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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterização de solda por resistência a ponto através de avaliações não destrutivas. / Spotweld characterization through non destructive evaluation.

Stocco, Danilo 16 April 2010 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é escrever sobre a técnica de ultra-sonografia, aplicada na inspeção da soldagem por resistência a ponto, e demonstrar as vantagens desta técnica em relação aos ensaios destrutivos convencionalmente normalizados e utilizados na inspeção de solda a ponto até meados de 1999, quando a técnica de ultra-som começou a ser aplicada no Brasil. Para tanto foram realizados dois procedimentos experimentais, sendo o primeiro deles utilizando a técnica de ultra-som a-scan (transdutor de simples elemento), onde foram estudados os efeitos da indentação do ponto de solda, um dos parâmetros que pode ser detectado com extrema facilidade por esta técnica. O segundo experimento visa demonstrar a capacidade de detecção da técnica de ultra-som b-scan (transdutor matricial), onde a metodologia foi aplicada visando correlacionar os resultados obtidos pelo equipamento com os resultados encontrados nas técnicas de arrancamento (peel test) e nos ensaios macrográficos convencionalmente conhecidos. Com estes experimentos, foi possível comprovar a confiabilidade e repetibilidade desta técnica, mostrando uma maior precisão em relação aos ensaios normalizados conhecidos, além da avaliação quantitativa que pode ser feita, tornando possível a coleta estatística de dados. Foi também notada grande dificuldade em interpretar os sinais gráficos emitidos pelos equipamentos, bem como atestar sua confiabilidade e capacidade de detecção de defeitos, surgindo a necessidade de intensificar o treinamento dos operadores desta técnica. De qualquer forma, esta técnica representa o estado da arte na inspeção de solda por resistência, e foi o principal motivador deste estudo. / The aim is to describe the ultrasound technique, applied to the inspection of the resistance spot welding, and to demonstrate the advantages of this technique over the conventionally standardized destructive tests used in spotweld inspections until mid 1999, when the ultrasound technique began to be applied in Brazil. For this, two experimental procedures were organized, the first using the a-scan (single element transducer) ultrasound technique, in which the effects of the indentation of the spotweld were studied, one of the parameters that can be easily detected by this technique. The second experiment seeks to demonstrate the detection capacity of the ultrasonic b-scan technique (matrix transducer), in which the methodology was applied to seek the correlation between the results obtained by the equipment with the results found in the peel test and also in the macrographic results conventionally known. With these experiments, it was possible to prove the reliability and reproductibility of this technique, showing an increase in precision when related to the normalized known tests, besides the quantitative evaluation that can be made, allowing the statistical collection of data. A great difficulty was also noticed in interpreting the graphic signs emitted by the equipment, as well as in attesting the reliability and capacity of defects detection, raising the need of operators training. In any way, this technique represents the state of the art in the resistance spotweld inspection, and this was the main motivator of this study.

Ensaios não destrutivos aplicados à avaliação de revestimentos de argamassa. / Non-destructive testing applied to the evaluation of mortar coatings.

