaptation and progression processes in response to nephron reduction. The project was articulated around two main axes: - a "global" approach with the temporal and differential analysis of the renal transcriptome of "sensitive" (FVB) and "resistant" strains (B6) after Nx ; - a "candidate" approach centered on the study of the role of YAP/TAZ during nephron reduction. In the first work, the analysis of the renal transcriptomic expression profile of "resistant" and "sensitive" mice allowed to identify a type I interferon (IFN) signature only in the FVB mice during the renal compensation phase. This signature was correlated with a more important expression of markers of : (i) plasmacytoid dendritic cells, known for their ability to rapidly produce large amount of type I IFN; and (ii) necroptosis, an immunogenic cell death associated with the release of "danger" signals by the damaged cells that may induce activation of the immune cells. We have also established a parallelism between this IFN signature and alterations of tubular cells proliferation. Indeed, 2 days after Nx, we observed an activation of p21 in the tubular cells associated with a likely G1/S blockade of proliferating cells. Our results suggest that this cell cycle arrest affects the proliferation rate of tubular cells and underlies a trend for renal hypertrophy in FVB mice during the renal compensation phase. This first work pointed to a potential link between cellular and molecular processes occurring early after Nx, during the compensation phase, and the subsequent progression towards CKD in FVB mice. In a second work investigating the temporal and differential expression of YAP in the Nx model in FVB and B6 mice, we showed that the nuclear expression of YAP in podocytes was maintained and even increased in the “resistant” mice, and decreased significantly in "sensitive" mice with a correlation between this expression and the severity of glomerular lesions. The specific knockdown of YAP, or of its paralogous TAZ, in the podocytes of initially "resistant" mice allowed to better determine their respective role in the adaptation of these cells to nephron reduction. YAP podocyte-specific inactivation is associated with: (i) the development of focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis lesions; (ii) an increase of glomerular apoptosis; (iii) an alteration of the architecture of podocytes cytoskeleton; and (iv) podocyte rarefaction responsible for albuminuria and deterioration of renal function. Surprisingly, TAZ podocyte-specific inactivation was not associated with glomerular lesions. Contrary to TAZ, YAP plays a crucial role in podocyte adaptation to nephron reduction.
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Pro- and antiapoptotic events in Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) infection of immature dendritic cellsKather, Angela 13 February 2012 (has links)
Herpes simplex virus Typ 1 (HSV-1) ist ein humanpathogenes Virus der Familie Herpesviridae. Für eine erfolgreiche Virusreplikation besitzt HSV-1 mehrere Gene, die in den meisten infizierten Zelltypen Apoptose verhindern. Im Gegensatz dazu führt die HSV-1 Infektion eines zentralen Zelltyps des Immunsystems, den unreifen dendritischen Zellen (iDCs), zu Apoptose. Dies könnte ein Aspekt der HSV-1 Immunevasion sein. Bisher waren die Ursachen der Apoptose von HSV-1 infizierten iDCs unzureichend aufgeklärt. Es wurde jedoch gezeigt, dass das antiapoptotische zelluläre Protein c-FLIP in HSV-1 infizierten iDCs reduziert ist. In dieser Arbeit wurde die c-FLIP Menge in iDCs erstmalig mit Hilfe von RNA Interferenz erfolgreich reduziert. Dies bestätigte die Bedeutung von c-FLIP für die Lebensfähigkeit von iDCs. Folglich könnte auch die Reduktion der c-FLIP Menge nach HSV-1 Infektion iDCs für Apoptose empfindlich machen. Die HSV-1 induzierte c-FLIP Reduktion erfolgte in späten Stadien der Infektion, abhängig von der ordnungsgemäßen Expression viraler „early“ und „leaky late“ Gene. Sie fand nicht auf RNA Ebene statt und war unabhängig vom Proteasom und der Bindung an den „death inducing signaling complex“. Stattdessen wurde c-FLIP wahrscheinlich von einer viralen oder zellulären Protease abgebaut. In dieser Arbeit wurde erstmals gezeigt, dass zusätzlich zu Veränderungen im zellulären Apoptosesignalnetzwerk der Mangel an einem antiapoptotischen viralen Faktor zur Apoptose von HSV-1 infizierten iDCs beiträgt. Eine Microarray Analyse der HSV-1 Genexpression ergab, dass HSV-1 Latenz-assoziierte Transkripte (LATs) in apoptotischen iDCs signifikant geringer exprimiert waren als in nicht-apoptotischen epithelialen Zellen. LATs besitzen in Neuronen und epithelialen