Spelling suggestions: "subject:"die therapy.""
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Efeitos da suplementação dietética com cálcio sobre a plasticidade ontogenética decorrente do desmame precoce ou da exposição materna a nicotina na lactação / Effects of dietary supplementation with calcium on the ontogenetic plasticity resulting from early weaning or maternal nicotine exposure during lactationJessica Lopes Nobre 04 July 2011 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / O cálcio tem se mostrado útil na regulação do metabolismo energético, favorecendo a perda de peso. Visto que tanto o desmame precoce como a exposição materna à nicotina na lactação são fatores condicionantes para o desenvolvimento de obesidade, hiperleptinemia e resistência à insulina, além de outras alterações endócrinas na idade adulta, decidimos avaliar os possíveis efeitos da suplementação dietética com cálcio sobre as disfunções apresentadas pelos seguintes modelos experimentais: 1) Desmame precoce (DP): ratas lactantes foram envolvidas com atadura para interromper o acesso da prole ao leite nos 3 últimos dias da lactação. As proles das ratas controles tiveram livre acesso ao leite materno durante todo o período da lactação (21 dias). 2) Exposição materna à nicotina (N): Dois dias após o nascimento, ratas lactantes receberam implantes de minibombas osmóticas contendo solução de nicotina (6 mg/kg/dia, 14 dias) ou salina (C), nas mesmas condições. Aos 120 dias de idade, as proles de ambos os modelos de obesidade experimental receberam dieta padrão ou dieta suplementada com cálcio (10g de carbonato de cálcio/kg de ração). O sacrifício ocorreu aos 180 dias de idade. Os dados foram considerados significativos quando p<0,05. Corroborando dados anteriores do nosso grupo, as proles de ambos os modelos de programação (N e DP) apresentaram maior gordura corporal total e visceral, hiperleptinemia, resistência hipotalâmica a leptina e distúrbios na homeostase glicêmica. Além disto, verificamos que as proles N e DP também exibiram aumento dos níveis séricos de 25-hidroxivitamina D3. Todos essas alterações endócrino-metabólicas foram corrigidas pelo tratamento com suplementação com cálcio. Além disso, a prole DP aos 180 dias mostrou hiperfagia e hipertrigliceridemia, que também foram normalizados pela suplementação dietética com cálcio. A prole N apresentou hipotireoidismo, maior conteúdo de catecolaminas e maior expressão de tirosina hidroxilase (TH). A terapia com cálcio reverteu a disfunção adrenal, embora não tenha sido eficaz para normalizar a hipofunção tireoideana. Assim, a suplementação dietética com cálcio normalizou a maioria dos parâmetros da síndrome metabólica observadas nos dois modelos de plasticidade ontogenética. É possível que a redução da adiposidade central induzida pela terapia com cálcio, por si, tenha sido o principal mecanismo que resultou na melhora dos parâmetros estudados. Uma vez que a suplentação de cálcio reverteu as concentrações séricas de 25-hidroxivitamina D3 dos animais obesos, é possível que o efeito anti-obesidade do cálcio também ocorra via ação do calcitriol sobre o adipócito. / Calcium influences energy metabolism regulation and causes body weight loss. Since early weaning and maternal nicotine exposure during lactation programs for obesity, hyperleptinemia, insulin resistance and others endocrine dysfunctions, we studied the possible effect of dietary calcium supplementation on endocrine dysfunctions in these two experimental model of obesity: 1) Early Weaning (EW): lactating rats were involved with a bandage to interrupt the lactation during the last 3 days of standard lactation, and C (control) - dams whose pups had free access to milk during all lactation (21 days). 2) Maternal nicotine exposure (N): Two days after birth, it was implanted on the mothers, osmotic minipumps containing nicotine solution (6 mg/Kg/day, 14 days) or saline (C) in the same condition. At 120 days-old, all offspring received dietary calcium supplementation (10g of calcium carbonate/Kg of rat chow) or standard diet. Rats were killed at 180 days-old. Significant data were p<0.05. As expected, N and DP offspring showed higher visceral and total body fat mass, hyperleptinemia, hypothalamic leptin resistance and insulin resistance. In addition they presented higher serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D3. All these disturbances were corrected after calcium supplementation. Besides, adult EW offspring displayed hyperphagia and hypertriglyceridemia that was normalized with calcium therapy. Also, N offspring presented hypothyroidism, higher tyrosine hydroxylase expression and higher adrenal catecholamine content. Despite calcium treatment have normalized adrenal dysfunction, it did not reverse the hypothyroidism. So, dietary calcium supplementation seems to revert most of the metabolic syndrome parameters observed in our two developmental plasticity models. It is conceivable that the reduction in fat mass per se, induced by calcium therapy, is the main mechanism that improves all parameters. Because serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 levels were corrected by calcium supplementation in obese offspring, it is possible that the anti-obesity effect of calcium occurs through calcitriol action on the adipocyte.
