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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The validity endeavour

James, Megan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Qualitative and quantitative research implies different meta-theoretical approaches to knowledge production. The former maintains a constructivist and interpretative perspective, as opposed to the latter, which exists within a realist and even positivist paradigm. Within the field of research methodology, the dominant conceptualisation of validity is based on a positivist discourse, which suggests that (social) scientific research should strive to attain an ultimate truth. This understanding of validity is difficult to achieve within a research paradigm that values the idiosyncratic world views of the participants under investigation. The introduction of CAQDAS (Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software), however, brought with it the hope that its application would confer upon qualitative research the rigour associated with validity in a mainly positivist interpretation of the research process. The ultimate goal of this thesis is to determine whether CAQDAS can make a significant contribution to efforts aimed at validating qualitative research. The research design employed in the present study is that of a descriptive content analysis, focussing on scientific articles that not only report qualitative studies, but also make explicit reference to the use of CAQDAS, and describe validation techniques applied during the research process. Purposive sampling was applied to select 108 articles, published from 1996 to 2009, that meet the sampling criteria and that were identified through online searches of various bibliographic databases and search engines. The study investigates three predominant research questions concerned with the following: (1) the most commonly used software programmes; (2) trends in CAQDAS use over time; as well as (3) the validation techniques reported in examined scientific articles, distinguishing between techniques that are performed with and without the use of CAQDAS. With regard to the first two research questions, it was found that the three most commonly used software programmes are QSR N programmes (including NUD.IST, NVivo, N4, N5 and N6), followed by Atlas.ti and MAXqda (including the earlier version winMAX), and that there has been a general increase over iv the past 13 years (1996-2009) in the number of qualitative research articles reporting CAQDAS use. The exploration of validation techniques utilised in qualitative research, as reported in the examined scientific articles, demonstrated that the techniques are in most cases performed manually. Although CAQDAS offers many benefits, the predominant validation techniques reported can be, and still are, performed without CAQDAS. Techniques that would have been impossible without CAQDAS are based on the data display features of CAQDAS, as well as on the accuracy and consistency offered by CAQDAS in the execution of certain actions. The findings generated by this study seem to support the hypothesis that CAQDAS per se does not enhance validity, since it is predominantly utilised as merely a research tool. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe navorsing is gegrond op verskillende meta-teoretiese benaderings tot die lewering van inligting. Eersgenoemde handhaaf ‘n konstruktivistiese en interpretatiewe perspektief, teenoor laasgenoemde, wat binne ‘n paradigma bestaan wat gegrond is op realisme en positivisme. Binne die veld van navorsingsmetodologie, is die oorwegende konseptualisering van geldigheid, gebaseer op ‘n positivistiese diskoers, wat voorstel dat (sosiale) wetenskaplike navorsing daarna moet streef om ‘n absolute waarheid te bereik. Hierdie begrip van geldigheid word moeilik verwesenlik binne ‘n navorsingsparadigma wat waarde heg aan die ideosinkratiese wêreldbeskouinge van die navorsingsdeelnemers. CAQDAS (Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software), is bekend gestel met die hoop dat die gebruik daarvan kwalitatiewe navorsing sal verleen met stiptheid wat met geldigheid geassosieer word, oorwegend binne ‘n positivistiese interpretasie van die navorsingsproses. Die oorkoepelende doelwit van hierdie tesis is om vas te stel of CAQDAS enige betekenisvolle bydrae kan maak tot pogings om die geldigheid van kwalitatiewe navorsing te verbeter. Die navorsingsontwerp van die huidige studie is die van ‘n beskrywende inhoudsanalise, wat fokus op wetenskaplike artikels wat nie net berig oor kwalitatiwe studies nie, maar ook verwys na die gebruik van CAQDAS, en die geldigheidstegnieke wat tydens die navorsingsproses toegepas is, bespreek. Doelgerigte steekproeftrekking is toegepas en 108 artikels, wat gepubliseer is vanaf 1996-2009, was geselekteer op grond van die feit dat hulle aan die seleksie kriteria voldoen. Die artikels was geïdentifiseer deur aanlyn soektogte van verskeie bibliografiese databasisse en soekenjins. Die studie ondersoek drie oorwegende navorsingsvrae met betrekking tot die volgende: (1) die sagteware programme wat die meeste gebruik word; (2) neigings in die gebruik van CAQDAS oor verloop van ‘n tydperk; sowel as (3) die geldigheidstegnieke wat in die ondersoekte wetenskaplike artikels vi gerapporteer word, deur onderskeid te tref tussen tegnieke wat met of sonder die gebruik van CAQDAS uitgevoer word. Met verwysing na die eerste twee navorsingsvrae, was dit gevind dat die drie algemeenste sagteware programme wat gebruik is, QSR N programme (insluitend NUD.IST, NVivo, N4, N5 en N6), gevolg deur Atlas.ti en MAXqda (insluitend die vroëere weergawe winMAX) is, en dat daar oor die algemeen ‘n toename is in die getal kwalitatiewe navorsingsartikels oor die afgelope 13 jaar (1996-2009), wat die gebruik van CAQDAS rapporteer. Die ondersoek na geldigheidstegnieke wat in kwalitatiewe navorsing gebruik word, soos berig in die ondersoekte wetenskaplike artikels, het getoon dat die tegnieke in die meeste gevalle sonder die gebruik van CAQDAS uitgevoer is. Ten spyte van die feit dat die gebruik van CAQDAS voordele inhou, word die meerderheid geldigheidstegnieke wat gerapporteeer word, steeds sonder die gebruik van CAQDAS uitgevoer. Tegnieke wat nie sonder die hulp van CAQDAS uitegevoer kon word nie, is gebaseer op die data vertoningsvermoë van CAQDAS, sowel as op die akkuraatheid en konsekwentheid waarmee CAQDAS sekere opdragte uitvoer. Die bevindinge wat gegenereer is deur hierdie studie blyk asof dit die hipotese ondersteun dat CAQDAS nie opsig self die geldigheid versterk nie, aangesien dit oorwegend bloot as ‘n navorsingsinstrument gebruik word.

