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Hétérogénéités multi-échelles sédimento-diagénétiques et structurales de la Formation Carbonatée Madison (Mississippien, Wyoming, USA) : implications réservoirsBarbier, Mickael 27 March 2012 (has links)
L'étude a pour but de caractériser les facteurs de contrôles de la distribution des propriétés pétrophysiques et mécaniques dans les réservoirs carbonatés. Pour y répondre, il a été entrepris une démarche intégrant des analyses sédimento-diagénétiques (sédimentologiques, pétrographiques, géochimiques…) et de la fracturation (stratigraphie mécanique et stratigraphie de fracture, hiérarchisation, chronologie…). L'acquisition des données a été réalisée sur un analogue de terrain d'un réservoir carbonaté fracturé : la Formation Madison, d'âge Carbonifère inférieur (357-340 Ma), affleurant dans le Bassin de Bighorn (Wyoming, USA) et qui est aussi un réservoir exploité en subsurface. Cette acquisition a été réalisée dans cinq sites : Wind River Canyon, Shell Canyon, Sheep Mountain, Shoshone Canyon, et Clark's Fork Canyon (selon une polarité paléogéographique proximale - distale).Dans le Wyoming (USA), la Formation Madison est une série carbonatée, atteignant une épaisseur de 340 m, formée de sept séquences de dépôt basse fréquence (SBF). Les deux premières (SBF1 et 2) se sont formées sur une rampe qui, en conséquence de progradations extensives, s'est aplanie progressivement pour former une plate-forme sur laquelle se sont déposées les cinq autres séquences (SBF3 à 7). SBF1 à 3, d'âge Kinderhookien à Osagéen inférieur, se sont formées sous climat aride à la faveur d'une subsidence tectonique générale compensant les chutes eustatiques épisodiques. Les cortèges de rétrogradation se caractérisent par le développement étendu des milieux inter- à supratidaux et des processus de précipitation d'évaporites et dolomitisation. / The purpose of this study is to characterize factors controlling the distribution of the petrophysical and mechanical properties in carbonate reservoirs. To do so, a pluridisciplinary approach integrating sedimento-diagenetic and fracturing analyses on a carbonate reservoir analogue: he Madison Formation, (Lower Carboniferous, 357-340 My), outcropping in the Bighorn Basin (Wyoming, USA) and that is also a subsurface reservoir.The Madison Formation is a 340 m thick carbonate series composed of seven low frequency depositional sequences (LFS). The first two (LFS 1 and 2) formed on a prograding ramp passing upward into a vast platform on which the other five LFS deposited (LFS3 à 7). LFS 1 to 3 (Kinderhookian to lower Osagean) deposited under arid conditions during general subsidence that balanced eustatic falls. Retrograding system tracts are characterized by the development of supratidal to intertidal environment dominated by evaporite precipitations and carbonate dolomitization. Prograding system tracts are mainly mainly by early-lithified grainstones. LFS 4 to 7 (Osagean) deposited under humid conditions (glacial conditions in high-latitudes) that contributed to a decrease in evaporite precipitations and carbonate dolomitization but that involved karstifications on tops of LFS 4 to 7 during uplift episodes and eustatic falls.