Zellen eine antiapoptotische Aktivität. Diese könnte den Mangel an c-FLIP kompensieren. Übereinstimmend mit dieser Hypothese induzierte eine HSV-1 LAT-Deletionsmutante mehr Apoptose in iDCs im Vergleich zum Wildtyp-Virus. / Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is a human pathogen which belongs to the family Herpesviridae. HSV-1 encodes several genes, which serve to efficiently prevent apoptosis in most infected cell types, thereby ensuring successful virus replication. In contrast, HSV-1 infection of one central cell type of the immune system, immature dendritic cells (iDCs), results in apoptosis. This could be one aspect of HSV-1 immunevasion. So far, the mechanisms underlying apoptosis of HSV-1 infected iDCs were poorly defined. However, it has been shown that the antiapoptotic cellular protein c-FLIP is reduced in HSV-1 infected iDCs. In this work, the amount of c-FLIP was for the first time successfully reduced in iDCs by RNA interference. This confirmed the importance of c-FLIP for viability of iDCs. Therefore, it is likely that c-FLIP reduction after HSV-1 infection also sensitizes iDCs to apoptosis. HSV-1 induced c-FLIP reduction occurred at late stages of infection and was dependent on proper expression of early and leaky late virus genes. Furthermore, it was not operative at the RNA level and was independent from the proteasome and binding to the death inducing signaling complex. Rather, c-FLIP was presumably degraded by a viral or cellular protease. In this work it was shown for the first time, that in addition to changes in the cellular apoptosis signaling network, the lack of one antiapoptotic viral factor contributes to apoptosis of HSV-1 infected iDCs. HSV-1 latency-associated transcripts (LATs) were significantly lower expressed in apoptotic iDCs compared to non-apoptotic epithelial cells, determined by microarray analysis of HSV-1 gene expression. It is known that in neurons and epithelial cells, LATs possess a potent antiapoptotic activity. This could compensate the lack of c-FLIP. Consistent with this hypothesis, a LAT deletion mutant of HSV-1 induced more apoptosis in iDCs compared to the respective wild type virus.
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Inhibition of the crosstalk between dendritic, natural killer and T cells by mesenchymal stromal/stem cellsConsentius, Christine 24 November 2016 (has links)
Mesenchymale Stromazellen (MSC) unterstützen die endogene Geweberegeneration und sind kaum immunogen. Die Mechanismen der Immunmodulation sind kaum bekannt. Diese Arbeit untersucht, ob MSC in die Interaktion von Dendritischen Zellen (DC), Natürlichen Killer (NK) und T Zellen eingreifen, indem sie die DC-Reifung beeinflussen. Das Netzwerk ist wichtig für die Differenzierung naïver T Zellen zu Typ 1 T Helferzellen (Th1). Abhängig vom DC-Subtyp und dem Zeitpunkt des Aufeinandertreffens, beeinflussten Knochenmark-MSC (BM-MSC) die in vitro DC-Reifung verschieden. Sie inhibierten die Differenzierung, aber nicht die Reifung humaner von Monozyten-abgeleiteter DC (moDC). BM MSC hatten keinen klaren Einfluss auf die Reifung plasmazytoider DC (pDC), während sie in aktivierten CD1c+ myeloiden DC (mDC) einen tolerogenen Phänotyp induzierten, charakterisiert durch eine geringere CCR7-abhängige Migration und ein tolerogenes Zytokinprofil. Daraus resultierend, wiesen BM-MSC-geprägte mDC aufgrund der veränderten IL 12/IL 10 Sekretion eine geringere Fähigkeit zur Stimulation der IFNγ Produktion in NK Zellen auf und induzierten weniger Th1 Differenzierung naïver T Zellen. Placenta-derived mesenchymal-like adherent stromal cells (PLX PAD) erzielten ähnliche Ergebnisse. Es konnte keine Alloimmunogenität in Patienten mit kritischer Ischämie der Extremitäten (CLI), die im Rahmen einer Phase I klinischen Studie allogene PLX PAD erhalten hatten, nachgewiesen werden. Keiner der Patienten entwickelte eine signifikante Gedächtnis T Zellantwort spezifisch für das Zellprodukt, was durch unsere in vitro Beobachtungen erklärbar sein könnte. Es ist schwierig MSC im Gewebe nachzuweisen, da Markerkombinationen notwendig sind. CD73+CD90+CD105+CD45-CD34-CD14-CD19- MSC konnten mithilfe einer neuen Multiplex-Immunhistologie-Technik (Chipzytometrie) in humanen Plazentaschnitten detektiert werden. Für die Zukunft könnte damit die Interaktion injizierter MSC mit Immunzellen in Biopsien untersucht werden. / Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) support endogenous tissue regeneration and seem to be low immunogenic, allowing application across MHC barriers. But little is known about the mechanisms for their immunomodulation. Hence, the main goal of this study was to understand