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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transformations diagénétiques des dépôts silicoclastiques FA du bassin de Franceville au Gabon (2.2-2.0 Ga) par l'invasion de solutions oxydo-réductrices / Diagenetic transformations and redox fluids invasion in siliciclastic FA formation, Franceville basin (2.2-2.0 Ga), Gabon

Bankole, Olabode Modupe 16 December 2015 (has links)
Dans le bassin de Franceville (Gabon), les sédiments détritiques non-métamorphosés d’âge Paléoprotérozoïque (2,15 Ga) des formations FA et FB ont fait l’objet d’une étude faciologique, pétrographique et géochimique. L’objectif était de déterminer l’origine de ces matériaux clastiques et des minéralisations uranifères associées, mais aussi d’en retracer l’histoire diagénétique à travers l’évolution des paléoconditions rédox et des fluides qui les ont percolés.La pétrographie des faciès montre que la minéralogie et la texture initiales de ces sédiments ont été fortement modifiées au cours de la diagenèse précoce. Au toît de la formation FA, les quartz-arénites faiblement granoclassées ont été très tôt cimentées par du quartz, s’opposant ainsi à l’action ultérieure de la diagenèse d’enfouissement. Dans les arènes arkosiques, la séquence paragénétique liée aux ciments authigènes suggère que les interactions fluides-roches ont été polyphasées et que les éléments chimiques nécessaires à leur précipitation trouvent leur origine dans l’altération de minéraux détritiques. Pour un ensemble lithologique donné, les effets de la diagenèse varient peu d’un faciès à l’autre, ce qui indique un fort contrôle des paramètres initiaux tels que la minéralogie, la texture et la composition du fluide poral. Par conséquent, ces faciès sédimentaires nous informent directement sur les propriétés hydrologiques qui régnaient dans le bassin sédimentaire, et sur la nature de la diagenèse précoce qui les a affectés.Les données pétrographiques et géochimiques montrent que la précipitation de l’hématite en lits ferrugineux a débuté juste après le dépôt des sédiments, dont l’altération des minéraux primaires a libéré le fer, plus tard redistribué durant la diagenèse. Ainsi, la mise en évidence d’une corrélation positive entre les valeurs de "delta" 56Fe et les rapports Fe/Mg mesurés sur échantillon total suggère que le fer se répartit entre deux pôles que sont l’hématite authigène et les silicates porteur du fer. En revanche, l’absence de relation entre les rapports Fe3+/FeT et les compositions isotopiques du fer démontre que des oxydes riches en isotopes lourds du fer préexistaient dans les sédiments lorsque la diagenèse précoce a débuté. Le fer présent initialement à l’état réduit dans des faciès sédimentaires verts s’est progressivement oxydé au cours de la diagenèse, processus à l’origine de la formation des lits ferrugineux.Dans la formation FA du Bassin de Franceville, les gisements uranifères résultent de la libération de l’uranium contenu à l’origine dans les grès oxydés des dépôts fluviatiles inférieurs puis de sa migration et de son piégeage dans les grès réduits et les mudstones silteux des formations de deltas de marée supérieures, où il s’est concentré par un mécanisme de type roll-front.L’analyse des éléments chimiques majeurs et traces des formations FA et FB indique que leurs matériaux constitutifs trouvent leur source dans des roches ignées felsiques. Tandis que les diagrammes de terres rares normalisés aux chondrites, les anomalies négatives en Eu et les rapports GdN/YbN plaident plus précisément en faveur des roches archéennes et paléoprotérozoïques. Enfin, des diagrammes discrimants et des rapports en éléments majeurs et traces montrent que, si la plupart des grès de la formation FA se sont déposés sur une marge passive, les mudstones et les grès fins des formations FA et FB ont sédimenté sur une marge continentale active en relation avec la tectonique paléoprotérozoïque de la Ceinture orogénique du Centre-Ouest de l’Afrique. / The FA and FB Formations clastic sediments have been subjected to detailed facies, petrographic, and geochemical analyses in relation to diagenesis, fluid flow, paleo-redox conditions, provenance, and uranium mineralization during the evolution of the unmetamorphosed Paleoproterozoic (ca 2.15 Ga) Franceville Basin, Gabon. Lithofacies analyses in combination with petrographic studies indicate that the original mineralogical and textural properties of the sediments have been greatly modified during diagenesis. The moderately sorted quartz arenite at the top of FA underwent early quartz cementation; thus preventing it from subsequent burial diagenetic processes. The inferred paragenetic sequence of authigenic cements in the arkosic arenites suggest a multiphase of fluid-rock interactions with most of the ions needed for their precipitations likely sourced during alteration of detrital precursors. The observed slight variations in the diagenetic pathways in different lithofacies associations are closely related to primary mineralogy, texture, and nature of pore fluid. This relationship suggests that depositional facies can provide an insight into the diagenetic pathways and hydrologic properties of sediments in sedimentary basins. Petrographic features coupled with whole rock geochemical and iron isotope analyses suggest that hematite precipitation in the red beds started after sediment deposition with the iron internally derived by alteration of iron-bearing minerals and redistributed during late diagenesis. Positive correlation between Fe/Mg ratio and "delta" 56Fe values of bulk samples suggests mixing relationship with end members being authigenic hematite and iron-bearing silicates. The lack of relationship between Fe3+/FeT ratios and iron isotope compositions suggest that the isotopically heavy iron oxide was already present in the sediments during early diagenesis, and was incorporated into green (reduced) facies that likely replaced red facies during diagenesis or burial. Uranium released from the lower, fluvial oxidized sandstones and added to the reduced sandstones and silty mudstones in the upper tidal-deltaic sediments potentially resulted in a uranium mineralization of a roll-front type in the FA Formation of the Franceville Basin. Major and trace element geochemical data for the FA and FB formation are consistent with sediments derived exclusively from felsic igneous source. Chondrite-normalized patterns with high LREE/HREE ratios, negative Eu anomalies, and GdN/YbN ratios favour mixture of Archean and Post-Archean felsic sources. Discriminant diagrams and elemental ratios of major and trace elements suggest deposition of most of the FA sandstone in a passive margin, while the mudstones and fine-grained sandstones of FA and FB were deposited in an active continental margin during Paleoproterozoic tectonic regimes of the West Central African Belt.

