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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of a plyometric training programme on selected physical capacities of rugby players

Retief, Francois 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSportwet)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of a six-week plyometric training programme on the explosive power, speed and agility as well as certain physiological characteristics and the physical fitness of rugby players. Thirty subjects, that include the first and second rugby teams of the Paul Roos Gymnasium participated in the study. After a thorough evaluation of their medical history, their health status was confirmed as being “apparently healthy” and fit for participation in the project. The subjects were divided into two groups. The experimental group followed a specially designed plyometric training programme in addition to their conventional rugby training, while the control group persisted with the conventional rugby training for the season. Body fat percentage was measured and specific girth measurements were taken to assess physiological changes. Cardiovascular fitness was evaluated by means of the threeminute step test and muscle endurance by means of the push-up and sit-up tests in order to assess the physical fitness of the subjects. The explosive power, speed and agility of the subjects were assessed by means of the agility test [T-drill], ten-meter speed test, Sargent vertical jump test, depth jump test, standing triple jump and the medicine ball chest pass. All measurements and tests were taken before and after the six-week intervention programme of plyometric training. With regards to physiological changes the results showed that the plyometric training programme had a positive effect on the experimental group. The body fat percentage of the experimental group showed a significant decrease and the circumference of their thighs, calves, arms and waist increased. Their chest circumferences did, however, not increase, which might be due to the fact that the plyometric exercises were more specifically aimed at the lower body muscle groups. The results pertaining to physical fitness were mixed. There was a significant improvement (p<0,01) in the cardiovascular fitness of the experimental group while that of the control group stayed relatively constant (p=1,0). With regards to muscle endurance, the control group fared significantly better in the push-up test than the experimental group, while the experimental group fared significantly better in the sit-up test than the control group. The six-week plyometric intervention programme had a statistically significant effect on the performance of the experimental group as compared to the control group, when biomotor skills were assessed. It was concluded that the addition of the specific plyometric exercises to a conventional rugby-training programme would improve the speed, explosive power and agility of rugby players significantly. Beneficial anthropometric changes as well as improved cardiovascular fitness would be additional benefits of a plyometric training programme. The findings of this research suggest that the value of plyometric exercises to motor skills, specific physiological characteristics and physical fitness should not be underestimated and that the trainers and coaches should be informed in this regard. To establish the positive effects of plyometrics as a functional cross training regime for rugby players, more comprehensive research is, however, recommended. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die navorsing was om die effek van ‘n ses-weeklange pliometriese oefenprogram op die eksplosiewe krag, spoed, ratsheid asook sekere fisiologiese karaktereienskappe en die fisieke fiksheid van rugbyspelers te ondersoek. Dertig spelers, wat lede van die eerste en tweede rugbyspan van Paul Roos Gimnasium hoërskool ingesluit het, het aan die studie deelgeneem. Na deeglike evaluering van hulle mediese geskiedenis, is hulle gesondheidsvlakke goedgekeur vir deelname in die studie. Die spelers is in twee groepe verdeel. Die eksperimentele groep het ‘n spesiale pliometriese oefenprogram gevolg, saam met die konvensionele rugby-oefensessies. Die kontrole groep het slegs aan die konvensionele rugby-oefensessies vir die seisoen deelgeneem. Persentasie liggaamsvet en spesifieke omtrekmates is genoteer om die fisiologiese veranderinge te evalueer. Kardiovaskulêre fiksheid is deur middel van ‘n drie-minute opstaptoets geëvalueer en spieruithouvermoë deur middel van opstoot-en opsittoetse om sodoende die speler se fisieke fiksheid te evalueer. Die ratsheid, spoed en eksplosiewe krag van die spelers is deur die ratsheidstoets (T-drill), tien-meter spoedtoets, Sargent vertikale sprongtoets, diepte sprongtoets, staande driesprong en die medisynebal-gooitoets bepaal. Al die bogenoemde toetse en assessering is voor en na die ses-weke intervensie program van pliometriese oefening gedoen. Met betrekking tot die fisiologiese veranderinge, dui die resultate aan dat die pliometriese oefenprogram ‘n positiewe effek op die eksperimentele groep gehad het. Die eksperimentele groep se persentasie liggaamsvet het beduidend verlaag en daar was ‘n neiging tot toename in omtrekmates van die bobeen, kuite, arms en middel. Die borsomtrekmate het egter nie vergroot nie, en kan toegeskryf word aan die feit dat die pliometriese oefenprogram op die ontwikkeling van die spiere in die onderlyf gefokus het. Die resultate ten opsigte van die fisieke fiksheid was eenders vir die twee groepe. Daar was ‘n neiging tot verbetering in die kardiovaskulêre fiksheid van die eksperimentele groep, terwyl die kontrole groep konstant gebly het. Met betrekking tot spieruithouvermoë het die kontrole groep in die opstoottoets verbeter in vergelyking met die eksperimentele groep. Die eksperimentele groep het egter weer verbeter (p<0,01) in die opsittoets, terwyl die kontrole groep konstant (p=1,0) gebly het. Die eksperimentele groep het statisties betekenisvol in die biomotoriese vaardigheidtoetse verbeter na die ses-weeklange pliometriese oefenprogram. Die kontrole groep het geen verbetering getoon nie. Die gevolgtrekking is dat ‘n kombinasie van ‘n pliometriese oefenprogram en konvensionele rugby-oefening kan lei tot die verbetering van spoed, eksplosiewe krag en ratsheid van spelers. Positiewe antropometriese veranderinge sal addisionele voordele van die pliometriese oefenprogram wees. Die bevinding van die navorsing is dat die waarde van pliometriese oefening vir biomotoriese vaardighede, spesifieke fisiologiese eienskappe en fisieke fiksheid nie onderskat moet word nie en dat afrigters in hierdie opsig ingelig word. Om die positiewe effek van pliometrie as ‘n funksionele alternatiewe oefenmetode vir rugbyspelers te bewys, word meer intense navorsing oor die effek van die spesifieke oefenmetode aanbeveel.

