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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fadiga termomecânica em ligas de ferro fundido cinzento para discos de freio automotivos / Thermomechanical fatigue in gray cast iron alloys to automotive brake discs

Omar Maluf 18 May 2007 (has links)
Os discos de freio, durante a frenagem, são submetidos a tensões térmicas e mecânicas que podem ser relativamente altas quando muito bruscas (frações de segundo), situação em que a temperatura pode chegar a valores próximos de 600ºC. Esta variação de temperatura provoca choques térmicos que podem gerar trincas e/ou uma grande quantidade de deformação plástica no disco. A proposta deste trabalho foi a de investigar, através de experimentos, o comportamento mecânico e físico em quatro ligas de ferro fundido cinzento (A, B, C e E), utilizadas para produzir discos de freio de veículos automotivos. Para tanto, foram realizados ensaios termomecânicos de baixo ciclo em corpos de prova, entre 300ºC e 600ºC, nas condições em fase e fora de fase, adotando o critério de falha em 50% da tensão máxima (ASTM E-606) e em componentes (discos), além daqueles de difusividade térmica desde a temperatura ambiente até 600ºC. As curvas deformação em função da vida ( N) foram obtidas e analisadas segundo norma ASTM E 466/468. A análise microestrutural nos corpos de prova e peças, após os ensaios de fadiga, serviu para revelar a influência da morfologia e quantidade de grafita e da matriz sobre as propriedades mecânicas. A medição das difusividades térmicas teve como objetivo a verificação da influência do carbono equivalente e dos elementos de liga sobre esta propriedade física. Observou-se que, durante os ensaios de fadiga termomecânica em fase, em função da decomposição de parcela da cementita da perlita, houve, nos materiais, a chamada expansão grafítica, que teve influência na parte trativa do ciclo, diminuindo as tensões necessárias para se alcançar determinadas amplitudes de tensão mecânica. Pelos gráficos de amplitude de deformação mecânica em função do número de reversos para falhar, sob fadiga termomecânica em fase e fora de fase, observou-se que a melhor liga de ferro fundido cinzento foi a liga E. Esta constatação implicará em uma significativa redução dos custos de produção dos discos de freio, pois se poderá prescindir do elemento de liga Molibdênio, extremamente caro. Comparando-se os resultados de fadiga termomecânica com os de fadiga isotérmica a 25ºC, 300ºC e 600ºC, pôde-se verificar que os ensaios mais críticos foram os fora de fase, pois conduziram, comparativamente, a vidas menores. / Brake discs are submitted to thermal and mechanical stress that can be relatively high during abrupt braking action happens (fractions of seconds), causing the temperature to reach values as high as 600ºC. This temperature variation results in thermal shocks that can generate cracks and/or a large amount of plastic deformation in the disk. The main aim of this work was to investigate, through experiments, the mechanical and physical behavior of four alloys of gray cast iron (A, B, C and E), used to produce brake discs of automotives vehicles. Low cycle thermomechanical fatigue tests were carried out in components (discs) and in test specimens, between 300ºC and 600ºC, in the conditions in-phase and out-of-phase, adopting the failure criterion of 50% drop of the maximum tensile stress (ASTM E - 606). Thermal diffusivity values were measured from room temperature up to 600oC in order to analyze the effects of carbon content and alloying elements in physical properties. Curves -N were obtained and analyzed according to ASTM E 466/468 standard. Microstructural analysis was employed to reveal the influence of the matrix and morphology/amount of graphite on the mechanical properties. It was observed that, during in-phase thermomechanical fatigue tests, the volume expansion due to cementite decomposition into graphite and ferrite caused a decrease in the tensile stress necessary to achieve the mechanical strain imposed during tests. From M/2 x 2Nf graphs it was inferred that alloy E presented the best performance both in in-phase and out-of phase tests. The lack of Mo in this alloy implies in a significant reduction of cost production of the brake discs, due to the high cost of such alloying element. Out-of-phase thermomechanical fatigue tests resulted in shorter lives compared to isothermal fatigue tests carried out at 25ºC, 300ºC and 600ºC.

