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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Plaaslike magsopset teoretisering : 'n sintetiese bydrae as gids vir die ontleding van Suid-Afrikaanse plaaslike magsopsette

Zaaiman, Stephanus Johannes 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: 1. Aim of study The main aim of this study is to collect and evaluate the different ways of the theorizing of local power configurations and to assemble the elements thereof in a theoretical framework. A conclusion on the significance thereof for the South-African context is then drawn. To reach this aim, it was attempted to identify all the basic elements of all local power configurations and to show how the contents thereof change continuously and are determined by the powers therein. 2. The nature of local power configurations Local power configurations are those networks of dynamic relations, which occur between persons and groups and between persons and their needs, institutions and social, economical, political and natural environments, which influence people of a local political area, their actions and opinions and thus control the issues and people of that area. Local power configurations therefore consist of nine elements namely (1) changes which are continuously caused by (2) the biological characteristics and (3) interpretation of people and (4) by active powers which try to influence them. They are also further influenced by natural powers (they are (5) the natural environment, (6) people's needs and (7) natural resources) and created powers (they are (8) social patterns and products, (9) economic order and (10) political processes and structures). These basic elements of local power configurations exist under higher power configurations which consist of the same elements. The complexity of local power configurations is related to the overlapping of elements between these different power configurations. Neighbouring local power configurations can also share elements so that changes in the elements of one power configuration can have an influence on the neighbouring one. Similarly the changes in the elements of the power configurations on higher levels such as region, national and global also have important implications for the elements of local power configurations. Since active powers bring their influence to bear according to their conscious or unconscious interpretation of their situation, their exercise of power is therefore continually unique and therefore unexpected changes of the elements may occur. In order to prevent this, the national power configuration tries to structure the local power configuration in such a way that it limits its space for unique power actions. In this study the relations between these powers and how they influence each other are treated in detail. 3. South African local power configurations The local power configurations of South Africa function according to the same elements that occur at all local power configurations. The uniqueness of the South African local power configurations lies only in the contents which are given to it in South Africa. The contents of South African local power configurations are largely prescribed by the constitution and national laws. They specify the functioning of local politics in South Africa, which forms an important aspect of local power configurations. This, together with the nature of the South African cultural milieu and the nature of the natural environment and human needs, has an important impact on local power configurations. Yet local South African people and groups maintain their ability through their interpretation to act within their circumstances in original ways and bring about positive or negative changes to people's quality of life. 4. Guide material This study tries to furnish guide material to prospective researchers of South African local power configurations. Thereby academics can make a contribution so that local power configurations are directed towards change which is beneficial to the people. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 1. Doel van studie Die oorhoofse doel van hierdie studie is om die verskillende wyses van teoretisering oor plaaslike magsopsette te versamel, te beoordeel en die elemente daarvan in 'n teoretiese raamwerk saam te vat en 'n gevolgtrekking te maak oor die betekenis daarvan vir die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. Om hierdie doel te bereik, is gepoog om die basiese elemente van alle plaaslike magsopsette te identifiseer en aan te toon hoedat die inhoud daarvan voortdurend verander en bepaal word deur die magte daarin. 2. Aard van plaaslike magsopsette Plaaslike magsopsette is daardie netwerk van dinamiese verhoudinge, wat voorkom tussen persone en groepe en tussen hulle en hul behoeftes, instellings en sosiale, ekonomiese, politieke en natuurlike omgewings, wat mense, van 'n plaaslike politieke gebied, se handelinge en beskouings beinvloed en so die sake en mense in daardie gebied beheer. Plaaslike magsopsette behels dus (1) verandering wat voortdurend deur (2) menslike biologiese eienskappe en (3) betekenisgewing veroorsaak word en (4) aktiewe magte wat dit probeer beinvloed. Dit word ook beinvloed deur natuurlike magte, (dit is (5) die natuurlike omgewing, (6) menslike behoeftes en (7) natuurlike hulpbronne) en geskepte magte (dit is (8) sosiale patrone en produkte, (9) ekonomiese ordening en (10) politieke prosesse en strukture). Hierdie basiese elemente van plaaslike magsopsette staan onder hoer magsopsette wat uit dieselfde elemente bestaan. Die ingewikkeldheid van magsopsette hou verband met die oorvleueling van elemente tussen hierdie verskillende magsopsette. Naburige plaaslike magsopsette kan ook elemente deel sodat die verandering in een magsopset se elemente 'n invloed op die naburige een het. So ook het die verandering in die elemente van die magsopsette op hoer vlakke soos streek, nasionaal en globaal ook belangrike implikasies vir die elemente van die plaaslike magsopset. Omdat aktiewe magte hulle invloed laat geld volgens hulle bewustelike of onbewustelike betekenisgewing van hulle situasie, veroorsaak dit dat hulle magsuitoefening voortdurend uniek kan wees en onverwagte wysigings aan die elemente tot gevolg kan he. luis om dit te verhoed poog die nasionale magsopset om die plaaslike magsopset so te struktureer dat dit beperkte ruimte vir unieke magshandelinge laat. In hierdie studie word hierdie verhoudinge tussen hierdie magte en hoe hulle mekaar kan beinvloed breedvoerig behandel. 3. Suid-Afrikaanse plaaslike magsopsette Suid-Afrika se plaaslike magsopsette funksioneer op grond van dieselfde elemente wat by aIle plaaslike magsopsette voorkom. Die uniekheid van Suid-Afrika se plaaslike magsopsette Ie aIleen in die inhoud wat in Suid-Afrika daaraan gegee word. Die inhoud van Suid-Afrikaanse plaaslike magsopsette word grootliks voorgeskryf deur die grondwet en nasionale wette. Dit spesifiseer die funksionering van die plaaslike politiek in Suid- Afrika, wat 'n belangrike aspek van plaaslike magsopsette uitmaak. Dit, tesame met die aard van die Suid-Afrikaanse kulturele milieu en die stand van die natuurlike omgewing en menslike behoeftes, het 'n belangrike impak op plaaslike magsopsette. Tog behou plaaslike Suid-Afrikaanse mense en groepe deur hulle betekenisgewing die vermoe om in hulle omstandighede op oorspronklike wyses te handel en positiewe of negatiewe veranderings aan mense se lewensgehalte aan te bring. 4. Gidsmateriaal Hierdie studie poog om gidsmateriaal te verskaf aan voornemende navorsers van Suid- Afrikaanse plaaslike magsopsette. Daardeur kan akademici 'n bydrae lewer dat plaaslike magsopsette gerig word op verandering wat vir plaaslike mense voordelig is.