Comparision of aquatic- and land-based plyometric training on power, speed and agility in adolescent rugby union players

Fabricius, David Leslie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of the study was to compare the effectiveness of an aquatic- and landbased plyometric programme upon selected, sport-specific performance variables in adolescent male, rugby union players. A group of 52 rugby players (age: 16.3 ± 0.8 years, height: 176 ± 6.9 cm and body mass: 76.1 ± 11.9 kg) were randomly assigned to one of three groups: aquatic group (n=18), land group (n=17), and a control group (n=17). Prior to and after the sevenweeks of training, the power, agility and speed of participants were assessed by means of Fitrodyne repeated countermovement jumps, the Sergeant vertical jump, the Illinois agility test, a standing broad jump, and a 10- and 40- metre sprint. All three groups maintained their summer extra-curricular sport commitments during the intervention period. When the three groups were analysed, no significant differences were found between the groups with regard to all tested performance variables. With regard to withingroup changes, the aquatic group improved significantly (p<0.05) in the Illinois agility test, performed to the right. The land group showed significant (p<0.05) improvements in peak concentric power during Fitrodyne repeated countermovement jumps. All groups reflected highly significant (p<0.01) improvements in the Sergeant vertical jump. None of the groups displayed any improvements in sprint speed. The control was the only group to improve significantly in the standing broad jump (p<0.05). Land-based plyometric training might be a functionally superior training modality for athletes, although aquatic plyometrics could also offer an effective training modality for performance enhancement in power-based sports such as rugby union football. Aquatic-based plyometrics should not completely replace land-based plyometrics, as it might not adequately develop the specific neuromuscular patterns or functional needs of explosive sports. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om die effektiwiteit van ‘n water- en landgebaseerde pliometriese program met mekaar te vergelyk in terme van geselekteerde, sportspesifieke uitvoeringsveranderlikes in manlike adolessente rugbyspelers. ‘n Groep van 52 rugbyspelers (ouderdom: 16.3 ± 0.8 jaar, lengte: 176 ± 6.9 cm en liggaamsmassa: 76.1 ± 11.9 kg) is lukraak in een van drie groepe ingedeel: watergroep (n=18), landgroep (n=17), en ‘n kontrolegroep (n=17). Voor en na die sewe-weke oefenprogram, is spelers se plofkrag, ratsheid en spoed getoets deur middel van Fitrodyne herhaalde spronge, Sergeant vertikale sprong, Illinois ratsheidstoets, staande verspring, en ‘n 10- en 40-m spoedtoets. Al drie groepe het vir die duur van die intervensieperiode met hulle somersport aangegaan. Na analise van die drie groepe se data, is daar geen statisties betekenisvolle verskille tussen die groepe ten opsigte van die prestasieveranderlikes gevind nie. Die waterpliometriese groep se prestasie in die Illinois ratsheidstoets na regs het statisties beduidend (p<0.05) verbeter. Die landgroep het betekenisvolle (p<0.05) verbetering in die piek konsentriese plofkrag met die Fitrodyne herhaalde spronge getoon. Aldrie groepe het betekenisvolle (p<0.01) verbetering getoon in die Sergeant vertikale sprong. Geen groep se spoed het verbeter nie. Slegs die kontrolegroep se staande verspring het statisties betekenisvol verbeter. Land-gebaseerde pliometriese oefening kan moontlik, vanuit ‘n funksionele oogpunt, ‘n beter oefenmodaliteit vir atlete wees. Watergebaseerde pliometriese oefening kan egter ook ‘n oefenmodaliteit vir sport wat plofkrag vereis, soos rugby, wees. Watergebaseerde pliometriese oefening behoort nie land-gebaseerde pliometriese oefening te vervang nie, omdat dit moontlik nie aan die spesifieke neuromuskulêre patrone en funksionele behoeftes van eksplosiewe sport voldoen nie.

