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Phänotypisierung und Genotypisierung von Staphylococcus aureus-Isolaten aus Rohmilchproben Thüringer MilchviehherdenSchlotter, Anna Katharina 19 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Staphylococcus aureus ist einer der bedeutendsten Erreger boviner Mastitiden. Die Vielgestaltigkeit der Resistenzmuster und Virulenzfaktoren seiner Stämme macht ihn zu einem Problemkeim aus therapeutischer und prophylaktischer Sicht. Seine Fähigkeit zur Bildung hitzestabiler Enterotoxine verleiht ihm lebensmittelhygienische Relevanz. Mehrfachresistente Stämme stellen gefährliche Zoonose-Erreger dar. Ziel der durchgeführten Untersuchung war es daher, Aufschluss über Resistenzdeterminanten und Virulenzfaktoren der in Thüringer Milchviehherden vorkommenden Staphylococcus aureus zu erhalten, wobei eine Microarray-gestützte Genotypisierung zum Einsatz kam. Weiterhin sollte analysiert werden, ob der Genotyp der Isolate mit dem Phänotyp korreliert.
In 34 Thüringer Milchviehherden wurde der gesamte Bestand der laktierenden Kühe zweimal auf Basis von Viertelgemelksproben bakteriologisch untersucht. Die Beurteilung der Kulturen erfolgte im Nativausstrich nach 48-stündiger Bebrütung und zusätzlich nach Voranreicherung in einer Glucose-Bouillon mit anschließender 24-stündiger Bebrütung. Staphylococcus aureus-positiv waren 1902 von insgesamt 81 567 Milchproben. Aus diesen wurden 189 für die Herden repräsentative Isolate ausgewählt und mittels Microarray-Technologie umfassend charakterisiert und klassifiziert. Zudem wurde der Phänotyp der Isolate auf Äskulin- und Columbia-Blutagar erfasst und das Resistenzverhalten mittels Agardiffusionstest ermittelt.
Die 189 typisierten Staphylococcus aureus konnten elf verschiedenen klonalen Komplexen (CC) zugeordnet werden. Der Großteil der Isolate (80,4 %) zählte zu CC133, CC151 und CC479. Diese Isolate besaßen mit einer Ausnahme das Leukozidin-Gen lukF-P83/lukM. Die übrigen Isolate, die negativ auf lukF-P83/lukM getestet wurden, gehörten acht vergleichsweise sporadisch vorkommenden CC (CC7, CC9, CC20, CC45, CC50, CC97, CC101, CC398) an.
In nur 0,7 % der zu den drei dominanten CC zählenden Isolate war das Beta-Laktamase-Gen blaZ vorhanden, während es bei 54,1 % der sporadisch vorkommenden CC detektiert wurde. Das Methicillin-Resistenzgen mecA wurde bei lediglich vier Isolaten (2,1 %) nachgewiesen, die alle CC398 angehörten. Sie verfügten neben Resistenzen gegenüber β-Laktam-Antibiotika über eine Tetrazyklin-Resistenz. Darüber hinaus wurde in einem Isolat das Makrolid/Lincosamid/Streptogramin-Resistenz vermittelnde vgaA und in einem Isolat das Aminoglykosid-Resistenz vermittelnde aacA-aphD detektiert. Humanmedizinisch relevante Enterotoxin-, Exfoliatin- oder PVL-Gene wurden in den vier Methicillin-resistenten Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) nicht gefunden. Im Agardiffusiontest zeigten diese Isolate eine Penicillin- und eine Tetrazyklin-Resistenz, jedoch keine Resistenz gegenüber Oxacillin, welches als MRSA-Marker gilt.
Die Gene der klassischen, humanmedizinisch bedeutsamen Enterotoxine A, B und C waren bei 12,7 % der Isolate vorhanden, wohingegen die Gene von Enterotoxin D und E nicht vorkamen. Insgesamt fanden sich Enterotoxin-Gene bei 78,3 % der typisierten Staphylococcus aureus, wobei die für Enterotoxin G, I, M, N, O und U kodierenden dominierten.