A framework for the evaluation of research in South African Higher Education Institutions : conceptual and methodological issues

Masipa, Mochaki Deborah 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Social Science Research Methodology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study aimed at establishing whether or not an integrated and appropriate system exists for the evaluation of research in the South African higher education system. As background to the assessment of research in South African higher education, models of research evaluation from other countries were reviewed and served as reference to the discussions on the local efforts. In each case the higher education research systems were reviewed, including existing efforts of research evaluation that exits alongside the systems. The review followed a pattern that focuses on areas including the history and rationale, purpose (s) for research evaluation, political/transformation contributions and methodological issues for a clearer understanding of the contributions made by the efforts. The study followed a multiple-case study approach to review the models and the South African situation, with the local research evaluation efforts embedded within the study of South Africa as a case. Five themes guided the reviews that were apparent for the final discussions of the study: the rationale and purpose of research evaluation, units of analysis used in the evaluation, dimensions/criteria used in research evaluation, governance and management of research evaluation processes and methodological issues related to research evaluation. The study revealed that none of the fragmented South African research evaluation efforts is suitable to deal with the transformation requirements expected of higher education institutions. This is mainly because of the voluntary nature of the current initiatives and their focus on the lowest level of units of analysis – the individual researcher. The one effort that would be better suited to meet the transformation imperatives – the HEQC institutional audits - does not concentrate on research exclusively but collectively addresses all core activities in institutions, reducing the attention necessary for research evaluation to make a meaningful contribution to higher education research. The study suggested a comprehensive design for the framework of South African research evaluation. The purpose identified for the envisaged exercise is the development and improvement of quality research of international standards across the system of higher education in order for research to make meaningful contributions to national demands. Programmes/departments in the higher education institutions are suggested as the units of analysis in which quality, productivity, relevance and viability serve as criteria for evaluation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie poog om vas te stel of 'n geïntegreerde en toepaslike stelsel bestaan vir die evaluering van navorsing in die Suid-Afrikaanse hoër onderwys stelsel. As agtergrond tot die beoordeling van navorsing in Suid-Afrikaanse hoër onderwys, word ‘n oorsig verskaf van die modelle van navorsing evaluering van ander lande. Dit het gedien as verwysing vir die besprekings oor die plaaslike pogings. In elke geval is ‘n oorsig gebied van die hoër onderwys navorsingstelsels , insluitend die bestaande pogings tot navorsing evaluering. Die oorsigte fokus op gebiede soos die geskiedenis en die rasionaal, doel van navorsing evaluering, politiese / transformasie bydraes en metodologiese vraagstukke vir' n beter begrip van die bydraes wat gemaak word deur die pogings. Die studie volg 'n meervoudige gevallestudie benadering tot die modelle en die Suid-Afrikaanse situasie, met die plaaslike navorsing evaluering pogings onderliggend in die Suid-Afrikaanse gevallestudie. Die oorsigte word gelei deur vyf temas: die rasionaal en doel van die navorsing evaluering, eenhede van analise wat gebruik word in die evaluering, dimensies / kriteria wat gebruik word in navorsing evaluering, beheer en bestuur van navorsing, en metodologiese evalueringsprosesse kwessies met betrekking tot navorsing evaluering. Hierdie temas is duidelik in die finale bespreking van die studie. Die studie het aangetoon dat nie een van die gefragmenteerde Suid-Afrikaanse navorsing evaluering pogings geskik is om die transformasie verwagtinge van hoër onderwys instellings te hanteer nie. Dit is hoofsaaklik as gevolg van die vrywillige aard van die huidige inisiatiewe en hul fokus op die laagste vlak van die eenhede van analise - die individuele navorser. Die een poging wat beter geskik sou wees die transformasiedoelwitte te ontmoet - die HEQC institusionele oudits - konsentreer nie uitsluitlik op navorsing nie, maar spreek gesamentlik alle kern aktiwiteite in instellings aan. Dit verminder die aandag wat nodig is vir navorsing evaluering om 'n betekenisvolle bydrae te lewer tot hoër onderwys navorsing . Die studie stel 'n omvattende ontwerp voor vir die raamwerk van Suid-Afrikaanse navorsing evaluering. Die doel wat vir die beoogde oefening geïdentifiseer word, is die ontwikkeling en verbetering van die kwaliteit navorsing van internasionale standaarde oor die stelsel van hoër onderwys sodat die navorsing betekenisvolle bydraes kan lewer tot die nasionale vereistes. Programme / departemente in die hoër onderwys instellings word voorgestel as die eenhede van analise waarin gehalte, produktiwiteit, relevansie en lewensvatbaarheid dien as kriteria vir evaluering.

Research funding and modes of knowledge production : a comparison between NRF-funded and industry-funded researchers in South Africa

Luruli, Ndivhuwo Mord 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The changing South African policy context since 1994 (new science and innovation policies), and institutional changes at the National Research Foundation (NRF) have had an effect on different funding instruments and related modes of knowledge production. In this study we compare the modes of knowledge production utilized by researchers funded by the NRF and those funded by industry. We also compare the level of scientific productivity of these groups. This study makes two major contributions: first, we provided a reconstruction of the history of research funding in South Africa from 1918 (through the Research Grant Board – RGB), to date (through the NRF established in 1999 as a result of the merger of the Foundation for Research Development (FRD) and the Centre for Science Development (CSD). The second major contribution of this study concerns the relationship between funding sources and modes of knowledge production and dissemination. We found evidence that there is an increase in third stream funding for university research in South Africa. The study shows that respondents who received funding from both the Focus Areas and THRIP, concurrently, produced more average annual research outputs than those who received funding from either the Focus Areas or THRIP only. When we compared respondents who only received the Focus Areas or THRIP grant, we found that those who received the Focus Areas grant published more outputs annually than THRIP-funded researchers, despite the fact that those who received the THRIP grant had larger grant amounts, on average, than their Focus Areas-funded counterparts. We also found that industry/THRIP funding is utilised on problem-solving type of research, i.e. applied research, while public/NRF funding is utilised on basic/fundamental/curiosity-driven research. Overall, the findings show that there is no clear cut conclusion about the influence of funding on the mode of knowledge production. We could not prove that the two factors, that is, funding and mode of knowledge production, are related in a linear fashion. This is a much more complicated situation that requires more investigation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die veranderende Suid-Afrikaanse beleidskonteks sedert 1994 (nuwe wetenskap- en innovasiebeleid), sowel as institusionele veranderinge aan die Nasionale Navorsingstigting (NNS), het 'n uitwerking gehad op verskillende befondsingsinstrumente en verwante vorme van kennisproduksie. In die lig hiervan vergelyk die huidige studie die vorme van kennisproduksie van navorsers wat deur die NNS befonds word met dié van navorsers wat deur die bedryf befonds word. Die twee groepe se onderskeie vlakke van wetenskaplike produktiwiteit word ook vergelyk. Die studie lewer twee belangrike bydraes. In die eerste plek bied dit 'n rekonstruksie van die geskiedenis van die finansiering van navorsing in Suid-Afrika, vanaf 1918 (deur die Navorsingstoekenningsraad), tot en met vandag (deur die NNS wat in 1999 tot stand gekom het met die samesmelting van die destydse Stigting vir Navorsingsontwikkeling – SNO – en die Sentrum vir Wetenskapsontwikkeling – SWO). Die tweede belangrike bydrae van hierdie studie is die ondersoek na die verband tussen befondsingsbronne en verskillende vorme van kennisproduksie en -disseminasie. Die resultate van die ondersoek dui op 'n toename in derdegeldstroom-befondsing wat universiteitsnavorsing in Suid-Afrika betref. Die studie toon verder dat respondente wat befondsing van beide die fokusarea- en THRIP-programme ontvang, se gemiddelde jaarlikse navorsingsuitsette beduidend hoër is as dié van respondente wat slegs binne een van die twee programme befonds word. ʼn Vergelyking van die navorsingsuitsette van respondente wat slegs fokusarea-befondsing ontvang en respondente wat slegs THRIP-befondsing ontvang, toon dat diegene met fokusarea-befondsing se jaarlikse publikasieuitsette gemiddeld hoër is, ondanks die feit dat die THRIP-toekennings groter bedrae behels. Daar is ook gevind dat befondsing deur die bedryf/THRIP gebruik word vir navorsing wat gerig is op probleemoplossing, d.w.s. toegepaste navorsing, terwyl publieke of NNS-befondsing aangewend word vir basiese/ fundamentele/nuuskierigheid-gedrewe navorsing. Die algehele beskouing is dat geen duidelike gevolgtrekking gemaak kan word met betrekking tot die invloed van befondsing op die vorme van kennisproduksie nie. Daar kan nie onomwonde gestel word dat die twee kernfaktore van ondersoek, naamlik befondsing en vorme van kennisproduksie, reglynig met mekaar verband hou nie. Die situasie is meer kompleks en vereis verdere navorsing.