Perceptual-motor development for children who show signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Rathbone, Ingha 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Sport Sc (Sport Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The influence of a six-week perceptual-motor and attentional skills programme, combined with teaching strategies, on the motor proficiency and attentional abilities of children diagnosed with ADHD was investigated. The five case study individuals (ranging for Grade 1- 7) took part in a six-week Purposeful Play Programme. Baseline, pre-test and post-test scores were obtained from the Bruininks- Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOTMP) and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Test (ADHDT). All five case study individuals showed a significant improvement on their motor proficiency during retention tests as well as improvements on some of the behavioural soft signs of hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention. / AFRIKAANDE OPSOMMING: Die invloed van ʼn sesweek perseptueel-motoriese en aandagvaardigheidsprogram, gekombineer met onderrigstrategieë, is op die motoriese vaardighede en aandagvermoëns van kinders gediagnoseer met ATHS, bestudeer. Die vyf gevallestudie individue (tussen Graad 1- 7) het aan „n sesweek Purposeful Play Programme deelgeneem. Die basislyn-, voor- en natoetstellings is verkry vanaf die Bruininks- Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOTMP) en Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Test (ADHDT). Al vyf gevallestudie individue het ʼn beduidende verbetering in motoriese vaardigheid getoon tydens retensietoetse asook verbetering in sommige van die gedragstekens van hiperaktiwiteit, impulsiwiteit en afleibaarheid.

The relationship between anthropometry and respiratory muscle function in land- and water-based athletes