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Análise da concordância entre o plano dietético Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) e o padrão alimentar de pacientes hipertensos / Analysis of the concordance between the dietary approaches to stop hypertension (DASH) and the alimentary habit of hypertensive patientsMarcela de Abreu Casanova 05 February 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A adoção do plano dietético Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) tem sido enfatizado na população hipertensa como uma importante estratégia no controle dos níveis pressóricos elevados. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o consumo alimentar de macro e micronutrientes em pacientes hipertensos, em especial do sódio, cálcio, potássio e magnésio, e comparar com as recomendações dietéticas contidas no plano DASH. Estudo transversal envolvendo uma amostra de conveniência composta por 113 hipertensos entre 40 e 69 anos. A medida da pressão arterial (PA) foi determinada com aparelho eletrônico devidamente calibrado e a avaliação dietética obtida pelo questionário de freqüência do consumo alimentar. Os alimentos ingeridos foram convertidos em porções e distribuídos em diferentes grupos alimentares. A faixa de porções recomendadas pelo plano DASH foi determinada com base na média das necessidades energéticas desta amostra permitindo assim uma posterior comparação com o hábito alimentar dos hipertensos, utilizando um escore de pontos com pontuação máxima de 9 pontos. A amostra foi dividida em três grupos: grupo B que obteve 2,5 a 4,0 pontos (n=34; 30%), grupo M entre 4,5 a 5,0 pontos (n=43; 38%) e grupo A que obteve 5,5 a 8,0 pontos (n=36; 32%). Não foram observadas diferenças significativas na média da PA sistólica (14024 vs 13823 vs 13515 mmHg) e diastólica (8617 vs 8813 vs 8410 mmHg). Apesar do grupo A consumir mais proteínas e gordura monoinsaturada, foi detectado um excesso pronunciado na ingestão de gordura saturada, colesterol e das calorias totais, por este grupo de pacientes. No que tange a ingestão dos micronutrientes, o grupo A apresentou consumo significativamente maior de cálcio, potássio e magnésio, refletido pela maior ingestão de vegetais e frutas em comparação aos grupos B e M. A média de ingestão do sódio intrínseco foi significativamente maior no grupo A (4,12,0 vs 3,11,1 vs 2,71,1 g/dia). Foram detectadas, apenas no grupo A, correlações entre PA sistólica e o percentual de proteína (r = -0,5; p=0,002) e PA sistólica e o percentual de carboidrato (r = 0,4; p=0,02). Apenas um terço dos hipertensos avaliados apresentaram padrão alimentar mais concordante com o plano DASH e com maior ingestão de proteínas, gordura monoinsaturada, fibras, cálcio, potássio e magnésio. Entretanto, o consumo mais elevado de sódio, gordura saturada, colesterol e das calorias totais por este grupo de pacientes poderia restringir uma maior queda dos níveis pressóricos elevados. / The adoption of the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) plan has been emphasized in the hypertension population as an important strategy in the control of the raised blood pressure (BP). The objective of this study was to analyze the alimentary consumption of macro and micronutrients in hypertensive patients, especially of sodium, calcium, potassium and magnesium, and to compare with the dietary recommendations contained in DASH plan. Transversal study was conducted in a convenience sample of 113 hypertensive patients, between 40 and 69 years. The BP measurement was determined with calibrated electronic device and the dietary assessment was performed trough the semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire. For comparison with DASH plan, ingested foods were converted into portions and the magnitude of the portions recommended for DASH plan was