Untersuchungen zum Einfluss seeinterner Verfahren auf die Phosphor-Diagenese in Sedimenten

Lewandowski, Jörg 06 December 2002 (has links)
Viele seeinterne Maßnahmen zielen darauf, die Phytoplanktonentwicklung über die Verfügbarkeit von Phosphor (P) im Wasserkörper zu steuern. Die meisten Restaurierungsverfahren sollen über eine Erhöhung der P-Bruttosedimentation oder Verminderung der P-Rücklösung die P-Retention im Sediment beeinflussen. Daher sind Sedimentuntersuchungen zur Abschätzung der P-Retention und ihrer Veränderung unter dem Einfluss der erwogenen Maßnahmen eine wichtige Voraussetzung für die Auswahl des im konkreten Einzelfall am besten geeigneten Verfahrens. Eine durch Fragebögen und Literaturauswertung vorgenommene Analyse legt offen, dass die Sedimentuntersuchungen häufig nicht oder mit ungeeigneten Methoden erfolgten und die Therapieversuche daher in der Vergangenheit oft nicht die erwartete Wirkung hatten. Mit einer Kosten-Nutzen-Abschätzung wird gezeigt, dass sich Voruntersuchungen auch finanziell rechnen, obwohl sie aufwendig und teuer sind. Die Forschung der letzten Jahre hat das Prozessverständnis für die Kopplung der verschiedenen Kreisläufe und das Zusammenspiel von chemischen und biologischen Prozessen erheblich vervollständigt. Wegen der Komplexität ist es jedoch immer noch sehr schwierig, die Wirkung eines technischen Eingriffs genau vorherzusagen. Es werden Untersuchungsmethoden benötigt, die die beteiligten Prozesse und Zustandsgrößen mit ausreichender räumlicher und zeitlicher Auflösung erfassen. Besonders wichtige Größen für seeinterne Maßnahmen sind das P-Freisetzungspotential und die P-Freisetzungsrate. Verschiedene Bestimmungsmethoden für die beiden Größen werden in der Arbeit beschrieben, weiterentwickelt, gegenübergestellt, mit Beispielen veranschaulicht und im Bezug auf ihre Vor- und Nachteile diskutiert. Das P-Freisetzungspotential kann aus der Veränderung der Gesamtphosphorgehalte im Sedimenttiefenprofil, aus den P-Bindungsformen der oberen Sedimentschicht oder aus Desorptionsuntersuchungen mit Sediment der oberen Schicht abgeleitet werden. Die P-Freisetzungrate kann als Konzentrationsanstieg des Freiwassers in Säulenversuchen, in Flux-Kammern oder im Hypolimnion gemessen werden. Alternativ ist es möglich, sie aus dem Konzentrationsgradienten des gelösten Phosphors an der Sediment-Wasser-Grenze mit Filtration, Zentrifugation, Sensoren oder Dialysesammlern zu ermitteln. Ein spezielles Augenmerk wird auf die kleinräumige horizontale Heterogenität der P-Porenwasserkonzentrationen gelegt, da diese Variabilitäten zu fehlerhaften P-Freisetzungsraten führen können. Ein neues Probenahmegerät, ein zweidimensionaler Porenwassersammler, wurde entwickelt, um die P-Porenwasserkonzentrationen mit hoher horizontaler und vertikaler Auflösung messen zu können. Das neue Probenahmegerät erwies sich zur Klärung der Frage, wie viele unabhängige Messungen in einem konkreten Fall für zuverlässige Ergebnisse erforderlich sind, als geeignet. Der Einsatz des zweidimensionalen Porenwassersammlers identifizierte biologische Aktivität als Hauptursache räumlicher Variabilität. Ferner wurde deutlich, dass die räumliche Variabilität der P-Porenwasserkonzentrationen in flachen Gewässern größer als in tiefen Gewässern ist. Bei der Probenahmeplanung und Ergebnisauswertung sollte die räumliche Variabilität auf jeden Fall ausreichend berücksichtigt werden. An einem konkreten Anwendungsfall (Auensee) werden die vorgestellten Untersuchungsmethoden eingesetzt, um die Auswahl von Restaurierungsverfahren zu demonstrieren. Erst die kombinierte Interpretation von P-Freisetzungspotential und P-Freisetzungsrate erlaubt, die richtigen Schlussfolgerungen für das Untersuchungsgewässer zu ziehen. In einem weiteren Fallbeispiel (Süßer See) wird gezeigt, dass Nachuntersuchungen nicht nur zur Erfolgskontrolle notwendig sind, sondern auch um wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen. Im dargestellten Fall wird anhand von Laborversuchen und einer konzeptionellen Modellierung gezeigt, dass eine mit Neusediment überdeckte P-sorbierende Schicht auch bei noch vorhandener Sorptionskapazität keinen nennenswerten Einfluss auf die P-Konzentrationen im Wasserkörper hat. Die mit der vorliegenden Dissertation erfolge Zusammenschau und kritische Bewertung der Untersuchungsmethoden soll auch dazu dienen, die Lücke zwischen wissenschaftlichem Prozessverständnis und wasserwirtschaftlicher Praxis zu verkleinern. / Many internal restoration measures in lakes are directed to control of phytoplankton development by limiting the availability of phosphorus (P). Most such measures are aimed at changing P retention in sediment by increasing gross P sedimentation, or reducing P release (Chapter 2). Thus, pre- and post-restoration investigations of the lake sediment, including estimating the actual P retention and its predicted change caused by the considered measure, are an important means for choosing the most appropriate restoration technique and to determine whether restoration was successful. However, our questionnaires and literature study reveal that, in the past, pre-restoration investigations were frequently either omitted or inadequate. Consequently, effectiveness of lake restorations was often low. In contrast, appropriate pre-restoration investigations, increase the prospect of success. Our cost-benefit estimation proves that pre-restoration investigations, though expensive, reduce costs of lake restorations and increase the cost-benefit relationship (Appendix 1). Last years research has improved the knowledge of the complex coupling of the chemical cycles involved, and of the chemical and biological processes in the lake ecosystem. However, it is still difficult to estimate the effects of a technical measure, because we lack investigation methods that record the involved processes with the necessary temporal and spatial resolution. To evaluate internal measures, the P release potential and the P release rate are necessary. In this dissertation, the methods to determine the P release potential and the P release rate are developed, described, exemplified, compared, and their advantages and disadvantages are discussed. The P release potential can be derived from the change of total phosphorus in the sediment depth profile, from P binding forms, or from P desorption experiments in laboratory (Chapter 3). The P release rate can be measured in the water column as increase of phosphorus in core experiments, in flux chambers, or in the hypolimnion of stratified lakes. Alternatively, the P release rate can be determined from P concentration gradients at the sediment-water interface with filtration, centrifugation, microsensors, or dialysis samplers (Chapter 4). Special attention of this dissertation is focussed on pore water inheterogeneity because in might result in incorrect P release rates. A new device, a two-dimensional pore water sampler, was developed to measure pore water P concentrations with high horizontal and vertical resolution. The new device is shown to be applicable to particular lakes to determine how many independent measurements are necessary to get reliable results. Our use of the two-dimensional pore water sampler determined biological activity as the main cause of the spatial heterogeneity of pore water P concentrations and revealed that the spatial variability is larger in shallow lakes than in deep lakes. The variability should be taken into account when planning a sampling program or evaluating results (Appendix 2). The proposed sediment investigation methods to determine the P release potential and the P release rate are used at Lake Auensee to demonstrate their use for choosing the most appropriate restoration technique. The case study of Lake Auensee points out that only a combined interpretation of P release potential and P release rate leads to the correct conclusion (Appendix 3). Post-restoration investigations are necessary to check whether a restoration was successful or not, and to gain scientific insight. A study of Lake Süsser See is used as an example for post-restoration investigations of the sediment. Core experiments and a conceptual model are used to show that a buried layer, even with P sorption capacity, has no impact on the P release (Appendix 4). Furthermore, the surveys and critical evaluations contained in this dissertation should decrease the gap between scientific understanding of processes in a lake and practical water management.