Carten, Cecile 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MASpor)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to gain more information on respiratory muscle function of team sports. This was achieved by determining the relationship between anthropometry and respiratory muscle function and the relationship between respiratory muscle function and exercise performance. The degree of respiratory muscle fatigue after a speed endurance test on land and in water was also determined. A total of 62 subjects were tested. The group consisted of 14 netball players (age: 20.9 ± SD 2.0 years; height: 172.5 ± SD 6.1cm and weight: 66.6 ± SD 7.8 kg); 15 rugby players (age: 21.7 ± SD 2.2 years; height: 183.1 ± SD 7.3cm and weight: 92.5 ± SD 13.2 kg); 12 male swimmers (age: 18.9 ± SD 2.5 years; height: 183.3 ± SD 6.5cm and weight: 77.2 ± SD 8.6 kg); 8 female swimmers (age: 17.8 ± SD 1.6 years; height: 168.3 ± SD 5.4cm and weight: 63.9 ± SD 9.8 kg); 7 male control subjects (age: 21.4 ± SD 1.5 years; height: 179.7 ± SD 5.0cm and weight: 80.8 ± SD 10.8 kg) and 6 female control subjects (age: 21.5 ± SD 1.5 years; height: 166.9 ± SD 6.5cm and weight: 60.2 ± SD 6.7 kg). Testing included anthropometric measurements, lung function (FVC test), and respiratory muscle function (baseline MIP, MEP, MVV). Netball -, rugby players and the control subjects performed a speed endurance test on land and the swimmers performed a speed endurance test in the swimming pool. This test was followed by a second MIP measurement 60 and 120 seconds after the sprint endurance test. Respiratory muscle strength showed no correlations to anthropometry for men and women. For men, height, weight, sitting height, biiacromiale breath and waist girth accounted for 17% of the variance in MIP (P = 0.34). The variance in MEP was accounted for 15.6% by height, weight, sitting height, biacromiale breath and waist girth (P = 0.41). For women, weight, sitting height, arm span, biacromiale breath and chest girth accounted for 28.4% of the variance in MIP (P = 0.17), but MEP was accounted for only 22% by sitting height, arm length, arm span and body mass index as well as chest girth (P = 0.32). Respiratory muscle endurance showed correlations to certain anthropometry variables and had a significant regression equations for MVV in men: -312.51 + (2.83 x Arm span) – (0.38 x Sum of 8 skinfolds) and arm span and sum of eight skinfolds accounted for 47.3% of the variance in MVV. Women’s MVV also had a significant regression (P = 0.002): - 106.7 + (1.5 x Body mass) + (1.0 x Arm span) – (0.2 x Sum of 8skinfolds) and weight, arm span and sum of eight skinfolds accounted for 45% of the variance in MVV. Only MIP and MEP had significant correlations (r = 0.63, P < 0.01 and r = 0.66, P < 0.02 respectively) to the speed endurance test on land. Although significant, MVV and FVC showed no correlations to the speed endurance test. Both MIP and MEP had a correlation to the speed endurance test in the water (r = -0.55, P < 0.02 for both). FVC also had a correlation to the speed endurance test, although it was not significant (r = -0.51, P < 0.44). MVV had a poor correlation to the speed endurance test. Sixty seconds after the speed endurance test the land –based group’s (netball and rugby players grouped together) RM were 14.39% fatigued compared to the 9.04% of the water – based group (swimmers) and 41.02% of the control group. One hundred and twenty seconds after the sprint endurance test the land –based group’s RM were 8.43 fatigued compared to the 3.54% of the water –based group and the 24.64% of the control group. In conclusion, anthropometry plays a moderate role in RM endurance but even a smaller role in RM strength. The relationship between RM functions and the speed endurance test varied between the land – and water –based groups, but certain RM function can play a moderate role in the performance in this speed endurance test. All the groups experienced fatigue after the speed endurance test, but the degree was more in the control group followed by the land –based athletes compared to the water –based athletes. This indicates that stronger RM function can lead to less RM fatigue. