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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Social psychological perspective on stress and stress coping for working Kosovo Albanian mothers in Sweden and Kosovo / Socialpsykologiskt perspektiv på stress och stresshantering för arbetande kosovoalbanska mammor i Sverige och Kosovo

Haradini, Viktoria, Tapper, Essi January 2021 (has links)
Stress is something that affects women throughout their lives and has a huge effect on wellbeing. The negative consequences of gender inequality make it harder for women to improve their lives and be a part of the labour market because of responsibilities with children and housework. Women experience high levels of stress, which creates a burden affecting their health. The study aims to understand how gender roles, living and working conditions affect stress and stress coping for working Kosovo Albanian mothers in Sweden and Kosovo. The main focus is to understand how work-home relations affect these women in different societies. The study is based on theories of stress, stress coping, theory of gender and determinants of health. A qualitative study was carried out with individual semi-structured interviews concentrating on the phenomenological perspective with an in-depth insight into the women's experiences. Five women living in Sweden and five women living in Kosovo were interviewed digitally. The results show that personality, working and living conditions and social and community networks affect the experience and interpretation of stress and the choice of stress coping for the women depending on the context. / Stress är något som påverkar kvinnorna genom hela livet och har en stor påverkan på hälsan. Negativa effekten av ojämlika könsroller gör det svårare för kvinnor att förbättra deras liv, vara en del av arbetsmarknaden och samtidigt ta hand om barnen och hushållsarbeten. Kvinnor upplever högre mängder av stress, vilket skapar en börda som påverkar hälsan. Syftet med studien är att förstå hur könsroller, boende och arbetsförhållanden påverkar stress och stresshantering för arbetande Kosovoalbanska mammor i Sverige och Kosovo. Huvudfokus ligger i förståelse om hur arbets- och hemförhållanden påverkar kvinnorna i dessa två olika samhällen. Studien är baserat på teorierna stress, stresshantering, teorin om genus och hälsans determinanter. En kvalitativ studie genomfördes med individuella semistrukturerade intervjuer med fokus på fenomenologisk perspektiv med en fördjupadperspektiv på kvinnornas erfarenheter. Fem kvinnor i Sverige och fem kvinnor i Kosovo var intervjuade digitalt. Resultaten visar att personlighet, arbets- och livsförhållanden och sociala och samhälleliga nätverk påverkar upplevelsen och tolkningen av stress och den valda hanteringsmetoden av kvinnorna beroende av kontexten.

Subjektivní sociální status a třída. Jejich determinanty. Co ovlivňuje percepci vlastního postavení ve společnosti? / Subjective social status and class. Their determinants.What influences the perception of people's own position in society?

Daneš, David January 2015 (has links)
The present thesis deals with the subjective dimension of social stratification, more specifically subjective class and subjective status. The author begins by pointing to the subjective aspects of traditional theoretical backgrounds of class and hierarchical conception of social stratification. Then he analyzes subjective class and status as their analogous concepts and describes their application in empirical research, both foreign and Czech sociology. The analytical part presents its own secondary analysis of data from a representative survey ISSP 1992, 1999, 2009 and Social distance 2007 for the Czech Republic. Through this analysis author describes the differences between the two approaches and changes of their distribution and relation in time. Whereas subjective status is relatively stable in selected period, subjective class goes through a lot of changes. These changes are caused primarily by subjectively identified working class, whose representation weakens in time and approaches the class to subjective status. The author also deals with the differences of the declared reasons for identifying with class. For the lower classes it is especially their income which has the highest importance, middle and upper class also mentions the education and type of employment. But for higher classes it...