Water services education and training needs of councillors in the Local Government Development Agenda (LGDA)

Tsibani, Fumene George 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study describes and analyses the water governance and developmental water services education and training needs of councillors in water services authorities (WSAs) in the Northern Cape Province in order to enable them to fulfil their responsibilities as required by the legislative framework in the new dispensation in South Africa. The new South African Constitution ushered in a new legislative framework, which recognises that developmental water supply, sanitation facilities as basic services are local government matters, and that they are in the functional area of concurrent national and provincial legislative competence. The Water Services Act No. 108 of 1997 and a number of Acts of Parliament thereafter, which are a spine for a local government developmental agenda (LGDA) in South Africa, give effect to this determination. Collectively, these Acts and policies have set the LGDA or modernisation of local government for change and marked a departure from the selection, recruitment and deployment of councillors without minimum engineering and technical skills in water and infrastructure planning and development portfolios. This invariably imposes new leadership responsibilities upon a range of hydropolitical councillors in WSAs, and creates the need for a redefined model of representation on the part of councillors from ―resemblance to public capability, accountability, responsibility and responsiveness‖ (Sartori 1968: 465). With the current calibre and breed of councillors in water portfolios and infrastructure planning and development, it appears that the country is facing a leadership crisis that can strike at the very roots of the democratic values of the LGDA system. Without effective, innovative, creative and committed leadership, all anti-poverty strategies may just plug in superficial solutions rather than tackle the root of the problem, namely governance crises in WSAs. Accordingly, 'good enough governance' or radical restructuring of the recruitment, selection and deployment policy in the current water crisis in the Northern Cape should act as a "decontaminator or antiseptic in a germ-infested area" (Cloete 2006:6-19). To extend the analogy further in terms of good enough water governance, the selection, recruitment and deployment of appropriately qualified representatives in bulk water infrastructure planning and development may lead to long-term hydropolitical adaptive capacity to respond proactively to water scarcity in the Northern Cape whereby a discernible set of water governance values and principles will benefit all citizens. Using mixed methods, the researcher found that comparative literature evidence clearly underscores the importance of effective leadership by competent and skilled councillors in water portfolios. It is also significant that academic and independent studies have ignored the oversight role of councillors in water governance. The debates only focus on officials who do not have executive powers under the new LGDA and its administration system. Yet, the current water crisis, extreme weather conditions, climate changes, and protests against poor service delivery provide an opportunity to rethink water governance. The dissertation argues that councillors in water portfolios should have minimum engineering and technical qualifications and that they need to be empowered to be adaptive and apply modern technology solutions. Any reform effort is doomed if this aspect is not addressed sufficiently well in the water sector, as it has been established in this dissertation that there is a clear link between effective leadership and excellent water governance and management. The study is not intended to be prescriptive nor can it claim to be exhaustive, as the researcher continually discovered. In many instances, it may introduce water governance complexities under a LGDA administration and political management system that are unwarranted – and misplaced idealism is always a problem. Thus, for water services to remain a viable "instrument of humanity" especially at a municipal level, it is concluded that more effective competency-based water councillor education and training (CBWCE&T) programmes are required to equip current and future councillors with the water governance skills and intellectual competencies to address the complex challenges they face. The essence of the CBWCE&T is that developmental water services need to engage in a broader governance agenda integrated with other basic services and mutually reinforcing areas of social adaptive capacity to water scarcity under the LGDA. Researchers in the water sector have neglected the hydropolitical role of councillors in determining water governance and the use of water for socioeconomic and developmental outcomes now subsumed under various poverty eradication policies. The unique contribution of this dissertation is that it focuses on this critical role of councillors and the skills they need to execute water governance institutional oversight role. The researcher makes recommendations for enriching the hydropolitical sociology of local government studies, to match the skills requirements, given the complexity of the LGDA and the numerous challenges for councillors in WSAs in the Northern Cape. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie beskryf en ontleed die waterregerings- en ontwikkelingswaterdienste onderwys- en opleidingsbehoeftes van raadslede betrokke by waterdienste owerhede (WSAs) in die Noord-Kaap provinsie wat hulle in staat sal stel om hulle verantwoordelikhede na te kom soos vereis deur die wetlike raamwerk van die nuwe bedeling in Suid-Afrika. Die nuwe Suid-Afrikaanse Grondwet het 'n wetlike raamwerk ingelei wat ontwikkelingswatervoorsiening en sanitasie geriewe, synde basiese dienste, erken as plaaslike owerheidsaangeleenthede; dit funksioneer ook terselfdertyd ingevolge 'n soortgelyke wetlike bevoegdheid op nasionale en provinsiale vlak. Die Wet op Waterdiensteverskaffing, Nr 108 van 1997, asook verskeie daaropvolgende wette deur die Parlement vorm die ruggraat van die plaaslike owerheidsontwikkelingsagenda (LGDA), of te wel, die modernisasie van plaaslike owerheid, in Suid-Afrika. Hierdie wette en beleide het gesamentlik die LGDA bepaal en die afskeid toenemend gekenmerk van 'n seleksie, rekrutering, en aanwending van raadslede wat sonder minimum ingenieurs- en tegniese vaardighede in water- en infrastruktuurbeplanning en -ontwikkeling hul portefeuljes beoefen. Hierdie verwikkelings plaas sonder uitsondering nuwe leierskapsverantwoordelikhede op 'n spektrum van hidropolitieke raadslede in WSAs. Dit skep ook die behoefte aan 'n hergedefinieerde model vir verteenwoordiging deur raadslede wat volgens Sartori (1968: 465) verander van "ooreenkoms na openbare vermoë, aanspreeklikheid en reagerend". Die huidige stoffasie en soort raadslede wat water protefeuljes beklee en die infrastruktuurbeplanning en ontwikkeling laat die gedagte ontstaan dat die land 'n leierskapskrisis tegemoet gaan wat die demokratiese waardes onderliggend tot die LGDA stelsel kan ondergrawe. Sonder doeltreffende, vernuwende, skeppende en toegewyde leierskap mag die teen-armoede strategieë kunsmatige oplossings bied eerder as om die wortel van die probleem aan te durf, naamllik die regeringskrisisse in WSAs. Gevolglik moet 'goeie regering' wat neerkom op radikale herstukturering van die beleid van rekrutering, seleksie, en aanwending in die huidige waterkrisis in die Noord-Kaap geaktiveer word om te dien as 'n "ontsmetter of antiseptiese middel in 'n kiem-besmette gebied" (Cloete 2006: 6-19). Om die analogie van 'goeie waterregering; verder te neem, kan gesê word dat die seleksie, rekrutering en aanwending van toepaslik gekwalifiseerde verteenwoordigers in massa waterinfrastruktuur- beplanning en -ontwikkeling mag lei tot 'n langtermyn hidropolitieke aanpassingsvermoë om proaktief te reageer op waterskaarsheid in die Noord-Kaap waardeur 'n onderskeidende stel waterregering waardes en beginsels alle burgers sal bevoordeel. Met die gebruik van gemengde metodes het die navorser bevind dat getuienis afkomstig van vergelykende literatuuroorsigte duidelik die belangrikheid van doeltreffende leierskap deur bevoegde en vaardige raadslede in water portefeuljes onderstreep. Dit is ook betekenisvol dat akademiese en onafhanklike studies die oorsigrol van raadslede in waterregering geïgnoreer het. Die debat konsentreer slegs op amptenare wat nie uitvoerende magte binne die LGDA en die administrasie het nie. Tog is dit duidelik dat die huidige waterkrisis, uiterste weerstoestande, klimaatsverandering, en proteste teen swak dienslewering geleentheid bied tot 'n herbedink van waterregering. Die proefskrif voer aan dat raadslede oor minimum ingenieurs- en tegniese kwalifikasies moet beskik en dat hulle bemagtig word om aanpassend te wees en moderne tegnologiese oplossings kan toepas. Enige hervorming sal tot mislukking gedoem wees indien hierdie aspekte nie voldoende in die water sektor aangespreek word nie. Dit is vasgestel in die proefskrif dat daar 'n duidelike skakel is tussen doeltreffende leierskap en uitmuntende waterregering en –bestuur. Soos voortdurend ontdek is in die verloop van die navorsing, is die studie nie voorskriftelik, en ook nie uitputtend nie. In vele opsigte bied die studie kompleksiteite aan in waterregering binne 'n LGDA administrasie en politieke bestuurstelsel wat verregaande is; en misplaaste idealisme is altyd 'n probleem. Daarom, vir waterdienste om 'n lewensvatbare 'instrument van menslikheid' te bly veral op die munisipale vlak, is die gevolgtrekking dat meer doeltreffende, bevoegdheidsgebaseerde waterraadslid onderwys en opleiding programme (CBWCE&T) vereis word. Hierdie programme het die oogmerk om huidige en toekomstige raadslede toe te rus met waterregeringsvaardighede en intellektuele bevoegdhede om die komplekse uitdagings wat hulle in die gesig staar, die hoof te bied. Die essensie van die CBWCE&T program behels dat, volgens die LGDA, ontwikkelingswaterdienste sal koppel met die breër regeringsagenda wat ander basiese dienste integreer met die uitdaging van waterskaarsheid deur sosiale aanpassingsvermoëns wat onderlinge ondersteuning vir die verskillende dienste aanbied. Navorsers in water sektor het die hidropolitieke rol van raadslede verwaarloos deur nóg aandag te gee aan hoe raadslede inhoud aan waterregering gee, nóg die gebruik van water vir sosio-ekonomiese en ontwikkelingsdoeleindes soos dit tans ingesluit in verskeie armoede-uitwissingsbeleide, te beklemtoon. Die besondere bydrae van die proefskrif is die beklemtoning van hierdie kritieke rol van raadslede en van die vaardighede wat hulle benodig om 'n institusionele oorsigrol in waterregering te vervul. Die navorser maak aanbevelings vir die verryking van die hidropolitieke sosiologie van plaaslike regeringstudie, om die vaardigheidsvereistes te ontmoet in die lig van die LGDA kompleksiteite en die talle uitdagings in WSAs in die Noord-Kaap.

University politics under the impact of societal transformation and global processes : South Africa and the case of Stellenbosch University, 1990-2010

