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The Formation of High-Mass Stars: from High-Mass Clumps to Accretion Discs and Molecular Outflows / A Formação de Estrelas de Alta Massa: dos Glóbulos de Alta Massa aos Discos de Acreção e Jatos MolecularesNavarete, Felipe Donizeti Teston 20 February 2018 (has links)
High-mass stars play a significant role in the evolution of the Universe and the process that leads to the formation of such objects is still an open question in Astrophysics. The details of the structures connected to the central sources, such as the circumstellar disks and the morphology of the jets at their launching points, still lack of observational evidence. In this thesis, the high-mass star forming process is investigated in terms of the evolution of high-mass clumps selected from the ATLASGAL survey based on their CO emission in the sub-millimetre. While single-dish sub-millimetre observations provide a large-scale view of the high-mass star formation process, higher angular resolution observations are required to disentangle the details of the protostars within the clumps. For this, three-dimensional infrared spectroscopy was obtained for a group of RMS sources to characterise the circumstellar environment of high-mass YSOs in linear scales of ~100-1000 AU. The ATLASGAL TOP100 sample offers a unique opportunity to analyse a statistically complete sample of high-mass clumps at different evolutionary stages. APEX data of three rotational J transitions of the CO (the CO(4-3), CO(6-5) and CO(7-6)) were used to characterise the properties of their warm gas (~155 K) content and to derive the relations between the CO and the clump properties. The CO line luminosities were derived and the analysis indicated that the CO emission increases as a function of the evolutionary stage of the clumps (from infrared-weak to HII regions) and as a function of the bolometric luminosity and mass of the sources. The comparison of the TOP100 with low-mass objects observed in the CO(6-5) and CO(7-6), together with CO(10-9) data observed for a complementary sample of objects indicated that the dependency of the CO luminosity with the bolometric luminosity of the sources gets steeper towards higher-J transitions. Although the CO luminosity of more luminous clumps are systematically larger than the values obtained for the less luminous sources, the individual analysis of each subsample suggests a similar dependency of the CO luminosity versus the bolometric luminosity for each luminosity regime. Finally, the presence of high-velocity CO emission observed for the TOP100 suggests that ~85% of the sources are driving molecular outflows. The selection of isolated high-mass objects undergoing mass accretion is fundamental to investigate if these objects are formed through an accretion disc or if they are formed by merging of low-mass YSOs. The near-infrared window provides one of the best opportunities to investigate the interior of the sub-mm clumps and study in details their individual members. Thanks to the relatively high-resolution obtained in the K-band and the moderate reddening effects in the K-band, a sample of eight (8) HMYSOs exhibiting large-scale H2 outflows were selected to follow-up K-band spectroscopic observations using the NIFS spectrometer (Gemini North). All sources exhibit extended continuum emission and exhibit atomic and molecular transitions typical of embedded objects, such as Brackett-gama, H2 and the CO lines. The H2 lines are tracing the launching point of the large-scale jets in scales of ~100 AU in five of eight sources (63%). The identification of jets at such small scales indicates that these objects are still undergoing mass accretion. The Brackett-gama emission probes the ionised gas around the HMYSOs. The analysis of the Brackett-gama spectro-astrometry at sub-pixel scales suggests that the line arises from the cavity of the outflows or from rotating structures perpendicular to the H2 jets (i.e., disc). Five sources also exhibit CO emission features (63%), and three HMYSOs display CO absorption features (38%), indicating that they are likely associated with circumstellar discs. By further investigating the kinematics of the spatially resolved CO absorption features, the Keplerian mass of three sources was estimated in 5±3, 8±5 and 30±10 solar masses. These results support that high-mass stars are formed through discs, similarly as observed towards low-mass stars. The comparison between the collimation degree of the molecular jets or outflows detected in the NIFS data with their large-scale counterparts indicate that these structures present a relatively wide range of collimation degrees. / Estrelas de alta massa têm grande impacto na evolução do Universo e o processo de formação destes objetos ainda é um problema em aberto na Astrofísica. Os detalhes das estruturas associadas às regiões mais próximas dos objetos centrais, tais como os discos circunstelares e a morfologia dos jatos próximos à base de lançamento, ainda não foram estudados em detalhe