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Deficits in cognitive control are associated with problems disengaging from ruminative thought, a significant risk factor for depression. Cognitive control refers to higher order cognitive processes used for goal-directed behavior, including emotion regulation. The current study examined associations between the switching component of cognitive control and rumination and tested the effects of two interventions used to improve cognitive control and thereby decrease ruminative thought. Undergraduate participants completed self-report measures to assess symptoms and an internal shift task to assess shifting ability. Participants completed a mood and rumination induction and were randomly assigned to one session of the Attention Training Technique (ATT), (n = 69), mindfulness meditation (n = 70), or an attention filler control task (n = 72). Switching deficits and rumination were not associated. The ATT moved participants’ focus of attention externally, and this outward shift in attention predicted lower state rumination. Decentering, however, was not impacted by attention training or mindfulness. Focus of attention did not impact mood recovery despite significant improvement in sad mood across all conditions. Overall, one session of attention training and mindfulness appears to have an impact on sad mood, but this effect is not superior to a simple distraction task. More than one session may be necessary to observe substantial benefits from the ATT or mindfulness. Implications and future research are discussed.
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Disengagement Behavior on Online Social Network the Impact of Fear of Missing Out and AddictionSharma, Shwadhin 14 August 2015 (has links)
Most previous research on online social networks (OSNs) has focused on the adoption and continuation of OSN as it is a newer form of social media the usage of which has increased over time. However, very little research has explored the discontinuation of users from OSN usage. Using disengagement theory, this study examines the roles of fear of missing out and addiction along with other factors such as victimization, well-being, privacy concerns, alternative attractiveness, and social influence in the disengagement process from OSN usage. The proposed conceptual model is evaluated using survey design. A preliminary investigation consisting of expert panel review, pretest, and pilot test is conducted to ensure measurement validity. A primary investigation consisting of reliability and validity testing, model fit test (i.e. goodness of fit), common method bias test, and t-test is conducted to ensure validity of structural model. The data are analyzed to recommend the findings. The study found that intention to disengage from OSN leads to actual disengagement, thus, bridging the gap between intention and actual behavior. Attractive alternatives to existing OSN, privacy concerns, and negative psychosocial wellbeing were found to positively influence intention to disengage from a specific OSN. Perceived enjoyment and social influence were found to negatively affect intention disengage from OSN. The findings also indicated that the influence of alternative attractiveness on intention to disengage from an OSN will be moderated by the fear of missing out, such that the influence will be weaker. Similarly, the influence of negative psychosocial well-being on intention to disengage from an OSN will be moderated by the fear of missing out, such that the influence will be weaker. These findings contribute to the information systems and OSN research literature by introducing several theories to expand the concepts of fear of missing out and addiction in studying disengagement process from OSN usage. Besides, there are several implications of this research on practice such as understanding the impact of dark sides of OSNs in a user’s disengagement process from OSN usage.
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Social Accounting and Unethical Behavior: Does Looking Fair Undermine Actually Being Fair?Hong, Michelle Chiawei 22 September 2016 (has links)
In organizations, it is inevitable that some business activities might seem unfair to subordinates. Social accounts—the explanations managers give their subordinates for those decisions—are known to be a useful tool for managing subordinates’ fairness concerns. Over three decades of research, we learn that social accounts are effectiveness in improving subordinates’ fairness perceptions and reducing their negative reactions. Yet, we have only limited understanding about how social accounts affect the perceptions and behaviors of managers—those who construct and give them. The purpose of this dissertation is to examine the extent to which constructing accounts affects account-givers’ perceptions and behaviors.
Drawing on research in social account and behavioral ethics, a model was developed to test the positive effect of constructing accounts on unethical behavior (direct effect) through moral disengagement and guilt (indirect effect). In respect to account types, it was hypothesized that constructing justifications would lead to higher moral disengagement, less guilt, and more unethical behavior, compared with constructing excuses. Account feedback was hypothesized to moderate the indirect effects of justifications and excuses on unethical behaviors such that account acceptance would strengthen moral disengagement and weaken guilt, and in turn, increase unethical behavior.
Two experimental designed studies were conducted to test these hypotheses. In Study 1, utilizing a sample of 128 management students, constructing accounts was found to have a positive effect on unethical behavior (i.e., nepotism) with guilt but not moral disengagement explaining some of the variances in this relation. In contrast to my hypotheses, constructing excuses was found to increase guilt more than constructing justifications. Using a sample of 136 management students, Study 2 generally replicated the results found in Study 1: constructing accounts was found to increase unethical behavior (i.e., dishonesty) through guilt, with excuses having a greater effect. This dissertation concludes with a discussion on contributions, practical implications, limitations, and the direction for future research on social accounts and behavioral ethics. / Ph. D.