Correlations between geological track and bentonite quality in the mercosur trade block. / Correlações entre a origem geológica e a qualidade das bentonitas do bloco econômico mercosul.

Gabriel Gonzalo Machado 05 October 2018 (has links)
It is undoubtable that the geological path followed by a bentonite natural occurrence, will set a birthmark in terms of grade and quality, the former being expressed in terms of mineralogical composition, smectite content and other aspects derived from the bulk sample characterization, and the latter being expressed in terms of the crystal chemistry of smectite species present and derived from the clay size fraction observations. The influence of parent rock composition, genesis mode, burial history and preservation conditions after alteration, would set the fingerprint on bentonite and inherent structural features in smectites species, which determines potential industrial and scientific uses. The following thesis aims to evaluate physicochemical properties of 12 bentonite samples, coming from the six most relevant bentonite bearing geological areas located in the Mercosur economic block (Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay)1; in order to stablish possible correlations between distinctive geological contexts, and observed characteristics from whole rock providing information regarding grade and the clay size fraction will provide information regarding quality. Mineralogical composition corroborated the tendency to be influenced by the geochemical signature of parent rock firstly, and secondly genesis mode (probably due to lack of information in this aspect). Age, on the other hand, could on the contrary, be a misleading parameter; in the sense that preservation is not necessarily time dependent. Poor grade and the presence of mixed layers and accessory clay mineral phases (mostly kaolinite but also I/S, illite and pyrophyllite) appear to be associated with hydrothermal to sedimentary alteration modes, higher grade bentonites with tendency to yield extreme relative values of physical properties, measured in layer charge, swelling and organic sorption, were found in association to diagenetic bentonites. In terms of smectite species, all members found belong to the montmorillonite-beidellite series, and rhyolitic to dacitic volcanic source, tends to alter into the montmorillonite end member of the series; and accordingly, basic precursors (basalt) to intermediary (andesite), show a tendency to alter into transitional up to beidellite Fe-rich end members of the series respectively. To evaluate implications on possible applications, crystal chemistry was evaluated over the <1 µm size fractions by XRD and XRF along with other accessory techniques (FTIR, SEM-EDS and size distribution analysis), finding a clear trend, between layer charge relative magnitude, as a function organo-sorption behavior; by simply evaluating the d-001 XRD reflections on oriented slides after first K-saturation and sequential ethylene glycol solvation, against (CTAC)-montmorillonite d001 basal reflection , being inversely proportional and resulting in a broad variety Organophilic XRD patterns, showing distinctive expandability behavior ranging from 15,2 Å To 21,68 Å. As a function of alkyl chain size and the known sorption isotherm, basically all patterns of organo-compound sorption where observed, going from lateral monolayer to paraffin type sorption behavior. / É inquestionável que o caminho geológico seguido pela ocorrência natural de bentonitas, irá indicar suas características em termos de teor e qualidade, o primeiro expressado em termos da composição mineralógica, conteúdo de esmectitas e outros aspectos derivados da caracterização da amostra cabeça, e o Segundo expressado em termos da química cristalina das espécies esmectiticas presentes e derivado das observações na fracção de tamanho de argilas. A influência da composição da rocha parental, sua gênese, o histórico de soterramento e das condições de preservação após processo de alteração, determinaria a \"impressão digital\" da bentonita e as características estruturais inerentes as espécies de esmectitas, que determina os usos potenciais e industriais. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar propriedades físico-químicas de 12 amostras de bentonitas, provenientes de seis áreas geológicas mais relevantes localizadas no bloco econômico do Mercosul (Argentina, Brasil e Uruguai)2; o intuito é estabelecer possíveis correlações entre contextos geológicos distintos e características observadas em rochas (teor) e fração de tamanho de argila (qualidade). A composição mineralógica corroborou a tendência de ser influenciada pela assinatura geoquímica da rocha parental em primeiro lugar, e em segundo lugar, por sua gênese (provavelmente devido à falta de informação neste aspecto). A idade, por outro lado, poderia, pelo contrário, ser um parâmetro ilusório, no sentido de que a conservação não é necessariamente dependente do tempo. Baixo teor e baixo conteúdo de esmectita, assim como a presença de camadas mistas e fases argilosas acessórias (principalmente caulinita, mas também I/S, ilita e pirofilita) parecem estar associadas aos modos de alteração hidrotermal a sedimentar, bentonita de alto teor, com tendência a produzir valores relativos extremos de propriedades físicas, medidas em carga foliar, inchamento e sorção orgânica, foram encontradas em associação com bentonitas diagenéticas. Em termos de espécies de esmectitas, todos os membros identificados como pertencentes a série montmorilonita-beidellita, e a fonte vulcânica riolítica a dacítica, tendem a se alterar para membro final da série montmorilonita, e consequentemente, os precursores básicos (basalto) e intermediário (andesito), mostram tendência a se alterar em membros transitórios e beidellita ricos em ferro, respectivamente. Para avaliar as implicações nas possíveis aplicações, a química cristalina foi avaliada nas frações abaixo de 1 µm por DRX e FRX, juntamente de outras técnicas de apoio (FTIR, MEV/EDS e distribuição granulométrica), encontrando uma tendência clara entre a magnitude relativa da carga da camada, como uma função do comportamento da organo-absorção, simplesmente avaliando as reflexões basais em d-001 a partir de lâminas orientadas após a primeira saturação em potássio e solvatação sequencial de etileno glicol, contra reflexão em d-001 da (CTAC)-montmorilonita, sendo inversamente proporcional e resultando em uma ampla variedade de padrões de DRX organofílico, mostrando um comportamento de expansibilidade distinto, variando de 15,2 Å a 21,68 Å. Como função do tamanho da cadeia carbônica e da isoterma de sorção conhecida, basicamente todos os padrões de sorção de organo-compostos foram observados, partindo do comportamento de sorção do tipo monocamada lateral para sorção tipo parafina.

