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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Strategies for Reducing Employee Stress and Increasing Employee Engagement

Subramaniam, Kumar G 01 January 2017 (has links)
Stress inside and outside of work affects employee productivity. In 2013, the estimated impact of employee absenteeism on U.S. businesses was $225 billion per year through reduced efficiency, overtime wages, fixed fringe benefits, and the cost of replacement employees. Based on the social exchange theory and the theory of planned behavior, the purpose of this qualitative single case study was to explore the strategies that HR leaders in a single organization used to reduce employee disengagement caused by stress. Using semistructured interviews, data were collected from 12 HR leaders and line managers within a single healthcare organization in eastern Tennessee. Member checking and validations using organization records assured the credibility and reliability of the interpretations and findings. Using the thematic analysis approach, 4 themes emerged, (a) integration of employee engagement practices into culture and business processes, (b) providing managers with the job resources they need to lead staff, (c) being transparent and honest in communications, and (d) relying on supportive supervisor behavior to mitigate employee stress. A mission-driven and values-based organization culture served as the foundation for implementing these individual strategies. These findings could contribute to social change by helping organizations reduce stress in the workplace, improve employee wellbeing, and reduce individuals' risk of morbidity and mortality caused by stress, leading to a reduction in healthcare costs for communities.

Adelphia: An Exploratory Case Study of Corporate Culture and Ethical Judgment

Bishop, Susan 01 January 2015 (has links)
White collar corporate corruption continues to be prevalent in the United States, costing shareholders billions of dollars annually. This study of the collapse of Coudersport, PA firm, Adelphia Communications, explored how and why leadership of this prominent and successful company made unethical decisions, created an atmosphere of moral disengagement, and led to the downfall of the company. Taped interviews with 10 executives who were employed at the company during the years of its rise and demise (1996-2006) were transcribed, hand coded, and analyzed to explore the ethical culture and leadership practices at Adelphia. These insights offer a possible explanation for the behavior that resulted in the collapse of the company. The theoretical framework for this qualitative case study included ethical work climate, moral cognitive theory, and the theory of moral disengagement. Results showed that the collapse of Adelphia was enabled by intense family control, low empowerment, and extreme greed and entitlement on the part of the founders who never made a clear business transition from being family-owned to a publicly-traded corporation. Additionally, proper oversight by the board and outside auditors was lacking. These findings may contribute to positive social change in the areas of ethical training and in creating and operationalizing corporate values in day-to-day decision making in the corporate environment. These findings also suggest further need for new legislative issues beyond existing law to hold external consultants involved in fiduciary responsibility more accountable.

Effekter av moraliskt frikopplande på bedömning av negativa beteenden. : HOW PEOPLES WIEWS ON NEGATIVE BEHAVIOR ARE EFFECTED BY MORAL DISENGAGEMENT

Sjödin, Maria January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka om bedömning av negativa beteenden, tortyr och mobbing, påverkas av mekanismerna moraliskt rättfärdigande, språklig omskrivning samt förskjutning av ansvar enligt Banduras (1986) teori om moraliskt frikopplande. Ett flerfaktoriellt experiment utfördes på 195 deltagare. Deltagarna ombads bedöma hur acceptabla negativa beteenden var, genom att läsa texter där det förekom skriftliga manipulationer av studiens oberoende variabler moraliskt rättfärdigande, språklig omskrivning samt förskjutning av ansvar. Resultatet visade att moraliskt rättfärdigande samt förskjutning av ansvar hade en effekt. Tortyr bedömdes mer acceptabelt då texten manipulerats med moraliskt rättfärdigande samt förskjutning av ansvar. Även mobbing bedömdes mer acceptabelt vid manipulation av moraliskt rättfärdigande. Dock bedömdes mobbing mindre acceptabelt vid förskjutning av ansvar än vid ingen manipulation i texten. En interaktionseffekt visades i tortyrfallet, tortyr blev mer acceptabelt när moraliskt rättfärdigande och språklig omskrivning kombinerades, än vid manipulation var för sig.

