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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Модификација покрета робота при двоножном кретању или стајању у присуству ограничења или поремећаја / Modifikacija pokreta robota pri dvonožnom kretanju ili stajanju u prisustvu ograničenja ili poremećaja / Modification of the motion of bipedal robot during walking and standing in the presence of disturbances and constraints

Nikolić Milutin 15 May 2015 (has links)
<p>У тези су анализиране карактеристичне компензационе стратегије, за<br />које је уочено да их човек често примењује. На основу анализе су<br />дефинисане предности и мане сваке од стратегија. Након тога је<br />приказан систем за приоритетизацију задатака, ради истраживања<br />могућности симултане реализације више задатака. Да би се омогућило<br />укључивање различитих задатака и ограничења развијен је формални<br />начин њиховог записивања. Посебна пажња је дата ограничењима која<br />настају као последица контакта са околином. Развијена је методологија<br />којом се утврђује да ли неки од постојећих контаката може бити<br />раскинут а да жељени покрет буде изводив, као и да ли је ради<br />реализације намераваног покрета потребно успоставити нови контакт.<br />Укључивањем ограничења у систем за приоритетизацију је добијена<br />методологија за модификацију покрета у присуству ограничења.</p> / <p>U tezi su analizirane karakteristične kompenzacione strategije, za<br />koje je uočeno da ih čovek često primenjuje. Na osnovu analize su<br />definisane prednosti i mane svake od strategija. Nakon toga je<br />prikazan sistem za prioritetizaciju zadataka, radi istraživanja<br />mogućnosti simultane realizacije više zadataka. Da bi se omogućilo<br />uključivanje različitih zadataka i ograničenja razvijen je formalni<br />način njihovog zapisivanja. Posebna pažnja je data ograničenjima koja<br />nastaju kao posledica kontakta sa okolinom. Razvijena je metodologija<br />kojom se utvrđuje da li neki od postojećih kontakata može biti<br />raskinut a da željeni pokret bude izvodiv, kao i da li je radi<br />realizacije nameravanog pokreta potrebno uspostaviti novi kontakt.<br />Uključivanjem ograničenja u sistem za prioritetizaciju je dobijena<br />metodologija za modifikaciju pokreta u prisustvu ograničenja.</p> / <p>The thesis analyzes the characteristic compensation strategies, which are<br />observed to be often applied by men. Based on the analysis benefits and<br />disadvantages each of the strategies are defined. After that, the task<br />prioritization framework is shown, which enables simultaneous realiztation of<br />multiple tasks. In order to include different tasks and constraints in the<br />framework, the formal way of their notation is developed. Special attention is<br />given to the constraints that arise as a consequence of contacts with the<br />environment. Methodology for determining whether some of the existing<br />contacts can be broken, but that the desired movement is feasible, and<br />whether is it necessary to establish a new contact for the realization of the<br />intended movement. By including the constraints in the task prioritization<br />framework, methodology for modification of the movement in the presence of<br />constraints is obtained.</p>

Understanding the Problems in Volume Production and their Connections to Management of New Product Introduction Projects : A Case Study of the Project Management Factors and the Appurtenant Production Effects from Ramp-Up of New Product in Production for Contract Electronics Manufacturing

Frost, Niclas January 2016 (has links)
The ongoing globalization of companies has resulted in a highly competitive business climate where companies have to be cost-effective but still flexible with fast response to customer feedback and present in the international scene. In order to meet the fast paced technological development from the competition and changing demand of the customers, companies focus on creating new products and reducing their time-to-market with an early product launch to gain profits from increased market shares. However, in order to maintain profitability of the new product, it becomes even more important for the company to quickly deploy a full-scale production of the product, also known as the production ramp-up phase. Despite being known as a major cost driver in new product development projects, production ramp-up is a research area which have yet received sparse attention compared to research on product launch and time-to-market in new product development projects. However, with shorter product life-cycles and higher market competition it has resulted in a need to shorten the length of a new product’s ramp-up time without making any trade-off to the cost-effectiveness of the ramp-up project and the end product’s final quality. The study identifies the common problems in volume production of a contract electronics manufacturer and their sources of disturbances from the new product introduction process. It also identifies the factors influencing the new product introduction process at the company and how these factors are connected different sources of disturbances. To identify these findings, a single case study was designed and performed at Orbit One AB, a contract electronics manufacturer with a low-volume production of products. The data collection course was executed in an iterative manner over a period of four months through interviews, observation and internal documentation and was backed up and analyzed with a literature study. The data collection through interviews was carried out in two separate rounds, where the first round of interviews was focused on identifying the common problems in volume production and the second round was focused on the factors influencing the output from the new product introduction process. The discoveries from the interviews were analyzed together with the other sources of collected data to reach a conclusive analysis. The results of the study showed that the most common problems in volume production of the company could be traced to six different sources of disturbances: Product, Production System, Design-Production Interface, Quality, Resource Management, and Personnel. The most common problems could also be summarized as: Problems with manufacturability of product; High variation of process performance, Poor correctness of information, Quality issues with products, and High workload on resources. The factors identified in the findings of the study shows that there are multiple and connected factors which affects the final output of the new product introduction process which corroborates with earlier studies and research in the area of production ramp-up. The study did identify two factors which has not been identified by other ramp-up studies, these were: Lack of organizational project culture and customer flexibility.