Phänotypisierung und Genotypisierung von Staphylococcus aureus-Isolaten aus Rohmilchproben Thüringer Milchviehherden

Schlotter, Anna Katharina 06 November 2012 (has links)
Staphylococcus aureus ist einer der bedeutendsten Erreger boviner Mastitiden. Die Vielgestaltigkeit der Resistenzmuster und Virulenzfaktoren seiner Stämme macht ihn zu einem Problemkeim aus therapeutischer und prophylaktischer Sicht. Seine Fähigkeit zur Bildung hitzestabiler Enterotoxine verleiht ihm lebensmittelhygienische Relevanz. Mehrfachresistente Stämme stellen gefährliche Zoonose-Erreger dar. Ziel der durchgeführten Untersuchung war es daher, Aufschluss über Resistenzdeterminanten und Virulenzfaktoren der in Thüringer Milchviehherden vorkommenden Staphylococcus aureus zu erhalten, wobei eine Microarray-gestützte Genotypisierung zum Einsatz kam. Weiterhin sollte analysiert werden, ob der Genotyp der Isolate mit dem Phänotyp korreliert. In 34 Thüringer Milchviehherden wurde der gesamte Bestand der laktierenden Kühe zweimal auf Basis von Viertelgemelksproben bakteriologisch untersucht. Die Beurteilung der Kulturen erfolgte im Nativausstrich nach 48-stündiger Bebrütung und zusätzlich nach Voranreicherung in einer Glucose-Bouillon mit anschließender 24-stündiger Bebrütung. Staphylococcus aureus-positiv waren 1902 von insgesamt 81 567 Milchproben. Aus diesen wurden 189 für die Herden repräsentative Isolate ausgewählt und mittels Microarray-Technologie umfassend charakterisiert und klassifiziert. Zudem wurde der Phänotyp der Isolate auf Äskulin- und Columbia-Blutagar erfasst und das Resistenzverhalten mittels Agardiffusionstest ermittelt. Die 189 typisierten Staphylococcus aureus konnten elf verschiedenen klonalen Komplexen (CC) zugeordnet werden. Der Großteil der Isolate (80,4 %) zählte zu CC133, CC151 und CC479. Diese Isolate besaßen mit einer Ausnahme das Leukozidin-Gen lukF-P83/lukM. Die übrigen Isolate, die negativ auf lukF-P83/lukM getestet wurden, gehörten acht vergleichsweise sporadisch vorkommenden CC (CC7, CC9, CC20, CC45, CC50, CC97, CC101, CC398) an. In nur 0,7 % der zu den drei dominanten CC zählenden Isolate war das Beta-Laktamase-Gen blaZ vorhanden, während es bei 54,1 % der sporadisch vorkommenden CC detektiert wurde. Das Methicillin-Resistenzgen mecA wurde bei lediglich vier Isolaten (2,1 %) nachgewiesen, die alle CC398 angehörten. Sie verfügten neben Resistenzen gegenüber β-Laktam-Antibiotika über eine Tetrazyklin-Resistenz. Darüber hinaus wurde in einem Isolat das Makrolid/Lincosamid/Streptogramin-Resistenz vermittelnde vgaA und in einem Isolat das Aminoglykosid-Resistenz vermittelnde aacA-aphD detektiert. Humanmedizinisch relevante Enterotoxin-, Exfoliatin- oder PVL-Gene wurden in den vier Methicillin-resistenten Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) nicht gefunden. Im Agardiffusiontest zeigten diese Isolate eine Penicillin- und eine Tetrazyklin-Resistenz, jedoch keine Resistenz gegenüber Oxacillin, welches als MRSA-Marker gilt. Die Gene der klassischen, humanmedizinisch bedeutsamen Enterotoxine A, B und C waren bei 12,7 % der Isolate vorhanden, wohingegen die Gene von Enterotoxin D und E nicht vorkamen. Insgesamt fanden sich Enterotoxin-Gene bei 78,3 % der typisierten Staphylococcus aureus, wobei die für Enterotoxin G, I, M, N, O und U kodierenden dominierten. Phänotypisch unterschieden sich die CC bezüglich Hämolyse und Pigmentierung, wobei alle CC398-Isolate als eierschalenfarben mit doppelzoniger Hämolyse auftraten. Hämolysin-Gene besaßen alle Isolate, ein Zusammenhang zu den phänotypisch ausgeprägten Hämolysezonen bestand jedoch nicht. Die vorliegende Untersuchung zeigt, dass in Thüringer Milchviehbeständen zwei epidemiologisch unterschiedliche Varianten von Staphylococcus aureus existieren. Die in dieser Studie dominierenden, lukF-P83/lukM-positiven CC133, CC151 und CC479 verursachten einen Großteil der Infektionen und gelten als auf das Euter beschränkte Erreger. Sie können daher als „euterassoziiert“ angesehen werden. Dagegen verfügten die anderen in dieser Untersuchung detektierten, lukF-P83/lukM-negativen CC über Charakteristika „umweltassoziierter“ Keime. Sie besitzen ein breites Wirtsspektrum und treten auch außerhalb des bovinen Euters in der Umgebung der Kühe auf. Die Prüfung auf lukF-P83/lukM erwies sich als zuverlässige Methode, zwischen beiden epidemiologischen Varianten zu unterscheiden. Folglich lässt die An- oder Abwesenheit dieser Genkombination einen Rückschluss auf die in der Herde verbreiteten CC zu. Das ermöglicht die Berücksichtigung der CC-spezifischen Erreger-Eigenschaften bei der Etablierung von Sanierungsprogrammen, die somit effizient gestaltet werden können. MRSA waren in Thüringer Milchviehbeständen wenig verbreitet und nur schwach mit Resistenzdeterminanten und humanmedizinisch bedeutsamen Pathogenitätsfaktoren ausgestattet. Diese MRSA aus Rohmilchproben sind daher nicht mit multiresistenten Isolaten aus der Humanmedizin zu vergleichen. Gene für humanmedizinisch relevante Enterotoxine, für die ein Zusammenhang mit Lebensmittelintoxikationen belegt ist, wurden selten, andere Enterotoxin-Gene jedoch häufig nachgewiesen.