The Formation of High-Mass Stars: from High-Mass Clumps to Accretion Discs and Molecular Outflows / A Formação de Estrelas de Alta Massa: dos Glóbulos de Alta Massa aos Discos de Acreção e Jatos Moleculares

Felipe Donizeti Teston Navarete 20 February 2018 (has links)
High-mass stars play a significant role in the evolution of the Universe and the process that leads to the formation of such objects is still an open question in Astrophysics. The details of the structures connected to the central sources, such as the circumstellar disks and the morphology of the jets at their launching points, still lack of observational evidence. In this thesis, the high-mass star forming process is investigated in terms of the evolution of high-mass clumps selected from the ATLASGAL survey based on their CO emission in the sub-millimetre. While single-dish sub-millimetre observations provide a large-scale view of the high-mass star formation process, higher angular resolution observations are required to disentangle the details of the protostars within the clumps. For this, three-dimensional infrared spectroscopy was obtained for a group of RMS sources to characterise the circumstellar environment of high-mass YSOs in linear scales of ~100-1000 AU. The ATLASGAL TOP100 sample offers a unique opportunity to analyse a statistically complete sample of high-mass clumps at different evolutionary stages. APEX data of three rotational J transitions of the CO (the CO(4-3), CO(6-5) and CO(7-6)) were used to characterise the properties of their warm gas (~155 K) content and to derive the relations between the CO and the clump properties. The CO line luminosities were derived and the analysis indicated that the CO emission increases as a function of the evolutionary stage of the clumps (from infrared-weak to HII regions) and as a function of the bolometric luminosity and mass of the sources. The comparison of the TOP100 with low-mass objects observed in the CO(6-5) and CO(7-6), together with CO(10-9) data observed for a complementary sample of objects indicated that the dependency of the CO luminosity with the bolometric luminosity of the sources gets steeper towards higher-J transitions. Although the CO luminosity of more luminous clumps are systematically larger than the values obtained for the less luminous sources, the individual analysis of each subsample suggests a similar dependency of the CO luminosity versus the bolometric luminosity for each luminosity regime. Finally, the presence of high-velocity CO emission observed for the TOP100 suggests that ~85% of the sources are driving molecular outflows. The selection of isolated high-mass objects undergoing mass accretion is fundamental to investigate if these objects are formed through an accretion disc or if they are formed by merging of low-mass YSOs. The near-infrared window provides one of the best opportunities to investigate the interior of the sub-mm clumps and study in details their individual members. Thanks to the relatively high-resolution obtained in the K-band and the moderate reddening effects in the K-band, a sample of eight (8) HMYSOs exhibiting large-scale H2 outflows were selected to follow-up K-band spectroscopic observations using the NIFS spectrometer (Gemini North). All sources exhibit extended continuum emission and exhibit atomic and molecular transitions typical of embedded objects, such as Brackett-gama, H2 and the CO lines. The H2 lines are tracing the launching point of the large-scale jets in scales of ~100 AU in five of eight sources (63%). The identification of jets at such small scales indicates that these objects are still undergoing mass accretion. The Brackett-gama emission probes the ionised gas around the HMYSOs. The analysis of the Brackett-gama spectro-astrometry at sub-pixel scales suggests that the line arises from the cavity of the outflows or from rotating structures perpendicular to the H2 jets (i.e., disc). Five sources also exhibit CO emission features (63%), and three HMYSOs display CO absorption features (38%), indicating that they are likely associated with circumstellar discs. By further investigating the kinematics of the spatially resolved CO absorption features, the Keplerian mass of three sources was estimated in 5±3, 8±5 and 30±10 solar masses. These results support that high-mass stars are formed through discs, similarly as observed towards low-mass stars. The comparison between the collimation degree of the molecular jets or outflows detected in the NIFS data with their large-scale counterparts indicate that these structures present a relatively wide range of collimation degrees. / Estrelas de alta massa têm grande impacto na evolução do Universo e o processo de formação destes objetos ainda é um problema em aberto na Astrofísica. Os detalhes das estruturas associadas às regiões mais próximas dos objetos centrais, tais como os discos circunstelares e a morfologia dos jatos próximos à base de lançamento, ainda não foram estudados em detalhe e carecem de evidências