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Lien entre diagenèse des discontinuités, faciès sédimentaire et stratigraphie séquentielle : exemple de la plateforme carbonatée de l'ouest de la France (Aalénien-Oxfordien) / Linking diagenesis of discontinuities, facies, and sequence stratigraphy : the western France carbonate platform (Aalenian-Oxfordian)Andrieu, Simon 07 December 2016 (has links)
Les objectifs de cette thèse sont (1) de définir les facteurs contrôlant le développement à grande échelle des plateformes carbonatées intracratoniques et (2) de relier la diagenèse précoce des discontinuités avec les paléoenvironnements et les modèles de stratigraphie séquentielle. L’évolution de la plateforme carbonatée de l’ouest de la France a été reconstituée de l’Aalénien à l’Oxfordien (17 millions d’années). La topographie du socle contrôle la répartition latérale des bathymétries jusqu’au Bathonien moyen. La tectonique régionale favorise ou empêche localement la production carbonatée. À l’échelle des bassins ouest-téthysiens, des phases généralisées de disparition et de croissance des plateformes carbonatées sont contrôlées par les variations du climat d’une période de 9 millions d’années. La production carbonatée est faible pendant les périodes humides et importante au cours des périodes sèches perturbées par de courtes moussons. Des analyses isotopiques (δ18O et δ13C) à haute résolution ont été réalisées sur des ciments précoces variés localisés sous des discontinuités, permettant de reconstituer l’histoire paléoenvironnementale aboutissant à leur formation. Les ciments en dents de chien ainsi que les ménisques et enveloppes micritiques analysées ont précipité directement en calcite faiblement magnésienne dans l’eau de mer. Un nouveau modèle reliant architecture, stratigraphie séquentielle, faciès et diagenèse précoce est proposé pour une bordure de plateforme oolithique. Sur la plateforme interne, les discontinuités passent latéralement de surfaces subaériennes à des hardgrounds marins, dont l’érosion aboutit au dépôt de niveaux à intraclastes sur la bordure de plateforme. La cimentation précoce est uniquement localisée sous les discontinuités et est absente dans la bordure de plateforme où la sédimentation est continue. / The objectives of this thesis are (1) to characterize the factors controlling the large-scale development of intracratonic carbonate platforms and (2) to link early diagenesis of discontinuities with palaeoenvironments and sequence stratigraphy models. The evolution of the western France carbonate platform is reconstructed from the Aalenian to the Oxfordian (17 million years). The basement topography controls bathymetries until the mid-Bathonian. Regional tectonics promotes or prevents locally carbonate production. General stages of carbonate platform growth and demise in western Tethyan basins are controlled by 9 million years’ climatic variations. Carbonate production is low during humid intervals and high during dry intervals disturbed by short periods of intensive rainfall. High resolution isotopic analyses(δ18O and δ13C) were performed on various early cements located below discontinuities to reconstruct the palaeoenvironmental conditions leading to their formation. Dogtooth cements, micritic meniscus and envelopes precipitated in low-magnesium calcite directly in seawater. A new model, linking architecture, facies, sequence stratigraphy and early diagenesis is proposed for an oolitic platform wedge. On the inner platform, discontinuities change laterally from subaerial surfaces to marine hardgrounds, whose erosion leads to the deposit of an intraclasts level on the platform wedge. Early cements are only located under discontinuities and are absent in the platform wedge because of a continuous sedimentation rate.
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A study of the diagenesis of the overburden between the Badger and School Coal Seams, Dave Johnston Coal Field, Converse County, WyomingJaffer, Rebecca K. 01 January 1983 (has links)
Low pH zones in portions of the overburden at the Dave Johnston Coal Field, Converse County, Wyoming are the subject of this study. The low pH zones are restricted to limonite stained sandstones which grade downdip into normal pH gray sandstones. Changes in color, clay mineralogy, cementation and feldspar surface textures are noted between the two sandstone units. These changes appear to be the result of post depositional alteration that was responsible for oxidation of pyrite and chlorite, dissoluion of calcite, and the etching of feldspar grains. The parameters for the diagenesis fit those of uranium roll front models proposed for the Powder River Basin. The alteration appears responsible for the low pH values reported in the yellow sandstone. Research by the North Dakota Geological Survey on similar problems associated with lignite mines in North Dakota suggests reclamation procedures for dealing with these potentially hazardous overburden spoils.
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Integrated subsurface study on lithofacies and diagenetic controls over porosity distribution in the Upper Ordovician Trenton Limestone in Northwestern OhioAhsan, Mustafa 17 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Facies and diagenesis of the upper Devonian Palliser formation, front ranges of the Southern Rocky Mountains, Alberta and British ColumbiaKaylor, Donald Charles January 1988 (has links)
No description available.