Fehlbeanspruchungen bei personenbezogenen Dienstleistungstätigkeiten : eine Mehr-Stichprobenanalyse zur Entstehung von emotionaler Erschöpfung, Aversionsgefühlen und Distanzierung sowie eine vertiefte Betrachtung der Lehrkräftetätigkeit / Strain in human service work : a multi-sample analysis on the development of emotional exhaustion, aversion to clients and disengagement and a deeper look into teachers' work

Wülser, Marc January 2006 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit setzt sich aus zwei Teilstudien zusammen. In Teilstudie 1 wird die Stabilität eines allgemeinen Modells zu den Zusammenhängen zwischen Über- und Unterforderungsmerkmalen, sozialen Belastungen, Anforderungen und organisationalen Ressourcen einerseits sowie den Fehlbeanspruchungen emotionale Erschöpfung und Klientenaversion bzw. Distanzierungstendenzen andererseits für personenbezogene Dienstleistungstätigkeiten untersucht. Einbezogen wurden Ärztinnen und Ärzte, Pflegende und Mitarbeitende aus dem paramedizinischen Bereich sowie Lehrkräfte. Die deutlichsten positiven Zusammenhänge zeigen sich zwischen den Belastungen und der emotionalen Erschöpfung, wobei für die quantitative Überforderung die stabilsten Ergebnisse resultieren. Die Belastungen weisen über die emotionale Erschöpfung hinaus signifikante Zusammenhänge mit aversiven Gefühlen gegen Klientinnen und Klienten auf. Hinsichtlich der modellimplizierten Annahmen zu den positiven Zusammenhängen zwischen den Belastungen und der Distanzierung können in dieser Untersuchung zwar signifikante Ergebnisse, aber keine über die Stichproben hinweg stabilen Zusammenhänge gefunden werden. Die Annahmen zu einem negativen Zusammenhang zwischen den Anforderungen/Ressourcen und der Distanzierung können nur für die Anforderungsmerkmale bestätigt werden. In Teilstudie 2 erfolgte auf der Basis des in Teilstudie 1 entwickelten Arbeitsmodells eine vertiefte Betrachtung der Lehrkräftetätigkeit. Dabei wurden sowohl verschiedene Schulsystemebenen einbezogen als auch verschiedene Aufgabentypen unterschieden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass auf organisationaler Ebene Gratifikationskrisen und mangelnde kollektive Selbstwirksamkeitserwartungen fehlbeanspruchungsrelevant sein können. Besonders deutliche Zusammenhänge mit den Fehlbeanspruchungen und der Distanzierung zeigen sich für die primäraufgabenbezogenen Belastungen. Auch die Reziprozitätseinschätzungen in Bezug auf Schülerinnen und Eltern zeigen diesbezüglich ähnliche, wenn auch weniger deutliche, Zusammenhänge. Die Ergebnisse zu den Personmerkmalen lassen darauf schliessen, dass die Rolle der Person bei der Burnoutentwicklung nicht unterschätzt werde sollte. Als praktische Implikationen der Untersuchungsergebnisse werden u.a. Vorschläge für eine Stärkung der unterrichtsbezogenen und der klassenübergreifenden Kooperation, für eine Optimierung der Organisationsstruktur und eine „Professionalisierung“ der Organisation sowie für eine weiterführende Erarbeitung schulhausspezifischer Konzepte und Leitlinien gemacht. Es wird die Frage gestellt, ob die Lehrkräftetätigkeit sinnvollerweise als Lebensberuf verstanden werden sollte. Schliesslich wird auf die Bedeutung der Distanzierungsfähigkeit und der Selbstwirksamkeitserwartungen der Lehrkräfte hingewiesen. / The present work comprises two parts to a study. In the first part, the stability of a model on the associations between workload (i.e. quantitative overload), task requirements (i.e. variety, completeness), organisational resources (i.e. decision possibilities) and strain as well as tendencies toward disengagement in human service work was investigated. This included four samples: assistant physicians, senior physicians, nursing and paramedic workers and teachers. The clearest positive associations are shown between stressors and emotional exhaustion, whereas the quantitative overload reached the most stable results. The stressors show beyond the emotional exhaustion significant associations with aversion to clients. Regarding the associations between workload and disengagement, there were some significantly positive coefficients, yet no stable associations over the four samples. The assumptions of a negative association betweend task requirements/resources and disengagement can only be confirmed for the task requirements. The second part to the study involved a deeper look into teachers' work based on the working model developed in part 1 of the study. Different school system levels were included and distinctions were made between different types of tasks. The results of this analysis showed that on an organizationl level, the effort-reward imbalance and the (lacking) of collective self-efficacy were associated with strain. Particularly clear associations have been demonstrated for primary task-related workload with strain and disengagement. Also, but not as clear, the reciprocity estimates relating to students and parents show similar associations. The results on the personal characteristics lead to the conclusion that the role of the person in the development of burnout should not be underestimated. Based on the results of the analyses, there are different implications for in practice. There was allusion to the possibilities for reinforcing teaching-related and inter-class cooperation. Further important implications are the "professionalisation" of the organisation school, combined with an optimisation of the school organisation and school management. The fundamental question arises, whether one would have to refrain from portraying teacher activities as a lifetime career. Finally the importance of the abilty to distance onself and the self-efficacy of teachers is pointed out.