observacionais. Esta tese apresenta um estudo da formação de estrelas de alta massa em termos da evolução de glóbulos de alta massa (clumps), selecionados a partir do levantamento ATLASGAL, a partir de observações da molécula do CO na faixa espectral do sub-milimétrico. Enquanto observações \"single-dish\" no sub-milimétrico possibilitam o estudo em larga escala do processo de formação de estrelas de alta massa, observações com maior resolução angular são necessárias para investigar os detalhes das protoestrelas no interior dos glóbulos. Para isso, espectroscopia tri-dimensional no infra-vermelho próximo foi obtida para um grupo de fontes RMS para caracterizar o meio circunstelar de objetos estelares jovens e de alta massa (HMYSOs) em escalas lineares de ~100-1000 UA. A amostra TOP100 oferece uma oportunidade ímpar de analisar um conjunto estatisticamente completo de glóbulos de alta massa em diversas fases evolutivas. Observações realizadas com o radiotelescópio APEX de três transições rotacionais da molécula do CO (CO(4-3), CO(6-5) e CO(7-6)) foram utilizadas para estudar as propriedades do gás morno (~155 K) associado aos glóbulos, e obter as relações entre a emissão do CO e as propriedades físicas dos glóbulos. A luminosidade das diferentes transições do CO foi obtida e sua análise mostrou que a emissão do gás aumenta em função do estágio evolutivo dos glóbulos (de glóbulos com emissão fraca no infravermelho longínquo a regiões HII) e em função da luminosidade bolométrica e massa dos glóbulos. A comparação entre os glóbulos de alta massa presentes na amostra TOP100 com fontes de menor massa observadas nas transições do CO(6-5) e CO(7-6), juntamente com a análise de uma amostra complementar de fontes observadas na transição do CO(10-9) mostrou que a dependência da luminosidade do CO com a luminosidade bolométrica aumenta em função do número quântico J associado à transição do CO. Este estudo também mostrou que as relações entre a luminosidade do CO e dos clumps são dominadas pelas fontes de alta luminosidade presentes na amostra analisada. A análise individual de fontes de baixa e alta luminosidade sugerem que a dependência entreas luminosidades do CO e bolométrica é a mesma em ambos os regimes de luminosidade, embora as luminosidades do CO sejam sistematicamente maiores para os glóbulos de alta massa. Por fim, a análise da emissão do CO em altas-velocidades mostrou que ~85% dos glóbulos presentes na amostra TOP100 apresentam jatos moleculares. A seleção de objetos de alta massa isolados em estágio de acreção ativa é crucial para decidir se ela ocorre através de um disco de acreção e/ou via fusão de YSOs de menor massa. Para isso, observações no infra-vermelho próximo são ideais para se investigar o conteúdo dos glóbulos sub-milimétricos e resolver seus membros individuais. Devido a alta resolução espacial na banda K e a extinção interestelar moderada nesta faixa espectral, um conjunto de oito (8) HMYSOs associados a jatos em H2 em larga-escala foram selecionados para observações espectroscópicas na banda K utilizando o espectrômetro NIFS no Gemini Norte. Todos os objetos investigados com o NIFS apresentam emissão extendida no contínuo, bem como nas linhas espectrais típicas de fontes jovens, tais como o Brackett-gama, transições do H2 e a emissão nas bandas moleculares do CO. A emissão em H2 está associada aos jatos moleculares em escalas de ~100 UA em cinco das oito fontes (63%). A indentificação de jatos moleculares em escalas tão próximas ao objeto central indica que o processo de acreção de massa ainda está ativo nestes objetos. A emissão do Brackett-gama provém do gás ionizado nas regiões mais próximas das fontes centrais ou regiões de choque próximas aos jatos. A espectro-astrometria da linha do Brackett-gama em escalas de sub-píxeis, indica que a emissão do gás ocorre nas cavidades dos jatos moleculares ou delineiam estruturas alinhadas perpendicularmente aos jatos, tais como os discos de acreção. Cinco fontes também apresentam emissão nas bandas do CO (63%), e três HMYSOs apresentam linhas do CO em absorção (38%), indicando que estes objetos apresentam discos de acreção. A massa total do sistema \"disco e protoestrela\" foi determinada a partir do estudo da cinemática das linhas de absorção do CO, detectadas em três objetos. A partir de modelos de rotação Kepleriana, as massas das fontes foram estimadas em 5±3, 8±5 e 30±10 massas solares. Os resultados obtidos a partir da espectroscopia tri-dimensional no infravermelho corroboram a hipótese de que estrelas de alta massa são formadas a partir de acreção por discos, de maneira similar ao observado para estrelas de baixa massa. A comparação entre a morfologia dos jatos moleculares identificados nos campos do NIFS e das correspondentes contrapartidas em escalas maiores indicam que os jatos apresentam diferentes graus de colimação ao longo de suas estruturas, explicadas pela multiplicidade de fontes nas proximidades da base de lançamento dos jatos ou efeitos de precessão no objeto central.

