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Stavebně technologická studie realizace haly Blansko / CONSTRUCTIONAL-TECHNOLOGICAL STUDY OF HALL REALIZATION IN BLANSKOŠkopík, Michal January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with solution of construction of steel hall in Blansko. In this thesis is solved constructional-technological study of construction of steel hall. The thesis focuses in assembly of steel skeleton. More specifically deals with traffic situation around building, time and financial plan of the building for individual objects, draft of equipment of construction site, design of the main lifting machines and mechanisms, schedule of the main building object, safety measures at the construction site and ensuring quality requirements for the installation of a steel skeleton. Extra is processed itemized budget with bill of quantities, risk plan of construction of steel hall and construction details. This building is very interesting about architectural design. The basis for this thesis was a drawing documentation for realization of this construction.
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Stavebně technologický projekt polyfunkčních domů v Olomouci / Construction and technological project of the polyfunctional buildings in OlomoucMacháčová, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to make the detailed building-technological project of the polyfunctional buildings in Olomouc. The thesis contains a summary accompanying technical report, technical regulations, control and test plan. Next parts of the work are time schedule and an itemized budget of the polyfunctional building, time and financial plan of the whole building, calculation of the costs of operating the construction site, Occupational safety and health instructions, traffic situation around building, design of mechanical set, drawings of site equipment. Finally there is also situation of construction, pilot implementation scheme and construction details.
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Vícepodlažní montovaná konstrukce / Multi-storey precast structurePolák, Marek January 2016 (has links)
The final thesis is focused on reworking hospital pavilion from cast-in-place structure to precast concrete frame. Calculation of internal forces is made by software system SCIA Engineer. Main load-bearing elements are inner beam, outside beam and all columns in axis 2-C. This thesis contains assembly report, structural design, calculations and drawings of the designed parts, joint details, assembly material drawing and hand calculation.
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Stavebně technologický projekt bytového domu v Liberci / Construction technological project of residential building in LiberecPlachý, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deal with phase of construction, which is foundation and upper construction of apartment building Komenského in Liberec. Building is situated in built-up and green area. Foundation circumstances is half difficult because of lower water included in soil. In this phase, we use formowork for columns, walls and roof. Used formwork is from Peri company, Quatro, Trio and Multiflex. There is suteren in the house, and because of lower water and high index of radon, we have to protect structure by compact waterproof isolation. This project contains formwork schematics and the time calculation needed to protect concrete until accomplishment. Other task is thermal review of constructions.
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Montovaná konstrukce výrobního komplexu s administrativou / Precast construction of production complex with administrationŠkoda, Martin January 2017 (has links)
This Final thesis deals with the desig of main supporting structure of the precast concrete frame. Calculation of internal forces is made by sofrware system Dlubal RFEM. For the assessment were selected two most loaded beams with corresponding columns and calyx on the pilot. This thesis contains structural design, mounting report, sectional calsulations of selected elements, mounting details, workshop documentation of selected elements.
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Sculpture virtuelle par système de particules / Virtual sculpture using particles systemHelbling, Marc 25 November 2010 (has links)
La 3D s'impose comme un nouveau média dont l'adoption généralisée passe par la conception d'outils, accessibles au grand public, de création et de manipulation de formes tridimensionnelles quelconques. Les outils actuels reposent fortement sur la modélisation sous-jacente des formes, généralement surfacique, et sont alors peu intuitifs ou limitatifs dans l'expressivité offerte à l'utilisateur.Nous souhaitons, dans ces travaux, définir une approche ne présentant pas ces défauts et permettant à l'utilisateur de se concentrer sur le processus créatif. En nous inspirant de l'utilisation séculaire de l'argile, nous proposons une approche modélisant la matière sous forme lagrangienne.Une forme est ainsi décrite par un système de particules, où chaque particule représente un petit volume du volume global.Dans ce cadre lagrangien, la méthode Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) permet l'approximation de grandeurs physiques en tout point de l'espace. Nous proposons alors une modélisation de matériaux à deux couches, l'une décrivant la topologie et l'autre décrivant la géométrie du système global.La méthode SPH permet, entre autres, d'évaluer la densité de matière. Ceci nous permet de définir une surface implicite basée sur les propriétés physiques du système de particules pour redonner un aspect continu à la matière.Ces matériaux peuvent alors être manipulés au moyen d'interactions locales reproduisant le maniement de la pâte à modeler, et de déformations globales. L'intérêt de notre approche est démontrée par plusieurs prototypes fonctionnant sur des stations de travail standard ou dans des environnements immersifs. / 3D is emerging as a new media. Its widespread adoption requires the implementation of userfriendly tools to create and manipulate three-dimensional shapes. Current softwares heavily rely on underlying shape modeling, usually a surfacic one, and are then often counter-intuitive orlimiting. Our objective is the design of an approach alleviating those limitations and allowing the user to only focus on the process of creating forms. Drawing inspiration from the ancient use of clay,we propose to model a material in a lagrangian description. A shape is described by a particles system, where each particle represents a small fraction of the total volume of the shape. In this framework, the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method enables to approximate physical values anywhere in space. Relying on this method, we propose a modeling of material with two levels, one level representing the topology and the other one describing local geometry of the shape.The SPH method especially enables to evaluate a density of matter. We use this property todefine an implicit surface based on the physical properties of the particles system to reproduce the continuous aspect of matter. Those virtual materials can then be manipulated locally through interactions reproducing the handling of dough in the real world or through global shape deformation. Our approach is demonstrated by several prototypes running either on typical desktop workstation or in immersive environment system.
