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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Regstellende aksie in die Departement van Korrektiewe Dienste (1995-1999)

Filanie, Margaret Anita 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study explores how affirmative action took place in the Department of Correctional Services (DCS)from 1995to 1999 in the Western Cape. There are many impediments that must still be bridged. This study is not guided by a specific research hypothesis but focuses on the process of affirmative action from 1995 to 1999. A systematic outline of the development of the affirmative action process in the public sector are given. Firstly, guidelines as set out for a transformation process in the white paper : transformation of the public sector are highlighted, secondly guidelines for Department Affirmative Action programmes and lastly Affirmative Action in the Department of Correctional Services with specific referral to Linda Human's Blueprint for AA in above mentioned Department. The core focus is to gain perspective with regard to affirmative action in the South African context, the aspects that led to the process of affirmative action, identification of current policy and legislation which encourages affirmative action, the timeframe set aside for this process in the public sector with a specific focus on the Department of Correctional Services. In order to detect how affirmative action took place on grassroots level within the DCS, a case study was conducted, focussing on a specific management area Drakenstein. Generalisation to other management areas cannot occur, since each area is unique with regard to affirmative action needs although application of the process is based on broader national and provincial objectives. The st~dy can precede a more in depth study of programme evaluation of affirmative action over the past five years since 1995. Methodological problems and challenges of the research goal are highlighted and explained. Recommendation for an affirmative action plan en further research on the subject of affirmative action,will be given. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie is verkennend van aard en stel vas hoe regstellende aksie binne die Departement van Korrektiewe Dienste vanaf 1995tot 1999 in die Wes-Kaap plaasgevind het. Regstellende aksie is 'n nuwe proses, wat deurlopend plaasvind. Vir praktiese redes word daar slegs vasgestel hoe die proses binne een Staatsdepartement aangepak is in die genoemde vyfjaar tydperk. Daar is nog baie hindernisse en foute wat oorbrug moet word. Die studie word dus nie deur 'n spesifieke navorsingshiptotese gelei nie, maar fokus slegs op die verloop van die proses vanaf 1995- 1999. 'n Sistematiese uiteensetting van die verloop van die regstellende aksie proses in die openbare sektor word gegee. Eerstens word daar gekyk na riglyne vir die transformasieproses soos uiteengesit in die Witskrif: Transformasie van die Openbare Sektor, tweedens na riglyne vir Departementele Regstellende Aksie programme en laastens na regstellende aksie in die Departement van Korrektiewe Dienste met spesifieke verwysing na Linda Human se blouskrif vir Regstellende Aksie binne genoemde departement. Die volgende doelwitte is dus met die studie beoog :- Om perspektief te verkry met betrekking tot regstellende aksie binne die Suid Afrikaanse konteks - watter aspekte aanleiding gegee het tot die proses van regstellende aksie, die identifisering van huidige beleid en wetgewing wat regstellende aksie aanmoedig, die verloop van die proses van regstellende aksie in die openbare sektor met spesifieke fokus op die Departement van Korrektiewe Dienste. Ook om te fokus op 'n spesifieke Bestuursarea binne die DKD, naamlik Drakenstein om vas te stel of regstellende aksie wel op grondvlak plaasvind en hoe ingelig lede met betrekking tot die proses is, alhoewel daar nie veralgemeen kan word na ander Bestuurareas nie aangesien elke Bestuursarea sy eie unieke regstellende aksie behoeftes gei'dentifiseer en toegepas het op grond van bree Nasionale en Provinsiale doelwitte. Die studie kan 'n meer indiepte studie van program evaluasie van regstellende aksie voorafgaan, waarin die program van regstellende aksie binne die DKD oor die afgelope vyf jaar sedert 1995 krities geevalueer word, Die metodologiese problematiek en uitdagings wat deur bogenoemde navorsingsdoelwit gestel word, word verklaar en in perspektief gestel. Die tesis word afgesluit met aanbevelings vir 'n regstellende aksieplan en verdere navorsing.