determined on the basis of the mean energy requirements of this sample. Thereafter, cut-off points were established for food groups, the maximum number of points that a patient could reach was 9. The sample was divided in tertils: Group L with 2.5 4.0 points (n=34; 30%), Group I with 4.5 5.0 points (n=43; 38%) and Group H with 5.5 8.0 points (n=36; 32%). Systolic and diastolic BP were not significantly different among the groups (14024 vs 13823 vs 13515 mmHg/ 8617 vs 8813 vs 8410 mmHg). Group H consumed more proteins and monoinsaturated fat, a pronounced excess in the saturated fat, cholesterol and total calories intake was also detected in this group of patients. Regarding micronutrients intake, group H presented significantly higher consumption of calcium, potassium and magnesium, reflected for higher vegetable and fruits intake in comparison to the groups L and I. The average of intrinsic sodium intake was significantly higher in the group H (4.12.0 vs 3.11.1 vs 2.71.1 g/day). Negative correlation between the systolic BP and dietary protein percentage (r=-0.5, p=0.002) and a positive correlation between the systolic BP and the carbohydrate percentage (r=0.4, p=0.02) was verified only in group H. The present study showed that only one third of the hypertensive patients presented alimentary pattern more consistent with DASH plan, showing greater intake of protein, monounsaturated fat, fiber, calcium, potassium and magnesium. However, pronounced sodium, saturated fat and cholesterol intake and excess of total calories in these hypertensive patients could restrict a greater control of BP.
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Análise da concordância entre o plano dietético Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) e o padrão alimentar de pacientes hipertensos / Analysis of the concordance between the dietary approaches to stop hypertension (DASH) and the alimentary habit of hypertensive patientsMarcela de Abreu Casanova 05 February 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A adoção do plano dietético Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) tem sido enfatizado na população hipertensa como uma importante estratégia no controle dos níveis pressóricos elevados. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o consumo alimentar de macro e micronutrientes em pacientes hipertensos, em especial do sódio, cálcio, potássio e magnésio, e comparar com as recomendações dietéticas contidas no plano DASH. Estudo transversal envolvendo uma amostra de conveniência composta por 113 hipertensos entre 40 e 69 anos. A medida da pressão arterial (PA) foi determinada com aparelho eletrônico devidamente calibrado e a avaliação dietética obtida pelo questionário de freqüência do consumo alimentar. Os alimentos ingeridos foram convertidos em porções e distribuídos em diferentes grupos alimentares. A faixa de porções recomendadas pelo plano DASH foi determinada com base na média das necessidades energéticas desta amostra permitindo assim uma posterior comparação com o hábito alimentar dos hipertensos, utilizando um escore de pontos com pontuação máxima de 9 pontos. A amostra foi dividida em três grupos: grupo B que obteve 2,5 a 4,0 pontos (n=34; 30%), grupo M entre 4,5 a 5,0 pontos (n=43; 38%) e grupo A que obteve 5,5 a 8,0 pontos (n=36; 32%). Não foram observadas diferenças significativas na média da PA sistólica (14024 vs 13823 vs 13515 mmHg) e diastólica (8617 vs 8813 vs 8410 mmHg). Apesar do grupo A consumir mais proteínas e gordura monoinsaturada, foi detectado um excesso pronunciado na ingestão de gordura saturada, colesterol e das calorias totais, por este grupo de pacientes. No que tange a ingestão dos micronutrientes, o grupo A apresentou consumo significativamente maior de cálcio, potássio e magnésio, refletido pela maior ingestão de vegetais e frutas em