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Characterization of Cretaceous Chalk Microporosity Related to Depositional Texture: Based Upon Study of the Upper Cretaceous Niobrara Formation, Denver-Julesburg Basin, Colorado and WyomingPahnke, P D 01 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Prompted by increased interest in understanding microporosity, recent efforts at describing and classifying pore types in mudstones have focused primarily on siliceous, gas producing unconventional reservoirs with little attention being paid to carbonate, mixed oil-and-gas producers. The Niobrara Formation in the Denver-Julesburg Basin is a self-sourced resource play producing oil and natural gas from low permeability chalks. Key reservoir lithologies consist of chalk, chalky marl and marl. These lithologies contain flattened chalk fecal pellets which play a significant role in providing porosity. Integration of depositional fabric with pore-type distribution emphasizes the unique textural and depositional nature of chalk and provides a starting point for evaluation of diagenetic porosity modification. Chalk depositional textures comprise two main subdivisions. The first, called rainstone, includes chalks that form largely from settling of planktonic skeletal remains and fecal pellets as marine snow. New terms related to pelagic chalk textures are pelagic mudstone, pelagic wackestone, and pelagic packstone. The second, called allochthonous chalk, consists of chalks formed from syndepositional tectonic disruption of the seafloor, resulting in mass-movement and redeposition of chalk as turbidites and slide sheets. New terms related to allochthonous chalk textures are allomudstone, allofloatstone, and allorudstone. A chalk porosity classification consisting of four major pore types is presented that can be used to quantify Niobrara chalk pores and relate them to depositional texture, porosity networks, diagenetic history, and pore distributions. Interparticle porosity occurs largely between coccoliths and coccolith fragments, and decreases with burial ranging from 27-38% to 5-17%. Intraparticle porosity occurs within chalk pellets, coccospheres, coccolith plates and foraminifera tests, and also decreases with burial. Organic matter pores are intraparticle pores located within organic matter and are related to hydrocarbon generation. Channel pores, where present, can have significant influence on hydrocarbon storage and permeability networks. In the Niobrara, burial diagenesis in the form of mechanical compaction, chemical compaction, and syntaxial cement overgrowths, modifies pore shape and abundance. Porosity distribution is controlled by the abundance of chalk pellets and the mineralogy of the matrix. Permeability is a function of matrix lithology (micrite-rich vs. silt- and clay-rich). Understanding chalk depositional and diagenetic processes, and how they relate to porosity formation and pore evolution provide a foundation for more accurately predicting the occurrence and distribution of hydrocarbon source and reservoir rocks within the Niobrara.
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Petrological and stable isotopic study of lacustrine and paleosol carbonates: Implications for paleoelevation and tectonic evolution of the Tibetan PlateauLi, Shanying 25 April 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Untersuchungen zum Einfluss seeinterner Verfahren auf die Phosphor-Diagenese in SedimentenLewandowski, Jörg 06 December 2002 (has links)
Viele seeinterne Maßnahmen zielen darauf, die Phytoplanktonentwicklung über die Verfügbarkeit von Phosphor (P) im Wasserkörper zu steuern. Die meisten Restaurierungsverfahren sollen über eine Erhöhung der P-Bruttosedimentation oder Verminderung der P-Rücklösung die P-Retention im Sediment beeinflussen. Daher sind Sedimentuntersuchungen zur Abschätzung der P-Retention und ihrer Veränderung unter dem Einfluss der erwogenen Maßnahmen eine wichtige Voraussetzung für die Auswahl des im konkreten Einzelfall am besten geeigneten Verfahrens. Eine durch Fragebögen und Literaturauswertung vorgenommene Analyse legt offen, dass die Sedimentuntersuchungen häufig nicht oder mit ungeeigneten Methoden erfolgten und die Therapieversuche daher in der Vergangenheit oft nicht die erwartete Wirkung hatten. Mit einer Kosten-Nutzen-Abschätzung wird gezeigt, dass sich Voruntersuchungen auch finanziell rechnen, obwohl sie aufwendig und teuer sind. Die Forschung der letzten Jahre hat das Prozessverständnis für die Kopplung der verschiedenen Kreisläufe und das Zusammenspiel von chemischen und biologischen Prozessen erheblich vervollständigt. Wegen der Komplexität ist es jedoch immer noch sehr schwierig, die Wirkung eines technischen Eingriffs genau vorherzusagen. Es werden Untersuchungsmethoden benötigt, die die beteiligten Prozesse und Zustandsgrößen mit ausreichender räumlicher und zeitlicher Auflösung erfassen. Besonders wichtige Größen für seeinterne Maßnahmen sind das P-Freisetzungspotential und die P-Freisetzungsrate. Verschiedene Bestimmungsmethoden für die beiden Größen werden in der Arbeit beschrieben, weiterentwickelt, gegenübergestellt, mit Beispielen veranschaulicht und im Bezug auf ihre Vor- und