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Supply Chain Risk Management inom skogsindustrinRudefors, Robin January 2022 (has links)
The globalization of business has contributed to an increased risk within companies' supply chains. To manage these changes and risks within the supply chain, Supply Chain Risk Management has been important for businesses in order to be able to better detect, predict, avoid or reduce effects with a negative impact within the supply chain.The Covid-19 pandemic has caused disruptions and risks to companies' supply chains on a global level, which has put robustness and resilience to the test. For this reason, it is necessary to investigate how companies handle risks and disruptions as a result of Covid-19 in the supply chain.The aim of this study was to identify and prioritize disruptions that have been caused as a result of global disruptions such as the Covid-19 pandemic with the aim of being able to contribute with risk reduction measures for these types of disruptions. This was carried out through a case study at a manufacturing company in the forest industry, where the risks were identified through a review of documents, theory and proposals from the head of department at Supply Chain Management Logistics. Semistructured interviews with a total of ten informants were conducted in order to obtain information on how several of these risks have caused disruptions and consequences.In order to be able to prioritize the risks, risk assessments have been carried out by the same informants from the case company where the risks were valued and classified in risk matrices. The study showed that risks related to disrupted production, staff shortages, political disruptions, natural disasters, uncertain business scenarios, fully booked ferries, driver shortages, delivery disruptions, cargo shortages and risks linked to contractors at the production unit have caused consequences within the global supply chain.The two aggregated risk matrices showed that the risks related to staff shortages, natural disasters, disrupted production and risks linked to contractors in the production unit were the most serious and should therefore be prioritised and require risk mitigation measures.
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[pt] Os desafios das economias globais fazem com que as cadeias de suprimento (CS) tenham que aumentar seus processos de colaboração e dependência entre seus nós, gerando um aumento no nível de vulnerabilidade a possíveis impactos e interrupções em suas operações, que por consequência, podem afetar a aplicação da sustentabilidade em seus processos e operações. Com o rápido e extenso desenvolvimento do tema, surgiram pesquisas sobre o crescimento contínuo da complexidade da CS, aumentando a relevância dos estudos sobre suas vulnerabilidades a perturbações. Entretanto, ainda existem lacunas em como definir tais perturbações e como as cadeias afetadas vêm se recuperando delas. Portanto, objetiva-se analisar como os constructos de turbulência, incerteza e resiliência ambiental em cadeias de suprimentos sustentáveis têm evoluído ao longo dos anos. Para chegar a esse objetivo, a presente dissertação foi dividida em duas partes: a primeira teórica e a segunda empírica. Na parte teórica, será realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura (RSL), tendo como resultado as definições sobre cada constructo e análises bibliométricas da evolução temática do tema, e uma Scoping Review com o objetivo de realizar um comparativo entre as principais escalas já desenvolvidas na área de Supply Chain Management. Na etapa empírica, foi desenvolvida e validada uma escala, através da técnica Fuzzy Delphi, que analise como tais fenômenos definidos anteriormente podem ser medidos, validados e replicados. Esta pesquisa foca em contribuir para a área de Sustainable Supply Chain Management, trazendo uma maior clareza de como os fenômenos de turbulência, incerteza e resiliência podem afetar a trajetória de sustentabilidade em cadeias de suprimento, sendo um tema de alta relevância nos dias atuais. / [en] The challenges of global economies mean that supply chains (CS) have to increase their processes of collaboration and dependence between their nodes, generating an increase in the level of vulnerability to possible impacts and interruptions in their operations, which consequently can affect the application of sustainability in its processes and operations. With the rapid and extensive development of the topic, research has emerged on the continuous growth of SC complexity, increasing the relevance of studies on its vulnerabilities to disturbances. However, there are still gaps in how to define such disturbances and how the affected chains are recovering from them. Therefore, the objective is to analyze how the constructs of turbulence, uncertainty and environmental resilience in sustainable supply chains have evolved over the years. To reach this goal, this dissertation was divided into two parts: the first theoretical and the second empirical. In the theoretical part, a systematic literature review (RSL) was carried out, resulting in the definitions of each construct and bibliometric analyzes of the thematic evolution of the theme, and a Scoping Review with the objective of making a comparison between the main scales already developed in the area of Supply Chain Management. In the empirical stage, a scale was developed and validated, through the Fuzzy Delphi technique, which analyzes how such previously defined phenomena can be measured, validated and replicated. This research focuses on contributing to the area of Sustainable Supply Chain Management, bringing greater clarity to how the phenomena of turbulence, uncertainty and resilience can affect the trajectory of sustainability in supply chains, being a topic of high relevance today.
