Spelling suggestions: "subject:"discontinuity.""
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Lien entre diagenèse des discontinuités, faciès sédimentaire et stratigraphie séquentielle : exemple de la plateforme carbonatée de l'ouest de la France (Aalénien-Oxfordien) / Linking diagenesis of discontinuities, facies, and sequence stratigraphy : the western France carbonate platform (Aalenian-Oxfordian)Andrieu, Simon 07 December 2016 (has links)
Les objectifs de cette thèse sont (1) de définir les facteurs contrôlant le développement à grande échelle des plateformes carbonatées intracratoniques et (2) de relier la diagenèse précoce des discontinuités avec les paléoenvironnements et les modèles de stratigraphie séquentielle. L’évolution de la plateforme carbonatée de l’ouest de la France a été reconstituée de l’Aalénien à l’Oxfordien (17 millions d’années). La topographie du socle contrôle la répartition latérale des bathymétries jusqu’au Bathonien moyen. La tectonique régionale favorise ou empêche localement la production carbonatée. À l’échelle des bassins ouest-téthysiens, des phases généralisées de disparition et de croissance des plateformes carbonatées sont contrôlées par les variations du climat d’une période de 9 millions d’années. La production carbonatée est faible pendant les périodes humides et importante au cours des périodes sèches perturbées par de courtes moussons. Des analyses isotopiques (δ18O et δ13C) à haute résolution ont été réalisées sur des ciments précoces variés localisés sous des discontinuités, permettant de reconstituer l’histoire paléoenvironnementale aboutissant à leur formation. Les ciments en dents de chien ainsi que les ménisques et enveloppes micritiques analysées ont précipité directement en calcite faiblement magnésienne dans l’eau de mer. Un nouveau modèle reliant architecture, stratigraphie séquentielle, faciès et diagenèse précoce est proposé pour une bordure de plateforme oolithique. Sur la plateforme interne, les discontinuités passent latéralement de surfaces subaériennes à des hardgrounds marins, dont l’érosion aboutit au dépôt de niveaux à intraclastes sur la bordure de plateforme. La cimentation précoce est uniquement localisée sous les discontinuités et est absente dans la bordure de plateforme où la sédimentation est continue. / The objectives of this thesis are (1) to characterize the factors controlling the large-scale development of intracratonic carbonate platforms and (2) to link early diagenesis of discontinuities with palaeoenvironments and sequence stratigraphy models. The evolution of the western France carbonate platform is reconstructed from the Aalenian to the Oxfordian (17 million years). The basement topography controls bathymetries until the mid-Bathonian. Regional tectonics promotes or prevents locally carbonate production. General stages of carbonate platform growth and demise in western Tethyan basins are controlled by 9 million years’ climatic variations. Carbonate production is low during humid intervals and high during dry intervals disturbed by short periods of intensive rainfall. High resolution isotopic analyses(δ18O and δ13C) were performed on various early cements located below discontinuities to reconstruct the palaeoenvironmental conditions leading to their formation. Dogtooth cements, micritic meniscus and envelopes precipitated in low-magnesium calcite directly in seawater. A new model, linking architecture, facies, sequence stratigraphy and early diagenesis is proposed for an oolitic platform wedge. On the inner platform, discontinuities change laterally from subaerial surfaces to marine hardgrounds, whose erosion leads to the deposit of an intraclasts level on the platform wedge. Early cements are only located under discontinuities and are absent in the platform wedge because of a continuous sedimentation rate.
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Evaluation of the differences in characterization and classification of the rock mass quality : A comparison between pre-investigation, engineering geological forecast and tunnel mapping in the Northern Link project and the Cityline projectBenhalima, Mehdi January 2016 (has links)
In the construction of a tunnel, the characterization of the rock mass is performed in three different steps, in the pre-investigations, in the engineering geological forecast and in the tunnel mapping during construction. There has in previous work been observed that discrepancies exist between the results from these different steps, with a tendency to assign poorer rock mass quality in the tunnel mapping than in the pre-investigations and in the engineering geological forecast. One example is the work done by Kjellström [1] on the Cityline where the divergence in rock mass quality was analyzed between the different steps. If a divergence exists between the engineering geological forecast and the actual conditions observed in the tunnel mapping, it will influence both planning and budget. It is therefore important that the engineering geological forecast is as close as possible to the actual rock mass conditions in the field. The aim of this thesis was, using the case study of the Northern Link, to analyze those discrepancies in the rock mass quality estimated in the characterization and in the classification between the mapping of drill cores, the engineering geological forecast and the tunnel mapping thus complementing the work by Kjellström [1]. The aim was also identifying which parameters included in the Q-system that causes these discrepancies The analysis of the results showed that it is difficult to make the engineering geological forecast and the actual mapping match for every single meter, but that the overall correlation between them was good. The methodology used in the characterization and classification in the different phases (drill-core mapping, engineering geological forecast, tunnel mapping) may to some extent explain this divergence. The parameters Jr, Jn and Ja, included in the Q-system were the ones identified as having the largest influence on the discrepancies. In future work, it is recommended that focus is given on these parameters. A way to improve future engineering geological forecast for tunnel contracts would be to have a better follow up of the engineering geological forecast and to have standardized guidelines on how to assess clearly the value of the Q parameters in each phase (for the drill cores as well as for the actual mapping). The reduction of those differences would then lead to a better planning and budget management in future tunnel projects in Sweden.
