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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kulturní diplomacie jako nástroj mezinárodní politiky / Cultural Diplomacy as an instrument of International Politics

Michlerová, Zuzana January 2009 (has links)
Cultural diplomacy has always been playing an important role in international relations. It is a phenomenon which has been becoming more and more actual recently and which has been permanently growing in significance. There is a huge probability that cultural diplomacy will play a crucial role in international relations of 21th century. This part of diplomacy should not be thus underestimated and it is certainly worthwhile to pay more attention to it. Significance of cultural diplomacy is growing in connection with the growth of importance of "soft power". The theory of "soft power" has been developed by Joseph S. Nye Jr. In his book Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics, Joseph S. Nye Jr. calls for strenghtening of intercultural dialog as a reaction on 11th September 2001.

Diplomacia corporativa: um estudo de caso em um grupo internacional de comunicação digital / Corporate Diplomacy: a case study of an international digital communication group

Prioste, Daniela Buzzulini 07 October 2015 (has links)
O ambiente dos negócios causa influência nas corporações. Entender e se antecipar a eventuais problemas e oportunidades que possam surgir do ambiente complexo no qual elas estão inseridas exige competências de alguns profissionais. Trabalhando em prol da boa reputação, da atração de investimento e da inserção internacional da organização que representam estão os diplomatas corporativos ou diplomatas empresariais. De acordo com esta pesquisa, eles são uma ferramenta que auxilia na estratégia da empresa. O estudo de caso foi realizado no Grupo fullDigi de comunicação digital. Investigando essa instituição, foi possível mapear características da diplomacia corporativa. Conjuntamente, um estudo descritivo e exploratório responde à pergunta que norteia esta dissertação: qual o papel da Diplomacia Corporativa nos negócios internacionais? Por meio da análise ambiental e da teoria dos stakeholders, detectou-se os fatores que devem ser levados em consideração na diplomacia das empresas. O referencial teórico sobre estrutura organizacional ajuda a identificar os níveis hierárquicos desses executivos, bem como suas relações e comunicação com os ambientes interno e externo. Também explicam-se os novos papeis da diplomacia - que vem se redefinindo para acompanhar a complexidade das novas relações entre países, governos e empresas -, além das teorias sobre internacionalização de empresas e advocacy, atividades que necessitam da atuação de tais profissionais. Como método de pesquisa adotou-se a abordagem qualitativa e a coleta de dados baseada em entrevistas com executivos da fullDigi, com especialistas em Diplomacia Corporativa e ainda com membros de associações profissionais e comerciais, além da coleta de dados secundários. A proposição teórica foi utilizada para a análise dos dados coletados. Dentre os principais resultados da pesquisa, foi observado que a oportunidade ou a necessidade de buscar por mercados internacionais, que a atuação em um ambiente muito regulado ou em um setor novo ou em constante mudança e que a preocupação com a imagem, com a reputação da empresa e com os stakeholders, são alguns dos papeis da Diplomacia Corporativa. / The business environment influences corporations. Understand and anticipate possible problems and opportunities that may arise from the complex environment in which they operate requires competencies of some professionals. Acting for the good reputation, for the investment attraction and for the international insertion of the organization they represent, there are the corporate diplomats. According to this research, they are a tool that helps with the company\'s strategy. The case study was conducted in fullDigi Group of digital communication. By investigating this institution, it was possible to map characteristics of the corporate diplomacy. Along with, a descriptive and exploratory study answers the question that guides this dissertation: What is the role of the corporate diplomacy in the international business? Through environmental analysis and the theory of stakeholders, it was found the factors that must be taken into account in the diplomacy of the companies. The theoretical framework of organizational structure helps to identify hierarchical levels of these executives as well as their relationships and communication with the internal and external environments. The new roles of diplomacy - that has been redefining to accompany the complexity of the new relations between countries, governments and companies - are also explained in addition to the theories of internationalization of companies and advocacy, activities that require the performance of these professionals. As a research method, the qualitative approach was adopted and the data were collected based on interviews with fullDigi executives, with corporate diplomacy experts and with members of professional and trade associations, as well as secondary data collection. The theoretical proposition was used for data analysis. Among the key findings of the survey, it was observed that the opportunity or the need to seek for international markets, the operation in a much-regulated environment or in a new or constantly changing sector, or the concern with the image and the reputation of the company and its stakeholders, are some of the roles of the Corporate Diplomacy.