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Landscape to regional scale patterns and drivers of forest insect disturbances / a remote sensing based study of western spruce budworm Choristoneura occidentalis in British Columbia, CanadaSenf, Cornelius 14 October 2016 (has links)
Insekten spielen eine bedeutende Rolle im Erhalt von Waldökosystemen, haben aber auch eine nicht zu vernachlässigende ökonomische Bedeutung. Obwohl die ökologische sowie ökonomische Bedeutung von Insekten bekannt ist, gibt es bisher wenig Forschung zu den Dynamiken von herbivoren Insekten in der westamerikanischen Nadelholzzone, insbesondere durch die Art Choristoneura occidentalis. Der Mangel an Studien kann durch ein Fehlen von geeigneten Methoden zur Quantifizierung von Insektenausbrüchen auf der Landschafts- und Regionalskala erklärt werden. Die Nutzung von Fernerkundung vermag diese Wissenslücke zu schließen. Das übergeordnete Ziel dieser Dissertation ist daher, anhand von Fernerkundung ein besseres Verständnis der raumzeitlichen Muster von Insektenausbrüchen in der nord-west amerikanischen Nadelholzzone zu erlangen. Die spezifischen Forschungsfragen der Dissertation sind: (1) Inwieweit kann Fernerkundung die Kartierung und Quantifizierung von Insektenausbrüchen, insbesondere durch Herbivoren, unterstützen? (2) Was sind die raumzeitlichen Muster und Prozesse von Ausbrüchen des Choristoneura occidentalis in der west-nord-amerikanischen Nadelholzzone? Anhand des rezenten Ausbruches in Britisch Kolumbien, Kanada, wurde gezeigt, dass Fernerkundung ein geeigneter Weg ist um die raumzeitlichen Muster von Choristoneura occidentalis zu rekonstruieren. Mit dieser Erkenntnis konnten die hauptsächlichen Triebkräfte hinter diesen raumzeitlichen Mustern erklärt werden. So zeigte sich, dass sich die Dynamiken durch Ausbreitung adulter Motten, eine hohe Abundanz von Wirtsbäumen, Wetter, sowie deren Interaktion erklärt werden konnte. Aus den Ergebnissen kann geschlossen werden, dass Ausbrüche herbivorer Insekten in der westamerikanischen Nadelholzzone durch Prozesse welche über ein Management auf Standesebene hinausgehen bestimmt werden. Ein nachhaltiges Waldmanagement sollte daher neben Standfaktoren auch Faktoren auf Landschafts- und Regionalebene berücksichtigen. / Insect disturbances play a key role for maintaining healthy forest ecosystems, though they are also important for the timber industry, reducing yields and wood quality during major outbreaks. Despite the ecological and economic importance of insect disturbances, the outbreak dynamics of defoliating insects of the coniferous forests of western North America -- in particular the western spruce budworm Choristoneura occidentalis - are yet poorly understood. This is partly caused by a lack of suitable methods for quantifying landscape to regional scale outbreak patterns. Remote sensing time series analysis can help overcoming this challenge. Consequently, the overall goal of this dissertation was to increase the understanding of landscape to regional scale patterns and processes of insect defoliator disturbances in the coniferous forests of western North America with the help of Landsat remote sensing. Precisely, the research questions of the dissertation were: (1) How can Landsat remote sensing be used to map and quantify insect defoliator outbreaks? (2) What are the spatiotemporal patterns and processes of outbreaks of western spruce budworm in the coniferous forests of western North America? Using the current outbreak in British Columbia as example, it could be demonstrated that Landsat time series can be used to map and quantify the spatial and temporal dynamics of budworm outbreaks at the landscape and regional scale. The outbreak dynamics were mainly driven by direct effects and interactions of moth dispersal, host abundance, and weather patterns. Concluding from my results, it is suggested that outbreaks of forest defoliators in the coniferous forests of western North America are governed by factors that go beyond stand level management. Forest management thus should consider those factors in their operational planning, as well as in their models of future forest change.
