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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utveckling av en API-Hubb : Django REST Framework och React

Harnesk, Lukas January 2022 (has links)
Idag hämtar anställda på Bredband2 data från olika databaser på ett interntsystem som kallas en API-Hubb.  Denna API-Hubb samlar all informationsom kunder, telefonnummer, tjänster och kunders personliga data genomAPI (Application Programming Interface) förfrågningar.  Denna API-Hubbär begränsad i sin funktionalitet och ägs idag av ett externt företag som tarbetalt vid anslutningar av nya tjänster.  Det här arbetet avser att skapa enAPI-Hubb som utökar denna funktionaliteten genom att komplettera denparallellt eller att ersätta den.För att göra det behöver ett Python-baserat webbramverk användas som geren bra grund för att uppfylla arbetsgivarens krav samt erbjuda effektiva ochfunktionella  lösningmöjligheter.   De  funktioner  som  finns  på  existerandeAPI-Hubb  ska  få  utökade  anpassningsmöjligheter  genom  dynamisk  kodsom är skalbart och fungerar oavsett vilken funktion som ska utföras.Funktionalitet  och  utveckling  kommer  att  ske  till  stor  del  i  Django  RestFramework med programmeringsspråket Python.  För funktioner i använ-dargränssnittet kommer React att användas.  En uppgift är att få React ochDjango Rest Framework att interagera samt att arbetet ska använda sig avPostgreSQL som databas.Arbetet startar med att göra förundersökningar över vilket webbramverksom  ska  användas.   Django  Rest  Framework  valdes  och  installation  ochgrundkonfiguration  av  Django  startades.   När  den  grundliga  konfigura-tionen  ägt  rum  så  börjar  utvecklandet  av  API  endpoints,  models,  viewsoch funktioner för testmiljö.  Det bestämdes olika utföranden för GET för-frågningar och POST förfrågningar riktade mot olika endpoints. Resultatenvisar på att det är fullt möjligt att utveckla en API-Hubb med utökad funk-tionalitet  och  anpassningsmöjligheter  med  Django  React  Framework  ochReact genom att skapa en dynamisk kod som arbetar mot flera funktionerberoende på vilken indata som hanteras. / Today, employees at Bredband2 retrieve data from various databases on aninternal system called an API-Hub.  This API-Hub collects all informationsuch  as  customers,  telephone  numbers,  services  and  customers  personaldata through API (Application Programming Interface) requests. This API-Hub is limited in its functionality and is currently owned by an externalcompany that charges for connections of new services.  This project is in-tended to create an API Hub that expands this functionality by supplement-ing or replacing it.To do so, a Python-based web framework must be used which provides agood basis for meeting the foreman’s requirements as well as offering effi-cient and functional solution options.  The functions available on the exist-ing API-Hub will have extended customization options through dynamiccode that is scalable and works regardless of which function is to be per-formed.Functionality and development will take place in the Django Rest Frame-work with the programming language Python. React will be used too han-dle  functions  in  the  user  interface.   One  of  the  tasks  is  to  get  React  andDjango Rest Framework to interact and that PostgreSQL is used as the database.The work starts with doing preparatory research on which web frameworkis to be used.   Django Rest Framework was selected and installation andbasic configuration of Django was started.   Once the thorough configura-tion had taken place, the development of API endpoints, models, views andfunctions for the test environment began.  Different rules were determineddepending on whether it was a GET request or a POST request, which weresent to different endpoints.  The results showed that it is entirely possibleto develop an API-Hub with extended functionality and customization op-tions with Django React Framework and React by creating a dynamic codethat works towards several functions depending on which input data is han-dled.

