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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Body composition and functional fitness capacity of young academy soccer players in South Africa and Zimbabwe

Masocha, Vincent 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScSportSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Talent identification and early selection into a professional soccer academy has been reported to be very important for the long term development of footballing expertise (Le Gall et al., 2010). This awareness of the need for early identification of gifted youngsters has led to an increased number of soccer centres of excellence and academies throughout the world. Traditionally, identification and selection of promising individuals into youth soccer academies has been linked to a coach’s subjectivity and preconceived image of the player. Once this method is used in isolation it can result in tedious misjudgements in talent identification - hence the emphasis on science-based approaches. Through soccer-specific research, a number of anthropometric and physical parameters have been linked to successful performance in soccer. The primary aims of the study were to explore the anthropometric, somatotype and functional fitness characteristics of young academy soccer in South Africa and Zimbabwe and to distinguish variables that can be relevant for Talent Identification. The study followed a quantitative non-intervention design with a sample of convenience. A total of 74 young soccer players (Age 15.9±0.81) from South African (n = 41) and Zimbabwean (n = 33) soccer academies were purposively sampled. The following anthropometric variables were measured following the International Society of the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK) protocol: body mass and height; skinfolds – (triceps, subscapular, biceps, iliac crest, supraspinale, abdominal, front thigh, medial calf); Girths – (arm relaxed, arm flexed and tensed, waist, gluteal, and calf); bone breadths – (biepicondylar humerus and biepicondylar femur). Functional fitness variables that were measured include: lower back muscle flexibility (sit and reach test), upper body flexibility (shoulder flexibility), leg power using (vertical and horizontal jumps), overhead throw (2kg medicine ball throw), speed tests (10, 20, and 40m sprint tests), agility (Illinois test) and aerobic fitness (Hoff test). There were no statistically significant differences in age, body mass, height, fat mass, body mass index, lower back flexibility, right shoulder flexibility, 20m sprint, and endurance capacity (p>0.05). Statistically significant differences were found in percentage body fat (p>0.05), sum of 8 skinfolds, fat free mass, somatotype, left shoulder flexibility, upper and lower body power, 10m and 40m sprints (p<0.01). South African players were found to have higher %BF and sum of skinfolds and then Zimbabwean players. It was concluded that Zimbabwean players performed significantly better than South Africans in agility, 10m, 40m sprints, vertical jump, horizontal jump and overhead throw and had better future chances of success in soccer. Goalkeepers were taller and heavier, while midfielders and defenders were found to be lighter and shorter. Goalkeepers were the most agile group, while forwards were the fastest group. Agility, power and speed were the most important variables that can be used during talent selection and coaches should purposefully work to develop these characteristic during training sessions. Height and weight are relevant in allocating positional roles to players and not in Talent Identification. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Talentidentifisering en vroeë seleksie in ʼn professionele sokkerakademie blyk baie belangrik te wees vir die langtermyn ontwikkeling van sokker vaardighede (Le Gall et al., 2010). Hierdie behoefte vir die vroeë identifisering van talentvolle jong spelers het aanleiding gegee tot ʼn toename in sokker sentra van uitnemendheid en akademies wêreldwyd. Tradisioneel is die identifisering en seleksie van belowende individue vir toelating tot ʼn jeug sokker akademie aan ʼn afrigter se subjektiwiteit en voorafopgestelde idees van die speler gekoppel. Wanneer die metode in isolasie gebruik word kan dit dodelike mistastings in talent identifisering teweeg bring – daarom die klem op wetenskaplik gebaseerde benaderings. Deur sokker spesifieke navorsing is daar alreeds ʼn aantal antropometriese en fisieke parameters aan suksesvolle prestasie in sokker gekoppel. Die primêre doelwitte van die studie was om die antropometrie, somatotipe en funksionele fiksheidskenmerke van jong sokker akademie spelers in Suid-Afrika en Zimbabwe te ondersoek en om veranderlikes wat relevant vir talentidentifisering kan wees te onderskei. Die studie het ʼn kwantitatiewe, nie-intervensie ontwerp met ʼn gerieflikheidsteekproef gevolg. ʼn Totaal van 74 jong sokkerspelers van Suid-Afrika (n = 41) en Zimbabwe (n = 33) sokker akademies is doelgerig geselekteer (ouderdom 15.9 ± 0.81 jaar). Die volgende antropometriese veranderlikes is ooreenkomstig met die International Society of the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK) protokol gemeet: liggaamsmassa en -lengte; velvoue (triseps, subskapulêr, biseps, iliokristale vou, supraspinalis, abdominale, quadriseps, mediale gastroknemius); omtrekke (arm ontspanne, arm in fleksie en gespanne, middel, gluteale, en kuit); been breedtes (biepikondelêre humerus en biepikondelêre femur). Funksionele fiksheidsveranderlikes wat gemeet is was: laerug spierlenigheid (sit en reik toets), boonste ekstremiteit lenigheid (skouer lenigheid), beenkrag (vertikale en horisontale spronge), oorhoofse gooi (2kg medisyne balgooi), spoedtoets (10, 20, en 40m spoedtoetse), ratsheid (Illinois toets) en aërobiese fiksheid (Hoff toets). Geen statisties betekenisvolle verskille is in ouderdom, liggaamsmassa, -lengte, vetmassa, liggaamsmassa indeks, laerug lenigheid, regterskouer lenigheid, 20 meter spoed en uithouvermoë kapasiteit (p>0.05) tussen SA en Zimbabwe spelers gevind nie. Statisties betekenisvolle verskille is wel in persentasie liggaamsvet (p<0.05), som van agt velvoue, vetvrye massa, somatotipe, linkerskouer lenigheid, boonste en onderste ekstremiteit liggaamskrag, 10m en 40m spoed (p<0.01) gevind. Suid-Afrikaanse spelers het ʼn hoër persentasie liggaamvet en som van velvoue as die Zimbabwiese spelers gehad. Daar is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat Zimbabwiese spelers betekenisvol beter as Suid-Afrikaanse spelers in die meeste fiksheidstoetse gevaar het en waarskynlik beter kanse vir sukses in sokker het. Doelwagters was groter en swaarder, terwyl middelveld spelers en verdedigers ligter en korter was. Doelwagters was die ratste groep, terwyl voorspelers die vinnigste groep was. Ratsheid, krag en spoed is as die belangrikste veranderlikes geïdentifiseer wat tydens talentidentifisering gebruik kan word en afrigters moet doelbewus daaraan werk om hierdie eienskappe tydens oefensessies te ontwikkel. Lengte en gewig is relevant in die toekenning van posisionele rolle aan spelers en nie in talentidentifisering nie. Hierdie is die eerste studie waarin die antropometriese en funksionele fiksheidsprofiele van jong sokkerspelers in Suid-Afrika en Zimbabwe met mekaar vergelyk word. Dit baan die weg vir ander navorsers om hierop uit te brei deur sokkerspelers van ander lande in Afrika te toets en by te dra tot die kennis van sokkerspelers in Afrika. Hierdie navorsing skep ook die basis vir afrigters en oefenkundiges in Afrika om die bydrae wat die wetenskap maak ten opsigte van liggaamsamestelling en funksionele fiksheid beter te verstaan om talentidentifisering in sokker te verbeter.