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Pathophysiologische und therapeutische Beeinflussung von Hämostasestörungen bei der orthotopen LebertransplantationHimmelreich, Gabriele 06 February 2002 (has links)
Die orthotope Lebertransplantation (OLT) ist in den letzten Jahren zu einer etablierten Methode in der Behandlung von infausten Lebererkrankungen geworden und hat deren Prognose wesentlich verbessern können. Während der Lebertransplantation kommt es immer wieder zu bedrohlichem intraoperativem Blutverlust, der sowohl die Kurz- als auch die Langzeitprognose der Lebertransplantierten entscheidend beeinflussen kann. Ziel war es, die pathophysiologischen Hämostasevorgänge bei OLT weitergehend zu untersuchen und Möglichkeiten der therapeutischen Beeinflussung zu erarbeiten. Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß sich der erhöhte Blutverlust während der anhepatischen Phase durch eine gesteigerte fibrinolytische Aktivität erklärt und daß dabei sowohl das extrinsische Fibrinolysesystem mit dem Gewebeplasminogenaktivator t-PA als auch das intrinsische Fibrinolysesystem mit urokinase-type PA (u-PA) und dem FXII-abhängigen PA beteiligt sind. Zur Bestimmung des letzteren wurde eine chromogene Substratmethode entwickelt. Venöse Stauung, Kontaktaktivierung beim Passieren des Blutes durch den veno-venösen Bypass, fehlende hepatische Clearance sind dabei die wichtigsten Auslösefaktoren. In der Reperfusionsphase konnten Zeichen einer gesteigerten Prothrombinaktivierung gemessen werden, so daß DIC-artige Hämostaseveränderungen für die postreperfusionellen Blutverluste verantwortlich gemacht werden. Eine Korrelation zur anhepatischen Fibrinolyse besteht nicht. Die Spenderleber spielt eine entscheidene Rolle bei den postreperfusionellen Hämostaseveränderungen. Leukozytäre Aktivierungsprodukte wie extrazelluläre Proteinasen und Zytokine werden aus der Spenderleber freigesetzt und stören systemisch das hämostatische Gleichgewicht. Parallel kommt es nach Reperfusion zu einer Verminderung der Thrombozytenzahl und ihrer Aggregabilität. Diese scheint partiell durch die aggregationshemmende Wirkung der University of Wisconsin Konservierungslösung bedingt zu sein, in der die Spenderleber bis zur Transplantation aufbewahrt wird. Die Gabe des Proteaseninhibitors Aprotinin scheint Hyperfibrinolysezeichen, maximalen Anstieg der t-PA Aktivität, Transfusionsbedarf und endotheliale Schäden in der Spenderleber zu reduzieren, wobei in einer offenen und randomisierten Studie der Vorteil einer kontinuierlichen Infusionsgabe gegenüber einer dreimaligen Bolusgabe deutlich wurde. In einer weiteren offenen und randomisierten Therapiestudie wurde versucht durch intraoperative Prostaglandin E1(PG E1)- Gabe endotheliale Aktivierungsprozesse in der Spenderleber zu beeinflussen. Tatsächlich führte eine PGE1-Infusion zu einem signifikant schwächeren postreperfusionellen Abfall sowohl der Thrombozytenzahl als auch der thrombozytären Aggregationsfähigkeit. / The orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) has become an established method in the treatment of end stage liver disease and has ameliorated its prognosis substantially. During liver transplantation severe haemorrhage intraoperatively clearly influences the patient´s short and long-term outcome. The pathophysiology of hemostasis during OLT was studied and new strategies of therapy developed. It could be demonstrated that the high blood loss during the anhepatic phase is caused by increased fibrinolytic activity involving the extrinsic fibrinolytic system with tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) as well as the intrinsic fibrinolytic system with urokinase-type PA (u-PA) and the FXII-dependent PA. For the easier determination of the later a chromogenic substrate method was developed. High venous pressure, contact activation initiated by the contact of the patient's blood with the veno-venous bypass and the lack of hepatic clearance are the main initiating factors of fibrinolysis during the anhepatic phase. In the reperfusion phase signs of increased prothrombin activation could be measured so that a DIC-like constellation could be made responsible for the blood loss after reperfusion of the graft liver. There was no correlation to the preceding anhepatic fibrinolysis. The graft