e carecem de evidências observacionais. Esta tese apresenta um estudo da formação de estrelas de alta massa em termos da evolução de glóbulos de alta massa (clumps), selecionados a partir do levantamento ATLASGAL, a partir de observações da molécula do CO na faixa espectral do sub-milimétrico. Enquanto observações \"single-dish\" no sub-milimétrico possibilitam o estudo em larga escala do processo de formação de estrelas de alta massa, observações com maior resolução angular são necessárias para investigar os detalhes das protoestrelas no interior dos glóbulos. Para isso, espectroscopia tri-dimensional no infra-vermelho próximo foi obtida para um grupo de fontes RMS para caracterizar o meio circunstelar de objetos estelares jovens e de alta massa (HMYSOs) em escalas lineares de ~100-1000 UA. A amostra TOP100 oferece uma oportunidade ímpar de analisar um conjunto estatisticamente completo de glóbulos de alta massa em diversas fases evolutivas. Observações realizadas com o radiotelescópio APEX de três transições rotacionais da molécula do CO (CO(4-3), CO(6-5) e CO(7-6)) foram utilizadas para estudar as propriedades do gás morno (~155 K) associado aos glóbulos, e obter as relações entre a emissão do CO e as propriedades físicas dos glóbulos. A luminosidade das diferentes transições do CO foi obtida e sua análise mostrou que a emissão do gás aumenta em função do estágio evolutivo dos glóbulos (de glóbulos com emissão fraca no infravermelho longínquo a regiões HII) e em função da luminosidade bolométrica e massa dos glóbulos. A comparação entre os glóbulos de alta massa presentes na amostra TOP100 com fontes de menor massa observadas nas transições do CO(6-5) e CO(7-6), juntamente com a análise de uma amostra complementar de fontes observadas na transição do CO(10-9) mostrou que a dependência da luminosidade do CO com a luminosidade bolométrica aumenta em função do número quântico J associado à transição do CO. Este estudo também mostrou que as relações entre a luminosidade do CO e dos clumps são dominadas pelas fontes de alta luminosidade presentes na amostra analisada. A análise individual de fontes de baixa e alta luminosidade sugerem que a dependência entreas luminosidades do CO e bolométrica é a mesma em ambos os regimes de luminosidade, embora as luminosidades do CO sejam sistematicamente maiores para os glóbulos de alta massa. Por fim, a análise da emissão do CO em altas-velocidades mostrou que ~85% dos glóbulos presentes na amostra TOP100 apresentam jatos moleculares. A seleção de objetos de alta massa isolados em estágio de acreção ativa é crucial para decidir se ela ocorre através de um disco de acreção e/ou via fusão de YSOs de menor massa. Para isso, observações no infra-vermelho próximo são ideais para se investigar o conteúdo dos glóbulos sub-milimétricos e resolver seus membros individuais. Devido a alta resolução espacial na banda K e a extinção interestelar moderada nesta faixa espectral, um conjunto de oito (8) HMYSOs associados a jatos em H2 em larga-escala foram selecionados para observações espectroscópicas na banda K utilizando o espectrômetro NIFS no Gemini Norte. Todos os objetos investigados com o NIFS apresentam emissão extendida no contínuo, bem como nas linhas espectrais típicas de fontes jovens, tais como o Brackett-gama, transições do H2 e a emissão nas bandas moleculares do CO. A emissão em H2 está associada aos jatos moleculares em escalas de ~100 UA em cinco das oito fontes (63%). A indentificação de jatos moleculares em escalas tão próximas ao objeto central indica que o processo de acreção de massa ainda está ativo nestes objetos. A emissão do Brackett-gama provém do gás ionizado nas regiões mais próximas das fontes centrais ou regiões de choque próximas aos jatos. A espectro-astrometria da linha do Brackett-gama em escalas de sub-píxeis, indica que a emissão do gás ocorre nas cavidades dos jatos moleculares ou delineiam estruturas alinhadas perpendicularmente aos jatos, tais como os discos de acreção. Cinco fontes também apresentam emissão nas bandas do CO (63%), e três HMYSOs apresentam linhas do CO em absorção (38%), indicando que estes objetos apresentam discos de acreção. A massa total do sistema \"disco e protoestrela\" foi determinada a partir do estudo da cinemática das linhas de absorção do CO, detectadas em três objetos. A partir de modelos de rotação Kepleriana, as massas das fontes foram estimadas em 5±3, 8±5 e 30±10 massas solares. Os resultados obtidos a partir da espectroscopia tri-dimensional no infravermelho corroboram a hipótese de que estrelas de alta massa são formadas a partir de acreção por discos, de maneira similar ao observado para estrelas de baixa massa. A comparação entre a morfologia dos jatos moleculares identificados nos campos do NIFS e das correspondentes contrapartidas em escalas maiores indicam que os jatos apresentam diferentes graus de colimação ao longo de suas estruturas, explicadas pela multiplicidade de fontes nas proximidades da base de lançamento dos jatos ou efeitos de precessão no objeto central.