The effect of high intensity interval training on the post-exercise hypotensive response in overweight/obese young women

Bonsu , Biggie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScSportSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There are extensive literature on the PEH response after acute and chronic aerobic and resistance exercise, as well as a few studies on concurrent and water exercise. However, there is comparatively little evidence that high intensity interval training (HIIT) elicits similar post exercise blood pressure reductions (PEH) compared to other types of exercise. Furthermore, it is difficult to quantify the magnitude of the hypotensive response following these exercises, due to variations in exercise protocols in terms of intensity and duration. Both these training variables are considered important determinants of the magnitude and duration of the PEH response. The current study determined the magnitude of the PEH response after an acute bout and six sessions of HIIT, and the effects after two weeks of detraining in overweight/obese young women. Twenty young women (aged 21 ± 2 years) volunteered for the study. All the subjects were normotensive (SBP: 119.2 ± 5.6 mmHg and DBP: 78.8 ± 4.1 mmHg). Subjects performed six sessions of HIIT within two weeks and detrained for two weeks. SBP, DBP, MAP and HR were monitored during seated recovery after exercise for 60 min to determine the change from resting values. The overall outcome showed that an acute HIIT session resulted in a reduction of 2.9 mmHg in SBP which approached near clinical significance, while six sessions of HIIT caused a clinically significant reduction of 5.3 mmHg; this response was almost totally reversed after detraining. There were no clinically significant reductions in DBP after the acute or six sessions of HIIT (1.7 and 2.7 mmHg, respectively). However, a clinically significant hypotensive response of 3.9 mmHg was sustained after detraining following the maximal exercise capacity test. MAP also reduced by a magnitude of 2.3 and 5.6 mmHg, respectively, after the acute bout and six sessions of HIIT, and detraining values were still 2.9 mmHg lower than resting values and approached near clinical significance. The results indicate that both an acute bout and six sessions of HIIT elicited a meaningful PEH response. However, the six sessions of HIIT caused a clinically significant reduction which was approximately twice the acute session. Likewise, detraining showed clinically significant effects in DBP and MAP, but SBP returned to near baseline values. This suggests that in only two weeks, the accumulated effects of six sessions of HIIT elicited a greater hypotensive response than after an acute session of HIIT. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is omvattende literatuur oor die post-oefening hipotensie (POH) na afloop van akute en kroniese aërobiese en weerstandsoefeninge, asook enkele studies oor gelyktydige krag- en uithouvermoë- en wateroefeninge. Daar is egter relatief min bewyse dat hoë intensiteit interval oefening (HIIO) soortgelyke post-oefening afnames in bloeddruk (POH) in vergelyking met ander tipes oefening veroorsaak. Voorts is dit moeilik om die omvang van die hipotensiewe respons na afloop van oefening te kwantifiseer, hoofsaaklik as gevolg van die variasies in oefeningprotokolle in terme van intensiteit en tydsduur. Beide hierdie inoefeningveranderlikes word as belangrike determinante van die omvang en die tydsduur van die POH respons beskou. Die huidige studie het die omvang van die POH respons na ʼn akute sessie en ses sessies HIIO, en die gevolge na afloop van twee weke se nie-inoefening (“detraining”) by oorgewig/vetsugtige jong dames, bepaal. Twintig jong dames (ouderdom 21 ± 2 jaar) het vrywillig ingestem om aan die studie deel te neem. Al die deelnemers was normotensief (SBD: 119.2 ± 5.6 mmHg en DBD: 78.8 ± 4.1 mmHg). Die deelnemers het ses sessies HIIO binne twee weke voltooi en het daarna vir twee weke geen inoefeningsessies gehad nie. SBD, DBD, GAD en HS is tydens ʼn sittende herstelfase vir 60 minute gemonitor om die verandering vanaf rustende waardes te bepaal. Die algehele uitkoms toon dat ʼn akute HIIO sessie ʼn afname van 2.9 mmHg in SBD tot gevolg gehad het wat aan kliniese betekenisvolheid grens, terwyl ses sessies van HIIO ʼn klinies betekenisvolle afname van 5.3 mmHg veroorsaak het; hierdie respons wat bykans volledige omgekeerd na die twee weke met geen inoefening. DBD het geen kliniese betekenisvolle afname na afloop van die akute of ses sessies van HIIO getoon nie (1.7 en 2.7 mmHg, respektiewelik). ʼn Klinies betekenisvolle hipotensiewe respons van 3.9 mmHg is egter gevind na die geen inoefeningsperiodes. GAD het ook met ʼn omvang van 2.3 en 5.6 mmHg, respektiewelik, verminder na afloop van die akute sessie en ses sessies van HIIO. Die geen inoefening waardes was steeds 2.9 mmHg laer as die rustende waardes en het aan kliniese betekenisvolheid gegrens. Die resultate toon dat beide ʼn akute sessie en ses sessies van HIIO ʼn betekenisvolle POH respons ontlok het. Ses sessies van HIIO het egter ʼn klinies betekenisvolle afname, wat ongeveer twee keer soveel as die afname van die akute sessie was, veroorsaak. In dieselde lig het ʼn twee weke geen inoefeningsperiode steeds klinies betekenisvolle veranderinge in DBD en GAD getoon, maar SBD het tot naby aan die basislyn waardes teruggekeer. Hierdie resultate suggereer dat in slegs twee weke die geakkumuleerde effekte van ses sessies van HIIO ʼn groter hipotensiewe respons as na ʼn akute sessie van HIIO ontlok het.