Engagement and Disengagement in David Herbert Lawrence's Novel “Women in Love” / Potraukis ir išsilaisvinimas Davido Herberto Lawrence’o romane „Mylinčios moterys”

Ziberkienė, Indrė 03 September 2010 (has links)
The turn of the 19th and the 20th centuries in Great Britain was marked by the appearance of modernist ideology particularly manifested in literature. The school of Modernism was pioneered by the group of so called ‘imagists’ with David Herbert Lawrence as a prominent leader. Modernism rejected Victorian realities and values and suggested a totally different way of thinking. D. Lawrence established himself as a sex revolutionist and implemented his ideas in his oeuvre. One of his mostly recognized novels Women in Love displays engagement and disengagement. The theme involves an overlook on various ways of engagement presented in the novel, including variety of sexual attractions, polarity and blood based inclinations. Furthermore, the theme presents ways of disengagement described in the book. The liberty is gained through: escaping the past, sexual intimacy, separation and death. The object of the current study is the novel Women in Love by David Herbert Lawrence first published in 1920. The current paper is aimed at revealing engagement and disengagement through characters in the novel Women in Love. After carrying out descriptive analysis of theoretical literature and investigating the object from the aspect of engagement and disengagement, following conclusions were drawn: Lawrence was a modernist writer criticized for amorality but praised for his literary talent. His modernist novel Women in Love reflects the great shift of mind from Victorian era to the twentieth... [to full text] / XIX-ojo ir XX-ojo amžių sandūroje, Didžiojoje Britanijoje, iškilo modernistinis judėjimas, kuris ypatingai reiškėsi literatūroje. Modernizmo mokyklos pradininkai buvo rašytojų būrelis pasivadinęs imagist‘ų vardu. Vienas ryškiausių jų lyderių buvo Davidas Herbertas Lawrence‘as. Modernizmas atsisakė Viktorijinio stiliaus tikroviškumo ir vertybių bei pasiūlė visiškai kitokį mąstymą. D.Lawrence‘as pasiskelbė sekso revoliucionieriumi ir savo mintis išdėstė savo kūryboje. Vienas žymiausių jo romanų Mylinčios moterys atskleidžia potraukius ir išsilaisvinimą. Šio tyrimo tema apima įvairių, romane nupasakojamų potraukių apžvalgą, įskaitant seksualinių polinkių įvairovę, priešingybių bei kraujo ryšių traukas. Taip pat apibūdinama išsilaisvinomo tema romane. Išsilaisvinimo siekiama per atsiribojimą nuo praeities, seksualinį intymumą, išsiskyrimą ir mirtį. Šio tyrimo objektas yra Davido Herberto Lawrence‘o romanas Mylinčios moterys, pirmą kartą išspausdintas 1920 metais. Šiuo tyrimu siekiama atskleisti potraukio ir išsilaisvinimo idėjas perteiktas per veikėjus romane Myličios moterys. Atlikus teorinės medžiagos apibūdinamąją analizę ir ištyrus objektą potraukio ir išsilaisvinimo aspektu, buvo padarytos šios išvados: Lawrence‘as buvo modernistinės srovės atsovas, kritikuotas dėl amoralumo ir garbintas dėl literatūrinio talento. Jo modernistinis romanas Mylinčios moterys atspindi Britanijos visuomenės minties kaitą nuo Viktorijos epochos į XX amžių. Potraukis, romane Myličios moterys... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Radicalization and Safety and Security in the Balkans: An Ethnographic Study