Purification des eaux polluées par du phénol dans un pertracteur à disques tournants / Purification of water polluted with phenol in a rotating discs pertractor

Ehtash, Moamer 11 July 2011 (has links)
Ce travail se situe dans le cadre des recherches du laboratoire sur un procédé d’extraction et desextraction, qui implique trois phases liquides, deux phases aqueuses et une phase organique. La faisabilité d’un tel procédé passe par le choix de la phase organique et par l’étude des équilibres mis en jeu lors du processus d’extraction.Le principal objectif concerne : la récupération et la concentration de phénol contenu dans une solution aqueuse, en utilisant un pertracteur à disques tournants alternatifs en régime batch, semi-batch et continu. Par un mécanisme du transfert de matière entre les phases, le phénol passe de la phase aqueuse d’alimentation vers la phase organique puis de la phase organique vers la phase aqueuse réceptrice.La faisabilité de la méthode est testée en mode fermé. Nous étudions l’influence de certains paramètres : tels que la concentration du phénol, la variation de pH de la phase d’alimentation, la vitesse de rotation des disques et le volume de la phase organique, sur l’évolution du transfert du phénol entre les phases. Une solution aqueuse à pH 2, ayant une concentration en phénol égale à 50, 100 ou 300 mg.L-1, est mise en contact avec de l’huile de colza, qui est elle-même en contact avec une solution aqueuse à pH 13. Les résultats montrent qu’au bout de six heures de fonctionnement, 70% à 99% du phénol contenu initialement dans la solution aqueuse à pH 2, se trouve dans la phase aqueuse à pH 13.Afin de récupérer et de concentrer le phénol dans la phase réceptrice, nous avons réalisé des expériences dans le pertracteur fonctionnant en mode semi-ouvert et en mode ouvert.En système semi-ouvert, l’influence de trois paramètres est étudiée : la concentration initiale de phénol, la vitesse de rotation des disques et le débit de la phase d’alimentation. En système ouvert, seul l’influence du débit à la phase aqueuse est analysée. Enfin, grâce à la modélisation basée sur la théorie du double film, nous avons estimé l’ordre de grandeur des coefficients de transferts de matière partiels pour différentes vitesses de rotation en système fermé. / This work is focused on a pertraction process, coupling extraction and stripping steps in the same apparatus and involving three liquid phases, two aqueous phases and one organic phase. The process feasibility requires the choice of a appropriate organic phase (membrane) and a phase equilibria studies.The main objective was recovery and concentration of phenol contained in dilute aqueous solutions using a rotating discs pertractor in batch, semi-batch and continuous mode. The phenol is transferred from the feed phase (aqueous phase) through the membrane (organic phase) in the receiving phase (aqueous phase).The feasibility of the method is tested in a batch system. We studied the influence of some parameters such as the phenol concentration, the feed pH, the discs rotational speed and the volume of the organic phase. An aqueous solution at pH 2 (feed) with a phenol concentration equal to 50, 100 and 300 mg.L-1, is placed in contact with rapeseed oil (liquid membrane), that is itself in contact with an aqueous solution at pH 13 (receiving phase). The obtained results show that after 6 hours, 70% to 99% of phenol initially contained in the aqueous solution at pH 2, is transferred in the aqueous phase at pH 13.To concentrate phenol in the receiving phase, we performed experiments in semi-batch and continuous mode.In semi-batch system, the influence of three parameters is studied: the feed concentration, the discs rotation speed and the feed flowrate. In open system, (continuous mode), only the influence of the aqueous phases flowrates is analyzed.Finally, using mass transfer model based on a double film theory, we estimate the partial mass transfer coefficients for three phases at different rotation speeds in batch system.

Mapování akrečního disku kvasaru gravitačním mikročočkováním / Quasar accretion disk mapping by gravitational microlensing

Ledvina, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
Quasar microlensing is a relatively newly explored phenomenon, which is ideally suited for studying the spatial distribution of emission from the innermost accretion disc. By now we know many macrolensed quasars, in which we can observe multiple images formed by the deflection of light in the gravitational field of an intervening galaxy. In case one of these images passes directly through the stellar population of the galaxy, it can be additionally microlensed by individual stars. The gravitational field of these stars forms a caustic network for light passing by. When a quasar accretion disc crosses behind this network, induced changes can be observed in the light curve as well as in the spectrum. In the first part of this thesis we study the statistics of the time intervals between successive caustic crossings. In the second part we use a fully relativistic Kerr-metric thin-disc model for studying the light curve of a fold-caustic crossing and its dependence on the accretion- disc parameters. In the last part we simulate changes in the X-ray iron-line profile during a fold-caustic crossing. We find characteristic spectral features formed on the line, and derive their analytical description. Finally, we map the maximum strength of microlensing-generated peaks on the spectral line for different...