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Fadiga termomecânica em ligas de ferro fundido cinzento para discos de freio automotivos / Thermomechanical fatigue in gray cast iron alloys to automotive brake discsMaluf, Omar 18 May 2007 (has links)
Os discos de freio, durante a frenagem, são submetidos a tensões térmicas e mecânicas que podem ser relativamente altas quando muito bruscas (frações de segundo), situação em que a temperatura pode chegar a valores próximos de 600ºC. Esta variação de temperatura provoca choques térmicos que podem gerar trincas e/ou uma grande quantidade de deformação plástica no disco. A proposta deste trabalho foi a de investigar, através de experimentos, o comportamento mecânico e físico em quatro ligas de ferro fundido cinzento (A, B, C e E), utilizadas para produzir discos de freio de veículos automotivos. Para tanto, foram realizados ensaios termomecânicos de baixo ciclo em corpos de prova, entre 300ºC e 600ºC, nas condições em fase e fora de fase, adotando o critério de falha em 50% da tensão máxima (ASTM E-606) e em componentes (discos), além daqueles de difusividade térmica desde a temperatura ambiente até 600ºC. As curvas deformação em função da vida ( N) foram obtidas e analisadas segundo norma ASTM E 466/468. A análise microestrutural nos corpos de prova e peças, após os ensaios de fadiga, serviu para revelar a influência da morfologia e quantidade de grafita e da matriz sobre as propriedades mecânicas. A medição das difusividades térmicas teve como objetivo a verificação da influência do carbono equivalente e dos elementos de liga sobre esta propriedade física. Observou-se que, durante os ensaios de fadiga termomecânica em fase, em função da decomposição de parcela da cementita da perlita, houve, nos materiais, a chamada expansão grafítica, que teve influência na parte trativa do ciclo, diminuindo as tensões necessárias para se alcançar determinadas amplitudes de tensão mecânica. Pelos gráficos de amplitude de deformação mecânica em função do número de reversos para falhar, sob fadiga termomecânica em fase e fora de fase, observou-se que a melhor liga de ferro fundido cinzento foi a liga E. Esta constatação implicará em uma significativa redução dos custos de produção dos discos de freio, pois se poderá prescindir do elemento de liga Molibdênio, extremamente caro. Comparando-se os resultados de fadiga termomecânica com os de fadiga isotérmica a 25ºC, 300ºC e 600ºC, pôde-se verificar que os ensaios mais críticos foram os fora de fase, pois conduziram, comparativamente, a vidas menores. / Brake discs are submitted to thermal and mechanical stress that can be relatively high during abrupt braking action happens (fractions of seconds), causing the temperature to reach values as high as 600ºC. This temperature variation results in thermal shocks that can generate cracks and/or a large amount of plastic deformation in the disk. The main aim of this work was to investigate, through experiments, the mechanical and physical behavior of four alloys of gray cast iron (A, B, C and E), used to produce brake discs of automotives vehicles. Low cycle thermomechanical fatigue tests were carried out in components (discs) and in test specimens, between 300ºC and 600ºC, in the conditions in-phase and out-of-phase, adopting the failure criterion of 50% drop of the maximum tensile stress (ASTM E - 606). Thermal diffusivity values were measured from room temperature up to 600oC in order to analyze the effects of carbon content and alloying elements in physical properties. Curves -N were obtained and analyzed according to ASTM E 466/468 standard. Microstructural analysis was employed to reveal the influence of the matrix and morphology/amount of graphite on the mechanical properties. It was observed that, during in-phase thermomechanical fatigue tests, the volume expansion due to cementite decomposition into graphite and ferrite caused a decrease in the tensile stress necessary to achieve the mechanical strain imposed during tests. From M/2 x 2Nf graphs it was inferred that alloy E presented the best performance both in in-phase and out-of phase tests. The lack of Mo in this alloy implies in a significant reduction of cost production of the brake discs, due to the high cost of such alloying element. Out-of-phase thermomechanical fatigue tests resulted in shorter lives compared to isothermal fatigue tests carried out at 25ºC, 300ºC and 600ºC.