Exploring the developmental outcomes of service-learning in Higher Education for partner organisations : an exploratory study of two modules at Stellenbosch University

Leslie, Mike (M. C.) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Amidst debates over the transformation of South African (SA) Higher Education (HE), the core institutional function of community engagement is a possible means of bolstering the developmental role of HE in relation to community needs. The potential for community engagement, and more specifically service-learning, to contribute to community development is yet to be fully explored in the SA context. Broad policy mandates such as the Reconstruction and Development Programme (GNU, 1994) and the White Paper on Transformation of Higher Education (DoE, 1997) have created a policy environment supportive of community engagement as an institutional function of HE advancing the state’s developmental agenda. In the course of the national reorganization of the HE system, the Joint Education Trust (JET) / Community-Higher Education- Service Partnerships (CHESP) initiative undertook feasibility studies of community engagement in SA HE and consulted widely around community engagement. The main outcome has been service-learning’s promotion as an endorsed means of knowledge-based community engagement. Concerted efforts to build the institutional capacities for service-learning nationwide have since been conducted and service-learning is now an increasingly prominent means of community engagement in HE. The conceptual origins of service-learning suggest that mutual student and community benefits are achieved in the course of service-learning programmes, with significant research substantiating student learning outcomes. However, there is limited research available on community outcomes and a lack of empirical evidence on how the community is engaged in service-learning. Conceptualizations of service-learning partnerships in SA yield the introduction of a third party, the partner organization as the host of the service-learning modules in addition to the university and the community. The Triad Partnership Model applied at Stellenbosch University (SU) provides an opportunity to explore the experience of the third party, the partner organization, in what is conceptualized as a dyadic relationship between student and community. As a former student, representative of a partner organization and co-facilitator in a servicelearning module, the author explores the experiences of representatives of partner organizations of service-learning in HE. This dissertation presents the experiences of ten site-supervisors from nine partnering organizations of Stellenbosch University as evidence of some of the developmental outcomes of two service-learning modules. The study discusses the various stages in the process of partnership as it pertains to outcomes experienced by the sitesupervisors of the partner organizations. These experiences help clarify the developmental implications of the Triad Partnership Model for the partner organizations of the two service-learning modules studied. The dissertation concludes by making recommendations for future areas of study and makes some considerations for prospective service-learning modules at SU. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die kern institusionele funksie van gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid is te midde van die debate oor die transformasie van Suid-Afrikaanse (SA) Hoër Onderwys (HO), ‘n moontlike wyse om die ontwikkelingsrol van HO in verhouding tot gemeenskapsbehoeftes te bevorder. Die potensiaal van gemeenskapsontwikkeling, en meer spesifiek diensleer se bydrae tot gemeenskaps-ontwikkeling, is nog nie voldoende in die SA konteks ondersoek nie. As breë beleidsmandate het die Heropbou en Ontwikkelingsprogram (GNU, 1994) en die Witskrif oor die Transformasie van Hoër Onderwys (DoE, 1997) ‘n beleidsomgewing geskep wat ondersteunend is vir gemeenskapsinteraksie as ‘n institusionele dryfkrag van HO om die Staat se ontwikkelingsagenda te bevorder. Ten tye van die nasionale herorganisering van die HO stelsel het die Joint Education Trust (JET) / Community-Higher Education- Service Partnerships (CHESP) inisiatief volhoubaarheidstudies van gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid in SA HO gedoen en ook gekonsulteer oor verskeie aspekte rondom gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid in die breë. Die belangrikste uitkoms hiervan was die bevordering van diensleer as ‘n legitieme wyse van kennisgebaseerde gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid. Doelbewuse pogings is onderneem om die institusionele kapasiteit vir diensleer op nasionale vlak uit te bou, wat vandag ‘n toenemende prominente wyse van gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid in HO is. Die konsepsuele oorsprong van diensleer veronderstel dat gemeenskaplike student- en gemeenskapsvoordele deur die verloop van diensleermodules bereik word. Alhoewel daar heelwat navorsing gedoen is wat fokus op leeruitkomste vir studente, is daar weining navorsing beskikbaar oor gemeenskapsuitkomste, sowel as ‘n tekort aan empiriese bewyse van hoe die gemeenskap betrokke is by diensleer. Konsepsualisering van diensleer vennootskappe in SA sluit ‘n derde party in, die vennootskap-organisasie waar die diensleermodule gehuisves word, bykomend dus tot die universiteit en gemeenskap. Die Triad Vennootskap Model wat by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch (US) toegepas word, bied die geleentheid om ondersoek in te stel na die ervaring van ‘n derde party, die vennootskap-organisasie, oor wat gekonseptualiseer word as ‘n diadiese verhouding tussen student en gemeenskap. As ‘n vorige student, verteenwoordiger van ‘n vennootskap-organisasie en mede-fasiliteerder in ‘n diensleermodule, stel die outeur ondersoek in na die ervarings van verteenwoordigers van vennootskaporganisasies van diensleer in HO. Hierdie verhandeling stel die ervarings van tien supervisors van nege vennootskaporganisasies van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch voor, as bewys van sommige van die potensiële uitkomste van twee diensleer modules. Die ondersoeker bespreek die fases van die proses van vennootskap-vorming soos wat dit verband hou met uitkomste wat supervisors ervaar het. Hierdie ervarings help om die ontwikkeling implikasies van die Triad Vennootskap Model vir die deelnemer-organisasies van die twee diensleermodules wat bestudeer is, te verhelder. Die verhandeling word afgesluit deur aanbevelings te maak vir toekomstige studie-areas en oorweging te skenk vir toekomstige diensleermodules by die US.

