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Undervisa i grupp : En observationsstudie om hur kontrabaslärare designar sina lektioner i gruppundervisning / Teaching groups : A qualitative study of how double bass teachers design their lessonsKopp, Karin January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med arbetet är att bidra till ökad kunskap om hur kontrabaspedagoger utformar gruppundervisning i sitt arbete med kontrabaselever. Det tycks finnas en stor brist på studier som behandlar gruppundervisning på kontrabas. I bakgrundskapitlet belyses därför gruppundervisning med dess för- och nackdelar, olika gruppundervisningsmetoder för stråkpedagoger samt forskning som visar positiva effekter av gruppundervisning. Föreliggande studie grundar sig på det designteoretiska och multimodala perspektivet. Datamaterialet består av två videodokumentationer från två olika kontrabaslärare. I resultatet redovisas hur lärarna använder tal, sång, specifika kontrabasord, gester och instrumentet kontrabas som resurser i undervisningen. Resultatet visar även att lärarna designar sina lektioner på olika sätt samt att de använder sig av olika tekniker vid spel. I det avslutande diskussionskapitlet lyfts de olika resurser lärarna använder sig av och hur de designar sina lektioner i relation till det designteoretiska och multimodala perspektivet. En av slutsatserna i diskussionen är att lärarens position gentemot eleven har betydelse för elevernas förmåga att imitera och transformera lärarens gester. / The purpose of this study is to contribute to further knowledge of how double bass teachers design their group lessons for double bass students. There seems to be a lack of studies that treat group tuition for double bass. The background chapter therefore provides pros and cons about group tuition, different methods for group tuition used by string teachers and previous research in the field that shows the positive effects of group tuition. The theoretical starting point of this study is based upon the design theoretical and multimodal perspective. The collected data material consists of two video documentations from two different double bass teachers. The result chapter describes how the teachers use speech, song, double bass words, gestures and the double bass as resources in teaching. The result also shows that the teachers design their lessons differently and use different kinds of techniques when playing. In the concluding discussion chapter the teachers’ different resources and how they design their lessons is lifted as the main topics according to the design theoretical and multimodal perspective. One of the conclusions in the discussion is that the teachers’ position towards the students is significant for the students’ ability to imitate and transform gestures from the teacher.
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Fumliga nypor, varför då? : Ett designteoretiskt perspektiv på lärares synsätt på vänsterhäntas lärande i klassiskt gitarrspel / Why the fumbling fingers? : A design theory perspective on teachers’ views on left-handed people learning to play classical guitarDe Wit Sandström, Leon January 2015 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till fördjupade kunskaper om hur gitarrlärare ser på vänsterhänthet i relation till instrumentets speltekniska svårigheter och hur de anser sig arbeta med vänsterhänta elever i sin undervisning. I uppsatsen ges en bakgrund om vad vänsterhänthet är, en historisk bakgrund om den klassiska gitarren och dess speltekniska svårigheter samt tidigare forskning om musikundervisning av vänsterhänta. Studien utgår från ett multimodalt designteoretiskt perspektiv och ett empiriskt material bestående av fyra kvalitativa intervjuer. Av studiens resultat framkommer att de deltagande lärarna inte ansåg sig anpassa sin undervisning efter elevernas vänsterhänthet, förutom vid starkare grader av vänsterhänthet då eleverna uppmanades att vända på gitarren. Valet av hur gitarren ska hållas beskrivs sällan överlåtas till den enskilda eleven, utan förefaller istället vanligen bestämmas av läraren. Lärarna menade också att alla elever behöver öva samma tekniker och att samma undervisning därför bör gälla för höger- såväl som vänsterhänta elever. Den högersträngade gitarren utgör norm i undervisningen, vilket lärarnas berättelser om hur de sällan rekommenderade elever att vända på gitarren visar. Utifrån detta resultat diskuteras sedan gitarrundervisning av vänsterhänta. Undervisningen beskrivs inte enbart vara en fråga om att anpassa ett instrument, då hela undervisningens design beskrivs spela roll för elevernas lärande med instrumentet. / The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper knowledge of how guitar teachers view left-handedness with regard to the technical difficulties of the instrument and how they work with left-handed students while teaching. This paper provides some background on what left-handedness is, some historical background on the classical guitar and the technical difficulties of playing it, and an overview of previous work on musical education and left-handed people. The study is based on a multimodal and design theoretical perspective, and an empirical material consisting of four qualitative interviews. The results show that the participating teachers did not, in their own view, adapt their teaching because of left-handed students. The exception was students with a strong degree of left-handedness, who were encouraged to turn the guitar around. However, how the guitar is held was not often described as something left up to the individual student, but rather as something decided by the teacher. The teachers also felt that all students need to practice the same techniques, and that the same instructions therefore should be used for both right-handed and left-handed students. Right-handed guitars are standard in teaching situations, and the fact that the teachers say that they rarely recommend that students turn the guitar around reflects that. The results of the study then form the basis for a discussion on teaching left-handed students. It is not just a question of adapting an instrument; the whole design of the lessons makes a difference when it comes to the student learning the instrument.