Nachteile diskutiert. Das P-Freisetzungspotential kann aus der Veränderung der Gesamtphosphorgehalte im Sedimenttiefenprofil, aus den P-Bindungsformen der oberen Sedimentschicht oder aus Desorptionsuntersuchungen mit Sediment der oberen Schicht abgeleitet werden. Die P-Freisetzungrate kann als Konzentrationsanstieg des Freiwassers in Säulenversuchen, in Flux-Kammern oder im Hypolimnion gemessen werden. Alternativ ist es möglich, sie aus dem Konzentrationsgradienten des gelösten Phosphors an der Sediment-Wasser-Grenze mit Filtration, Zentrifugation, Sensoren oder Dialysesammlern zu ermitteln. Ein spezielles Augenmerk wird auf die kleinräumige horizontale Heterogenität der P-Porenwasserkonzentrationen gelegt, da diese Variabilitäten zu fehlerhaften P-Freisetzungsraten führen können. Ein neues Probenahmegerät, ein zweidimensionaler Porenwassersammler, wurde entwickelt, um die P-Porenwasserkonzentrationen mit hoher horizontaler und vertikaler Auflösung messen zu können. Das neue Probenahmegerät erwies sich zur Klärung der Frage, wie viele unabhängige Messungen in einem konkreten Fall für zuverlässige Ergebnisse erforderlich sind, als geeignet. Der Einsatz des zweidimensionalen Porenwassersammlers identifizierte biologische Aktivität als Hauptursache räumlicher Variabilität. Ferner wurde deutlich, dass die räumliche Variabilität der P-Porenwasserkonzentrationen in flachen Gewässern größer als in tiefen Gewässern ist. Bei der Probenahmeplanung und Ergebnisauswertung sollte die räumliche Variabilität auf jeden Fall ausreichend berücksichtigt werden. An einem konkreten Anwendungsfall (Auensee) werden die vorgestellten Untersuchungsmethoden eingesetzt, um die Auswahl von Restaurierungsverfahren zu demonstrieren. Erst die kombinierte Interpretation von P-Freisetzungspotential und P-Freisetzungsrate erlaubt, die richtigen Schlussfolgerungen für das Untersuchungsgewässer zu ziehen. In einem weiteren Fallbeispiel (Süßer See) wird gezeigt, dass Nachuntersuchungen nicht nur zur Erfolgskontrolle notwendig sind, sondern auch um wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen. Im dargestellten Fall wird anhand von Laborversuchen und einer konzeptionellen Modellierung gezeigt, dass eine mit Neusediment überdeckte P-sorbierende Schicht auch bei noch vorhandener Sorptionskapazität keinen nennenswerten Einfluss auf die P-Konzentrationen im Wasserkörper hat. Die mit der vorliegenden Dissertation erfolge Zusammenschau und kritische Bewertung der Untersuchungsmethoden soll auch dazu dienen, die Lücke zwischen wissenschaftlichem Prozessverständnis und wasserwirtschaftlicher Praxis zu verkleinern. / Many internal restoration measures in lakes are directed to control of phytoplankton development by limiting the availability of phosphorus (P). Most such measures are aimed at changing P retention in sediment by increasing gross P sedimentation, or reducing P release (Chapter 2). Thus, pre- and post-restoration investigations of the lake sediment, including estimating the actual P retention and its predicted change caused by the considered measure, are an important means for choosing the most appropriate restoration technique and to determine whether restoration was successful. However, our questionnaires and literature study reveal that, in the past, pre-restoration investigations were frequently either omitted or inadequate. Consequently, effectiveness of lake restorations was often low. In contrast, appropriate pre-restoration investigations, increase the prospect of success. Our cost-benefit estimation proves that pre-restoration investigations, though expensive, reduce costs of lake restorations and increase the cost-benefit relationship (Appendix 1). Last years research has improved the knowledge of the complex coupling of the chemical cycles involved, and of the chemical and biological processes in the lake ecosystem. However, it is still difficult to estimate the effects of a technical measure, because we lack investigation methods that record the involved processes with the necessary temporal and spatial resolution. To evaluate internal measures, the P release potential and the P release rate are necessary. In this dissertation, the methods to determine the P release potential and the P release rate are developed, described, exemplified, compared, and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed. The P release potential can be derived from the change of total phosphorus in the sediment depth profile, from P binding forms, or from P desorption experiments in laboratory (Chapter 3). The P release rate can be measured in the water column as increase of phosphorus in core experiments, in flux chambers, or in the hypolimnion of stratified lakes. Alternatively, the P release rate can be determined from P concentration gradients at the sediment-water interface with filtration, centrifugation, microsensors, or dialysis samplers (Chapter 4). Special attention of this dissertation is focussed on pore water inheterogeneity because in might result in incorrect P release rates. A new device, a two-dimensional pore water sampler, was developed to measure pore water P concentrations with high horizontal and vertical resolution. The new device is shown to be