Den moderna vinylen : En studie av unga vuxnas relation till vinylskivor som lyssningsformat / The Modern Vinyl : the relation between young adults and vinyl as a listening format

Persson, Hampus January 2016 (has links)
Denna uppsats diskuterar fyra unga vuxnas, i Växjö, relation till vinylskivor som format för musiklyssning. Genom den kvalitativa intervjumetoden görs ett försök att beskriva hur informanterna motiverar användandet av vinylskivor, vilka egenskaper som de tillskriver skivorna och hur det förhåller sig gentemot digital musiklyssning. Materialet har analyserats med hjälp av teorier kring retrologier (skapandet av sätt att se tillbaka), affordance (vinylskivans polyvokala egenskaper) och rekontextualiseringsprocesser (vilka egenskaper tillskrivs formatet i en modern kontext). Studien visar på vinylskivans förmåga att frambringa en särskild känsla hos informanterna och hur detta skapas utifrån flertalet olika dimensioner, så som skivans fysikalitet, visuella egenskaper och inbjudan till ett aktivt lyssnande.

Detection of exozodiacal dust: a step toward Earth-like planet characterization with infrared interferometry

Defrere, Denis 07 December 2009 (has links)
The existence of other habitable worlds and the possible development of life elsewhere in the Universe have been among mankinds fundamental questions for thousands of years. These interrogations about our origins and place in the Universe are today at the dawn of being answered in scientific terms. The key year was 1995 with the discovery of the first extrasolar planet orbiting around a solar-type star. About 400 extrasolar planets are known today and the possibility to identify habitable worlds and even life among them largely contributes to the growing interest about their nature and properties. However, characterizing planetary systems is a very difficult task due to both the huge contrast and the small angular separation between the host stars and their environment. New techniques have emerged during the past decades with the purpose of tackling these fantastic observational challenges. In that context, infrared interferometry is a very promising technique, since it provides the required angular resolution to separate the emission of the star from that of its environment. This dissertation is devoted to the characterization of extrasolar planetary systems using the high angular resolution and dynamic range capabilities of infrared interferometric techniques. The first part of the present work is devoted to the detection with current interferometric facilities of warm dust within the first few astronomical units of massive debris discs around nearby stars. In order to extend the imaging of planetary systems to fainter discs and to extrasolar planets, we investigate in a second step the performance of future space-based nulling interferometers and make a comparison with ground-based projects. Finally, the third part of this work is dedicated to the impact of exozodiacal discs on the performance of future life-searching space missions, the goal being to characterize extrasolar planets with sizes down to that of the Earth.