Racial discourse among white Afrikaans-speaking youth : a Stellenbosch case study

Barnard, Jana 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study seeks to present a picture of the racial discourses circulating among white Afrikaans-speaking youth in South Africa, with closer focus to students at the Stellenbosch University (SU). Fifteen years into democracy, Afrikaans-speaking whites find themselves in a position where their ‘Afrikaner’ identity does not enjoy the same government-supported security as under apartheid. The responsibility is thus shifted onto white Afrikaans-speakers themselves to negotiate and secure this identity in the light of new challenges brought on by the post-apartheid context. In this regard, the white Afrikaans-speaking youth, in particular, are faced with the ambivalence of being both exposed to a habitual scheme of normalised racial divisions, as well as to a context where ‘old’ frameworks need to be transcended in the name of survival in multi-racial South Africa. SU, a historically white, predominantly Afrikaans-medium university, is currently faced with the challenges of government-induced transformation and the attended ‘language debate’, the aims of which are to make the university more accessible to non-white sectors of society who, under apartheid, was excluded from this institution. Making use of interviews and participant observation among students on the SU campus, an attempt was made to shed light onto the types of discourses employed by white Afrikaans-speaking Stellenbosch students to negotiate their position in this setting, as well as to determine to what extent such discourses are racially based. With the help of a social anthropological approach to discourse analysis, the discourses encountered during fieldwork were considered within the context of macro-historical processes, and were conceptualised as complex sets of meanings produced within the context of interaction, appropriated and employed by individuals, strategically and artistically, in response to moment to moment situations. It is argued that these discursive processes are immensely complex, as it is influenced and shaped by a plethora of factors. These youth are, firstly, faced with a received framework in which dualistic and racial distinctions are subconsciously reproduced. Secondly, they take part in a rhetoric in which group boundaries manage to reproduce itself and, lastly, they are exposed to a popular discourse, reinforced by the media, that strongly relies on race-based sense-making. However, politically induced transformation ideals do call for a readjustment of priorities within white ‘Afrikaner’ discourse and students have been observed to respond to this in creative ways. Finally, it is argued that the heavy emotional baggage accompanying the race topic, exacerbated by media emphasis and the ‘racist taboo’, can lead to denial and indifference among white Afrikaans-speakers so that no space is created for constructive engagement with the topic. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om ‘n voorstelling van ‘ras-diskoers’ daar te stel soos wat dit onder die wit Afrikaanssprekende jeug in Suid-Afrika voorkom, met spesifieke verwysing na studente van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch (US). Tydens die skryf van hierdie tesis is dit reeds vyftien jaar in die ‘nuwe Suid-Afrika’. Waar Afrikaanssprekende blankes se ‘Afrikaner’ identiteit destyds deur die apartheidsregering beskerm en bevorder is, berus die verantwoordelikheid tans op hierdie groep self om hul identieitsbelange te beskerm en te onderhandel in die lig van nuwe uitdagings. In hierdie opsig is die fokus veral op die jeug aangesien die raamwerke wat dikwels tuis aan hul oorgedra is, nou moet plek maak vir ‘n nuwe manier van dink wat aanpas by blootstelling aan veelrassigheid op alle gebiede in Suid-Afrika, in hierdie geval op die universiteitskampus. Die US, ‘n histories wit, hoofsaaklik Afrikaans-medium universiteit, word tans in die gesig gestaar deur kwessies rondom ‘transformasie’ en die ‘taaldebat’, deurdat aan die regering se vereistes voldoen moet word om die instelling meer toeganklik te maak vir ‘n sektor van die samelewing wat onder apartheid toegang tot sulke universiteite geweier is. Met behulp van onderhoude en deelnemende waarneming by die US is gepoog om vas te stel hoe wit Afrikaanssprekende studente in hierdie konteks hul eie posisie verstaan en onderhandel, en tot watter mate die diskoers waarmee hul sin maak van hul omgewing, ras-gebaseerd is. Die studie maak gebruik van ‘n sosiaal-antropologiese benadering tot diskoers analise. In hierdie opsig word diskoers beskou binne die konteks van makro-historiese prosesse, en word dit verstaan as betekenis wat op komplekse wyse gegenereer word tydens interaksie, betekenisse wat op hul beurt strategies en op kreatiewe wyses toegeëien en aangewend word in reaksie op situasies. Daar word aangedui hoedat die diskursiewe praktyke wat hierdie diskoers ondelê, uiters kompleks is deurdat dit beïnvloed en gevorm word deur ‘n verkeidenheid van faktore. Eerstens is daar ‘n oorgeërfde raamwerk waarin dualistiese raamwerke wat ras-onderskeid reproduseer, onbewustelik seëvier. Tweedens is daar ‘n landwye kulturele retoriek wat die idee van grense tusen groepe as onoorbrugbaar voorstel, en laastens word ‘n populêre diskoers, wat sterk staatmaak op ‘n ras-gebaseerde verstaan van die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing, dikwels deur die media versterk. Ten spyte van bogenoemde, is daar egter ook waargeneem hoedat studente grootliks bewus is van die polities-gemotiveerde transformasiedoelwitte wat vereis dat die prioriteite vervat in wit Afrikaanssprekende diskoers, daarby aanpas. Laastens word egter ook geredeneer dat die swaar emosionele bagasie wat met die ras-onderwerp gepaard gaan, onder andere die groot taboe rondom ‘rassisme’, op die ou end onder wit Afrikaasnsprekende student lei tot apatie en ignorering van die onderwerp, wat konstruktiewe bespreking daaroor kan belemmer.