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie was om die respiratoriese spier funksies van span sporte te bestudeer en is gedoen deur na die verband tussen respiratoriese spier funksies en antropometrie, die verband tussen respiratoriese spier funksies en oefen prestasie en die mate van respiratoriese spier uitputting na oefening te kyk. ‘n Totaal van 62 subjekte is getoets. Die groep het bestaan uit 14 netbal (ouderdom: 20.9 ± SD 2.0 jaar; lengte: 172.5 ± SD 6.1cm en gewig: 66.6 ± SD 7.8 kg); 15 rugbyspelers (ouderdom: 21.7 ± SD 2.2 jaar; lengte: 183.1 ± SD 7.3cm en gewig: 92.5 ± SD 13.2 kg); 12 mans swemmers (ouderdom: 18.9 ± SD 2.5 jaar; length: 183.3 ± SD 6.5cm and gewig: 77.2 ± SD 8.6 kg); 8 dames swemmers (ouderdom: 17.8 ± SD 1.6 jaar; lengte: 168.3 ± SD 5.4cm and gewig: 63.9 ± SD 9.8 kg); 7 mans kontrole subjekte (ouderdom: 21.4 ± SD 1.5 jaar; lengte: 179.7 ± SD 5.0cm and gewig: 80.8 ± SD 10.8 kg) and 6 dames kontrole subjekte (age: 21.5 ± SD 1.5 years; height: 166.9 ± SD 6.5cm and weight: 60.2 ± SD 6.7 kg). Toetsing het die volgende ingesluit: Antropometriese meetings, long funksies en respiratoriese spier funksies (basislyn maksimale inspirasie drukking (MID), maksimale ekspirasie drukking (MED), maksimale willekeuring ventilasie (MWV)). ‘n Spoed uithouvermoë toets op land is deur die netbal –, rugbyspelers en die kontrole subjekte en ‘n uitgevoer en ‘n spoed uithouvermoë toets in die water is deur die swemmers uitgevoer. Beide hierdie toetse is gevolg deur ‘n tweede en derde maksimale inspirasie drukking 60 en 120 sekondes na die toets. Geen korrelasies is gevind tussen antropometrie en respiratoriese spier sterkte vir beide mans en dames. In die geval van mans, het lengte, gewig, bolyf lengte, bi- akromiale breedte en die omtrek van die middel 17% uitgemaak van die variansie in MIP (P = 0.34). Die variasie van MEP is uitgemaak deur 15.6% van lengte, gewig, bolyf lengte, biakromiale lengte en die omtrek van die middel (P = 0.41). Vir dames het gewig, bolyf length, arm reikwydte, bi –akromiale breedte en bors omtrek ’n 28.4% rol gespeel in die variansie van MIP (P = 0.17), maar die variasie in MEP is voorspel met 22% deur bolyf length, arm length, arm reikwydte, liggaams massa indeks en bors omtrek (P = 0.32). Respiratoriese spier uithouvermoê het ‘n korrelasie getoon met sekere antropometriese veranderlikes en ‘n statisties beduidende vergelyking vir mans MWV: -312.51 + (2.83 x Arm reikwydte) – (0.38 x Som van 8 velvoue) waar arm reikwydte en som van ag velvoue was verantwoordelik vir 47.3% van die variansie in MWV. Die dames se MWV het ook ‘n statisties beduidende vergelyking getoon: MWV = -106.7 + (1.5 x gewig) + (1.0 x Arm reikwydte) – (0.2 x Som van 8 velvoue) waar gewig, arm reikwydte en die som van ag velvoue verantwoordelik was vir 45% van die variansie in MWV. Slegs MID en MED het statisties beduidende korrelasies ( onderskeidelik r = 0.63, P < 0.01 and r = 0.66, P < 0.02 ) getoon met die spoed uithouvermoë toets op land. Geen korrelasie is tussen MWV en die geforseerde vitale kapasiteit toetse gevind al was die verband statistiese beduidend. Beide MID en MED het ’n korrelasie met die spoed uithouvermoë toets in die water getoon (r = -0.55, P < 0.02 vir beide). Die geforseerde vitale kapasiteit toets het ook ’n korrelasie met die spoed uithouvermoë toets, tog was dit nie statisties beduidend nie (r = -0.51, P < 0.44). MWV het geen korrelasie getoon met die spoed uithouvermoë toets op land. Sestig sekondes na die spoed uithouvermoë toets is ’n 14.39 % respiratoriese spier uitputting in die land gebaseerde groep (netbal – en rugby spelers), 9.04% respiratoriese spier uitputting in die water gebaseerde groep (swemmers) en ’n 41.02% respiratoriese spier uitputting in die kontrole groep gevind. Na 120 sekondes was die respiratoriese spiere van die land gebaseerde groep steeds 8.43% uitgeput in vergelyking met die 3.54% van die water gebaseerde groep en die 24.64% van die kontrole groep. Dus speel antropometrie ‘n matige rol in respiratories spier uithouvermoë en selfs ‘n kleiner rol in respiratoriese spier sterkte. Die verband tussen respiratoriese spier funksies en die spoed uithouvermoë toets het gevarieer tussen die land – en die water gebaseerde groepe, maar respiratoriese spier funksies kan ‘n matige rol speel in die voorspelling van die prestasie in die spoed uithouvermoë toets. Die kontrole groep het meer respiratoriese spier uitputting ervaar na die spoed uithouvermoë toets, dus beteken dit dat geoefende en ongeoefend persone respiratoriese spier uitputting sal ervaar.