Of nature and people : community-based natural resource management and land restitution at Makuleke

Louw, Francois Johannes 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis presented in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Social Anthropology at the University of Stellenbosch / Thesis (MA (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis is an exploration of how a new development culture has been cultivated at the end of the 20th century in reaction to the ‘crisis of development’ and the need to bring relief to impoverished communities in an environmentally sustainable manner. I uncover the key constraints on and opportunities for sustainable development and Community-Based Natural Resource Management that have emerged in land restitution claims in conservation areas in South Africa. I look at how inherited socio-political pasts poise actors and influence the relationships and interactions between them, how the current nature-tourism industry works to the detriment of some and the benefit of other actors in terms of gaining economic success and ultimately how these two factors influence conservation-based CBNRM projects. I examine three cases, namely: the Aboriginal community in Kakadu National Park, the Khomani San in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park and the Makuleke in Kruger National Park. Through this examination I draw specific conclusions: the repercussions of racial segregation policies puts community actors at a disadvantage when engaging with their partners; specific dynamics of the tourism industry threatens the success of CBNRM projects because the expected substantial benefits are not always guaranteed; and the lack of sound local governance impedes sustainable development at community-level. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis is ‘n verkenning van hoe ‘n nuwe ontwikkelingskultuur gekweek is aan die einde van die 20ste eeu deur die ‘krisis van ontwikkeling’ en die noodsaaklikheid om verligting te bring aan verarmde gemeenskappe op ‘n omgewings-volhoubare wyse. Ek lig die beperkings en kerngeleenthede tot volhoubare ontwikkeling en Gemeenskaps-Gebaseerde Natuurlike Hulpbronbestuur uit wat in grondhervormingseise in bewaringsgebiede in Suid-Afrika na vore gekom het. Ek kyk na hoe die historiese sosio-politiese erflating rolspelers posisioneer en verhoudings en interaksies tussen hulle beïnvloed, hoe die huidige natuur-toerisme industrie tot die nadeel van sommige en voordeel van sekere ander rolspelers werk in terme van die verkryging van ekonomiese sukses en uiteindelik hoe hierdie twee faktore bewarings-gebaseerde GBNHB beïnvloed. Ek bestudeer drie gevallestudies, naamlik die Inboorling-gemeenskap in die Kakadu Nasionale Park, die Khomani San in die Kalahari Gemsbok Nasionale Park en die Makuleke in die Nasionale Kruger -Wildtuin. Analise lei my tot spesifieke gevolgtrekkings: die nagevolge van rasse-segregasie-beleid plaas gemeenskapsakteurs in ‘n benadeelde posisie wanneer hulle in interaksie is met hulle vennote; die spesifieke dinamika van die toerisme-industrie bedreig die sukses van GBNHB projekte omdat die verwagte noemenswaardige voordele nie altyd gewaarborg kan word nie; en die gebrek aan effektiewe plaaslike bestuur belemmer volhoubare ontwikkeling op gemeenskapsvlak.

The interpretation and use of mixed methods research within programme evaluation practice

Kyeyune, Apolo Peter 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / The contemporary evaluation literature advocates for and recommends a pluralistic approach to programme evaluation, with some writers contending that the use of multiple and/or mixed methods for the practice is inevitable. The rationale for such an approach encompasses aspects of both the ‘technical’ and the ‘political’ requirements of evaluation practice. A review of evaluation research literature underscores the important role of mixed methods research towards realizing richer evaluation findings, and addressing the pragmatic, democratic and political facets of the evaluation practice. However, it is observed that there is a dearth of literature that focuses on how the use of a mixed methods evaluation approach facilitates the realization of richer conclusions or inferences about programme merit/worth. Thus, the overarching aim of the thesis is to establish how the perception and implementation of mixed methods research among evaluation practitioners influences the nature of inferences they make. This thesis aims at identifying patterns and relationships within and between conceptions and practices of mixed methods evaluation through a descriptive process. The selection of cases is therefore purposive and includes fourteen published evaluation articles on projects/programmes. An analytical framework is developed on the basis of a literature review on mixed methods research and background literature on evaluation research. This framework guides the qualitative content analysis of each case study and the cross-case analysis across the fourteen studies to identify common patterns. The findings reveal two prominent perspectives of mixed methods evaluation prevailing among evaluation practitioners. The first (labeled a ‘strong’ conception) has the intention of and places emphasis on the integration of the qualitative and quantitative components, with the primary objective of obtaining richer evaluation inferences. In this conception, the use of the methods and the data/inferences thereof are synthesized to achieve this goal. This conception is congruent with mixed methods purposes of: - ‘complementarity’ and ‘triangulation’ and is responsive to the ‘technical’ needs of evaluation. The second perspective (labeled a ‘weak’ conception) is silent about the integration of the respective methods or data/findings/inferences, qualifying the use of multiple methods and data in a single study as sufficing for a mixed methods approach. It resonates with justifications of mixed methods research that address issues of: - comprehensiveness, multiple view points, inclusiveness and democracy and seems more tailored to the ‘political’ needs of evaluation. The findings also reveal that the resulting multiple inferences from this ‘weak’ conception can weaken each other when contradicting or inaccurate qualitative and quantitative findings result, especially when the complimentary function of either method is not planned a priori. Therefore within the context of realizing richer and more valid evaluation findings/inferences, it is recommended that the purposes and qualification as mixed methods research of the second perspective be re-considered. It is apparent that in embracing the ‘political’ needs of evaluation practice, this conception seems to eschew the ‘technical’ requirements initially intended for a mixed methods approach. This has implications particularly for the mixed methods purpose of ‘expansion’ and rationales of pluralism, inclusiveness and democracy, which are seemingly popular within programme evaluation practice.