if MSC interfere with the crosstalk between dendritic cells (DC), natural killer (NK) and T cells by influencing DC maturation. This network is important for efficient priming of naïve T cells into type 1 helper T cells (Th1). Bone marrow-derived MSC (BM-MSC) had diverse effects on DC maturation in vitro, depending on the DC subset and the time of interaction. BM MSC inhibited differentiation but not maturation of monocyte-derived DC (moDC). They did not have a clear effect on maturation of plasmacytoid DC (pDC), whereas they induced a tolerogenic phenotype in activated CD1c+ myeloid DC (mDC), characterized by an impaired CCR7-dependent migration and a tolerogenic cytokine profile. Consequently, BM-MSC-licensed mDC displayed a reduced ability to induce IFNγ production in NK cells due to their altered IL 12/IL 10 secretion. BM MSC-licensed mDC also induced less efficiently Th1 lineage commitment of naïve T cells. Similar results were observed with placenta-derived mesenchymal-like adherent stromal cells (PLX PAD). Samples from critical limb ischemia (CLI) patients treated with MHC-unmatched PLX-PAD within a phase I clinical trial were analysed for alloimmunogenicity. None of the patients developed a significant memory T cell response specific to the allogeneic cells, which might be explainable by our in vitro observations. MSC are difficult to detect in tissues because a set of lineage markers is needed. Here, CD73+CD90+CD105+CD45-CD34-CD14-CD19- MSC could be identified in human placenta cryosections using a novel multiplex-immunohistology technique (chipcytometry), offering the possibility to investigate the crosstalk between injected MSC and attracted immune cells in patient biopsies in the future.
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Etude des mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires impliqués dans la fonction suppressive des lymphocytes T régulateurs / Study of molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in regulatory T cell suppressive activityDenoeud, Julie N.O. 18 June 2010 (has links)
La réponse immune représente une réponse complexe à laquelle correspond une succession d’événements orchestrés finement. Parmi les mécanismes qui régulent la réponse immune, les lymphocytes T régulateurs (Tregs) assurent le maintien de la tolérance en périphérie et le contrôle des réponses immunes adaptatives. Ils représentent une population hétérogène et leurs mécanismes de suppression sont toujours l’objet d’intenses recherches. Suivant le contexte de suppression et leur nature, les lymphocytes Tregs réalisent une inhibition de l’activation des lymphocytes Th, soit directement, soit via la modulation de la fonction des cellules dendritiques (DC). <p>Dans un modèle d’immunisation par des cellules dendritiques chargées de KLH, les lymphocytes Tregs naturels contrôlent sélectivement l’initiation des réponses de type Th1/CTL spécifiques de l’antigène. Le but de ce travail était de définir quels sont les acteurs potentiels du contrôle de cette réponse. A l’aide de l’anticorps PC61 dirigé contre le récepteur CD25 et éliminant les lymphocytes Tregs naturels, nous avons montré que le ligand de costimulation CD70 joue un rôle clé dans leur régulation de la réponse Th1/CTL (Article 1). Ainsi, dans des conditions normales, la cytokine IL-12 induit principalement l’initiation de la réponse Th1 in vivo, tandis qu’en l’absence de lymphocytes Tregs naturels, la voie CD70/CD27 est une voie alternative d’induction de l’IFN-γ. Cette voie d’activation pourrait être opérationnelle dans certains contextes infectieux lorsque les lymphocytes Tregs sont déstabilisés voire éliminés, par exemple lors d’infections par Toxoplasma gondii ou par les virus HTLV1, SIV ou HIV. Nous avons montré que les lymphocytes Tregs naturels diminuent l’expression du ligand CD70 sur les DC, de manière dépendante de son récepteur CD27. <p>Ensuite, nous nous sommes intéressés à une deuxième population de lymphocytes T régulateurs, les lymphocytes Tregs ICOShigh induits in vivo par le traitement avec l’anticorps anti-CTLA-4. Dans le cadre d’une colite induite par l’agent alkylant TNBS et mettant en jeu une réponse Th1, cette population de lymphocytes Tregs amplifiée par le traitement à l’anticorps anti-CTLA-4 régule la réponse immune via la cytokine anti-inflammatoire IL-10 et l’enzyme immunosuppressive IDO (Article 2). Ainsi, les résultats obtenus nous ont permis de répondre à notre objectif et de définir certains mécanismes de suppression des lymphocytes Tregs naturels et des lymphocytes Tregs induits. <p>Dans la dernière partie de ce travail, nous avons cherché à comparer les populations de lymphocytes Tregs naturels et ICOShigh présentes dans l’intestin d’une souris naïve. Une analyse transcriptomique a révélé que ces deux populations s’opposent sur les plans phénotypique et fonctionnel. Nous proposons un modèle dans lequel les deux populations de lymphocytes Tregs agiraient en synergie pour maintenir l’homéostasie intestinale. Les lymphocytes Tregs ICOShigh différenciés au niveau local et continuellement activés contrôleraient la réponse inflammatoire associée à la présence de la flore commensale. Les lymphocytes Tregs naturels, en quiescence dans les ganglions mésentériques, n’interviendraient qu’en cas d’infection par des pathogènes.