Baumert, Stefanie Christine 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / Der Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften und Philosophie der Universität Leipzig / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Worldwide, national higher education systems and universities are repeatedly confronted with global higher education trends and the challenge to handle them in specific national and institutional contexts. This observation relates to the broader question how processes of globalization affect university politics. The work at hand provides insights into how South Africa and the South African Stellenbosch University (SU) were facing recent processes of globalization in a situation of deep societal transformation after the end of apartheid. The dissertation examines how university politics in South Africa were negotiated after 1990. It investigates which local and global actors were involved and with what kind of interests they influenced the process. For SU, it is analysed how the different levels making up the University understood current international trends in higher education and how this understanding brought about institutional change leading to inter- and transnationalization. The thesis applies a qualitative multi-method approach drawing on document analysis and interviews. The research is grounded on major research reports and national policy documents on higher education, institutional documents of SU (e.g. the Senate and Council documentation, brochures and speeches) as well as on a total of 52 semi-structured interviews that were conducted with current and former representatives of SU as well as of the national South African higher education system between 2010 and 2012. Theoretically, the study draws on debates from higher education research and transnational history concerning the internationalization and transnationalization of higher education. It follows an analytical perspective for exploring and understanding higher education developments that goes beyond the conventional state-centric nation-state model used to analysing social processes and interactions. Therefore, the dissertation traces the impact of the different spatial references of the local and the national level for university politics and looks at how the local relates to the national and both of them to the regional and the global. By approaching the topic historically, the study challenges the often referred to hypotheses of academic isolationism and SU’s increasing insularity due to the international academic boycott against South Africa during the apartheid era. It accentuates that prior to 1990 there were many international activities going on at SU. Furthermore, the findings show that SU has embarked comparatively early on a purposeful and strategic process of internationalization, which occurred prior to its national opening in the form of transformation and redress. Only by the turn of the century, processes of internationalization were paralleled by an open transformation attempt. This was quite in contrast to the post-1990 dealing with higher education on the national South African level and by many other South African universities. The study demonstrates that in approaching the challenges of societal transformation and global processes, SU’s management initially favoured the “efficiency” discourse over the “redress” discourse in order to pave the way for becoming an internationally esteemed research university. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Nasionale hoëronderwysstelsels en universiteite word wêreldwyd voortdurend gekonfronteer met globale hoëronderwystendense en die uitdaging om in spesifieke nasionale en institusionele kontekste daarop te reageer. Hierdie waarneming hou verband met die meer omvattende vraag hoe globaliseringsprosesse universiteitspolitiek beïnvloed. Hierdie studie gee insig in hoe Suid-Afrika op nasionale vlak en die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) in Suid- Afrika die resente globaliseringsprosesse te midde van ’n situasie van ingrypende maatskaplike transformasie ná die einde van apartheid hanteer het. Die tesis fokus op die universiteitspolitiek in Suid-Afrika na 1990. Die plaaslike en globale rolspelers wat betrokke was en die vraag na die soort belange wat die proses beïnvloed het, word ondersoek In die spesifieke geval van die US word ontleed hoe die huidige internasionale tendense in hoër onderwys op verskillende vlakke binne die Universiteit verstaan word en hoe hierdie begrip daarvan institusionele veranderinge teweeg gebring het wat tot inter- en transnasionalisering aanleiding gegee het. In die tesis word ’n kwalitatiewe veelmetodebenadering toegepas wat gebruik maak van dokumentontleding en onderhoude. Die navorsing is gegrond op belangrike navorsingsverslae en nasionale beleidsdokumente oor hoër onderwys, institusionele dokumente van die US (bv. Senaats- en Raadsdokumente, brosjures en toesprake) sowel as op ’n totaal van 52 semigestruktureerde onderhoude wat tussen 2010 en 2012 gevoer is met huidige en voormalige personeellede van die US en met belangrike rolspelers in die nasionale Suid-Afrikaanse hoëronderwysstelsel. Op teoretiese vlak steun die studie op debatte in hoëronderwysnavorsing en die geskiedenis van die internasionalisering en transnasionalisering van hoër onderwys. Die studie maak gebruik van ’n analitiese perspektief om hoëronderwysontwikkelings te ondersoek en te deurgrond. Dit strek verder as die konvensionele staatsentriese model wat gebruik word om maatskaplike prosesse en interaksies te ontleed. Die effek van die verskillende ruimtelike verwysings na die plaaslike en nasionale vlakke op universiteitspolitiek word ondersoek. Daar word gekyk na die verband tussen die plaaslike aspekte en nasionale aspekte, en hoe beide hierdie aspekte verband hou met regionale en globale aspekte. Aangesien die onderwerp histories benader word, word die algemeen aanvaarde hipoteses ten opsigte van die akademiese isolasie in die algemeen en spesifiek die US se toenemende isolasie weens die internasionale akademiese boikot teen Suid-Afrika gedurende die apartheidsera, uitgedaag. Dit beklemtoon dat daar in die tydperk voor 1990 verskeie internasionaliseringsaktiwiteite by die US was. In vergelyking met ander instellings het die US reeds vroeg ’n doelgerigte en strategiese proses van internasionalisering aangepak. Dit het gebeur voor die tydperk waartydens die nasionale oopstelling plaasgevind het wat onder meer die vorm aangeneem het van transformasie en regstelling. Eers tydens die draai van die eeu aan die einde van die negentigerjare het prosesse van internasionalisering parallel geloop met ’n oop transformasiepoging. Dit was in redelike kontras met die tendense in hoër onderwys na 1990 op nasionale vlak in Suid-Afrika, en met die tendense by baie ander Suid- Afrikaanse universiteite. In die studie word aangetoon dat die US se bestuur in hul benadering tot die uitdagings van maatskaplike transformasie en globale prosesse aanvanklik die “doeltreffendheidsdiskoers” bo die "regstellingsdiskoers” verkies het om die weg voor te berei om ’n internasionaal erkende navorsingsuniversiteit te word.

The feasibility and community perceptions of the Caprivi Development Project

Biewenga, Carla 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / There is a great need for development, especially in impoverished rural areas. One such area is the Caprivi in Namibia. This study analyses the viability of the Caprivi Development Project and how it is perceived by the communities in terms of improving their livelihoods. The first part of this study sets out the theoretical framework on rural development over the past half century. Theories such as the modernist, small-farm orthodoxy, neo-liberalist, integrated rural development, participation models and the sustainable livelihood framework are reviewed. The usefulness of participation and the sustainable livelihood framework for the purpose of this study is emphasised. Thereafter the lessons learned from mechanised dry-land crop farming initiatives are explored. The extent to which the natural environment such as rainfall and soil fertility and organizational structures which include the project design, technology and infrastructure, the formation of cooperatives and finance, government policies, training and development and the project objectives that affect the permanence of agriculture are assessed. The importance of community commitment to a project for its sustainability is emphasised. Hereafter, the case of the unique Caprivi and the need for development in this impoverished and isolated region is presented. The history, environment and politics are discussed. The economic activities in the region, the people and their lifestyles along with the livelihood strategies they pursue are outlined. Against this background, the aims of the Caprivi Development Project, the project design, its structure, the stakeholders and the challenges faced in making this project a success are presented. The study then reports on how this project is perceived by the farmers involved in this rural development project, with special reference to its perceived benefits this project holds in terms of improving their livelihoods, and what could contribute to its possible failure. In the final chapter, theory, lessons learned and research findings are brought together, before reaching some final conclusions relating to the two research questions posed, namely whether this project has the elements of a successful development project and whether the community supports and see this project as an opportunity to relieve poverty and improve their livelihoods.

