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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude multi-scalaire de la dynamique latérale des tronçons fluviaux- Application au bassin rhodanien / Multi-scale study of the lateral dynamic of fluvial reaches.- Application to the Rhône basin.

Alber, Adrien 18 December 2012 (has links)
La migration latérale est reconnue comme un processus majeur à préserver pour le bon fonctionnement des écosystèmes aquatiques. Ce travail explore sa variabilité spatiale dans le Sud-Est de la France en appui à la mise en œuvre de la Directive Cadre sur l’Eau.Une première partie développe un cadre méthodologique et des outils géomatiques pour la caractérisation géomorphologique et l’analyse multi-scalaire des systèmes fluviaux à partir de données disponibles à large échelle. Un premier article présente la démarche générale basée sur l’agrégation et la désagrégation spatiale d’objets vectoriels. Un second article aborde spécifiquement le problème de l’agrégation spatiale et vise à comparer des techniques statistiques pour la sectorisation d’un continuum en tronçons homogènes. Des exemples illustrent l’intérêt et les limites des outils développés.Une seconde partie porte sur la régionalisation de la dynamique latérale des lits fluviaux. Un troisième article caractérise et modélise son intensité à partir de variables simples à extraire à l'échelle régionale. Il montre qu’elle est structurée spatialement et positivement corrélée à la puissance fluviale. Néanmoins, des limites inhérentes à la modélisation empirique et la nécessaire prise en compte de variables complémentaires à l’échelle régionale émergent (apport sédimentaire notamment). Un quatrième article porte spécifiquement sur les lits à tresses et montre que près de la moitié des 1200 kilomètres recensés avant la construction des grandes infrastructures ont disparu du fait de pressions anthropiques directes et indirectes. Il révèle par ailleurs la grande diversité géomorphologique de ce style fluvial dans le bassin rhodanien. / The channel migration is a key process for preserving the aquatic ecosystem functioning. This work explores its spatial variability throughout the South-East French hydrographic network for the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive.A first part develops a methodological framework and geomatic tools for the characterization and analysis of the fluvial systems for a range of scales from spatially continuous data available at the large scale. A first paper introduces the methodological framework based on the spatial disaggregation and aggregation of geographical objects. A second paper focuses specifically on the aggregating problem and aims to compare statistical techniques for delineating homogeneous reaches along a continuum. Examples illustrate the potentialities and limits of the tools we developed. A second part focuses on the regionalization of the channel migration. A third paper characterizes and models the migration rates from simple variables that can be extracted at the large scale. We show that the migration rate is spatially organized and positively controlled by the gross stream power. Nevertheless, limits of the regional-scale empirical modeling emerge, as well as additional variables that should be integrated (particularly the sediment supply). A fourth paper focuses specifically on braided rivers and shows that near the half of the 1200 kilometers censed prior to the major infrastructure construction disappeared due to direct and indirect human impacts. It also reveals the high geomorphic diversity of the contemporary braided rivers in the Rhône basin.

Kontinuum – Diskontinuum: Formbildung bei Mahler, Ives und Ligeti

Herchenröder, Martin 17 October 2023 (has links)
Die in der Literatur zu Gustav Mahlers Symphonik immer wieder diagnostizierten ›Formbrüche‹ lassen sich mit den herkömmlichen Kategorien der Formenlehre nicht befriedigend analysieren und erklären. Der Text schlägt deshalb als zusätzliches Untersuchungskriterium das Begriffspaar ›Kontinuum‹ und ›Diskontinuum‹ vor, das unabhängig von bekannten Kategorien der Formenlehre verwendet werden und zu einem tieferen Verständnis von Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschieden von Kompositionsweisen verschiedener Komponisten und der Anlage verschiedener Werke beitragen kann. Die Problematik und Begrifflichkeit wird anhand von Beispielen Gustav Mahlers vorgestellt und dann auf Musik von Charles Ives und György Ligeti übertragen, wobei als zusätzliches Hilfsmittel die Theorie und Technik der Montage nach Pudovkin fungiert. / Common categories in musical theory of form fail to analyze and explain what studies on Gustav Mahler’s symphonies have described as disruptions of the (sonata) form. The text therefore suggests, as an additional set of analytical tools, the conceptual pair of “Continuity” and “Discontinuity”, to be used independently of the well-known categories of musical form, that can contribute to a deeper understanding of similarities and differences of compositional methods used by different composers. Examples from Mahler’s symphonies illustrate the problem and introduce the explanation of the concept, which later is applied on music by Charles Ives and György Ligeti, Vsevolod Pudovkin’s montage theory serving as a supplementary means of analysis.