Exploring Associations Between Susceptibility to the Use of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems and E-Cigarette Use Among School-Going Adolescents in Rural Appalachia

Mamudu, Hadii M., Nwabueze, Christen, Weierbach, Florence M., Yang, Joshua, Jones, Antwan, McNabb, Michelle, Adeniran, Esther, Liu, Ying, Wang, Liang, Blair, Cynthia J., Awujoola, Adeola, Wood, David L. 02 July 2020 (has links)
Electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) use, including e-cigarettes, has surpassed the use of conventional tobacco products. Emerging research suggests that susceptibility to e-cigarette use is associated with actual use among adolescents. However, few studies exist involving adolescents in high-risk, rural, socioeconomically distressed environments. This study examines susceptibility to and subsequent usage in school-going adolescents in a rural distressed county in Appalachian Tennessee using data from an online survey (N = 399). Relying on bivariate analyses and logistic regression, this study finds that while 30.6% of adolescents are ever e-cigarette users, 15.5% are current users. Approximately one in three adolescents are susceptible to e-cigarettes use, and susceptibility is associated with lower odds of being a current e-cigarette user (OR = 0.03; CI: 0.01–0.12; p < 0.00). The age of tobacco use initiation was significantly associated with decreased current use of e-cigarettes (OR = 0.89; CI: 0.83–0.0.97; p < 0.01). Overall, the results of this exploratory study suggest the need for larger studies to identify unique and generalizable factors that predispose adolescents in this high-risk rural, socioeconomically disadvantaged region to ENDS use. Nevertheless, this study offers insight into e-cigarette usage among U.S adolescents in rural, socioeconomically disadvantaged environments and provides a foundation for a closer examination of this vulnerable population.

The Role of Green Place Attachment and Sociodemographic Variables on the Nature-Wellbeing Chain

Jazi, Everly January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Análisis de las desigualdades sociales en salud en la distribución de la incidencia de COVID-19 en los distritos de Lima Metropolitana y Callao, en el año 2020 / Analysis of inequalities in the distribution of the incidence of COVID-19 in the districts of Lima Metropolitana and Callao, in 2020