The effect of high intensity interval training and detraining on the health-related outcomes of young women

Ndlovu, Privilege B. M. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScSportSc)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There is a growing concern in South Africa and worldwide about the global epidemic of obesity and overweightness among the general population. Obesity mediates the pathogenesis of pathological conditions and is associated with a poor quality of life, high morbidity and mortality rates and a huge burden on an individual’s and the health system’s infrastructure and finances. The answer to this rising epidemic is weight loss. Endurance training has been shown to induce weight loss however, people usually cite lack of time as a barrier to meaningful participation in exercise programmes. High intensity interval training (HIIT) therefore emerges as a potential solution to these barriers as it takes a relatively short period of time compared to endurance training. Despite the differences in exercise durations the most cogent advantage is that HIIT elicits not just similar, but even superior central and peripheral adaptations. The central and peripheral adaptations have been shown to enhance weight loss, improve blood lipids and glucose levels, as well as decreasing blood pressure. The challenge facing exercise physiologists is to find the optimal exercise intensity and duration of HIIT bouts which would be time efficient, safe and well tolerated by overweight and obese people. The shortcomings of literature are that most HIIT studies have focused on healthy, overweight and obese men and these studies cannot be extrapolated to women who have been shown to respond differently to training. Moreover, other interventions investigating the effects of HIIT in women and men have been longer term rather than short term interventions. In order to fill the gaps in the literature, the main aim of this study was to investigate the training and detraining effects of a short-term HIIT programme on selected health-related measures in young overweight and obese women. To this end, a non-random sample of 20 overweight and obese women (aged 18-25) volunteered to participate in this study. Selected health-related outcomes were measured prior to training. The pre-training testing was followed by the HIIT intervention which was two weeks and consisted of six sessions using the 10 – 15x1 minute running at 90% HRmax which was separated by one minute active recovery periods at 50-60% of HRmax. The HIIT intervention was followed by a post test in which baseline measurements were repeated. This was then followed by a two week detraining period and follow up testing. The main finding of this study was that a period of two weeks of HIIT can elicit adaptations that can lower the risk profiles of young overweight and obese women. The results showed a statistically significant decrease in body mass (1.6%, p = 0.001), fat mass (3.7%, p = 0.001) and waist circumference (4.8%, p = 0.001), and an increase in lean mass of 1.9% (p = 0.001). There was also a decrease in blood glucose (11%, p = 0.001), total cholesterol (10.4 %, p = 0.01), systolic (3.4%, p = 0.001) and diastolic blood pressure (5.8%, p = 0.001) levels. Finally there was a statistically significant increase in relative VO2max and exercise capacity after the HIIT The follow-up testing after two weeks of detraining shows that the metabolic adaptations that were achieved by the HIIT protocol are relatively lasting or are at least not completely reversed. The weight loss induced by HIIT is important in that it is the major target in lowering the prevalence of overweightness and obesity. The HIIT protocol in this study emerges as a time efficient strategy in eliciting positive adaptations in clinical populations and healthy people. Moreover these findings suggest that 10 minute and 15 minute HIIT work bouts at near-maximal intensities are possibly the minimum amount of training that is needed to induce significant weight loss and other positive health-related outcomes. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar bestaan ʼn toenemende besorgdheid in Suid-Afrika en wêreldwyd oor die globale epidemie van obesiteit en oorgewig onder die algemene bevolking. Obesiteit fasiliteer die patogenese van verskeie siektetoestande en word met ʼn swak kwaliteit lewe, hoë morbiditeit en mortaliteit en ʼn geweldige las op ʼn individu en die gesondheidsowerhede se infrastruktuur en finansies geassosieer. Een van die antwoorde op hierdie stygende epidemie is gewigsverlies. Dit is reeds gewys dat uithouvermoë oefening saam met ʼn kalorie beperkende dieet gewigsverlies in die hand werk. Mense dui egter ʼn tekort aan tyd as ʼn hindernis tot betekenisvolle deelname aan ʼn oefenprogram aan. Hoë intensiteit interval inoefening (HIIO) is dus ʼn potensiële oplossing tot hierdie hindernis aangesien dit in vergelyking met uithouvermoë inoefening in ʼn relatiewe korter periode van tyd uitgevoer kan word. Afgesien van die verskille in inoefenperiodes is die mees logiese voordeel dat die HIIO nie net soortgelyke nie, maar self beter sentrale en periferale fisiologiese aanpassing voortbring. Die sentrale en periferale aanpassing verhoog gewigsverlies, verbeter bloedlipiedes en glukose vlakke, en veroorsaak ʼn afname in bloeddruk. Alhoewel ʼn aantal studies die voordele van HIIO by jonger en ouer populasies aandui, is baie min studies op vrouens uitgevoer. Bevindinge kan nie noodwendig na vrouens ekstrapoleer word nie omdat hulle dikwels verskillend op inoefening as mans reageer. Dit is ook nie bekend of ʼn kort HIIO intervensie ʼn betekenisvolle impak op oorgewig en vetsugtige vrouens sou hê nie, asook hoe blywend enige veranderinge sou wees nie. Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie was dus om die inoefening- en die geen-inoefening effekte van ʼn korttermyn HIIO program op geselekteerde gesondheidskenmerke in jong oorgewig en vetsugtige dames te bepaal. ʼn Nie-ewekansige steekproef van 20 oorgewig en vetsugtige vrouens (18-25 jaar) het vrywillig ingestem om aan hierdie studie deel te neem. Geselekteerde gesondheidskenmerke is voor die aanvang van die inoefening gemeet. Die HIIO intervensie het twee weke geduur en het uit ses sessies bestaan (10 – 15x1 minuut draf by 90% HSmaks en een minuut aktiewe herstel by 50-60% HSmaks). Die HIIO intervensie is deur ʼn na-toets gevolg waarin basislyn metings herhaal is. Dit is deur ʼn twee weke geen-inoefening periode en opvolgtoetse opgevolg. Die hoofbevinding van hierdie studie was dat ses sessies van HIIO fisiologiese aanpassings na vore gebring het wat die risiko profiele van jong oorgewig en vetsugtige vrouens verlaag het. Daar was statisties betekenisvolle afnames in liggaamsmassa (1.6%, p < 0.001), vetmassa (3.7%, p < 0.001) en heupomtrek (4.8%, p < 0.001) en ʼn toename in vetvrye liggaamsmassa van 1.9% (p < 0.001). Daar was ook ʼn afname in bloedglukose (11%, p < 0.001), totale cholesterol (10.4 %, p = 0.01), sistoliese (3.4%, p < 0.001) en diastoliese bloeddruk (5.8%, p < 0.001). Daar was ook statisties betekenisvolle verbeteringe in relatiewe VO2maks en oefeningtoleransie na inoefening. Die opvolgtoetse na twee weke van geen-inoefening het getoon dat metaboliese aanpassings wat deur die HIIO bereik is, relatief blywend van aard was of ten minste nie totaal omgekeerd was nie. Die gewigsverlies wat deur die HIIO veroorsaak was is belangrik in die sin dat dit die hoofdoelwit aanspreek om die voorkoms van oorgewig en vetsugtigheid te verminder. Die studie suggereer verder dat 10 – 15 minute HIIO werksessies, by naby maksimale intensiteite, moontlik die minimum hoeveelheid inoefening is wat benodig word om betekenisvolle gewigsverlies en ander positiewe gesondheidskenmerke te bereik.