comparação aos grupos B e M. A média de ingestão do sódio intrínseco foi significativamente maior no grupo A (4,12,0 vs 3,11,1 vs 2,71,1 g/dia). Foram detectadas, apenas no grupo A, correlações entre PA sistólica e o percentual de proteína (r = -0,5; p=0,002) e PA sistólica e o percentual de carboidrato (r = 0,4; p=0,02). Apenas um terço dos hipertensos avaliados apresentaram padrão alimentar mais concordante com o plano DASH e com maior ingestão de proteínas, gordura monoinsaturada, fibras, cálcio, potássio e magnésio. Entretanto, o consumo mais elevado de sódio, gordura saturada, colesterol e das calorias totais por este grupo de pacientes poderia restringir uma maior queda dos níveis pressóricos elevados. / The adoption of the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) plan has been emphasized in the hypertension population as an important strategy in the control of the raised blood pressure (BP). The objective of this study was to analyze the alimentary consumption of macro and micronutrients in hypertensive patients, especially of sodium, calcium, potassium and magnesium, and to compare with the dietary recommendations contained in DASH plan. Transversal study was conducted in a convenience sample of 113 hypertensive patients, between 40 and 69 years. The BP measurement was determined with calibrated electronic device and the dietary assessment was performed trough the semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire. For comparison with DASH plan, ingested foods were converted into portions and the magnitude of the portions recommended for DASH plan was determined on the basis of the mean energy requirements of this sample. Thereafter, cut-off points were established for food groups, the maximum number of points that a patient could reach was 9. The sample was divided in tertils: Group L with 2.5 4.0 points (n=34; 30%), Group I with 4.5 5.0 points (n=43; 38%) and Group H with 5.5 8.0 points (n=36; 32%). Systolic and diastolic BP were not significantly different among the groups (14024 vs 13823 vs 13515 mmHg/ 8617 vs 8813 vs 8410 mmHg). Group H consumed more proteins and monoinsaturated fat, a pronounced excess in the saturated fat, cholesterol and total calories intake was also detected in this group of patients. Regarding micronutrients intake, group H presented significantly higher consumption of calcium, potassium and magnesium, reflected for higher vegetable and fruits intake in comparison to the groups L and I. The average of intrinsic sodium intake was significantly higher in the group H (4.12.0 vs 3.11.1 vs 2.71.1 g/day). Negative correlation between the systolic BP and dietary protein percentage (r=-0.5, p=0.002) and a positive correlation between the systolic BP and the carbohydrate percentage (r=0.4, p=0.02) was verified only in group H. The present study showed that only one third of the hypertensive patients presented alimentary pattern more consistent with DASH plan, showing greater intake of protein, monounsaturated fat, fiber, calcium, potassium and magnesium. However, pronounced sodium, saturated fat and cholesterol intake and excess of total calories in these hypertensive patients could restrict a greater control of BP.
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Obesidade grave:perfil de pacientes e avaliação da efetividade de um protocolo de tratamento nutricional / Severe obesity: patient profile and evaluation of the effectiveness of a nutritional treatment protocolRODRIGUES, Ana Paula dos Santos 31 March 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-03-31 / Objective: To evaluate the profile of patients with severe obesity and effectiveness of a treatment protocol developed for nutritional care of these patients in referral hospital in Goiânia-GO. Methods: Data were collected from 79 patients treated between October 2007 and