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Fabrication and characterization of nanodevices based on III-V nanowires / Fabrication et caracterisation de nanodispositifs à base de nanofils de semiconducteurs III-VLuna bugallo, Andrès de 06 July 2012 (has links)
Les nanofils semiconducteurs sont des nano-objets dont la longueur peut aller jusqu'à quelques microns et dont la section peut être inférieure à la dizaine de nanomètre. En particulier, les nanofils de nitrures d'éléments III (GaN, AlN, InN, leurs alliages ternaires et leurs hétérostructures) sont extrêmement prometteurs en vue du développement d’une nouvelle génération de dispositifs d’électronique et d’optoélectronique tels que photodétecteurs, nanotransistors, biocapteurs, source de lumière, cellules solaires, etc.Dans ce travail, nous présentons la fabrication et la caractérisation de deux types de dispositifs à base de nanofils de nitrures III-V : des photodétecteurs d’une part et des dispositifs émetteurs de lumière d’autre part. Tout d'abord, nous avons réalisé et caractérisé un photodétecteur UV aveugle à la lumière du jour à base de nanofils de GaN verticalement alignés sur un substrat de Si(111) contenant une jonction p-n. Nous avons montré que ces dispositifs présentent une réponse supérieure à celle de leurs homologues en couches minces. Ensuite, nous avons fait la démonstration de photodétecteurs UV à base de nanofils uniques contenant des disques quantiques GaN / AlN multi-axiales insérés dans une région non intentionnellement dopé. Les résultats obtenus par spectroscopie de photoluminescence (PL) et cathodoluminescence (CL) montrent des contributions spectrales en-dessous et au-dessus de la bande interdite du GaN attribuées a la variation de l'épaisseur des disques. Les spectres de photocourant montrent un pic sous la bande interdite lié à l'absorption inter-bande entre les états confinés dans les disques les plus larges. Enfin, nous présentons une étude de photodétecteurs et émetteurs de lumière à base de nanofils de GaN contentant une hétérostructure cœur-coquille InGaN / GaN. Les fils utilisés comme photodétecteurs ont montré une contribution en dessous de la bande interdite de GaN. D’autre part, les mesures OBIC démontrent que ce signal provient exclusivement de la région active. Les fils de type LED basés sur la même structure montrent une forte émission d'électroluminescence et un décalage vers le rouge lorsque le taux d’indium présent dans les disques quantiques augmente, en accord avec les résultats de photoluminescence et de cathodoluminescence. / Semiconductor nanowires are nanostructures with lengths up to few microns and small cross sections (10ths of nanometers). In the recent years the development in the field of III-N nanowire technology has been spectacular. In particular they are consider as promising building in nanoscale electronics and optoelectronics devices; such as photodetectors, transistors, biosensors, light source, solar cells, etc. In this work, we present fabrication and the characterization of photodetector and light emitter based devices on III-N nanowires. First we present a study of a visible blind photodetector based on p-i-n GaN nanowires ensembles grown on Si (111). We show that these devices exhibit a high responsivity exceeding that of thin film counterparts. We also demonstrate UV photodetectors based on single nanowires containing GaN/AlN multi-axial quantum discs in the intrinsic region of the nanowires. Photoluminescence and cathodoluminescence spectroscopy show spectral contributions above and below the GaN bandgap according to the variation of the discs thickness. The photocurrent spectra show a sub-band-gap peak related to the interband absorption between the confined states in the large Qdiscs. Finally we present a study of photodetectors and light emitters based on radial InGaN/GaN MQW embedded in GaN wires. The wires used as photodetectors showed a contribution below the GaN bandgap. OBIC measurements demonstrate that, this signal is exclusively generated in the InGaN MQW region. We showed that LEDs based on this structure show a electroluminescence emission and a red shift when the In content present in the QWs increases which is in good agreement with photoluminescence and cathodoluminescence results.