<p>L’étude des lymphocytes T régulateurs soulève un certain nombre de concepts clés de l’immunité :la spécificité des réponses, la distinction des microorganismes commensaux et pathogènes… Mieux connaître les lymphocytes Tregs dans un modèle murin permettra de mieux comprendre les réponses inflammatoires intestinales chroniques observées chez l'homme et d’envisager, à terme, de nouveaux traitements.<p>/<p>An immune response is complex and implies numerous sequential events. It is regulated by different mechanisms, among which regulatory T cells maintain peripheral tolerance and control adaptive immune responses. Regulatory T cells are very heterogeneous and suppress immune responses through different mechanisms, still under investigation. They can inhibit T cell activation directly or through the modulation of dendritic cell function, depending on their nature and the tissular context.<p>In a dendritic cell-mediated immunization model, naturally occurring regulatory T cells selectively control the priming of antigen-specific Th1/CTL responses. Our goal was to define the potential actors of this control, targeted by natural regulatory T cells. Using the PC61 antibody which targets and depletes these cells, we showed that the costimulation ligand CD70 plays a key role in their control of Th1/CTL responses (first article). We showed that mainly IL-12 provokes Th1 development in normal conditions, wheras CD70 plays a major role in priming Th1 responses in the absence of natural Tregs. This pathway can be operational if regulatory T cells are destabilized or even depleted, for example during infection with Toxoplasma gondii or with HTLV1, SIV or HIV. We showed that natural Tregs downregulate CD70 expression on the surface of DCs.<p>Next, we focused on another regulatory T cell population, induced in vivo by the anti-CTLA-4 mAb treatment. In a model of pro-Th1 colitis, induced by the alkylating agent TNBS, these ICOShigh regulatory T cells exert an IL-10 and IDO-dependant control over the immune response (second article). Thus, we succeeded in determining some control mechanisms of the immune response targeted by two populations of regulatory T cells.<p>Finally, we compared two regulatory T cell populations: naturally occurring regulatory T cells and ICOShigh regulatory T cells from the intestines of naïve mice. A transcriptional analysis revealed two populations phenotypically and functionally distinct. We proposed a model in which these populations act synergistically and both maintain intestinal homeostasis. ICOShigh regulatory T cells might control commensal gut flora-specific inflammatory responses and quiescent natural regulatory T cells from mesenteric lymph nodes might control potential pathogen infections.<p>As a conclusion, this study raises some immunological issues: specificity of immune responses, distinction between commensal and pathogenic microorganisms… A better knowledge of these regulatory populations will lead to a better understanding of human intestinal responses and in the medium term will lead to new therapeutic approaches and tools.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Avaliação da resposta inflamatória e da resposta imune inata na célula apresentadora de antígeno em recém-nascidos de termo sepse tardia / Inflammatory and innate immune response in antigen-presenting cell from term newborn with late onset sepsisRedondo, Ana Carolina Costa 25 November 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Apesar do contínuo progresso no tratamento e suporte clínico a sepse continua sendo uma das principais causas de morbidade e mortalidade nas unidades de terapia intensiva, com desfechos semelhantes ao longo dos últimos 50 anos. A suscetibilidade à infecção grave no recém-nascido é parcialmente devida à imaturidade do sistema imune inato associado à mínima em exposição antigênica in utero e à ação ineficaz das células T efetoras e das célula B. Embora a ativação do sistema imune inato por padrões de reconhecimento (PRR) como os dos receptores