The United States Information Agency and Italy during the Johnson Presidency, 1963-1969

Sara, D'Agati January 2017 (has links)
The United States Information Agency (USIA) was the official propaganda agency of the American government. During the period of the Johnson administration, its programme in Italy was the second largest in Western Europe, right after West Germany and immediately before France. This dissertation examines the USIA programme, and places it within the larger context of American policy towards Italy at this crucial juncture in the history of both countries. Beginning in the 1950s, following the traumatic experience of World War II and the unthinkable implications of nuclear warfare, the bipolar conflict was progressively channelled into non-military means of combat. In addition to the better known methods of traditional diplomacy, the threat of force, and economic aid, the United States deployed new instruments to win the ‘battle for hearts and minds’ against the Soviet Union. These new instruments included public diplomacy, cultural and educational exchanges, and ‘overt’ and ‘covert’ propaganda operations. This exercise of soft power became one of the main instruments used to stop the expansion of communism and to unite NATO countries behind American leadership. Yet this task was particularly demanding during the Johnson years, when the image of the Unites States abroad was tarnished as never before by the civil rights struggle and the escalation of the Vietnam War. Italy is a particularly interesting and important case study of American psychological warfare in Western Europe. Not only did the country host the largest Communist Party in the West, the Partito Comunista Italiano (PCI), for the entire duration of the cold war, –– but Italy also had more than twenty governments in the first two decades of the post-war era. At a deeper level, the country oscillated between two different political formulas, centrismo and a centre-left coalition. As a result it proved impossible to carry out the structural reforms needed to ensure the country’s stability. The government’s inability to ‘keep Italy on track’ and to effectively oppose the communist threat led to the deployment of an extensive USIA programme in Italy. Surprisingly, this topic has not been studied intensively. Although there is a rich literature on American influence in the Italian election of 1948, and there has been some discussion of American psychological warfare in Italy during the fifties, no scholar has carried out an in-depth study on the role of US public diplomacy in Italy during the sixties, particularly the Johnson era. The dissertation is based on detailed research in the Johnson and Nixon libraries as well as at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland where the official documents of the USIA (RG 306) are located. On the Italian side, I have analyzed the major Italian newspapers, radio and TV shows targeted by the agency.


Coman, Ioana Alexandra 01 May 2011 (has links)
This thesis studies a case of U.S. mediated public diplomacy in Romania by analyzing the Romanian media framing as compared to the U.S. embassy’s framing of a public diplomacy crisis. It seeks to participate in the discussion about public diplomacy in general and mediated public diplomacy in particular. The case, from 2004, concerns the death of Romanian rock star, Teo Peter, in a car accident caused by an American marine serving in the U.S. embassy. A public diplomacy crisis situation focuses on the U.S. mediated public diplomacy efforts to prevent damaging its image; and also intensifies media’s interest on writing about the subject. The analysis in this study is based on the investigation of the similarities and differences in the frames used in the press releases and news articles to construct the image of the same event. The thesis employs Entman’s concept of U.S. mediated public diplomacy when analyzing the framing process of two of the major actors presented in his model: the target nation media and the U.S. public and media diplomacy (U.S. officials in that country). Benoit’s model is used to better explain the press releases’ framing. Framing analysis was chosen as a qualitative research method, as this study aims to explore the images created by mass media or by public diplomacy efforts (through the press releases) when they construct a specific reality for the same public diplomacy crisis. Three major Romanian national, daily newspapers and the U.S. embassy’s press releases were analyzed. The findings revealed that the Romanian media framed the public diplomacy crisis in a different way than the U.S. officials framed it. It seems that the U.S. failed in promoting its framing of the public diplomacy crisis to the Romanian media and therefore the public.


Wang, Tsui-hsia 09 August 2007 (has links)

Jag Twittrar för Er : Nytänkande och ambassadörskap i medielandskapet / I Tweet for You : Forward thinking and ambassadorship in the media jungle

