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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The application of sport psychology principles in the work place

Bruintjies, Dianthea 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Sport Sc (Sport Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / Sport analogies are constantly used in business settings, perhaps due to some of the surface similarities between sport teams that strive to win competitive leagues and business teams striving to be successful in a competitive environment. The similarities between the sports and business worlds are highlighted by various authors who share “winning strategies” with managers and team leaders. However, the psychology of sports performance may be very different from the psychology of the business world. The main purpose of this investigation was to determine if the principles of sport psychology are indeed applicable to the environment of the workplace. Due to the emphasis on performance output in the corporate environment, which to a large extent is similar to the challenges encountered by elite sport persons, it is proposed that sport psychology rather than clinical psychology could be utilised as a way to assist employees to cope with the demands of the workplace. It is believed that by adopting the principles of sport psychology, employees can learn how to use mental skills, not only to enhance their performance in the work place, but also to deal with daily life stressors. The main focus of the study was to develop a mental skills programme based on sport psychology principles and to determine its effectiveness in the corporate world.

The development of a personal training programme based on the principles of flow

Berzack, Anthony 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Sport Sc (Sport Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / The motivation for this research evolved from a study of Flow in Sport (Jackson & Csikszentmihalyi, 1999). Flow is described as a state of optimal experience that could be attained by becoming immersed in a challenging task that absorbs all the attention on the task at hand. Physical exercise was used in this study because it provides a flow-conducive environment in which challenges can easily be gauged and increased, giving essential motivational feedback. A broad spectrum of sport psychology and flow-related research was applied in the design of a comprehensive and easily accessible system of understanding what it means to experience flow. Research that relates to the use of visualisation, relaxation and the use of natural triggers are key factors used in the implementation of the programme. The concept of flow was founded in seven fundamental elements that need to be present in order to experience flow. The programme was developed during several phases of sample testing over a period of two years to refine and condense the system so it would not detract attention from the task at hand. The final seven-week programme was presented to a sample of seven participants on a one-on-one basis. A combination of quantitative (measurements of performance levels in the chosen activity taken before and after the intervention programme intervention and qualitative (participants’ comments which were written down in terms of personal experiences related to the programme after completing the programme) methods were used to assess the effectiveness of the devised programme. Ground Evaluation Theory is described by Patton (1980) as the systematic working out of hypotheses and concepts during the course of research. This was a central feature of the nature of the development of the present programme. Patton (1980) describes a meta-evaluation as an evaluation of an evaluation. This was applied over the two-year period while refining and simplifying the present intervention so as to reduce potentially distracting analysis by participants. Using a standardised protocol, participants made use of personal past optimal experiences that epitomise each of the fundamental aspects of being in flow. These experiences (or blueprints) were then associated with natural triggers formed by seven segments of the human body to subconsciously refresh and enhance access to these past optimal states. A flow-chart on which these images were drawn was designed. It was used in conjunction with relaxation and visualisation to continually re-visit, refresh and apply these states of mind to reaching new peaks. Subjects were to visualise themselves immersed in performance of their task at the level set as the goal for the end of the programme. The past blueprinted states were used to recreate an optimal mental approach during this visualised performance. The goals were broken down into achievable challenging steps of progression with the use of personal training programmes designed by a sports scientist to be effective for attaining goals which were set. The flow-programme was evaluated in terms of setting training schedules, taking measurements and setting goals before intervention and then gauging the progress of these factors after the implementation of the programme. The factors measured were: the level of flow experienced in the chosen activity; satisfaction with life; adherence to the programme; and achievement of training goals. These variables were measured by comparing results in standardised tests which have proven reliable for measuring flow and satisfaction with life. Adherence to the programme was measured relative to the amount of training that had been specified in the programme designs. The attainment of goals was also measured by the percentage of goals that had been achieved, compared with those set by each participant for the programme.The results show that the subjects benefited from the programme on the four measures. The subjects also commented that they found the programme to be a highly effective tool for grasping an understanding of the concept of flow, as well as experiencing this elusive state. It was concluded that flow could be tapped into at a volitional level by using the devised intervention.