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Short-time structural stability of compressible vortex sheets with surface tensionStevens, Ben January 2014 (has links)
The main purpose of this work is to prove short-time structural stability of compressible vortex sheets with surface tension. The main result can be summarised as follows. Assume we start with an initial vortex-sheet configuration which consists of two inviscid fluids with density bounded below flowing smoothly past each other, where a strictly positive fixed coefficient of surface tension produces a surface tension force across the common interface, balanced by the pressure jump. We assume the fluids are modelled by the compressible Euler equations in three space dimensions with a very general equation of state relating the pressure, entropy and density in each fluid such that the sound speed is positive. Then, for a short time, which may depend on the initial configuration, there exists a unique solution of the equations with the same structure, that is, two fluids with density bounded below flowing smoothly past each other, where the surface tension force across the common interface balances the pressure jump. The mathematical approach consists of introducing a carefully chosen artificial viscosity-type regularisation which allows one to linearise the system so as to obtain a collection of transport equations for the entropy, pressure and curl together with a parabolic-type equation for the velocity. We prove a high order energy estimate for the non-linear equations that is independent of the artificial viscosity parameter which allows us to send it to zero. This approach loosely follows that introduced by Shkoller et al in the setting of a compressible liquid-vacuum interface. Although already considered by Shkoller et al, we also make some brief comments on the case of a compressible liquid-vacuum interface, which is obtained from the vortex sheets problem by replacing one of the fluids by vacuum, where it is possible to obtain a structural stability result even without surface tension.
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Λεπτομερής γεωφυσική διερεύνηση του ρήγματος του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών / Geoelectric prospecting in Patras' University campus region for detection of possible geological discontinuitiesΑγγελής, Γεώργιος 30 April 2014 (has links)
Η γεωφυσική διασκόπηση αποτελεί μια τεχνική διερεύνησης που χαρακτηρίζεται ως μη καταστροφική, με δυνατότητα εφαρμογής σε μεγάλη πλειονότητα προβλημάτων. Πραγματοποιήθηκε γεωφυσική έρευνα με εφαρμογή ηλεκτρικής χαρτογράφησης, ηλεκτρικής τομογραφίας, γεωραντάρ και καταγραφών εδαφικού θορύβου σε περιοχή της Πανεπιστημιούπολης. Σκοπός ήταν η λεπτομερής γεωφυσική διερεύνηση για τον εντοπισμό γεωλογικών ασυνεχειών στον ευρύτερο χώρο του Πανεπιστημίου. Οι προαναφερόμενες τεχνικές εφαρμόστηκαν στο πεδίο σε προκαθορισμένα γεωφυσικά δίκτυα (κάνναβοι) που απείχαν μεταξύ τους απόσταση 100 μέτρων, με σάρωση επάλληλων διατομών παράλληλα και κάθετα στην διεύθυνση του γεωμαγνητικού Βορρά. Ως πρώτη τεχνική επιλέχτηκε η ηλεκτρική χαρτογράφηση με χρήση της δίδυμης διάταξης και άνοιγμα ηλεκτροδίων 0.5-3 μέτρων, που απέδωσε την κατανομή της ηλεκτρικής αντίστασης του εδάφους επί οριζόντιου επιπέδου. Ως δεύτερη τεχνική εφαρμόστηκε η ηλεκτρική τομογραφία. Με χρήση 25 συνευθειακών ηλεκτροδίων σε απόσταση 1 μέτρου, μέσω της διάταξης Wenner-Schlumberger, επιτεύχθηκε η καταγραφή της κατανομής της φαινόμενης ειδικής αντίστασης επί κατακόρυφου επιπέδου και σε 8 διαφορετικά βάθη. Μέσω του ειδικού λογισμικού Res2DINV, υπολογίστηκε η τιμή της ειδικής ηλεκτρικής αντίστασης, με δημιουργία μαθηματικού προτύπου δύο διαστάσεων βασιζόμενο στα ελάχιστα τετράγωνα. Με την βοήθεια του ειδικού λογισμικού Geosoft Oasis Montaj, πραγματοποιήθηκε η επεξεργασία των δεδομένων της ηλεκτρικής χαρτογράφησης και της ειδικής ηλεκτρικής αντίστασης. Ως αποτέλεσμα ήταν η παραγωγή έγχρωμων χαρτών κατανομής της ηλεκτρικής αντίστασης, ενώ από την δεύτερη τεχνική παρήχθησαν οριζόντιες κατόψεις της ειδικής αντίστασης σε ορισμένο βάθος καθώς και τρισδιάστατη απεικόνιση αυτής. Οι γεωφυσικές έρευνες με χρήση του γεωραντάρ και των καταγραφών εδαφικού θορύβου χρησιμοποιήθηκαν επικουρικά για να ταυτοποιήσουν τα παραγόμενα αποτελέσματα των ηλεκτρικών μεθόδων γεωφυσικής διασκόπησης. Από την ερμηνεία των παραγόμενων χαρτών έγινε σαφής ο εντοπισμός της υπάρχουσας γεωλογικής ασυνέχειας στην παραπάνω περιοχή και κατασκευάστηκε