Optically active Si-rich Si3N4 Mu-cavities for sensoristic applications

Ferrarese Lupi, Federico 23 May 2012 (has links)
In this thesis we have presented a thorough study on the optical and sensoristic properties of SRSN Mu-disks, in an isolated configuration and when coupled to a passive Si3N4 waveguide placed underneath. The whole structure of the device have been previously simulated in order to study the behavior of the supported WGM when subject to a geometrical variation (i.e.: radius, thickness, shape of the edge of the isolated Mu-disk): the obtained results granted the realization of Mu-resonators with Q factor exceeding 104. The coupled structure have been then simulated with the main goal of maximizing the WGM intensity transmitted at the end of the WG. This task has been fulfilled through a careful optimization of the geometrical parameters (i.e.: X-Gap and Z-Gap). The subsequent step, involving the fabrication process of the sample - realized in the Centro Nacional de Microelectronica (CNM) of Bellaterra - has been carried out using standard CMOS compatible process. The deposition and the implantation of the Si3N4 has been performed by means of LPCVD technique, while for the SiO2 deposition the PECVD. Finally the optical elements has been defined by means of a two level photolithographic mask. On the produced samples we have performed a superficial analysis (SEM, AFM) with the aim of evaluate the presence of geometrical imperfections and estimation of the superficial roughness. Furthermore the EFTEM analysis revealed the absence of Si-nc inside the active layer. Using the Cut-back technique, low losses under 1 dB/cm have been found in both VIS and IR spectral range in the passive WG of different width. On the other hand, applying the SES technique on an Si-rich WG structure we have been able to extract the losses value of active material in a wide and continuous range of wavelength, defined inside the PL spectrum. As a result of a careful optimization of the active SRSN in terms of PL intensities and optical losses, we have been able to produce bright and high Q isolated Mu-disks, achieving maximum values about 1.4x104 in a wide spectral range in the VIS and emitting up to few nW on a single resonance. The reported Q values are the best ever reported in circular Si-based light emitting Mu-cavities and are just limited by the spectral resolution of our experimental setup. The coupled structures demonstrated Q values up to 1.48x103, which are susceptible to be greatly improved through optimization of the fabrication process. Through a prof of concept , we have demonstrated that these structures are very sensible to the surrounding material and are able to detect refractive index changes with sensitivities of 51.79 nm/RIU and minimum measured refractive index change of 1.15x10-3 RIU. / En esta tesis, realizada en el departament d' Electrònica de la Universitat de Barcelona se ha presentado un estudio detallado the las propiedades ópticas y sensoras de estructuras resonantes tipo micro-disco fabricados íntegramente en nitruro de silicio enriquecido con silicio (SRSN). El estudio se ha llevado a cabo bien en estructuras aisladas o en una configuración acoplada con una guía de onda passiva situada debajo de la cavidad. La totalidad de la estructura ha sido simulada con el fin de estudiar el comportamiento de los modos resonantes WGM soportados cuando se cambian las condiciones de contorno geómetricas y del material. Los resultado obtenidos han permitido la realización de estructuras resonantes con factores de calidad superiores a 104. El objetivo de las simulaciones ha sido el de maximizar la intensidad transmitida de los modos soportados (WGM) al final de la guía de onda. Este hito ha sido cumplido gracias a la optimización de los parámetros geómetricos relativos (el X-gap y el Z-gap). Una vez producidas las muestras, se procedió a la realización de un análisis de superficie (SEM, AFM) para evaluar la rugosidad efectiva de las estructuras y las eventuales imperfecciones geométricas. Como resultado de la optimización del material activo en términos de intensidad de fotoluminiscencia y pérdidas ópticas, se consiguieron realizar cavidades resonantes de alta emisión luminosa y buenos factores de calidad. En un nuevo montaje experimental de u-PL desarrollado íntegramente para el estudio de estos dispositivos, se obtuvieron valores máximos de Q = 1.4x104 en un rango espectral ancho en el visible. La potencia emitida en cada resonancia ha sido medida y cuantificada en un valor de nW. Este valor permite la utilización de detectores de silicio integrados. Con el fin de evaluar la sensitividad del dispositivo, se han llevado a cabo medidas de u-PL cambiando el entorno del microdisco y monitorizando el desplazamiento espectral que sufre una determinada resonancia. El resultado de estas medidas muestra un desplazamiento de 1.37 nm como consecuencia de un índice de refracción de An = 0.0038 RIU (refractive index unit).


Francetto, Tiago Rodrigo 31 January 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The objective of this work was to evaluate the tractor/toolholder operating performance equipped with different configurations of the cutting elements of crop residues and soil breakers, depending on the speed. This was done in a farm located in the municipality of Santa Maria (Rio Grande do Sul). The experimental area's soil was classified as Red Alfisol and loamy sand texture. The experiment consisted of 24 treatment combinations in a factorial scheme 2x3x4. These were composed by the interaction of mechanisms factors of furrow opening (furrow opener fixed and rotary), cutting crop residues (without hard, smooth and fluted disc) and travel speeds (1.11, 1.67, 2.22 and 2.78 m s-1). Farm's performance data tractors were acquired with the use of electronic instrumentation. The associations between furrow opener and disc showed better performance at speeds of 1.11 and 1.67 m s-1 for required lesser traction force, power in the bar and fuel consumption. Furthermore, the cutting discs use allowed a reduction of increased demand traction force when the speed went from 1.11 to 2.78 m s-1. The furrow shanks required greater demand traction than mismatched drives and both, when combined with the cutting discs, had increased their demand with greater significance for association with fluted disc. The proportionality of this variable was proved with the hourly consumption and the splipping. The soil mobilization was not influenced by the speed, being higher with the use of the shank, and among the combinations with disc, it was superior to fluted. / O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho operacional do conjunto trator/porta-ferramentas equipado com diferentes configurações dos elementos de corte dos resíduos culturais e de rompedores do solo, em função da velocidade de deslocamento. Este foi realizado em propriedade agrícola situada no município de Santa Maria (Rio Grande do Sul). O solo da área experimental foi classificado como Argissolo Vermelho e textura franco arenosa. O experimento foi composto por 24 combinações de tratamentos, em um esquema fatorial de 2x3x4. Estes foram compostos pela interação dos fatores mecanismos de abertura de sulco (sulcador fixo e rotativo), corte de resíduos culturais (sem disco, disco liso e ondulado) e velocidades de deslocamento (1,11, 1,67, 2,22 e 2,78 m s-1). Os dados de desempenho do trator agrícola foram adquiridos com a utilização de instrumentação eletrônica. As associações entre sulcador e disco apresentaram melhor desempenho nas velocidades de 1,11 e 1,67 m s-1 por demandaram menor força de tração, potência na barra e consumo de combustível. Além disso, a utilização de discos de corte permitiu uma redução da ampliação da demanda de força de tração quando a velocidade passou de 1,11 para 2,78 m s-1. O sulcador haste exigiu maior demanda de tração do que os discos desencontrados e ambos, ao serem combinados com os discos de corte, tiveram suas demanda aumentadas com maior significância para a associação com o ondulado. Foi comprovada proporcionalidade desta variável com o consumo horário e o patinamento. A mobilização do solo não foi influenciada pela velocidade, sendo maior com o uso da haste e, dentre as combinações com disco, foi superior para o ondulado.