Albornoz Padilla, Ángela Solange, Calderón Sánchez, Valerie del Rosario 04 January 2022 (has links)
Objetivo. Estimar la desigualdad social en salud en la distribución de incidencia de COVID-19 en distritos de Lima Metropolitana y Callao, en el año 2020. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio ecológico a nivel distrital. Los datos se obtuvieron de diversas bases de datos institucionales. Se calcularon las métricas estándar, tales como la brecha absoluta y relativa, el índice de desigualdad de la pendiente, desigualdad proporcional e índice de concentración para analizar la relación entre varios indicadores de determinantes sociales y la incidencia de COVID-19 en 43 distritos de Lima Metropolitana y Callao en 2020, con el programa R Studio. Resultados. Este estudio demostró que, los distritos con mayor IDH, menor pobreza, mayor acceso a agua potable y alcantarillado presentan una mayor incidencia de COVID-19. Se calculó la desigualdad absoluta y relativa según los estratificadores sociales; sin embargo, estas son de mayor utilidad al compararse con los años. Conclusiones. Se determinó que los distritos con mayor IDH, menor pobreza monetaria, mayor acceso a agua potable y alcantarillado presentan una mayor incidencia de COVID-19. Esto se adjudicó al poco acceso a los servicios de salud y el pobre conocimiento de la enfermedad por parte de la población menos favorecida, lo cual se tradujo en un subdiagnóstico. Es probable que una actualización de los datos conlleve a una variación de los resultados. / Objective. Estimate social inequality in health in the distribution of incidence of COVID-19 in the districts of Lima Metropolitana and Callao, in 2020. Methods. This is an ecological study at the district level. The data were obtained from institutional databases. The relationship between four social determinants index and the incidence of COVID-19 in all the districts of Lima Metropolitana and Callao from March to June 2020 was evaluated, measuring the absolute and relative gaps, the slope index of inequality, proportional inequality and concentration index for each district, with R Studio program. Results. This study showed that the districts with higher HDI, lower poverty, greater access to potable water and sewerage system have a higher incidence of COVID-19. Absolute and relative inequality were calculated according to social stratifiers; however, these are more useful when compared with the years. Conclusion. It was determined that districts with higher HDI, lower monetary poverty, greater access to potable water and sewerage system have a higher incidence of COVID-19. This was attributed to poor access to health services and poor knowledge of the disease by the less favored population, that resulted in an underdiagnosis. An update of the data is likely to lead to a variation of the results. / Tesis

Maternity Healthcare Services in Refugee Communities : A Literature Review on Barriers to Healthcare Access and Provision – Analysing the Greek Context

Odeh-Moreira, Jamila January 2021 (has links)
Health appears as a fundamental right on the Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 onarticle XXV. In humanitarian research, health is often viewed as a secondary theme anddid not have that much relevance. This has changed recently and nowadays health isconsidered an important factor. Social determinants of health are social factors, such ashousing, nutrition, and sanitation, that have a deep influence on one’s health. Thosedeterminants are particular to each individual and the conditions in which it lives and canbe modified by one’s migratory journey. In fact, migration in itself can be seen as a socialdeterminant of health, once the implications of the journey directly affect their health.Health inequity and the disparities caused by it are direct consequences of the socialdeterminants of health.This thesis analyses productions on refugee health in relation to the barriers existent inboth accessing and providing healthcare services to pregnant and postpartum women inGreece. The discussion chapter analyses the data found, discusses social determinants ofhealth, the resulting health disparities, and arguments through an intersectionality lens.The result chapter discusses the most important factors, suggests actions to overcome thebarriers and discusses the responsibility of the global society regarding inequalities.

The Social Determinants of Health

Beatty, Katy E., White, Melissa 29 April 2022 (has links)
Book summary: Appalachian Health explores major challenges and opportunities for promoting the health and well-being of the people of Appalachia, a historically underserved population. It considers health's intersection with social, political, and economic factors to shed light on the trends affecting mortality and morbidity among the region's residents.