Andersson, Stefan, Cullberg, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
Syfte: Projektet har som syfte att ta reda på hur fenomenet Rotationcuration har förändrat arbetet med Sverige som varumärke. Frågeställningar: Den övergripande frågeställningen som uppsatsen utgår ifrån är: Hur har rotationcuration förändrat arbetet med varumärket Sverige för VisitSweden? För att besvara huvudfrågeställningen på ett enklare sätt används ett flertal underfrågor vilket följer: Vilka strategier använder VisitSweden (VisitSweden.) sig av för att marknadsföra Sverige på Twitter? Vilken syn har VisitSweden. på Sociala medier? Hur ser varumärkesbyggandet ut på twitterkanalen @sweden när det kommer till varumärket Sverige? Hur användandet av kuratorer demokratiserat arbetet med projektet Curators of Sweden? Teori: De teorier som uppsatsen huvudsakligen utgår ifrån är Nations branding, Public diplomacy och Medialisering med tyngden på Public diplomacy. Förutom dessa har även teorier om Public relations och Publika sfären använts i viss mån. Metod: Uppsatsen är en fallstudie av Curators of Sweden. Inom ramen för fallstudien har vi bland annat granskat twitterkanalen @swedens nyhetsflöde, dokumentet Sverigebilden har undersökts och en intervju gjorts med VisitSwedens head of Social media. Resultat: Undersökningen visar på ett nyanserat sätt hur man genom en twitterkanal kan marknadsföra ett land som varumärke och hur man använder sig av ambasadörer för att lyckas. VisitSweden visar på hur man genom förberedelse och kontroll kan få all Public relations att bli bra Public relations. Man har genom att vara tidig in i mediet på ett inovativt sätt kunna bryta mark och skapa intresse, men har är kanske inte lika öppna som man kan tro vid första anblick trots användandet av kuratorer. / Purpose: The projects purpose it to find out if the mediation has changed the work with Sweden as a brand. Issues: The main question this paper is based on is: How has the modern medialization changed VisitSweden's work with Sweden's brand? To answer the main question in a simpler way we will be using several sub queries as follows: What strategies does VisitSweden use to brand Sweden on Twitter? What are VisitSweden’s views on Social Medias? What does the image building look like on the Twitter channel @sweden when it comes to the brand Sweden? How has the use of curators democratized the work on the project Curators of Sweden? Theory: The theories in the essay are based on Nation branding, Public Diplomacy and Medialization with the weight on Public Diplomacy. Besides these theories the essay includes the theories of Public Relations and Public sphere that will be used to some extent. Method: The paper has investigated the Twitter channel @sweden's news flow through a quantitative and qualitative content analysis. It will also analyse the document Sverigebilden using a qualitative content analysis and document analysis, in the end, a qualitative interview with VisitSweden's Head of Social Media. Results: The survey reveals a nuanced way to which a Twitter channel can promote a country as a brand and how to utilise spokespersons to make it happen. VisitSweden shows how, through preparation and monitoring, all Public Relations can become good Public Relations. By being an early adopter of the medium, VisitSweden have been able to create interest through innovation and breaking new ground. It has since implemented a well controlled project that supports the brand through the use of core values that have been set in advance.

U.S. Diplomatic relations : How has it been used in Iran and North Korea?

Allgoth, Philip January 2008 (has links)
<p>This is a study of how the United States has used different diplomatic strategies towards Iran and North Korea. The concept of coercive diplomacy is defined and explained, in or-der to see if it has been used by the United States, and if so, to what extent. After giving a brief historical background between the U.S and the two countries, the study will put a fo-cus on what and why the Bush administration has acted the way they have in their diplo-matic relation with Iran and North Korea. The study presents cases where you can see par-allels between strategies used, but also some significant differences. The latter part of the study will examine the reasoning behind the different strategies used. Conclusion drawn from this study was that, in the case of Iran, the United States has been forced to act in a certain way due to the other conflicts they are involved with in the region, i.e. the war in Iraq and the situation in Afghanistan. Due to the fear for North Koreas al-ready existing nuclear arsenal, the U.S. has shown a more restricted diplomatic policy to-wards the country, not wanting to push them towards starting a nuclear war.</p>

Mediated Public Diplomacy: How the Russian English-language news network RT framed the ongoing tension between Russia and the West that ensued from the Ukrainian crisis

Vitopoulos, George January 2015 (has links)
Mediated public diplomacy plays an important role in attaining foreign policy objectives by communicating with foreign audiences in order to establish a dialogue intending to inform and influence. The Russian state-funded global network RT serves as an important tool of Russian mediated public diplomacy. Its purpose is not only to cover major global events that are often missed by the Western mainstream media, but also to apprise an international audience of an alternative pro-Russian perspective. Interestingly, although there are a few researches analysing Moscow's efforts to rebrand its international image in the last decade, there has been very little work done giving a good insight into Russian media. This dissertation seeks to participate in the discussion about public diplomacy in general by applying the framing theory as a tool of mediated diplomacy. A qualitative analysis of 97 articles discussing the effects of international sanctions imposed on Russia in the aftermath of the escalation of the Ukrainian crisis, revealed a constructed pro-Russian narrative. Several strategies are pursued to convince its audience about the rightness of the Russian stance and gain support for the Kremlin's assertions. Finally, RT aims to wipe out the demonisation of Putin and its administration and counterbalance the penetration of the West in its sphere of influence.