October 2009. Were excluded 26 patients in the nutritional intervention, the other 53 obese grade II and III were divided into intervention group A (IA) (n = 26), without use of anti-obesity drug, and intervention group B (IB) (n = 27), using anti-obesity drup, and followed by nine consultations. Results: Average body mass index was 48,3 ± 6,9 kg/m2. Prevailed women (91,1%), age group of 30 to 49 years (60,7%), 49.3% studied over nine years, over 75,0% had family income lower than one minimum wage. Most prevalent comorbidities were hypertension (58,2%) and dyslipidemias (55,7%), 70,9% were sedentary, 50.0% had binge eating disorder (BED). We found a low consumption of dairy products, fruits and vegetable B and high consumption of sugar and soft drinks. Age and hypertension were associated with higher education (≥ 9 years). Family income per capita (3rd and 4th quartiles) was associated with the onset of weight gain, daily consumption of vegetable A and daily consumption of sweets, while prior use of anti-obesity drugs was associated with low family incomes (1st and 2nd quartiles). The nutritional intervention resulted in significant reduction in weight and BMI for both groups. Comparing the average weight for each consultation, IA values were lower than IB in the last three visits. There was a qualitative improvement in food consumption. IB group showed adherence to physical activity. Conclusions: It was noted worrying and inadequate health and nutritional conditions and inadequate, with income and education associated with some of these conditions in severe obesity. The nutritional treatment protocol was effective in reducing weight and BMI, promoted improvement in the dietary pattern of patients and improved practice of physical activity for IB. / Objetivo: Avaliar o perfil de pacientes obesos graves e a efetividade de um protocolo de tratamento nutricional desenvolvido para atendimento destes pacientes em Hospital de referência de Goiânia-GO. Métodos: Foram coletados dados de 79 pacientes atendidos no período de outubro de 2007 a outubro de 2009. Na intervenção nutricional foram excluídos 26 pacientes, os outros 53 obesos graus II e III foram divididos em grupo intervenção A (IA) (n=26), sem uso de medicamentos anti-obesidade e grupo intervenção B (IB) (n=27), em uso de medicamentos anti-obesidade, com seguimento por nove consultas. Resultados: Índice de Massa Corporal médio foi de 48,3±6,9 kg/m2. Predominaram mulheres (91,1%), faixa etária 30-49 anos (60,7%), 49,3% estudou mais de 9 anos, mais de 75,0% com renda familiar per capita menor que 1 salário. Comorbidades mais prevalentes foram hipertensão arterial (58,2%) e dislipidemias (55,7%), 70,9% eram sedentários, 50,0% apresentaram compulsão alimentar periódica (CAP). Observou-se baixo consumo de leite e derivados, frutas e vegetal B e alto consumo de açúcar e refrigerantes. Idade e hipertensão arterial associaram-se à maior escolaridade (≥ 9 anos). Renda familiar per capita (3° e 4° quartis) associou-se ao início do ganho de peso, consumo diário de vegetal A e consumo diário de doces, enquanto menor renda (1° e 2° quartis) associou-se a uso anterior de medicamentos anti-obesidade. Quanto à intervenção nutricional, houve redução significativa do peso e IMC para ambos os grupos. Na comparação da média de peso a cada consulta IA apresentou valores menores que IB nas últimas três consultas. Houve melhora qualitativa no consumo alimentar. O grupo IB apresentou adesão à prática de atividade física. Conclusões: Notaram-se condições de saúde e nutrição inadequadas e preocupantes, sendo a renda e a escolaridade associadas a algumas dessas condições em obesos graves. O protocolo de tratamento nutricional foi efetivo na redução de peso e IMC, promoveu melhora no padrão de consumo alimentar dos pacientes e na prática de atividade física para IB.
