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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Veerabhadrappa, Praveen January 2012 (has links)
Purpose: Evidence has accumulated to show that elevated subclinical inflammation and impaired endothelial function has been associated with higher risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Despite data on these emerging risk factors, scant attention has been paid to: (1) the interactions of inflammation with endothelial function in relatively healthy African Americans; and (2) the efficacy of non-pharmacologic treatment modalities, such as exercise training, on inflammation and endothelial function. The aim of study 1 was to assess the levels of inflammatory markers, to assess the endothelial function in asymptomatic African Americans. The aim of study 2 was to determine the effects of six-months of exercise training on inflammatory markers and endothelial function in the same cohort. Methods: We recruited 79 African Americans who were sedentary, non-diabetic, non-smoking, and free of CV and renal disease. Before and after 6-month AEXT intervention, inflammatory markers (CRP, TNF-a and IL-6) were measured. Right brachial artery diameter was assessed at rest, during flow-mediated dilation (FMD), and after nitroglycerin-mediated dilation (NMD). Peak dilation was calculated as a measure of FMD and NMD, and the FMD/NMD ratio was calculated as a measure of endothelial function normalized by smooth muscle function. Fasted blood samples were obtained and were analyzed for the metabolic profile. Results: In study 1, the mean CRP for the group was 3.3 ± 0.3 mg/L which falls in the high-risk CRP category as per AHA/CDC guidelines. When divided into tertiles for CRP, low-risk (CRP 3 mg/L); VO2max was significantly higher in the low-risk category compared to average-risk category (P =0.004), and significantly higher in the low-risk category compared to high-risk category (P <0.001). Further, Cardiorespiratory fitness was significantly correlated with CRP (Figure. 1; r = -0.456, P <0.001) and BMI (r = -0.362, P = 0.002). CRP was correlated with BMI (r = 0.424, P <0.001). In a multivariable regression model that included age, gender, BMI, CVD risk factors (total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL lipoprotein, LDL lipoprotein, plasma glucose, BP, and CRP), the following variables were significantly associated with fitness: fitness [B-coeff = -0.434 ± 0.05 (SE), P <0.001] independently predicted CRP. Fitness explained 22% of variance in CRP levels. In study 2, 6-month AEXT intervention significantly increased VO2max, (P=0.001), indicating that the prescribed exercise program may have been sufficient to elicit improvements in cardiovascular fitness. Significant reductions were observed for CRP (P =0.014). On repeated measures ANCOVA, the mean CRP values were significantly different (F (1,32) =6.703, P=0.014) between before vs. after training (Mean ± SEM; 3.1 ± 0.4 mg/L vs. 2.4 ± 0.4 mg/L), after adjusting for changed variables (BMI, mean BP and VO2max) as covariates. For endothelial measures, significant increase in endothelial function were observed for %FMDpeak (P =0.043) [Figure. 22] and FMD/NMD Ratio (P =0.047) increased post-AEXT. On repeated measures ANCOVA, the mean %FMD was statistically significantly different (F (1,16) =5.582, P=0.031) between before vs. after training (Mean ± SEM; 6.4 ± 2.6% vs. 9.4 ± 2.1%), after adjusting for changed variables (BMI, total-cholesterol and C-reactive protein) as covariates. Conclusions: The results from study 1 provide evidence of the prevalence of high levels of inflammation in the putatively healthy cohort of African Americans. When the group was categorized into tertiles for CRP and the cardio-metabolic, clinical and vascular profiles assessed, statistically significant differences, and rising trends were observed for CRP, body weight, BMI, BBF%, VO2max, SBP and DBP among the three CRP categories indicating a subclinical high cardiovascular risk profile in this cohort of putatively healthy population. Study 2, showed statistically significant improvements in inflammatory marker (CRP) and vascular measures (%FMDpeak, FMD/NMD Ratio and IMT); metabolic profile (triglycerides and FBS); clinical parameters (weight, BMI); cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2max). As we hypothesized, a marked reduction in CRP (-13.5%) post-AEXT was noticed, independent of change in(BMI, MAP and VO2max). Further, baseline CRP and BMI predicted change in CRP on regression analysis. Next, a marked increase in vascular measures, %FMDpeak (23.9%), FMD/NMD Ratio (25.4%) and IMT (-7.4%) were noticed independent of Ä(BMI, total cholesterol, MAP and VO2max). This may suggest: 1) the dominant anti-inflammatory role of exercise training. 2) that long-term exercise training improves clinical vascular measures in our cohort. / Kinesiology