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Militär personal och dess syn på att döda en annan människaJenssen, Johanna January 2024 (has links)
Killing another human being is something most people are taught is wrong growing up. Within themilitary profession, killing is not only an acceptable action, but also part of many soldiers' duty andit is expected that they carry out the act. A consequence of killing another human is that soldiers canfind it difficult to adapt their minds to perform such an action or processing it after the fact. Earlierstudies examine soldiers that previously have carried out the act, with a focus on the effect of theaction itself. This study therefore seeks to find out how Swedish military personnel view the actionof taking another life in the military context, and how it can be explained through Albert Bandurastheory Moral Disengagement. This study achieves this through interviewing four Swedish veteransthat have previously served in peacekeeping operations within the armed forces. The result of thisstudy shows that soldiers do not experience any difficulty in justifying the act of killing before ithas taken place, but they struggle to justify the act during and after committing it.
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The Role of Coping in Preventing AtherosclerosisKristensen, Judit, Amanda, Kakeeto January 2019 (has links)
Atherosclerosis is one of the most recognized risk factors for cardiovascular diseases (CVD). It is therefore important for preventive work against CVD to target factors with impact on atherosclerosis. Previous research has shown a relationship between atherosclerosis and stress, between disengagement coping and higher levels of stress, and between engagement coping and lower levels of stress. One can therefore assume that coping would have an impact on atherosclerosis, but a relationship between coping and atherosclerosis have to our knowledge not yet been studied. The aim of this study was twofold; first to investigate if engagement or disengagement coping can be considered to have an impact on atherosclerosis, and second to investigate if engagement or disengagement coping statistically can predict previously known biological risk factors for atherosclerosis. This study was carried out within a cross sectional design, and to reach the aims ANCOVA and hierarchical regression analyses were conducted. The sample consisted of 1868 women and 1662 men in the age of 40, 50 or 60 years. Information on biological risk factors was collected by health care staff during health examinations. Atherosclerosis was tested by carotid ultrasound, and coping was measured by the self-reporting instrument Brief COPE. The results revealed a significant (p<.05) negative relationship between engagement coping and atherosclerosis. The results did not show a relationship between disengagement coping and atherosclerosis, and coping only predicted a few biological risk factors. These results shows that engagement coping can be considered a protective factor against atherosclerosis. / Ateroskleros är en av de störstariskfaktorerna för hjärt-och kärlsjukdomar. Det är därför viktigt för preventivt arbete mot hjärt-och kärlsjukdomar att undersöka faktorer som påverkar ateroskleros. Tidigare forskning har visat ett samband mellan ateroskleros och stress, mellan disengagement coping och högre nivåer av stress, samt mellan engagement coping och lägre nivåer av stress. Det är därmed rimligt att anta att coping har en inverkan på ateroskleros, men en relation mellan coping och ateroskleros har enligt vår vetskap inte tidigare undersökts. Det första syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om engagement coping eller disengagement coping kan anses ha en inverkan på ateroskleros. Det andra syftet var att undersöka om engagement eller disengagement coping statistiskt kanprediceratidigare kända biologiska riskfaktorer för ateroskleros. Studien utfördes med en tvärsnittsdesign, och för att uppnå syftena har ANCOVA och hierarkiska regressionsanalyser utförts. Urvalet bestod av 1868 kvinnor och 1662 män i åldrarna 40, 50 eller 60år. Information om biologiska riskfaktorer samlades in vid hälsoundersökningar av vårdpersonal. Förekomst av ateroskleros mättes med vaskulärt ultraljud och coping mättes med självskattningsformuläret Brief COPE.Resultaten visade en signifikant negativ relation mellan engagement coping och ateroskleros. Resultaten visade inte någon relation mellan disengagement coping och ateroskleros, och coping prediceradeendast ett fåtal av de biologiska riskfaktorerna. Dessa resultat visar att engagement coping kan anses vara en skyddande faktor mot ateroskleros.
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To Kill or Not to Kill : The Moral and Dramatic Potential of Expendable Characters in Role-playing Video Game NarrativesPersson, Louise January 2016 (has links)
Killing in role-playing video games is often a prominent feature. Most of the times, the characters killed are nameless criminals or minions of the true antagonist and if the game wants the player to kill, the player will most probably kill. This research was conducted to see how a dynamic narrative could affect a player’s choice of whether or not to kill expendable adversaries when a choice was provided. Participants played an interactive narrative in two different versions, followed by interviews, to see how narrative consequences and mechanisms for moral disengagement affected the players’ choices. The results showed that the choice of whether or not to kill could be affected if the narrative is dynamic and the non-playable characters reflect upon the choices made. Future studies should be conducted to see how graphics and sound affect the choices, and to see if it might be the mere choice in itself that affects the players the most.