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Hybrid and data-driven methods for efficient and realistic particle-based liquid simulationsRoy, Bruno 12 1900 (has links)
L’approximation de phénomènes physiques, tels qu’une simulation de liquides en informatique graphique, requiert l’utilisation de méthodes complexes nécessitant des temps de calcul et une quantité de mémoire importants. Malgré les avancées récentes dans ce domaine, l’écart en réalisme entre un liquide simulé et la réalité demeure encore aujourd’hui considérable. Cet écart nous séparant du réalisme souhaité nécessite des modèles numériques de simulation dont la complexité ne cesse de croître. L’objectif ultime est de permettre à l’utilisateur de manipuler ces modèles de simulation de liquides sans la nécessité d’avoir une connaissance accrue de la physique requise pour atteindre un niveau de réalisme acceptable et ce, en temps réel. Plusieurs approches ont été revisitées dans les dernières années afin de simplifier ces modèles ou dans le but de les rendre plus facilement paramétrables. Cette thèse par articles encadre bien les trois projets constituant nos contributions dans le but d’améliorer et de faciliter la génération de simulations de liquides en informatique graphique.
Tout d’abord, nous introduisons une approche hybride permettant de traiter séparément le volume de liquide non-apparent (i.e., en profondeur) et une couche de particules en surface par la méthode de calcul Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH). Nous revisitons l’approche par bandes de particules, mais cette fois nouvellement appliquée à la méthode SPH qui offre un niveau de réalisme supérieur. Comme deuxième projet, nous proposons une approche permettant d’améliorer le niveau de détail des éclaboussures de liquides. En suréchantillonnant une simulation de liquides existante, notre approche est capable de générer des détails réalistes d’éclaboussures grâce à la dynamique de balistique. En complément, nous proposons une méthode de simulation par vagues permettant de reproduire les interactions entre les éclaboussures générées et les portions quasi-statiques de la simulation existante. Finalement, le troisième projet introduit une approche permettant de rehausser la résolution apparente d’un liquide par l’apprentissage automatique. Nous proposons une architecture d’apprentissage inspirée des flux optiques dont l’objectif est de générer une correspondance entre le déplacement des particules de simulations de liquides à différentes résolutions (i.e., basses et hautes résolutions). Notre modèle d’apprentissage permet d’encoder des caractéristiques de hautes résolutions à l’aide de déformations pré-calculées entre deux liquides à différentes résolutions et d’opérations de convolution basées sur le voisinage des particules. / The approximation of natural phenomena such as liquid simulations in computer graphics requires complex methods that are computationally expensive. Despite recent advances in this field, the gap in realism between a simulated liquid and reality remains considerable. This disparity that separates us from the desired realism requires numerical models whose complexity continues to grow. The ultimate goal is to provide users the capacity and tools to manipulate these liquid simulation models to obtain acceptable realism. In the last decade, several approaches have been revisited to simplify and to allow more flexible models.
In this dissertation by articles, we present three projects whose contributions support the improvement and flexibility of generating liquid simulations for computer graphics.
First, we introduce a hybrid approach allowing us to separately process the volume of non-apparent liquid (i.e., in-depth) and a band of surface particles using the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method. We revisit the particle band approach, but this time newly applied to the SPH method, which offers a higher level of realism. Then, as a second project, we propose an approach to improve the level of detail of splashing liquids. By upsampling an existing liquid simulation, our approach is capable of generating realistic splash details through ballistic dynamics. In addition, we propose a wave simulation method to reproduce the interactions between the generated splashes and the quasi-static portions of the existing liquid simulation. Finally, the third project introduces an approach to enhance the apparent resolution of liquids through machine learning. We propose a learning architecture inspired by optical flows by which we generate a correspondence between the displacement of the particles of liquid simulations at different resolutions (i.e., low and high resolutions). Our training model allows high-resolution features to be encoded using pre-computed deformations between two liquids at different resolutions and convolution operations based on the neighborhood of the particles.
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Ocelová konstrukce sportovní haly / The steel structure of a sports hallVaněček, Milan January 2012 (has links)
Master thesis is focused on design of steel roofing structure of sports hall. Construction is located in town of Jihlava. Proportions and disposition are in accordance of assignment of master thesis. The proportions are 40m x 60m, the height of structure is approximately 15m. Two versions of roof structure were designed – truss beam with shape of lentil and double reverse truss girders (girland truss). These versions were tentatively analyzed and designed for the main bearing members. Afterwards both of the versions were appraised and one of the versions was chosen for detailed treatment. It means there was attention focused on design of important details, creating of drawing documentation and technical report, all in the range of thesis supervisor. The valid Eurocodes were used.
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Příprava realizace administrativních objektů Palmovka Park / Preparation for the implementation of administrative buildings Palmovka ParkBoucník, Jan January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the preparation of the construction of Palmovka Open Park III administrative building. It contains a technological regulation for drilled piles, technological regulation for reinforced concrete monolithic constructions, broader transport routes, study of the implementation of the main technological stages, design of building machines and mechanisms, control and testing plan for drilling piles and reinforced concrete constructions, risk and measures, time and financial plan, calculation according to THU, drawing of site equipment, cycle, timetable, item budget, selected technological details.
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Montovaná hala, areál firmy Bosh Diesel s r.o. - stavebně technologická příprava stavby. / Prepared hall of the company Bosh Diesel s.r.o. - civil technical project.Koláček, Ivo January 2019 (has links)
The masters thesis prepares the project of a prefabricated hall in the premises of Bosch Diesel s. r.o. The work completely elaborates the technical report, the coordination situation with the relations to the wider transport routes, the study of the main technological stages, the project of the building site, the design of the machines, the schedule of the main building, the material and human resources, the technological regulations, the control and test plan, safety and health protection during work, noise study, budget and building details.
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