liver plays an important role in inducing hemostatic disturbances during reperfusion. Activation products of leukocytes like extracellular proteinases and cytokines are released out of the graft liver and seem to induce hemostatic imbalances systemically. In parallel there is a decrease of platelet count and platelet aggregability. This seems to be induced in part by the University of Wisconsin solution in which the graft liver is kept until transplantation. Aprotinin, a protease inhibitor, given during OLT seems to reduce signs of hyperfibrinolysis, maximal t-PA values, transfusion requirements and endothelial damage of the graft´s liver vascular bed. In an open and randomised clinical trial the advantage of a continuous aprotinin infusion in comparison to a three times bolus application was demonstrated. In another open and randomised study prostaglandin (PG)E1 was given in order to influence endothelial activation processes in the graft liver. The administration of PGE1 was leading to a significant lower decrease of platelet count and platelet aggregability.
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Método híbrido baseado no algoritmo k-means e regras de decisão para localização das fontes de variações de tensões de curta duração no contexto de Smart Grid / Hybrid method based on k-means algorithm and decision rules for short-duration voltages source location in the context of smart gridBorges, Fábbio Anderson Silva 07 July 2017 (has links)
No contexto de Smart Grids, determinar a correta localização das fontes causadoras de Variação de Tensão de Curta Duração (VTCD) não é uma tarefa simples, devido à curta duração destes eventos e também, por sua rápida propagação nas redes de distribuição de energia elétrica. Neste sentido, esse trabalho apresentou um método híbrido recursivo baseado em ferramentas da área de aprendizado de máquinas (algoritmo de agrupamento e base de regras), o qual é capaz de localizar as fontes de VTCD, a partir da análise dos das características dos distúrbios disponibilizadas pelos smart meters instalados no sistema. Assim, o trabalho destinouse ao desenvolvimento de uma plataforma em hardware para aquisição, detecção e classificação dos distúrbios, através de um Sistema Operacional de Tempo Real. Em seguida o algoritmo de agrupamento (k-means) agrupou os dados dos medidores de forma a definir dois clusters, onde um deles correspondeu aos medidores que estão longe da região que ocorreu o distúrbio e o outro, correspondeu aos medidores que estavam localizados próximos da região de ocorrência do distúrbio. Na segunda etapa, um sistema baseado em regras determinou qual dos clusters abrangeu o nó de origem. No entanto, quando o algoritmo determinou uma região muito grande, essa região é introduzida recursivamente, como entrada da metodologia desenvolvida, para refinar a região de localização. O sistema resultante foi capaz de estimar a região de localização com uma taxa de acerto acima de 90%. Assim, o método teve sua concepção adequada ao empregado nos centros de controle e operações de concessionárias de energia elétrica, visando apoiar a decisão do corpo técnico para que ações corretivas fossem estabelecidas de forma assertiva. / In the Smart Grids context, the correct location of short-duration voltage variations sources is not a trivial task, because of the short duration of these events and for rapid propagation in the distribution feeder. In this sense, aiming to develop a recursive hybrid method based on machine learning area tools (clustering algorithm and rule base) that is able to locate the sources of short-duration voltage variations, it was used data from smart meters installed along the distribution feeder. The recursive hybrid method, as input, received the disturbance characteristics provided by the meters installed in the system. Thus, this thesis aimed to development of a measurement hardware for signal acquisition, detection, classification through a realtime operating system. Then, k-means clustering algorithm grouped the meters data in order to define two clusters, where one of them corresponded to the meters that were distant from the region that occurred the disturbance and the other one corresponded to the meters, which were located near to the disturbance occurrence region. In a second step, a rule-based system determined which of the clusters corresponded to the source node. When the algorithm determined a very large region, that region was recursively introduced as input of the developed methodology to decrease its size. The resulting system was able to estimate the location region with a accuracy above 90%. Therefore, this method showed a suitable design for employment by operation control centers of power sector concessionaires, aiming to support technical staff decision to stablish assertive corrective actions.