Influence de la taille et de la gradation des particules sur la résistance au cisaillement et le comportement dilatant des matériaux granulaires

Amirpour Harehdasht, Samaneh January 2016 (has links)
Résumé : Cette étude examine l'impact de la taille et de la gradation de particules sur les corrélations théoriques et empiriques existantes les plus connues entre la résistance au cisaillement et le comportement dilatatant des matériaux granulaires en condition de déformation plane et en compression triaxiale drainée. À cette fin, 276 tests de cisaillements symétriques directs et 35 tests de compressions triaxiales drainées ont été menés sur des échantillons composés de billes de basalte (particules rondes), et de sables constitués de particules angulaires (sable de Péribonka et sable d'Eastmain) sur une échelle de 63 µm à 2000 µm afin d'évaluer leur résistance au cisaillement et leur comportement de dilatance sur une vaste échelle de pressions normales et de densités relatives initiales. Premièrement, la fiabilité et l'applicabilité des limites de mesure à l’aide de tests physiques de cisaillements symétriques directs dans l'interprétation de la résistance au cisaillement frictionnel en déformation plane des matériaux granulaires ont été discutées et confirmées par l'usage du code informatique DEM, SiGran. L'accent a été particulièrement mis sur la validation du modèle DEM au moyen de comparaison des résultats des simulations DEM avec leurs équivalents physiques à une échelle macro. Les résultats virtuels DSA sont abordés du point de vue de la coaxialité entre les principales tensions et les principales directions des paliers de pression ainsi que de la déviation de la direction d'extension nulle à partir de la direction horizontale. Les résultats numériques fournissent également des données quantitatives sur les différentes formes d'énergie consommées durant le cisaillement confirmées par d'autres résultats physiques et numériques publiés. Sur la base des postulats précédents, un examen minutieux des résultats des essais de cisaillements directs et de données issues de la littérature a été accompli afin d'évaluer la fiabilité des formules empiriques bien connues de Bolton et Collins et al. avec leurs constantes couramment employées en condition de déformation plane. L'étude montre qu'une application des relations empiriques de force-dilatation de cisaillement avec les constantes proposées par Bolton (1986) et Collins et al. (1992) aux sables ayant une distribution de taille de particules différente peut conduire à surestimer leurs valeurs en terme de force de cisaillement. Dans cette étude, les coefficients des équations de Bolton et Collins et al. ont donc été ajustée afin de prendre en compte les caractéristiques des particules, en particulier le diamètre médian, D50. De manière analogue, les effets microstructuraux imposés par la géométrie interne des particules (par exemple la taille, la forme et la gradation des particules) sur la relation tension-dilatation très connue, celle de Rowe (1962), et son ajustement empirique en condition triaxiale drainée ont été examinés dans cette étude. Une comparaison des prédictions des formules proposées avec les données de force de cisaillement issues de la littérature fournit de nombreuses preuves en faveur des contraintes mises en place au sein des relations existantes de force-dilatation de cisaillement en condition de déformation plane et triaxiale. Ces comparaisons prouvent également que la prise en compte de la taille des grains conduit à des résultats plus tangibles que