Phänotypisch unterschieden sich die CC bezüglich Hämolyse und Pigmentierung, wobei alle CC398-Isolate als eierschalenfarben mit doppelzoniger Hämolyse auftraten. Hämolysin-Gene besaßen alle Isolate, ein Zusammenhang zu den phänotypisch ausgeprägten Hämolysezonen bestand jedoch nicht.
Die vorliegende Untersuchung zeigt, dass in Thüringer Milchviehbeständen zwei epidemiologisch unterschiedliche Varianten von Staphylococcus aureus existieren. Die in dieser Studie dominierenden, lukF-P83/lukM-positiven CC133, CC151 und CC479 verursachten einen Großteil der Infektionen und gelten als auf das Euter beschränkte Erreger. Sie können daher als „euterassoziiert“ angesehen werden. Dagegen verfügten die anderen in dieser Untersuchung detektierten, lukF-P83/lukM-negativen CC über Charakteristika „umweltassoziierter“ Keime. Sie besitzen ein breites Wirtsspektrum und treten auch außerhalb des bovinen Euters in der Umgebung der Kühe auf. Die Prüfung auf lukF-P83/lukM erwies sich als zuverlässige Methode, zwischen beiden epidemiologischen Varianten zu unterscheiden. Folglich lässt die An- oder Abwesenheit dieser Genkombination einen Rückschluss auf die in der Herde verbreiteten CC zu. Das ermöglicht die Berücksichtigung der CC-spezifischen Erreger-Eigenschaften bei der Etablierung von Sanierungsprogrammen, die somit effizient gestaltet werden können.
MRSA waren in Thüringer Milchviehbeständen wenig verbreitet und nur schwach mit Resistenzdeterminanten und humanmedizinisch bedeutsamen Pathogenitätsfaktoren ausgestattet. Diese MRSA aus Rohmilchproben sind daher nicht mit multiresistenten Isolaten aus der Humanmedizin zu vergleichen.
Gene für humanmedizinisch relevante Enterotoxine, für die ein Zusammenhang mit Lebensmittelintoxikationen belegt ist, wurden selten, andere Enterotoxin-Gene jedoch häufig nachgewiesen.
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A Classic Model in a Low Fertility Context: The Proximate Determinants of Fertility in South Korea and the United StatesGuarneri, Christine E. 2010 May 1900 (has links)
John Bongaarts' proximate determinants model of fertility has accounted for over 90 percent of variation in the total fertility rate (TFR) of primarily developing nations and historical populations. Recently, dramatically low fertility rates across the globe have raised questions regarding whether this model could be applied to exclusively below-replacement nations. This study follows Knodel, Chamratrithirong, and Debavalya's 1987 analysis of fertility decline in Thailand by conducting in-depth case studies of the proximate determinants in two low fertility countries over time: South Korea, where fertility is well below the level of replacement, and the United States, where fertility has hovered around replacement level for many years. Then, the fertility-inhibiting effect of the proximate determinants is assessed by comparing the quantitative index representing each determinant measured in the 1960s/1970s with its measurement in the 2000s. For both years, I consider the fertility level that would prevail in the determinant's presence as well as the level that would exist in its absence. Finally, I use each of the indices to calculate the TFR and assess how the strength of the model varies over time in the two countries.
Ultimately, results indicate that the proximate determinants model does not offer a clean picture of the fertility level in either South Korea or the United States; when trends uncovered by the case studies are compared to the results of the quantitative analysis, a number of inconsistencies are revealed. This suggests that certain components in the model may need to be respecified for more effective application in low-fertility contexts. However, that is not to say that it offers no insight into fertility at all or that it is no longer a useful tool. On the contrary, it is shown that the proximate determinants model holds a lot of potential for analysis in low-fertility nations. The implications of these results, as well as the need for improvements in international data collection efforts, are also discussed.