Toll-like (TLR) tenham sua importância amplamente reconhecida nos últimos anos, seu comportamento frente a uma infecção in vivo ainda não foi completamente compreendido. Neste trabalho nós analisamos a expressão dos TLR-2 e TLR-4 em células apresentadoras de antígeno em recém-nascidos com e sem sepse. CAUSUÍSTICA E MÉTODO: Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo realizado no período entre fevereiro de 2011 e janeiro de 2013 onde foram incluídos quarenta e cinco recém-nascidos a termo, sem malformação congênita, admitidos na Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatal do Instituto da Criança-HCFMUSP e divididos em grupos 1 e 2. O grupo 1 consistiu em 27 recém-nascidos com diagnóstico clínico e laboratorial de sepse tardia enquanto que o grupo 2 foi composto por 18 recém-nascidos sem quadro séptico vigente. As citocinas foram determinadas por teste de CBA em sangue periférico. A expressão e MFI dos TLR-2 e TLR-4 foi determinado por imunofenotipagem em APCs e linfócitos no sangue periférico total através de análise pelo citômetro de fluxo BD FACSDiva. RESULTADOS: Os dados clínicos foram semelhantes entre os grupos 1 e 2, exceto para o estado infeccioso. Microrganismos foram identificados em 37 % no grupo 1 e estes tiveram níveis mais elevados de citocinas pró-inflamatórias (IL-8, IL-6, IL-1beta) e de citocina anti-inflamatória (IL-10). Nas células dendríticas, a expressão de TLR-2 e 4 foi semelhante entre os grupos enquanto que houve menor expressão nos pacientes infectados da molécula co-estimuladora CD86 (p < 0,05) e expressão semelhante de CD1a e CD80 em relação aos RN não infectados. No monócito, o MFI para TLR-2 e a freqüência de expressão do TLR-4 foi maior no grupo 1 (p = 0,01). Apesar da frequência de linfócitos totais ter sido mais baixa no grupo 1 (p = 0,002), não foi observada diferença quanto as suas subpopulações exceto em relação a maior frequência de LT efetor no grupo infectado com menor expressão da molécula CD28. Houve maior frequência de LB ativados no grupo 1 enquanto que a população total e as demais subpopulações foram semelhantes em número, moléculas de ativação e na expressão dos TLR-2 e 4 em ambos os grupos. CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo analisou a resposta imune inata no recém-nascido com e sem sepse. As IL-6, IL-8 e IL-10 foram bons indicadores desta doença. Recém-nascidos sépticos, que dependem quase exclusivamente do sistema imune inato, apresentaram pouca resposta in vivo na ativação de células dendríticas e monócitos propiciando uma resposta imune deficiente e maior susceptibilidade à infecção / INTRODUCTION: Despite continuous progress in the clinical treatment and other supportive care therapies, sepsis remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the intensive care unit with similar outcome throughout the past 50 years. The susceptibility to severe infection is partially due to newborn immature innate immune system associated to minimal in utero antigen exposure and effector T and B cell impaired function. Although the importance of pattern recognition domains such as Toll-like receptors (TLR) in the innate immune system activation has been fully acknowledged within the last few years its behavior in front of an in vivo infection scenario is still not completely understood. Here we analyzed the TLR-2 and TLR-4 expression in antigen-presenting cell in healthy and septic newborns. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This prospective study was conducted during the period from February 2011 until January 2013 at Sao Paulo University, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Forty-five term newborns without congenital malformation were included from the Newborn Intensive Care Unit at Children\'s Hospital. As group 1, 27 newborns who had clinical and laboratory diagnostic of late onset sepsis were included while 18 newborns were evaluated in a non-septic status and were included at group 2. Cytokines were measured by cytometric bead array in peripheral blood. TLR-2 and TLR-4 expression and MFI were determined by immunophenotyping at peripheral whole blood in APC cells and lymphocytes and analyzed on a BD FACSDiva flow cytometer. RESULTS: Clinical data was similar between septic and non-septic groups except for the infectious status. Group 1 had microorganisms identified in 37 % septic newborns associated with higher levels of pro-inflammatory (IL-8, IL-6, IL-1beta) and anti-inflammatory interleukins (IL-10). When it comes to dendritic cells, the expression of TLR-2 and 4 was similar between groups whereas there was lower expression of co-molecule CD86 (p < 0,05) and similar expression