Shajkovci, Ardian 01 January 2015 (has links)
Much of the academic discussion on the topic of radicalization and terrorism in the Balkans has been centered on the conditions and the processes by which individuals become radicalized and indoctrinated, even to a point of engaging in violence. Comparatively speaking, this ethnographic research addressed the factors that prompt Kosovo's Muslim extremists, a small number of them engaged in the conflict, to disengage from terrorist groups fighting in the Syrian and the Iraq conflict. Data were collected from 12 government officials with direct knowledge on the issue of disengagement from terrorist groups in Iraq and Syria. Cognitive dissonance theory served as the theoretical framework for this ethnographic study, while the conceptual framework was built around social, psychological, and physical factors associated with disengagement from terrorism. Interviews served as primary methods of data collection. The content analysis technique was applied to identify emergent themes. The findings highlighted the crucial role of psychological and social factors in individuals' decision to abandon terrorist organizations engaged in the Iraq and the Syrian conflict. The findings also suggested that affecting ideological values of extremists or terrorist groups may not be sufficient. Recommendations include incorporating a combination of â??softâ?? and â??hardâ?? power measures in addressing the issue of disengagement from terrorist groups. The findings generated from this study may inform the development of more efficient counter-radicalization and counterterrorism policies in Kosovo and the Balkans in general. The findings may also add value to the global literature on disengagement from terrorism.

(Des)engajamento moral e atuação docente frente ao bullying escolar / Moral (dis)engagement and teaching performance in the face of school bullying

Daud, Rafael Petta [UNESP] 01 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by RAFAEL PETTA DAUD null (rafaelpetta@hotmail.com) on 2018-04-02T14:04:43Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO MESTRADO RAFAEL PETTA DAUD.pdf: 1727795 bytes, checksum: ffe8cfb7046e5063771c5eb5fcb412e8 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Carolina Lourenco null (carolinalourenco@fclar.unesp.br) on 2018-04-02T15:20:03Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 daud_rp_me_arafcl.pdf: 1727795 bytes, checksum: ffe8cfb7046e5063771c5eb5fcb412e8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-02T15:20:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 daud_rp_me_arafcl.pdf: 1727795 bytes, checksum: ffe8cfb7046e5063771c5eb5fcb412e8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-01 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Atualmente, os casos de bullying – forma de violência específica da relação entre pares – são frequentemente confundidos e desvalorizados pelos docentes, que não sabem como identifica-los e, muito menos, como neles intervir. Deste modo, as explicações que dão a estas situações podem revelar formas de Desengajamento Moral, imbricadas em suas justificativas para não agirem moralmente. A partir desta conjectura, este trabalho, um estudo exploratório de natureza quantitativa, se desenvolve em torno de três objetivos: reconhecer as estruturas autorreguladoras que se caracterizam como mecanismos de engajamento ou desengajamento moral frente a duas situações hipotéticas de bullying (uma com o enredo de uma vítima típica e outra com vítima provocadora), validando para tal um instrumento de larga escala construído especialmente para avaliar os engajamentos ou desengajamentos morais em adultos; comparar os níveis de qualidade moral das respostas obtidas por meio da aplicação de nosso instrumento de investigação a um grupo de professores que tiveram formações sobre o tema da convivência moral na escola e que experimentaram o movimento de implantação das Equipes de Ajuda em suas instituições de ensino (grupo COMFEA) e a outros que não tiveram esta oportunidade (grupo SEMFEA); comparar os resultados encontrados entre professores do Brasil e da Espanha, onde as práticas de implementação dos Sistemas de Ajuda já são consolidadas. Fazem parte desta amostra 328 professores vinculados a redes de Educação Básica do interior do Estado de São Paulo, selecionados a partir de uma escolha, em parte, aleatória, que constituíram a amostra brasileira, e 395 professores espanhóis compõem o grupo para o estudo intercultural. Destes, uma parcela é de professores escolhidos intencionalmente (55 brasileiros e 128 espanhóis), cujo critério de escolha foi terem passado pelo programa de formação de professores destacado. Como resultados principais, obtivemos a validação de nosso instrumento de investigação para as amostras brasileira e espanhola, a obtenção de respostas moralmente mais evoluídas a favor dos professores pertencentes ao grupo COMFEA, tanto no Brasil quanto na Espanha – embora neste último país a diferença entre os professores do grupo COMFEA e do grupo SEMFEA tenha sido menor do que a encontrada entre brasileiros – e níveis gerais de qualidade moral mais elevados nas respostas dos professores espanhóis do que nas dos docentes brasileiros, tanto quando comparados os respectivos grupos SEMFEAs quanto os grupos COMFEAs. / Currently, cases of bullying - a form of violence specific to the peer relationship - are often confused and devalued by teachers, who do not know how to identify them, much less how to intervene in them. Thus, the explanations given to these situations may reveal forms of Moral Disengagement, imbricated in their justifications for not acting morally. From this conjecture, this exploratory study of a quantitative nature develops around three objectives: to recognize the self-regulating structures that are characterized as mechanisms of engagement or moral disengagement against two hypothetical situations of bullying (one with the plot of a typical victim and a victim with a provocative victim), validating for this purpose a large scale instrument specially constructed to evaluate the moral engagements or disengagement in adults; to compare the levels of moral quality of the answers obtained through the application of our research instrument to a group of teachers who had formations on the subject of moral coexistence in the school and who experienced the movement of implantation of the Help Teams in their educational institutions (COMFEA group) and others who did not have this opportunity (SEMFEA group); comparing the results found between teachers from Brazil and Spain, where the practices of the implementation of the Aid Systems are already consolidated. This sample is comprised of 328 teachers linked to Basic Education networks in the interior of the State of São Paulo, selected from a random sample of the sample, and 395 Spanish teachers make up the group for intercultural study. Of these, a portion is of teachers chosen intentionally (55 Brazilians and 128 Spaniards), whose criterion of choice was to have passed the outstanding teacher training program. As main results, we obtained validation of our research instrument for the Brazilian and Spanish samples, obtaining more morally evolved answers in favor of teachers belonging to the COMFEA group, both in Brazil and in Spain - although in the latter country the difference between the teachers in the COMFEA group and the SEMFEA group were lower than those found among Brazilians - and overall higher levels of moral quality in the responses of Spanish teachers than in those of Brazilian teachers, both compared to the respective SEMFEA groups and COMFEA groups. / 1585665