The development of talent identification protocols for disability sport

Augustyn, Naomi J. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Sport Sc (Sport Science))--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / Talent identification has been defined as the process by which children are measured on a number of physical and performance variables that are perceived to be a requisite for success within a given sport (Abbott & Collins, 2002:158). One important element in talent identification testing is the capacity to interpret scores. This requires the development of relevant norms for the populations groups who will be involved. The purpose of this study was to generate norms for the interpretation of scores earned by children with disabilities on a basic talent identification screening test battery. The study was focused only on children with intellectual impairments, children with hearing impairments and children with visual impairments. The Talent Search test battery as prescribed by DISSA (Disability Sport South Africa, 2002) found in their screening manual for basic sporting ability of persons with disabilities was used to assess subjects on performance variables. This included body height, sitting height, arm span, body mass, eye-hand coordination, sound localization and eye- hand coordination (for the those with VI), upper body power, leg power, agility, running speed and aerobic fitness (cardiovascular endurance). The group of 140 subjects included 49 children with intellectual impairments (N=27 males and N=22 females), 58 children with hearing impairments (N=35 males and N=23 females) and 33 children with a visual impairment of which 11 (N=7 males and N=4 females) needed to run with a guide and 22 (N=17 males and N=5 females) where independent runners. The descriptive data was processed to produce percentile tables. One problem area was found with testing the eye-hand coordination of children with intellectual impairment, where more than 50% of the children were not able to obtain a score at all. It was also found that some children with hearing impairments had slow running times for the agility run test item, which led to the conclusion that vestibular etiology must be identified prior to the interpretation of test scores.

The utilization of a customised training programme for club level netball players

Fourie, Lindie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Sport Sc (Sport Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of a customised training programme on the physical components of first league netball players. The key physical variables that affect netball performance were identified as aerobic fitness, anaerobic fitness, power, muscle strength, flexibility, speed, agility, and muscle endurance. The fitness tests and norms used in this study were mainly based on the Australian protocol, “Physiological Tests for the Assessment of Netball Players”. Two netball clubs in the Boland participated in this study. These two teams played in the same netball league, but they were not matched in any other way. The experimental group (n=14) followed the customised training programme, while the control group (n=16) followed their normal training sessions. After baseline testing, the experimental group completed 23 training sessions in which specific aspects of netball fitness were addressed. After 16 weeks, both groups repeated all the tests. Through statistical analysis, the effect of the training programme was determined, and the differences between the experimental and control groups were quantified. Results of the study revealed the following: 1. The experimental group was statistically significantly better in all the fitness tests during baseline testing, compared to the control group. 2. Power improved significantly through this customised training programme. 3. Although only a few variables changed significantly after the training programme, the experimental group did perform better in most fitness tests after the programme. This study shows that a customised training programme has the potential to improve certain aspects of a netball player’s fitness. The programme should, however, be longer and more sport-specific to produce the desired results. Top netball players should rely on not only their netball skills to be successful, but should also develop their physical capacities optimally.

Motor competence and goal setting in rugby

Smit, Hendre 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Sport Sc (Sport Science))--Stellenbosch University, 2007. / The study explored the potential of rugby as a developmental experience, not only in terms of the motor skills that lead to competence in rugby, but also in terms of learning more about the life-skill of goal setting. A 10 session pre-season programme entitled “More than Rugby” was designed and implemented in order to determine whether combining skill instruction with activities specifically designed to increase an understanding of goal setting had an impact on either the development of rugby competence or understanding about goal setting and perceptions of its use. A repeated measures experimental design was followed, with two groups of high school rugby players from similar sporting backgrounds involved: An experimental group who received pre-season rugby training as well as an intervention programme dealing with goal setting, and a control group who received only the pre-season rugby training, but no special goal setting activities. Both groups were pre tested and post tested on their rugby competence (through an individual rugby skill test circuit) and their understanding of goal setting The self reported use of goal setting perceptions, the relationship between goals and performance and the effects of goals on players was measured by means of a questionnaire (adapted GSI). The results revealed a significant improvement in the quality of rugby skills of the experimental group, but no significant improvement was found in the quality of the rugby skills of the control group. Both groups showed improvement in the speed at which rugby skills were performed, but in neither case was the improvement significant. The understanding of goal setting and the knowledge of setting goals did not improve significantly for either group. It can be concluded that the inclusion of life skills content and activities, such as goal setting in rugby development programmes will not detract from skill development outcomes. Although it can be noted that the greater improvement in skill levels was achieved by the group who received goal setting, more research is recommended to explain the positive link between life skills development and sport skills development.