Community Ltd. and the spirit of ethno-enterprise : exploring cultural branding and incorporation among the Makuleke

Van Zyl, Izak Jakobus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this thesis, I examine the case study of the Makuleke in Limpopo province. This community entered the public spotlight when it regained its former homeland in the Kruger National Park. It currently partakes in an extensive programme on ‘responsible tourism’ via commercial expansion. This concession allows (or is supposed to allow) for increased community development and economic growth in the Makuleke region. The community has become more business-like in their approach to this concession. This process is encapsulated by the formalisation of the land management structures in what I refer to as Makuleke Inc. Makuleke Inc. has at its heart a ‘cultural business’, of which an ‘authentic Makuleke’ is presented and traded. I detail the production of unique, bona fide culture through branding (that is, commercial representation). This practice contributes to new or different configurations of identity and collective belonging. “ / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie navorsingstuk behartig ek die gevallestudie van die Makuleke in Limpopo. Hierdie gemeenskap het die publieke oog betree nadat sy tuisland in die Kruger Nasionale Wildtuin teruggewen is. Tans is dit betrokke by ‘n omvattende program in ‘verantwoordelike toerisme’ deur middel van kommersiële ontwikkeling. Hierdie konsessie dra by (of is veronderstel om by te dra) tot verhoogde gemeenskaps- en ekonomiese groei in die Makuleke omgewing. Die gemeenskap se benadering tot genoemde toegewing is besigheids-georiënteerd. Hierdie proses word gekenmerk deur die formalisering van die grond-beheerstrukture deur wat ek noem Makuleke Inc. (ingelyf). Makuleke Inc. is as’t ware ‘n ‘kulturele onderneming’, waar ‘n ‘egte Makuleke’ voorgestel en verhandel word. Ek beskryf die produksie van ‘n unieke, egte kultuur deur die gebruik van handelsmerke (dit is, kommersiële voorstelling). Hierdie proses dra by tot nuwe of ander gestaltes van identiteit en gemeenskaplikheid.

Vooruitsigte, ervarings en probleme met opleiding onder werkers in die Oos Vrystaat : ‘n studie oor opleiding in die VKB

De Villiers, Anell 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH SUMMARY: This study focuses on the shortage of labour in the rural areas of the Free State and, in direct contrast to the high unemployment figures and great demand for jobs. The upskilling of unskilled labour is one of South Africa’s biggest social problems. It is becoming ever more pressing given the increasing demand for skilled labour to adapt to technological advancement and the new information era. The South African government has created various initiatives and policies to accommodate and provide previously disadvantaged groups with opportunities for training and better life prospects. Viewing South Africa’s rural areas from a historical perspective may result in scepticism about the success of these training initiatives and question the commitment of private business towards these policies. Policies and regulations increasingly place greater administrative pressure on workplaces, which could lead to the expectation that training in companies would merely be regarded as an extra burden. The VKB, a local agricultural co-operative in the Free State, challenges this assumption. This study investigates the experiences and expectations of employees to determine the impact of training on individuals. Interviews with employees and management in the company show that training plays a crucial role in producing solidarity in a stable workplace environment. For both groups, government-proposed education and training are regarded as very important in their own lives and for the future development of South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die tekort aan arbeid wat in die plattelandse gebiede van die Vrystaat ondervind word, in teenstelling met die hoë werkloosheidsyfer en behoefte aan werksgeleenthede in dié gebied. Die verdere opleiding van ongeskoolde arbeid is een van Suid-Afrika se grootste maatskaplike probleme. Dié kwessie raak al hoe meer relevant gegewe die groter aanvraag na geskoolde arbeid om aan te pas by tegnologiese vooruitgang en die eise van die inligtingsera. Die Suid-Afrikaanse regering het verskeie inisiatiewe en beleide ingestel om opleidingsgeleenthede en beter vooruitsigte vir voorheen benadeelde groepe daar te stel. As die Suid-Afrikaanse platteland vanuit ’n historiese perspektief beskou word, kan ’n mens skepties staan teenoor die wyse waarop sakeondernemings hierdie beleide sal aanvaar en toepas. Hierbenewens plaas beleide en wetgewing ook geweldige administratiewe druk op ondernemings, wat aanleiding kan gee tot die vermoede dat maatskappye opleiding slegs as ’n ekstra las sou beskou. Die VKB, ’n plaaslike landboukoöperasie in die Vrystaat, bewys egter die teendeel van hierdie aanname. Dit bring hierdie studie tot die punt van ondersoek, waar die ervaring en verwagtings van werknemers ondersoek word om vas te stel watter impak opleiding op individue het. Persoonlike onderhoude met werknemers en die bestuur dui daarop dat opleiding ’n belangrike faktor is wat samehorigheid in ’n stabiele werksomgewing in die hand werk. Albei groepe beskou opleiding en onderrig, soos voorgestel deur die regering, as uiters belangrik in hulle eie lewens en vir die algehele ontwikkeling van Suid-Afrika.

Qualitative Internet research : its objects, methods and ethical challenges

Schier, Christa Marianne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / Please refer to full text for abstract

A literature review of the water services education and training needs of councillors in local authorities within the context of developmental local government agenda with special reference to Northern Cape Province