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A Study Of Housing Prices In AnkaraKaragol, Tuba 01 May 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Housing price studies is the first step of housing market analysis. Prices are determined at the
intersection point of supply and demand curves, which determine equilibrium point that
represents equilibrium price and quantity level. At a point in time demand factors are more
important in determining the prices because short-run supply curve is almost vertical.
However, in the long run supply of housing, and its certain attributes, will increase if price
premium arises in the previous periods.
In most of the studies, house prices are analyzed by using hedonic price index technique,
which enables us to have information about the demand side of housing sector. In the hedonic
price framework, heterogeneous goods are considered as aggregations of characteristics, and
implicit marginal prices for these characteristics are calculated. When &lsquo / Hedonic Price
Analysis&rsquo / is applied to the housing sector, it shows us the price of each housing attribute and
gives information about the preferences and willingness to pay of the people for each
attribute. Therefore, at the end of such an analysis it is possible to see which attributes are
valued most by house buyers in the city.
The aim of this thesis is to reveal the implicit prices of housing attributes in the housing
market of Ankara, for the year 2006, with the purpose of gaining more information about the
demand side of the housing sector. For this purpose, hedonic pricing method is used with the
data that are extracted from appraisal reports which include information about main attributes
and estimated price of each dwelling unit.
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Determinants Of Innovation Behaviour: Analysis Of 2004-2006 Technological Innovation Survey Of TurkeyKarakuzu, Miray 01 May 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Main purpose of this thesis is to analyse the main determinants affecting innovation behaviour by utilizing the results of Technological Innovation Survey of Turkey for the periods 2004-2006 combined with the results of Annual Business Statistics Surveys conducted for the year 2003. The total number of the observations of the matched data of the two Surveys is 947. Main underlying reason for the time lag introduced between the two surveys is to be able to relate firm and sector characteristics to the innovation behaviour in following years.
Logit model is established with three main dependent variables as firms doing product innovation, process innovation and either one of them. According to result of the analysis, four main areas are found to be promoting the innovation behaviour in firms. Firstly, as the firm size increases, the probability of engaging in innovation is found to be affected positively. Secondly, firms having foreign share also has more tendency for innovation. This result is surprising and disproof the initial assumption related with foreign share, since foreign investment is found to be a hindering factor in some previous studies in developing countries. Thirdly having intellectual property rights is positively related with innovation behaviour. Last positively affecting factor is engaging in R& / D, which is presumable. Three factors are found to be insignificant as Export Status, Import Penetration and Tariff Rate. The relationship between foreign trade and innovation behaviour could not be justified which is mainly due to lack of data reliability.
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The determinants of the use of atypical employment and the effectivenessChen, Chin-Hui 28 January 2002 (has links)
The determinants of the use of atypical employment
and the effectiveness
Atypical employment has been popular all over the world. Although there are plenty of articles about the current situation of the use of atypical employment, we still lack the studies about what determines of the use , how atypical employment influences labor costs, and what determines its future growth.
Due to my interests upon the issues above, I made some analysis and got some conclusions:
I. The determinants of the use of atypical employment
1. Contingent workers usually don¡¦t do nuclear work
2. Companies usually don¡¦t use atypical employment on professional jobs.
3. Companies usually use atypical employment when workload increases temporarily.
4. Temporary work is usually clerical and industrial.
5. Organizational size has positive effect upon atypical employment.
6. Labor collective contracts have positive effect upon atypical employment.
7. Companies in business-service industry use more atypical employment.
8. Benefit level has positive effect upon atypical employment.
II. The determinants of cost saving after using atypical employment
1. The lower level of wage and benefits of contingent workers is the main reason to explain why cost saving happens after using atypical employment.
2. The use of professional temporary work has negative effect on cost saving after using atypical employment.
3. Low-skilled temporary work help firms to save labor costs.
4. Atypical employment causes higher mobility among regular workers and it has negative effect on cost saving.
5. Organizational size has positive effect upon cost saving after companies use atypical employment.
6. It is easier for companies of business-service and manufacturing industry to save labor costs after using atypical employment.
