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Double Domination Edge Critical Graphs.Thacker, Derrick Wayne 06 May 2006 (has links)
In a graph G=(V,E), a subset S ⊆ V is a double dominating set if every vertex in V is dominated at least twice. The minimum cardinality of a double dominating set of G is the double domination number. A graph G is double domination edge critical if for any edge uv ∈ E(G̅), the double domination number of G+uv is less than the double domination number of G. We investigate properties of double domination edge critical graphs. In particular, we characterize the double domination edge critical trees and cycles, graphs with double domination numbers of 3, and graphs with double domination numbers of 4 with maximum diameter.
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Distance-2 Domatic Numbers of GraphsKiser, Derek 01 May 2015 (has links)
The distance d(u, v) between two vertices u and v in a graph G equals the length of a shortest path from u to v. A set S of vertices is called a distance-2 dominating set if every vertex in V \S is within distance-2 of at least one vertex in S. The distance-2 domatic number is the maximum number of sets in a partition of the vertices of G into distance-2 dominating sets. We give bounds on the distance-2 domatic number of a graph and determine the distance-2 domatic number of selected classes of graphs.
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A Hierarchical Graph for Nucleotide Binding Domain 2Kakraba, Samuel 01 May 2015 (has links)
One of the most prevalent inherited diseases is cystic fibrosis. This disease is caused by a mutation in a membrane protein, the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). CFTR is known to function as a chloride channel that regulates the viscosity of mucus that lines the ducts of a number of organs. Generally, most of the prevalent mutations of CFTR are located in one of two nucleotide binding domains, namely, the nucleotide binding domain 1 (NBD1). However, some mutations in nucleotide binding domain 2 (NBD2) can equally cause cystic fibrosis. In this work, a hierarchical graph is built for NBD2. Using this model for NBD2, we examine the consequence of single point mutations on NBD2. We collate the wildtype structure with eight of the most prevalent mutations and observe how the NBD2 is affected by each of these mutations.
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The broad topic of this dissertation is the study of algebraic structure arising from polyhedral geometric objects. There are three distinct topics covered over three main chapters. However, each of these topics are further linked by a connection to the Eulerian polynomials.
Chapter 2 studies Euler-Mahonian identities arising from both the symmetric group and generalized permutation groups. Specifically, we study the algebraic structure of unit cube semigroup algebra using Gröbner basis methods to acquire these identities. Moreover, this serves as a bridge between previous methods involving polyhedral geometry and triangulations with descent bases methods arising in representation theory.
In Chapter 3, the aim is to characterize Hilbert basis elements of certain 𝒔-lecture hall cones. In particular, the main focus is the classification of the Hilbert bases for the 1 mod 𝑘 cones and the 𝓁-sequence cones, both of which generalize a previous known result. Additionally, there is much broader characterization of Hilbert bases in dimension ≤ 4 for 𝒖-generated Gorenstein lecture hall cones.
Finally, Chapter 4 focuses on certain algebraic and geometric properties of 𝒔-lecture hall polytopes. This consists of partial classification results for the Gorenstein property, the integer-decomposition property, and the existence of regular, unimodular triangulations.
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Pfaffian Differential Expressions and EquationsUnni, K. Raman 01 May 1961 (has links)
It is needless to point out the necessity and the importance of the study of Pfaffian differential expressions and equations. While it is interesting to consider from the pure mathematical point of view, their applications in many branches of applied mathematics are well known. To mention a few, one may observe that they arise in connection with line integrals (example, determination of work). They provide a more rational formulation of the foundations of thermodynamics as 'developed by the Greek mathematician Caratheodory. They also arise in the problem of determining the orthogonal trajectories. In many branches of engineering and other physical sciences they appear with problems concerning partial differential equations.
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Nombres de Helly, théorèmes d'épinglement et projection de complexes simpliciauxGoaoc, Xavier 07 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
La résolution efficace de certaines questions de géométrie algorithmique, par exemple les calculs de visibilité ou l'approximation de forme, soulève de nouvelles questions de géométrie des droites, domaine classique dont l'origine remonte à la seconde moitié du 19e siècle. Ce mémoire s'inscrit dans ce cadre, et étudie les nombres de Helly de certains ensembles de droites, un indice reliée à certains théorèmes de la base apparaissant en optimimisation combinatoire. Formellement, le nombre de Helly d'une famille d'ensembles d'intersection vide est le cardinal de sa plus petite sous-famille d'intersection vide et minimale pour l'inclusion relativement à cette propriété. En 1957, Ludwig Danzer a formulé la conjecture que pour tout $d \ge 2$ il existe une constante $h_d$ telle que pour toute famille $\{B_1, \ldots, B_n\}$ de boules deux à deux disjointes et de même rayon, le nombre de Helly de $\{T(B_1), \ldots, T(B_n)\}$ est au plus $h_d$; ici, $T(B_i)$ désigne l'ensemble des droites coupant $B_i$. Danzer a, de plus, spéculé que la constante $h_d$ (minimale) croît strictement avec $d$. Nous prouvons que de telles constantes existent, et que $h_d$ est au moins $2d-1$ et au plus $4d-1$ pour tout $d \ge 2$. Cela prouve la première conjecture et étaye la seconde. Nous introduisons, pour étudier les conjectures de Danzer, un analogue local du nombre de Helly que nous appellons nombre d'épinglement et qui se rattache à la notion d'immobilisation étudiée en robotique. Nous montrons que le nombre d'épinglement est borné pour toute famille (suffisament générique) de polyèdres ou d'ovaloides de $R^3$, deux cas où les nombres de Helly peuvent être arbitrairement grands. Un théorème de Tverberg énonce que si $\{B_1, \ldots, B_n\}$ est une famille de convexes du plan disjoints et congruents par translation alors le nombre de Helly de $\{T(B_1), \ldots, T(B_n)\}$ est au plus $5$. Quoique relativement différentes, notre preuve et celle de Tverberg exploitent toutes deux le fait que toute intersection d'au moins deux $T(B_i)$ a un nombre borné de composantes connexes, chacune contractile. Par des considérations sur l'homologie de projections de complexes et d'ensembles simpliciaux, nous unifions ces deux preuves et montrons que cette condition topologique suffit à établir une borne explicite sur le nombre de Helly.