Microfocused X-ray methodologies for the biogeochemical study of archaeological and modern otoliths / Méthodologies à rayons X micro-focalisés pour l'étude biogéochimique d’otolithes archéologiques et modernes

Cook, Phil K. 22 September 2015 (has links)
Les otolithes, croissances aragonitiques de l'oreille interne des poissons téléostéens, peuvent être utilisés comme traceurs des variations de l’environnement rencontrées par un individu au cours de sa vie. Un ensemble d’otolithes de Sciaenidae et d’Ariidae archéologiques et modernes a été étudié dans le but d'améliorer les méthodes de reconstruction paléo-environnementale utilisant les otolithes et les autres biominéraux carbonatés stratifiés. L'incorporation du strontium, l'élément lié à l'environnement le plus facilement accessible, a été étudiée par analyses ponctuelles et par cartographie de spectroscopie d'absorption des rayons X (XAS). Une approche multivariée de cartographie rapide de l'environnement chimique a été mise en place pour déterminer le mode d’incorporation du Sr sur une superficie de 0,25 mm² avec une résolution micrométrique. Ces résultats démontrent pour la première fois avec une résolution latérale micrométrique sur des distances millimétriques que le Sr se substitue aléatoirement au calcium dans le réseau de l'aragonite, indépendamment de la concentration en Sr, de l’âge de l’individu ou de la période géologique. D’autre part, des cartes élémentaires sur des zones atteignant 2,6 mm² ont été collectées à des résolutions latérales micrométriques avec plusieurs techniques d'émission de rayons X (émissions provoquées par les particules des rayons X (PIXE) et fluorescence des rayons X par rayonnement synchrotron (SR-µXRF)). Ces cartes permettent l'examen détaillé de l'histoire de la vie d'un individu et de la taphonomie de l'échantillon avec une haute résolution temporelle, tout en identifiant les défauts ou les éléments abiogéniques. Enfin, la diffraction des rayons X par rayonnement synchrotron (SR-XRD) a été utilisée pour cartographier la texture cristalline sur des sections complètes d'otolithes afin d’approfondir notre connaissance de la structure interne et de la croissance des otolithes. Ces développements fournissent des outils précieux pour de futures études des biominéraux, mais plus généralement pour les sciences des matériaux. La sélection et la mise en œuvre de ces méthodes ont été réalisées dans le but d’exploiter au maximum leur fort potentiel pour l'étude des biocarbonates stratifiés, tout en tenant compte des approches existantes et en cherchant à en améliorer certains aspects tels que la profondeur d'information, la résolution latérale, la sensibilité, et les dégâts d’irradiation provoqués par les faisceau. Ce travail démontre la stabilité et l'homogénéité de l'incorporation du Sr par substitution aléatoire au Ca dans l’aragonite biogénique des otolithes modernes et archéologiques. Des cartes multi-élémentaires ont été collectées à l'aide de la SR-µXRF dans un temps raisonnable de quelques heures, et permettent de distinguer une contamination ou des défauts dans l'échantillon, mais également de corréler les cartes obtenues à des observations microscopiques des sections pour fournir une résolution temporelle. Les orientations préférentielles des cristallites composant les sections d'otolithes ont été analysées par la méthode d’acquisition rapide « flyscan », permettant de réduire le temps de mesure à quelques minutes au lieu des quelques heures nécessaires auparavant. / Otoliths, aragonitic growths in the inner ear of teleost fishes, can be used as proxies for the water conditions experienced by an individual over its lifetime. A set of archaeological Sciaenidae and Ariidae otoliths and modern counterparts was studied with the objective of improving palaeoenvironmental reconstruction methodologies using otoliths and other incremental carbonate biominerals. The incorporation of strontium, the most accessible environment-related element, was studied by X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) point analyses and mapping. A fast multivariate chemical environment mapping approach was implemented to determine the mode of Sr incorporation over an area of 0.25 mm² with micrometric resolution. XAS results demonstrate for the first time with a micrometric lateral resolution over millimetric distances that strontium randomly substitutes for calcium in the aragonite lattice, independent of strontium concentration, or individual or geological age. Elemental maps on areas up to 2.6 mm² were produced with micrometric lateral resolution X-ray emission techniques (Particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) and synchrotron X-ray fluorescence (SR-µXRF)). These maps permit the detailed examination of an individual’s life history and sample taphonomy with a high temporal resolution while also identifying defects or abiogenic elements. Synchrotron X-ray diffraction (SR-XRD) was used to map the crystal texture on complete otolith sections and may deepen understanding of otolith internal structure and growth processes, as well as providing a valuable tool for future studies of biominerals and advanced materials. The selection and implementation of methods were carried out with a view to maximise the potential contribution to the study of stratified biocarbonates, considering and seeking to complement existing approaches in aspects including information depth, lateral resolution, sensitivity, and beam damage. This work demonstrates the stability and homogeneity of Sr incorporation by random substitution for Ca in biogenic aragonite in both modern and archaeological otoliths. Multielemental maps were collected using SR-µXRF in a reasonable time scale of a few to several hours, with the ability to distinguish contamination and defects in the sample, as well as to correlate the maps to microscopic observations of the sections to provide temporal resolution. The preferential orientations of crystallites composing the otolith sections were analysed using the rapid acquisition ‘flyscan’ method, which reduces measurement time to minutes rather than hours.

Correlations between geological track and bentonite quality in the mercosur trade block. / Correlações entre a origem geológica e a qualidade das bentonitas do bloco econômico mercosul.