Israel, Marcus Coimbra 13 November 2015 (has links)
Mudanças causadas pela industrialização dos canteiros de obra geram incompatibilidades executivas entre sistemas conflitantes e ininterrupção de controles com significativa variabilidade, tal como o uso do fio de prumo para controle geométrico das estruturas de concreto, responsável por acúmulo de erros com reflexo no consumo de matérias e no aumento de defeitos em revestimentos de fachada. Como alternativa, este trabalho busca colaborar com a ampliação do uso das técnicas não destrutivas no controle preventivo e corretivo das edificações em substituição aos tradicionais ensaios destrutivos, tornando o processo mais simples e confiável, além de proporcionar uma recuperação mais rápida e econômica. Para isso, analisou - através de um estudo de caso - a aplicação da tecnologia de escaneamento 3D laser para mapear a planicidade superficial da fachada de um edifício e, de forma inédita, para quantificar o volume de argamassa por intermédio da análise dos modelos 3D gerados por softwares de mercado; e através das etapas experimentais de laboratório, campo e in situ, analisou o potencial da termografia infravermelha na identificação e no mapeamento de fissuras e descolamentos ocultos nos revestimentos de argamassa e cerâmico, aplicando abordagens de aquecimento ativa ou passiva e resfriamento natural ou forçado. Os resultados do escaneamento mostraram a viabilidade da técnica como solução para identificar com precisão as áreas críticas da fachada sobre a estrutura de concreto periférica e alvenaria e, a partir da volumetria, calcular o impacto financeiro associado às sobrespessuras de argamassa nas áreas críticas comparativamente a reduções de espessura após tratamento dessas áreas. Por fim, a termografia identificou quanto à forma, tamanho e posição os defeitos de fissura e descolamento estudados, identificou influências intrínsecas ao processo de uso da tecnologia in situ e uso de recursos do equipamento para melhor visualização dos defeitos. / Changes caused by industrialization of construction sites generate executive incompatibilities between conflicting systems and uninterrupted controls with significant variability, such as the use of a plumb line for geometric control of concrete structures, responsible for error buildup with reflection in the consumption of materials and the increase of defects on facade coatings. Alternatively, this work seeks to collaborate with the expanded use of non-destructive techniques in preventive and corrective control of buildings to replace the traditional destructive testing, making the most simple and reliable process, in addition to providing a faster and economic recovery. For this analyzed by a case study the application of 3D laser scanning technology to map the surface flatness of the facade of a building, and unprecedentedly to quantify the amount of mortar through the analysis of 3D models generated by software market; and through the experimental stages of laboratory, field and in site, examined the potential of infrared thermography in the identification and mapping of hidden cracks and detachments in mortar coatings and ceramic tile, applying active or passive heating and natural cooling or forced cooling. The results of the scan showed the technical viability as a solution to accurately identify the critical areas of the facade on the peripheral concrete structure and masonry and from the volumes, calculate the financial impact associated with extra thick grout in critical areas compared the thickness reductions after treatment of these areas. Finally, thermography identified as the shape, size and position the cleft defects and detachment studied, identified influences the use of technology in situ and use of equipment resources to better visualization of defects.

Short continuously reinforced concrete pavement design recommendations based on non-destructive ultrasonic data and stress simulation. / Recomendações de projeto baseadas em dados ultrassônicos não destrutivos e simulação de tensões para pavimento de concreto continuamente armado de curta extensão.