Impacts des emprises de lignes électriques sur la végétation des tourbières

Dubé, Caroline 12 1900 (has links)
Les infrastructures linéaires sont reconnues pour faciliter la dispersion de plantes indésirables dans leur emprise et les habitats adjacents. Toutefois, les impacts des emprises de lignes électriques ont été peu étudiés, particulièrement en milieux humides. Cette étude a examiné la végétation des emprises de lignes électriques et de leurs habitats adjacents dans 23 tourbières ombrotrophes (bogs) et 11 minérotrophes (fens). Dans les fens, la dispersion des espèces indésirables est facilitée le long des emprises et certaines espèces peuvent se propager à plus de 43 m dans les habitats adjacents. Au contraire, ces infrastructures ne semblent pas favoriser la dispersion des espèces indésirables dans les bogs puisque leur présence était limitée à la marge des sites et était négligeable dans les habitats tourbeux adjacents. Finalement, les caractéristiques intrinsèques des tourbières, telles leur degré de minérotrophie (bog ou fen) et leur structure végétale (tourbière ouverte, semi-forestière ou forestière) semblent grandement influencer l’envahissement. / Linear infrastructures are known to facilitate the spread of undesirable plants within their right-of-way (ROW) as well as in adjacent habitats. However, the impacts of power-lines ROWs have been weakly studied, particularly in wetlands. This study examined the vegetation of 23 ombrotrophic (bogs) and 11 minerotrophic (fens) peatlands intersected by a power-line ROW. The results showed that the spread of undesirable species along the feature is possible in fens and that some of those species could disperse into the adjacent habitat to more than 43 m from the ROW. Inversely, those features seemed to be inefficient dispersal vectors in bogs, because undesirable species were restricted to the bog margin in the ROW, and almost none dispersed in the adjacent habitats. Finally, intrinsic characteristics of peatlands, such as their degree of minerotrophy (bog or fen) and their vegetation type (open, semiforested or wooded peatland) seem to be important factors influencing invasion.

Subjektivní vymezování životních cílů u žáků s poruchami chování / Subjektive Defining of Life Goals of Pupils with Behavioural Disturbances

Chaloupka, Jan January 2011 (has links)
Subjective Defining of Life Goals of Pupils with Behavioural Disturbances Author: Jan Chaloupka Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague - Department of Special Education Supervisor: Mgr. Jana Mottlová Based on studying literature on general pedagogy, special pedagogy and psychology as well as on the author's personal experience with working with pupils with behavioural disturbances, the author proposes a hypothesis, according to which the long-term goal seeking efforts of the majority of pupils concerning socialization and education are absent, distorted and ineffective. The objective of this paper is to confirm or refute the validity of the hypothesis as well as to theoretically formulate impulses for practice. The research was performed on a sample of 120 respondents and a contrastive control group of 30 grammar school students. It was effectuated by means of a questionnaire and complemented by interviews, which are not included in full form for space reasons. The research has shown that in a heterogeneous group of respondents, a majority of two thirds is either incapable of life goals definition or the definition is rather inadequate and unrealistic. The author, however, has identified the reasons for this neither in the faulty family or educational background nor in decreased...

Aktuální trendy v oblasti primární prevence poruch chování u dětí a dospívajících / Actual trends in primary prevention of behavioral disturbances about children and adolescents

Dušková, Eva January 2011 (has links)
7 Annotation Graduation thesis deal with problems of behavioral disturbances about children and adolescents. First part describes professional notions about behavioral disturbances in next chapters describes particular behavioral disturbances it's etiology and diagnosis. Final parts focus on kinds of primary prevention predominantly in elementary school and in non-for- profit organization. Thesis deal with specific and nonspecific prevention of behavioral disturbances.

Nestandardní testy elektroměrů / Nonstandard test of energy meters

Jurka, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This thesis covers a brief overview of the development of the energy meter technology as well as a division of the modern energy meters and a description of the functions of electromechanical and static energy meters. The thesis also contains a list and a simple description of the type tests in compliance with the applicable standards relevant to the energy meters. Furthermore, the thesis describes the impact of differential disturbances in the band from 2 kHz to 250 kHz. The paper also defines the IEC-61000-4-19 standard and describes the testing system for measuring the impact of differential disturbances in the band from 2 kHz to 150 kHz. The thesis includes a description of the data acquisition software that was created in the Matlab program. The final part of the paper focuses on a description of the results of parametric tests and the proposal for their adjustments.