A self-fulfilling prophecy : investigating the role of normative misperceptions in the student drinking culture at Stellenbosch University

Tolken, Johnnie Eigelaar 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis explores the existence of misperceptions regarding the peer‐drinking norm among undergraduate students at Stellenbosch University and the role of these misperceptions in explaining students’ drinking behaviour. A more permissive perception of the drinking norm has been associated with heavier alcohol consumption and negative consequences for oneself, others and property. Perceptions of the academic norm and its relation to personal academic and drinking behaviour are also investigated. Furthermore, the study examines the role of perceptions of the drinking norm in personal drinking behaviour in the context of other cognitive factors (perceptions), experiences prior to enrolling at university, as well as socio‐demographic and contextual factors. The theoretical framework used to understand the origin, occurrence and perpetuation of misperceptions regarding the social norm includes Bourdieu’s theory of habitus, social norms theory, social learning theory and attribution theory. Data were collected from 640 students out of a random sample of 3 177 who had been invited to participate in a web‐based survey during September 2009. In addition, 18 personal semi‐structured interviews were conducted with students.   Similar to findings of research in other countries, the results of this research show that students at Stellenbosch University tend to perceive other students’ drinking behaviour (descriptive norm) and approval of drinking behaviour (injunctive norm) as more permissive than their own. The degree of misperception increases as the social distance of reference groups increases and is also significantly related to personal alcohol consumption. There is also evidence of misperceptions regarding the academic norm and its association with personal drinking behaviour and academic behaviour. Multiple regression analysis reveals that the perceived drinking norm of close friends is the best predictor of personal drinking behaviour, followed by personal approval of drinking and drinking behaviour during the last year of high school. The data presented here for Stellenbosch University students extend the evidence that peer drinking norms are misperceived and highlights the importance of a student’s experiences before enrolling at university. Furthermore, it provides evidence that misperceiving the drinking norm is a pervasive problem that may have behavioural consequences. Various American higher education institutions have developed and implemented campaigns aimed at correcting these misperceptions. This has resulted in significant reductions in misperceptions as well as in heavy drinking among students. Students at Stellenbosch University and elsewhere might also benefit from these types of intervention strategies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek die bestaan van wanpersepsies aangaande die portuurgroep‐drinknorm onder voorgraadse studente aan Universiteit Stellenbosch en die rol daarvan in die verduideliking van studente se drinkgedrag. ’n Meer liberale persepsie van die drinknorm hou verband met swaarder alkoholgebruik en meer negatiewe gevolge vir die persoon self, ander en eiendom. Die studie ondersoek ook persepsies van die akademiese norm en die verband daarvan met persoonlike akademiese en drinkgedrag. Verder word die rol van persepsies van die drinknorm in persoonlike alkoholgebruik in die konteks van ander bewussynsfaktore (persepsies), ervarings voor inskrywing by die universiteit, asook sosiaal‐demografiese en kontekstuele faktore ondersoek. Die studie maak gebruik van die teoretiese raamwerke van Bourdieu se habitus, sosiale norm‐teorie, sosiale leer‐teorie en attributasieteorie om die oorsprong, aanwesigheid en voortsetting van wanpersepsies te verstaan. Data is versamel onder 640 studente uit ’n ewekansige steekproef van 3 177 studente wat uitgenooi was om gedurende September 2009 aan ’n webgebaseerde opname deel te neem. Daar is ook 18 in‐diepte semi‐gestruktureerde onderhoude met studente gevoer.   Soortgelyk aan bevindinge van navorsing in ander lande, toon resultate van hierdie navorsing dat studente aan Universiteit Stellenbosch geneig is om ander studente se drinkgedrag (beskrywende norm) en goedkeuring van alkoholverbruik (injunktiewe norm) as meer liberaal as hulle eie waar te neem. Die graad van wanpersepsie neem toe namate die sosiale afstand van verwysingsgroepe toeneem en hou ook betekenisvol verband met persoonlike alkoholgebruik. Daar is ook bewyse van wanpersepsies aangaande die akademiese norm en die verband daarvan met persoonlike drink‐  en akademiese gedrag. Resultate van ’n meervoudige regressie‐ontleding wys dat die waargenome drinknorm van goeie vriende die beste voorspeller van persoonlike drinkgedrag is, gevolg deur persoonlike goedkeuring van alkoholgebruik en drinkgedrag gedurende die laaste jaar van hoërskool. Die data van Stellenbosse studente lewer verder bewys dat portuurgroep‐drinknorme verkeerdelik waargeneem word en beklemtoon die belangrikheid van studente se vorige ervarings. Dit bewys ook dat die verkeerde waarneming van die drinknorm ’n konstante probleem is wat gedragsgevolge kan hê. Verskeie Amerikaanse universiteite het al veldtogte ontwikkel en geïmplementeer gemik op die regstel van dié wanpersepsies, en dit het wanpersepsies en swaar drankgebruik onder studente betekenisvol verminder. Studente aan Universiteit Stellenbosch en elders sal waarskynlik ook by soortgelyke intervensiestrategieë baat vind. / jfl2011 / Imported from http://etd.sun.ac.za