The use of survey methodology to determine residents' environmental attitudes towards a modern high-rise public housing complex

Du Toit, Jacques Louis, Bekker, S. B. January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This is an applied methodological thesis about the attitudes of residents towards a modern high rise public housing complex. A definition and analysis of the theme show that this housing type is characterised by a distinctive design and style known as modernist. Therefore, modern and postmodern theory is used to formulate a general existential hypothesis as to residents attitudes towards this housing type. A cross-sectional survey research design was used to research the thesis. Data was collected by means of questionnaires and analysed in the form of a perceived environmental quality index. It was found that residents show a negative overall attitude towards the housing complex. However, there are also some indications of positive attitudes towards the complex, and significant differences were found between the attitudes of particular groups. The thesis is concluded with the suggestion that this housing type can be regarded as an option for certain groups in the context of South Africa’s current housing situation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie is `n toegepaste metodologiese tesis oor inwoners se houdings teenoor `n moderne toringblok openbare behuisingskompleks. `n Definisie en analise van die tema wys dat hierdie behuisingstipe, deur `n uitstaande ontwerp en styl wat as modernisties bekend staan, gekenmerk word. Moderne en postmoderne teorie word gebruik om `n algemene eksistensiële hipotese betreffende inwoners se houdings teenoor dié behuisingstipe te formuleer. `n Kruis-seksionele opname navorsingsontwerp is gebruik om die tesis te ondersoek. Data is deur middel van vraelyste ingesamel en in die formaat van `n waargenome- omgewing- kwaliteitsindeks geanaliseer. Dit word bevind dat inwoners in geheel `n negatiewe houding teenoor die kompleks huldig. Tog is daar ook bewyse van positiewe houdings en beduidende verskille tussen die houdings van sekere groepe. Die tesis volstaan met die gevolgtrekking dat hierdie behuisingstipe oorweeg kan word vir sekere groepe in die konteks van die huidige Suid Afrikaanse behuisingsituasie.

The value of using rapid rural appraisal techniques to generate and record indigenous knowledge : the case of indigenous vegetables in Uganda

Hart, Tim George Balne 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In recent decades increasing attention has been paid to the idea of sustainable development and in particular to sustainable agricultural practices. Studies in the seventies, eighties and nineties indicated that many resource-poor farmers were practising low external input sustainable practices by virtue of their resource-poor status. Despite this status these farmers were developing sustainable practises that enabled them to survive even the harshest conditions. It was believed that an understanding of their local practices and associated knowledge, called indigenous technical knowledge by conventional scientists, could provide agricultural development workers with a greater understanding of how to achieve sustainable agricultural development. This awareness would ensure the optimal and sustainable use of local livelihood sources. Following this interest a number of complementary research methods were developed to generate and record indigenous knowledge. Many of these methods fall within the participatory research paradigm of the Social Sciences. Using one of the earlier complementary methods, Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA), this study considers its value as a method to collect indigenous knowledge about the local cultivation and use of indigenous vegetables in a parish in Uganda. The basic RRA tools are described and the position of RRA within the participatory research paradigm is discussed, indicating that the method probably has a lower-middle of the road position when placed on a continuum of participation. In this study the use of the method enabled the generation of information relating to the context in which agriculture was practised in the parish; specifically the production and use of plants known as indigenous vegetables. At the same time the tools enabled a broad understanding of indigenous knowledge regarding the production, associated practises and beliefs, as well as the use of indigenous vegetables in the parish. This information included technical and socio-cultural information indicating that indigenous knowledge is not only about technical knowledge. In recent years debate has emerged with regard to the value, use and misuse of indigenous knowledge. The debate has questioned the ability of various participatory complementary methods to accurately generate and record this knowledge. One of the main concerns is that most of these methods, like those associated with the quantitative and qualitative paradigms, tend to have inherent biases which detract from their value. Reflection on the use of RRA in the Ugandan study indicated that it was subject to a number of contextual constraints, namely: the assumption and treatment of indigenous knowledge as a stock of knowledge which can neatly conform to scientific categorisation; the unawareness of the powerladen interactions in which knowledge is generated; the consequences of local power struggles on the generation of knowledge; the significance that the presence of researchers during the knowledge generating process has on the resultant knowledge; the relevance of the time, timing and location where knowledge is generated; and the effect that local social differences, such as gender, age, wealth, class, etc. have on who has access to what sort of knowledge. More recently developed and refined methods such as Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and Participatory Technology Development (PTD) include some tools and strategies that overcome some of these constraints. However, these methods are often subject to similar constraints, given the context in which they are used. In the final analysis, the use of the RRA method in Uganda is considered to be a useful tool for collecting contextual data and indigenous knowledge given the circumstances in which it was used. These circumstances included financial constraints, a lack of skills in the complementary methods within the research team, insufficient time and other resources. These hindrances are common in many agricultural development contexts. Based on the results of the study it is recommended that where circumstances permit it, participatory methods such as PRA and PTD should be used. However, users must remain aware that these methods can suffer from some contextual constraints if they are not used