Spelling suggestions: "subject:"diskurz"" "subject:"diskurzu""
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Diskurzivní analýza mediální debaty "Sarrazin-Debatte": Analýza diskurzu o migraci v přesregionálních německých denících v roce 2010 / Discourse analysis of the "Sarrazin-Debatte": Analysis of the migration discourse in transregional daily newspaper in 2010Schäffer, Adriana January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Discourse analysis of the "Sarrazin-Debatte": Analysis of the migration discourse in transregional daily newspaper in 2010"deals with the controversial "Sarrazin debate" and its impact on the migration discourse in 2010. After describing the process of the debate follows discourse analysis of four German transregional daily newspapers, which can be considered as representatives of a simple political spectrum from right to left wing. The goal of the analysis is to determine the thematic structure of the discourse and to define patterns of interpretation and statement of integration an immigrants.
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Zrození kybernetické bezpečnosti jako národně bezpečnostní agendy / The Birth of Cyber as a National Security AgendaSchmidt, Nikola January 2016 (has links)
The following dissertation studies the question how cyber security has become a national security agenda and discusses implications of the observed processes to current international security status quo. I divided the research into three parts. The first part embodies theoretical and methodological approach. The second part studies three distinct discourses related to cyber security, the techno-geek discourse, the crime-espionage discourse and the nation-defense discourse using the method of Michel Foucault about archaeology of knowledge. The third part then draws on these three discourses and discusses implications through lens of several theoretical perspectives. Namely through concepts taken from science and technology studies, from actor network theory and network assemblages. The critical point of the research is a distinct reading of these discourses. While techno-geeks are understood as a source of semiosis, hackers' capability and crypto-anarchy ideology influenced by cyberpunk subculture, the cyber-crime and espionage discourse is read as a source of evidence of the hackers' capability. The inspiration in popular subculture is combined with current efforts in development of liberating technologies against oppression by authorities, oppression recognized by the eyes of the crypto-anarchist...
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Rámování klimatických politik: Diskurzivní analýza debat o oceňování emisí oxidu uhličitého v Kanadě a Austrálii / Framing Climate Policies: Discourse Analysis of Carbon Pricing Debates in Canada and AustraliaDavidová, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
Framing Climate Policies: Discourse Analysis of Carbon Pricing Debates in Canada and Australia Abstract The aim of this paper is to analyze and compare the discourses of Stephen Harper and Tony Abbot during federal election campaigns where climate policies played an unusually important role (2008 in Canada and 2013 in Australia). The study builds on a hypothesis, that according to the post-materialist theory and the Environmental Kuznets Curve, such economically advanced, democratic countries as Canada and Australia should be at the vanguard of climate action. However, in reality they are some of the worst performers when it comes to tackling carbon emissions. Both Harper and Abbott publicly promised to put in serious efforts to tackle climate change. However, when the question of setting a national price on carbon came up for discussion during the above-mentioned election campaigns, they both not only opposed it, but even tried to discredit it by framing the whole debate in overwhelmingly negative terms. In order to uncover what kind of frames and other discursive strategies the two politicians used to shape the debate, critical discourse analysis was applied to their public statements on the policy of carbon tax. Results of this analysis show that they used all of the frames that are typically associated...
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Problematika legislativního ukotvení eutanazie v ČR / The issue of legislative anchoring of euthanasia in the Czech RepublicVlčkovová, Jana January 2018 (has links)
The Thesis deals with two issues closely associated with the end of life. It explores the reasons and attitudes of healthcare workers, legislators and general public who are supporting implementation of euthanasia in the Czech legislation. The key impulse for taking up this issue as the topic of the Thesis was initiation of its discussion by and under the guidance of Zlatuška on the proposal of the "act on dignified death". Additionally, the meeting stirred by Hamerský held in the Parliament on March 8, 2017 became another impetus for the work. As is elucidated further, activities of Hamerský, the assistant to Zlatuška, whose name is mentioned in the Thesis quite often, are closely related to the explored topic. The Thesis tries to unveil the exact reasons of the key actors and supporters for inducing some form of legislatively covered euthanasia, namely whether their effort is based on their true conviction. We will consider possible consequences should the euthanasia be introduced to the Czech legislation and analyse the reasons which lead to final rejection of the proposed act. The closing part of the Thesis will describe qualitative research done as an unstructured interview with two groups of physicians differing in the length of their medical practice by several years. Medical profession has...
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Sekuritizace muslimských komunit po útocích na Charlie Hebdo: zrovnání mediálního diskurzu ve Francii a Velké Británii / Securitization of Muslim populations following the Charlie Hebdo attacks: Comparison of media discourses in France and Great BritainKňazeová, Petra January 2018 (has links)
The thesis seeks to analyse media discourse of four print media in Great Britain and in France in the time period between January 2014 and November 2015 to determine what changes in media discourse occurred after the terrorist attacks on the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris and how were the domestic Muslim communities affected. Thesis draws on the theories of securitization, Critical Discourse Analysis, Discourse Historical Analysis and media studies. The two countries are contrasted in terms of their approaches to integration (multiculturalism and assimilation). Corpus consisting of articles drawn from online databases of two French and two British national newspapers is analysed.