Tool for querying the National Household Travel Survey data

Rathore, Akash January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Computer Science / Doina Caragea / The goal of the project is to create a database for storing the National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) data, and a user interface to query the database. Currently, the survey data is stored in excel files in the CSV format, which makes it hard to perform complex analyses over the data. Analyses of interest to transportation community include comparisons of the trips made by urban household to those made by rural household, finding the average trip time spent based on ethnicity, the total travel time of a particular household, the preferred vehicle by a specific household, average time spent per shopping trip, etc. The tool designed for the purpose of querying the NHTS database is a Python-based Web application. Django is used as the Web framework for this project and PostgreSQL is used for the back-end purpose. The user interface consists of various drop-down lists, text-boxes, buttons and other user interface components that facilitate querying the database and presenting the results in formats that allow easy interpretation. FusionCharts Django-Wrapper and FusionCharts Jquery-Plugin are used to visualize the data in the chart form. A Codebook of the NHTS dataset is also linked for the reference purpose at any point for the user. The tool built in the project allows the user to get a deeper understanding of the data, not only by plotting the data in the form of line charts, bar charts, two column graph, but also by providing the results of the queries in the CSV format for further analysis.

En jämförelse av webb-ramverk i Python – Django och Pyramid

Kullberg, Jonathan January 2016 (has links)
I dagens samhälle vill så väl företag som privatpersoner finnas på webben – det är en platform som de flesta förväntar sig hitta information på. För att minska på kostnaderna men samtidigt garantera såväl funktionalitet som säkerhet, så finns det webb-ramverk, ett slags bibliotek av funktioner för utvecklare att använda sig av. Företaget NTT Communications använder sig ofta av programmeringsspråket Python för utveckling av interna webb-applikationer. De är intresserade av att veta vilket webb-ramverk, för detta språk, som bäst möter de krav de ställer; snabb utveckling och modularitet. Till studien valdes två av de största webb-ramverken för Python; Django och Pyramid. Django är ett ”allt-inkluderat” ramverk medan man i Pyramid får göra val i form av databashanterare, templatespråk m.fl. Studien syftar till att ta fram vilket av dessa ramverk som bäst möter NTT:s krav där några utvalda delar från dessa ramverk har valts för att se på så väl funktionalitet, modularitet och komplexitet. De delar som undersöks är: dokumentation, community, url-dirigering, templatespråk och databashanterare. Studien har främst utförts genom undersökning av ramverkens dokumentation men även genom granskning av utomstående artiklar och tredjeparts-paket. Resultatet visar på att Django bäst lämpar sig för snabb utveckling där alla val redan är gjorda åt en men att det även är möjligt att modulera med ibland viss tappad funktionalitet. Pyramid visar istället på högre modularitet där ramverket är konstruerat för att moduleras men att detta medför en högre komplexitet. Båda ramverken visar på liknande funktionalitet. / In todays society, both companies and private individuals want to be seen on the web – it is a platform that everyone expects to find information on. To reduce the costs of development but at the same time guarantee both funtionality and security, there are web-frameworks, a sort of library of functions for developers to use. The company NTT Communications often use the programminglanguage Python for development of internal web-applications. They are interested in knowing which web-framework, for this language, that best meets their requirements; fast development and modularity. For this studie two of the biggest web-frameworks for Python were chosen; Django and Pyramid. Django is an ”all-included”-framework whilst in Pyramid you have to make choices in the form of databasehandler, templatelanguage and more. The study aims to see which of these frameworks that best meet NTT:s requirements where a specific set of parts from these frameworks have been chosen were focus lies on: funtionality, modularity and complexity. The parts that are examined are: documentation, community, url-dispatch, templatelanguage and databasehandler. The study has mainly been conducted through examination of the frameworks documentation, articles and thirdparty-packages. The result shows that Django is best suited for fast development where all choices already have been made for you, but also that there is possibility for modularity with sometimes some loss in functionality. Pyramid on the other hand shows a higher level of modularity were the framework is constructed to be moduled but that this entails a higher complexity. Both frameworks show similar functionality.