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Die invloed van selfhandhawing en sielkundig ondersteunde dieetkundige en oefeningsbeheer op hipertensie by swartesEngelbrecht, Johannes Jacob 11 February 2014 (has links)
D.Litt. et Phil. / A problematic aspect of the latter half of the twentieth century in the South African health context, has been the change of the incidence of hypertension amongst black South Africans from being barely. endemic to being a virtual epidemic. This change in hypertension has had several negative components, notably the development of malignant hypertension wherein a markedly accelerated rate of development in hypertension has led to severely high incidences of morbidity and mortality amongst black South Africans notably in urban areas. Many researchers have cited the rapid process of urbaniztion as being the major cause, of this rapid rise in the relative incidence of hypertension amongst black South Africans. Whereas previously, the rapid rise of hypertension in urbanizing black South Africans has been attributed to the social readjustment, associated with urbanization, recent research have suggested that it is not only stressrelated, but also related to a change in basic lifestyle. Basic lifestyle changes have been found to include a change in work ethic from being a rural, cooperative work ethic, to being an urbanized firstworld type A, aggressive, competitive workstyle. This has led also to changes in eating habits with the ingestion of more salt, fats and oils, and has led to a hurried, but non exercised lifestyle. Because of the rapid increase of incidence of hypertension amongst black South Africans, the treatment of this condition has become problematic~ While black South Africans do not respond as well to traditional pharmacological interventions in this condition, they also show side-effects which make it very difficult for them to continue taking this medication. The cost aspects have also been noted to be prohibitively high and the availability of medicines because of the cost aspects has been projected to decline in the coming century. For this reason it would be "important to address other adjunctive measures to treat hypertension amongst black South Africans. In addition to standard harmacological interventions , it appears that there has been mention in the Iiterature of. lifestyle changes to be an efficacious intervention method in stabilizing and reducing blood pressure amongst hypertensives. This has however not been investigated individually or systematically amongst black South Africans. It was therefore the purpose of this study to investigate the effectiveness of lifestyle intervention programs, notably an aerobic exercise intervention, a dietary intervention, and an intervention to increase assertiveness and therefore reduce the aggressiveness associated with the competitive working style acquired by black South Africans. In order to test the efficacy of these treatment measures, a large group of black mineworkers were selected on a basis of meeting the diagnostic criteria for essential hypertension. These black mineworkers were then systematically sUbjected to an aerobic exercise intervention, a dietary intervention, and anger management by means of assertiveness training. Various measures were performed on a pretest and posttest basis. All three interventions were shown to have moderate efficacy. It was found that aerobic exercise, the dietary intervention and the anger management to be associated with a decline in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and to be associated with a reduction in the taking of hypertensive medication as ordered by the attending physicians. The aerobic exercise intervention also indicated that black South African mineworkers are relatively unfit and a ch~nge in fitness resulted in a decline in systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The dietary intervention proved to be efficient in terms of changing lifestyle eating habits. Of note is the fact that there was a substantial decrease in the taking of medication when compared to a· control group. It would appear from this research that the specific forms of lifestyle change in black hypertensives noted in this study would be an efficient adjunct or even a substitute for present treatment of hypertension amongst black mineworkers.
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Efeito do inibidor da DPP-IV sobre glicemia, glucagon, insulina, peptídeo C, GLP-1 e ácidos graxos livres após dietas isocalóricas de diferentes composições nutricionais em pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 virgens de tratamentos / Effect of DPP-IV inhibitor on glycemia, glucagon, insulin, C-peptide, GLP-1, and free fatty acids after isocaloric diets with different nutritional compositions in drug-naïve patients recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetesCristina da Silva Schreiber de Oliveira 07 June 2013 (has links)