The effect of the law changes on the physical profile of the South African Currie Cup rugby tournament during 2007 and 2013

Vahed, Mohammed Yusuf 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScSportSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: With the introduction of professionalism in 1995, rugby union has rapidly and continuously changed. One such change was the introduction of several law changes after the 2007 Rugby World Cup to increase the appeal, continuity and safety of the game. Research on the effects of these law changes has primarily focused on the technical and tactical aspects of the game and very little on the changes to the physical profile of match play, particularly in a South African context. The first objective of this study was to compare the 2007 and 2013 seasons of the South African Currie Cup tournament in order to determine whether there were any effects as a result of the law changes on the scoring, time interval, general skills and contact profiles. The second objective was to compare the 2007 and 2013 seasons of the South African Currie Cup tournament in order to determine the impact of the law changes on the time variables. This thesis will follow a research article format. Research article one will address the first objective of the study. The first major finding of the study was that the profile of the game has changed to a more physical and continuous game. There was an increase in the number of player actions (passing, tackling and rucks/mauls) (p < 0.01), as well as significantly more penalty goals (p < 0.01). The results further revealed that fewer tries were scored (p = 0.07), while the number of stoppages to the game, scrums and line-outs also showed a decrease (p < 0.01). These findings, mentioned above, were more prominent in the second half of the match. A trend revealed that teams were adopting a more defensive playing style, whereby they sacrificed committing numbers to the breakdowns and rather commit players on defence. This has created a more physically intense match with fewer tries being scored. The second research article will address the second objective of the study. Results of the study show that the profile of the game has changed to a more dynamic, continuous game with less time spent in rucks/mauls and fewer set pieces (scrums and line-outs). The duration of the match has increased owing to an increase in total stoppage time, mainly as a result of greater use being made of the TMO. This is evident in the significant increase in total match time (p < 0.01) and total stoppage time (p < 0.01), while the total ball-in-play time was significantly less (p < 0.01). The total tackle time has increased significantly (p < 0.01), while the total ruck/maul, scrum and line-out time decreased significantly (p < 0.01). By analysing the match profile, as with this thesis, coaches and trainers will be better informed to develop training programmes that are specific to the demands of modern match play. Based on the results, coaches and trainers should develop individual and team performance profiles to better understand the physical demands experienced by the players and teams, which will assist in implementing more specific recovery strategies and planning of training loads. The conditioning and skills development of players should focus primarily on contact situations (tackling and rucking) by adding contact elements to agility training and skill-based drills. With the various contact times measured, trainers can determine specific durations of muscle tension needed to overload and strengthen players by adjusting the movements of an exercise. These applications will allow coaches and trainers to prepare players for the specific demands of the modern game. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sedert die begin van professionalisme in rugby in 1995 het die spel vinnig en aanhoudend verander. Een van hierdie veranderinge was die instelling van verskeie reëlveranderings ná die 2007 Rugby Wêreldbekertoernooi om die aantreklikheid, kontinuïteit en veiligheid van die spel te verhoog. Navorsing wat die uitwerking van hierdie reëlveranderings ondersoek het, het veral gefokus op die tegniese en taktiese aspekte van die spel en baie min op die veranderinge in die fisieke profiel van wedstrydspel, veral in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. Die eerste doelwit van die studie was om die 2007 en 2013 seisoen van die Suid-Afrikaanse Curriebekertoernooi te vergelyk om te bepaal wat die uitwerking van die reëlveranderings op die aanteken van punte, tydsinterval, algemene vaardighede en kontakprofiele was. Die tweede doelwit was om die 2007 en 2013 seisoen van die Suid-Afrikaanse Curriebekertoernooi te vergelyk om die impak van die reëlveranderings op tydveranderlikes te bepaal. Hierdie tesis is saamgestel volgens ‘n artikelgebaseerde formaat. Navorsingsartikel een spreek die eerste doelwit van die studie aan. Die eerste hoofbevinding van die studie was dat die spel verander het na ‘n meer fisieke, aaneenlopende tipe spel, met ‘n toename in speler-aksies (aangeë, laagvatte, losskrums en losgemale) en ‘n afname in die aantal kere wat die spel gestop het, veral in die tweede helfte. Daar was ‘n toename in die aantal speler-aksies (aangeë, laagvatte, losskrums en losgemale) (p < 0.01), sowel as beduidend meer strafskoppe (p < 0.01). Resultate het verder gewys dat minder drieë gedruk is (p = 0.07), terwyl die aantal kere wat die spel gestop het, en skrums en lynstane ook verminder het (p < 0.01). Die bevindings soos hierbo uiteengesit, was meer prominent in die tweede helfte van ‘n wedstryd. Daar was ‘n neiging dat spanne ‘n meer verdedigende speelstyl aangeneem het, waar hulle verkies het om spelers op verdedigend te plaas as om meer spelers by die afbreekpunte te hê. Dit het ‘n wedstryd geskep wat fisiek meer intens was met minder drieë wat gedruk is. Die tweede navorsingsartikel het die tweede doelwit van die studie aangespreek. Resultate van die studie het aangedui dat die profiel van die spel verander het na ‘n meer dinamiese, aaneenlopende spel met ‘n afname in die tyd wat aan losskrums/losgemale bestee word, met minder vaste spel (skrums en lynstane). Die duur van die wedstryd het toegeneem as gevolg van ‘n toename in die totale stoptyd, veral as gevolg van die gebruik van die TMO. Dit blyk uit die beduidende toename in totale wedstrydtyd (p < 0.01) en totale stoptyd (p < 0.01), terwyl die totale tyd wat die bal in spel was, betekenisvol afgeneem het (p < 0.01). Die totale laagvattyd het beduidend toegeneem (p < 0.01), terwyl die totale losskrum-/losgemaal-, skrum- en lynstaantyd betekenisvol afgeneem het (p < 0.01). Deur die wedstrydprofiel te ontleed, kan afrigters hul oefenprogram aanpas om aan die spesifieke vereistes van wedstrydspel te voldoen. Afrigters behoort profiele van individuele en spanprestasie te ontwikkel wat op die resultate gegrond is ten einde ‘n beter begrip te verkry van die fisieke eise waaraan die spelers en spanne onderwerp word. Dit sal help met die implementering van spesieke herstelstrategieë en die beplanning van oefenladings. Die kondisionering en vaardigheidsontwikkeling van spelers behoort hoofsaaklik toegespits te word op kontaksituasies (laagvatte en losskrums) deur kontakelemente by ratsheids- en vaardigheidsoefeninge te voeg. Deur die meting van die verskillende kontaktye kan afrigters die spesifieke duur van spierspanning bepaal wat nodig is om spelers sterker te maak, en die bewegings van ‘n oefening daarvolgens aanpas. Hierdie toepassings sal afrigters in staat stel om spelers vir die bepaalde eise van die moderne spel voor te berei.