Lucio Salles de Salles 19 May 2017 (has links)
Four sections of continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) were constructed at the University of São Paulo campus in order to introduce this kind of pavement structure to Brazil\'s technical transportation community. Sections were designed as 50 m long concrete slab, short in comparison to traditional CRCP, in order to simulate bus stops and terminals - locations of critical interest for public infrastructure. The thesis presented herein concludes this research project initiated in 2010. As the initial goal of this study was the development of coherent, reliable and intuitive design recommendations for the use of CRCP technology in Brazil, a profound understating of its structural and performance peculiarities was needed. For that, the cracking process of the experimental CRCP sections was recorded over a span of seven years. Due to the sections\' short length and lack of anchorage, the experimental \"short\" CRCP presented a cracking behavior quite different than traditional CRCP. There were much less visible cracks than expected. To address this issue, a novel technology in ultrasonic non-destructive testing of concrete structures was applied. Through ultrasonic signal interpretation it was possible to discover several incipient non-visible cracks within the slabs - many of these became apparent on the slab surface in later crack surveys - and to characterize visible and non-visible cracks regarding crack depth. The updated crack map with non-visible cracks showed similarities with traditional CRCP. Additionally, the ultrasonic data analysis provided important information on thickness variation, reinforcement location and concrete condition that were applied in theoretical simulations (finite element software) of the short CRCP. Simulations were attempted considering different slab geometries, firstly with transverse cracks as joints with high load transfer efficiency (LTE) and secondly with a continuous slab without cracks or joints. The latter simulation was more accurate reaching a shift factor between field and simulated stresses in the order of 0.7 to 1.0. Deflection data and LTE analysis from cracks and panels in between cracks further attested the slab continuous behavior, which contradicts current CRCP design models and performance predictors. Furthermore, critical traffic and environmental loading conditions concerning Brazil\'s climate and bus traffic characteristics were investigated and related using a selected fatigue model resulting in design recommendations in a chart format for the short CRCP aimed at long-term projects for over 20 years of operation. The design chart was successfully applied to investigate three failures presented by the experimental short CRCP due to thickness deficiencies pointed out by the ultrasonic testing. / Quatro seções de pavimento de concreto continuamente armado (PCCA) foram construídas no campus da Universidade de São Paulo, com o objetivo de introduzir esta estrutura, de reconhecido sucesso internacional, à comunidade técnica de engenharia de transportes brasileira. As seções foram projetadas com uma placa de concreto de 50 m de extensão, curta em comparação ao PCCA tradicional, com a finalidade de simular paradas e terminais de ônibus - locais de grande interesse para a infraestrutura pública. A tese aqui apresentada conclui este projeto de pesquisa iniciado em 2010. Como o objetivo inicial deste estudo foi o desenvolvimento de recomendações de projeto coerentes, confiáveis e intuitivas para a utilização do PCCA no Brasil, foi necessário um profundo entendimento de suas peculiaridades estruturais e de desempenho. Para isso, o processo de fissuração das secções experimentais foi acompanhado durante sete anos. Devido à curta extensão e falta de ancoragem das seções, o PCCA \"curto\" apresentou um padrão de fissuração diferente do PCCA tradicional com muito menos fissuras visíveis na superfície do que o esperado. Para abordar esta questão, uma nova tecnologia ultrassônica para ensaios não destrutivos de estruturas de concreto foi aplicada. Pela interpretação do sinal de ultrassom, foi possível descobrir várias fissuras incipientes (não visíveis) dentro das placas - muitas dessas foram observadas na superfície da placa em levantamentos de fissuras posteriores - e caracterizar fissuras visíveis e não-visíveis quanto à profundidade da fissura. O mapa de fissuração atualizado com fissuras não visíveis mostrou semelhanças com PCCA tradicional. Além disso, a análise dos dados de ultrassom forneceu informações importantes sobre a variação da espessura, localização da armadura longitudinal e condição do concreto, que foram aplicados em simulações teóricas (software de elementos finitos) do PCCA curto. Simulações foram propostas considerando diferentes geometrias, primeiramente com fissuras transversais como juntas com alta eficiência de transferência de carga (LTE) e posteriormente com uma placa contínua, sem fissuras ou juntas. Esta última simulação foi mais precisa alcançando um fator de conversão entre tensões de campo e simuladas na ordem de 0,7 a 1,0. Dados de deflexão e análise de LTE em fissuras e placas entre fissuras atestaram novamente o comportamento contínuo das placas, o que vai em contradição com os modelos atuais de dimensionamento e de previsão de desempenho para o PCCA. Ademais, o tráfego crítico e condições de carga ambiental correspondentes ao clima e tráfego de ônibus típicos brasileiros foram investigados e relacionados usando um modelo de fadiga resultando em recomendações de projeto para o PCCA de curta extensão sendo direcionado para projetos de longo prazo para mais de 20 anos de operação. O gráfico de projeto foi aplicado com sucesso para investigar três falhas apresentadas pelo PCCA curto experimental devido a deficiências de espessura apontadas pelo teste ultrassônico.

Técnica de escaneamento contínuo com Ruído Magnético de Barkhausen para chapas aços carbono / Continuous scanning technique with Barkhausen Magnetic Noise for carbon steel sheets.