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Etude expérimentale des phases denses d'un liquide de disques durs actifs / Experimental study of the dense phases of an activ liquid of hard discsBriand, Guillaume 20 December 2017 (has links)
Au cours de cette thèse nous avons étudié expérimentalement les phases denses de disques polaires vibrés, un bon modèle de liquide actif.L'expérience consiste à mettre en vibration des disques durs designés avec deux pattes avant et arrière différentes. Cela leur confère une polarité et sous l'effet de la vibration les disques avancent avec persistance dans la direction de leur polarité.Il a été montré que ce disque polaire est un bon modèle de particule active. Par ailleurs, il a été observé que ces disques forment un liquide polaire ordonnée pour des fractions surfaciques autour de 0.40.Au cours de cette thèse nous avons travaillé à plus haute densité pour étudier la cristallisation de ce liquide actif. Nous avons observé une dynamique fortement intermittente au cours de laquelle des agrégats denses et ordonnés se forment mais se fragmentent sans cesse. Ce régime perdure jusqu'à la fraction surfacique de 0.83, la plus élevée que nous ayons pu atteindre dans un premier temps.Pour étudier l'existence éventuelle d'une phase cristalline stable, nous avons réalisé des expériences dans une enceinte hexagonale, où il est possible d'imposer des fractions surfaciques de l'ordre de 0.89 proche de celle de l'empilement hexagonal compact. Nous observons un cristal dans le cas où l'enceinte est totalement remplie, en revanche lorsque que l'on retire quelques disques le cristal se met à tourner de manière spectaculaire tout en conservant un ordre positionnel.Enfin, nous avons réalisé des expériences de mesures de pression mécanique. Nous avons observé que la pression mécanique exercée par les disques polaires dépend de la nature des murs de l'enceinte. On conclu que la pression mécanique n'est pas une variable d'état pour ce système. / During this thesis, we studied experimentally the dense phases of vibrated polar disks, a good model of active liquid.The experiment involves vibrating hard discs with two different front and rear legs. This provides them with a polarity such that they perform persistent directed motion when they are shaken vertically.These polar discs has been shown to be a good active particle model. Moreover, it has been observed that these disks form an ordered polar liquid for surface fractions around 0.40.During this thesis we worked at a higher density to study the crystallization of this active liquid. We observed a highly intermittent dynamics during which dense and ordered aggregates form but are constantly fragmented. This regime lasts until the surface fraction of 0.83, the highest that we have been able to reach at first.In order to study the possible existence of a stable crystal phase, we carried out experiments in a hexagonal arena, where it is possible to impose surface fractions of the order of 0.89 close to that of the compact hexagonal packing. We observe a crystal in the case where the arena is completely filled, however when removing a few discs the crystal flows and rotates spectacularly while maintaining a positional order.Finally, we carried out mechanical pressure measurement experiments. We have observed that the mechanical pressure exerted by the polar disks depends on the nature of the walls of the arena. We conclude that mechanical pressure is not a state variable for this system.
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Cracked and Broken Media in 20th and 21st Century Music and SoundKelly, Caleb, n/a January 2007 (has links)
From the mid 20th century into the 21st, artists and musicians manipulated,
cracked and broke audio media technologies to produce novel, unique and
indeterminate sounds and performances. Artists such as John Cage, Nam June
Paik, Milian Kn��k, Christian Marclay, Yasunao Tone, Oval and Otomo
Yoshihide pulled apart the technologies of music playback, both the playback
devices � phonographs and CD players � and the recorded media � vinyl records
and Compact Discs. Based in the sound expansion of the 20th century musical
avant garde, this practice connects the interdisciplinary Fluxus movement with
late 20th century sound art and experimental electronic music. Cracked and
broken media techniques play a significant role in 20th century music and sound,
and continue to be productive into the 21st. The primary contribution of this
thesis is to provide a novel and detailed historical account of these practices. In
addition it considers theoretical approaches to this work. After considering
approaches through critiques of recording media, and concepts of noise, this
thesis proposes novel theorisations focusing on materiality and the everyday.
Ultimately it proposes that these practices can be read as precursors to
contemporary new media, as music and sound art cracked open the fixed
structures of �old media� technologies for their own creative purposes.