A comparison of coping strategies of ethnically diverse football players

Plaatjie, Mzwandile Ronald 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Sport Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / Stress and coping are complex phenomena that are not always fully understood. They are psychological factors that impinge on individuals and people’s responses in dealing with them are described and interpreted in various ways. This study compared the coping strategies used by football players from ethnically diverse backgrounds. The aim was to explore the role that the environment, ethnicity and culture play in players' responses to stressful situations. A sample of 33 players was drawn from a professional club in the Professional Premier Soccer League in the Western Cape, Republic of South Africa. Subjects were representative in terms of race, age, years of experience and playing positions. Eleven black, coloured and white players for each group were selected for individual interviews. Their ages ranged between 15 and 32 years. An interpretive-qualitative research methodology was employed. Semistructured interviews and a biographical questionnaire were used as tools to gather information. The data were analyzed using interpretive analysis or the immersion crystallization method. The results revealed that football players were exposed to stress and there were differences and similarities in the way they conducted themselves. The similarities were recorded on matters related to match situations e.g., pressure to perform, inclusion in a starting line-up, and unruly behavior of supporters. Differences were cited on issues related to language, culture, financial matters, poor playing conditions, negative evaluation of the team by others, losing matches, referees' decisions and being away from home. These differences were found both between and within ethnic groups. Players' perceptions of stress showed that black players were experiencing more stress than the other two ethnic groups and white players were experiencing far less stress than the other two groups. Despite this finding, the majority of players reported to have been in control of stressful situations. The perception of lack of control was reported by black and coloured players only. It appeared that background experience of stressful events was producing greater psychosocial consequences for non-white players than white players. The football players used multiple strategies to cope with their sport challenges and there were both differences and similarities within and between the ethnic groups in the use of these strategies. Subjects used problem-focused coping, emotion-focused coping, passive coping, and avoidance coping in stressful situations. Problem-focused coping and emotion-focused coping were the dominant strategies employed by all three groups. Passive coping and avoidance coping were the lesser-used strategies and were employed by the three groups in situations where players felt that they could not exert control e.g., playing conditions or dubious referees' decisions. Self-criticism, not blaming others, adopting a negative approach, substance use/abuse and turning to religion were the strategies that appeared only in specific groups. This finding supports the hypothesis of differences in strategies related to differences in ethnic backgrounds. It was also revealed that football players were responding differently to stressful challenges that were presented at the different stages of the match. The dominant strategies used at the pre-match stage by the nonwhite group were: planning and preparation, relaxation, praying, focusing and concentration. At the same stage, white players used mostly focusing, concentration and planning. There were strong similarities between the groups in the use of these strategies. During the match stage, non-white players used active coping, positive approach, suppression of competitive activities, focusing and concentration. White players used similar strategies including emotional expression and mental disengagement. Different strategies were employed by players during the match stage, most of them being problem-focused strategies. In the post-match stage players used less-dominant coping strategies. Some strategies were used by players in all three ethnic groups and others appeared in specific groups only, e.g., substance use (coloured group) and passive thinking (white group). The study further revealed that coping strategies could be classified either as sport or non-sport related. A variety of sport-related strategies were found mostly during the pre-match and match stages. The nonsport related strategies appeared mostly during the post-match stage and were used mostly by non-white players. Concerning the processes involved in the selection of strategies, the study revealed that thought-out processes, automatic processes, influence of experience and a combination of processes were used to identify and select coping strategies. Processing of information was a preferred option used by the three groups of players to identify strategies and very few players used automatic processes. Between-group differences were found in the relationship between environmental background and previous experience and the players' selection of coping strategies. For black and coloured players this influence related mostly from factors outside their home environment. For white players it came from within their home situations. The study showed that factors that affected the players in selecting coping strategies, were both intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic factors included personal safety and protection, performance, self-control and personal experience. Extrinsic factors included stress, influence of others, institutional influences, social background, pleasing others, family obligation, opponents and research. White players used intrinsic and extrinsic factors with equal frequency. Non-white players on the other hand, used fewer intrinsic factors than extrinsic factors. The results also showed that relatively less-experienced players were inclined to use achievement motivation as a determining factor. Black players were influenced by one other factor that did not appear in the other groups, that is, family obligations. Finally, exhaustion, cultural differences, language, absence of a family support structure, peer pressure, home circumstances, communication, diet, substance use/abuse, being in a new environment, personality differences and high expectations were identified as factors that restrict the use of coping strategy. Exhaustion and cultural differences appeared across all three groups. Group differences were however observed in language, absence of a family support structure, peer pressure, home circumstances, high expectations, and absence of compliments. These restrictive factors were experienced differently within and between the three ethnic groups and originated from exposure, challenges, and experiences that players encounter in their daily life situations.

Die invloed van 'n intervensieprogram op omkeerbare gesondheidsrisikofaktore by 'n geselekteerde groep adolessente dogters