A woman’s sell-by date : the experience of ageing amongst a group of women in Stellenbosch

Crous, Marisa Ellen 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / Please refer to full text to view abstract.

The role of memory in urban land restitution : case studies of five families in Stellenbosch

Du Toit, Justin 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Limited academic work has paid attention to the memories generated by claimants engaged in the restitution process. My thesis thus sought to investigate the role of memory in urban land restitution, with specific focus on the Stellenbosch context. In my discussion, I highlight how claimant memories are not only generated by the restitution process but how the master narrative of restitution shapes the memories produced. I argue that claimant memories function and gain wider meaning within the collective memory, through which the master narrative of restitution shapes how they remember – and in so doing, how claimants reconstruct the place from which they were removed. My thesis elucidates how, through the individual narratives of removal and dispossession (and thus, the making of place), claimants position themselves as part of a particular and new form of “imagined community” of land claimants. The context of my research is focussed on the area previously known as Die Vlakte which was located in urban Stellenbosch. Dispossessed and displaced to the outskirts of Stellenbosch town in the early 1960s, the advent of democracy provided the former residents of Die Vlakte the opportunity to claim the land lost. The qualitative methodology of five selected case studies, sought to explore the following objectives of my study: Firstly, to examine how claimants remember and reconstruct the places from which they were removed (that is, the making of place); and secondly, to investigate whether these memories or individual narratives of place are shaped by the master narrative of restitution. By means of engaging prominent theorists and scholars on memory and the master narrative of restitution, my study analyses the various aspects of memory construction and reconstruction within the collective framework. The research points to the interdependent relationship between individual memory and that of collective memory. It is argued that individual memory can only function as part and in reference to the collective memory. Within the restitution process, research shows that the master narrative of restitution not only shapes but controls and organises memory on a collective and hence, individual level. My thesis argues that the individual memories of dispossession and removals of the claimants are similar to national narratives and hence, my thesis illustrates, that the five claimant memories of the place from which they were removed in Die Vlakte is shaped by the master narrative of restitution. Through relaying these narratives of removals and dispossession they thus draw on the master narrative of restitution (from which they derive legitimacy), in order to legitimise their own claim to land and in so doing, placing themselves within the “new” form of imagined communities of land claimants. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Beperkte akademiese werk het aandag geskenk aan die herinnering wat deur eisers, wie betrokke was in die restitusieproses, gegenereer is. My tesis poog dus om die rol van herinnering in stedelike grondrestitusie, met spesifieke fokus op die Stellenbosch konteks. In my bespreking beklemtoon ek hoe eiserherinnering nie net gegeneer word deur die restitusieproses nie, maar hoe die meesternarratief van restitusie die herinnering wat geproduseer is, vorm. Ek voer aan dat eiserherinnering funksioneer en wyer betekenis verkry binne die kollektiewe herinnering, waardeur die meesternarratief van restitusie vorm hoe hulle onthou – en deur dit te doen, hoe eisers die plek waaruit hulle verplaas is waarvandaan hulle verwyder is, heropbou. My tesis verduidelik hoe, deur die individuele narratiewe van verwydering en onteiening (en dus, die skep van plek), eisers hul posisie inneem as deel van 'n besondere en nuwe vorm van "denkbeeldige gemeenskap‟ van grondeisers. Die konteks van my navorsing is gefokus op die area wat voorheen bekend was as Die Vlakte wat voorheen geleë was in die dorp Stellenbosch. Onteien en verdring tot die buitewyke van Stellenboschdorp in die vroeë 1960s, die koms van demokrasie voorsien aan die voormalige inwoners van Die Vlakte die geleentheid om die verlore grond te eis. Die kwalitatiewe metodologie van vyf gekose gevallestudies poog om die volgende doelwitte van my studie noukeurig te bestudeer: Eerstens, om te ondersoek hoe eisers die plekke waarvan hulle verwyder is onthou en heropbou; en tweedens om te ondersoek of hierdie herinneringe of individuele narratiewe van plek deur die meersternarratief van restitusie gevorm word. Deur gesprekvoering met prominente teoretici en kundiges op die gebied van herinnering en die meesternarratief van restitusie, analiseer my studie die verskeie aspekte van herinnering-opbou en heropbouing binne die kollektiewe raamwerk. Die navorsing wys na die interafhanklike verhouding tussen individuele herinnering en die van kollektiewe herinnering. Daar is aangevoer dat individuele herinnering slegs kan funksioneer as deel van en in verhouding tot die kollektiewe herinnering. Binne die restitusieproses wys navorsing dat die meesternarratief van restitusie nie net herinnering vorm nie, maar dit ook beheer en organiseer op 'n kollektiewe en dus individuele vlak. My tesis voer aan dat die individuele herinnering van onteiening en vverwydering van die eisers soorgelyk is aan nasionale narratiewe en dus illustreer my tesis dat die herinnering van die vyf eisers oor die plek waarvan hulle verwyder is in Die Vlakte, gevorm is deur die meesternarratief van restitusie. Deur hierdie narratiewe van verwydering en onteiening te vertel, ontleen die eisers aan die meesternarratief van restitusie (waaruit hul wettiging voortkom), om sodoende hul eie eis om grond wettig te verklaar, en deur dit te doen, hulself te plaas in die “nuwe” vorm van verbeelde gemeenskappe van grondeisers.

Research, methodology and the Internet : a study of the Internet as a data capturing tool