Diskontinuumsmechanische Modellierung von Salzgesteinen

Knauth, Markus 02 December 2019 (has links)
Auf mikromechanischer Ebene stellen Salzgesteine ein Diskontinuum aus unregelmäßig geformten Salzkristallen dar, die entlang ihrer Korngrenzen miteinander wechselwirken. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein Modellierungsansatz für Salzgesteine basierend auf der diskontinuumsmechanischen Berechnungsmethode unter Verwendung von Voronoi-Triangulationen entwickelt und validiert, wobei die Grundidee darin bestand, dass diese Korngrenzen als intrinsisches Schwächeflächennetzwerk wirken und dabei die hauptsächlichen Träger der Schädigungsentwicklung im Festkörper sind. Neben mechanischen Beanspruchungen können diese auch durch hydraulichen Druck geöffnet werden und somit als potentiellen Fließwege für eindringende Fluide agieren, weshalb dieser Ansatz insbesondere für die Bewertung der Integrität von Salinarbarrieren im konventionellen Salzbergbau, bei der Kavernenspeicherung und Endlagerung in Salzformationen geeignet ist. Erstmalig wurde darüber hinaus ein phänomenologisches Verheilungsmodell entwickelt und implementiert, dass den zeitabhängigen Wiederaufbau kohäsiver Kräfte auf Korngrenzen unter Druckbelastung abbildet. Der vorgestellte Ansatz wurde durch die Nachrechnung zahlreicher experimenteller Versuche bezüglich seiner hydro-mechanischen Plausibilität und Leistungsfähigkeit validiert. Daraufhin wurden praktische Anwendungen untersucht, in denen mit zunehmender Komplexität die Kopplung mechanischer, hydraulischer und thermischer Effekte modelliert wurde.

Caving mechanisms for a non-daylighting orebody

Banda, Sraj Umar January 2017 (has links)
The sublevel caving mining method is a mass production method with potentially very low operational costs. The success of this method is dependent on, among other factors, the cavability of the orebody and the overlying rock mass. However, caving of the surrounding rock mass also results in deformations in the cap rock as well as on the ground surface above the orebody being mined. From this follows that any existing infrastructure on the ground surface must be relocated as not to be affected by the mining-induced deformations.This thesis work was undertaken to bring about a better understanding of the rock mass behavior in the cap rock of non-daylighting orebodies, with particular application to the Printzsköld orebody as part of the LKAB Malmberget Mine. Rock testing, field observations and underground mapping was conducted to characterize the rock mass in the caving environment. A methodology for identifying the caving front based on seismic monitoring data was derived by studying the Fabian orebody (which has caved to surface), and using laser scanning data for validation. The methodology was then applied to the Printzsköld orebody to identify the caving front.Numerical modeling was performed for various scenarios of the rock mass as mining proceeded. Modeling included (i) stress analysis to understand stress changes and their effects on the rock mass behavior, (ii) discontinuum numerical modeling to quantify the influence of large-scale geological structures on the cave progression, and (iii) discontinuum cave modeling to simulate possible cave mechanisms in the cap rock more explicitly. Laser scanning together with seismic event data were used to calibrate the numerical models.The numerical simulation results showed that as mining progresses, the cap rock and hangingwall were exposed to stress changes that resulted in yielding. Two failure mechanisms were predominantly at play (i) shear failure (dominant in the cap rock) and (ii) tensile failure (dominant in the hangingwall). The presence of the large-scale structures affected thenearfield stresses through slip along the cave boundaries. The effect of the structures on the far field stresses were less significant.Discontinuum modeling to explicitly simulate failure and caving involved simulating the rock mass as a jointed medium using Voronoi tessellations in 2D, and bonded block modeling (BBM) in 3D. Both the 2D and the 3D modeling results showed fair agreement when comparing the inferred boundary of the seismogenic zone, with that identified from seismic monitoring data. Predictive numerical modeling was conducted for future planned mining to assess future cave development in the cap rock. The results from 3D modeling indicated that cave breakthrough for the Printzsköld orebody is expected when mining the 1023 m level, corresponding to approximately year 2022, as per current mining plans. The 2D model was non-conservative with cave breakthrough predicted to occur when mining the 1109 m level, corresponding to the year 2028.The estimated boundary between the seismogenic and yielded zones, as defined in the Duplancic and Brady conceptual model of caving, was coinciding with, or was close to, the cave boundary in the Printzsköld orebody. This may imply that in some areas the yielded zone was not present and that the Duplancic and Brady model may not be universally applicable. Additional work is required to verify this indication, as well as to fine-tune the modeling methodology.

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