The effects of water immersion on the recovery and performance of competitive cyclists

Koekemoer, Christa Magrieta 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Sport Sc (Sport Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Post-exercise recovery has become an important area in research due to the high demands placed on competitive athletes. Different recovery strategies are used by athletes during competition and training. For the competitive athlete it is important to maintain performances during competition and also to enhance performances during training. However, if the athlete fails to recovery from daily exhaustive training and competition, inadequate recovery may lead to poor performances, burn-out, sickness and even injuries. There is very little evidence available on the possible performance recovery effects of the use of water immersion during multi days of intensive endurance training. Theoretically, water immersion should aid the overall recovery process without any additional energy cost involved as with active recovery. The objective of this investigation was to determine whether water immersion (cold water vs. neutral) has any effects on the post-exercise recovery rate of competitive cyclists during 3 days of intensive endurance training and whether recovery with water immersion is more effective than active recovery. Seventeen competitive cyclists (mean ± SD age: 27.6 ± 5.94 years, weight: 78.8 ± 6.67 kg, height: 180.5 ± 4.42 cm VO2max: 49.8 ± 4.13 L.min-1.kg-1, and PPO: 352.6 ± 35.94 Watts) completed 3 days of intensive endurance cycling sessions. Cyclists were randomly assigned to either a 20 minute ice bath (IB) (n = 6, 11 ± 0.9oC), neutral bath (NB) (n = 6, 30 ± 0.6oC), or active recovery (AR) (n = 5; 81 ± 1.74% of HRLT ) which were performed directly after the training sessions on Day 1 and 2. Dependent variables such as anaerobic performance, creatine kinase concentrations (CK), c-reactive protein concentrations (CRP), blood lactate concentrations, muscle soreness (VAS) and perceived fatigue (POMS), and limb circumferences were measured prior to the training sessions at Day 1, 2 and 3. In addition, changes in exercise performances over the last 2 days were also assessed. There were significant increases over the three days in plasma [CK] (P < 0.05) and [CRP] (P < 0.001) demonstrating that muscle damage and inflammation occurred during and after the training sessions. However, there were no treatment or interaction effects observed for any of the dependent variables for any of the recovery interventions (P > 0.05). Blood [La] was significantly reduced on Day 2 for the IB group in comparison to the NB group (P < 0.05). A strong tendency was observed for [CK] when the IB and NB groups were combined (WG), indicating that AR had a strong tendency to enhance the recovery of [CK] in comparison to the WG (P = 0.05). Also, there were no significant time or interaction effects observed in % changes in performances for the last two 100km TTs between Day 2 and 3 for any of the recovery interventions (P > 0.05). These findings suggest that neither cold water, nor neutral water therapy, have more beneficial effects on post-exercise recovery rates compared to active recovery. Importantly, however, is that the cyclists’ were able to maintain their performances over the three consecutive days, indicating that water therapy per se is not detrimental to endurance performance. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Na-oefening herstel het ‘n belangrike area van navorsing geword, aangesien die eise wat aan elite atlete gestel word buitengewoon hoog is. Vir die kompeterende fietsryer is dit baie belangrik om prestasie tydens kompetitisie asook tydens inoefening te handhaaf. Inteendeel, as die atleet nie daarin slaag om effektief te herstel na daaglikse oefening en kompetisie nie, mag dit lei tot swak prestasie, uitbranding, siekte en beserings. Tot hede is daar geen baie min bewyse beskikbaar oor die potensiële voordele van waterterapie vir die herstel van atlete, veral tydens meervoudige dae van intensiewe uithouvermoë inoefening. Teoreties behoort waterterapie die algehele herstelproses bevorder sonder dat enige addisionele energiekostes betrokke is, soos in die geval van aktiewe herstel. Die doel van die ondersoek was om vas te stel of waterterapie (koud teenoor neutraal) enige effekte het op die na-oefening hersteltempo van kompeterende fietsryers tydens 3 dae van intensiewe uithouvermo oefening en om te bepaal of waterterapie meer effektief is as aktiewe herstel. Sewentien kompeterende fietsryers (gemiddeld ± SD; ouderdom: 27.6 ± 5.94 jaar, gewig: 78.8 ± 6.67 kg, lengte: 180.5 ± 4.42 cm, VO2maks: 49.8 ± 4.13 L.min-1.kg-1, en Piek krag uitset: 352.6 ± 35.94 Watts) het 3 dae van intensiewe uithouvermoë inoefeing voltooi. Die fietryers was lukraak ingedeel in ‘n 20 minute Ysbadgroep (IB) (n = 6, 11 ± 0.9oC), neutrale bad groep (NB) (n = 6, 30 ± 0.6oC) en ‘n aktiewe herstelgroep (AR) (n = 5; 81 ± 1.74% van HRLT), Herstelsessies het op Dag 1 en 2 direk na die inoefeningsessies plaasgevind. Afhanklike veranderlikes soos funksionele kapasiteit, kreatienkinase konsentrasies (CK), c-reaktiewe proteïen konsentrasies (CRP), bloedlaktaat konsentrasie ([La]), spierseerheid en persepsie van vermoeienis (STEMS), en beenomtrekke was gemeet voor die inoefeningsessies op Dag 1, 2 en 3. Veranderinge in oefeningprestasie oor die laaste 2 dae was ook geassesseer. Daar was ‘n statistiese betekenisvolle toename in plasma [CK] (P < 0.05) en [CRP] (P < 0.001) oor die drie dae, wat daarop wys dat spierskade en inflammasie wel plaasgevind het. Daar was geen behandeling of interaksie effekte waarneembaar vir enige van die intervensies nie (P > 0.05). Bloed [La] was beduidend verlaag op Dag 2 vir die IB groep in vergelyking met die NB groep (P = 0.05). Die verlaging in plasma [CK] na AR het gegrens aan statisties betekenisvolle resultate (P = 0.05) in vergelyking met die waterterapie (IB en NB gekombineer). Daar was geen statisites beduidende tyd of interaksie effekte waargeneem in die % veranderinge in oefeningprestasie vir die laaste twee 100km tydtoetse tussen Dag 2 en 3 vir enige van die herstelstrategieë nie (P < 0.05) Die resultate wys dat waterterapie nie enige voordelige effekte op die na-inoefening herstel tempo het in vergelyking met aktiewe herstel nie. Dit is egter belangrik om daarop te let dat die fietsryers in staat was om hul oefeningprestasies te handhaaf oor die drie opeenvolgende dae, wat aandui dat waterterapie nie nadelig inwerk op uithouvermoë prestasie nie.