with care and if this use is not regularly reflected upon. Despite a number of shortcomings, the use of the RRA method indicated that it is a suitable method in certain contexts. It also indicated that indigenous knowledge is extremely important for agricultural development, but that care must be taken as to how it is generated, understood, recorded and subsequently used. The data generated by means of the RRA method enabled some preliminary reflections on the current understanding of indigenous knowledge. These were reflections on the following: it is a system of knowledge; it originates in and is exclusive to a particular location; it has the ability to include knowledge developed in other locations; and it is deeply entwined within the context in which it is developed. In conclusion a number of possible areas for future research on indigenous knowledge and participatory methods are identified which will allow us to develop a deeper understanding of the value of participatory methods and the significance of indigenous knowledge. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gedurende die afgelope dekades is verhoogde aandag geskenk aan die idee van volhoubare ontwikkeling en spesifiek aan volhoubare landboupraktyke. Studies gedurende die sewentigs, tagtigs en negentigs wys daarop dat verskeie hulpbronbeperkte boere lae eksterne inset, volhoubare praktyke be-oefen het na aanleiding van hulle hulpbronbeperkte status. Nieteenstaande hierdie boere se stand van sake het hulle nietemin standhoudende praktyke ontwikkel wat hulle in staat gestel het om selfs die moeilikste omstandighede te oorleef. Daar was geglo dat deur van hulle plaaslike praktyke en die daarmee saamgaande kennis, bekend as Inheemse Tegniese Kennis onder konvensionele wetenskaplikes, te begryp, dit landbouontwikkelingswerkers kan voorsien van ‘n beter begrip rakende, hoe om standhoudende landbou-ontwikkeling te bereik. Hierdie bewustheid sal die optimale en volhoubare gebruik van plaaslike lewens- en huishoudingsbronne verseker. As gevolg van hierdie belangstelling is ‘n hele aantal komplimenterende navorsingsmetodes ontwikkel om inheemse kennis in te win en op te teken. Verskeie van hierdie metodes val binne die deelnemende navorsingsparadigma van die Geesteswetenskappe. Deur gebruik te maak van een van die vroeëre aanvullende metodes, Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA), lê die waarde van RRA daarin dat dit ‘n metode is om inheemse kennis in te samel rakende die plaaslike verbouïng en gebruik van inheemse groentes in ‘n wyk in Uganda. Die basiese RRA tegnieke word omskryf asook die posisie van RRA binne die deelnemende navorsings paradigma en dan word daar aangedui dat die metode heel moontlik ‘n lae-middelposisie het wanneer dit geplaas word in terme van ‘n kontinuüm van deelname. In hierdie studie het die metode dit moontlik gemaak om inligting in te win wat verband hou met die konteks waarbinne landbou be-oefen is in die wyk; spesifiek wat produksie en die gebruik van plante, bekend as inheemse groentes, aanbetref. Terselfdertyd het die tegnieke ‘n breër begrip daargestel van inheemse kennis rakende die produksie, daarmee saamgaande praktyke en plaaslike menings, sowel as die gebruik van inheemse groentes in die wyk. Hierdie inligting het ingesluit die tegniese en sosio-kulturele inligting en aangedui dat inheemse kennis nie net oor tegniese kennis handel nie. In die pas afgelope jare het die debat ontstaan rakende die waarde, gebruik en misbruik van inheemse kennis. Die debat het die vermoë van die verskeie deelnemende komplimentêre metodes om akkuraat hierdie kennis in te win en op te skryf, bevraagteken. Een van die hoof bekommernisse is dat die meeste van hierdie metodes, soos die verbonde aan kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe paradigmas, daarna neig om inherent bevooroordeeld te wees wat hulle van hul waarde laat verminder. ‘n Refleksie op die gebruik van RRA in die Uganda-studie wys daarop dat dit onderhewig was aan ‘n aantal kontekstuele beperkings naamlik: die aanname en hantering van inheemse kennis as ‘n inventaris van kennis wat netjies omgeskakel kan word in wetenskaplike katagorisering; onbewustheid van die magsonewewigtigheid interaksies waarbinne kennis ingewin word; die gevolge van plaaslike magstryde op die insameling van kennis; die effek wat die teenwoordigheid van navorsers tydens die proses van kennis insameling het op die resultaatgewende kennis, die relevansie van tyd, tydsberekening en plek waar kennis ingewin word; en die effek wat plaaslike sosiale verskille, soos geslag, ouderdom, rykdom, klas, ens. het op wie toegang het tot watter soort van kennis. Meer onlangs ontwikkelde en verfynde metodes soos Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) en Participtory Technology Development (PTD) sluit van die tegnieke en strategieë in wat sommige van hierdie beperkings oorkom. Maar sommige van hierdie metodes is gereëld onderworpe aan soortgelyke beperkings, gegewe die konteks waarbinne dit gebruik word. In die finale analise is die gebruik van die RRA metode in Uganda beskou as ‘n bruikbare tegniek vir die insameling van kontekstuele data en inheemse kennis, gegewe die omstandighede waarbinne dit gebruik is. Hierdie omstandighede sluit in, finansiele beperkings, ‘n gebrek aan vaardigheid met die komplimentêre metodes binne die navorsingspan, onvoldoende tyd en ander bronne. Hierdie hindernisse is algemeen in verskeie landbouontwikkelingskontekste. Gebasseer op die resultate van die studie word aanbeveel dat waar omstandighede hul daartoe leen, deelnemende metodes soos PRA en PTD, gebruik moet word. Maar gebruikers moet daarvan bewus bly dat hierdie metodes kan ly aan kontekstuele tekortkomings indien hulle nie met sorg gebruik word en daar nie gereeld oor die gebruik daarvan gereflekteer word nie. Ten spyte van ‘n aantal tekortkomminge het die gebruik van die RRA metode aangewys dat dit ‘n toespaslike metode binne ‘n sekere konteks is. Dit het ook aangewys dat inheemse kennis uiters belangrik is vir landbouontwikkeling, maar dat sorg gedra moet word rakende hoe dit ingewin, verstaan, opgeskryf en daarna gebruik word. Die data wat ingewin is deur middel van die RRA metode het voorlopige refleksies moontlik gemaak rakende die huidige begrip van inheemse kennis. Hierdie was refleksies op die volgende: dit is ‘n stelsel van kennis, dit ontstaan in en is eksklusief aan ‘n spesifieke gebied, dit het die vermoë om kennis in te sluit wat in ander gebiede ontwikkel is, en dit is diep ingeweef in die konteks waarbinne dit ontwikkel is. Ten slotte ‘n hele aantal moontlike areas vir toekomstige navorsing rakende inheemse kennis en deelnemende metodes is geidentifiseer wat ons in staat sal stel om ‘n beter begrip te ontwikkel van die waarde van deelnemende metodes en die belangrikheid van inheemse kennis.