Noris, Leosdan Figueredo 22 May 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho estuda a aplicação de um Ensaio Não-Destrutivo de Inspeção (ENDI), baseado na técnica Ruído Magnético de Barkhausen (RMB), na detecção de regiões não homogêneas em chapas de aços carbono. Apresentando os avanços no desenvolvimento de uma nova variante de ensaio não-destrutivo magnético, denominada Escaneamento Contínuo de Ruído Magnético de Barkhausen (ECRMB). O RMB é gerado por abruptas mudanças na magnetização de materiais magnéticos quando são submetidos a campos magnéticos variáveis. Essas mudanças são afetadas pela micro-estrutura e a presença e distribuição de tensões elásticas (compressão e tração), deformação plástica e alteração da micro-estrutura. Neste trabalho analisou-se a sensibilidade dos sinais de RMB na detecção de deformações plásticas em parâmetros tais como, frequência de campo magnético de excitação e a velocidade de movimentação da sonda. O comportamento do parâmetro RMSRMB dos sinais de RMB se correlacionou com a posição das regiões não homogêneas detectadas nas amostras. Sendo, contudo ainda feita uma avaliação da técnica aplicada para a medição, fazendo uma comparação dos resultados obtidos com a técnica de Ruído Magnético de Barkhausen Estático (RMBE) que é uma técnica já estabelecida na literatura. Os resultados mostraram, que para cada um dos casos estudados, é possível detectar a posição do dano produzido. Essa nova técnica aumenta o espectro de soluções de ENDI para problemas não contemplados pelas técnicas existentes. / This work the application of a technique of Non-Destructive Inspection Test (NDIT) based on the technical Magnetic Barkhausen Noise (MBN), the detection of non-homogeneous regions in sheets of carbon steels. It presents advances in the development of a new technique of magnetic non-destructive testing. Particularly a variant nominated Scanning Continuous Magnetic Barkhausen Noise (SCRMB). The MBN are generated by abrupt changes in the magnetization of materials when subjected to varying magnetic fields. These changes are affected by the microstructure and the presence and distribution of elastic stresses (compression and tension). We analyzed the sensitivity of the signal MBN detection plastic deformation on parameters such as magnetic field excitation frequency and the probe movement speed. The RMSMBN parameter behavior of MBN signals correlated with the position of non-homogeneous regions detected in the samples. An evaluation of the technique applied to the measurement was performed by making a comparison of the results obtained with MBNE technique, is a technique already established in the literature. The results showed that for each of the studied cases, it is possible to detect the position of the damage produced. This new technique increases the spectrum of NDIT solutions for problems not covered by existing techniques.

Análise estatística multivariada para reconhecimento de padrões em ensaios não destrutivos magnéticos. / Multivariate statistical analysis for pattern recognition applied to a non destructive magnetic\'s testing.