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Design för lärande och multimodala texter i svenskämnet : En produktorienterad studie av två läromedel i svenskaHalonen, Maria January 2015 (has links)
This paper presents a study of educational materials used in Swedish language education. The aim of the study is to understand in which way multimodal resources can be used in texts, to benefit in the process of meaning making among pupils in the nine-year compulsory school. The theoretical framework used as a basis for understanding and analysing these educational materials is the social semiotic multimodal perspective and the design theoretical multimodal perspective. The study is a multimodal text analysis but it also involves analyses of the syllabi connected to the subject of Swedish language education. The extended concept of text was introduced in the year of 2000 in the syllabus and today multimodal texts are supposed to be part of the Swedish language education. In course of this study the researcher found that multimodal resources can be used in different ways to benefit in the process of meaning making. The study shows that the use of resources is connected to the different aims among texts and to the affordances of meaning making resources. The aim of texts differs among and in-between the educational materials connected to the different syllabi. The researcher also found that the texts supposed to be included in Swedish language education has increased since the extended concept of text was introduced and according to the process of time. Pupils however, aren´t introduced to strategies for dealing with these new kinds of texts, in the same extent.
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Hur ska jag tolka det där? : En studie i hur lärare och elever på musik- eller kulturskola kommunicerar med varandra i enskild undervisning på fiol / How should I interpret this? : A study of teachers and pupils communication during one-to one violin lessonsEllinore, Andersson January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur lärare och elever på musik- eller kulturskola kommunicerar med varandra i enskild undervisning med fiol som instrument. Med hjälp av videoobservation som metod har tre lärare och deras elever observerats. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkter utgörs av ett designteoretiskt och multimodalt perspektiv. I resultatet framkommer att lärarna använder sig av ett flertal olika kommunikationssätt i sin undervisning. Kommunikationssätten är instruerande, frågeställande, förevisande, metaforiskt och humoristiskt kommunikationssätt. Resultatet visar även att dessa kommunikationssätt kombineras på olika sätt. I diskussionskapitlet diskuteras lärarnas olika sätt att designa undervisningen samt vilka förutsättningar olika typer av design får för elevers lärande. / The aim of this study is to explore how teachers and pupils in music schools communicate during one-to-one music lessons with violin as instrument. With video observation as a method, three teachers and three pupils have been observed. This study has its theoretical base in the design theoretical perspective and multimodality. The results show that the teachers use several different ways of communication in their teaching; they instruct and demonstrate, they use questions and metaphors and also communicate in a humorous way. The results even show that the ways of communication are combined in different ways. In the discussion chapter the teachers’ different teaching designs are discussed as well as which conditions different types of designs has for the pupils learning.