τρισδιάστατο μοντέλο απεικόνισης κατανομής της ειδικής ηλεκτρικής αντίστασης. / Geophysical prospecting is a non catastrophic technique, which is applicable on a wide range of problems, including archaeological, environmental and geological problems. At Campus University of Patras, a detailed geophysical investigation applied in order to detect possible geological discontinuities, which produced serious problems at buildings and main roads of the Campus. As main technique used the electric mapping and electric imaging, which applied on already prepared geophysical grids by measuring parallel profiles with direction along and perpendicular to the geomagnetic north, while the two geophysical grids were 100 meters away each other. Firstly, an electric mapping procedure took place by using twin-probe array with four electrodes in distance between 0.5-3 meters. As a result was the recording of soil resistance on horizontal layer with constant depth. By processing the data through Geosoft Oasis Montaj software, the distribution of soil resistance was illustrated on color scale maps. Secondly, electric imaging technique applied with twenty-five equal space electrodes along straight lines, with one meter space by using the hybrid arrangement Wenner-Schlumberger. As a result was the recording of distribution of soil apparent resistivity on a vertical layer in eight separated depths. Resistivity calculated by processing imaging data with 2D mathematical algorithm based on least squares inversion (Res2Dinv). Further processing by Oasis Montaj, had as a result the production of horizontal slices and 3D maps, where the resistivity distribution was illustrated on separated depths, in color and grey schedule format. The combined geophysical investigation with the aid of ground penetrating radar and the HVSR (Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio) technique confirmed the existence of geological discontinuity.
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Étude du comportement d'un milieu rocheux fracturé : application à la réalisation du tunnel de St Béat (France 31) / Behaviour of a fractured rock mass : application to the realization of St Béat tunnel (France 31)Hoang, Thi Than Nhan 08 December 2010 (has links)
La conception des ouvrages de génie civil dans les massifs rocheux fracturés nécessite une connaissance de leur comportement lors des travaux. Les ma ssifs fracturés sont généralement très complexes et représentés par des matrices et des discontinuités rocheuses. Cette thèse a pour objectif d'étudier le comportement mécanique du massif du futur tunnel de St Béat. La thèse est divisée en trois parties. Nous étudions tout d'abord les phénomènes prépondérants et les facteurs agissant sur le comportement mécanique des massifs rocheux. Dans la seconde partie, nous effectuons séparément des études expérimentales sur le comportement mécanique de la matrice et des discontinuités rocheuses. Enfin, dans la dernière partie, nous présentons une modélisation en 2D du comportement du massif fracturé lors du creusement du tunnel. L'étude expérimentale s'appuie sur des marbres rencontrés sur le site du tunnel. Le comportement de la matrice rocheuse est étudié à partir des essais de compression triaxiale sur des échantillons de roche saine. L'évolution de l'endommagement est caractérisée à l'aide des mesures de vitesses de propagation des ondes élastiques. Une enveloppe de rupture selon le critère linéaire de Mohr-Coulomb est proposée pour la matrice rocheuse. Le comportement au cisaillement des discontinuités naturelles est ensuite étudié sous différentes conditions de chargement (contrainte normale constante et rigidité normale imposée). La mesure de topographie des surfaces des discontinuités avant et après chaque essai mécanique permet de déterminer les paramètres statistiques de la rugosité. L'influence de la contrainte normale, la rigidité normale imposée, la rugosité initiale et la vitesse de cisaillement sur le comportement des discontinuités est mise en évidence. Des lois de comportement pertin entes sont proposées pour chaque type d'essais.Les caractéristiques mécaniques obtenues sont alors introduites dans le code de calcul UDEC afin de modéliser le comportement du massif en présence du tunnel, sous différentes conditions aux limites. La réponse en terme de déformations et de contraintes induites autour du tunnel est analysée / The design of civil engineering structures in fractured rock masses requires