lorsque la taille de la particule n'est pas considérée. Les formules de force-dilatation ajustées peuvent se révéler avantageuses pour évaluer indépendamment la cohérence des forces de cisaillement déterminées expérimentalement et pour introduire des lois d’écoulement plus précises dans les analyses géotechniques analytiques et numériques. / Abstract : The present study examines more closely the potential impact of particle size and gradation on the most famous existing theoretical and empirical correlations between the shear strength and the dilation behavior of granular materials in plane strain and drained triaxial compression conditions. For this purpose, 276 symmetrical direct shear and 35 drained triaxial compression tests have been carried out on samples made up of basalt beads (rounded particles), and sands consisting of angular particles (Péribonka sand and Eastmain sand) in the range of 63 µm to 2000 µm to evaluate their shear resistance and dilation behavior over a wide range of normal pressures and initial relative densities. First, the reliability and applicability of boundary measurements in physical symmetrical direct shear tests to interpret the plane strain frictional shearing resistance of granular material have been discussed and confirmed using DEM computer code SiGran. Particular emphasis is placed on the validation of the DEM model by comparing the results of DEM simulations with their physical counterparts at the macro-scale. The virtual DSA results are discussed in terms of the coaxiality between the principal stresses and the principal strains increments directions as well as the deviation of the zero extension direction from the horizontal direction. The numerical results also provide quantitative data on different forms of energy consumed during shearing confirming other published physical and numerical results found in the literature. Following the assumptions above, a close scrutiny of symmetrical direct shear test results and strength and dilation data from the literature have been done to evaluate the reliability of well-known empirical Bolton’s and Collins et al.’s formulations with their commonly used constants in plane strain condition. The study shows that an application of empirical shear strength-dilation relationships with the constants proposed by Bolton (1986) and Collins et al. (1992) to sands with different particle-size distribution may strongly over-predict their shear strength values. In this study, the coefficients of Bolton’s and Collins et al.’s equations have been, therefore, adjusted to account for particle characteristics, in particular for D50. Similarly, the microstructural effects imposed by internal particle geometry (e.g. particle-size, particle shape, and particle gradation) on most popular stress-dilatancy relationship of Rowe (1962), and its empirical adjustment in drained triaxial condition have been investigated in this study. A comparison of the predictions by the proposed formulas with shear strength data from the literature provides evidences in support of the implemented constraints into existing shear strength-dilation relations in plane strain and drained triaxial conditions. These comparisons also proves that accounting for the grain size yields more authentic results than when particle size is not considered. The adjusted strength-dilation formulas may be beneficial for independently assessing the consistency of the experimentally-determined shear strengths, and introducing more refined flow rules into analytical and numerical geotechnical analyses.