Tsibani, Fumene George 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study describes and analyses the water services education and training needs of councillors in local authorities in the Northern Cape to enable them to implement their legislative framework in the new dispensation in South Africa. It is the proposition of this study that during the transitional period from 1994 to 2003 and thereafter, there is a likelihood of lack of capacity in most local authorities in the Northern Cape to execute their legislative requirements. This invariably imposes leadership responsibilities upon a range of stakeholders and councillors in Local Authorities (LAs), and creates the need for a redefined model of representation on the part of councillors "from resemblance to responsibility and responsiveness" (Sartori 1968: 465). Using literature review to analyse leadership responsibilities of councillors, four priority education and training (E&T) needs of councillors have been identified: • the need to understand water services policy and business cycle within the context of decentralisation and devolution of powers and functions • to local government; • the need for water services business programme management and planning skills; • the need to understand community participation in water services development plans and development processes; and • the need for conflict-resolution skills. Based upon inferences drawn from literature evidence, it is concluded that Local Government (LG) patterns of responses involving the application of managerial and analytical principles grounded firmly in the twentieth century Organisational Development (00) and public service management experience and thoughts, can neither explain nor remedy the complex variables of Local Government Developmental Agenda (LGDA) and/or the complex array of water crises that are unfolding in Northern Cape. Thus, for water services to remain a viable "instrument of humanity" especially at a municipal level, it is concluded that more effective E&T strategies are required to equip current and future councillors with intellectual water business tools to address the complex challenges that lie before them. Furthermore, an Outcomes Based Education (OBE) action-based strategy is offered as an alternative to the current traditional training approaches in Northern Cape. It is also clear from the researcher's interpretations and analysis of LGDA variables that the water services E&T needs and the relevant "gaps" identified are not simply questions of "how to do things". Rather an OBE action-based strategy under LGDA processes involves a fundamental reorientation of all participants in E&T programme for councillors that should be relevant to the special demands of the Northern Cape LAs and councillors. The researcher makes recommendations for enriching the sociology of LG studies, to match the skills requirements, given the complexity of LGDA and numerous challenges for competent and innovative councillors in LAs. Finally, this study is not intended to be exhaustive but rather to complement a number of education and training initiatives commissioned or under preparation by water sector stakeholders in line with Skill Development Act of 1998 and SAQA of 1995 (South African Qualifications Act) processes. KEYWORDS: Best Value Regime, Local Government Developmental Agenda, Spheres of government; local government; socio-economic & political dynamics in transition; decentralisation; constitutional powers and functions of local government; education and training (E&T) needs of councillors in water services; Northern Cape Province. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie beskryf en ontleed die behoefte aan onderwys en opleiding (E&T) by raadslede in plaaslike owerhede in die Noordkaap, om hul moeilike taak te kan verrig in In veranderende beleidsomgewing in Suid Afrika. Die studie besin daaroor dat daar waarskynlik gedurende die oorgangstydperk vanaf 1994 tot 2003 en ook daarna, In tekort aan bevoedgheid om hul funksies te vervul, by heelwat plaaslike owerhede in die Noordkaap bestaan. Dit is deels In gevolg daarvan dat nuwe verantwoordelikhede op die skouers van die rolspelers en raadslede in plaaslike owerhede geplaas word. Die nuwe rol van raadslede word herdefinieer vanaf verteenwoordiging na verantwoording en optrede; "from resemblance to responsibility and responsiveness" (Sartori 1968: 465). Vier belangrike areas waar onderwys- en opleidingsbehoeftes ten opsigte van die leierskapsprofiel van Raadslede bestaan, is op grond van In literatuuroorsig ge'identifiseer: • die belangrikheid daarvan om beleid- en besigheidsaspekte van die lewering van waterdienste te verstaan teen die agtergrond van desentralisering en stelselmatige afwenteling van magte en funksies na die plaaslike owerheidsvlak; • die behoefte wat bestaan aan bestuurs- en beplanningsvaardighede met betrekking tot waterdienste en water-ekonomiese aspekte; • In begrip van die rol van die plaaslike gemeenskap in beplanning en uitvoer van ontwikkelingsprojekte vir die lewering van waterdienste; • konflikhanteringsvaardighede. Na aanleiding van die getuienis uit hierdie literatuurstudie word dit duidelik dat die heersende reaksie- en besluitnemingstyle van Plaaslike Owerheid (LG) wat spruit uit beginsels van organisasie ontwerp (00) wat dateer uit die vorige eeu en die staatsdienservaring en -denke van daardie era, nie die komplekse veranderlikes van die nuwe Plaaslike Owerheid Ontwikkelingsagenda (LGDA) kan verduidelik of aanspreek nie, en dus nie geskik is om In dreigende krisis in die Noordkaap te af te weer nie. am waterdienste in die toekoms as 'n voertuig vir die opheffing van agtergeblewe gemeenskappe te kan gebruik, veral op plaaslike owerheidsvlak, is dit belangrik dat huidige en toekomstige raadslede deur middel van effektiewe onderwys - en opleidingstrategiee toegerus word met water-ekonomie kennis en vaardighede. Sodoende sal hulle die komplekse uitdagings wat aan hulle gestel word, die hoof kan bied. 'n Aksie-gerigte strategie gefundeer op 'n uitkomsgebaseerde (aBE) kurrikulum, word voorgestel as plaasvervanger vir die huidige tradisionele onderwysbenadering in die Noordkaap. Dit is duidelik uit die outeur se interpretasie en ontleding van LGDA veranderlikes, dat die ge"identifiseerde onderwys- en opleidings behoeftes en gapings 'n heeltemal nuwe benadering vereis. Die benadering behels 'n deurdagte herorienterinq tot opleidingsprogramme vir raadslede in plaaslike owerhede (LG) in die Noordkaap. Die studie dra by tot die sosiologie van plaaslike owerheidstudie, en wys op die vaardighede, vermoens en innovasie-eienskappe van raadslede wat benodig word om die kompleksiteit van LGDA en die uitdagings in plaaslike owerhede aan te spreek. Ten slotte is die studie nie bedoel om volledig te wees nie maar om wei 'n bydrae te lewer tot die onderwys- en opleidingsinisiatiewe wat voortspruit uit die aksies van belanghebbendes in die water sektor in ooreenstemming met die Wet op Vaardigheidsontwikkeling (1998) en SAKWA (1995).