applicable to particular lakes to determine how many independent measurements are necessary to get reliable results. Our use of the two-dimensional pore water sampler determined biological activity as the main cause of the spatial heterogeneity of pore water P concentrations and revealed that the spatial variability is larger in shallow lakes than in deep lakes. The variability should be taken into account when planning a sampling program or evaluating results (Appendix 2). The proposed sediment investigation methods to determine the P release potential and the P release rate are used at Lake Auensee to demonstrate their use for choosing the most appropriate restoration technique. The case study of Lake Auensee points out that only a combined interpretation of P release potential and P release rate leads to the correct conclusion (Appendix 3). Post-restoration investigations are necessary to check whether a restoration was successful or not, and to gain scientific insight. A study of Lake Süsser See is used as an example for post-restoration investigations of the sediment. Core experiments and a conceptual model are used to show that a buried layer, even with P sorption capacity, has no impact on the P release (Appendix 4). Furthermore, the surveys and critical evaluations contained in this dissertation should decrease the gap between scientific understanding of processes in a lake and practical water management.
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Parameters Controlling Distribution of Diagenetic Alterations within Fluvial and Shallow Marine Sandstone Reservoirs : Evidence from the Libyan BasinsKhalifa, Muftah January 2016 (has links)
This thesis demonstrates that geological setting, depositional facies, open system flux of hot basinal brines and descending of shallow waters have a strong impact on the distribution of the diagenetic alterations within continental and paralic/shallow marine sandstones which in turn control the quality and heterogeneities of the reservoirs. Geological setting controls the mineralogical and textural maturity of sandstone, whereas depositional facies control the pore water chemistry (marine, brackish or meteoric), sedimentary texture and sand body geometry. Eogenetic alterations in the fluvial deposits are dominated by precipitation of infiltrated clays, kaolinitization of detrital silicates, whereas the shallow marine deposits are dominated by precipitation of early calcite and kaolinite. Conversely mesogenetic alterations are dominated by clay minerals transformation, quartz overgrowths and Ferroan- carbonates, barite and anhydrite. Flux of hot basinal brines is evidenced by precipitation of mesogenetic minerals that lack of internal sources (e.g. barite, anhydrite and ferroan carbonate cements), which is evidenced by: (1) restricted occurrence of these minerals in downthrown blocks. (2) The high fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures (Th) of quartz overgrowths (Th > 110-139°C), and carbonate cements (T > 80-140°C), which also have light δ18OV-PDB(-17.6‰ to -6.7‰). Flux of hot basinal brines is further evidenced by occurrence of saddle Fe-dolomite along stylolites. Fluid inclusion microthermometry further revealed a dramatic shift in pore- water chemistry from NaCl dominated brines during precipitation of quartz overgrowths to NaCl-CaCl2 dominated brines during cementation by Fe-dolomite. Presence of mixed brine (NaCl+CaCl2) systems in the fluid inclusions suggests flux of descending waters, which have circulated in the overlying carbonate-evaporite successions. The restricted occurrence of oil- filled inclusion to quartz overgrowths and methane to Fe-carbonate cements suggest migration of oil during precipitation by quartz and migration of methane during precipitation by Fe- carbonate cements. The extensive mesogenetic cements in the down thrown blocks is attributed to flux of basinal brines along deep seated faults, i.e. open system diagenesis. Integration of fluid inclusion microthermometry, isotopes, Raman spectrometry and thermal tectonic evolution of basins are essential techniques for unraveling the evolution of basinal fluids, cementation conditions and relative timing of hydrocarbons migration. / <p>Errata: Felaktigt disputationsdatum på spikbladet.</p>
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Facies architecture and reservoir quality of Unit B, Permian Laingsburg Formation, southwestern Karoo Basin, South AfricaLombard, Donovan Joseph 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / This study presents a facies outcrop characterization and petrographical analysis
of Unit B of the Permian Laingsburg Formation. Unit B is interpreted as a base-ofslope
system, which represents a strikingly sand-rich succession. The base-of-slope
system is defined by a channel-levee complex. The study provides systematically a
clear understanding and description on reservoir heterogeneities, in terms of facies
distribution, physical processes and architectural elements. The dataset included
detailed sedimentary logs, photomosaic interpretations, supplemented by a
petrographical study to determine the textural and compositional attributes of the
studied sandstones.