The effect of a metronome-based coordination training programme on the fundamental gross motor skills of children with motor development delays

Scott, Jessie Lynne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Sport Sc (Sport Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigated the effect of a coordination-training programme on selected fundamental motor skills of children (ages 9 to 12) who were identified as having motor development delays. The group of participants identified included seven boys and one girl. The study followed an A-B-A reversal design. The intervention was a rhythm-based training programme. The dependent variables were the motor abilities of bilateral coordination, balance and upper-limb coordination, assessed using the BOT-2. The results of an ANOVA for dependent groups indicated a significant improvement in bilateral coordination and no change in balance. The improvement in upper-limb coordination was attributed to a familiarisation or learning effect on the test. A descriptive analysis of each child’s results revealed high variability in the effect of participation in the programme. The results of this study supported the conclusion that a rhythm-based coordination-training programme may help children with coordination problems improve their bilateral coordination, which will have a positive impact on the performance on many fundamental gross motor skills. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie het die effek van ‘n koördinasie-inoefeningsprogram op die geselekteerde fundementele motoriese vaardighede van kinders (9-12 jaar) ondersoek wat geïdentifiseer is met vertraagde motoriese ontwikkeling. Die geïdentifiseerde groep deelnemers sluit sewe seuns en een dogter in. Die studie het ‘n A-B-A omgekeerde ontwerp gevolg. Die intervensie was ‘n ritmies-gebaseerde inoefeningsprogram. Die afhanklike veranderlikes was die motoriese vaardighede van bilaterale koördinasie, balans en boonste ledematekoördinasie wat geassesser is deur middel van BOT-2. Die resultate van ‘n ANOVA vir afhanklike groepe dui ‘n beduidende verbetering aan in bilaterale koördinasie en geen verandering in balans nie. Die verbetering in boonste ledemate-koördinasie kan toegeskryf word aan vertroudheid met of leereffek van die toets. ‘n Beskrywende analise van elke kind se resultate het ‘n hoë veranderlikheid aan die lig gebring op die effek van deelname in die program. Die resultate van hierdie studie ondersteun die gevolgtrekking dat ‘n ritmies-gebaseerde koördinasie-inoefeningsprogram kinders met koördinasieprobleme kan help om hulle bilaterale koördinasie te verbeter wat ‘n positiewe impak sal hê op prestasie tydens verskeie fundamentele groot motoriese vaardighede.

Visual-motor response times in athletes and non-athletes

Paterson, Gareth 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Sport Sc (Sport Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to determine if there was a difference in mean VMRT between top-level men and women participating in selected ball sports compared to either a normative sample or to a non-athlete sample. VMRT was measured using a new 40-light protocol on the Sport Vision Trainer (SVT). The SVT is a board consisting 80 circular lights controlled by a computer program. The SVT is designed to test visual-motor response time in participants. Data from top-level ball sport players were collected for both men (rugby and cricket) and women (netball and hockey). No significant differences in VMRT were found between the rugby players (n=24) and either the normal sample (n=81) or the non-athlete men (n=24). No significant difference in VMRT were found between the cricket players (n=10) and the non-athlete men. However, the cricket players were found to have significantly slower VMRT than the normal sample of men (n=81). No significant differences in VMRT were found between the netball players (n=19), the hockey players (n=14) and either the normal sample of women (n=84) or the non-athlete women (n=26). The conclusions drawn from this study support the position that VMRT may not be a key performance indicator in top-level ball sport performance and that the expert advantage may be located in other variables, such as anticipation and visual search. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie was om the ondesoek of daar verkille was in die gemiddelde visuele-motoriese reaksie tyd (VMRT) tussen top-vlak bal sport atlete en òf „n normale steekproef òf „n steekproef van nie-atlete. VMRT was gemeet met „ nuwe 40-lig protokol op die Sport Vision Trainer. Inligting van die top-vlak bal sport atlete was ingesamel vir beide mans (rugby en krieket) en dames (netabl en hokkkie) Geen statisties beduidende verskille was gevind vir VMRT tussen die rugby spelers (n=24) en beide van die normale (n=81) of nie-atleet mans steekproef (n=24). Geen statisties beduidende verskille was gevind tussen die krieket spelers (n=10) en die nie-atleet mans nie. Alhoewel die krieket spelers het „n statistie beduidende stadiger VMRT as die normale steekproef mans gehad (n=81). Geen beduidende verskille in VMRT was gevind tussen die netbal spelers (n=19), die hokkie spelers (n=14) en beide van die normale steekproef dames (n=84) of die nie-atletiese dames nie (n=26). Die gevolgtrekking wat gemaak kan word uit die studie ondersteun die standpunt dat VMRT nie „n sleutel prestasie voorspeller in top-vlak bal sportsport prestasie is nie en dat die topvlak speler voordeel deur ander visuele veranderlikes soos antispiasie en “visual search” ondersoek kan word.