Development of a web-based interface for SDH

Reimann, Kalle January 2012 (has links)
Ericsson in Linköing has a test environment for testing telecommunications equipment. New equipment was recently purchased to the fiber-optic network in the test environment, but the management system for the new equipment lacked a web based interface for users without special access to the system. The purpose of this thesis is to implement such an interface. A web site based on Python and Django was built where users can search for circuits, with or without search filters, and get information about the matching circuits. The website has been live for two months and no major issues have appeared.

Softwarová podpora projektového řízení s využitím metodiky Scrum / Software Support for Project Management with Usage of Scrum Methodology

Greň, Lukáš January 2011 (has links)
Department of Research and Development of company Seznam.cz plans and implements its projects using Scrum agile development methodology.  The company inquires an information system that captures the process of development. The information system must capture all company's dissimilarities from generic process and the system must be connected to other company's systems.

Mycroft : En webbapplikation för filtrering av övervakningsvideor / Mycroft : A web application for filtering surveillance videos

Beming, Mattias, Brynielsson, Stefan, Flod, Felicia, Johansson, Kalle, Löfgren, Rasmus, Sellén, Erik, Sporre, Alfred, Wang, Tobias January 2020 (has links)
Rapporten belyser arbetet kring det kandidatarbete som utfördes av åtta studenter i kursen TDDD96 - Kandidatprojekt i programvaruutveckling på Linköpings universitet undervårterminen 2020. Uppgiften som utfördes var att utveckla en webbapplikation för att filtrera övervakningsvideor för Polismyndigheten. Resultatet av arbetet blev ett fungerandekoncepttest som släppts som öppen källkod under namnet Mycroft samt en användarmanual. Rapporten innehåller en bakgrund till projektet och projektgruppen, en teoridel sombeskriver de verktyg och utvecklingsmetoder som projektgruppen har använt samt en delsom redovisar gruppens utvecklingsmetod och andra administrativa metoder. Resultatetbeskriver den slutgiltiga produkten samt resultatet från gruppens arbetsprocesser. Rapporten avslutas med en diskussion gällande resultatet, metoden och framtiden för projektgruppen och produkten. Rapporten innehåller även åtta individuella fördjupningsarbetenfrån vardera gruppmedlem.

Managing Technical Debt in Django Web Applications / Hantering utav teknisk skuld i Django webbapplikationer

Classon, Per January 2016 (has links)
Technical debt is a metaphor that refers to the consequences of suboptimal software development. Developers will have to pay interest on this debt, in terms of costs of maintenance. The term helps developers communicate the importance of software quality. This thesis has studied technical debt in the context of Django web applications. In a survey conducted, the main causes of technical debt in Django applications were found to be architectural issues and lack of testing. This is in line with other studies of causes of technical debt. Tools and practices used in Django development were evaluated. From this evaluation several guidelines were formulated on how to best manage and limit technical debt. The results suggest that static code analyzers should be used to maintain code standards. Furthermore, the evaluation show that log aggregation tools like Sentry are helpful. Application monitoring should be used if there are performance issues, deprecation patterns can be used in refactorizations and the identification and removal of dead code is probably unnecessary. Finally, pre-commit tools help in preventing technical debt. / Teknisk skuld är en metafor som beskriver konsekvenserna utav suboptimal mjukvaruutveckling. Utvecklare måste betala ränta på denna skuld, i form utav kostnader för underhåll. Termen hjälper utvecklare att kommunicera vikten utav programvarukvalitet. Denna rapport har studerat teknisk skuld i kontexten utav Django webbapplikationer. En enkätundersökning gjordes och de främsta orsakerna till teknisk skuld i Django applikationer visade sig vara arkitektoniska problem och brist utav testning. Detta ligger i linje med andra studier utav orsakerna av teknisk skuld. Verktyg och metoder som används i Django utveckling utvärderades. Från denna utvärdering flera riktlinjer formulerades om hur man bäst hanterar och begränsar teknisk skuld. Resultaten visar på att statisk programanalys bör användas för att upprätthålla kod standarder. Dessutom visar utvärderingen att log aggregerings verktyg som Sentry är användbara. Applikations övervakning bör användas om det finns prestandaproblem, deprecation patterns kan användas i refaktoriseringar och identifiering av död kod är förmodligen onödigt. Slutligen visar sig pre-commit verktyg vara hjälpsamma i att förebygga teknisk skuld.