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Migrační krize a bezpečnost ČR optikou Parlamentních listů, Sputniku a Aeronetu v letech 2015-2016 / Migration crisis and security of the Czech Republic from the perspective of Parlamentní listy, Sputnik and Aeronet in 2015 and 2016Červenková, Romana January 2018 (has links)
The master's thesis deals with disinformation websites' migration crisis framing regarding the Czech Republic. The thesis is based on the theory of social constructivism, which considers a speech act to be a crucial factor of securitization. The author proceeds mainly from the work of Thierry Balzacq, who reckons media to be the main securitization actors. The theoretical base of this thesis is supplemented by the theory of moral panic, which comes into being due to impact of securitization of particular person/group/institution. The thesis researches the way how migration crisis was securitized from 2015 to 2016. Therefore content analysis and discourse analysis are used. The articles, which are subjected to the research were published by Parlamentni listy, Sputnik and Aeronet. Articles were subjected to content analysis so as the author was able to find out which keywords emerged most frequently. Particular phrases were linked to specific themes, which consisted of "Security", "Criticism of government" and "National identity". After the quantitative analysis, the articles were subjected to qualitative analysis based on James Paul Gee's method, which allows the author to understand the used discourse and the context, within which the discourse emerged. Particular articles are then researched...
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Rétorika dobra: Vybrané problémy symbolické komunikace / The rhetoric of goodness: Selected problems of symbolic communicationAbrahamyan, Marianna January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the rhetoric of Ku Klux Klan social movement. One of the goals of the work is to analyze through content analysis the codes that construct the categories of good and evil in the Ku Klux Klan movement. The second goal is to use the technique of critical discourse analysis to reveal the hidden power relations and ideologies that are found in the discourse of the movement. The theoretical part deals with the concept of social movement and the role of symbolic communication in it. It also deals with the concept of code and discourse. The chapter about discourse deals primarily with racism and the denial of racism in discourse. The thesis also concentrates on the theme of rhetoric, its development, rhetorical means and a view of rhetoric by Kenneth Burke. Further, the text deals with the context of Ku Klux Klan's birth and development. The last chapter of the theoretical part is describing the methodology that is afterwards applied to the examined documents.
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Normalita výjimečnosti? (Z)vládnutí krize v reformě azylové a migrační politiky Evropské unie / Normality of the exception? Crisis Governance in reforming the Asylum and Migration Policy of the European UnionKaleta, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
This doctoral thesis examines the issue of crisis governance of the European Union in the context of migration developments after 2015. The author investigates how relevant EU institutions (European Commission, Council of the EU, and European Council) construct exceptionality within the common asylum and migration policy and what might be its impacts on the functionality of this policy. Theoretically, the research is based on the concept of "state of exception" originally introduced in the works of Carl Schmitt and Giorgio Agamben. The main objective of the thesis is to analyze and interpret the extraordinary migration measures from 2015 to 2018, which were proposed and implemented by the EU political actors to address the migration situation. The institutional level is further broadened and contextualized by including three EU Member State governments - Hungary, Austria, and Germany - and their involvement in the interactive shaping of emergency policies. The author studies how the exception is constructed in the EU official discourse, the relationship between exception and normality, and the exercise of power to create a state of exception at supranational/intergovernmental level of the EU as an international organization. The thesis approaches the topic using critical discourse analysis. It...
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Napomáhá mediální pokrytí porozumění konfliktu? Redefinice konceptu mírové novinařiny a analýza českého zpravodajství o Kypru a Náhorním Karabachu / Does Media Coverage Help to Understand Conflicts? Redefining the Concept of Peace Journalism and a Comparative Analysis of Cyprus and Nagorno Karabach Conflicts in the Czech MediaHroch, Jaroslav January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to contribute to theoretically sound concept of Peace Journalism, which combines theoretical foundations from two spheres: conflict and peace studies and media studies. Influence of journalists as intervening force and explaining factor with regard to (violent) conflict is neglected. However, Peace Journalism is not theoretically strong and builds upon dualistic definition vis-á-vis so-called War Journalism. The concept of Peace Journalism has to overcome this delamination in order to reflect theoretical underpinnings of conflict transformation theory and conflict analysis. Moreover, Peace Journalism has to differentiate media according to an involvement of given societies in a conflict. This offers an opportunity to specifically and accurately analyse news coverage of conflicts. Case studies analysing Czech coverage of Cyprus and Nagorno-Karabakh conflicts illustrates this approach. The coverage is essentially flat, distorts a reality of the conflict, pays attention to visual and physical aspects of the conflict and closes the conflicts in arbitrary time boundaries.
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Děti zrozené ze znásilnění během konfliktu v Bosně a Hercegovině: poválečné diskurzy / Children born of War Rape in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Postwar DiscourseGrossová, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
The main subject of the research is the social discourse about the ethnic identity of children born of rape during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1992-1995. Acts of rape are considered to be part of the war tactics of major rivals (Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Army of Republika Srpska, and Croatian Defence Council) and paramilitary units. Forced fertilization and disallowance of abortion was carried out as an accompanying factor of ethnic cleansing. The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia has recognized these acts as war crimes. The main objective of the research is to pursue a cross- societal discussion on the issue of inheritance of identity in the case of children of war: first, through a discourse analysis of the media, which significantly contribute to the image of these children, and second, through the contribution of interviews conducted during the field research. The way in which the children born of war are depicted and perceived affects various aspects of their lives. The results of the project will contribute to the discussion of war crimes and their impact on contemporary Bosnian society.
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