The use of inclusive opportunities to promote positive attitudes towards inclusion in physical activities

McMurray, Catherine Anne 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScSportSc) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to determine whether or not inclusion opportunities would improve the attitudes of children with disabilities and children without disabilities towards inclusion in physical activities. A total of 75 pre-and 71 post-test questionnaires were completed. Thirty-nine pre-test and 37 post-test questionnaires were completed by participants with disabilities and 36 pre-test and 34 post-test questionnaires were completed by participants without disabilities. All participants were pre-tested by means of questionnaires presented to them prior to each inclusion opportunity and were post-tested by means of questionnaires presented to them on the day of the inclusion opportunity, once the event was completed. All questionnaires were developed by the researcher and have not been used previously for any other study of this kind. Results revealed that: 1. Attitudes in both the participants without disabilities and participants with disabilities changed after attending the inclusion opportunities. 2. There was a reduction in negative attitudes in both participating groups towards inclusion in physical activities. 3. Participants associated the inclusion opportunities with positive categories such as enjoyment, friendship and play. 4. There was a positive response to suggestions of participation in future inclusion opportunities. Based on the results determined, it was concluded by the researcher that inclusion opportunities do improve attitudes of children with and children without disabilities towards participating in inclusive activities, specifically physical activities. Further research in South Africa should however be conducted to determine the long-term effects of participation in inclusion opportunities on children with and without disabilities. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal of inklusiewe geleenthede die gesindhede van kinders met gestremdhede en kinders sonder gestremdhede kon verbeter met betrekking tot die beginsel van inklusiewe onderrig. 'n Totaal van 75 pre- en 71 post-toetse is gevoltooi. Nege en dertig pre-toetse en 37 post-toetse is deur deelnemers met gestremdhede voltooi en 36 pretoetse en 34 post-toetse deur deelnamers sonder gestremdhede. Aile deelnemers is vooraf getoets deur middel van vraelyste wat voltooi is voor die aanvang van elke geleentheid. Na die voltooing van elke geleentheid het aile deelnemers weer 'n vraelys voltooi. Die vraelyste is deur die navorser ontwikkel en is nog nooit voorheen gebruik vir hierdie tipe studie nie. Resultate van hierdie studie het aangetoon dat: 1. Gesindhede van kinders met gestremdhede en van kinders sonder gestremdhede het verbeter na deelname in hierdie geleenthede. 2. Daar was 'n vermindering in negatiewe houdings van kinders met gestremdhede en kinders sonder gestremdhede na insluiting in hierdie gemeenskaplike aktiwiteite. 3. Deelnemers het hierdie gesamentlike geleenthede geassosieer met postitiewe ervarings soos genot, speel en nuwe vriendskappe. 4. Daar was positiewe voorstelle van deelname in verderer gesamentlike geleenthede. Na aanleiding van hierdie resultate, is dit duidelik dat inklusiewe fisieke aktiwiteitsgeleenthede die gesindhede van kinders met en kinders sonder gestremdhede, positief van beinvloed. Verdere navorsing om die langtermyn effek van inklusiewe geleenthede op Suid-Afrikaanse kinders met en sonder gestremdhede te bepaal, sal egter steeds nodig wees.

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