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Enrichissements de siegelBachy, Ismael 10 October 2011 (has links)
On s'intéresse dans ce travail à la description des enrichissements des disques de Siegel d'une fraction rationnelle f. Dans un premier temps nous étudions les enrichissements qui sont définis sur un ouvert de la grande orbite d'un disque de Siegel donné. Ce sont nécessairement des applications qui commutent à f là où les compositions ont un sens. Ce sont donc des applications linéaires en coordonnées linéarisantes. Le résultat principal de ce travail est que l'on peut obtenir toutes les applications linéaires en coordonnées linéarisantes définies sur un sous-disque du disque de Siegel de f. Pour démontrer ce résultat nous utilisons la compacité des applications linéarisantes normalisées, le théorème des fonctions implicites dans l'espace des fractions rationnelles de degré fixé et une étude du comportement du rayon d'univalence des applications linéarisantes. Nous identifions également les approches donnant lieu à des enrichissements définis ou à valeurs dans le disque de Siegel tout entier (enrichissements maximaux). Au passage nous généralisons aux limites avec ordre de contact fini par rapport au cercle unité un théorème de JC.Yoccoz sur le comportement du rayon d'univalence pour la famille quadratique lorsque le paramètre converge vers un nombre complexe de module un et d'argument un nombre de Brjuno.Ensuite, nous nous intéressons au cas où f a plusieurs cycles de disques de Siegel. Nous utilisons le théorème de transversalité d'A.Epstein pour décrire les enrichissements de f dans ce cas là. La linéarisabilité de f et la convergence des applications linéarisantes permet de transférer le problème de la description des enrichissements de Siegel de f à un problème de limite géométrique de sous-semigroupes de l'ensemble des nombres complexes non-nuls engendrés par un élément. Nous donnons dans ce travail un modèle topologique de l'adhérence de cet ensemble de sous-semigroupes. Nous déduisons de ces résultats une interprétation en terme de convergence géométrique de dynamiques de polynômes quadratiques et une description des points d'accumulation, pour la topologie de Hausdorff sur les compacts non-vides, des ensembles de Julia lorsque le paramètre tend vers un paramètre de Siegel. / In this work we are interested in giving the description of Siegel discs enrichments of a rational map f. We first study the case of enrichments that are defined on an open subset of the grand orbit of a given Siegel disc. These maps commute with f where it makes sense. Thus they are linear in linearizing coordinates. The main result of this work is that we can obtain all linear maps in linearizing coordinates that are defined in a subdisc of the Siegel disc. For this we use the compactness of the set of normalized linearizing maps, the implicit functions theorem in the space of rational maps with fixed degree and a study on the behaviour on the univalent radius of the linearizing maps. We identify approaches giving enrichments that are defined or take values on the whole Siegel disc (maximal enrichments). We generalize to finite order of contact approaches with respect to the unit circle a theorem of JC.Yoccoz on the behaviour of the univalent radius for the quadratic family when the parameter converges to a complex number of modulus one with argument a Brjuno number.We then focus on the case where f has more than one Siegel disc. We make use of A.Epstein's transversality theorem to describe Siegel enrichments of f in this case. The linearisability of f and the convergence of the linearizing maps reduces the problem of Siegel enrichments description to a geometric limit problem on one generated closed sub-semigroups ofthe set of non zero complex numbers. We give in this work a topological model fot the closure of this set of sub-semigroups.We deduce from these results an interpretation in terms of geometric convergence of quadratic polynomial dynamics and we describe the accumulation points (for the Hausdorff topology on non empty compact subsets) of Julia sets when the parameter converges to a Siegel parameter.
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Évolution de la porosité des grains : une solution aux problèmes de formation planétaire ? / Evolution of grain porosity during growth : a solution to planetary formation barriers?Garcia, Anthony 04 September 2018 (has links)
Dans les disques protoplanétaires, les grains micrométriques croissent jusqu'à atteindre des tailles de planétésimaux avant de finalement former des planètes. Cependant,des études dynamiques ont montré qu'une fois que les grains atteignent une taille critique, ils dérivent rapidement vers l'étoile et y sont accrétés. Ce problème est connu comme la barrière de dérive radiale. De plus, des expériences en laboratoire ont montré que les grains peuvent fragmenter ou rebondir et ainsi arrêter la croissance avant les tailles kilométriques.Afin de passer outre ces barrières, plusieurs méthodes ont été proposés comme les pièges à particules (dans les vortex ou les sillons planétaires) qui demandent des évolutions dynamiques à grande échelle. Dans ce travail, nous choisissons d'étudier les propriétés intrinsèques de la poussière pendant leur croissance et plus particulièrement leur porosité.Nous développons un modèle d'évolution de la porosité pendant la croissance en fonction de la masse des grains pour plusieurs régimes d'expansion/compression (Kataoka et al. 2013, Okuzumi et al. 2012) et l'implémentons dans notre code SPH bifluide (Barrière-Fouchet et al. 2005). Nous trouvons que la croissance des grains poreux est accélérée en comparaison aux grains compacts et leur taille peut atteindre plusieurs kilomètres. De surcroît,la dérive est légèrement ralentie pour les grains poreux qui peuvent croître jusqu'à de plus grandes tailles avant de commencer à dériver vers l'étoile. Nous constatons aussi que les grains des régions externes du disque grossissent plus que quand l'effet de la porosité est négligé. Ces deux mécanismes peuvent aider les grains à outrepasser la barrière de dérive radiale, notamment en passant dans le régime de traînée de Stokes, et ainsi former des planétésimaux.Nous étudions aussi l'effet de la fragmentation et du rebond sur le comportement des grains. En considérant un seuil de fragmentation constant, nous observons que la croissance de grains poreux est retardée un temps par la fragmentation mais qu'elle se