The effects of an adapted physical activity program on motor performance and behaviour of children with autism spectrum disorder

Ferguson, Leanne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Sport Sc (Sport Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The effect of an adapted physical activity (APA) program on the motor performance of children with autism was studied. A multiple single case studies approach was implemented. Three children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), aged between three and eight years old, were chosen for the study. A baseline, pre- and post-test assessment evaluated the effect of a 20-week intervention program. Motor abilities were tested using the Movement Assessment Battery for Children, and selected items from the Brockport Physical Fitness Test were used to assess physical fitness. The intervention was administered three times per week and focused on the individual motor impairments of each child. The program termed “Mighty Muscles” was continuously developed according to the child‟s specific goals and developments. Additionally, social play and overall behaviour assessments were also done. The Sherrill-University of Virginia Adapted Physical Education Social Play Behaviour Inventory assessed social play and a behavioural profile developed by the researcher assessed daily living activities and behaviours associated with autism. Due to the nature of autism, the results of each child were analysed, graphed and discussed individually. For the three children, the APA program had a positive effect in improving the motor abilities, including improvements in ball skills, manual dexterity and balance. The APA program also improved the physical fitness of the three subjects including aerobic capacity, muscular strength and endurance and flexibility. Self-stimulatory behaviours and inappropriate behaviours (fidgeting, self-injury) decreased in all three subjects while rates of appropriate physical activity during free time increased, demonstrating the positive contribution the APA program had on behaviours associated with autism. Social play became more spontaneous and interactive for case study two and three. From this study, it is concluded that an adapted physical activity program is an essential addition in the holistic treatment of autism. This study provides further research and insight into the components of a successful APA program. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: „n Ondersoek is gedoen om die effek van „n Aangepaste Bewegingsprogram op die motoriese vermoë van drie kinders wat met outisme ge-identifiseer is, na te gaan. Die ouderdomme van die deelnemers wissel tussen drie en agt jaar. „n Gevalle-studie navorsingsontwerp is gebruik en die effek van „n 20-weeklange intervensieprogram is bepaal deur die resultate van basislyn-, voor- en na-programtoetsing te vergelyk. Motoriese vermoë is nagegaan deur gebruik te maak van die Movement Assessment Battery for Children, en liggaamlike fiksheid deur die gebruik van die Brockport Physical Fitness Test. Bykomend is waarnemings gemaak omtrent die sosiale speeltendense en algemene gedragspatrone van elke kind. Die Sherrill –University of Virginia Adapted Physical Education Social Play Behaviour Inventory en „n selfontwerpte gedragsprofiel, om alledaagse aktiwiteite en geassosieerde outistiese gedrag waar te neem, is ook benut. Die intervensiesessies is drie maal per week gedoen en het gefokus op die motoriese agterstande van elke individuele deelnemer. Soos mikpunte bereik is, is die inhoud van die Mighty Muscles program voortdurend aangepas. As gevolg van die unieke aard van outisme, is die resultate van elke kind afsonderlik ontleed, word dit afsonderlik illustreer en bespreek. Die spesifieke aangepaste bewegingsprogram het „n positiewe effek op die motoriese vermoëns van al drie deelnemers gehad. Verbetering in bal-, handvaardighede en balansvermoë was opvallend. Die aërobiese kapasiteit, spierkrag en spieruithouvermoë asook lenigheid, met ander woorde fiksheid van al drie het as gevolg van deelname aan die intervensieprogram, verbeter. Selfstimulerende en onvanpaste gedrag het afgeneem terwyl deelname aan meer gepaste, spontane vryetydaktiwiteite, duidelik waargeneem is. Al bogenoemde resultate dui op die positiewe bydrae van „n aangepaste bewegingsprogram op die gedrag van kinders wat met outisme geïdentifiseer is.

Performance Aaalysis of penalty area entrances of a South African men's professional football team

Engelbrecht, Warren Peter 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Sport Sc (Sport Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of the study was to analyse the penalty area entrances of a team competing in the Premier Soccer League (PSL) in South Africa. Ten home matches of the team were analysed making use of a category set designed for the study. The main areas of analysis included the point of final action before the ball entered the penalty area, the part of the penalty area at which the entrance occurred, the method of entrance, the number of completed passes within the area, and the outcome of the entrance as well as the reason for the outcome. The results revealed that the team entered the penalty area on average 59.4 times per match and scored a goal on every 37.4 penalty area entrances. The ball being taken away by the opponents was the outcome that occurred most frequently within the penalty area (42.1% of all entries), and was largely due to interceptions by the defending team (20.7%). The next most commonly occurring event was the ball being given away by the attacking team (22.4% of all entries) and was largely as a result of the poor passing (20%). The results revealed that in order for the team to improve their ability to convert their attacking opportunities into goals, improvement of technical execution in particular passing and shooting within the critical areas of the field must be established. The results have implications for the use of performance analysis for professional teams as support for the coaching process. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie was om „n prestasie-profiel te ontwikkel wat die strafarea-toegang beskryf van „n professionele span wat aan die Premier Sokker Liga (PSL) in Suid-Afrika deelneem. Tien tuiswedstryde van die span is geanaliseer, gebaseer op „n kategorie wat vir die studie ontwerp is. Die vlakke van analise was eerstens die punt van finale aksie voordat die bal die strafarea binnegaan, die plek in die strafarea waar toegang plaasgevind het, die metode van toegang, die hoeveelheid afgehandelde aangee-aksies in die area en laastens die uitkoms van die toegang asook die rede vir die uitkoms. Die resultate het aangedui dat die span die strafarea ongeveer 59.4 keer per wedstryd betree en elke 37.4 „n doel aanteken deur toegang tot die strafarea te verkry. Die afneem van die bal deur „n span (42.1% van toegang) het die meeste plaasgevind nadat die bal die strafarea binne gegaan het. Dit is grotendeels te wyte aan onderskepping deur die verdedigende span (20.7%). Die weggee van die bal deur die aanvallende span (22.4% van toegang) was hoofsaaklik as gevolg van swak aangee-aksies (20%) en het ook dikwels voorgekom. Die prestasie-profiel het aangedui dat indien die span hulle vermoë wil verbeter om aanvallende geleenthede te laat eindig in „n doel, verbetering nodig is met tegniese uitvoering, veral met vaardighede ten opsigte van „n bal-aangee en doelskop. Hierdie studie is „n voorbeeld van hoe prestasie-analise aangewend kan word in professionele sokker om ondersteuning aan die afrigtingsproses te bied.