Alvarez Rosario, Alexander 01 February 2011 (has links)
Neste trabalho se estuda a aplicação de técnicas de estatística multivariada para reconhecimento de padrões em sinais de ensaios não destrutivos (END) magnéticos, baseados no Ruído Magnético de Barkhausen (RMB). O reconhecimento de padrões pode ser feito de forma não supervisionada com a técnica multivariada de Análise de Agrupamentos, conglomerados ou Clusters que definem grupos segundo critérios de similaridade. Já para reconhecimento supervisionado a Análise Discriminante procura classificar amostras novas em grupos conhecidos, a priori, usando para este propósito uma regra de classificação criada a partir desses grupos de amostras conhecidos. Foram utilizados dois casos de detecção e classificação utilizando RMB. O RMB é um fenômeno magnético gerado por abruptas mudanças na magnetização de materiais ferromagnéticos quando submetidos a campos magnéticos variáveis. Essas mudanças estão relacionadas com a microestrutura do material, presença e distribuição de tensões elásticas (tensão e compressão). No primeiro caso de estudo procura-se identificar arames quebrados em risers, através da medição de tensão mecânica. No segundo caso procura-se classificar diferentes tratamentos térmicos em Aço AISI 420. Para a análise de integridade estrutural de risers foi feita a redução da dimensionalidade dos dados via Análise de Componentes Principais e posteriormente Análise de Agrupamentos. Já para o problema de classificação de amostras de aço foi usada a técnica de Análise Discriminante Linear de Fisher e a Quadrática. Os resultados das análises mostraram que as técnicas de Estatísticas Multivariadas proporcionam ferramentas muito adequadas para aumentar a eficiência da inspeção na área de END Magnéticos em geral e RMB em particular. / The present work deals with application of multivariate statistic techniques for pattern recognition in signals from Non-Destructive Essays (NDE), based on the Magnetic Barkhausen Noise (MBN). Pattern recognition can be done in a nonsupervised way by Cluster Analysis defining similarity criteria. On the other hand, for supervised recognition, Discriminant Analysis looks for classifying new samples in known groups, a priori, by means of classification rules created for these known sample groups. Two detection and classification cases were studied by MBN. The MBN is a magnetic phenomenon generated by sudden changes in magnetization of ferromagnetic materials, when these materials are subjected to variable magnetic fields. These changes are related to material microstructure as well as to the presence of elastic stresses (tension and compression). In the first studied case, the present study searches identifying broken wires in risers through measurements of mechanical strain. In the second case, the study classifies different thermal treatments in AISI 420 steel samples. Regarding the analysis of structural integrity of risers, firstly the reduction of data dimensionality was obtained via Analysis of Main Components and, later, Cluster Analysis was performed. Concerning the classification problem of steel samples, the Fisher Linear Discriminant Analysis and the Quadratic Analysis were used. Analysis results showed that Multivariate Statistic Techniques give rise to tools very appropriated for increasing the efficiency of inspection both in the Magnetic NDE area in general, and MBN in particular.

Homogénéisation de grandeurs électromagnétiques dans les milieux cimentaires pour le calcul de teneur en eau / Prediction of cement-based materials' water content with the use of electromagnetic homogenization schemes

Guihard, Vincent 13 September 2018 (has links)
La quantité et la distribution de l'eau interstitielle dans l'espace poral des milieux cimentaires sont des marqueurs fondamentaux de la durabilité des structures de Génie Civil en béton. La connaissance de ces grandeurs est également importante pour l'interprétation de certains essais non destructifs mis en œuvre pour évaluer les performances mécaniques des ouvrages ou détecter certains défauts. L'évaluation de la teneur en eau par méthode non-destructive requiert l'utilisation d'une grandeur intermédiaire telle que la permittivité diélectrique. La relation entre cette propriété électromagnétique et la teneur en eau dépend alors de la composition et donc de la formulation du béton. En électromagnétisme, les lois d'homogénéisation permettent de lier la permittivité effective d'un matériau hétérogène avec la permittivité intrinsèque et la fraction volumique de chaque hétérogénéité présente. Afin de pallier le temps important requis pour l'établissement d'une courbe de calibration expérimentale propre à chaque formulation, l'étude présentée propose la mise en place d'une démarche d'homogénéisation de la permittivité pour lier quantité d'eau présente dans un béton et permittivité macroscopique du matériau. Les travaux présentés rapportent la fabrication, la modélisation et l'utilisation de sondes coaxiales ouvertes pour la mesure de la permittivité complexe de matériaux solides et liquides. Le concept d'estimation de la teneur en eau par utilisation de lois d'homogénéisation est validé pour le cas d'un sable partiellement saturé en eau. Au vu des résultats prometteurs obtenus par modélisation analytique, des schémas d'homogénéisation sont combinés lors d'un processus de remontée d'échelle depuis celle des hydrates jusqu'à celle des granulats, en tenant compte de la morphologie de la microstructure. Les propriétés intrinsèques des principaux constituants d'un béton (granulats, hydrates, ciment anhydre) sont alors mesurées par sonde coaxiale et utilisées en données d'entrée du modèle construit. Une bonne cohérence est observée entre parties réelles de la permittivité simulées et mesurées, pour des échantillons de pâtes de ciment, mortiers et bétons. A la différence des lois expérimentales et empiriques, le modèle construit se caractérise par un temps de calcul quasi-instantané et peut être adapté d'une formulation de béton à une autre en fonction du type de ciment utilisé, de la nature et de la quantité de granulats ou encore de la porosité accessible à l'eau du matériau. / Prediction of delayed behavior in concrete can be significantly improved by monitoring the amount and spatial distribution of water within a concrete structure over time. Water content of cement-based materials can also be required to interpret non-destructive tests such as ultrasonic and radar measurements. Electromagnetic properties of heterogeneous and porous materials, such as dielectric permittivity, are closely related to water content. Measurement of these properties is thus a common non-destructive technique used to assess the moisture content, but a calibration curve is required to link the measured permittivity to the saturation degree. This curve can be determined experimentally, or from empirical models. However, the first approach is tedious and time consuming, while the second one is not adapted to concrete. Hence, this contribution proposes an alternative route, relying on electromagnetic homogenization schemes, to connect the macroscopic permittivity of cement-based materials with the water content of the structure. Therefore, different open-ended coaxial probes were designed, modelled and tested in order to perform complex permittivity measurements of both solids and liquids. The homogenization approach is first validated on unsaturated sand. Then, the permittivity of concrete components (aggregates, hydrates, interstitial liquid, anhydrous cement) was assessed by means of coaxial probe measurements. Finally, a specific combination of analytical homogenization laws taking into account the microstructure's morphology of the material is built. Results show that there is a good correlation between the model and measurements acquired on different cement pastes, mortars and concretes, at different saturation degrees. The model is characterized by a quasi-instantaneous calculation time and can be adapted to different concretes depending on cement type, nature and quantity aggregates or porosity.