Lights and shadows : multi-wavelength analysis of young stellar objects and their protoplanetary discs

Rigon, Laura January 2016 (has links)
Stars form from the collapse of molecular clouds and evolve in an environment rich in gas and dust before becoming Main Sequence stars. During this phase, characterised by the presence of a protoplanetary disc, stars manifest changes in the structure and luminosity. This thesis performs a multi-wavelength analysis, from optical to mm range, on a sample of young stars (YSOs), mainly Classical T Tauri (CTTS). The purpose is to study optical and infrared variability and its relation with the protoplanetary disc. Longer wavelength, in the mm range, are used instead to investigate the evolution of the disc, in terms of dust growth. In optical, an F-test on a sample of 39 CTTS reveals that 67\% of the stars are variable. The variability, quantified through pooled sigma, is visible both in magnitude amplitudes and changes over time. Time series analysis applied on the more variable stars finds the presence of quasi periodicity, with periods longer than two weeks, interpreted either as eclipsing material in the disc happening on a non-regular basis, or as a consequence of star-disc interaction via magnetic field lines. The variability of YSOs is confirmed also in infrared, even if with lower amplitude. No strong correlations are found between optical and infrared variability, which implies a different cause or a time shift in the two events. By using a toy model to explore their origin, I find that infrared variations are likely to stem from emissions in the inner disc. The evolution of discs in terms of dust growth is confirmed in most discs by the analysis of the slope of the spectral energy distribution (SED), after correcting for wind emission and optical depth effects. However, the comparison with a radiative transfer model highlights that a number of disc parameters, in particular disc masses and temperature, dust size distribution and composition, can also affect the slope of the SED.

Lanthanide Based Hydrogels in Sensing, Energy Transfer and Nanoparticle Synthesis