of CD1a and CD80 between infected and non-infected patients. At monocytes, the MFI for TLR-2 and the frequency of TLR-4 expression was higher in infected newborn (p=0,01). There were lower levels of total lymphocytes in infected patients (p=0,002) but no difference was observed in T cells subtypes frequency except for higher levels of effector T cell in infected group with lower expression of CD28 molecule. Group 1 had higher levels of activated B cell whereas total population and the other subsets were similar in number, activation molecules and TLR-2 and 4 expressions in both groups. CONCLUSION: This study investigated the innate immune response in septic and non-septic newborn. Interleukin levels 6, 8 and 10 were good indicators of sepsis. Septic newborns, which count most exclusively with innate immune system, had little in vivo response at dendritic cell and monocyte activation leading to an impaired immune response and increased susceptibility to infection
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Avaliação da resposta inflamatória e da resposta imune inata na célula apresentadora de antígeno em recém-nascidos de termo sepse tardia / Inflammatory and innate immune response in antigen-presenting cell from term newborn with late onset sepsisAna Carolina Costa Redondo 25 November 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Apesar do contínuo progresso no tratamento e suporte clínico a sepse continua sendo uma das principais causas de morbidade e mortalidade nas unidades de terapia intensiva, com desfechos semelhantes ao longo dos últimos 50 anos. A suscetibilidade à infecção grave no recém-nascido é parcialmente devida à imaturidade do sistema imune inato associado à mínima em exposição antigênica in utero e à ação ineficaz das células T efetoras e das célula B. Embora a ativação do sistema imune inato por padrões de reconhecimento (PRR) como os dos receptores Toll-like (TLR) tenham sua importância amplamente reconhecida nos últimos anos, seu comportamento frente a uma infecção in vivo ainda não foi completamente compreendido. Neste trabalho nós analisamos a expressão dos TLR-2 e TLR-4 em células apresentadoras de antígeno em recém-nascidos com e sem sepse. CAUSUÍSTICA E MÉTODO: Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo realizado no período entre fevereiro de 2011 e janeiro de 2013 onde foram incluídos quarenta e cinco recém-nascidos a termo, sem malformação congênita, admitidos na Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatal do Instituto da Criança-HCFMUSP e divididos em grupos 1 e 2. O grupo 1 consistiu em 27 recém-nascidos com diagnóstico clínico e laboratorial de sepse tardia enquanto que o grupo 2 foi composto por 18 recém-nascidos sem quadro séptico vigente. As citocinas foram determinadas por teste de CBA em sangue periférico. A expressão e MFI dos TLR-2 e TLR-4 foi determinado por imunofenotipagem em APCs e linfócitos no sangue periférico total através de análise pelo citômetro de fluxo BD FACSDiva. RESULTADOS: Os dados clínicos foram semelhantes entre os grupos 1 e 2, exceto para o estado infeccioso. Microrganismos foram identificados em 37 % no grupo 1 e estes tiveram níveis mais elevados de citocinas pró-inflamatórias (IL-8, IL-6, IL-1beta) e de citocina anti-inflamatória (IL-10). Nas células dendríticas, a expressão de TLR-2 e 4 foi semelhante entre os grupos enquanto que houve menor expressão nos pacientes infectados da molécula co-estimuladora CD86 (p < 0,05) e expressão semelhante de CD1a e CD80 em relação aos RN não infectados. No monócito, o MFI para TLR-2 e a freqüência de expressão do TLR-4 foi maior no grupo 1 (p = 0,01). Apesar da frequência de linfócitos totais ter sido mais baixa no grupo 1 (p = 0,002), não foi observada diferença quanto as suas subpopulações exceto em relação a maior frequência de LT efetor no grupo infectado com menor expressão da molécula CD28. Houve maior frequência de LB ativados no grupo 1 enquanto que a população total e as demais subpopulações foram semelhantes em número, moléculas de ativação e na expressão dos TLR-2 e 4 em ambos os grupos. CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo analisou a resposta imune inata no recém-nascido com e sem sepse. As IL-6, IL-8 e IL-10 foram bons indicadores desta doença. Recém-nascidos sépticos, que dependem quase exclusivamente do sistema imune inato, apresentaram pouca resposta in vivo na ativação de células dendríticas e monócitos propiciando uma resposta imune deficiente e maior susceptibilidade à infecção / INTRODUCTION: Despite continuous progress in the clinical treatment and other supportive care therapies, sepsis remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the intensive care unit with similar outcome throughout the past 50 years. The susceptibility to severe infection is partially due to newborn immature innate immune system associated to minimal in utero antigen exposure and effector T and B cell impaired function. Although the importance of pattern recognition domains such as Toll-like receptors (TLR) in the innate immune system activation has been fully acknowledged within the last few years its behavior in front of an in vivo infection scenario is still not completely understood. Here we analyzed the TLR-2 and TLR-4 expression in antigen-presenting cell in healthy and septic newborns. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This prospective study was conducted during the period from February 2011 until January 2013 at Sao Paulo University, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Forty-five term newborns without congenital malformation were included from the Newborn Intensive Care Unit at Children\'s Hospital. As group 1, 27 newborns who had clinical and laboratory diagnostic of late onset sepsis were included while 18 newborns were evaluated in a non-septic status and were included at group 2. Cytokines were measured by cytometric bead array in peripheral blood. TLR-2 and TLR-4 expression and MFI were determined by immunophenotyping at peripheral whole blood in APC cells and lymphocytes and analyzed on a BD FACSDiva flow cytometer. RESULTS: Clinical data was similar between septic and non-septic groups except for the infectious status. Group 1 had microorganisms identified in 37 % septic newborns associated with higher levels of pro-inflammatory (IL-8, IL-6, IL-1beta) and anti-inflammatory interleukins (IL-10). When it comes to dendritic cells, the expression of TLR-2 and 4 was similar between groups whereas there was lower expression of co-molecule CD86 (p < 0,05) and similar expression of CD1a and CD80 between infected and non-infected patients. At monocytes, the MFI for TLR-2 and the frequency of TLR-4 expression was higher in infected newborn (p=0,01). There were lower levels of total lymphocytes in infected patients (p=0,002) but no difference was observed in T cells subtypes frequency except for higher levels of effector T cell in infected group with lower expression of CD28 molecule. Group 1 had higher levels of activated B cell whereas total population and the other subsets were similar in number, activation molecules and TLR-2 and 4 expressions in both groups. CONCLUSION: This study investigated the innate immune response in septic and non-septic newborn. Interleukin levels 6, 8 and 10 were good indicators of sepsis. Septic newborns, which count most exclusively with innate immune system, had little in vivo response at dendritic cell and monocyte activation leading to an impaired immune response and increased susceptibility to infection
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Lysosomal alpha-galactosidase A controls the generation of self lipid antigens for NKT cellsDarmoise, Alexandre F 04 March 2011 (has links)
CD1 Moleküle spielen eine wichtige Rolle in der Lipidpräsentation und T-Zell-Aktivierung. CD1d fungiert als Restriktionselement für NKT-Zellen, eine T-Zell-Untergruppe, die nach Erkennung von Glykosphingolipide (GSL), IFN-gamma und IL-4 produziert. NKT Zellen steuern folglich anschliessende Immunantworten. Den meisten infektiösen Mikroorganismen mangelt es jedoch an GSL-Antigenen zur Stimulation von NKT-Zellen. Der Wirtsorganismus hat daher einen Mechanismus entwickelt, der die Aktivierung der NKT-Zellen dennoch gewährleistet. NKT-Zellen erkennen auch endogene GSL, die in dendritischen Zellen (DZ) infolge von Toll-like-Rezeptor (TLR)-Stimulation durch Pathogene produziert werden. Bislang war unklar, wie genau TLR-Aktivierung zur Produktion von Selbst-GSL-Antigenen führt. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es die Verknüpfung der beiden Prozesse aufzudecken. Diese Dissertation zeigt, dass alpha-Galaktosidase A (a-Gal A) als lysosomales Schlüsselenzym für den konstitutiven Abbau von Selbst-GSL-Antigenen in DZ fungiert. NKT-Zellen antworteten auf CD1d-restringierte Antigene, die von DZ, denen a-Gal A-Aktivität fehlte, präsentiert wurden. Ferner expandierten NKT-Zellen nach adoptiven Transfer in a-Gal A-defiziente Mäuse in Abhängigkeit von CD1d-Expression im Wirtsorganismus. Diese Arbeit zeigte auch, wie GSL-Antigene dem Abbau durch a-Gal A entkommen und für die NKT-Zell-Aktivierung bei Infektionen verfügbar werden. Unter normalen Bedingungen wurden die GSL durch a-Gal A abgebaut. TLR-vermittelte Signale führten jedoch zu Inhibierung der a-Gal A-Aktivität in