Estimar la brecha de desigualdad en la distribución de la mortalidad por COVID-19 en los distritos de Lima Metropolitana y Callao en el año 2020 / To estimate the inequality gap in the distribution of the COVID-19 mortality rate in the districts of Lima Metropolitana and Callao in 2020

Hernández Guzmán, Giovanna Gabriela, Huapaya Purizaca, Luis Jose 16 March 2022 (has links)
Objetivo: Estimar la brecha de desigualdad de la distribución de la mortalidad por COVID-19 en función de 3 determinantes sociales en los distritos de Lima metropolitana y Callao en el periodo entre marzo y junio del 2020. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio ecológico a nivel distrital. Los datos se obtuvieron a partir de bases pertenecientes a instituciones públicas del Perú. Se estimaron los índices de kuznets absoluto y relativo. Posteriormente, se utilizó un modelo de para examinar la relación entre tres indicadores sociales y las tasas de mortalidad de COVID-19 en los distritos mencionados. Resultados: La tendencia de la tasa de mortalidad es similar para los 3 estratificadores sociales, aumenta conforme mejores indicadores se encuentran. Se obtuvo una curva de concentración negativa (a favor de los menos privilegiados) en todos los casos. A su vez, observamos que el 20% de distritos con mayor desventaja acumulan el 18% de la tasa de mortalidad, mientras que 20% más aventajado acumula el 22% de la tasa. Conclusiones: Los determinantes sociales de salud son claves al evaluar el impacto de una pandemia sobre la población. Analizar su relación permite a las autoridades crear y mejorar medidas sanitarias para disminuir las repercusiones de la enfermedad. Encontramos para los 3 estratificadores analizados que la tasa de mortalidad aumenta conforme la población es más privilegiada. Poner más énfasis en disminuir la fragmentación de nuestro sistema de salud y generar estímulos para fomentar la descentralización de los profesionales ayudaría en gran medida a acortar la brecha de desigualdad. Al discrepar de la bibliografía analizada, es necesaria la realización de más estudios para tener una mejor perspectiva. / Objectives: To estimate the inequality gap of the distribution of mortality from COVID-19 based on 3 social determinants in the districts of metropolitan Lima and Callao during March-June of 2020. Methods: An ecological study was conducted at the district level. Data were obtained from databases belonging to public institutions in Peru. The absolute and relative Kuznets index were estimated. Subsequently, a random regression model was used to examine the relationship between three social indicators and COVID-19 mortality rates in the mentioned districts. Results: The mortality rate trend for the three determinants evaluated raise as better indicators were found. A negative concentration curve was found (in favor of the most disadvantaged) in every case. Further, districts at the bottom 20% of better determinants of health concentrates up to 18% of the mortality rate, while the 20% at the top concentrates up to 22% of the rate. Conclusions: The social determinants of health are key when evaluating the impact of a pandemic on the population. Analyzing their relationship allows the authorities to create and improve health measures to reduce the repercussions of the disease. We found for the 3 stratifiers analyzed that the mortality rate increases as the population is more privileged. Placing more emphasis on reducing the fragmentation of our health system and generating incentives to promote the decentralization of professionals would greatly help to reduce the inequality gap. Disagreeing with the analyzed bibliography, it is necessary to carry out more studies to have a better perspective. / Tesis

Determinants of household savings : An international cross-country analysis to detect the determinants of household savings

Fredriksson, Cajsa January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to look into the determinants of household savings in an international cross-section. The focus is on the effects from social security, old-age dependency, participation rate and change in unemployment, among other variables as an addition to the disequilibrium saving hypotheses, which is the base theory for the savings function. The fixed-effect least square dummy variable method is used on panel data of 14 OECD countries over the time-span 2000 to 2018. The determinants that has a significant effect on household saving in the empirical result is unanticipated income; a positive sign supports the permanent-income hypothesis and the disequilibrium saving hypothesis. This means that individuals tend to save the transitory income. The next significant variable is the lagged savings rate, which indicates inactivity in the savings behavior. The change in the unemployment rate is also significant and the positive sign supports the uncertainty hypothesis, indicating that individuals tend to save for precautionary reasons. The last significant variable was social security and it had a negative effect on household savings; which is supported by the life-cycle hypothesis, and can indicate a wealth substitution effect or general confidence in the social security system.

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