Machado, Gabriel Gonzalo 05 October 2018 (has links)
It is undoubtable that the geological path followed by a bentonite natural occurrence, will set a birthmark in terms of grade and quality, the former being expressed in terms of mineralogical composition, smectite content and other aspects derived from the bulk sample characterization, and the latter being expressed in terms of the crystal chemistry of smectite species present and derived from the clay size fraction observations. The influence of parent rock composition, genesis mode, burial history and preservation conditions after alteration, would set the fingerprint on bentonite and inherent structural features in smectites species, which determines potential industrial and scientific uses. The following thesis aims to evaluate physicochemical properties of 12 bentonite samples, coming from the six most relevant bentonite bearing geological areas located in the Mercosur economic block (Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay)1; in order to stablish possible correlations between distinctive geological contexts, and observed characteristics from whole rock providing information regarding grade and the clay size fraction will provide information regarding quality. Mineralogical composition corroborated the tendency to be influenced by the geochemical signature of parent rock firstly, and secondly genesis mode (probably due to lack of information in this aspect). Age, on the other hand, could on the contrary, be a misleading parameter; in the sense that preservation is not necessarily time dependent. Poor grade and the presence of mixed layers and accessory clay mineral phases (mostly kaolinite but also I/S, illite and pyrophyllite) appear to be associated with hydrothermal to sedimentary alteration modes, higher grade bentonites with tendency to yield extreme relative values of physical properties, measured in layer charge, swelling and organic sorption, were found in association to diagenetic bentonites. In terms of smectite species, all members found belong to the montmorillonite-beidellite series, and rhyolitic to dacitic volcanic source, tends to alter into the montmorillonite end member of the series; and accordingly, basic precursors (basalt) to intermediary (andesite), show a tendency to alter into transitional up to beidellite Fe-rich end members of the series respectively. To evaluate implications on possible applications, crystal chemistry was evaluated over the <1 µm size fractions by XRD and XRF along with other accessory techniques (FTIR, SEM-EDS and size distribution analysis), finding a clear trend, between layer charge relative magnitude, as a function organo-sorption behavior; by simply evaluating the d-001 XRD reflections on oriented slides after first K-saturation and sequential ethylene glycol solvation, against (CTAC)-montmorillonite d001 basal reflection , being inversely proportional and resulting in a broad variety Organophilic XRD patterns, showing distinctive expandability behavior ranging from 15,2 Å To 21,68 Å. As a function of alkyl chain size and the known sorption isotherm, basically all patterns of organo-compound sorption where observed, going from lateral monolayer to paraffin type sorption behavior. / É inquestionável que o caminho geológico seguido pela ocorrência natural de bentonitas, irá indicar suas características em termos de teor e qualidade, o primeiro expressado em termos da composição mineralógica, conteúdo de esmectitas e outros aspectos derivados da caracterização da amostra cabeça, e o Segundo expressado em termos da química cristalina das espécies esmectiticas presentes e derivado das observações na fracção de tamanho de argilas. A influência da composição da rocha parental, sua gênese, o histórico de soterramento e das condições de preservação após processo de alteração, determinaria a \"impressão digital\" da bentonita e as características estruturais inerentes as espécies de esmectitas, que determina os usos potenciais e industriais. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar propriedades físico-químicas de 12 amostras de bentonitas, provenientes de seis áreas geológicas mais relevantes localizadas no bloco econômico do Mercosul (Argentina, Brasil e Uruguai)2; o intuito é estabelecer possíveis correlações entre contextos geológicos distintos e características observadas em rochas (teor) e fração de tamanho de argila (qualidade). A composição mineralógica corroborou a tendência de ser influenciada pela assinatura geoquímica da rocha parental em primeiro lugar, e em segundo lugar, por sua gênese (provavelmente devido à falta de informação neste aspecto). A idade, por outro lado, poderia, pelo contrário, ser um parâmetro ilusório, no sentido de que a conservação não é necessariamente dependente do tempo. Baixo teor e baixo conteúdo de esmectita, assim como a presença de camadas mistas e fases argilosas acessórias (principalmente caulinita, mas também I/S, ilita e pirofilita) parecem estar associadas aos modos de alteração hidrotermal a sedimentar, bentonita de alto teor, com tendência a produzir valores relativos extremos de propriedades físicas, medidas em carga foliar, inchamento e sorção orgânica, foram encontradas em associação com bentonitas diagenéticas. Em termos de espécies de esmectitas, todos os membros identificados como pertencentes a série montmorilonita-beidellita, e a fonte vulcânica riolítica a dacítica, tendem a se alterar para membro final da série montmorilonita, e consequentemente, os precursores básicos (basalto) e intermediário (andesito), mostram tendência a se alterar em membros transitórios e beidellita ricos em ferro, respectivamente. Para avaliar as implicações nas possíveis aplicações, a química cristalina foi avaliada nas frações abaixo de 1 µm por DRX e FRX, juntamente de outras técnicas de apoio (FTIR, MEV/EDS e distribuição granulométrica), encontrando uma tendência clara entre a magnitude relativa da carga da camada, como uma função do comportamento da organo-absorção, simplesmente avaliando as reflexões basais em d-001 a partir de lâminas orientadas após a primeira saturação em potássio e solvatação sequencial de etileno glicol, contra reflexão em d-001 da (CTAC)-montmorilonita, sendo inversamente proporcional e resultando em uma ampla variedade de padrões de DRX organofílico, mostrando um comportamento de expansibilidade distinto, variando de 15,2 Å a 21,68 Å. Como função do tamanho da cadeia carbônica e da isoterma de sorção conhecida, basicamente todos os padrões de sorção de organo-compostos foram observados, partindo do comportamento de sorção do tipo monocamada lateral para sorção tipo parafina.

Studium vlivu výpalu na vlastnosti vápna / The study of the effect of burning process on the properties of lime

Urban, Karel January 2016 (has links)
At the institute of technology of building materials and components at the fakulty of civil engineering in Brno was initiated research deal with study of the effect of limestone on the progress of decarbonization. This work is an introductory study into this problems. It focuses on describing the genesis and diagenesis of limestones, their crystallography, texture and requirements for burning. Further describes the extraction and treatment of limestones before burning. In very burning is focused on its mechanism and the used furnace systems. In the experimental part is focused on the analysis of samples of limestones of various world sites in terms of petrology, geological origin, chemical composition, the content of insoluble residues, density and porosity, and analysis of formed limes, burned at 900 °C in terms of density, CO2 content and crystal size.

Methane sources, fluid flow, and diagenesis along the northern Cascadia Margin; using authigenic carbonates and pore waters to link modern fluid flow to the past