The sustainability and employment creation potential of bivalve mariculture: A case study of mussel and oyster farms in Saldanha Bay / Thesis

Olivier, David William 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study addresses the sustainable development and employment creation potential of bivalve mariculture with reference to the case of Saldanha. The first section of the study looks at various theoretical perspectives relating to sustainable development. The development of modernist theory is presented, as are its shortcomings. The People-Centred Development theory is presented as an alternative theoretical perspective. This theory is relevant to the present study because it prioritises the participation of local individuals in the development process, rather than prioritising the increase of capital gain. One of the development approaches within people-centred development is the Learning Process Approach. The learning process approach provides a development model through which people-centred development can take place. The study then focuses on empirical cases. The development of four mariculture case studies from different countries and farming different organisms is then considered. The development process of these case studies is used to draw lessons on what factors affect the sustainable development of a mariculture sector. It is shown that five key factors play a role in the sustainable development of each of the four cases. The five factors are the state, the market, funding, the environment and the local community. These five factors provide a typology with which to measure the potential for the sustainable development of the bivalve mariculture sector in Saldanha. Literature on Saldanha is then reviewed, giving a background to rising unemployment in Saldanha and the need to consider the expansion of alternative sectors. This is followed by presenting the methods and results of empirical research involving the collection of primary data in Saldanha. The research methods used in conducting empirical research in Saldanha are presented. This research elicited data on bivalve mariculture employees and bivalve mariculture directors in Saldanha as well as state representatives. The key findings of this study are that the restrictive state policies on mariculture and a lack of funding are the primary limitations to the sector‟s expansion. The sector has the potential to expand by a factor of four, providing employment for over 200 households in Saldanha. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie ondersoek fokus op die volhoubare ontwikkeling en werkskeppingspotensiaal van tweekleppige marikultuur met verwysing na die geval van Saldanha. Die eerste gedeelte van die ondersoek handel oor verskillende teoretiese perspektiewe met betrekking tot volhoubare ontwikkeling. Die ontwikkeling van modernistiese teorie word aangebied, tesame met sy tekortkominge. Die Mens-Gesentreerde Ontwikkelingsraamwerk word as 'n alternatiewe teoretiese perspektief aangebied. Die mens-gesentreerde ontwikkelingsraamwerk is relevant tot die huidige ondersoek omdat dit die deelname van plaaslike individue in die ontwikkelingproses, eerder as die verhoging van kapitaalwins, vooropstel. Een van die ontwikkelingsbenaderings binne mens-gesentreerde ontwikkeling is die Leerproses Benadering. Die leerproses benadering bied 'n ontwikkelingsmodel waardeur mens-gesentreerde ontwikkeling kan plaasvind. Die leerproses benadering word dan gebruik om die ontwikkeling van ander marikultuur gevalleondersoeke te bespreek. Die tweede deel van die huidige ondersoek beskou die ontwikkeling van vier marikultuur gevalleondersoeke uit verskillende lande wat met verskillende organismes boer. Die ontwikkeling van hierdie gevalleondersoeke is gebruik om lesse op te stel oor watter faktore 'n invloed op die ontwikkeling en volhoubaarheid van 'n marikultuursektor het. Dit is getoon dat die vyf belangrikste faktore wat 'n rol in die volhoubaarheid en uitbreidingspotensiaal van elk van die gevalle gespeel het die staat, die mark, finansiering, die omgewing en die plaaslike gemeenskap behels. Hierdie vyf faktore is gebruik as 'n tipologie om die volhoubaarheid en uitbreidingspotensiaal van die tweekleppige marikultuursektor in Saldanha te meet. Die geval van Saldanha word eerstens in die literatuur aangebied vir 'n agtergrond oor stygende werkloosheid in Saldanha en die noodsaaklikheid om die uitbreiding van alternatiewe sektore te oorweeg. Derdens is primêre navorsing oor Saldanha se tweekleppige marikultuursektor onderneem. Data is versamel vanaf werknemers, direkteure en staatsverteenwoordigers. Die belangrikste bevindings van hierdie ondersoek is dat die beperkende staatsbeleid oor marikultuur en 'n gebrek aan fondse die primêre beperkings op die uitbreiding van die sektor is. Die sektor het die potensiaal om met 'n faktor van vier uit te brei. Teen hierdie grootte sal meer as 200 huishoudings in Saldanha 'n inkomste hê.