Rôles physiologiques des gènes Adamts1 et Adamts4 chez la souris

Lafond, Jean-François January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Implantation ballon-expandierbarer Stents zur Therapie von Gefäßstenosen im Kindesalter

Schneider, Martin Benno Erik 02 July 2002 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die Ergebnisse von Stent Implantationen bei Kindern mit angeborenen Herzfehlern an der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Charité vorgestellt. Zwischen 1994 und 2001 wurden bei 103 Patienten 146/149 Stents erfolgreich in 115 Gefäßstenosen oder Ductus arteriosus implantiert. Das Alter der Patienten bei der Implantation lag zwischen einem Tag und 34 Jahren (ein erwachsener Patient), im Mittel 4 Jahre, Median 1,1 Jahre; das Körpergewicht lag zwischen 1,75 kg und 75 kg, im Mittel 14,4 kg bei einem Median von 7,5 kg. Von den 149 Stents wurden 39,5% in periphere Pulmonalarterienstenosen, 17,5% in Aortenisthmusstenosen, 28,5% in den Ductus arteriosus, 8,5% in Systemvenenstenosen und 6% in Pulmonalvenenstenosen. 40% der 146 erfolgreich implantierten Stents wurden palliativ, 60% kurativ implantiert. Während eines Nachbeobachtungszeitraumes von einem Monat bis 7,5 Jahren, im Mittel 2,14 Jahren, wurden 60 der implantierten Stents insgesamt 79 mal redilatiert. 15 dieser Stents zweimal und 4 dreimal. Der häufigste Grund für eine Redilatation war das Körperwachstum der Patienten (58%). In-Stent Restenosen aufgrund von Intima-Proliferation führten in 25,5% zu einer Redilatation, die übrigen 16,5% Restenosen wurden durch Kompression von außen verursacht. Bei der vorliegenden Studie zeigte sich, dass die Stent-Implantation nicht nur eine effektive Methode zur Behandlung von Gefäßstenosen bei Patienten mit angeborenen Herzfehlern ist. Vielmehr gilt sie bei dem vorgestellten Patientengut als: 1. Vorbereitung, Erleichterung oder Ermöglichung von korrigierenden Operationen bei Neugeborenen durch palliativen Stent Einsatz in den Ductus arteriosus, Aortenisthmusstenosen oder in interventionell eröffnete rechtsventrikuläre Ausflußtrakte; 2. Vermeidung komplexer chirurgischer Eingriffe durch Stent Implantationen in native Aortenisthmusstenosen oder in den Ductus arteriosus bei Patienten mit kritischer Pulmonalstenose oder- atresie mit intaktem Ventrikelseptum; 3. Verbesserung post-operativer Ergebnisse und damit Verbesserung der langfristigen Prognose durch Beseitigung post-operativer Restenosen, zum Beispiel peripherer Pulmonalstenosen nach operativer Korrektur einer Fallotschen Tetralogie. Darüber hinaus lassen sich mit Hilfe von Stents komplexe chirurgisch/interventionelle Therapiestrategien, zum Beispiel dem Etablieren einer Fontanzirkulation, verwirklichen. Da in den meisten Fällen ein lebenslanger Verbleib der Stents geplant war wurden ausschließlich ballonexpandierbare Stents implantiert. Diese können, dem Alter und dem Körperwachstum der Patienten entsprechend durch Redilatation angepaßt werden. Diese limitierten Langzeit-Ergebnisse erscheinen diesbezüglich vielversprechend. Dagegen sind die Ursachen der In-Stent Restenosen aufgrund von Intima-Proliferation, die bei einigen Kindern gefunden wurden, noch nicht verstanden und bedürfen weiterer Untersuchungen. Eine Limitation der vorgestellten Methode besteht in der Stent-Technologie. Derzeit stehen keine Stents zur Verfügung, die im Neugeborenenalter implantiert werden können und bis zum Abschluß des Größenwachstums der Patienten eine gefäßstützende Funktion gewährleisten. Neue Stent-Technologien sind daher für den kurativen Einsatz bei