Africa, Eileen K. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Sport Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / The continued integration of our global society has caused a shift in human social interaction and redefined the contexts of adolescents’ lives. Adolescents are inundated with a variety of choices at a stage of their lives where they are trying to create their own identity. This critical period of development is highlighted by an increased desire to experiment with adult life. Thus is experimentation not uncommon. The study examines the prevalence of a range of health risk behaviours amongst adolescent girls. It focuses on the identification of behaviours such as violence, smoking, alcohol and drug use and abuse, sexual behaviours, dietary behaviours and physical inactivity that place adolescents at increased risk for premature morbidity and mortality. An intervention programme was launched at the schools concerned in an effort to address these behaviour patterns and to inform learners regarding the dangers of these health risk factors. The sample population was selected from three previously disadvantaged high schools in the Worcester region. Due to restrictive circumstances at the schools, the sample could not be randomly selected and therefore the study is based on a quasi-experimental research approach. A sample of 1805 adolescent girls in Grades 8 to 10 completed a questionnaire, which assessed a range of health risk behaviours. This questionnaire was based on the Youth Risk Behaviour Survey (YRBS) and completed by all the respondents during the pre-test. A control and experimental group was selected from the Grades concerned, at the different schools. The experimental group was subjected to a six-months long intervention programme. At the end of the intervention programme a post-test was conducted on both the control and experimental groups. Four months after the post-test the respondents were subjected to the same test, which is now known as the follow-up test. The girls who dropped out of the study as it progressed are referred to as the drop-out group. Information regarding the socio-economic background of the girls, as well as permission to take part in the study, was obtained from the parents by means of a questionnaire. A self-designed questionnaire was used to obtain information regarding the state and status of Physical Education (PE) and movement programmes within Life Orientation at the schools. Teachers who were responsible for Grades 8, 9 and 10, completed the questionnaire. To keep track of body size and growth, mass and length were determined and body mass index (BMI) was calculated. Blood pressure was measured to determine to what extend these girls suffer from hypertension. Skinfold measures were taken to determine the fat percentage. The 20m shuttle run (Bleep test) was used to indirectly determine the physical activity levels of the respondents. The main results are discussed next. The results indicate that more respondents in the post-test (64%) reported that learners carry weapons on school grounds than in the pre-test. According to the results 64% of the respondents indicated in the post-test that learners carry weapons on school grounds compared to 29% of the respondents in the follow-up test (p<0.01). The pre-tests results indicate that 11% of the respondents smoke cigarettes in comparison to 14% in the post-test (p<0.01). Approximately 9% of the respondents in the pre-test indicated that they drank at least one alcoholic drink in the week before the study was undertaken in comparison to the 22% of the post-test (p<0.01). Regarding the smoking of dagga 2% of the respondents indicated in the pre-test that they smoked dagga whereas 9% in the post-test indicated that they did. More sexual active respondents during the follow-up test (57%) indicated that they used condoms during their last sexual experience than in the post-test (46%). The results of the pre-test indicate that approximately 49% of the respondents did something to loose weight or to prevent weight-gain in comparison to the 25% of the post-test and the 31% of the follow-up test. According the results, 35% of the respondents purported to have PE at their school in comparison to 30% during the post-test and 54% during the follow-up test. Although there were some exceptions, in most cases a tendency existed that indicated an increase in the variables measured between the pre-test and post-test. In most cases the results remained constant between the post-test and the follow-up test. This study can therefore be a starting point for further research into the process to combat health risk behaviours amongst adolescent girls. This can be done with educational programmes in cooperation with several role-players in the community.

Physical factors influencing the throwing action in netball and cricket players

Derbyshire, Denise 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Sport Sc (Sport Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / The ability to execute a powerful throw is an essential skill for netball and cricket players. Numerous accurate, powerful throws are being made during the course of a match. It is thus necessary to focus on the development of excellent technique, as well as the development of the physical aspects that might contribute to the effectiveness and efficiency of the throwing action. The aim of the study was to determine which specific physical factors play a significant role in the distance that netball and cricket players can throw a ball. The distance of the thrown ball was also seen as an indirect measure of the power with which the throw was executed, with a greater distance implying more power. A group of volunteer subjects was drawn from the local netball and cricket clubs from the Stellenbosch area. Thirty nine injury-free, club level subjects participated in the study, of whom twelve (n=12) were male and twenty four (n=24) were female. Various physical factors were selected that give an indication of its contribution to a powerful throw for distance. Range of motion assessments involved the range of the shoulder joint, as well as the elbow joint, wrist joint and the back. The strength of the internal rotators was compared to the strength of the external rotators in the shoulder joint. Core stability was assessed by doing two different tests, with one involving shoulder stability as well. The relationship between upper-limb length and the throwing distance was assessed. Various anthropometric measurements were done, including height, weight, skinfolds, and the “wing span”. Throwing for distance was measured while the subjects remained seated on a chair. This throwing position was chosen in an attempt to eliminate the contribution of the kinetic chain that generates momentum in the lower extremities which get transferred to the upper extremities. It was thus an attempt to only focus on the involvement of the upper extremities. This seated throwing position is also often used as a test for throwing ability in athletes. Throwing for distance was also done with the subject strapped onto the chair to exclude the involvement of the core in the transfer or generation of energy. Results from this study showed that there were very few physical factors that had significant correlations in both groups. In the cricket players, factors from the isokinetic testing played a significant roll, but not in the netball players. There was a significant correlation which was positive with the average peak torque concentric/concentric 180 degrees/second with external rotation seated on the chair (r=0.46; p=0.03). There is also a tendency towards a significant correlation when the subject was seated in average peak torque concentric/concentric at 90 degrees/second both with internal (r=0.52; p=0.06) and external rotation (r=0.62; p=0.05). The peak torque concentric/concentric at 90 degrees/second during external rotation (r=0.61; p=0.06) and the peak torque concentric/concentric at 90 degrees/second during internal rotation (r=0.49; p=0.06). Both tended to a correlation but were not significant. There was found to be a few positive and statistical significant factors the average power concentric/concentric contractions at 90 degrees/second during external rotation when seated on the chair (r=0.64 and p=0.03) and average power concentric/concentric contractions at 180 degrees/second during external rotation when seated on chair (r=0.58; p=0.04) as well as strapped in on chair (r=0.06; p=0.03). It cannot be concluded there are any specific physical factors that would influence the distance thrown in both the netball and the cricket players. It can thus be assumed that a number of other factors might play a more important role in the execution of a powerful throw for distance, such as the involvement of the total well-coordinated kinetic chain, and the throwing techniques.

The influence of competition and cooperation on children's movement competence and self-esteem

Wakelin, Justin 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Sport Sc (Sport Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of two different approaches to presenting content during a sport module in physical education on the movement competence and self-esteem of children ages 11 - 12. One approach consisted of competitive activities and the other approach consisted of cooperative activities and cooperative learning. The following measurement criteria were selected to assess movement competence: response time, coincident timing, eye-hand coordination (throwing and catching) and eye-hand coordination (striking). Harter’s (1982) Perceived Competence Scale for Children was used to measure children’s perceptions their competence in terms of cognitive, social and physical competence and general self-esteem. Pre-tests were administered to a competitive activities group (n=14), a cooperative activities group (n=14) and a control group (n=25). Following a10-week intervention programme, the competitive group achieved significant improvements in response time and eye-hand coordination (striking). The cooperative group improved significantly in their response time. There were no significant improvements in the control group. None of the groups demonstrated significant changes in perceptions of cognitive, social or physical competence or on general self-esteem. This study concluded that participation in cooperative activities as well as competitive activities can help children develop their movement competence. Approaches to the development of positive self-perceptions and self-esteem still require further research. Neither the nature of competitive activities nor cooperative activities seemed sufficient to produce changes.