Dowling, Zoë Teresa 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It is widely accepted that the Internet has become a valuable resource for social scientists, not just for the purpose of information exchange; via e-mail, discussion groups and electronic journals, but also as a medium for data collection. Its global nature gives a researcher access to a vast range of individuals located around the world. It also opens up access to difficult to hitherto penetrate study areas, such as sensitive research on deviant behaviour. Further, it is claimed that considerable savings to both research budgets and time frames are made possible with the new technology. It is not surprising, therefore, that a substantial body of research, employing the Internet as the primary means of data collection, already exists. This raises a number of questions as to how the Internet fares as a research tool. Are there any important methodological issues that this new approach raises? Do the traditional research methods suffice? Or are adaptations to existing methods necessary when difficulties are encountered? Does such changes affect the more fundamental question of the research design? These questions are considered in this thesis. To answer them, I consider two different types of empirical research designs. The first,' survey research, is a quantitative, numerical design that traditionally has a high level of control. I consider in detail issues of sampling, including non-response, and questionnaire design. The second design examined, ethnographic research, is qualitative, textual and generally has a low level of researcher control. I address the methods used in cyber ethnography and then discuss the considerable ethical concerns that feature in such research. I conclude that, on the whole, the existing methods can be transferred to Internet research. Indeed, some of the problems faced in traditional research are also considerations in Internet studies and can be overcome by employing similar techniques, such as using incentives to reduce non-response rates. However, a number of new problems emerge, such as the lack of paralinguistic cues, which require adaptations to the existing methods in order to produce results that can be considered valid and reliable. However, I also argue that these necessary adaptations to the methods do not affect the underlying principles found in the research design. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Dit word algemeen aanvaar dat die Internet In waardevolle hulpmiddel is vir sosiaalwetenskaplikes; nie net vir die uitruil van inligting deur middel van e-pos, besprekingsforums en elektroniese joernale nie, maar ook as In instrument om inligting te versamel. Die globale aard van die internet gee die navorser toegang to In wye spektrum individue internasionaal. Dit verleen ook toegang tot moeilike navorsingsareas, soos sensitiewe navorsing oor afwykende gedrag. Verder word beweer dat dit aansienlike besparings moontlik kan maak vir beide die navorsingsbegroting en tydraamwerk. Dit is dus nie verbasend dat In substansiële hoeveelheid van navorsing, wat die Internet as die primêre bron van dataversameling gebruik, reeds bestaan nie. Dit laat verskeie vrae ontstaan oor hoe die Internet vaar as In navorsingshulpmiddel. Is daar enige belangrike metodologiese kwessies wat hierdie nuwe metode aanraak? Is die tradisionele metodes voldoende? Of moet daar veranderinge aan die huidige metodes aangebring word wanneer probleme ontstaan? Sal hierdie veranderinge die fundamentele aspekte van navorsingsontwerp beïnvloed? Die vrae saloorweeg word in hierdie tesis. Ek gebruik twee empiriese navorsingsontwerpe om die vrae te beantwoord. Die eerste, steekproefnavorsing, is In kwantitatiewe ontwerp wat tradisioneel In hoë vlak van beheer toon. Ek ondersoek in detail kwessies van steekproewe, insluitend geen respons en vraelysontwerp. Die tweede ontwerp wat ondersoek word, etnografiese navorsing, is kwalitatief, tekstueel en toon in die algemeen In lae vlak van navorser beheer. Ek ondersoek die metodes wat gebruik word in kuberetnografie en bespreek dan die etiese vraagstukke wat hierdie navorsing kenmerk. Ek kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat oor die algemeen die huidige metodes toegepas kan word op Internetnavorsing. Inderdaad kan van die probleme wat ondervind word in tradisionele navorsing ook ondervind word in Internet studies en ook hier kan dit oorkom word deur die gebruik van soortgelyke tegnieke, soos om aansporingsbonusse om geen responskoerse te verminder, hoewel daar nuwe probleme opduik, soos die gebrek aan para-taalkundige wenke. Dit noodsaak veranderinge aan die huidige metodes om resultate te lewer wat geldig en betroubaar is. Ek redeneer egter ook dat hierdie nodige veranderinge aan die metodes nie onderliggende beginsels van navorsingsontwerp verander nie.