Reputationskommunikation von Ländern : Instrumente und Erfolgsfaktoren - Theoretische Ansätze und Untersuchung der Kommunikationspraxis am Fallbeispiel Schweiz / Communicating a country's reputation : instruments and factors of success - academic approaches and analysis of the communication praxis based on the case study Switzerland

Eitel, Meike January 2013 (has links)
Die professionalisierte Kommunikation komplexer Gebilde wie Staaten und Nationen, die ihre Hinwendung politischer Fragestellungen in die Sphären von Image und Einfluss verlegt, kommt vor dem Hintergrund wachsenden Wettbewerbs an der Bedeutung der Reputation nicht vorbei. Denn neben ihrer ökonomischen Bedeutung legitimiert Reputation als mittel- oder langfristiges öffentliches Ansehen, das ihren Trägern Definitions- und Überzeugungsmacht verschafft, Macht- und Herrschaftspositionen. In einer mediatisierten Gesellschaft wächst die Bedeutung der Kommunikation mit der Öffentlichkeit sowohl für Erwerb und Erhalt von Reputation – wie auch für deren Aberkennung. Dabei spielt eine zunehmende Skandalisierung als Eigenheit der Mediengesellschaft eine Rolle, die eine erhöhte Fragilisierung der Reputation zur Folge hat und als wirksamster Mechanismus bei der Aberkennung von Reputation gilt, wie das Beispiel der dänischen „Karikaturen-Affäre“ veranschaulicht. In einer kommunikativ schnelllebigen Welt, zunehmend frei verfügbarer Information, geistern durch die Außenministerien des Global Village Begriffe wie Public Diplomacy, Nation Branding, Country Branding oder Place Branding, deren gemeinsamer Nenner zunächst die nach außen gerichtete Kommunikation ist. Aber schon die Frage nach Absender und Adressat, nach Akteur und Rezipient, Botschaften und Zielgruppen verweist auf die Komplexität der Kommunikation eines Landes. Ziel der Untersuchung ist es in den Kommunikationsbemühungen von Ländern, Faktoren zu identifizieren, die Image und Reputation nachhaltig beeinflussen können. Dabei stehen die folgenden Fragen im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung: Wie werden Länder wahrgenommen und Reputation gebildet? Können die Bezugsgruppen eines Landes durch die Stakeholdertheorie (Freeman 1984) beschrieben werden – und wenn ja, welche Konsequenzen hat eine solche Berücksichtigung der Anspruchs- und Adressatengruppen auf die Kommunikation eines Landes? Welche Aspekte der theoretischen Ansätze können für die Kommunikation von Ländern als zentral bewertet werden? Und schließlich: Kann die Reflexion durch die Praxis, am Fallbeispiel der Schweiz, die Relevanz der eruierten Aspekte bestätigen bzw. um weitere Aspekte ergänzen und können auf dieser Grundlage Erfolgsfaktoren identifiziert und geeignete Instrumente für die Reputationskommunikation aufgezeigt werden? / A country’s reputation becomes essential, in the realm of growing global competition. The change of political paradigm towards image and influence leads to reputation as a kind of public prestige that procures power to its holders. Public communication becomes more and more essential in a media society: to gain reputation – and to keep reputation. Reputation is fragile, due to soaring scandalisation, as the case of the Danish „cartoon-afair“ demonstrates. In a world of rapid communication and ubiquitous information the notions of “Public Diplomacy” or “Nation- /Place Branding” are entering the departments of foreign affairs all over the world. Their common denominator is in the first instance the communication of a country abroad. But already asking about the different stakeholder and recipients, about sender and receiver, message or target group shows the high complexity of a country’s communication. The intention of the present research is to identify factors that are able to influence image and reputation within the communication efforts of a country.

SWEDEN IN THE UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL : Influence and history in high-table diplomacy

Sundman, Willhelm January 2018 (has links)
The Swedish state has participated as an elected member of the United Nations Security Council three times and is entering their fourth. The UNSC is an old institution that is not equal to what powers the states within it has. The permanent states, the victors from the second world war, have a more prominent role in the council and do not have to be elected every two years as the other states that want to be a part of the council. The cost of for small states like Sweden to be a part of the council can be quite large, but in financial means and as a time-consuming task for the foreign department. Therefore, it is essential to know if the time spent in the council for a state like Sweden amounts to something in the sense of influence over the outcome. This bears the question if Sweden has used and is using its membership in the UNSC in an effective manner. By looking at the official documentation by the foreign department and interviewing former diplomats about Sweden’s role in the UNSC during these periods this thesis analyses the way that Sweden has acted before. Furthermore, the thesis also looks at the first five weeks in the current period of 2017. The results are analyzed through a theoretical framework of what should be methods to achieve influence in the UNSC. As the analysis shows, Sweden has moved from being a more passive participant to a more active and proactive part of the UNSC. This, however, can come at the cost of changing other states view of the Swedish state in international relations.

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