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Método híbrido baseado no algoritmo k-means e regras de decisão para localização das fontes de variações de tensões de curta duração no contexto de Smart Grid / Hybrid method based on k-means algorithm and decision rules for short-duration voltages source location in the context of smart gridFábbio Anderson Silva Borges 07 July 2017 (has links)
No contexto de Smart Grids, determinar a correta localização das fontes causadoras de Variação de Tensão de Curta Duração (VTCD) não é uma tarefa simples, devido à curta duração destes eventos e também, por sua rápida propagação nas redes de distribuição de energia elétrica. Neste sentido, esse trabalho apresentou um método híbrido recursivo baseado em ferramentas da área de aprendizado de máquinas (algoritmo de agrupamento e base de regras), o qual é capaz de localizar as fontes de VTCD, a partir da análise dos das características dos distúrbios disponibilizadas pelos smart meters instalados no sistema. Assim, o trabalho destinouse ao desenvolvimento de uma plataforma em hardware para aquisição, detecção e classificação dos distúrbios, através de um Sistema Operacional de Tempo Real. Em seguida o algoritmo de agrupamento (k-means) agrupou os dados dos medidores de forma a definir dois clusters, onde um deles correspondeu aos medidores que estão longe da região que ocorreu o distúrbio e o outro, correspondeu aos medidores que estavam localizados próximos da região de ocorrência do distúrbio. Na segunda etapa, um sistema baseado em regras determinou qual dos clusters abrangeu o nó de origem. No entanto, quando o algoritmo determinou uma região muito grande, essa região é introduzida recursivamente, como entrada da metodologia desenvolvida, para refinar a região de localização. O sistema resultante foi capaz de estimar a região de localização com uma taxa de acerto acima de 90%. Assim, o método teve sua concepção adequada ao empregado nos centros de controle e operações de concessionárias de energia elétrica, visando apoiar a decisão do corpo técnico para que ações corretivas fossem estabelecidas de forma assertiva. / In the Smart Grids context, the correct location of short-duration voltage variations sources is not a trivial task, because of the short duration of these events and for rapid propagation in the distribution feeder. In this sense, aiming to develop a recursive hybrid method based on machine learning area tools (clustering algorithm and rule base) that is able to locate the sources of short-duration voltage variations, it was used data from smart meters installed along the distribution feeder. The recursive hybrid method, as input, received the disturbance characteristics provided by the meters installed in the system. Thus, this thesis aimed to development of a measurement hardware for signal acquisition, detection, classification through a realtime operating system. Then, k-means clustering algorithm grouped the meters data in order to define two clusters, where one of them corresponded to the meters that were distant from the region that occurred the disturbance and the other one corresponded to the meters, which were located near to the disturbance occurrence region. In a second step, a rule-based system determined which of the clusters corresponded to the source node. When the algorithm determined a very large region, that region was recursively introduced as input of the developed methodology to decrease its size. The resulting system was able to estimate the location region with a accuracy above 90%. Therefore, this method showed a suitable design for employment by operation control centers of power sector concessionaires, aiming to support technical staff decision to stablish assertive corrective actions.