Introdução: A sitagliptina, inibidor da dipeptidil-peptidase IV, impede a degradação do GLP-1 (peptídeo-1 semelhante ao glucagon), um dos principais hormônios incretínicos. A dieta interfere na secreção de GLP-1, no entanto, a interação das drogas que aumentam o GLP-1 e os macronutrientes da dieta é pouco estudada. Objetivo e Métodos: Determinar o efeito da sitagliptina, na secreção de GLP-1, glucagon, insulina, peptídeo-C, ácidos graxos livres e na glicemia após três dietas, isocalóricas, de diferentes composições nutricionais em pacientes diabéticos tipo 2, recém-diagnosticados, virgens de tratamento, quando comparado a uso de placebo. Dezesseis indivíduos nessas condições foram submetidos a dietas hiperglicídica, hiperprotêica e hiperlipídica, isocalóricas entre si. Dosaram-se nos tempos 0, 30, 60, 120 e 180 minutos os parâmetros: glicose, insulina, peptídeo C, GLP-1, glucagon e AGL. Foi calculada média de área sob a curva e cálculo da área incremental, além de análise de variância para medidas repetidas. Resultados: Durante o teste de dieta hiperglicídica a glicemia foi maior em todos os tempos quando comparado aos testes com PTN e LPD independentemente do uso de sitagliptina (p<0,05). Sitagliptina diminuiu a glicemia em todos os tempos, quando comparado ao uso de placebo (p<0,05). Durante a dieta CHO, a secreção de glucagon foi menor que nas dietas LPD e PTN (p<0,05). Já a concentração de insulina foi maior com a dieta CHO em relação à dieta LPD (p<0,05). A concentração de insulina e peptídeo C foi maior em todos os tempos na dieta CHO (p<0,05). A concentração de GLP-1 foi significativamente maior durante o teste hiperlipídico em relação à dieta CHO. Durante a dieta LPD, a medida de GLP-1 foi maior em todos os tempos. A dieta CHO apresentou medida de GLP-1 menor em todos os tempos do que as outras dietas (p<0,05). A medida de GLP-1 no tempo foi maior (até 120\') com o uso de sitagliptina do que com o uso do placebo, apesar de não estatisticamente significativa. Os níveis de AGL no tempo foram maiores com o uso do placebo do que com o uso da sitagliptina, apesar de não estatisticamente significativo. Conclusão: Houve diminuição da glicemia em todos os tempos com sitagliptina, independentemente da dieta testada. Houve diminuição do efeito da sitagliptina durante o uso da dieta hiperglicídica / Background: Sitagliptin, a dipeptidil-peptidase IV inhibitor, prevents the degradation of GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide 1), one of the incretin hormones. It is well-known that diet interferes in the GLP-1 secretion; however, the interaction between drugs that stimulates the release of GLP-1 and the macronutrients from diet is hardly studied. Objective and Methods: To demonstrate the effect of sitagliptin on glycemia, and on the secretion of GLP-1, glucagon, insulin, C-peptide, and free fatty acids after three isocaloric diets with different nutritional compositions, in drug-naïve patients, newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, when compared to the use of placebo. Sixteen individuals were subjected to a high-carbohydrate diet, a high-protein diet, and a high-fat diet, all of which with similar caloric values. At 0, 30, 60, 120 and180 minutes after the diet, glucose, insulin, C-peptide, GLP-1, glucagon, and AGL were measured. The mean area under the curve, the incremental area, and the variance for repeated measures were calculated. Results: During high-carbohydrate diet, glycemia was higher for all time points, when compared to the PTN and LPD diets, independently of sitagliptin (p<0,05). Sitagliptin reduced glycemia during three diets when compared to placebo (p<0,05). During CHO diet, secretion of glucagon was smaller than it was during the LDP and PTN diets (p<0,05). On the other hand, insulin concentration was higher than during the LPD diet (p<0,05). Concentrations of insulin and C-peptide were higher for all the time points during the CHO diet (p<0,05). GLP-1 concentration was significantly higher during the high-fat diet than during the high-carbohydrate diet. During the LPD diet, the quantity of the GLP-1 was larger for all time points. The CHO diet presented lower GLP-1 level, for all the time points, than the other diets (p<0,05). The GLP-1 level (up to 120min) with the use of sitagliptin was higher with LPD and PTN diet than it was with the CHO diet. The AGL levels for all time points were higher with placebo than with sitagliptin, although not statistically significant. Conclusion: There was a reduction in glycemia with sitagliptin, independently of the diet tested, for all time points. There was a reduction in sitagliptin effect during the use of the high-carbohydrate diet
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Educational curriculum for obesity in school aged youthKemp, Carmen Vieyra, Mendiola, Melody Ann 01 January 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this project was to develop an educational program to assist educators in keeping school children healthy. This program is designed to support professionals who are working to reduce the problem of oobesity in children and adolescents in elementary and middle school setting.
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Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Objectives: To determine (1) whether prescribed and delivered energy and protein intakes during the first two weeks of life met Ziegler’s estimated requirements for Very Low Birth Weight (VLBW) infants, (2) if actual energy during the first week of life correlated with time to regain birth weight and reach full enteral nutrition (EN) defined as 100 kcal/kg/day, (3) if growth velocity from time to reach full EN to 36 weeks’ postmenstrual age (PMA) met Ziegler’s estimated fetal growth velocity (16 g/kg/day), and (4) growth outcomes at 36 weeks’ PMA.