Joseph, Craig E. 29 February 2012 (has links)
Methane derived authigenic carbonate (MDAC) precipitation occurs within marine sediments as a byproduct of the microbial anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM). While these carbonates form in chemical and isotopic equilibrium with the fluids from which they precipitate, burial diagenesis and recrystallization can overprint these signals. Plane polarized light (PPL) and cathodoluminescent (CL) petrography have allowed for detailed characterization of carbonate phases and their subsequent alteration. Modern MDACs sampled offshore in northern Cascadia (n =33) are compared with paleoseep carbonates (n =13) uplifted on the Olympic Peninsula in order to elucidate primary vs. secondary signals, with relevance to interpretations of the carbonate record. The modern offshore environment (S. Hydrate Ridge and Barkley Canyon) is dominated by metastable acicular and microcrystalline aragonite and hi-Mg calcite (HMC) that with time will recrystallize to low-Mg calcite (LMC). The diagenetic progression is accompanied by a decrease in Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios while variation in Ba/Ca depends upon the Ba-concentration of fluids that spur recrystallization. CL images discern primary carbonates with high Mn/Ca from secondary phases that reflect the Mn- enrichment that characterizes deep sourced fluids venting at Barkley Canyon. Methane along the Cascadia continental margin is mainly of biogenic origin, where reported strontium isotopic values reflect a mixture of seawater with fluids modified by reactions with the incoming Juan de Fuca plate. In contrast, the Sr-isotopic composition of carbonates and fluids from Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site U1329 and nearby Barkley Canyon point to a distinct endmember (lowest ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr = 0.70539). These carbonates also show elevated Mn/Ca and δ¹⁸O values as low as -12‰, consistent with a deep-source of fluids feeding thermogenic hydrocarbons to the Barkley Canyon seeps. Two paleoseep carbonates sampled from the uplifted Pysht/Sooke Fm. have ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr values similar to those of the anomalous Site U1329 and Barkley Canyon carbonates (⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr = 0.70494 and 0.70511). We postulate that the ⁸⁷Sr-depleted carbonates and pore fluids found at Barkley Canyon represent migration by the same type of deep, exotic fluid as is found in high permeability conglomerate layers down to 190 mbsf at Site U1329, and which fed paleoseeps in the Pysht/Sooke Fm. These exotic fluids likely reflect interaction with the 52-57 Ma igneous Crescent Terrane, which is located down-dip from both Barkley Canyon and Site U1329. This previously unidentified endmember fluid in northern Cascadia may have sourced cold seeps in this margin since at least the late Oligocene. / Graduation date: 2012

Diagenesis and fluid-fracture evolution in an intracontinental basin: The Penedès half-graben,western Mediterranean / Diagènesi i evolució de la relació fluid-fractura en una conca intracontinental: la conca del Penedès, oest de la Mediterrània

Baqués Almirall, Vinyet 04 December 2012 (has links)
The Penedes half-graben represents a natural field laboratory for the study of the link between tectonics and palaeofluids because it exposes numerous outcrops that allow a global and complete diagenetic study of the basin from Mesozoic to present times. The Penedes half-graben is located in the central part of the Catalan Coastal Ranges (CCR) and results from the superposition of three main tectonic events: (1) the Mesozoic extensional phase which is divided into two Mesozoic rift episodes: the first, Late Permian to Triassic in age and the second, latest Oxfordian to Aptian in age; (2) the Paleocene to middle Oligocene compressional phase which includes the emplacement of ENE-to-NE-trending thick-skinned thrust sheets bounded by SE dipping thrusts with a limited left-lateral strike-slip motion; (3) the late Oligocene?- Neogene extensional phase which split the CCR into a set of ENE-WSW blocks mainly tilted toward the NW, constituting the actual horst-and-graben systems now present at the northwestern Mediterranean. Samples were taken in 19 different outcrop areas located within three main structural domains: the Gaia-Montmell domain, which represents the footwall block of the SE-dipping major normal faults that bound the north-western margin of the basin, the Central Penedes domain, which comprises the central Miocene syn- and post-rift deposits and the Garraf domain, which comprises a group of small syn-depositional tectonic horsts and half-grabens developed in the Garraf horst during its Neogene evolution. Based on the macro and microstructural analysis combined with geochemical results from host rocks, fault rocks and fracture cements, the following diagenetic events have been identified: (1) Very early stages characterized by micritization, early irregular micro-fractures resulting from opening in poorly-lithified sediments and early calcite cement precipitations; (2) Progressive burial stages characterized by brecciation, stylolization and dolomitization; (3) Fracturing and cementations characterized by ninth major deformation stages with their related cements, breccias and stylolites, and (4) four karstification events with associated collapse breccias, sediments and cements filling the fracture, vug and cavern porosities. A depositional control of the δ(18)O values of the syn-rift Mesozoic sediments (Valanginian, Barremian and Aptian) related to the position of the different outcrops with respect to the Mesozoic normal faults is inferred from the values reported in this study. The isotopic values of the Miocene marine facies, depleted in δ(18)O and δ(13)C respect to the expected values for the Miocene seawater, together with the chalky appearance of these limestones, indicate that the Miocene marine limestones were re-balanced under the meteoric diagenetic environment. The meteoric fluid precipitating the calcite cement in the conglomerates of the lower continental complexes was responsible for diagenetically altering the marine host limestone. A different meteoric fluid, more influenced by soil-derived CO2, precipitated the calcite cement present within the upper continental complexes. The fluids circulating through the fractures attributed to the second stage of the Mesozoic rifting were precipitated from formation waters during the progressive burial of the sediment, in a closed palaeohydrological system. From the Paleocene to the mid-Oligocene the fluids circulating through the compressional fractures had a meteoric origin. Due to the Paleogene compression, Mesozoic rocks were uplifted, subaerially exposed and extensively karstified. Different types of sediments and cements were deposited filling the karstic cavities under the meteoric diagenetic environment. Related to the syn- and early post-rift stage, the fractures were sealed by meteoric fluids under both, phreatic and vadose zones. The normal faults attributed to the late post-rift stage favoured the upflowing of marine fluids expelled from the compaction of the late Burdigalian to the early Serravallian marine sediments producing the dolomitization of the host rocks and the precipitation of dolomite cements within the fractures. During the late post-rift and related to latest tensional fractures occurrence different types of meteoric fluids circulated through the fractures. These fluids were precipitated from phreatic to vadose cements, agreeing with the uplift of the entire basin and/or with the falling-down of the meteoric water table related to a generalized sea level fall in the Mediterranean area during the Messinian. / La formació de la conca del Penedès està associada a un període extensiu d’edat neògena que provocà l’obertura del Solc de València. El marge nord-oest del Solc de València està constituït per una sèrie de grabens (Penedès, Vallès, Barcelona ...) i horsts (Garraf, Gaià-Montmell, Montnegre ...), el conjunt dels quals formen la Serralada Costanera Catalana. Aquesta serralada resulta de la superposició de tres esdeveniments tectònics principals: (1) l’extensió Mesozoica, compresa entre el Pèrmic i el Cretàcic inferior, (2) la compressió Paleògena, la qual produí la inversió de les principals conques extensives Mesozoiques i (3) l’extensió neògena, compresa entre l’Oligocè tardà i el Miocè mig, la qual generà l’actual sistema de rift de la Mediterrània occidental. S’han estudiat 19 afloraments localitzats tant en els alts estructurals, Garraf i Gaià-Montmell, com en el sector central de la conca del Penedès. A partir de les dades macro I microestructurals, juntament amb els resultats geoquímics de les roques encaixants, roques de falla i els ciments que reomplen les fractures, s’han identificat els següents estadis diagenètics: i. un primer estadi diagenètic temprà caracteritzat per la formació de microfractures de morfologies irregulars, formades en un sediment poc litificat i per la precipitació d’un ciment de calcita poc interaccionat amb la roca de caixa. ii. un segon estadi d’enterrament caracteritzat per la bretxificació i dolomitització de la roca encaixant i la generació d’estilòlits sub-paral•lels a l’estratificació. iii. nou etapes de deformació amb diferents tipus de rebliments associats a les fractures. iv. quatre estadis de carstificació caracteritzats per diferents tipus de bretxes de col•lapse, sediments i ciments que reomplen les porositats tipus fractura i vug, generades a partir de la dissolució. Els fluids relacionats amb l’extensió Mesozoica són característics d’aigües de formació, en canvi, els fluids que circularen al llarg de les fractures compressives paleògenes, són coherents amb fluids d’origen meteòric altament interaccionats amb la roca de caixa. L’extensió Neògena es caracteritza per una circulació predominant de fluids meteòrics no interaccionats amb la roca de caixa. És en l’estadi de post-rift on s’ha definit una dolomitització parcial de l’encaixant produïda per la barreja d’aigües marines i meteòriques. Durant l’estadi de post-rift tardà tingué lloc un esdeveniment de dissolució càrstica molt extens, el qual es relaciona amb la baixada del nivell del mar durant el Messinià.