knowledge of their mechanical behavior. The fractured rock masses are usually very complex and separated in matrix and rock discontinuities. This thesis aims to study the mechanical behavior of St Beat tunnel rock mass. The thesis is divided into three parts. We study first the predominant phenomena and factors affecting the mechanical behavior of rock masses. In the second part, we perform separately experimental studies on the mechanical behavior of matrix and rock discontinuities. Finally, in the last section, we present a 2D model of the fractured rock mass behavior during the digging of the tunnel. The experimental study is based on the marbles encountered on the future tunnel site. The rock matrix behavior is studied using triaxial compression tests on intact rock samples. The damage evolution is characterized using propagation velocities measurements of elastic waves. A failure envelope by Mohr-Coulomb linear criterion is proposed for the rock matrix. The shear behavior of natural discontinuities is investigated under different loading conditions (normal stress or constant normal stiffness imposed). The discontinuities surfaces topography is measured before and after each mechanical test to determine the roughness statistical parameters. The influence of the normal stress, the normal stiffness, the initial roughness and the shear rate on the discontinuities behavior is demonstrated. A behavior law is proposed for each type of test.The mechanical properties obtained are introduced into the code UDEC to model the rock mass behavior with the presence of the tunnel, under different boundary conditions. The response in terms of deformations and stresses induced around the tunnel is analyzed
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Generalized Modeling and Estimation of Rating Classes and Default Probabilities Considering Dependencies in Cross and Longitudinal SectionTillich, Daniel 30 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Our sample (Xit; Yit) consists of pairs of variables. The real variable Xit measures the creditworthiness of individual i in period t. The Bernoulli variable Yit is the default indicator of individual i in period t. The objective is to estimate a credit rating system, i.e. to particularly divide the range of the creditworthiness into several rating classes, each with a homogeneous default risk. The field of change point analysis provides a way to estimate the breakpoints between the rating classes. As yet, the literature only considers models without dependencies or with dependence only in cross section. This contribution proposes multi-period models including dependencies in cross section as well as in longitudinal section. Furthermore, estimators for the model parameters are suggested. The estimators are applied to a data set of a German credit bureau.
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Solution of the variable coefficients Poisson equation on Cartesian hierarchical meshes in parallel : applications to phase changing materials. / Problème de Poisson à coefficients variables sur maillages Cartésiens hiérarchiques en parallèle : applications aux matériaux à changement de phase.Raeli, Alice 05 October 2017 (has links)
On s'interesse aux problèmes elliptiques avec coéficients variables à travers des interfaces intérieures. La solution et ses dérivées normales peuvent subir des variations significatives à travers les frontières intérieures. On présente une méthode compacte aux différences finies sur des maillages adaptés de type octree conçues pour une résolution en parallèle. L'idée principale est de minimiser l'erreur de troncature sur la discretisation locale, en fonction de la configuration du maillage, en rapprochant une convergence à l'ordre deux. On montrera des cas 2D et 3D des résultat liés à des applications concrètes. / We consider problems governed by a linear elliptic equation with varying coéficients across internal interfaces. The solution and its normal derivative can undergo significant variations through these internal boundaries. We present a compact finite-difference scheme on a tree-based adaptive grid that can be efficiently solved using a natively parallel data structure. The main idea is to optimize the truncation error of the discretization scheme as a function of the local grid configuration to achieve second order accuracy. Numerical illustrations relevant for actual applications are presented in two and three-dimensional configurations.