Gorai, Tumpa January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Chapter 1: Luminescence property of lanthanide and its applications Lanthanides are well-known for their unique luminescence property and have found widespread applications in sensing, bioimaging, lasers, optoelectronic devices, etc. Due to Laporte forbidden f-f transitions, lanthanides have very low intrinsic emission. The problem can be overcome by use of an ‘antenna’, which is an organic chromophore with excited state energy higher than the lanthanides’ emitting levels. Thereby it is possible to get highly emitting lanthanide complexes through energy transfer from the ‘antenna’. Due to long lifetime of lanthanides’ excited states, it's possible to perform time delayed measurement which is useful in bioassays and bioimaging since the short-lived background emission is effectively filtered. Research in supramolecular metallogels has grown rapidly in recent years, and already proven to have potential for designing advanced materials for a variety of applications, such as sensing, optoelectronics, catalysis, nanoparticle synthesis, biomedicine etc. A supramolecular gel where a lanthanide is an integrated part of it can combine the advantages of the supramolecular gel along with the unique property of lanthanide luminescence and thus such materials can be explored for potential applications. This chapter discusses the background information on the unique luminescence of lanthanides, and some examples of the applications of lanthanide complexes and lanthanide based gels. Chapter 2: Lanthanide luminescence based enzyme sensing in hydrogels This chapter describes the use of Tb/Eu luminescence in the sensing of biologically important enzymes. We discovered the sensitization of Eu(III) in Eu-cholate gel by 1-hydroxypyrene, and of Tb(III) in Tb-cholate gel by 2,3-dihydroxynaphthalene. These two sensitizers were covalently modified and sensitizer-appended hybrid (artificial) enzyme substrates were prepared for a few biologically important hydrolases. The covalently modified sensitizer termed as “pro-sensitizers”, didn't sensitize Tb(III)/Eu(III) in the hydrogel and no photoluminescence was observed. In the presence of the appropriate enzyme in the hydrogel, the pro-sensitizer was cleaved to liberate the sensitizer, which led to an enhancement of luminescence with time. Alkaline phosphatase and β-lactamase were assayed using pyrene phosphate and pyrene-oxo-cephalosporanic acid derivatives, respectively, in Eu-cholate hydrogel (Figure 1). β-Galactosidase was assayed using Tb(III) luminescence in Tb-cholate gel. The enzyme detection was based on red/green luminescence response from the gel. To understand the behaviour of the enzymes in the hydrogel, kinetic parameters were determined. The detection of different enzymes was also demonstrated in natural/biological samples like blood serum, milk and almond extract. Figure 1. Three different pro-sensitizers used for alkaline phosphatase, β-lactamase and β-galactosidase assays Chapter 3: Enzyme sensing on paper discs using lanthanide luminescence Developing a user-friendly biosensor is of considerable importance in clinical and analytical chemistry. Paper based biosensor design is an emerging field of research and paper based point of care (PoC) testing devices have already found applications in clinical, veterinary, environmental, food safety, security etc. Paper is made out of natural cellulose fibres, and has advantages of low cost, biodegradability, biocompatibility, and user friendliness. Paper based sensors have been used for the detection of ions, glucose, proteins, nucleic acids, antigens etc., with mostly colorimetric, fluorescent, electrochemical, chemiluminescence and Electrochemiluminescence readouts. In this work, the non luminescent Tb(III) and Eu(III) were embedded on paper as their cholate hydrogels and were used for detecting different hydrolases. Pro-sensitizers, as reported in Chapter 2, were immobilized on paper for the detection of a specific enzyme. The “pro-sensitizer” released the sensitizer upon enzyme action and led to luminescence enhancement from the gel coated paper disc. By this way, four different hydrolase enzymes detection were carried out using Tb(III)/Eu(III) luminescence as the readout (Figure 2) and the practical utility was demonstrated by the detection of specific enzymes in natural/biological samples. This paper disc based enzyme sensing provides a simpler and user friendly approach over the contemporary approach of enzyme sensing typically carried out in solution. Figure 2. Paper based biosensors for hydrolase enzymes Chapter 4: Luminescence resonance energy transfer in self-assembled supramolecular hydrogels Luminescence resonance energy transfer is a phenomenon of energy transfer between a FRET (Förster resonance energy transfer) pair, where a lanthanide is the donor. Lanthanides have attracted attention for the last several decades for their unique luminescence properties. LRET is a FRET process along with added advantages of Lanthanides, i.e. long lifetime of the lanthanides and characteristics emission spectra. LRET has been used for studying interaction of biomacromolecues, immunoassay, bioassays, etc. LRET in either a supramolecular organogel or a hydrogel is still an unexplored field. In this work we showed the energy transfer from Tb(III) to two different red emitting dyes in Tb-cholate hydrogel (Figure 3). The self assembly processes during hydrogelation assisted the energy transfer process without any need for laborious synthesis. The energy transfer was confirmed by time delayed emission, excitation spectra and lifetime measurement in the hydrogels. Energy transfer was observed both in the gel and the xerogel states. These luminescent materials may find applications in optoelectronics. Figure 3. Energy transfer from DHN to Tb3+ and then to red emitting dyes (Rhodamine B & Sulforhodamine 101) in the Tb-Cholate hydrogel Chapter 5: Room temperature synthesis of Lanthanide phosphate nanoparticle using a gel as a soft template Lanthanide orthophosphates are an important class of rare earth compounds, and have widespread applications in laser materials, optical sensors, heat resistance materials, solar cell etc. There are several methods in the literature for the synthesis of rare earth phosphate nanoparticles. Most of these are based on hydrothermal, microwave assisted, micro emulsion, arrested precipitation etc., which invariably dependent on stringent conditions such as (i) high temperatures and pressures, (ii) inert atmosphere and (iii) the use of external capping agents as stabilizers. Synthesis of such nanoparticles under milder conditions would always be preferable. In this context, the preparation of nanoparticles using hydrogel as template can be a possible alternative approach. The LnPO4 nanoparticle synthesis was done by diffusion of Na3PO4 in Ln-cholate hydrogels. The particles were characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and powder XRD analysis. TEM showed the formation of 3-4 nm size particles with an ordered arrangement on the gel fibre. This work demonstrated that the lanthanide cholate gels have high potential for the synthesis, and immobilization of lanthanide phosphate nanoparticles at room temperature to produce new types of composite materials. (For structural formula pl see the abstract pdf file)

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