The use of peer review as an evaluative tool in science

Eigelaar, Ilse 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Peer review as an institutional mechanism for certifying knowledge and allocating resources dates back as far as 1665. Today it can with confidence be stated that it is one of the most prominent evaluative tools used in science to determine the quality of research across all scientific fields. Given the transformation within the processes of knowledge production, peer review as an institutionalised method of the evaluation of scientific research has not been unaffected. Peer reviewers have to act within a system of relevant science and find themselves responsible to the scientific community as well as to public decision-makers, who in turn are responsible to the public. This dual responsibility of reviewers led to the development of criteria to be used in the evaluation process to enable them to measure scientific excellence as well as the societal relevance of science. In this thesis peer review in science is examined within the context of these transformations. In looking at the conceptual and methodological issues raised by peer review, definitions of peer review, its history and contexts of application are examined followed by a critique on peer review. Peer review in practice is also explored and the evaluation processes of four respective funding agencies are analysed with regards to three aspects intrinsic to the peer review process: the method by which reviewers are selected, the review criteria by which proposals are rated, and the number of review stages within each review process. The thesis concludes with recommendations for possible improvements to the peer review process and recommended alternatives to peer review as an evaluative tool. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Portuurgroep-evaluering as 'n geïnsitutsionaliseerde meganisme in die sertifisering van kennis en die toewys van hulpbronne dateer terug so ver as 1665. Huidiglik kan dit as een van die mees prominente metingsinstrumente van die kwaliteit van navorsing in alle wetenskaplike velde beskou word. Die transformasies wat plaasgevind het binne die prosesse waar kennis gegenereer word, het ook nie portuurgroep-evaluaring as 'n geïnstitusionaliseerde metode van evaluering ongeraak gelaat nie. Portuurgroep-evalueerders bevind hulself binne 'n sisteem van relevante wetenskap. Binne hierdie sisteem het hulle 'n verantwoordelikheid teenoor die wetenskaplike gemeenskap sowel as die publiekebesluitnemers wat op hul beurt weer verantwoordelik is teenoor die publiek. Hierdie dubbele verantwoordelikheid het tot gevolg die saamstel van kriteria waarvolgens evalueerders wetenskaplike uitmuntendheid sowel as relevansie tot die breër samelewing kan meet. Hierdie tesis ondersoek portuurgroep-evaluering teen die agtergrond van hierdie transformasies. Die konseptueie en metodologiese aspekte van portuurgroepevaluering word ondersoek deur eerstens te kyk na definisies van portuurgroepevaluering, die geskiedenis daarvan en kontekste waarbinne dit gebruik word. Tweedens word gekyk na kritiek gelewer op portuurgroep-evaluering. Portuurgroep evaluering binne die praktyk word ook ondersoek waar vier onderskeie befondsingsagentskappe se evaluerings prosesse geanaliseer word. Hierdie analise word gedoen in terme van drie essensiële aspekte binne portuurgroep- evaluering. Hierdie drie aspekte is as volg: 1) die wyse waarop evalueerders geselekteer word, 2) die evalueringskriteria waarvolgens navorsingsvoorstelle gemeet word en 3) die hoeveelheid evalueringsfases binne die protuurgroep-evaluerings proses. Laastens word aanbevelings ter verbetering van die portuurgroep-evaluerings proses as ook voorstelle tot moontlike alternatiewe tot portuurgroep-evaluering as 'n evaluerings instrument gebied.

A case study of the effects of school management programmes on school effectiveness