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Kartering och beskrivning av spröda deformationsstrukturer i södra Stockholm ur ett ingenjörsgeologiskt perspektivGuldstrand, Frank January 2013 (has links)
Stockholm är en mycket expansiv region med flera större infrastrukturella projekt plane- rade vilket kommer att medföra arbeten i och vid berg. Utan nödvändiga förundersökningar ökar risken för ras i samband med byggnationen och en fara för framtida stabilitet förelig- ger. En ingenjörsgeologisk förundersökning där man kartlägger strukturer i det påtänkta området bör genomföras och som beskriver de bergtekniska parametrar enligt Q- och RMR-systemen för bergkvalitetsklassificering. Detta arbete fokuserar på ett område norr om Månskärsvägen och söder om Skär- holmsvägen i södra Stockholm där Huddinge kommun planerat anlägga en gång- och cy- kelväg samt en bro. Området, benämnt kvadraten 3 av Huddinge kommun, karterades mellan den 25 – 27 mars och 2 april 2013 då området fortfarande var snötäckt. Kartering- en, efter projicering av sprickdata i Stereo32, visar att det råder fyra dominerande sprick- riktningar i området; en nordväst-sydostlig, en nordost-sydvästligt, en nord-sydlig sprick- riktning och en foliationsparallell sprickgrupp i öst-västlig riktning. Den sistnämnda böjer av ca 15° mot öst vid förflyttning mot den nordöstra delen av området, möjligtvis förklaras detta av en observerad veckomböj. Övriga sprickgruppers strykningar varierar inom ett spann av 40° och stupar ca 50°. Dessa spricksystem i kombination med hållfasthetssän- kande sprickfyllnadsmineral och metertjocka sprickzoner med i stort sett helt krossat berg kommer att utgöra stora risker vid bygget i form av ras och potentiella kilutglidningar. Arbe- ten i detta berg bör göras under stor försiktighet och i kombination med fortsatta geolo- giska undersökningar under det att projektet fortlöper.
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Caracterización de discontinuidades entre guías con medios anisótroposSolano Vérez, Miguel Angel 19 December 1991 (has links)
La tesis estudia cinco formulaciones del método de modos acoplados para analizar guías con medios magnéticos en su interior. La formulación indirecta, de tipo general, se ha aplicado al análisis de desfasadores toroidales obteniéndose resultados similares a los obtenidos mediante un método numérico puro como es el de diferencias finitas.
La tesis introduce igualmente una formulación del método de adaptación que junto con el método de modos acoplados permite analizar discontinuidades simples. La combinación de los métodos anteriores con la matriz de dispersión generalizada ha permitido analizar discontinuidades en guías de onda con ferritas transversalmente magnetizadas con discontinuidades en las tres direcciones del sistema de coordenadas.
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Acoustical wave propagator technique for structural dynamicsPeng, Shuzhi January 2005 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] This thesis presents three different methods to investigate flexural wave propagation and scattering, power flow and transmission efficiencies, and dynamic stress concentration and fatigue failures in structural dynamics. The first method is based on the acoustical wave propagator (AWP) technique, which is the main part described in this thesis. Through the numerical implementation of the AWP, the complete information of the vibrating structure can be obtained including displacement, velocity, acceleration, bending moments, strain and stresses. The AWP technique has been applied to systems consisting of a one-dimensional stepped beam, a two-dimensional thin plate, a thin plate with a sharp change of section, a heterogeneous plate with multiple cylindrical patches, and a Mindlin?s plate with a reinforced rib. For this Mindlin?s plate structure, through the comparison of the results obtained by Mindlin?s thick plate theory and Kirchhoff?s classical thin plate theory, the difference of theoretical predicted results is investigated. As part of these investigations, reflection and transmission coefficients, power flow and transmission efficiencies in a onedimensional stepped beam, and power flow in a two-dimensional circular plate structure, are studied. In particular, this technique has been successfully extended to investigate wave propagation and scattering, and dynamic stress concentration at discontinuities. Potential applications are fatigue failure prediction and damage detection in complex structures. The second method is based on experimental techniques to investigate the structural response under impact loads, which consist of the waveform measuring technique in the time domain by using the WAVEVIEW software, and steady-state measurements by using the Polytec Laser Scanning Vibrometer (PLSV) in the frequency domain. The waveform measuring technique is introduced to obtain the waveform at different locations in the time domain. These experimental results can be used to verify the validity of predicted results obtained by the AWP technique. Furthermore, distributions of dynamic strain and stress in both near-field (close to discontinuities) and far-field regions are investigated for the study of the effects of the discontinuities on reflection and transmission coefficients in a one-dimensional stepped beam structure. Experimental results in the time domain can be easily transferred into those in the frequency domain by the fast Fourier transformation, and compared with those obtained by other researchers. This PLSV technique provides an accurate and efficient tool to investigate mode shape and power flow in some coupled structures, such as a ribbed plate. Through the finite differencing technique, autospectral and spatial of dynamic strain can be obtained. The third method considered uses the travelling wave solution method to solve reflection and transmission coefficients in a one-dimensional stepped beam structure in the time domain. In particular, analytical exact solutions of reflection and transmission coefficients under the given initial-value problem are derived. These analytical solutions together with experimental results can be used to compare with those obtained by the AWP technique.
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