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The Maximum Clique Problem: Algorithms, Applications, and ImplementationsEblen, John David 01 August 2010 (has links)
Computationally hard problems are routinely encountered during the course of solving practical problems. This is commonly dealt with by settling for less than optimal solutions, through the use of heuristics or approximation algorithms. This dissertation examines the alternate possibility of solving such problems exactly, through a detailed study of one particular problem, the maximum clique problem. It discusses algorithms, implementations, and the application of maximum clique results to real-world problems. First, the theoretical roots of the algorithmic method employed are discussed. Then a practical approach is described, which separates out important algorithmic decisions so that the algorithm can be easily tuned for different types of input data. This general and modifiable approach is also meant as a tool for research so that different strategies can easily be tried for different situations. Next, a specific implementation is described. The program is tuned, by use of experiments, to work best for two different graph types, real-world biological data and a suite of synthetic graphs. A parallel implementation is then briefly discussed and tested. After considering implementation, an example of applying these clique-finding tools to a specific case of real-world biological data is presented. Results are analyzed using both statistical and biological metrics. Then the development of practical algorithms based on clique-finding tools is explored in greater detail. New algorithms are introduced and preliminary experiments are performed. Next, some relaxations of clique are discussed along with the possibility of developing new practical algorithms from these variations. Finally, conclusions and future research directions are given.
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Combinatorial Considerations on Two Models from Statistical MechanicsThapper, Johan January 2007 (has links)
Interactions between combinatorics and statistical mechanics have provided many fruitful insights in both fields. A compelling example is Kuperberg’s solution to the alternating sign matrix conjecture, and its following generalisations. In this thesis we investigate two models from statistical mechanics which have received attention in recent years. The first is the fully packed loop model. A conjecture from 2001 by Razumov and Stroganov opened the field for a large ongoing investigation of the O(1) loop model and its connections to a refinement of the fully packed loop model. We apply a combinatorial bijection originally found by de Gier to an older conjecture made by Propp. The second model is the hard particle model. Recent discoveries by Fendley et al. and results by Jonsson suggests that the hard square model with cylindrical boundary conditions possess some beautiful combinatorial properties. We apply both topological and purely combinatorial methods to related independence complexes to try and gain a better understanding of this model.
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Ergodic and Combinatorial Proofs of van der Waerden's TheoremRothlisberger, Matthew Samuel 01 January 2010 (has links)
Followed two different proofs of van der Waerden's theorem. Found that the two proofs yield important information about arithmetic progressions and the theorem. van der Waerden's theorem explains the occurrence of arithmetic progressions which can be used to explain such things as the Bible Code.
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Cagan Type Rational Expectations Model on Time Scales with Their Applications to EconomicsEkiz, Funda 01 November 2011 (has links)
Rational expectations provide people or economic agents making future decision with available information and past experiences. The first approach to the idea of rational expectations was given approximately fifty years ago by John F. Muth. Many models in economics have been studied using the rational expectations idea. The most familiar one among them is the rational expectations version of the Cagans hyperination model where the expectation for tomorrow is formed using all the information available today. This model was reinterpreted by Thomas J. Sargent and Neil Wallace in 1973. After that time, many solution techniques were suggested to solve the Cagan type rational expectations (CTRE) model. Some economists such as Muth [13], Taylor [26] and Shiller [27] consider the solutions admitting an infinite moving-average representation. Blanchard and Kahn [28] find solutions by using a recursive procedure. A general characterization of the solution was obtained using the martingale approach by Broze, Gourieroux and Szafarz in [22], [23]. We choose to study martingale solution of CTRE model. This thesis is comprised of five chapters where the main aim is to study the CTRE model on isolated time scales.
Most of the models studied in economics are continuous or discrete. Discrete models are more preferable by economists since they give more meaningful and accurate results. Discrete models only contain uniform time domains. Time scale calculus enables us to study on m-periodic time domains as well as non periodic time domains. In the first chapter, we give basics of time scales calculus and stochastic calculus. The second chapter is the brief introduction to rational expectations and the CTRE model. Moreover, many other solution techniques are examined in this chapter. After we introduce the necessary background, in the third chapter we construct the CTRE Model on isolated time scales. Then we give the general solution of this model in terms of martingales. We continue our work with defining the linear system and higher order CTRE on isolated time scales. We use Putzer Algorithm to solve the system of the CTRE Model. Then, we examine the existence and uniqueness of the solution of the CTRE model. In the fourth chapter, we apply our solution algorithm developed in the previous chapter to models in Finance and stochastic growth models in Economics.
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