III. The determinants of the future growth of atypical employment
1. Atypical employment growth is due to the need to get more employment flexibility and cost control.
2. Professional temporary work will grow significantly in the future.
3. Bad influences of atypical employment have positive effect on its future growth.
4. Collective labor contracts have positive effect on the future growth of atypical employment.
5. Both Taiwanese and foreign companies will increase atypical employment significantly in three years.
6. Organizational size has positive effect on the growth of atypical employment.
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The study of the probe into the public traditional market in Kaohsiung City by practicing VCS strategy management from the management standpoint of Public AgenciesTe-ye, Lu 11 July 2003 (has links)
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The success factor to conclude Strategic Alliance in Taiwan's Cultural Creative IndustriesTseng, Tzu-cheng 14 January 2009 (has links)
More and more industries have collaborated aggressively with other fields, and try to strengthen their relationship recently in cultural creative industries. However, people always focus their attention on the successful reason of executing alliance, but they ignore the successful reason of concluding alliance. The process of concluding alliance usually come fault because of the gap in their concept. For the reason, this thesis will research the factor of concluding alliance successfully.
According to the process of concluding alliance, we have known the result of concluding alliance would have affected by motive, partner selection and the type of alliance. The alliance could conclude when the factor match up with each other. Base on this structure, the thesis try to explore which reason affecting the alliance conclusion.
This thesis applied in-depth interview method to gather the firsthand information of the cultural creative industries. According to the research structure and firsthand information, it could generalize five successful factor of concluding alliance. Finally, it would have examined the development of cultural creative industries in Taiwan and found them lack for a channel to connect.
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Location-Specific Determinants Of FDI : The Case Of The Middle East And North Africa CountriesSmajlovic, Lejla, Kozlova, Marina January 2008 (has links)
<p><p>The thesis examines the foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region and, in order to achieve a better understanding of how MENA economies may attract FDI, attempts to identify their possible location-specific de-terminants. The analysis is based on the results of the cross-section OLS regression meth-od. The examined empirical model is based on the eclectic theory developed by John Dun-ning and the previous empirical studies. To test the relevant location-specific determinants of FDI inflows into MENA region, eighteen countries are sampled for the period 1996-2006. The results of the regression analysis show that physical infrastructure and trade openness are significant determinants of FDI in the MENA countries.</p></p>
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The Aggregated Influences of Poverty Impacting Dental Care Access and Oral Health among Migrant Farmworkers in Tampa, FloridaKline, Nolan 01 July 2010 (has links)
Oral health is an important aspect of overall health, but many vulnerable
populations such as migrant farmworkers are without access to oral healthcare. Although
some non-government organizations such as faith-based organizations have attempted to
fill gaps left by government and private sectors, a lack of a dental safety net creates
limited access to oral health services for migrant farmworkers. Access to care is further
constrained by structural factors including low wages, migration route, and high costs of
care. Building off a critical medical anthropology approach in understanding oral
healthcare access, I argue that limited oral health access for migrant workers in the
Tampa Bay area is the result of economic constraints and not cultural beliefs or
educational shortcomings. This research therefore demonstrates the social determinants
of oral health, and how social disparities can become embodied in marginalized groups
such as migrant farmworkers.
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Kauffman-Harary Conjecture for Virtual KnotsWilliamson, Mathew 02 April 2007 (has links)
In this paper, we examine Fox colorings of virtual knots, and moves called k-swap moves defined for virtual knot diagrams. The k-swap moves induce a one-to-one correspondence between colorings before and after the move, and can be used to reduce the number of virtual crossings. For the study of colorings, we characterize families of alternating virtual knots to generalize (2, n)-torus knots, alternating pretzel knots, and alternating 2-bridge knots. The k-swap moves are then applied to prove a "virtualization" of the Kauffman-Harary conjecture, originally stated for classical knot diagrams, for the above families of virtual pretzel knot diagrams.
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