An evaluation of the Stellenbosch University Student Mentor Programme

Loots, Anna G. J. (Anna Gertruida Johanna) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Student success, access to higher education and accountability are concerns of universities and communities worldwide. Universities are now implementing interventions such as mentor programmes, Supplemental Instruction and resident advisors in order to keep abreast of a changing higher education environment, and to provide broader access and support for a wider range of students. The Stellenbosch University Student Mentor Programme (SMP) was designed and implemented in 2003 as an intervention to address some of the problems encountered by first-year students at the institution. The monitoring and realising of the outcomes of the programme necessitated a comprehensive evaluation. The discussion of various theoretical paradigms forms a backdrop against which the multiple meanings of the concept of mentoring and its many practices can be understood. It is emphasised that there is no meta-narrative or grand structure that fulfils all the purposes and objectives of mentoring. The most obvious theories in the mentoring process are played out in the functionalist and the radical humanist paradigms, with the constructivists as an important catalyst in the realising of certain processes, procedures and actions. No single study has yet offered a full analysis of mentor programmes in the various paradigms, and the analysis that I present is likewise not a “final answer”, only a pliable structure to enhance the understanding of the underlying social theories as they utilise mentoring. An evaluation study on the SMP was conducted during 2005. Questionnaires and interviews were used to establish the effectiveness of programme delivery and the resulting levels of satisfaction. The evaluation was conducted with both programme monitoring and programme outcomes in mind. The programme is highly structured and managed according to the key categories of a logic model, which also provides the relevant delivery and evaluative steps. The programme has two target groups, namely the mentors (senior students) and the mentees (mainly first-year students), organised into small groups, each with a peer mentor. The monitoring and evaluation of the SMP highlights the benefits of group interaction among students, and shows the positive academic as well as psychosocial outcomes for students who attend the mentor sessions regularly. The short-term outcomes give an indication not only of the positive academic effects of the programme, but also of student experience and performance. As seen in the current study, the group in a mentoring situation fulfils an important developmental, synergistic role. Although the main aim of the design, implementation and evaluation of the SMP was to address the high dropout and failure rates of first-year students, many other advantages became apparent, and the outcomes of the programme indicate a positive effect on more than one terrain, such as unexpected growth and development for the mentors. The success of the programme can be seen as an important value-adding strategy to the university’s teaching and learning environment, as well as a cost-effective intervention to retain students. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wêreldwyd het studente-sukses, toegang tot hoër onderrig en aanspreeklikheid van universiteite in gemeenskappe belangrik geword. Ten einde te voldoen aan die eise van ’n veranderende opvoedingsomgewing, het universiteite begin om intervensies soos mentorprogramme, addisionele onderrig en raadgewing te implementeer om oor ’n breë front ondersteuning aan studente te bied. Die Universiteit van Stellenbosch se Studente-mentorprogram (SMP) is in 2003 ontwerp en geïmplementeer om van die probleme wat eerstejaars ervaar aan te spreek. Die monitering van die program met die gepaardgaande uitkomste het ’n omvattende evaluering daarvan genoodsaak. Die bespreking van verskeie teoretiese paradigmas vorm die agtergrond waarteen die meervoudige betekenis van die konsep mentorskap en die vele toepassings daarvan verstaan kan word. Dit word benadruk dat daar nie ’n metanarratief of grootse struktuur bestaan wat al die doelstellinge en kontekste van mentorskap omvat nie. Die mees ooglopende teorieë waarin mentorskap pas, is die funksionalistiese en die radikale humanistiese paradigmas, met die konstruktivisme as belangrike katalis wat die prosesse, prosedures en aksies betref. Die huidige bepreking daarvan is ook nie ’n poging om ’n finale antwoord oor die “plek” van mentorskap in sosiale teorie te verskaf nie, maar is bloot die daarstel van ’n plooibare struktuur waarin hierdie aksies kan plaasvind. Die evaluering van die Studente-mentorprogram het gedurende 2005 plaasgevind. Vraelyste en onderhoude is gebruik om die effektiwiteit van die program te bepaal ten opsigte van beide operasionalisering en uitkomste. Die program is hoogs gestruktureerd, en word bestuur aan die hand van die stappe uiteengesit in ’n logiese model. Die logiese model dien ook as die evalueringsraamwerk. Daar is twee teikengroepe in die program, naamlik die mentors (senior studente) en die mentees (hoofsaaklik eerstejaars), georganiseer in klein groepe elk met ’n portuurmentor. Die monitering en evaluering van die SMP toon duidelik die voordele van groep-interaksie tussen studente, met beduidende positiewe akademiese en psigososiale resultate vir diegene wat die groepsessies gereeld bywoon. Die korttermyn-uitkomste dui nie slegs op die positiewe akademiese effek van die program nie, maar ook op positiewe studente-ervaring en –prestasie. Dit blyk duidelik dat die groep in die mentorsituasie ’n belangrike ontwikkelende en sinergistiese rol vervul. Hoewel die hoofdoel van die ontwerp, implementering en evaluering van die program die aanspreek van die hoë druip- en uitvalsyfers onder eerstejaars was, het dit baie ander positiewe uitkomste op vele vlakke gehad, byvoorbeeld die ontwikkeling van die mentors self. Die sukses van die program kan gesien word as ’n strategie van waarde-toevoeging tot die universiteit se leer-en onderrigomgewing, sowel as ’n koste-effektiewe intervensie om studente in hoër onderrig te behou.

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