Integrita a sociální desirabilita u hospitalizovaných psychiatrických pacientů / Integrity and social desirability in psychiatric in-patients

Minarčíková, Nikola January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with two constructs - social desirability and integrity. The main aim of this thesis is to create an interview which will allow to distinguish people by their level of integrity and their tendency to respond in a socially desirable manner. The interview can serve as a face-to-face variant of questionnaire methods. Theoretical foundations of both social desirability as well as integrity are presented in the theoretical part of the thesis. Complexity of both constructs is considered. Therefore, approaches of various authors are presented. Methods for assessing socially desirable responding in self- reports as well as integrity are also presented as part of the theoretical section of this thesis. The effects of social desirability on integrity assessment is discussed, as well. In the empirical part of the thesis the development of the semi-structured interview is described. The interview was developed based on original Czech test battery focusing on personal integrity at the workplace. Specifically, questionnaire Integrita v pracovním a běžném životě alongside with questionnaire assessing social desirability was used. The semi-structured interview contains a total of eight questions. Each question includes short story, and the respondent is asked to judge his / her behavior in this...

Investigações sobre desengajamento moral

Albertoni, Maiara Rosa 26 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2018-05-17T15:41:45Z No. of bitstreams: 0 / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2018-05-22T11:40:07Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-22T11:40:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2018-02-26 / O desengajamento moral (DM) é um processo psicossocial que desativa o padrão moral interno de condutas desumanas, silenciando a autocondenação. Assim, três estudos foram conduzidos para analisar o DM por diferentes prismas. Especificamente, os objetivos foram: analisar o estado atual da arte das pesquisas sobre DM (Estudo 1); obter uma versão traduzida e adaptada para o Brasil da principal medida de DM, a Multifaceted Scale of Mechanisms of Moral Disengagement - MSMMD, buscando evidências de validade e estimativas de fidedignidade (Estudo 2); e investigar as relações entre DM e variáveis demográficas e educacionais (Estudo 3). O Estudo 1 revelou que este fenômeno tem sido relacionado a um número bastante grande de comportamentos transgressivos que variam em termos de gravidade, que o DM se manifesta em diversos contextos e em diferentes fases do curso de vida, que predominam estudos correlacionais e que são escassos os estudos sobre DM no Brasil, bem como que há carência de medidas com evidências de validade e fidedignidade para esse contexto. O Estudo 2 denotou que a versão brasileira da MSMMD parece ser multidimensional, sendo o modelo teórico – quatro conjuntos de mecanismos que agrupam oito mecanismos e dão origem a um total – a estrutura interna mais adequada para a medida. A escala apresenta boa consistência interna para o total de itens, porém, a maioria dos fatores e componentes apresentou Alfas de Cronbach inferiores ao esperado. Também foram encontradas evidências de validade para a MSMMD baseadas na relação com outras variáveis, mais precisamente empatia, comportamentos prossociais e atos infracionais. Embora não esteja isenta de limitações, a versão brasileira da MSMMD pode ser considerada um recurso útil para pesquisas brasileiras sobre DM. Ademais, recomenda-se que mais estudos sobre suas propriedades psicométricas sejam realizados. O Estudo 3 identificou que meninos, alunos com menor idade e com menor número de anos estudados, estudantes de instituições de ensino públicas e com histórico de reprovação escolar apresentaram maior DM. Religião não se associou ao DM de forma geral, porém os mecanismos Justificação Moral e Linguagem Eufemística foram menos utilizados pelos participantes que possuem e são praticantes de religião. Neste estudo, Justificação Moral foi o