DZ und resultierten somit in einer GSL-Akkumulation in den Lysosomen. Wir identifizierten einen neuen Regulationsmechanismus der NKT-Zell-Aktivierung bei Infektionen, der auf der Induktion von lysosomalen GSL-Antigenen durch TLR-vermittelte Hemmung der a-Gal A-Aktivität beruht. Diese Dissertation beantwortet fundamentale Fragen der NKT-Zell-Biologie und ebnet den Weg dieses System für therapeutische Ansätze zu nutzen. / CD1 molecules are pivotal for lipid presentation to T lymphocytes. Notably, CD1d functions as a restriction element for NKT cells, a T-cell lineage that produces IFN-gamma and IL-4 following recognition of glycosphingolipids (GSL). Consequently, NKT cells exert decisive regulatory functions on downstream immune responses. Most microbes potentially causing infection of the host lack GSL antigens to stimulate NKT cells. However, facing this challenge, the host developed a mechanism to ensure NKT-cell activation. This pathway exploits the property of NKT cells to react with self GSLs produced in dendritic cells (DCs) stimulated by pathogens through Toll-like receptors (TLR). How TLR engagement leads to production of self GSL antigens remains elusive. The aim of this study was to provide a mechanistic link between these two processes. Here, we identified alpha-galactosidase A (a-Gal A) as a key lysosomal enzyme required for constitutive degradation of self GSL antigens in DCs. Accordingly, NKT cells exposed to DCs lacking a-Gal A activity were activated in the context of CD1d-presented antigens. In addition, NKT cells underwent robust expansion upon transfer to a-Gal A-deficient mice that required CD1d expression by the host. This study further addressed the critical question as to how GSL antigens escape degradation by a-Gal A, and thus become available for presentation to NKT cells in infection. Accordingly, we found that TLR signaling targeted a-Gal A activity for negative regulation in DCs. Consequently, GSLs degraded by a-Gal A in steady-state conditions were induced in lysosomes. Based on these findings, we propose a new pathway that warrants the activation of NKT cells in infection by self GSL antigens induced through TLR-mediated inhibition of a-Gal A activity. Overall, this dissertation answers fundamental questions in the NKT field, and paves the way toward exploring this antigen presentation axis for therapeutic use.
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Shining new light on motoneurons: characterization of motoneuron dendritic spines using light microscopy and novel analytical methodsMcMorland, Angus John Cathcart January 2009 (has links)
Dendritic spines are fundamental units of information processing within the nervous system, responsible for independent modulation of synaptic input to neurons. Filopodia, often morphologically indistinguishable from spines, are involved in formation of synapses during neuronal development. Despite the importance of these structures for neuronal function, no detailed study of their presence on motoneurons has yet been made. Here, the presence of spines on hypoglossal motoneurons (HMs) is described at three developmental stages: at P0–2 and P9–11, spines are present at an average density of ~0.1 spines/micron, but at P19 spine density becomes negligible. In P0–2 and P9–11, spines are nonuniformly distributed, occuring in clusters, and at lower density in the most proximal and distal regions to the soma than at intermediate regions. HM spines coincide with a decrease in cell input resistance, which reduces excitability during development. Thus one may speculate that these spines are involved in the formation of new synapses required to maintain adequate excitatory drive. A major difficulty for the study of spines is their small size, which complicates measurement using optical methods. Here, I present a novel method for reconstructing spine morphology using geometric models based on a priori knowledge of spine structure. Tests of the technique using simulated data indicate that it has a resolving capability of up to 40 nm (limited by noise). The technique has been used to measure dendritic spines on HMs, showing that these structures have necks as small as 0.22 micron. For purely passive modulation of synaptic strength, spine necks need to be <~ 0.15 micron. These data suggest that if modulation of synaptic input occurs, biochemical and/or active electrical processes are needed. The methods developed in this Thesis, which have here been applied to HMs, are generally applicable to the study of spine morphology, and its effect on synaptic processing, in all classes of neurons.
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