Seven lithofacies was recognised within Unit B, based on detail observation and
description on grain size and sedimentary structures. They mainly consist of 1) thick
to massive bedded ‘structureless’ sandstone, 2) horizontal and ripple cross-laminated
thin-medium bedded sandstone, 3) silty sandstone, 4) structureless siltstone, 5)
hemipelagic mudstone, 6) muddy slump, and 7) sandy slump. Palaeocurrent analysis
indicates that the mean sediment transport direction of Unit B was to the E and NE.
Lithofacies 1 comprises thickly to massive bedded, frequently amalgamated,
mostly very-fined grained sand, mixed grading, irregular to sharp upper contacts,
structured upper bedding planes, large floating mudstone clasts and granules, rare
groove and flute casts. Also, scour and fill features have been documented.
Lithofacies 1 has been interpreted to result from channelized sandy debris flow
currents. Lithofacies 2 composes of thin-medium bedded, very fine-grained sand,
ungraded, sharp upper contacts, discrete units with traction bed forms, horizontal and
cross-lamination, mud-draped ripples, internal erosional surfaces and preserved crests. Lithofacies 2 shows diagnostic sedimentary features for a deep-water bottom
reworking current. Lithofacies 5 composes of very fine–grained mud, ‘structureless’
to finely horizontally laminated, fissile mudstone. Deposition resulted from
suspension settling of mud fractions out of a low-energy buoyant plume. Lithofacies
6 composes of contorted and convoluted bedding, steeply dipping layers and irregular
upper contacts. Deposition occurred via slumping on an unstable slope. Lithofacies 7
composes of fine–grained ‘structureless’ sandstone, amalgamated units, with dark
floating mudstone granules. Lithofacies 7 has been interpreted to form from
channelized flows evolving into slump deposition on an unstable slope.
The petrographic data reveals that the reservoir quality of the sandstones is
strongly controlled by depositional processes and diagenetic products. The sediments
of the Karoo Basin appear to be diagenetically controlled as a function of burial
depth. The major diagenetic products controlling the reservoir quality of the
sandstones, includes compaction (mechanical and chemical), and authigenic porefilling
constituents (quartz cement, feldspar dissolution and partial to complete
replacement, calcite cement, chlorite and illite). Compaction played a major role in
the evolution of the sediment, as compared to the effect of quartz cementation, and is
considered here to have caused irreversible destruction of depositional porosity and
permeability. The sediment has undergone intense mechanical compaction during
early-stage diagenesis, low temperature and shallow depth of burial (probably the
first 2 km). The high burial palaeotemperature (250 ± 500C) or more specifically the
high geothermal gradient of the Karoo Basin consequently increased the number of
diagenetic reactions. The high burial temperatures may have increased pressure
dissolution and quartz cementation. With compaction been limited, quartz
cementation and the authigenesis of chlorite and illite at deeper depths may have had
a profound effect on the permeability distribution of the studied sandstones. After the
completion of diagenesis, the pore systems of these sandstones were completely
destroyed by low-grade regional burial metamorphism.
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