Masemola, Sente Thandy 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Republic of South Africa has a population made up of different racial groups. The differences are far reaching. There are differences with regard to the geographic location, wealth, educational levels and quality etc. amongst the racial groups. This has been the case for many years. A new democratic government came into being in South Africa in 1994. The advent of the democratic rule brought along a number of changes. The big change has been the observed concerted effort by the government to improve on the quality of life of the lot of the previously disadvantaged people of South Africa. This effort is observable in almost all spheres of government. One of the areas where such attempts are being made is in education. Several programmes have been put in place to improve the educational level and quality of the majority of the previously disadvantaged people. Much money, effort, time and energy are put into these programmes. The main question is whether these programmes are yielding the results that were intended. In this study, I tried to evaluate the impact of one such programme. I chose the TOPS school management programme as an example of these programmes. The programme was operational in eight areas of the Republic of South Africa. Its activities ended in 1996. I chose the case study approach in this study. The evaluation is summative in nature. One school which participated in the programme was chosen, to see what impact the programme had on its effectiveness. A second school that had not participated in the programme was brought into the study for purposes of comparison. The conclusion I reached is that school management programmes have a significant impact on the effectiveness of the schools that participate in such programmes. This became very clear in the study. The school that participated in the TOPS management programme was found to be very effective. The school met quite a number of requirements for effectiveness. The performance of the programme school was found to be much better than that of the comparison school. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die populasie van Suid Afrika bestaan uit 'n verskeidenheid van rasse wat nog verder verskil as gevolg van geografiese ligging, welvaart, opvoeding ens. Dit was die geval in baie jare. Sedert 1994 het 'n nuwe demokratiese regering die bewind orrgeneem. Sedertdien het daar baie veranderinge plaasgevind. Die grootste hiervan is dat die regering 'n poging daarvan maak om die lewenskwaliteit van die vorige minderbevooregte lede van die samelewing te verbeter. Die verandering is opmerklik in aIle afdelings van die regering. Onderwys is seker die afdeling wat die meeste aadag gegee word ten opsig van verbetering. Verskeie programme word aangebied. Hierin word baie geld, arbeid en energie in geploeg. Die groot vraag egle is word die regte resultate ontvang? In hierdie ondrsoek poog ek om die inpak van hierdie programme te evalueer. Ek het die TOPS sckool bestuur program uit gekies om te evalueer. Hierdie program was in agt streke van die Republiek aangebied; tot en met 1996. In hierdie opsig het ek die gevalle studie metode toe gepas, en die evaluasie is opsommend van aard. 'n Skool wat deelgeneem het aan die program is uit gekies om te bepaal watter inpak die program op sy efektiwiteit gehad het. 'n Ander skool wat nie deelgeneem het aan die program nie is gebruik om as vergelykend op te tree. Die resultate toon aan dat die skool wat deelgeneem het aan die program baie verbeter het. Dit is 'n bewys dat skool bestuur programme 'n beduidende en waardevolle inpak op efektiwiteit het. Die skool wat deelgeneem het aan die TOPS skool bestuur program was baie meer effektief en het verskeie vereiste standaarde maklik gehaal. Die resultate van die skool wat aan die program deelgeneem het was beduidend beter as die vergelykende skool