Experiences and coping strategies of women living with HIV/AIDS diagnosis : a case study of Maseru, Lesotho

Diaho, Mahlao Judith 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Several studies have reported that thirty million people are living with HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. Fifty percent of the infected adults are women aged between 15 and 49 years. In Lesotho, HIV/AIDS has also been declared a national emergency and an estimated 180,000 women out of 330,000 adults, and 27,000 children are living with HIV/AIDS. Statistics have shown that the majority of AIDS cases occur in adults aged 15 and 49 years in Lesotho. Presently women are the fastest growing infected population in Lesotho. Regardless of the growing numbers of women infected with HIV/AIDS, experiences of women living with HIV/AIDS have received little attention in Lesotho. Qualitative research in this area is necessary to gain access to women's perceptions of their HIV positive status. In this study, the experiences and coping strategies of Basotho women living with HIV/AIDS were investigated. The study used a feminist approach to research. Feminist research stresses the multiplicity of knowledge and it is useful to understand the subjective experiences of women. Indepth, face-to-face interviews were conducted with five women ranging between 29 and 46 years, purposefully drawn from Positive Action Society Lesotho (PASL). Grounded theory was used to analyse the data. Findings indicate that women's risk for exposure to HIV is related to their ability to protect themselves by negotiating a safe sexual relationship. Women who feel powerless in their relationships are less likely to protect themselves against HIVexposure. These perceptions of powerlessness are the result of a broad array of experiences that may include exposure to gender-based violence and restricted economic opportunities. The results show that it is common for women to be shocked, depressed, and discouraged when they find that they are living with HIV/AIDS as can be expected. It is also difficult for women to disclose their HIV positive status to family, friends and community members because of stigma attached to HIV/AIDS. Participants developed different ways of coping with their status such as religion, healthy life style, AIDS counselling and social networks. There was a profound sense of anxiety about the future care of children. The study concludes with a number of recommendations to promote an environment that will make it possible for women living with HIV/AIDS to cope with their illness. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Studies het bevind dat daar ongeveer dertig miljoen mense in sub-Sahara Afrika is wat met MIVNIGS leef. Vyftig persent van geinfekteerde volwassenes is vroue tussen die ouderdom van 15-49 jaar. In Lesotho is MIVNIGS as 'n nasionale ramp verklaar en daar word beraam dat 330,000 volwassenes, 180,000 vroue en 27,000 kinders MIVNIGS het. Statistiek het ook getoon dat die meerderheid VIGS gevalle in Lesotho voorkom by volwassenes in die ouderdomsgroep 15-49 jaar. Vroue is tans die vinnigste groeiende groep. Ten spyte van die groeiende getalle vroue wat met MIVNIGS geinfekteer is, het die ervaringe van vroue in Lesotho wat met MIVNIGS saamleef tot dusver relatief min aandag geniet. Kwalitatiewe navorsing in hierdie verband is nodig om toegang tot vroue se persepsies te verkry rakende hul eie MIV positiewe status. In hierdie studie is die ervaringe en hanteringsmeganismes van Basoetoe vroue wat MIVNIGS het, ondersoek. Die studie het 'n feministiese benadering gebruik, wat die multiplisiteit van kennis en die subjektiewe ervaringe van vroue beklemtoon. In-diepte aangesig-tot-aangesig onderhoude is met vroue tussen 29-46 jaar gevoer. Gegronde teorie is gebruik om die data te analiseer. Bevindinge dui aan dat vroue se risiko vir blootstelling aan MIV verband hou met hul vermoë om hulself te beskerm deur te onderhandel vir 'n veilige seksuele verhouding met 'n maat. Vroue wat magteloos in hul verhoudings voel, is waarskynlik minder suksesvol om hulself teen MIV blootstelling te beskerm. Hierdie persepsies van magteloosheid is die resultaat van 'n breë spektrum ervaringe wat sekondêre status, blootstelling aan geweld, en beperkte ekonomiese geleenthede insluit. Soos wat verwag word, toon die bevindinge dat dit algemeen vir vroue is om geskok, deppressief en ontmoedig te wees wanneer hulle uitvind dat hul MIVNIGS het. Dit is ook moeilik vir vroue om hul MIV status aan familie, vriende en gemeenskapslede bekend te maak weens die stigma wat aan MIVNIGS kleef. Respondente het verskeie wyses ontwikkelom hul status te hanteer, soos godsdiens, 'n gesonde leefstyl, VIGS raadgewing en sosiale netwerke. Daar was ook 'n intense bekommernis by vroue oor die toekomstige sorg vir hul kinders. Die studie sluit af met 'n aantal aanbevelings om 'n omgewing te promoveer wat dit vir vroue wat met MIVNIGS leef moontlik sal maak om hul siekte te hanteer.

The accomplishment of effective community development : a case study of methods applied in the community of Zwelihle