The effects of a sensory motor development programme on selected variables of school readiness

De Haan, Ann I 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScSportSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this investigation was to determine whether a sensory motor development programme could have an effect on some of the underlying physical and perceptual abilities that support school readiness. The control group consisted of 23 children and the two intervention groups of 79 children in total. All of the children were enrolled in a pre-primary school programme in a local community. They were all six years old by the end of the intervention. The Movement Assessment Battery for Children (Henderson & Sugden, 1992) was used to assess the children on their manual dexterity, eye-hand coordination, static balance and dynamic balance. The intervention programme consisted of two phases of 10 weeks each, during which the sensory motor development activities were presented to the two intervention groups. Results of the investigation revealed there were significant improvements for some of the children on selected variables that underlie school readiness. It can be concluded that participation in a sensory motor development programme can make a significant contribution to school readiness for many children. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie ondersoek was om te bepaal of 'n sensories-motoriese ontwikkelingsprogram enige uitwerking op bepaalde onderliggende fisiese en perseptuele vermoëns wat tot skoolgereedheid by jong kinders bydra, sou kon hê. Die kontrolegroep het uit drie-en-twintig kinders bestaan. Die twee tussentredende groepe het altesaam uit nege-en-sewentig kinders bestaan. Die kinders was almal pre-primêre skoolprogramleerders vanuit 'n plaaslike gemeenskap. Teen die einde van die intrede het al die betrokke kinders sesjarige ouderdom bereik. Movement Assessment Battery for Children (Hendersen & Sugden, 1992) is as riglyn gebruik om die kinders se handvaardigheid, oog-hand-koërdinasie, statiese en dinamiese balans te evalueer. Die tussentredeprogram het bestaan uit twee fases van tien weke elk. Die sensoriese-motoriese ontwikkelingsaktiwiteite is terselfdertyd vir die twee tussentredegroepe aangebied. Die resultate van die ondersoek het beduidende vordering in sommige kinders getoon, spesifiek ten opsigte van bepaalde veranderlikes onderliggend aan skoolgereedheid. Hierdie bevinding dui daarop dat sodanige deelname in 'n sensories-motoriese ontwikkelingsprogram wel 'n betekenisvolle bydrae tot die ontwikkeling van skoolgereedheid in baie kinders kan maak.

The relationship between levels of cardiorespiratory fitness, body composition and physical self-perception in adolescent girls