poursuit vers de grandes tailles et par conséquent, permet de passer outre les problèmes dus à la fragmentation et à la dérive radiale. Cependant, les grains très poreux sont plus fragiles et peuvent se fragmenter plus facilement entraînant une accrétion massive des poussières dans l'étoile. De plus, nous montrons que les effets du rebond peuvent être négligés devant ceux de la fragmentation.Enfin, nous observons également que la taille des monomères et du paramètre de viscosité turbulente peut avoir une influence sur l'évolution de la porosité et donc de la poussière dans le disque.La porosité permet donc de favoriser la croissance des grains et accélérer le découplage des grains. Les grains très poreux peuvent être plus sensibles à la fragmentation.Cependant, les effets collectifs de la poussière couplés à la porosité peuvent aider les grains à outrepasser les barrières de formation planétaire. La barrière de rebond peut être négligée dans le cas de grains poreux devant les autres barrières. Enfin,l'intensité de la turbulence altère la croissance et ainsi le devenir de la poussière.La taille des monomères modifie le facteur de remplissage sans toutefois impacter le découplage des grains dans les parties internes / In protoplanetary discs, micron-sized grains should grow up to planetesimal sizes in order to ultimately form planets. However, dynamical studies show that once they reach a critical size, they drift rapidly into the accreting star. This is known as the radial-drift barrier. Moreover, laboratory experiments have shown that grains can fragment or bounce, stopping the growth towards planetesimal sizes.In order to overcome those barriers, several methods have been proposed such as particles traps (e.g. vortices or planet gaps) which all involve large-scale dynamics.In this work, we choose to investigate the intrinsic properties of the grains during their growth, in particular their porosity.We thus consider the growth of grains with variable porosity as a function of their mass in several regimes of compression/expansion (Kataoka et al. 2013, Okuzumiet al. 2012) and implement it in our 3D SPH two-fluid code (Barrière-Fouchetet al. 2005).We find that growth is accelerated for porous grains that can reach kilometersizes. On the other hand, drift is slightly slowed down for porous grains that can grow up to larger sizes before drifting towards the star. As a result, grains in the outer regions of the disc reach larger sizes than when porosity is neglected. Those two mechanisms can help grains overcome the radial-drift barrier and form planetesimals.The Stokes drag regime appears to play a substantial part in maintaining grains in the disc.Considering a constant fragmentation threshold, we also find out that growth is delayed because of fragmentation but reaching large sizes and thus overcoming problems due to fragmentation and radial drift is still possible. However, very fluffy grains are fragile and can be easily disrupted leading to a massive accretion of dust into the star. Moreover, we show that the effects due to dust bouncing can be neglected compared to fragmentation.Finally, we investigate the influence of the size of monomers and -parameter on the evolution of porosity and then dust in the disc.Dust growth is accelerated by porosity and thus promotes grains decoupling. Very fluffy grains are more affected by fragmentation. However, dust collective effects and porosity can help grains to overcome planet formation barriers. Besides,the bouncing barrier can be neglected in the case of porous dust compared to other barriers. Finally, the intensity of turbulence can alter the growth and so the outcome of dust. The size of monomers modifies the grain filling factor without impacting dust decoupling in the inner parts of the disc
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Using numerical simulations to identify observational signatures of self-gravitating protostellar discsHall, Cassandra January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis, I study numerical and semi-analytical models of self-gravitating protostellar discs, with the aim of furthering our understanding of the role of disc-self gravity in planet formation. At the time of writing, the ALMA era of observational astronomy is upon us. Therefore, I place my research into this context with synthetic images of both numerical and semi-analytical models. I begin with an examination into the apparent lack of convergence, with increasing resolution, of the fragmentation boundary in Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations of a protostellar disc. I run a suite of SPH with different numerical implementations, and find that even very similar implementations can fundamentally change the final answer. I analyse a suite of SPH simulations that fragment to form gravitationally bound objects, with the motivation of informing future population synthesis model development. I find that fragment-fragment and fragment-disc interaction dominates the orbital evolution of the system even at very early times, and any attempt to produce a population of objects from the gravitational instability process must include these interactions. Before a disc fragments, it will go through a self-gravitating phase. If the disc cools globally on a timescale such that it is balanced by heating due to gravitational stresses, the disc will be in a state of quasi-equilibrium. So long as the disc mass is sufficiently low, and spirals are sufficiently tightly wound, then angular momentum transport can be described by the local approximation, for which there is an analytical description. Using this analytical description, I develop an existing 1D model into 3D, and examine a wide range of parameter space for which disc self-gravity produces significant non-axisymmetry. Using radiative transfer calculations coupled with synthetic observations, I determine that there is a very narrow range of parameter space in which a disc will have sufficiently large gravitational stresses so as to produce detectable spirals, but the stresses not be so large as to cause the disc to fragment. By developing a simple analytical prescription for dust, I show that this region of parameter space can be broadened considerably. However, it requires grains that are large enough to become trapped by pressure maxima in the disc, so I conclude that if self-gravitating spiral arms are detected in the continuum, it is likely that at least some grain growth has taken place.