Diagenesis of middle Ordovician rocks from the Lake Simcoe area, south-central Ontario

Mancini, Laura January 2011 (has links)
Middle Ordovician carbonates in the Lake Simcoe area, south-central Ontario were examined to determine if: (1) The δ18O values of early-stage calcite cement in hardgrounds are useful proxies for Ordovician seawater δ18O values; (2) a regional hydrothermal event affected middle Ordovician strata in the Lake Simcoe area. Whole rock samples of middle Ordovician hardgrounds and immediately overlying limestones containing early calcite cement have δ13C values ranging from -1.7 to +2.9‰ (PDB) and δ18O values ranging from -6.9 to -2.9‰ (PDB). Hardground δ18O values and the similarity of the isotopic composition between the hardgrounds and overlying limestones are consistent with diagenetic alteration during shallow burial, which indicates the hardgrounds are not useful proxies. Late-stage calcite cements have δ13C values from -8.4 to +2.9‰ (PDB) and δ18O values from -11.4 to -6.0‰ (PDB). Late-stage microcrystalline dolomites have δ13C values from -3.9 to +0.4‰ and δ18O values from -10.7 to -7.6‰. Late-stage saddle dolomites have δ13C values from -1.7 to 1.9‰ and δ18O values from -13.8 to -8.5‰. The late-stage carbonate δ18O values are more negative than the early-stage carbonate δ18O values and are interpreted to reflect progressively deeper burial diagenesis. Four types of fluid inclusions were identified in late-stage calcite, saddle dolomite, barite, and quartz. Type 1 inclusions are aqueous liquid-rich with very consistent low to very low vapour-liquid ratios and are of primary, secondary pseudosecondary and indeterminate origins. Type 2 inclusions are aqueous liquid-only and are of primary and secondary origins. Type 3 inclusions are oil-bearing, liquid-rich with low to medium vapor-liquid ratios and are of secondary origin. Type 4 inclusions are vapour-only and are of indeterminate origin. The type 4 inclusions analyzed did not yield any microthermometric data suggesting they are empty cavities that have lost all their fluid. Fluid inclusions of primary, secondary and pseudosecondary origins in calcite, dolomite and quartz have overlapping homogenization temperatures ranging from 43 to 188°C. Fluid inclusions of indeterminate origin in calcite and barite have homogenization temperatures from 80 to greater than 200°C. Petrographic and microthermometric evidence indicates that fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures greater than 150°C most likely are caused by stretching or leaking; therefore, are discounted. Fluid inclusion types 1 and 2 represent two fluid inclusion assemblages (FIA) based on final ice melting temperatures. The high salinity (10 to 30 wt%CaCl2) inclusions in FIA 1 are of primary, secondary, pseudosecondary and indeterminate origin in calcite, dolomite, barite and quartz. Fluid inclusions in FIA 1 are interpreted as reflecting saline basin brines from which the host minerals precipitated during burial diagenesis. The low salinity (0 to 2.7 wt%CaCl2) inclusions in FIA 2 are of secondary and indeterminate origin in calcite. Fluid inclusions in FIA 2 may reflect a meteoric origin such as in a vadose or phreatic environment based on inclusions containing different phases and variable vapor-liquid ratios. Alternatively the low salinity inclusions may reflect alteration from an influx of meteoric fluids that migrated through basement faults and fractures during periods of uplift and erosion. Early and late-stage carbonates from this study precipitated from 18O-depleted pore fluids and/or at progressively higher temperatures accompanying deeper burial. The FIA 1 homogenization temperatures support burial diagenesis at 66 to 80°C if it is assumed the rocks were buried 2 km, the surface temperature was 20°C and the geothermal gradient was between 23 to 30°C/km. An alternative interpretation is mineral precipitation during a regional hydrothermal event. Burial diagenesis does not explain the fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures of 90°C and greater unless geothermal gradients are higher than 35°C/km or burial depth is increased to 3 km or more. However, thermal maturity of organic matter in the Michigan Basin suggests Ordovician strata were never buried more than 2 km. Four models for regional hydrothermal fluid migration are: (1) gravity-driven flow; (2) ‘squeegee-type’ fluid flow; (3) convection cell fluid flow; and (4) structurally-controlled fluid flow. The gravity-driven model relies on continental heat flow and an influx of meteoric water from basin catchment areas. For the ‘squeegee, convection cell and structurally controlled models, hot fluids could have entered the region from several conduits concurrently during episodic reactivation of basement faults and fracture systems in response to intracratonic stresses created by the continuous interaction of tectonic plates. Determining which of the models best explains regional hydrothermal fluid flow in the Michigan Basin is difficult for several reasons; (1) surface temperatures and maximum burial temperatures at the time of mineral precipitation in the Michigan Basin during the Ordovician are unknown; (2) the timing of mineral precipitation in relation to tectonic pulses is undetermined; (3) there is as yet no known deep-seated heat sources in the Michigan Basin for convection to occur; and (4) it is unknown whether advection is a major process in the Michigan Basin. A collaborative multi-disciplinary research project covering geology, geophysics and hydrogeology would provide much more integrated data than is currently available from stable isotopes, fluid inclusions and organic matter.