Measuring pupil's knowledge and understanding of technology : a methodological study

Goldstone, Margo 3 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Technological literacy is a competency that is widely espoused both locally and internationally (UNESCO, 1984; TAAP, 1991). Technological literacy has been described as a multi-dimensional construct consisting of a knowledge, skills and an affective component. This study investigated learner performance in the cognitive domain. Intact classes of Foundation (Grade 3), Intermediate (Grade 6) and Senior phase (Grade 9) learners from 12 Western Cape schools participated in a standardised paper-and-pencil assessment, the Pupil's Understanding of Technology (PUT) test. The study attempted to measure the effect of two variables - geographic location and gender, on learner knowledge and understanding of technology. The main substantive findings to emerge are firstly that geographic location is significantly related to performance in specific content areas of technology. Secondly, gender appears to be less significant in determining learner knowledge of technology on most questions. Furthermore, the level of knowledge of technology appears to correspond with phase or developmental level, thus supporting the conception of technological knowledge as a subset of general achievement. In addition, this study describes various methodological limitations pertaining to the PUT format and content. The main methodological limitations to an assessment of learner knowledge and understanding of technology using the PUT instrument relates to the nature of technological knowledge, and the understanding that technological literacy is a complex, multi-dimensional and activity-based subject. The study further highlights the need for an interrogation of the monolithic categories of 'geographic location' and 'socio-economic' category. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Tegnologiese geletterdheid is 'n vaardigheid wat beide nasionaal en internasionaal voorgestaan word (UNESCO, 1984; TAAP, 1991). Tegnologiese geletterheid is al beskryf as 'n multi-dimensionele konstruk wat bestaan uit 'n kennis, vaardigheid en emosionele komponent. Die studie ondersoek die leerder se prestasie in die kognitiewe gebied. Volledige groepe van Grondslag (Graad 3), Intermediêre (Graad 6) en Senior fase (Graad 9) leerders van 12 skole in die Wes-Kaap het deelgeneem aan 'n gestandardiseerde pen-en-papier evaluering, die Leerling se Begrip van Tegnologie (Pupil's Understanding of Technology - PUT) toets. Die studie poog om die eftek van twee veranderlikes, geografiese ligging en geslag, op die leerder se kennis en begrip van tegnologie te meet. Die belangrikste substantiewe bevindinge is eerstens dat geografiese ligging beduidend korreleer met prestasie in spesifieke inhoudelike areas van tegnologie. Tweedens blyk dit dat geslag 'n minder belangrike invloed toon in die bepaling van die leerder se kennis van tegnologie in die meeste vrae. Verder blyk dit dat die vlak van kennis van tegnologie ooreenstem met die fase of ontwikkelingsvlak. Dit ondersteun die konsepsie van tegnologiese kennis as 'n onderafdeling van algemene prestasie. Hierdie studie beskryf ook verder die verskeie metodologiese beperkinge wat betrekking het op die PUT uitleg en inhoud. Die belangrikste metodologiese beperkinge vir die evaluering van leerderkennis en begrip van tegnologie met die PUT verwys na die aard van tegnologiese kennis, en die opvatting dat tegnologiese geletterdheid 'n komplekse, multi-dimensionele en aktiwiteitsgebaseerde onderwerp is. Dit blyk ook verder uit die studie dat daar 'n behoefte is aan 'n ondersoek na die monolitiese kategorieë van 'geografiese ligging' en 'sosio-ekonomiese' afdeling.

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