Bouwer, Anton Christian 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The goal of this study is to determine, which of two development approaches, i.e., the "bottom-up approach" or the "top-down" approach (or social development and social engineering, respectively) have been successful in determining the felt needs of the community of Zwelihle. For this purpose a needs assessment was executed in Zwelihle community, close to Hermanus, in September 2001. The assessment procedure was done according to the Priority index and Community profile method (P+C-index), applying the Schutte scale during semi-structured focus group interviews. "Qualiquantitative" data (quantifies a qualitative response) was gathered from five different neighbourhoods in Zwelihle, each with different priority needs. Previously to this study, another community development project, the "housing project", was conducted in 1998 in the community of Zwelihle and more specifically in Thambo Square, presently named Airfield, fulfilling a housing need. The present study only considered the first three phases of the development process (needs assessment, problem identification and planning) to be relevant, of which all these phases have been executed and completed by the "housing project". However, no further follow-up phases of the community development process have been executed since the completion of the P+C index needs assessment. Each of these two involvements in the Zwelihle community had a different approach to development. The former, the P+C index needs assessment, had a social development approach (bottom-up), and the latter, the "housing project", had a social engineering approach (top-down). By applying a measuring tool, the principles and features of effective community development (Swanepoel, 1997:3) during the initial, needs assessment phase, an attempt was made to determine which of the two approaches have been successful in determining the community's "felt" needs and in so doing have managed an effective community development process. The finding was that the P+C-index method, as far as the first phase of community development was concerned, applied all the community development principles and reflected the features of effective community development. Although the outcome or characteristics of these applied "principles and features" may not be recognised or measured, this present study has realised these principles and features during the needs assessment phase. The "housing project" has fallen short in applying any of these principles and did therefore fail to reflect any characteristics of an effective development process. The differences between the two approaches essentially are that the P+C index empowered the community, by allowing the members at "grassroots" level participation in order for them to personally express their "felt" needs during focus group interviews. The 'housing project' on the contrary has allowed the community at "grassroots" level participation but only to a certain extent, by filling out questionnaires identifying a "real" need ("top" down need identification). The community leaders, though, were allowed to speak on their behalf. In conclusion, it may be possible to determine which of the two mentioned approaches have been successful in determining the "felt" needs of the community of Zwelihle and in doing so have been effective, by socially developing the people. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel met hierdie studie is om te bepaal watter twee ontwikkelingsbenaderinge, m.a.w., die "bottom-up" benadering of die "top-down" benadering (of sosiaal ontwikkelings en sosiaal manipulasie, onderskeidelik) suksesvol was in die bepaling van die "gevoelde behoeftes" (felt) van die Zwelihle gemeenskap. Vir hierdie doel is 'n behoeftebepaling uitgevoer in Zwelihle gemeenskap, aangrensend aan Hermanus, gedurende September 2001. Die behoeftebepalingsprosedure wat gevolg is, is uitgevoer volgens die Prioriteits indeks (P-Indeks) en Gemeenskapsprofielmetode (C-indeks), waartydens 'n Schutte skaal aangewend is, gedurende semigestruktureerde fokus-groep onderhoude. Voor die aanvang van hierdie studie is 'n ander gemeenskapsontwikkelingsprojek , bekend as die "behuisingsprojek", in 1998 in dieselfde gemeenskap uitgevoer. Hierdie projek het 'n behuisingsbehoefte aangespreek en was meer spesifiek gerig op die woonbuurt, Thambo Square (tans bekend as Airfield) van die groter Zwelihle gemeenskap. Die huidige studie beskou alleenlik die eerste drie fases van die ontwikkelingsproses, nl. behoeftebepaling, probleem identifikasie en beplanning, as toepaslik en is weliswaar deur die genoemde behuisingsprojek uitgevoer en voltooi. Daarenteen, is geen verdere opvolg-fases, na die uitvoering en voltooing van die P+Cindeks behoeftebepalingsfase, gevolg nie. Beide hierdie twee betrokke metodes of projekte het verskillende ontwikkelingsbenaderinge gevolg. Eersgenoemde, die P+C-indeks behoeftebepalingmetode het 'n sosiaal-ontwikkelingsbenadering (Bottom-up) en laasgenoemde het 'n sosiaalmanipulerings benadering (Top-down) gevolg. Deur die toepassing van 'n meetinstrument, die beginsels en karaktertrekke van effektiewe gemeenskapsontwikkeling (Swanepoel, 1997:3) gedurende die aanvangs, behoeftebepalings fase is 'n poging aangewend om te bepaal watter van die twee benaderinge suksesvol sou wees in die bepaling van die gemeenskap se "gevoelsbehoefte" (felt). In die uitvoering hiervan kan bewys gelewer word dat 'n effektiewe gemeenskapsontwikkelinsproses deurgevoer is. Die bevinding derhalwe was dat die P+C index metode, ten opsigte van die eerste fase van gemeenskapsontwikkeling, al die gemeenskapsontwikkelings beginsels toegepas het en ook die karaktertrekke van effektiewe gemeenskapontwikkeling, reflekteer het. Alhoewel die resultaat van die genoemde, toegepaste "beginsels en karaktertrekke" nie erken of gemeet kon word nie, het die huidige studie hierdie "beginsels en karaktertrekke" gerealiseer en erken tydens die eerste behoeftebepalingsfase. Die wesenlike verskil tussen hierdie twee genoemde benaderinge is dat die P+C-indeks metode, die gemeenskapslede bemagtig het deurdat die lede op grondvlak deelname toegelaat is om gedurende die fokus-groepsonderhoude, persoonlik uitdrukking te kon gee aan hul "gevoelsbehoeftes". Die "behuisingsprojek" daarenteen het die gemeenskapslede op grondvlak wel deelname toegelaat, maar net tot so 'n mate waar vraelyste deur laasgenoemde voltooi is vir die identifisering van 'n "ware (real) behoefte", ("top-down" behoeftebepaling). Verder is gemeenskapsleiers toegelaat om die gemeenskapslede op grondvlak te verteenwoordig en namens hulle op te tree. Die gevolgtrekking kan dus gemaak word dat dit wel moontlik is om te bepaal watter van die twee genoemde benaderinge suksesvol was in die bepaling van die gemeenskap van Zwelihle se "gevoelsbehoefte" en gevolglik effektief was om die gemeenskapslede sosiaal te ontwikkel.