Study design: Observational study of feeding, early nutrition and early growth of 40 VLBW infants ≤ 30 weeks GA at birth in three newborn intensive care units NICUs.
Results: During the first week of life, the percentages of prescribed and delivered energy (69% [65 kcal/kg/day]) and protein (89% [3.1 g/kg/day]) were significantly less than theoretical estimated requirements. Delivered intakes were 15% less than prescribed because of numerous interruptions in delivery and medical complications. During the second week, the delivered intakes of energy (90% [86 kcal/kg/day]) and protein (102% [3.5 g/kg/day]) improved although the differences between prescribed and delivered were consistently 15%. Energy but not protein intake during the first week was significantly related to time to reach full EN. Neither energy nor protein intake significantly correlated with days to return to birth weight. The average growth velocity from the age that full EN was attained to 36 weeks’ PMA (15 g/kg/day) was significantly less than the theoretical estimated fetal growth velocity (16 g/kg/day) (p<0.03). A difference of 1 g/kg/day represents a total deficit of 42 - 54 grams over the course of a month. At 36 weeks’ PMA, 53% of the VLBW infants had extrauterine growth restriction, or EUGR (<10th percentile) on the Fenton growth grid and 34% had EUGR on the Lubchenco growth grid.
Conclusions: The delivered nutrient intakes were consistently less than 15% of the prescribed intakes. Growth velocity between the age when full EN was achieved and 36 weeks’ PMA was 6.7% lower than Ziegler’s estimate. One-third to one-half of the infants have EUGR at 36 weeks’ PMA.
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Attitudes toward genetic testing and personalised nutrition in a representative sample of European consumersStewart-Knox, Barbara, Bunting, B.P., Gilpin, S., Parr, H.J., Pinhao, S., Strain, J.J., de Almeida, M.D.V., Gibney, M.J. January 2009 (has links)
Negative consumer opinion poses a potential barrier to the application of nutrigenomic intervention. The present study has aimed to determine attitudes toward genetic testing and personalised nutrition among the European public. An omnibus opinion survey of a representative sample aged 14-55+ years (n 5967) took place in France, Italy, Great Britain, Portugal, Poland and Germany during June 2005 as part of the Lipgene project. A majority of respondents (66 %) reported that they would be willing to undergo genetic testing and 27 % to follow a personalised diet. Individuals who indicated a willingness to have a genetic test for the personalising of their diets were more likely to report a history of high blood cholesterol levels, central obesity and/or high levels of stress than those who would have a test only for general interest. Those who indicated that they would not have a genetic test were more likely to be male and less likely to report having central obesity. Individuals with a history of high blood cholesterol were less likely than those who did not to worry if intervention foods contained GM ingredients. Individuals who were aware that they had health problems associated with the metabolic syndrome appeared particularly favourable toward nutrigenomic intervention. These findings are encouraging for the future application of personalised nutrition provided that policies are put in place to address public concern about how genetic information is used and held.
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The role of food gardens in mitigating the vulnerability to HIV-AIDS of rural women in Limpopo, South AfricaLekganyane, Enniah Matemane 30 June 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of food gardens in influencing the vulnerability of women in rural communities to HIV-infections.
The study was conducted at the Makotse Women's Club in rural Limpopo. Qualitative field research was used and five participants were purposefully selected for participation in face-to-face interviews. The study found that the women's involvement in the food gardens enabled them to take responsibility for their own lives. Participation in food gardens gave these women an opportunity for income generation, the chance to access healthy food sources to improve their and their families' diets and a sense of meaning and purpose in their lives. Financial independence from husbands and male partners freed them from poverty and male domination. Through exposure to HIV and AIDS education programmes offered at the food gardens the women were empowered with knowledge about sexual health, hence reducing their vulnerability to HIV-AIDS. / Sociology / M. A. ((Social Behaviour Studies in HIV/AIDS))
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