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Acting Ethically: Behavior and the Sustainable SocietySewell, Patrick 08 1900 (has links)
One of the most important factors for creating the sustainable society is that the individuals in that society behave in an environmentally sustainable fashion. Yet achieving appropriate behavior in any society is difficult, and the challenge is no less with regards to sustainability. Three of the most important factors for determining behavior have recently been highlighted by psychologists: personal efficacy, social influence, and internal standards. Because these three factors play a prominent role in behavior, it is necessary to examine what role they play in creating sustainability and how they may be utilized to achieve optimal behavior patterns. Ultimately, in order to achieve sustainability solutions must focus on individual action, realistic governmental regulation, and sustained, direct encounters with the natural world. While much time and energy has been spent on social influence and personal efficacy, less has been devoted to internal standards and this area needs more attention if there is to be any realistic attempt at creating proper behavior patterns.
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A Study of the Relationships between Current Attachment Styles and Previous Disengagement StrategiesKrahl, Julia (Julia Roxanne) 08 1900 (has links)
This thesis examined attachment styles and disengagement strategies used to end romantic relationships for 213 college students.
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Structural implications of the activation of moral disengagement in social cognitive theory.Garbharran, Ameetha 01 August 2013 (has links)
This thesis was constructed on the foundation of two broad theoretical criticisms levelled against Bandura’s (1986) social cognitive theory. The first was the lack of clarity about what constituted the building blocks of the theory and the second was the lack of clarity about how these constituent components interacted in consistent and predictable ways as an integrated model of human behaviour. These ‘theory-level’ criticisms, which detracted from the empirical testability of social cognitive theory, seemed to have filtered down to the level of its individual building blocks. Therefore, moral disengagement, which constituted the focal variable of interest in this investigation, was not unaffected by them. Bandura’s (1986) theoretical presentation of moral disengagement as either an eight or four-dimensional construct and the empirical treatments of moral disengagement by Bandura and his colleagues as a uni-dimensional (Bandura, Barbaranelli, Caprara & Pastorelli, 1996a; Bandura, Caprara, Barbaranelli, Pastorelli & Regalia, 2001b) and a four-dimensional variable (McAlister, Bandura & Owen, 2006), raised questions about its dimensionality. The first objective of this study was to examine moral disengagement’s dimensionality and the stability of its internal factor structure (i.e. longitudinal measurement invariance) over time. The general lack of clarity about how the constituent components of social cognitive theory were expected to cohere as an integrated framework of human behaviour had specific implications for the moral disengagement construct and its temporal position relative to other social cognitive variables. The second objective of this study was to examine moral disengagement’s temporal sequences relative to select social cognitive constructs (viz. proficiency-based self-efficacy, intention, and past and future behaviour) in order to comment on the likely temporal positions of these constructs relative to each other in the context of a model for predicting antisocial behaviour. Due to the exclusive activation of moral disengagement in antisocial contexts, the examination of its dimensionality and temporal sequences was contingent on an antisocial context. Software piracy, as a specific instance of antisocial behaviour, served as the context in which moral disengagement was researched in this study. A pilot investigation was conducted to test the psychometric properties of the scales that were developed to measure moral disengagement, proficiency-based self-efficacy, intention and behaviour in this study. Once their psychometric robustness was established, these scales were used in the context of a main longitudinal investigation separated by a three to four month time-lag in order to achieve the two main research objectives. Using the structural equation modelling family of data analysis techniques (specifically, confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis), the results of the main longitudinal study revealed that moral disengagement emerged as most meaningful as a uni-dimensional construct which consisted of four aggregated sets of items which represented the clusters of moral disengagement mechanisms that were likely to be activated at the four points in the self-regulation process envisaged by Bandura (1986). The findings suggested that this factor structure was longitudinally invariant when moral disengagement was measured across two assessment waves. Moral disengagement appeared to temporally precede intention and future behaviour and to temporally follow past behaviour. Self-efficacy, however, seemed to temporally precede future behaviour and to temporally follow past behaviour but unlike moral disengagement, self-efficacy appeared to temporally follow intention. Therefore, intention appeared to completely mediate the interaction between moral disengagement and proficiency-based self-efficacy in this study. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings were examined and directions for future research were proposed.
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Vad som skapar engagemang respektive oengagemang hos ledareMobaraki, Mehrnoush, Lundqvist, Charlotte January 2019 (has links)
Engagemang respektive oengagemang på arbetsplatsen har en essentiell betydelse för både individer och organisationer. Studiens syfte var att ta reda på vad som skapar engagemang respektive oengagemang hos ledare utifrån Kahns (1990) definition kring engagemang och tre psykologiska tillstånd; psykologisk meningsfullhet, psykologisk trygghet och psykologisk närvaro. Åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med ledare från olika branscher. En tematisk analys identifierade 13 teman som var associerade med engagemang och åtta för oengagemang. Studiens resultat visade att det viktiga för ledares engagemang var att ha ett arbete där de skapade värde, som innebar utveckling samt hade ett gott samarbete i det egna teamet. Oengagemang upplevdes när arbetet var enformigt och ostimulerande. Resultatet ger en god förståelse kring hur engagemang respektive oengagemang skapas hos ledare. Tips för framtida studier är att jämföra ledare i olika branscher, som den offentliga respektive privata sektorn, för att se om innebörden kring engagemang respektive oengagemang är densamma där.
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