Neugeborenen und kleinen Säuglingen erforderlich und werden in dieser Arbeit im Tiermodel vorgestellt. Zwei unterschiedliche neu Stents, die von zwei unabhängigen Herstellern entwickelt wurden, können durch eine Miniaturisierung der Einführungssysteme im Neugeborenenalter eingesetzt werden und ermöglichen eine Erweiterung der gestenteten Gefäßdurchmesser von minimal 4 Millimeter auf über 20 Millimeter. Weitere chronische Untersuchungen im Tiermodel sind notwendig bevor diese neuen Stent-Technologien in die klinische Erprobung bei Neugeborenen mit angeborenen Herzfehlern eingeführt werden können. / This study reports on stent implantation in paediatric patients with congenital heart disease at the department of paediatric cardiology, Humboldt university of Berlin, Charité. Between 1994 and 2001 146/149 stents were successfully implanted in 115 lesions or arterial ducts of 103 patients. The age of the patients ranged between 1 day and 34 years (one adult patient), mean 4 years, median 1.1 years; the bodyweight was measured between 1.75 kg and 75 kg, mean 14.4 kg, median 7.5 kg. The stent were implanted into different lesions: 39.5% in peripheral pulmonary artery stenoses, 17.5% in coarctation, 28.5% in the arterial duct, 8.5% in systemic vein stenoses and 6% in pulmonary vein stenoses. The implantations were performed for palliativ reasons in 40% or as a definite treatment in 60%. During a follow up period between 1 months and 7.5 years, mean 2.14 years 79 repeat dilations were performed on 60 stents, 15 stents twice and 4 stents three times. The most common reason for repeat intervention were dilation according to patients growth (58%). In-stent restenoses due to intimal hyperplasia were noted in 25.5% and 16.5% restenoses occurred due to compression from surrounding structures. The results of this study demonstrated stent-implantation not only as an effective method for treatment of vessel stenosis in young patients with congenital heart diseases. In addition 1. palliative stenting of the arterial duct, critical coarctation or right ventricular outflow tract obstruction in neonates improves surgical outcome or increases operability. 2. stent implantation can be an attractive alternative to complex surgery i.e. the establishment of Fontan circulation as part of a combined surgical/interventional concept 3. postoperative stenting of restenosis improves surgical results and reduces mortality and morbidity by reduction of the individual number of surgical procedures. Balloon expandable stents were used exclusively as the vast majority were considered to treat vessel stenosis for a lifelong period. The limited experiences on long-term follow-up are encouraging concerning the possibility of repeat dilation according to patients growth. However, the mechanisms of in-stent restenosis are not fully understand. For long-term treatment of vessel stenosis in neonates and small infants the conventional stent technology was found as a major limitation. New stent-designs are necessary. The report encloses two different new stent-technologies in animal studies. Miniaturised stents and delivery systems developed by two different companies are demonstrated. An additional advantage of the new stent designs is the broad variability of the stent diameters. After the initial implantation with a minimum diameter of 4 millimetres those stents can be dilated to a maximum diameter of more than 20 millimetres. Further investigations are necessary to demonstrate the efficacy of the new stent designs in different lesions of human neonates.