Physiological demands of the Absa Cape Epic mountain bike race and predictors of performance

Greeff, Marli 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScSportSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this qualitative-quantitative study was to describe the exercise intensity and predictors of performance of a multi-stage mountain bike (MTB) race (2014 Absa Cape Epic) lasting 8 days. Twenty-three amateur mountain bikers (age 39 ± 9 years, height 178.8 ± 8.2 cm, body mass 74.7 ± 9.1 kg, VO2max 54 ± 7 ml.kg-1.min-1) who completed the 2014 Absa Cape Epic were involved in the study. The participants were divided into two groups according to their MTB experience. The experienced group included participants who previously completed more than three 3-day multi-stage MTB events and the novices group included those who has completed less than 3-day multi-stage MTB events. Prior to the event the participants completed a maximal aerobic cycling test and a simulated 40 km time trial (TT). The maximal aerobic test was used to determine 3 work intensity zones based on heart rate (HR) corresponding to blood lactate thresholds (LT: increase in blood lactate concentration of 1 mmol.l-1 above baseline values and the onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA), a fixed blood lactate concentration of 4 mmol.l-1). There were no statistically significant differences in the physical, physiological and performance variables measured in the laboratory between the two groups. The exercise intensity during the Cape Epic was measured using telemetric HR monitoring sets. RPE values were noted after each stage of the race. The mean HR was 88.1 ± 5.3% (experienced) and 84.2 ± 11.0% (novices) of maximal HR during the race or 88.9 ± 3.5% (experienced) and 85.9 ± 10.6 (novices) of laboratory determined maximum HR. More time was spent in the “low” HR zone (43.1 % vs 58.5 %, respectively), while only a small amount of time was spent in the “hard” HR zone (7.4% and 6.1%, respectively). The experienced group spent statistically significantly more time in the “moderate” HR zone compared to the novices group (49.5 % vs. 35.4 %). The experienced group performed significantly better during the event compared to the novices group in both the total event time (P = 0.004) and the general classification (P = 0.01). Relative and absolute power output (PO) at OBLA (P = 0.01 and 0.02, respectively) were statistically significant predictors of total event time, while relative peak power output was a significant predictor of general classification for the event (P = 0.02) . The total TT time was a significant predictor of average event HR (P = 0.03). This study showed that this MTB stage race is physiologically very demanding and requires cyclists to have excellent endurance capacity, as well as strength and power. The parameters from the maximal aerobic capacity test correlated better with outdoor performance than parameters from the simulated 40 km TT. Therefore the standard maximal aerobic capacity test are sufficient for testing mountain bikers and sport scientists can continue using this test to prescribe exercise intensity zones for training and events. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie kwalitatiewe-kwantitatiewe studie was om die oefeningsintensiteit en voorspellers van prestasie tydens ‘n multi-dag bergfiets kompetisie (Absa Cape Epic) van 8 dae lank te bepaal. Drie-en-twintig bergfietsryers (ouderdom 39 ± 9 jaar, lengte 178.8 ± 8.2 cm, liggaamsmassa 74.7 ± 9.1 kg, VO2maks 54 ± 7 ml.kg-1.min-1) wat die 2014 Absa Cape Epic voltooi het, het aan die studie deelgeneem. Die deelnemers is in twee groepe verdeel volgens hulle ervaring in multi-dag bergfiets kompetisies. Die ervare groep was al die deelnemers wat meer as drie 3-dae multi-dag bergfiets kompetisies voltooi het. Die onervare groep was al die deelnemers wat minder as drie 3-dag multi-dag bergfiets kompetisies voltooi het. Voor die kompetisie het al die deelnemers ‘n maksimale aërobiese toets en ‘n gesimuleerde 40 km tydtoets in die laboratorium voltooi. Die maksimale aërobiese toets is gebruik om drie werk intensiteit sones volgens die hartspoed te bepaal, naamlik die hartspoed by die laktaatdraaipunt(‘n toename in bloed [laktaat] van 1 mmol.l-1 bo die basislynwaardes) en die hartspoed by die aanvang van bloedlaktaat akkummulasie (‘n vaste bloed [laktaat] waarde van 4 mmol.l-1). Daar was geen statisties betekenisvolle verskille in die fisiese, fisiologiese en prestasie veranderlikes tussen die twee groepe nie. Die oefeningsintensiteit tydens die Cape Epic was gemeet deur gebruik te maak van hartspoedmonitors. Die RPE waardes was aan die einde van elke skof genoteer. Die gemiddelde hartspoed was 88.1 ± 5.3 % (ervare) en 84.2 ± 11.0 % (onervare) van maksimale kompetisie hartspoed, of 88.9 ± 3.5 % (ervare) en 85.9 ± 10.6 % (onervare) van die maksimale hartspoed soos in die laboratorium gemeet. Die fietsryers het meer tyd spandeer in die “lae” hartspoed sone (43.1 % vs 58.5 %, onderskeidelik), in vergelyking met die “moeilike” hartspoed sone (7.4 % vs 6.1 %, onderskeidelik). Die ervare groep het statisties betekenisvol meer tyd in die “matige” hartspoed sone spandeer (49.5 % vs. 35.4 %) in vergelyking met die onervere groep. Die ervare groep het beter presteer tydens die kompetisie vir beide totale kompetisie tyd (P = 0.004) en algehele klassifikasie (P = 0.01). Relatiewe en absolute krag by aanvang van bloed laktaat akkumulasie was statisties betekenisvolle voorspellers van totale kompetisie tyd (P = 0.01 en 0.02, onderskeidelik), terwyl maksimale krag ‘n statisties betekenisvolle voorspeller was van algehele klassifikasie in die kompetisie (P = 0.02). Die totale tydtoets tyd was ‘n statisties betekenisvolle voorspeller van gemiddelde hartspoed tydens die kompetisie. Die studie het gewys dat hierdie multi-dag bergfiets kompetisie fisiologies baie uitdagend is en dat fietsryers uistekende uithouvermoë kapasiteit, sowel as krag en plofkrag moet besit. Die veranderlikes van die maksimale aërobiese toets het beter met prestasie in die veld gekorreleer as die veranderlikes van die gesimuleerde 40 km tydtoets. Daar word dus afgelei dat die standaard maksimale aërobiese toets voldoende is vir die toetsing van bergfietsryers en sportwetenskaplikes kan aanhou om hierdie toets te gebruik om oefeningsintensiteit sones voor te skryf vir oefensessies en kompetisies.