Dispositifs orioplastiques pour des jeunes en souffrances d’exclusion : nouvelles perspectives de medium malléable dans la clinique du social ? / Orioplastic settings for young people suffering from exclusion related psychological troubles : new perspectives for pliable medium in clinical social psychology ?

Demetriades, Christakis 23 September 2011 (has links)
Sur la scène de l’insertion se réactiveraient et se déploieraient les souffrances d’exclusion de certains jeunes, « souffrances narcissiques et identitaires » (R. Roussillon) qui révéleraient un « collapsus topique » (C. Janin) entre les « espaces du lien inter et trans-subjectif et l’espace intra-psychique » (R. Kaës).Le clinicien est alors invité à proposer des dispositifs cliniques susceptibles de libérer la scène de l’insertion des effets mortifères de la répétition traumatique.A partir d’un travail clinique de 20 ans au sein des Missions Locales pour l’insertion des jeunes, qui accueillent tous les ans plus de 1.2 millions de jeunes en France, l’auteur propose la mise en place de dispositifs orioplastiques au sein de ces institutions. Il emprunte à la plasticienne A.Stella la notion d’ « orioplastie », qui associe le grec orio (limite) et plastie, du grec ancien plassein (façonner, mouler), aux origines d’une qualité, la plasticité, la malléabilité. Il étudie trois dispositifs étroitement articulés, un dispositif individuel et deux groupaux et tend à dégager à la fois leurs caractéristiques, en matière d’espace et de temps, qui leur conféreraient une qualité de « medium malléable » (R. Roussillon, M. Milner) et les processus qu’ils permettraient de déployer en matière de « double travail psychique de liaison » (C. Vacheret), en référence à la « double limite » d’ A. Green.Il ouvre ainsi la question d’une éventuelle nouvelle étape de la psychiatrie publique, qui consisterait à se déployer dans les institutions du social et de l’insertion, afin de contribuer à une meilleure prise en compte des questions de la précarité et de l’exclusion, et pose les questions des conditions d’exercice et des limites de ce travail. / The social and professional integration process appears to reactivate exclusion related psychological troubles, defined as the « narcissistic disturbances of the sense of identity » (R. Roussillon) revealing a « topical collapse » (C. Janin) between the « the inter- and trans-subjective and the intra-psychic spaces » (R. Kaës). The role of the clinical psychologist is to propose clinical settings capable of ridding this process of the negative effects of traumatic repetition.The author, based on 20 years of clinical experience in Missions Locales, social structures for reintegration which welcome more than 1.2 million young people in France every year, proposes the deployment in these institutions of orioplastic settings. The notion of « orioplasty » is borrowed from the artist A.Stella who derives the terms from the Greek words orio (limit) and plassein (to shape or mold). The study of three tightly linked protocols, one for individuals and two for groups, simultaneously highlights their characteristics involving space and time, conferring them with the quality of a « pliable medium » (R. Roussillon, M. Milner), and the processes, both psychological and social, involving a « dual mental linking process » (C. Vacheret), in reference to the « double limit » of A. Green, that they permit to establish.Thus, the author raises the question of a new stage in public sector psychiatry which would consist of going into the institutions of social integration in order to better take into account the problems of social insecurity and exclusion, and addresses the question of the conditions and the limits involved in this new approach.

Vliv domácí přípravy na školní úspěšnost žáků se specifickými poruchami učení a chování / Influence of home preparation on school success of pupils with specific learniíng and behavioral disorders

Fialová, Klementina January 2019 (has links)
My thesis occupies with the influence of home preparation for successfulness of pupils with specific learning disturbances and behaviour in basic school. The theoretical part there are explained terms of specific evolutional disturbances of school skills. This part deals with etiology and diagnosis. There are legislative alterations of education and it includes complete reeducational school care which points on importance of teacher's personality and on forming of positive climate in the class. It describes family and its role in connection with all risk factors which influence it. The point of preparation determines learning and behaviour by way of concrete forms and methods of work with pupils with specific disturbances. The empirical part of thesis is compiled by method of qualitative research and it's a result of research investigation which is connected to detailed analysis of acquired data. The main methods of investigation were long-lasting structured pupils' observation, analysis of file documentation and analysis of professional advice. These all together and interviews made complete picture of individual case studies.