Soil-Pile, Pile Group Foundations and Pipeline Systems Interaction Behavior Extending Saturated and Unsaturated Soil Mechanics

Al-Khazaali, Mohammed 25 February 2019 (has links)
Rapid growth in population along with positive trends in global economy over the past several decades has significantly contributed to an increased demand for various infrastructure needs worldwide. For this reason, the focus of this thesis has been directed towards extending the mechanics of unsaturated soils, which is an emerging geotechnical engineering field to investigate the behavior of two key infrastructure systems, namely pile foundations and energy pipeline systems. The mechanism of soil-pile foundations and soil-pipeline systems interaction behavior has several similarities. Both these infrastructure facilities require comprehensive understanding of the soil-structure interaction mechanism. Reliable estimation of mechanical properties of both the soil and the soil-structure interface is required for the rational interpretation the load-displacement behavior of pile foundations and pipeline systems. Currently, the design of systems is predominantly based on design codes and guidelines that use empirical procedures or employ the principles of saturated soil mechanics. In many scenarios, pile foundations extend either totally or partly in unsaturated soils as the groundwater table level in many regions is at a greater depth. Such scenarios are commonly encountered in semi-arid and arid regions of the world. In addition, pipeline systems are typically buried at shallow depths in unsaturated soil strata, which are susceptible to wetting and drying, freezing and thawing cycles or both, due to seasonal environmental changes. Capillary stress or matric suction in the unsaturated zone increases the effective stress contribution towards the shear strength and stiffness of soil and soil-structure interface. Extending saturated soil mechanics to design or analyze such structures may lead to erroneous estimation of pile foundation carrying capacity or loads transferred on pipeline body from the surrounding unsaturated soil. Experimental, analytical and numerical investigations were undertaken to study the behavior of single pile, pile group, and pipeline systems in saturated and unsaturated sands under static loading. The experimental program includes 40 single model pile and 2×2 pile group, and six prototype pipeline tests under saturated and unsaturated condition. The results of the experimental studies suggest that matric suction has significant contribution towards the mechanical behavior of both pile foundation and pipeline system. The axial load carrying capacity of single pile and pile group increased approximately 2 to 2.5 times and the settlement reduced significantly compared to saturated condition. The influence of matric suction towards a single pile is significantly different in comparison to pile group behavior. The cumulative influence of matric suction and stress overlap of pile group behavior in sandy soils result in erroneous estimation of pile group capacity, if principles of saturated soil mechanics are extended. Group action plays major role in changing the moisture regime under the pile group leading to incompatible stress state condition in comparison to single pile behavior. On the other hand, the peak axial load on the pipe is almost 2.5 folds greater in unsaturated sand that undergoes much less displacement in comparison to saturated condition. Such an increase in the external axial forces may jeopardize the integrity of energy pipeline systems and requires careful reevaluation of existing design models extending the principles of unsaturated soil mechanics. Two analytical design models to estimate the axial force exerted on pipeline body were proposed. The proposed models take account of matric suction effect and soil dilatancy and provide smooth transition from unsaturated to saturated condition. These models were developed since measurement of the unsaturated soil and interface shear strength and stiffness properties need extensive equipment that require services of trained professional, which are expensive and time consuming. The models utilize the saturated soil shear strength parameters and soil-water characteristic curve (SWCC) to predict the mechanical behavior of the structure in saturated and unsaturated cohesionless soils. The prototype pipeline experimental results were used to verify the proposed models. The predicted axial force on pipeline using the proposed models agrees well with the measured behavior under both saturated and unsaturated conditions. Moreover, numerical techniques were proposed to investigate the behavior of pile foundation and pipeline system in saturated and unsaturated sand. The proposed methodology can be used with different commercially available software programs. Two finite element analysis programs were used in this study; namely, PLAXIS 2D (2012) to simulate soil-pile foundation behavior and SIGMA/W (2012) to simulate soil-pipeline system behavior. The proposed techniques require the information of unsaturated shear strength and stiffness, which can be derived from saturated soil properties and the SWCC. The model was verified using pile and pipeline test results from this study and other research studies from the published literature. There is a good agreement between the measured behavior and the predicted behavior for both the saturated and unsaturated conditions. The methodology was further extended to investigate the behavior of rigid and flexible pipelines buried in Indian Head till (IHT) during nearby soil excavation activity. The simulation results suggest that excavation can be extended safely without excessive deformation to several meters without the need for supporting system under unsaturated condition. The studies summarized in the thesis provide evidence that the principles of saturated soil mechanics underestimate the pile foundations carrying capacity as well as the axial force exerted on pipelines in unsaturated soils. Such approaches lead to both uneconomical pile foundation and unsafe pipeline systems designs. For this reason, the pile and pile group carrying capacity and pipeline axial force should be estimated taking into account the influence of matric suction as well as the dilatancy of the compacted sand. The experimental studies, testing techniques along with the analyses of test results and the proposed analytical and numerical models are useful for better understanding the pile foundation and buried pipeline behaviors under both saturated and unsaturated conditions. The proposed analytical and finite element models are promising for applying the mechanics of unsaturated soils into conventional geotechnical engineering practice using simple methods.