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The implementation of humour as deflective technique in contact boundary disturbanceJacobs, Susanne 30 November 2007 (has links)
One potent, yet little recognized tool in therapy is humour. As the desire to be entertained through humour is near universal the establishment and return of a positive sense of humour may be considered a goal of therapy. The goal of Gestalt exploration is awareness. From its origin Gestalt theory includes addressing body experiences such as laughter and emotional expression through humour.
In Gestalt Theory a contact boundary disturbance such as deflection refers to the ways in which individuals may refuse contact with their environment in order to avoid aware¬ness.
The goal of this study was to explore the implementation of humour as a deflective technique where contact boundary disturbances occur, to bring about change. Aspects of humour, namely the ability to perceive the comic as well as the ability to produce it, aid therapy and relationship building, and help the client to deflect in a way that enhances emotional well-being. / Humor, geringskat in terapie, is 'n uiters sterk hulpmiddel. Aangesien die
behoefte om vermaak te word deur humor universeel is, is die terugkeer van 'n
positiewe sin vir humor 'n deurdagte doel vir terapie. Die doel van die Gestalt
eksplorasie is bewuswording. Van die begin af sluit Gestalt teorie
liggaamservaringe soos lag en emosioneie uitdrukking deur humor in.
In Gestalt Teorie verwys 'n kontakgrens versteuring soos defleksie, na die wyse
waarop individue kontak met die omgewing vermy, om sodoende bewuswording
te vermy.
Die doel van die studie was om die implementering van humor as deflektiewe
tegniek, waar kontak grens versteuringe en weerstande voorkom, as verandering
teweeg kan bring. Aspekte van humor, naamlik die moontlikheid om die komiese
waar te neem, sowel as om dit te produseer, versterk terapie and vehoudingsbou,
beide aspekte help die klient om te deflekteer op so 'n wyse dat emosioneie
goedvoel bevorder word. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)
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The use of gestalt therapy to re-write life scriptHitge, Erika 30 November 2006 (has links)
The aim of this research was to determine how Gestalt Therapy could be utilised to re-write life script. Transactional Analysis terminology was translated into Gestalt Therapy, especially the terms life script, life position and re-writing in the literature study. Gestalt Therapy concepts of importance for the research were also discussed in the literature study. An empirical study was conducted, involving one respondent, for whom Gestalt Therapy sessions were provided with the aim of determining how life script could be re-written through such intervention. Gestalt Therapy concepts and life script concepts were identified during the therapy process. A re-written life script was formulated by the researcher corresponding with the level of functioning of the respondent during therapy and in relation to the respondent's life position. The researcher deducts from the entire study, but especially from the empirical study that life script can be re-written by means of utilising Gestalt Therapy. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)
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Physical and psychosocial effects related to sleep inchildren with neurodevelopmental disorders : A study of the relationship between motor proficiency, sleep efficiency and possible influencing factors / Fysiska och psykosociala aspekter av utvecklingsneurologiska störningar hos barn : En studie av sambandet mellan motorisk färdighet, sömneffektivitet och möjliga bidragande faktorerWilliamsson, Frida January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between sleep patterns, motor proficiency and commonly co-occurring neurodevelopmental disorders in children, attitude to physical activity, mental health, and age. The study also looked at differences in sleep efficiency, as well as, perceived adequacy in physical activity between typically developing children and children with low motor proficiency. The sample consisted of 127 participants, 6-12 years old living in Perth, Western Australia. 51% participants were considered typically developing and 49% to have low motor proficiency. Motor proficiency, indications of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder and anxiety/depression, adequacy in, or predilection for physical activity did not show a relationship to sleep efficiency. Significant differences between groups in sleep efficiency or adequacy in physical activity were not found. No interaction effect of neurodevelopmental disorders were identified. Sleep in children with movement impairments caused by neurodevelopmental disorders is an area where continued studies are of great importance. Although no relationship was identified in the current study, previous research has suggested sleep may play an important role for development and optimal everyday functioning. A better understanding of physical and psychological consequences and possible contributing factors of low motor proficiency in childhood is important as the risk of long-term dysfunction in emotional, cognitive and physical areas may be reduced in an optimal environment.