Adolessente leefstylpatrone : 'n opname in geslekteerde hoërskole van die Wes-Kaap Onderwysdepartement

Malan, Petronella Elizabeth 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Sport Sc (Sport Science))--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Adolescence is the period between childhood and adulthood. This phase starts between the ages of 11 and 13 years and ends between 17 and 21 years. Adolescence was seen as a phase of development, growth and excellent health in the past, but that is not the case in the 21st century. The health of adolescent are being influenced by technology such as computers and televisions, crime, poor eating habits, the absence of Physical Education at schools, urbanization, overpopulation and less available space for children to play. These aspects lead to a sedentary lifestyle which may impact their health in the form of hypokinetic diseases. The primary aim of this study was to determine the lifestyle patterns of adolescents in selected Western Cape high schools. The secondary aims of this study were to determine the lifestyle patterns of different ethnic groups; those of boys and girls; and to compare these lifestyle patterns with those of adolescents 10 years ago. In this study, two questionnaires were used for data collection: a questionnaire for the adolescents; and one for the Life Orientation teachers. The high schools (N=30) were randomly selected to partake in the study. Out of each school learners (N=60) were also randomly selected to partake in the study. The 60 learners consisted of [n=15] boys and [n=15] girls in Grade 9 and [n=15] boys and [n=15] girls in Grade 11 between the ages of 15 and 17 years. One Life Orientation teacher was also randomly selected from each school. Data from the two questionnaires were coded in computer format and statistically analysed with the computer program Stasoft Statistica Version 10. From the results of the study it can be concluded that neither White nor Coloured adolescents found school sport important nor they did not partake in sporting activities on a regular basis. Adolescent boys, on the other hand, were found to be much more active than adolescent girls. Adolescent girls preferred sedentary activities like listening to music and reading books. Both White and Coloured adolescents, and boys and girls, found their health to be excellent despite the fact that research showed the opposite to be true. White adolescents also found socialising more important than Coloured adolescents. Coloured adolescent on the other hand found household chores more important. Boys and Coloured adolescents attended self defence classes on a regular basis. This study is a follow-up study on one conducted by Van Deventer in 1999. It serves as a basis for further research and it is recommended that a new study should be conducted every 10 years to determine changes in the lifestyle patterns of adolescents so that it can be addressed. Further research is recommended because of the low feedback of Life Orientation teachers to determine and address the status of Life Orientation presently in schools, the attitudes of teachers and learners toward Life Orientation, Education and training of Life Orientation teachers, apparatus and facilities needs and time allocation towards the movement component in Life Orientation. Further research is also recommended because of the insufficient feedback received from Black learners. It is also important to determine their lifestyle patterns so that recommendations in this regard can be made. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Adolessensie is die periode tussen die kinderjare en volwassenheid. Die fase begin tussen die ouderdomme van 11 en 13 jaar en eindig tussen 17 en 21 jaar. Adolessensie is vroeër as 'n fase van groei, ontwikkeling en goeie gesondheid beskou maar dit is nie meer die geval nie. Adolessente se gesondheid word huidig deur beskikbare tegnologie soos televisie en rekenaars, vervoer, misdaad, verstedeliking, minder sportgronde as gevolg van oorbevolking, gebrekkige Liggaamlike Opvoeding by skole en ongesonde eetgewoontes belemmer. Dit kan tot sedentêre leefstylpatrone aanleiding gee wat hipokinetiese siektes kan meebring. Die hoofdoel van die studie was om die leefstylpatrone van adolessente in geselekteerde hoërskole van die Wes-Kaapse Onderwysdepartement te bepaal. Daar was ook op die volgende subprobleme gefokus: die vergelyking van die leefstylpatrone van verskillende etniese groepe, die vergelyking van die leefstylpatrone van seuns en meisies en die vergelyking van die leefstylpatrone van huidige adolessente met dié van 10 jaar gelede. Twee vraelyste was vir die insameling van die data gebruik. Een wat leerders en die ander die Lewensoriëntering-onderwyser voltooi het. Die hoërskole (N=30) was ewekansig geselekteer. Uit elke hoërskool was leerders (N=60) ewekansig: uit Graad 9 [n=15] seuns en [n=15] meisies en uit Graad 11 [n=15] seuns en [n=15] meisies tussen die ouderdomme van 15 en 17 geselekteer. Een Lewensoriëntering-onderwyser per skool was ook ewekansig geselekteer. Die data wat vanaf die vraelyste verkry was, is in rekenaarformaat gekodeer en statisties verwerk. Stasoft Statistica Weergawe 10 is vir verdere dataverwerking gebruik. Daar is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat beide Wit en Bruin adolessente sport as onbelangrik geag het en ongereeld daaraan deelneem het. Adolessente seuns het sport belangriker geag en ook meer gereeld as adolessente meisies daaraan deelgeneem. Adolessente meisies het sedentêre aktiwiteite, soos om te lees en na musiek te luister, belangriker as adolessente seuns geag. Wit en Bruin adolessente, en die seuns en meisies, het hul gesondheid goed geag al bewys navorsing die teendeel. Wit adolessente het meer as Bruin adolessente gesosialiseer, terwyl Bruin adolessente huishoudelike take belangriker as Wit adolessente geag het. Adolessente seuns en Bruin adolessente het gereeld selfverdedigingsklasse bygewoon. Die onderhawige studie is 'n opvolgstudie wat deur Van Deventer in 1999 uitgevoer is en dien as rigtingwyser vir verdere navorsing. 'n Opvolgstudie elke 10 jaar is ideaal sodat die veranderinge in leefstylpatrone onder adolessente gemonitor en aangespreek kan word. Verdere navorsing word as gevolg van die lae terugvoersyfer van Lewensoriënteringonderwysers aanbeveel sodat die volgende aangespreek kan word: die status wat Lewensoriëntering huidig geniet; die gesindheid van onderwysers en leerders teenoor Lewensoriëntering; onderwyseropleiding; apparaat en fasiliteit behoeftes; en die tydstoekenning vir die bewegingskomponent van Lewensoriëntering. Verdere navorsing word as gevolg van die lae terugvoersyfer van Swart adolessente aanbeveel sodat hul leefstylpatrone ook bepaal en aanbevelings daarvolgens gemaak kan word.

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