mecanismo mais utilizado pelos estudantes e Comparação Vantajosa o menos utilizado. Não obstante as limitações, as três pesquisas que compõem a presente dissertação abrem, ainda que modestamente, caminhos para futuras pesquisas sobre DM no contexto brasileiro. / Moral disengagement (DM) is a psychosocial process that deactivates the internal moral standard of inhuman conduct, silencing self-condemnation. Thus, three studies were conducted to analyze DM by perspectives different. Specifically, the objectives were: to analyze the current state of the art of researches on DM (Study 1); to obtain a translated and adapted version for Brazil of the main measure of DM, the Multifaceted Scale of Mechanisms of Moral Disengagement - MSMMD, seeking evidence of validity and reliability estimates (Study 2); and to investigate the relationships between DM and demographic and educational variables (Study 3). Study 1 revealed that this phenomenon has been related to a fairly large number of transgressive behaviors that vary in severity, that DM manifests itself in several contexts and in different phases of the life course, that predominate correlational studies and that are scarce the studies on DM in Brazil, as well as that there is a lack of measures with evidence of validity and reliability for this context. Study 2 denoted that the Brazilian version of MSMMD appears to be multidimensional, with the theoretical model - four sets of mechanisms that group eight mechanisms and give rise to a total - the most adequate internal structure for the measure. The scale presents good internal consistency for the total of items, however, most of the factors and components presented Cronbach's Alphas lower than expected. Evidence of validity for MSMMD was also found based on the relationship with other variables, more precisely empathy, prossocial behavior and infractional acts. Although not exempt from limitations, the Brazilian version of MSMMD can be considered a useful resource for Brazilian research on DM. In addition, it is recommended that further studies on MSMMD psychometric properties be performed. Study 3 identified that boys, students with lower age and with less number of years studied, students of public institutions with a history of school failure showed higher DM. Religion was not associated with DM in general, but the Moral Justification and Euphemistic Language mechanisms were less used by participants who have and are practicing religion. Moral Justification was the mechanism most used by students and Advantageous Comparison less used. Despite the limitations, the three researches that compose this dissertation open, albeit modestly, ways for future researches on DM in the Brazilian context.

Moral disengagement, hope and spirituality, including an empirical exploration of combat veterans

Mensch, Kirk Gregory January 2016 (has links)
Albert Bandura’s construct of moral disengagement has been recognized as theoretically useful for the study of self-destructive behaviors and moral disengagement, and to provide a unique criterion for empirical investigation of United States combat veterans returning from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The purpose of this project is to better understand predictors related to the disengagement of moral self-sanctions in order that self-destructive behaviors related to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, such as drug and alcohol abuse, and the ultimate self-destructive behavior of suicide, might be mitigated. Charles Snyder’s hope construct, Harold Koenig and Arndt Büssing’s concept of intrinsic religiosity and Corey Keyes’ notion of psychological flourishing are chosen as viable predictor variables. Hope and intrinsic religiosity are found to be significant and to be correlated with moral disengagement. Inferences regarding the results are postulated and suggestions are made for research regarding other possible predictors of moral disengagement. Agentive moral reinforcement is discussed and proposals offered related to increasing psychological resilience and decreasing the agent’s risk associated with moral disengagement.

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