Air and Water Tightness in Building Envelopes - Evaluation of Methods for Quality Assurance

Gränne, Fredrik January 2001 (has links)
The purpose of this work is to contribute to a process formaking buildings with good function and to avoid prematurefaults. The design, construction and installation of low-slopedroofs are important parts of creating a durable building. Mostof the leakages in low-sloped roofs occur where materials withdifferent thermomechanical properties are joined together. Withbetter knowledge about these joints, the expected service lifecould better be estimated. Common roofing materials onlow-sloped roofs are roof membranes. To avoid damages and to minimise energy consumption thedetection of air and water leaks is essential. It can bedifficult to localise a leak in e.g. a roof since water canflow far within the construction. Leakage detection can beapplied both as a quality assurance method after installationof low-sloped roofs and as field inspection methods. Theleakage detection can also be extended to terrace slabs and thewhole building envelope. To investigate the strength of jointsbetween sheet metaland roofing membranes, several small-scale tests and somelarge-scale tests were performed. The test methods weredeveloped to match the loads that can be expected on this kindof joints. A number of water leak-detection methods were evaluatedthrough application on test roofs. Some of the methods todetect leaks on low-sloped roofs can also be used to detect airleakage in other parts of the building envelope. To develop andevaluate air leak-detection procedures, selected methods wereused in two case studies. The circumstances regarding welding of the material jointswere found to have great impact on the strength. The roofshould be designed so no long-term strain will appear since acomparatively low stress may damage the joint over time. The performance of the leak-detection methods depends on theroofing material. All methods tested were an improvementcompared to visual inspections. Different recommendedapproaches for leakage detection and quality control is given.The case studies show that air leakage detection could beperformed with good accuracy. The potential difference methodcould without doubt be a tool for leakage localisation inwaterproofing layers both on roofs and in terrace slabs. <b>Keywords:</b>Roofing, roof membrane, durability,waterproofing, leakage, wind-load, non-destructive testing,NDT, BSL4, BSL3, air leakage, building envelope

Content of an ethics course for nondestructive testing and welding inspection personnel