Du Toit, Liezel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScSportSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There is a universal concern about the rapid decline in the physical activity levels of children, particularly adolescent girls. There is evidence of an increase in juvenile obesity that is associated with numerous health risks. During adolescence the majority of psychological problems associated with obesity stem from a disturbance in the self-concept. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between fitness, body composition and physical selfperception of a sample of 167 adolescent girls (14-17 years), and to compare these results with the results of similar studies from around the world. The results show a significant positive relationship (r = 0.47; P < 0.01) between levels of cardiorespiratory fitness and physical self-perception and significant negative relationships between percentage body fat and physical self-perception (r = -0.35; p < 0.01), as well as body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness (r = -0.47; P < 0.01). The results clearly illustrate the current prevalence of obesity associated with low cardiorespiratory fitness (due to inactivity) and low selfperception. The importance of being physically active for the physical and psychological well-being of adolescents is a valuably preventive and treatment measure. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die bekommernis oor die toenemende afname in die fisieke aktiwiteitsvlakke van kinders, veral adolessente meisies, blyk 'n universele verskynsel te wees. Bewyse is gevind van 'n toename in obesiteit by kinders wat verband hou met verskeie gesondheidsrisikos. Tydens adolessensie word die meeste sielkundige probleme wat verband hou met obesiteit deur 'n versteuring in die selfkonsep veroorsaak. Die doel van hierdie studie was om vas te stel wat die verband tussen fiksheid, liggaamsamestelling en fisieke selfpersepsie is. Die steekproef het bestaan uit 167 adolessente meisies (14 - 17 jaar oud) en hierdie resultate is vergelyk met die resultate van soortgelyke studies van regoor die wêreld. Die resultate toon 'n beduidend positiewe verband (r = 0.47; P < 0.01) tussen kardiorespiratoriese fiksheidsvlakke en fisieke selfpersepsie vlakke en beduidend negatiewe verbande tussen liggaamsvetpersentasie en selfpersepsie (r = -0.35; P < 0.01) sowel as liggaamsamestelling en kardiorespiratoriese fiksheid (r = -0.47; P < 0.01). Die resultate toon dat die voorkoms van obesiteit met lae kardiorespiratoriese fiksheid (as gevolg van 'n gebrek aan fisieke aktiwiteit) en lae selfpersepsie verband hou. Die belangrikheid van fisieke aktiwiteit vir die fisieke en sielkundige welstand van adolessente is 'n waardevolle voorkomende en behandelingsmetode.

Video analysis as a form of feedback to improve sport performance

Thomas, Brendan Nigel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScSportSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Feedback is critical for motor skill learning. Knowledge of performance (KP) In the form of verbal feedback is the most commonly used type of augmented feedback. Advances in technology have made it possible for coaches to utilise video-supported feedback with athletes with the intention of accelerating the learning process. The use of videotape replay has been an effective aid under some circumstances. Recent commercially available products offer digital analysis that may be even more successful than ordinary video replay in this regard. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of knowledge of results (KR) and verbal KP with video-support in improving the learning of the tennis serve, when compared to KR with verbal KP only. A total of 18 adults (lOwomen and 8 men) were assessed on their serving technique (6 kinematic variables), accuracy (2 variables) and speed (1 variable). Technique analysis was completed using a commercially available analysis programme. For a short intervention period, one group (n = 10) received KR with verbal feedback only, while the other group (n = 8) received KR plus verbal feedback with video support. The subjects were tested after the intervention to see what changes had occurred with regards to the speed, accuracy and technique of their serves. No significant differences were found for any of the variables, leading to the conclusion that the amount oftime spent in the intervention programme must be extended in order to possibly achieve significant effects on performances. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: By die aanleer van motoriese vaardighede is terugvoer van kritiese belang. Verbale terugvoering is die mees algemene vorm van kennis oordraging aan die uitvoerder. Verbetering in tegnologie het dit nou moontlik gemaak vir afrigters om videoondersteunde terugvoer met atlete te gebruik, met die doelom die leerproses te versnel. Die gebruik hiervan is in sekere situasies 'n effektiewe hulpmiddel. Kommersiële produkte wat tans beskikbaar is bied die moontlikheid van digitale ontledings, wat dalk meer suksesvol kan wees as slegs die terugspeel van 'n video aan die uitvoerder. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die doeltreffendheid van kennis van resultate (knowledge of results) en verbale terugvoering met video-ondersteuning in die verbetering van die tennis afslaan te meet, en dit dan te vergelyk met kennis van resultate waar net verbale terugvoering verskaf is. 'n Totaal van 18 volwassenes (It) vroue en 8 mans) se afslaantegniek (6 kinematiese verandelikes), akkuraatheid van afslaan (2 verandelikes) en die spoed van die afslaan (1 verandelike) is nagegaan. Tegniekontleding is met die gebruik van 'n komersieël beskikbare analise-program gedoen. Een groep (n = l O) het kennis van resultate en verbale terugvoer gekry vir 'n kort intervensie periode. Die ander groep (n = 8) het kennis van resultate en video-ondersteunde verbale terugvoer, ook vir 'n kort intervensie tydperk ontvang. Die deelnemers is na afloop van die intervensie tydperk getoets om te bepaal watter veranderinge met betrekking tot spoed, akkuraatheid en afslaantegniek plaasgevind het. Geen beduidende verskille is in enige van die verandelikes gevind nie. Dit gee aanleiding tot 'n gevolgtrekking dat die duur van die intervensieprogram verleng moet word om 'n beduidende effek op uitvoering te kry.