Effects of insect mass outbreaks on the C and N balance in forest ecosystems

Grüning, Maren Marine 31 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Estudo genético de síndromes associadas à obesidade / Genetic studies of syndromes associated with obesity

Santos, Mauren Fernanda Moller dos 27 May 2014 (has links)
A obesidade se tornou uma das maiores preocupações de saúde pública. É um distúrbio neuroendócrino, no qual fatores ambientais e genéticos agem em conjunto, levando ao excesso de armazenamento de energia na forma de gordura corporal. A síndrome de Prader-Willi (PWS) é a mais freqüente das síndromes que possui a obesidade como uma de suas características, com incidência de 1:25.000 nascimentos. É caracterizada por hipotonia neonatal com dificuldade de sucção, atraso do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor (DNPM), hiperfagia, obesidade, baixa estatura em adolescentes, mãos e pés pequenos, hipogonadismo, distúrbios do sono, características faciais dismórficas, deficiência intelectual leve a moderada e comportamento obsessivo-compulsivo. Pacientes com atraso do DNPM e/ou dificuldade de aprendizado, distúrbios de comportamento, obesidade e/ou hiperfagia, com teste negativo para PWS, foram estudados com plataformas de SNP array, &ldquo;The GeneChip® Mapping 500K Set&rdquo; da Affymetrix, ou array-CGH, CytoSure ISCA 4x180k da OGT, para identificar genes relacionados a obesidade e hiperfagia, assim como, novas regiões genômicas implicadas na etiologia de síndromes genéticas associadas à obesidade. Dentre os 31 pacientes estudados, oito apresentaram variações de número de cópias (CNVs) em seu genoma: deleção em 1p22.1p21.2; deleção em 3q25.33q26.1 e deleção em 13q31.2q32.1; duplicação em 7q36.2; deleção em 8p23.3p23.1 e duplicação em 12p13.33p13.31; duplicação 16p13.11p12.3; duplicação em 17q11.2; deleção em 20p12.1; duplicação em 21q22.13. Duas dessas alterações foram herdadas de pais fenotipicamente normais. Algumas dessas CNVs sobrepõem regiões genômicas previamente relacionadas com obesidade, incluindo a microdeleção de 1p21.3 e as duplicações dos cromossomos 12 e 21. Identificamos genes anteriormente descritos como associados à obesidade (PTBP2, DPYD, MIR137, GNB3 e PPM1L), ou possivelmente envolvidos com este fenótipo (HTR5A e KCNJ6), mapeados em várias dessas CNVs. Além disso, os genes RNF135, NF1, DPP6, GPC5, DYRK1A e MACROD2 são os prováveis causadores da deficiência intelectual, atraso do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor, dificuldades de aprendizagem, distúrbios de comportamento e outras características clínicas encontrados nos pacientes. O diagnóstico e prognóstico dos pacientes e o Aconselhamento Genético aos pais e familiares é fornecido / Obesity has become a major concern for public health. It is a neuroendocrine disorder, in which genetic and environmental factors act together, leading to excessive storage of energy as fat. Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is the main obesity-related syndrome with a birth incidence of 1:25,000. It is characterized by neonatal hypotonia, poor sucking, developmental delay, hyperphagia, obesity, short stature in adolescents, small hands and feet, hypogonadism, sleep disturbance, dysmorphic facial features, mild to moderate intellectual disability and obsessive-compulsive behavior. Patients with psychomotor developmental delay and/or learning disabilities, behavior disorders, obesity and/or hyperphagia, who tested negative for PWS, were studied by chromosomal microarray analysis, including the SNP-based platform &ldquo;The GeneChip® Mapping 500K Set&rdquo; (Affymetrix), and the array-CGH platform &ldquo;CytoSure ISCA 4x180k (OGT)&rdquo;, to identify genes related to hyperphagia and obesity, as well as new genomic regions implicated in the etiology of genetic syndromes associated with obesity. Of 31 patients studied, eight had copy number variants (CNVs) in the genome: 1p22.1p21.2 deletion; 3q25.33q26.1 deletion and 13q31.2q32.1 deletion; 7q36.2 duplication; 8p23.3p23.1 deletion and 12p13.33p13.31 duplication; 16p13.11p12.3 duplication; 17q11.2 duplicaton; 20p12.1 deletion; 21q22.13 duplication. Two of these CNVs were inherited from an unaffected father. Some of these CNVs overlap genomic regions that have previously been related to obesity, including the 1p21.3 microdeletion and the duplications of chromosomes 12 and 21. Furthermore, we identified genes previously described as associated with obesity (PTBP2, DPYD, MIR137, GNB3 and PPM1L), or possibly involved with this phenotype (HTR5A and KCNJ6), mapped to several of these CNVs. In addition, the genes RNF135, NF1, DPP6, GPC5, DYRK1A and MACROD2 are likely implicated in intellectual disability, developmental delay, learning disabilities, behavioral disorders and other clinical features found in patients. The diagnosis and prognosis of patients and genetic counseling to parents and families is provided

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