Park, Gerald H. 22 April 1993 (has links)
This research evaluated the ethics competencies which were determined to be important to the curriculum of an ethics course for students studying Nondestructive Testing and Welding Inspection. Data were gathered from samples of American Society of Nondestructive Testing Nationally Certified Level III's (N = 268), American Welding Society Nationally Certified Welding Inspectors CWI's (N = 212) and American Welding Society Nationally Certified Associate Welding Inspectors - CAWI's (N = 101) who are currently licensed by their respective societies. The twenty-nine (29) item instrument utilized a six-point Likert type scale for the data collection. The scale, which was validated by consensus using a DELPHI panel procedure, utilized the Hoyt-Stunkard method for assessing reliability. The computed reliability for the instrument was determined to be +0.970. Analysis of variance tests were completed for each of the twenty-nine (29) competencies to ascertain differences between ASNT Level III's, AWS CWI's and AWS CAWI's samples. Factor analysis, using the R-mode, provided for the clustering of competencies and constituted the major analysis procedure for the study. The results of the study indicated the presence of three (3) clusters of content which were considered necessary to curriculum inclusion in an ethics course for nondestructive testing and welding inspection. The identified clusters include: I. Ethical issues and personal integrity (18 competencies), II. Ethics and the legal aspects of inspection (8 competencies), and III. Ethical theory and professional conduct (4 competencies). Overall competency means ranged from 3.929 to 5.594; significance tests showed only five (5) rejected hypotheses for the twent-ynine (29) primary competencies. Standard errors of the mean were found to be lower for the ASNT Level III's sample. The results of the study present a valid pattern for the development of objectives which should be included in an ethics curriculum for nondestructive testing personnel and welding inspectors. / Graduation date: 1993

Development of non-destructive test methods for assessment of in-use fire fighter's protective clothing

Thorpe, Peter A 31 May 2004
The very nature of the fire fighting environment makes thermal degradation of turnout gear inevitable. Standards that are currently in place to ensure that new gear performs adequately for the protection of the fire fighter do not provide a quantitative measure for assessing this gear once it is in service. When the performance of the gear is compromised due to degradation, it could put the fire fighter wearing the gear at unnecessary risk. A non-destructive test that indicates the end of the useable service of the garment would be a benefit to the fire service. Full scale fire tests were conducted to suggest a range of heat fluxes that turnout gear specimens should be subjected to in order to simulate degradation caused by in-field use of the gear. A series of destructive tests were conducted on exposed specimens. A number of non-destructive tests were performed on the same specimens. The results of destructive and non-destructive tests were compared. This research explored some options for non-destructive tests of turnout gear. Digital image analysis and colorimetry were both offered as possibilities for a diagnostic test of this gear. Correlations between destructive performance tests and the colour changes of the outer shell fabric could be used to develop non-destructive tests to evaluate every garment owned by a department. More work is required to improve these test methods, but the door has been opened to better testing for in-use gear, and ultimately to provide better protection for the fire fighters who use this clothing.

Development of non-destructive test methods for assessment of in-use fire fighter's protective clothing

Thorpe, Peter A 31 May 2004 (has links)
The very nature of the fire fighting environment makes thermal degradation of turnout gear inevitable. Standards that are currently in place to ensure that new gear performs adequately for the protection of the fire fighter do not provide a quantitative measure for assessing this gear once it is in service. When the performance of the gear is compromised due to degradation, it could put the fire fighter wearing the gear at unnecessary risk. A non-destructive test that indicates the end of the useable service of the garment would be a benefit to the fire service. Full scale fire tests were conducted to suggest a range of heat fluxes that turnout gear specimens should be subjected to in order to simulate degradation caused by in-field use of the gear. A series of destructive tests were conducted on exposed specimens. A number of non-destructive tests were performed on the same specimens. The results of destructive and non-destructive tests were compared. This research explored some options for non-destructive tests of turnout gear. Digital image analysis and colorimetry were both offered as possibilities for a diagnostic test of this gear. Correlations between destructive performance tests and the colour changes of the outer shell fabric could be used to develop non-destructive tests to evaluate every garment owned by a department. More work is required to improve these test methods, but the door has been opened to better testing for in-use gear, and ultimately to provide better protection for the fire fighters who use this clothing.

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