The relationship between the bunkie-test and selected biomotor abilities in elite-level rugby players

Van Pletzen, Danel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Sport Sc (Sport Science)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this exploratory study was to assess the fascia alignment in kinetic muscle chains and to determine the relationship between these results and selected biomotor abilities in rugby players. It is suggested that restrictions in the fascia along the kinetic chains inhibit muscle function and therefore influence movement patterns, such as those required by skilled rugby players. The isometric Bunkie-test was used to assess fascia alignment in ten kinetic chains related to movement patterns. Standard functional tests were used to assess agility, speed, speed endurance, lower body explosive power and upper body muscle endurance. The relationship between fascia alignment and injury occurrence was also determined. The subjects (n = 121) were all elite-level rugby players from three rugby academies. They participated voluntarily in a once-off assessment, consisting of the Bunkie-test, an Illinois agility test, a 10m sprint test, a 40m sprint test, a repeated sprint test, a vertical jump test and a maximum pull-ups test. Subjects also completed an injury questionnaire regarding all previous and current injuries. No intervention was applied and the statistical analysis was based on this assessment. Numerous significant relationships (p < 0.05) were found between the results of the Bunkietest and results of the performance tests. Players performing better on the Bunkie-test demonstrated better biomotor abilities. Very few significant findings (p < 0.05) were found when comparing the results of the Bunkie-test to injury occurrence. The conclusion was made that restrictions in the fascia of kinetic chains, as determined by the Bunkie-test, could influence a rugby player’s ability to perform biomotor movements optimally. Whether restrictions in the fascia resulted in an increased injury occurrence could not be shown. The Bunkie-test might be a tool for coaches and rehabilitation therapists to identify weaknesses and imbalances in the kinetic chains of athletes. Addressing these problems could then lead to improvements in sport performance. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie ondersoekende studie was om die belyning van die fascia in kinetiese spierkettings te evalueer, asook om die verhouding tussen hierdie resultate en geselekteerde biomotoriese vermoëns in rugbyspelers. Daar is aanduidings dat beperkings in die fascia van enige spierketting spierfunksie kan inhibeer en dus ook die effektiwiteit van bewegingspatrone kan beïnvloed. Die isometriese Bankie-toets is gebruik om die fascia belyning in tien spierkettings te evalueer. Hierdie spierkettings is belangrik vir die uitvoer van algemene bewegingspatrone. Standaard funksionele toetse is gebruik om ratsheid, spoed, spoed-uithouvermoë, eksplosiewe krag van die onderste ledemate en spieruithouvermoë van die bolyfspiere te bepaal. Die verwantskap tussen fascia belyning en die aantal beserings in rugbyspelers is ook bepaal. Die proefpersone (n = 121) was almal elite-vlak rugbyspelers verbonde aan een van drie rugby akademies. Alle spelers het vrywillig deelgeneem aan die studie. Toetsing is eenmalig gedoen en het bestaan uit die Bankie-toets, die Illinois ratsheidstoets, ‘n 10m spoedtoets, ‘n 40m spoedtoets, ‘n herhaalde-spoed toets, ‘n vertikale sprong toets en ‘n maksimale optrektoets. Spelers het ook ‘n vraelys aangaande huidige en vorige beserings ingevul. Geen intervensie is in hierdie studie gedoen nie en die statistiese analise was dus op die bogenoemde gebaseer. Verskeie beduidende verwantskappe (p < 0.05) is gevind tussen die resultate van die Bankietoets en die resultate van die funksionele toetse. Spelers wat beter resultate in die Bankie-toets verkry het, het ook beter biomotoriese vermoëns getoon. Min beduidende resultate (p < 0.05) is gevind tussen die resultate van die Bankie-toets en die voorkoms van beserings. Die gevolgtrekking is gemaak dat beperkinge in die fascia van spierkettings, soos deur die Bankie-toets bepaal, wel ‘n rugbyspeler se vermoë om biomotoriese bewegings optimaal uit te voer kan beïnvloed. Of beperkinge in die fascia ook aanleiding gee tot ‘n toename in aantal beserings kon nie met hierdie studie vasgestel word nie. Die Bankie-toets kan moontlik ‘n instrument vir afrigters en rehabilitasie-terapeute wees. Die doel daarvan sal wees om beperkinge en wanbalanse in spierkettings van atlete te bepaal. Indien hierdie probleme aangespreek word, behoort sportprestasie te verbeter.