The influence of exercise intensity on vascular health outcomes in adolescents

Bond, Bert January 2015 (has links)
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of death, and the underlying atherosclerotic process has its origin in youth. Physical activity lowers future CVD risk, however few adolescents achieve the recommended minimum amount of daily activity and interventions fail to meaningfully increase activity levels in this group. It is therefore essential to identify how small volumes of exercise can be optimised for the primary prevention of CVD. The purpose of this thesis is to identify the influence of exercise intensity on vascular health outcomes in adolescents, and to assess the efficacy of 2 weeks of low volume, high-intensity interval training on CVD risk factors in this population. Chapter 4 demonstrates that a single bout of high-intensity interval exercise (HIIE) performed one hour before a high fat meal elicits comparable reductions in postprandial lipaemia as a work-matched bout of moderate-intensity exercise (MIE) in girls. However, neither exercise attenuated postprandial lipaemia in the boys. Additionally, HIIE elicited a superior increase in postprandial fat oxidation and decrease in blood pressure, and this was sex independent. These findings are furthered in Chapter 5, which identified that accumulating HIIE, but not MIE, favourably modulates glycaemic control, postprandial blood pressure and fat oxidation in adolescents irrespective of sex. A high fat meal was included in Chapter 6 in order to impair vascular function via oxidative stress. Postprandial vascular function was preserved following MIE, but improved after HIIE, and these changes were not related to changes in postprandial lipaemia or total antioxidant status. Chapter 7 addressed the time course of the changes in vascular function post exercise, and identified that HIIE promotes superior changes in vascular function than MIE. Finally, Chapter 8 identified that 2 weeks of high-intensity interval training improved novel (endothelial function and heart rate variability), but not traditional CVD factors in adolescent boys and girls. However, most of these favourable changes were lost 3 days after training cessation. Thus, this thesis demonstrates that vascular health outcomes are positively associated with exercise intensity. Given that HIIE was perceived to be more enjoyable than MIE in Chapters 4, 6 and 7, performing HIIE appears to be an effectual and feasible alternative to MIE for the primary prevention of CVD.

Geometry, Mechanics and Transmissivity of Rock Fractures

Lanaro, Flavio January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Geometry, Mechanics and Transmissivity of Rock Fractures

Lanaro, Flavio January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Mechanical, failure and flow properties of sands : micro-mechanical models

Manchanda, Ripudaman 12 July 2011 (has links)
This work explains the effect of failure on permeability anisotropy and dilation in sands. Shear failure is widely observed in field operations. There is incomplete understanding of the influence of shear failure in sand formations. Shear plane orientations are dependent on the stress anisotropy and that view is confirmed in this research. The effect of shear failure on the permeability is confirmed and calculated. Description of permeability anisotropy due to shear failure has also been discussed. In this work, three-dimensional discrete element modeling is used to model the behavior of uncemented and weakly cemented sand samples. Mechanical deformation data from experiments conducted on sand samples is used to calibrate the properties of the spherical particles in the simulations. Orientation of the failure planes (due to mechanical deformation) is analyzed both in an axi-symmetric stress regime (cylindrical specimen) and a non-axi-symmetric stress regime (right cuboidal specimen). Pore network fluid flow simulations are conducted before and after mechanical deformation to observe the effect of failure and stress anisotropy on the permeability and dilation of the granular specimen. A rolling resistance strategy is applied in the simulations, incorporating the stiffness of the specimens due to particle angularity, aiding in the calibration of the simulated samples against experimental data to derive optimum granular scale elastic and friction properties. A flexible membrane algorithm is applied on the lateral boundary of the simulation samples to implement the effect of a rubber/latex jacket. The effect of particle size distribution, stress anisotropy, and confining pressure on failure, permeability and dilation is studied. Using the calibrated micro-properties, simulations are extended to non-cylindrical specimen geometries to simulate field-like anisotropic stress regimes. The shear failure plane alignment is observed to be parallel to the maximum horizontal stress plane. Pore network fluid flow simulations confirm the increase in permeability due to shear failure and show a significantly greater permeability increase in the maximum horizontal stress direction. Using the flow simulations, anisotropy in the permeability field is observed by plotting the permeability ellipsoid. Samples with a small value of inter-granular cohesion depict greater shear failure, larger permeability increase and a greater permeability anisotropy than samples with a larger value of inter-granular cohesion. This is estimated by the number of micro-cracks observed. / text

Rôles physiologiques des gènes Adamts1 et Adamts4 chez la souris

Lafond, Jean-François January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

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