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O ensino de probabilidade com o uso do problema do jogo dos discos / O ensino de probabilidade com o uso do problema do jogo dos discosLima, Felipe Mascagna Bittencourt 21 March 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-03-21 / In this work, we present a didactic proposal which aim is to introduce Probability to students of Basic Education. This proposal consists in a sequence of classes that is based on the Game of Discs Problem, which goal is to determine the diameter that a disk must have so that when launched randomly on square tiles, has a certain probability of intercept their separating lines. This problem was put to students from three classes of third year of a state high school in a contextualized form and before introduction of Probability by the teacher. The idea was that the students should try to solve the problem in groups and with a minimal help from the teacher. Even with students having difficulties, it proved possible, and they solved the problem using a concrete experimentation of the game. For this, they approximated the probability of winning with a certain disc to the win percentage in the experimentation and, through graphical modeling, they achieved the desired answer. The motivation to this teaching propose was the observation by the author that the way that Probability has been traditionally teached has proven ineffective. Moreover, it can be saw that several Brazilian official documents, such as the National Curriculum Parameters (PCN) and Curricular Proposal of the State of São Paulo, as well as other researchers, suggest that concrete experimentation should be performed for a effective teaching of Probability. With the results obtained, presented in this dissertation, we conclude that our didactic proposal is efficient, bringing motivating classes and providing an environment in which students, besides learning Probability, could exercise their creative capacity. / Neste trabalho, apresentamos uma proposta didática destinada a introduzir a Probabilidade a alunos do Ensino Básico. Tal proposta consta de uma sequência de aulas que toma por base o Problema do Jogo dos Discos, no qual tem-se como objetivo determinar o diâmetro que um disco deve ter para que, quando lançado aleatoriamente sobre pisos quadrados, tenha determinada probabilidade de interceptar suas linhas de separação. Este problema foi colocado a alunos de três turmas de terceiro ano do ensino médio de uma escola estadual de maneira contextualizada e antes que o assunto Probabilidade tivesse sido abordado pelo docente. A ideia era que os estudantes tentassem resolver o problema em grupos e com o mínimo de ajuda do professor. Mesmo com os alunos apresentando dificuldades, isso se mostrou possível, tendo os mesmos resolvido o problema utilizando a experimentação concreta do jogo. Para isso, eles aproximaram a probabilidade de ganho com certo disco com o percentual de vitórias na experimentação e, através de modelagem gráfica, conseguiram a resposta desejada. Tal proposta de ensino teve como motivação a constatação do autor de que o ensino de Probabilidade feito da maneira tradicional tem se mostrado pouco eficaz. Além disso, pôde-se perceber que vários documentos oficiais, como os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN) e a Proposta Curricular do Estado de São Paulo, bem como outros pesquisadores da área, sugerem que a experimentação concreta seja realizada para um efetivo ensino da Probabilidade. Com os resultados obtidos e apresentados nesta dissertação, concluímos que nossa proposta didática se mostrou eficiente, tornando as aulas motivadoras e propiciando um ambiente no qual os alunos, além de aprender Probabilidade, pudessem exercitar sua capacidade criativa.
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Identification of interacting partners of Discs overgrown in vivo / Identification of interacting partners of Discs overgrown in vivoHOUFKOVÁ, Petra January 2009 (has links)
The mutated forms of the Discs overgrown gene causes overproliferation of imaginal discs of Drosophila melanogaster. Somatic mutations in its human counterpart, casein kinase I epsilon, were strongly associated with human breast cancer. Using the advantage of a high conservancy between fly's dco and human casein kinase I epsilon genes we have chosen D. melanogaster as a model organism to provide a list of probable Dco interaction partners via tandem affinity purification and mass spectrometry analysis. However, these proteins need to be independently verified as true Dco interaction partners.
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