Die gebruik van sielkundige intervensies onder junior tennisspelers

Venter, Louis P. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScSportSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of sport psychology injunior tennis and to determine: • whether coaches make use of psychological interventions, • whether coaches consider psychological interventions in junior tennis to be important, • what kind of psychological interventions coaches make use of, and • what kind of problems coaches encounter while teaching psychological interventions to junior tennis players. Questionnaires were mailed off to all professional tennis coaches who are registered with Tennis South Africa. The questionnaire which the coaches voluntarily answered, was an abbreviated, revised version of the questionnaire used by Gould et al. (1999a) for their study. \ The results of this study show that coaches: • regard the teaching of psychological interventions to junior tennis players as very important. • perceived the following as the most important psychological dimensions for junior tennis players: motivation, concentration, enjoyment, self-confidence and goal setting. • find the teaching process of psychological interventions to junior tennis players difficult. • encounter practical problems in the teaching of psychological interventions to junior tennis players. Lack of time is mentioned most often. Based on these outcomes, it is concluded that sport psychology has an important role to play in junior tennis. More research is needed to develop techniques and methods to effectively teach psychological interventions to junior tennis players. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie is om die rol van sportsielkunde in junior tennis te ondersoek deur die volgende te bepaal: • of afrigters van sielkundige intervensies gebruik maak, • of afrigters dink dat sielkundige intervensies belangrik is in junior tennis, • van watter sielkundige intervensies afrigters gebruik maak, en • watter probleme afrigters ondervind gedurende die onderrig van sielkundige intervensies aan junior tennisspelers. Vraelyste is gestuur aan aIle professionele tennisafrigters wat by Tennis Suid-Afrika geregistreer is. Die vraelys wat die afrigters vrywillig beantwoord het, was 'n verkorte, hersiene weergawe van die vraelys wat deur Gould et al. (1999a) in hulle studie gebruik is. Die resultate van die studie toon dat afrigters: • die onderrig van sielkundige intervensies aan junior tennisspelers as belangrik beskou. • die volgende sielkundige dimensies in junior tennis as die belangrikste beskou: motivering, konsentrasie, genot, selfvertroue en doelwitstelling. • die onderrigproses verbonde aan sielkundige intervensies moeilik vind. • praktiese probleme ondervind met die onderrig van sielkundige intervensies aan junior tennisspelers. 'n Gebrek aan tyd is uitgesonder as die probleem wat die meeste voorkom. Gebaseer op die resuitate, is daar tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat sportsieikunde 'n belangrike rol te speel het in junior tennis. Verdere navorsing word benodig am tegnieke en metodes daar te stel om die sieikundige intervensies effektief aan junior tennisspelers te onderrig .

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