Fracture propagation and reservoir permeability in limestone-marl alternations of the Jurassic Blue Lias Formation (Bristol Channel Basin, UK)

Afsar, Filiz 12 January 2015 (has links)
In geschichteten Reservoiren mit geringer Matrix-Permeabilität kontrollieren überwiegend Bruchsysteme den Fluidtransport. In Kalk-Mergel-Wechselfolgen sind allerdings die vertikale Kluftausbreitung sowie die Vernetzung der Kluftsysteme zwischen den unterschiedlichen Schichten sehr variabel, was schließlich die Permeabilität in diesen bruchkontrollierten Reservoiren erheblich beeinflusst. Innerhalb einer Schichtfolge führen diverse sedimentologische Merkmale (z.B. sedimentäre Schichtung und diagenetische Bankung) zu kontrastreichen Gesteinseigenschaften und wirken somit als Spannungsbarrieren. Spannungsbarrieren, wie beispielsweise lithologische Kontakte oder mächtige Mergellagen, können die Kluftausbreitung in geschichteten Gesteinen ebenfalls verhindern und erschweren zusätzlich die Vorhersage potentieller Fluidwege. Aufgrund dessen ist es entscheidend Schichten, die sich mechanisch einheitlich verhalten („mechanische Einheit“) zu finden. Das Ziel dieser Doktorarbeit ist, den Einfluss von sedimentologischen und diagenetischen Merkmalen und petrophysikalischen Eigenschaften vertikaler Kluftausbreitung in Kalk-Mergel-Wechselfolgen der Jurassischen Blue Lias Formation (Bristol Channel Becken, Großbritannien) abzuschätzen, um verschiedenartige Spannungsbarrieren und mechanische Einheiten zu definieren. Zu diesem Zweck wurden sechs Profile untersucht, welche sich durch unterschiedliche morphologische Variationen auszeichnen (d.h. von kalkdominiert zu mergeldominiert). Die Untersuchungen umfassen Kombinationen aus sedimentologischer (z.B. Geländeuntersuchungen, Dünnschliffpetrografie, Rasterelektronenmikroskopie, CaCO3- and Corg-Messungen), quantitativ strukturgeologischer (z.B. Charakterisierung von Kluftsystemen) sowie petrophysikalischer Daten (z.B. Spaltzug- und Druckfestigkeits-, Rückprallhärte- und Porositäts-Messungen). Im Rahmen der quantitativen strukturgeologischen Untersuchungen wurden unter Verwendung einer modifizierten Scanline Methode (Durchführung einer flächengestützten Kluftanalyse) über 4000 schichtübergreifende Klüfte betrachtet. Generell wird angenommen, dass der Kluftabstand mit zunehmender Bankmächtigkeit zunimmt und die Kluftdichte dementsprechend abnimmt. Diese Studie zeigt jedoch, dass dieser Zusammenhang nur eingeschränkt auf Kalkbänke dieser Abfolgen anwendbar ist und nur auf Schichten mit lateral planaren Oberflächen (wohlgebankte Kalkbänke) übertragen werden kann. Bei Bänken gleicher Mächtigkeit mit allerdings irregulären Oberflächen (semiknollige Kalkbänke) variieren die Kluftabstände innerhalb dieser Bänke beträchtlich. Das bedeutet, die Kluftabstände sind in semiknolligen Kalkbänken eher unregelmäßig wohingegen die Abstände in wohlgebankten Bänken eher regelmäßig sind. Des Weiteren sind in wohlgebankten Kalken ein höherer prozentualer Anteil von schichtgebundenen Klüften (57 %) ausgebildet. Dagegen sind in semiknolligen Kalken ein höherer Anteil nicht-schichtgebundener Klüfte ausgebildet (67 %). Entscheidend für die Kluftausbreitung in geschichteten Gesteinen ist nicht nur die Kluftverteilung der einzelnen Bänke, sondern auch verschiedenartige Spannungsbarrieren, wie beispielsweise lithologische Kontakte, Mächtigkeiten und Heterogenitäten von Mergeln hemmen die Kluftausbreitung. Anhand der vertikalen Kluftstoppung an lithologischen Kontakten und vertikale Kluftausbreitung durch Schichten wurden Spannungsbarrieren identifiziert (schichtgebundene vs. nicht-schichtgebundene Klüfte). Da nicht alle lithologische Kontakte die Ausbreitung von Klüften in geschichteten Gesteinen verhindern, wurde in dieser Studie der Terminus für 50 % Kluftstoppung an diesen Kontakten verwendet („mechanische Grenzflächen“). Zusätzlich wurden bestimmte Mergellagen, die >0.20 m mächtig sind, durch mechanische Grenzflächen begrenzt sind und weniger als 50 % nicht-schichtgebundene Klüfte beinhalten, als „mechanische Puffer“ definiert. Die Charakterisierung des Kluftsystems wird neben der vorherrschenden stark heterogenen Kluftverteilung in der Blue Lias Formation, auch durch eine signifikante Variation des Diagenese-Einflusses von Abschnitt zu Abschnitt erschwert. Beispielsweise wurden in Wales drei Teilprofile genauestens untersucht, welche trotz ihrer räumlich nahen Lage und relativ zeitgleichen Entstehung unterschiedliche sedimentologische und diagenetische Merkmale in Meter- bis Mikrometer-Skalen aufweisen (von früh lithifiziert bis physikalisch kompaktierte Abfolgen). Darüber hinaus sind diese durch unterschiedliche Muster der Kluftstoppung an Kontakten und Kluftausbreitung innerhalb der Bänke charakterisiert. Lithologische Kontakte in diagenetisch beeinflussten Abfolgen sind tendenziell eher graduell und somit keine mechanischen Grenzflächen. Wenn zusätzlich der Unterschied zwischen den CaCO3-Konzentrationen zwischen Kalken und Mergeln niedrig ist, kann die Abfolge als eine mechanische Einheit definiert werden, welches die Kluftausbreitung begünstigen würde. Die Vorhersage der Konnektivität von Kluftnetzwerken ist in lithologisch heterogenen Kalk-Mergel-Wechselfolgen, wie die in der Blue Lias Formation, aufgrund unterschiedlicher Kluftverteilung innerhalb einzelner Bänke, unterschiedliche diagenetische Einfluss und verschiedenartiger Spannungsbarrieren schwierig. Das ist insbesondere für die Charakterisierung der Kluftnetzwerke und ihre Nutzung in Aufschluss-Analogstudien problematisch, welche für die Einschätzung des Fluidtransports in solchen Systemen verwendet wird. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie sind zur Optimierung der Quantifizierung von Kluftverteilung und -ausbreitung in heterogenen Gesteinsabfolgen entscheidend und präzisieren die Definition mechanischer Einheiten. Diese Definition ist eine wichtige Voraussetzung für die Vorhersage von Kluftpermeabilitäten und folglich entscheidend für Fluidtransportmodelle.

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