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Topologically close-packed phase prediction in Ni-based superalloys : phenomenological structure maps and bond-order potential theorySeiser, Bernhard Josef January 2011 (has links)
Single crystal nickel-based superalloys are used in modern gas turbines because of their remarkable resistance to creep deformation at elevated temperatures, which is ensured by the addition of significant amounts of refractory elements. Too high concentrations of refractory elements can lead to the formation of topologically-close packed (TCP) phases during exposure to conditions of high temperature and stress which result in the degradation of the creep properties. The traditional methods for predicting the occurrence of TCP phases in Ni-based superalloys have been based on the PHACOMP and newPHACOMP methodologies which are well-known to fail with respect to new generations of alloys. In this work a novel two-dimensional structure map (Nbar, deltaV/V) for TCP phases where Nbar is the valence-electron count and deltaV/V is a compositional dependent size factor. This map is found to separate the experimental data on the TCP phases of binary, ternary and multi-component TCP phases into well-defined regions corresponding to different structure types such as A15, sigma, chi, delta, P, R, mu, and Laves. In particular, increasing size factor separates the A15, sigma and chi phases from the delta, P, R, mu phases. The structure map is then also used in conjunction with CALPHAD computations of sigma phase stability to show that the predictive power of newPHACOMP for the seven component Ni–Co–Cr–Ta–W–Re–Al system is indeed poor. In order to gain a microscopic understanding of the observed structural trends, namely the differences between the two groups of TCP structures with increasing deltaV/V and the trend from A15 to sigma to chi with increasing Nbar, the electronic structure is coarse-grained from density functional theory (DFT) to tight-binding to bond-order potentials (BOPs). First, DFT is used to calculate the structural energy differences across the elemental 4d and 5d transition metal series and the heats of formation of the binary alloys Mo-Re, Mo-Ru, Nb-Re, and Nb-Ru. These calculations show that the valence electron concentration stabilizes A15, sigma and chi but destablizes mu and Laves phases. The latter are shown to be stabilized instead by relative size difference. Second, a simple canonical TB model and in combination with the structural energy difference theorem is found to qualitatively reproduce the energy differences predicted by the elemental DFT calculations. The structural energy difference theorem rationalizes the importance of the size factor for the stability of the mu and Laves binary phases as observed in the structure map and DFT heats of formation. Finally, analytic BOP theory, is employed to identify the structural origins of the energetic differences between TCP structure-types that lead to the trends found within the two-dimensional structure map.
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Meningsskapandets möjligheter : multimodal teoribildning och multiliteracies i skolanMagnusson, Petra January 2014 (has links)
This thesis concerns the changing predispositions and conditions for contemporary meaning-making in school education. From a socio-cultural perspective, multimodal theory formation is used to find suitable tools and concepts for developing teaching and learning. The overall aims are to investigate and conceptualize meaning-making in school in the frame ofmultimodal theory. Firstly, the research questions are concerned with how teachers work with written; paper-based, expository texts, and secondly, with students' meaning-making, working with meaning-offerings from different modes and media. This is followed by questions surrounding the predispositions for a multimodal view in the Swedish curriculum outline. Finally, the consequences for the role of fiction in education, using multimodal theory formation as a framework are addressed. The thesis presents two empirical studies which investigate meaning-making in upper secondary education, followed by critical discussions of the cmTiculum outline and the role of fiction. The empirical data was collected using methods inspired by ethnography in classes taking social sciences and media courses. The analyses were inspired by multimodal research, and the main analytical tools consist of a discourse framework and model inspired by Roz IvaniC, the Leaming Design Sequence developed by Staffon Selander, the wheel of multimodality and the pedagogy of multiliteracies, both developed by the New London Group and Bill Cope and :Mary Kalantzis. The first study focuses on the teachers' perspective in trying to develop students' meaning-making through written, paper-based expository texts. Analyses within the discourse framework and design layer model are used to describe the teachers' practical theory. The wheel ofmultimodality is used to differentiate the meaning-offerings used in class, and the pedagogy of multiliteracies is used to describe and analyze the discussions in groups and with the teacher. Results highlight three major possibilities for working with written, paper-based expository texts: a vvider view on meaning-making, meaning-offerings encompassing several modes and media, and the teacher's modeling ofthe reading through discussion. The second study describes and analyzes meaning-making and design in learning \vith meaning-offerings from different modes and media from the students' perspective. The analytical tools are the wheel of multimodality, the Learning Design Sequence and the further-developed pedagogy of multiliteracies. Results show a similarity in meaning-making regardless of mode and media, staiiing with the visual mode and with the students focusing their efforts on comprehending the meaning-offering. This can be explained by lack of clarity and lack of guidance which are seen as obstacles for learning. The discussions surrounding the curriculum outline and the role of fiction show that, in using a multimodal theory formation frame, the curriculum does not explicitly support a multimodal view on meaning-making and that fiction can not be seen as unique due to neither mode nor media. The results suggest that multimodal theory formation gives access to tools that are useful in developing students' meaning-making according to the predispositions and conditions oftoday, in which reading development is viewed as part of developing meaning-making as a who lei and that meaning-making in school should be based on a non-hierarchical and inclusive view on modes and media to create a readiness and a flexibility to meet demands of a rapidly-changing society. As a consequence, the curriculum outline needs to be reworded and the role of fiction in education needs to be problematized.
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