Spaghetti savages: cinematic perversions of 'Django Kill'

Goodall, Mark January 2016 (has links)

Desenvolvimento de um software livre, plataforma web, para a calibração da eficiência absoluta de detectores do tipo HPGe / Development of a web free software for the absolute efficiency calibration for HPGe type detectors

Kaiser, Thiago José Sampaio 19 June 2019 (has links)
A técnica de análise por ativação com nêutrons instrumental tem sido amplamente utilizada pelo Laboratório de Ativação Neutrônica (LAN) do IPEN, com emprego do método comparativo, utilizando-se como fonte de nêutrons o reator de pesquisa do tipo piscina IEA-R1, do Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN). Neste método uma amostra é irradiada, simultaneamente, com um padrão do elemento a ser determinado. Para contornar a dificuldade de uma análise multielementar, por ser necessário preparar vários padrões, foi desenvolvido o método k0 de ativação neutrônica. No método k0 a concentração dos elementos de interesse da amostra é calculada em relação a um elemento comparador, geralmente o ouro. Todavia, esse método requer, com precisão, a eficiência de detecção no intervalo de energia de interesse e na geometria do arranjo experimental. Para contornar o tratamento manual dos dados em planilhas eletrônicas, passíveis de incidência de erros, foi desenvolvido, então, um software web, com acesso de qualquer dispositivo com Internet, livre, para calibração da eficiência absoluta de detectores do tipo HPGe. Utilizou-se a linguagem de programação Python, livre, de baixa curva de aprendizagem e padronizada no projeto eScience, a qual o referido software faz parte, e o framework web Django. No sistema é possível realizar todos os cadastros das informações utilizadas no cálculo da eficiência. Além de calcular a eficiência, o sistema plota o gráfico com os pontos da eficiência, linha de regressão, com possibilidade de ajustes, e barra de erro representando as incertezas. Como parte integrante do projeto e-science, o software emite relatórios referentes aos dados dos espectros e da eficiência, permitindo seu compartilhamento. / The technique of instrumental neutron activation analysis has been widely used by IPEN\'s Neutron Activation Laboratory (LAN), using the comparative method, using the IEA-R1 pool-type research reactor as the neutron source Energy and Nuclear Research (IPEN). In this method a sample is simultaneously irradiated with a pattern of the element to be determined. In order to overcome the difficulty of a multielementary analysis, because it isnecessary to prepare several standards, the k0 method of neutron activation was developed. In method k0 the concentration of the elements of interest of the sample is calculated in relation to a comparator element, generally gold. However, this method accurately requires the detection efficiency in the energy range of interest and the geometry of the experimental arrangement. In order to circumvent the manual processing of the data in electronic spreadsheets, which could lead to errors, a web software was developed with access from any free Internet device for calibration of the absolute efficiency of HPGe type detectors. It was used the free and low learning curve, Python programming language, standardized in the eScience project, to which the software is part, and the Django web framework. In the softwareit is possible to carry out all the registers of the information used in the calculation of the efficiency. In addition to calculating efficiency, the software plots the graph with the efficiency points, regression line, with possibility of adjustments, and error bar representing the uncertainties. As part of the e-science project, the software issues reports on spectra and efficiency data, allowing it to share.

Zobrazení rasy na plátně: Koncept Afro-americké bolesti skrz objektivy euro-amerických filmařů / Representing race on screen: The concept of African-American pain through the lens of European-American filmmakers

Žáčková, Julie January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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