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Le stress professionnel et le burnout chez les chirurgiens-dentistes : rôle de certaines caractéristiques personnelles et contextuelles dans l'ajustement au stress professionnel : une étude longitudinale et comparative entre la France et le Brésil / Occupational stress and burnout in the dentists : the role of certain personal and contextual characteristics in the stress adaptation : a longitudinal and comparative study among brazilian and french dentists / Estresse ocupacional e burnout nos cirurgiões-dentistas : o papel de determinadas características pessoais e contextuais na adaptação ao estresse : um estudo longitudinal e comparativo entre França e BrasilInocente, Janine 01 October 2010 (has links)
Introduction : L’Odontologie est considérée comme une profession stressante, fréquemment associée à des problèmes de santé, tant d’ordre physique que psychique. L’objectif de cette étude est d’élucider le rôle de certains facteurs psychosociaux chez les Chirurgiens Dentistes Français et Brésiliens.Méthode : Nous avons mené une étude longitudinale auprès de 322 Chirurgiens-Dentistes (161 Français et 161 Brésiliens) au premier temps et au deuxième temps sur une cohorte de 179 (94 Français et 85 Brésiliens). Des mesures relatives à certaines caractéristiques socio-démographiques, psychosociales et transactionnelles ont été ont été administrées aux Chirurgiens-Dentistes. Les critères retenus étaient le burnout, la dépression, les troubles musculo-squelettiques et les troubles du sommeil évaluées à T2 ainsi que des stratégies de coping. Nous avons construit une échelle de stress spécifique à notre population. L’analyse factorielle a permis d’obtenir 1 facteur. Dans une perspective prédictive, des analyses en équation structurales nous ont permis, pour chacun le burnout et la dépression, de tester l’adéquation d’un modèle théorique aux données observées.Résultats : L’influence des scores obtenus sur le burnout, les troubles musculo-squelettiques et les troubles du sommeil) est confirmée par des analyses typologiques identifiant trois profils des dentistes : les dentistes en bonne santé, moins accomplis et en mauvaise santé. Les profils des dentistes Français et Brésiliens sont similaires. Les profils des dentistes moins accomplis et en mauvaise santé liés à certains facteurs psychosociaux, semblent particulièrement à risque de développer une mauvaise santé. Nous avons mis en évidence plusieurs modèles intégratifs témoignant d’effets directs et indirects des antécédents sur les critères, médiatisés par certaines variables transactionnelles. Les variables ratio effort/récompense et le coping de réévaluation du problème ont des effets médiateurs sur : le perfectionnisme et l’épuisement émotionnel, la solitude et l’épuisement émotionnel, le sentiment de solitude et la dépression. Le perfectionnisme prédit la dépression, cet effet passe par le ratio effort/récompense. Conclusion : Ces résultats montrent l’intérêt d’appliquer le modèle transactionnel à la santé des Chirurgiens-Dentistes et suggèrent des pistes de réflexion concernant les perspectives appliquées que ce soit en terme de prévention ou de prise en charge. / Introduction: The Dentistry is considered a stressful profession, being frequently associated with health problems, physical as much mental. The objective of this study is to elucidate the role of psychosomatic factors that affect French and Brazilian dentists.Method: Was made a longitudinal study in 322 dentists (161 French and 161 Brazilians), at a first turn, and 179 dentists at a second turn (when 94 was French and 85 was Brazilians). Measures related to certain socio demographic characteristics (psychosomatic and transactional) were administered for the dentists. The study’s criterions at the second turn were: burnout, depression, muscle-skeleton’s disturbances and sleep disturbances and copping strategies. We construct a specific stress scale for our sample. The factorial analysis resulted in only one factor. Through a