Die gebruik van gevangene arbeid in die Wes-Kaapse landbou

Goussard, Yvette 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The research problem of this study is "The use of prison labour in die Western Cape agriculture". The aim of this qualitative-historical study was to determine how this system of labour was established, functioned and eventually came to an end. To research this topic was not easy. Most of the documentary sources have been destroyed. Therefore, the main source of information were interviews with the relevant prison wardens and guards, as well as farmers who used prison labour in the past. Prison labour played only a small part in the penal system of the Cape Colony before the nineteenth century. The focus of punishment was on the body of the criminal - inflicting physical pain. Since the early 1800's prisoners were used for the maintenance of roads and on work in Governmental gardens. Prisoners were rented ' . out to farmers, on an informal basis, since 1806. A formal system of prison labour, based on the principle of rehabilitating punishment, was introduced by the Governor John Montagu in 1843. For example, prisoners were classified according to their behavior, rather than their crimes. In 1888 free prison labour was abolished and a standard wage was introduced. The use of prison labour by private persons increased systematically after the Second World War. The reason for this was a growing labour shortage in especially agriculture. The system of farm prisons or so-called "outposts" was established to address this problem. In 194 7 the Landsdown Commission accepted the principle of farm prisons. The first farm prison was opened in 1953. The establishment of these outposts had a twofold aim: firstly, it supplied farmers with a constant source of labour. Secondly, it served as a deliverance for the state, as this would relieve the overcrowding in prisons and reduce costs. Between 1953 and 1988 a_total of thirteen outposts were established in the Western Cape. Farmers' unions carried the costs of building the prisons and were also responsible for their maintenance. The Department of Prisons was responsible for the appointment of prisonguards and their remuneration. A Central Outpost Committee was established that served as a link between the various farmers' unions and the Department. South Africa's policy on prison labour was in line with the United Nations' "Standard Minimum Rules" for the treatment of prisoners, having rehabilitation as main objective. However, this system of farm prisons clashed with the international trade ethos of the time. It was seen as "slave labour" that gave South African farmers an unfair competitive advantage. In 1988 prison labour was terminated and outposts were closed, due to the threat of sanctions and boycotts of South African agricultural products. The empirical evidence of this study largely supports the Marxist interpretation of punishment in society. According to Ma.rXism, punishment systems and prison labour serve the economic interests of the dominant classes. At the same time it also gives credence to the Weberian interpretation, in which the systematic monitoring and treatment of prisoners are a manifestation of the tendency towards increasing rationalisation in Western society. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorsingsprobleem van hierdie studie is "Die gebruik van gevangene arbeid in die Wes-Kaapse landbou". Die doel van hierdie kwalitatief-historiese ondersoek was om vas te stel hoe hierdie sisteem van arbeid ontstaan, gefunksioneer en tot 'n einde gekom het. Navorsing van hierdie onderwerp was nie maklik nie. Die meeste dokumentere bronne was reeds vemietig. Gevolglik moes hoofsaaklik staatgemaak word op onderhoude met hoofde en bewaarders van gevangenisse, asook boere wat destyds van gevangene arbeid gebruik gemaak het. Gevangene arbeid het 'n relatief klein rol gespeel in die strafstelsel van die Kaapkolonie voor die negentiende eeu. Die klem van straf was op die liggaam van die beskuldigde - die toepassing van fisiese pyn. Vanaf die vroee 1800's 1s gevangenes egter gebruik vir die instandhouding van strate en vir werk m Regeringstuine. V anaf 1806 is gevangenes ook op informele basis aan boere uitgehuur. 'n Formele stelsel van gevangene arbeid, gebasseer op die beginsel van rehabiliterende straf, is in 1843 deur die destydse Goeweneur John Montagu ingestel. Gevangenes is byvoorbeeld geklassifiseer volgens hul optrede, eerder as hul misdaad. In 1888 is gratis gevangene arbeid afgeskaf en voorsiening is gemaak vir 'n standaard loon. Na die Tweede Wereldoorlog het die gebruik van gevangene arbeid deur privaat persone sistematies toegeneem. Die rede hiervoor was 'n groeiende arbeidstekort in veral die landbou. Laasgenoemde is hoofsaaklik aangespreek deur die stelsel van plaastronke of sogenaamde "buiteposte". In 194 7 het die Landsdown Kommissie plaastronke in beginsel goedgekeur. Die eerste plaastronk, of "buitepos" soos daarna verwys is, is in 1953 geopen. Die oprigting van buiteposte het 'n tweeledige doel gehad: eerstens, het dit vir boere'n konstante voorraad van arbeid te verskaf. Tweedens was dit vir die staat 'n uitkoms, aangesien dit die oorbevolking in stedelike tronke sou verlig en kostes sou besnoei. Daarbenewens sou hierdie nuwe stelsel hydra tot die rehabilitasie van korter-termyn gevangenes. Tussen 1953 en 1988 het daar altesame dertien buiteposte in die Wes-Kaap bestaan. Boereverenigings het die oprigtingskoste van die onderskeie tronke gedra. Hierbenewens moes hulle ook ondemeem om die tronke te onderhou, terwyl die Departement van Gevangenisse verantwoordelik was vir die beskikbaarstelling van bewaarders en hul vergoeding. 'n Sentrale Buiteposkomitee is gestig wat as skakel gedien het tussen die betrokke boereverenigings en die Departement. Suid-Afrika se beleid rakende gevangene arbeid was in pas met die Verenigde Nasies se "Standaard Minimum Reels" vir die behandeling van gevangenes, met rehabilitasie as sentrale motief. Die stelsel van plaastronke het egter ingedruis teen die intemasionale handels-etos van die tyd en is as "slawe arbeid" gesien wat vir SuidAfrikaanse boere 'n onregverdige mededingende voordeel gegee het. Uit vrese vir sanksies en boikotte van Suid-Afrikaanse landbou produkte, is gevangene arbeid gestaak en buiteposte teen die einde van 1988 gesluit. Die empiriese getuienis van hierdie ondersoek staaf in 'n groot mate die Marxistiese interpretasie van straf in die samelewing. Hiervolgens dien strafstelsels en gevangene arbeid die ekonomiese belange van die dominante klasse. Terselfdertyd steun dit die Weberiaanse interpretasie waarvolgens die sistematiese monitering en behandeling van gevangenes in tronke 'n manifestasie 1s van die tendens tot toenemende rasionalisasie in die Westerse samelewing.

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