perspective predictive, analysis of structural equations allowed to burnout and to depression to test a theoretical model across the observed data.Results: The score analysis obtained from burnout, depression, muscle-skeleton’s disturbances and sleep disturbance, allowed to identify, by cluster analysis, three dentists’ profiles: “with good health”; “with minor personal accomplishment”; “with health at risk”. The French and Brazilian dentist profiles were similar. The psychosomatic factors that influence the adhesion to a one of these profiles are different between the two groups (French and Brazilians). At France, above all, are the context variables and from stress processes (imbalance of effort and reward, specific stress of dentists and copping strategies) that are risk factors to the health. At Brazil, this is the dispositional variables (age, perfectionism and over commitment). We tested an integrator model which showed direct and indirect effects on criterions of our study, mediated by some transactional variables. The variables imbalance between effort and reward and copping, in the revaluation of the problem, has mediation’s effects between perfectionism and emotional exhaustion, between the solitude and emotional exhaustion, between the solitude and depression and between perfectionism and depression.Conclusions: These results showed the interest of application of the transactional model to the health of the surgeons dentists in two different cultures and suggests ways to a reflection about the applied perspectives, in terms of prevention as much as care. / Introdução - A Odontologia é considerada uma profissão estressante, frequentemente associada a problemas de saúde tanto física quanto mental. O objetivo deste estudo é elucidar o papel dos fatores psicossociais em Cirurgiões-Dentistas franceses e brasileiros. Método - Realizou-se um estudo de corte longitudinal em dois tempos. No primeiro tempo com 322 dentistas, sendo 161 franceses e 161 brasileiros, e no segundo tempo com 94 franceses e 85 brasileiros, totalizando 179 dentistas. Medidas relacionadas a determinadas características sociodemográficas, psicossociais e transacionais foram administradas nos dentistas. Os critérios do estudo foram: burnout, depressão, distúrbios músculo-esqueléticos e do sono em T2 e estratégias de coping. Construiu-se uma escala de estresse específico para essa população, e a análise fatorial resultou em um fator. Por meio de uma perspectiva preditiva as análises de equações estruturais permitiram, tanto para o burnout quanto para a depressão, testar um modelo teórico a partir dos dados observados.Resultados - A análise dos escores obtidos do burnout e dos distúrbios músculo-esquelético e do sono permitiu identificar, pelas análises de cluster, três perfis de dentistas: com boa saúde, com menor realização pessoal e com saúde precária. Os perfis dos dentistas franceses e brasileiros são semelhantes, mas os fatores psicossociais que influenciam a adesão a um desses perfis são diferentes entre os dois países. Na França são, sobretudo, as variáveis de contexto e do processo de estresse: desequilíbrio esforço/ recompensa, estresse específico dos dentistas e estratégias de coping, que são fatores de risco para a saúde. No Brasil são as variáveis disposicionais, como idade, perfeccionismo e supercomprometimento. Testou-se um modelo integrador que mostra efeitos diretos e indiretos sobre os critérios deste estudo, mediados por certas variáveis transacionais. As variáveis desequilíbrio e esforço-recompensa e coping reavaliação do problema têm efeitos de mediação entre: perfeccionismo e exaustão emocional; solidão e exaustão emocional; solidão e depressão; e perfeccionismo e depressão. Conclusão – Os resultados mostram o interesse da aplicação do modelo transacional à saúde dos Cirurgiões-Dentistas em duas culturas diferentes, e sugerem caminhos para a reflexão em relação às perspectivas aplicadas tanto em termos de prevenção quanto de cuidados.
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