Spelling suggestions: "subject:"documentada"" "subject:"documentado""
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The aesthetics of curating : exhibition-making after the conceptual turnAroni, Maria January 2017 (has links)
The thesis examines the evolving realtions of the aesthetic and conceptual aspects in exhibition-making after the 'conceptual turn' that took place in the late-1960s and instigated key transformations in the aesthetic condition of art and contemporary curatorial practice. Drawing on a broadly construed and variously manifested conceptualism pervading the growing field of curating since 1990s, the thesis focuses on investigating the relation between the aestheti and conceptual dimensions of three exhibitions that have had a significant impact on the postconceptual development of curating. In doing so, it aims to construct an alternative genealogy that reaffirms the significance of the aesthetic element, and so to reconstruct curatorial practice from the perspective of an Aesthetics of Curating. This trajectory unfolds a non-unitary Curatorial Aesthetics that emerges and develops together with the conceptual shift offering a revisionist perspective to dominant practices and discourses today that tend to devalue or repress aesthetic modes of production. The driving force of the thesis is neither to affirm aestheticism nor simply reversing the received positions. Instead, the investigation of aesthetics - as the poetics of an exhibition and a philosophical understanding of the experience offered - provides a reading that contests the emphasis placed upon conceptualism in order to revise those relations and established assumptions, and enable us to understand contemporary aspects of curating that have been downgraded. The thesis focuses on three case-studies, which mark important shifts in the conceptual development of curating from 1969 to 2007: When Attitudes Become Form: Works-Processes-Concepts-Situations-Information (Live in Your Head), curated by Harald Szeemann. Kunsthalle Bern (1969); Les Immateriaux, co-curated by Jean-Francois Lotard and Thierry Chaput, Centre George Pompidou, Paris (1985); Documenta 12, under the artistic directorship of Roger Buergel and chief curatorship of Ruth Noack, Kassel (2007). By exploring the different ways in which these exhibitions accommodate, engage with, and define aesthetic experience in relation to their conceptual modes, the study provides an alternative account of Curatorial Aesthetics that attains its transformative potential and political efficacy in the present through the invention of new sensations that incite new modes of thinking and acting.
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Da produ??o acad?mica ? comunica??o cient?fica: padroniza??o como instrumento de socializa??o do conhecimento / From academic productivity to scientific communication: standardization as a tool for knowledge socializationRibeiro, C?lia Maria 09 October 2006 (has links)
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Celia Maria Ribeiro1.pdf: 835852 bytes, checksum: 4cd5e5a31bf804350b6f27a925078e39 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2006-10-09 / This work focuses on the new trends of academic publications, thesis and dissertations, aiming at identifying what is influencing its standardization. It analyses tools such as norms and guides, offered to students in order to prepare their works, and also the role of librarians in this environment. To understand the behavior of scientists it was made a qualitative research through interviews, that were recorded. The answers were arranged in categories in order to apply content analysis method to get the results. It was observed that demands are changing in face of the academic evaluation criteria which lead researchers to use patterns of international scientific journals, instead of national standards of academic publication. / An?lise das tend?ncias da produ??o acad?mica gerada nos programas de p?s-gradua??o stricto sensu tendo como objeto de estudo as teses e disserta??es. Identifica tamb?m as ferramentas de orienta??o dispon?veis para os alunos desenvolverem seus trabalhos com mais autonomia, e apresenta reflex?es sobre o papel do profissional da informa??o neste ambiente. Por meio de uma an?lise qualitativa, atrav?s de entrevistas com os sujeitos envolvidos no processo de produ??o e comunica??o da ci?ncia, identifica-se que os mesmos tiveram que mudar seus h?bitos e atitudes diante dos crit?rios estabelecidos para contagem de produ??o e distribui??o de recursos para a pesquisa. A necessidade de publicar em diversas revistas cient?ficas leva os pesquisadores a adotarem os padr?es destas revistas em seus trabalhos, em detrimento de normas nacionais. As conclus?es mostram que o bibliotec?rio continua se adaptando ?s novas demandas, e nesse caso, participando mais ativamente dos processos de gera??o da informa??o cient?fica, no entanto sua presen?a junto ?s ag?ncias nacionais de normaliza??o precisa ser mais atuante.
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An?lise document?ria das ementas c?veis uma experi?ncia com ac?rd?os do tribunal de justi?a do estado de S?o PauloMa?oli, Fabio 22 March 2005 (has links)
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Fabio Macola.pdf: 503115 bytes, checksum: 3b2f0e32224a9c2bd87067391db7d698 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2005-03-22 / The expressive increase of the judicial production information in the contemporaneousness reflects for one hand the increasing complexity of the society and for the other the needs to organize it for its efficient recuperation specially so that the search can be possible,what would run over in a huge benefit for both the functioning of the judicial system and the society. In this way we can apply for validation a procedure of elaboration of jurisprudenciais amendments based in the Documentary Analysies that considers the judgment as a document soucer of the condensation process that is responsible for the production of the amendment. For this we talk over discuss between the relation of the Information Science and the recuperation of the information system emphasizing the importance of the information treatment for its adequate recuperation. We show clearly the importance of the Documnetary Analysies in the field of Informtion Science pointing it out through its condensation products and formation what makes possible to get trust worthy information to be used. In the same way we talk over discuss the jurisprudence importance in the field of the Law and in the social life. We elect as empiric matter of this search the jurisprudenciais amendments of the civil courts jurisdiction process of the Court of Justice of the state of S?o Paulo. As result we hav the validation of the model whose functionality neutralize the damage of the information. We conclude that the treatment of the documnetary procedure of the amendments in four categories, Fact, Legal Institute, Argument and Understanding, can answer in a objective and clearly way to the informational structure for the specific comprehension of the jurisprudenciais amendments that in its absence can t prevail itself of the organization procedures and consistent recuperation. / O aumento expressivo da produ??o de informa??o jur?dica na contemporaneidade reflete, de um lado, a crescente complexidade da sociedade e de outro, a necessidade de organiz?-la para a sua recupera??o eficiente, especialmente, para fins de pesquisa, o que redundaria em grande benef?cio tanto para o funcionamento do sistema jur?dico quanto para a sociedade. Neste sentido, aplica-se , para fins de valida??o, um procedimento de elabora??o de ementas jurisprudenciais fundamentado na An?lise Document?ria que considera o ac?rd?o como documento fonte do processo de condensa??o que responde pela produ??o da ementa. Para tanto, discorre-se sobre a rela??o entre Ci?ncia da Informa??o e sistemas de recupera??o da informa??o, enfatizando-se a relev?ncia do tratamento da informa??o para sua recupera??o adequada. Evidencia-se a import?ncia da An?lise Document?ria no campo da Ci?ncia da Informa??o, caracterizando-a atrav?s de seus procedimentos de condensa??o e estrutura??o, que lhe possibilita disponibilizar informa??o confi?vel para o uso. Do mesmo modo, apresenta-se a import?ncia da jurisprud?ncia no ?mbito do Direito e da vida social. Elege-se como objeto emp?rico da pesquisa as ementas jurisprudenciais dos processos c?veis do Tribunal de Justi?a do Estado de S?o Paulo. Como resultado, tem-se a valida??o do modelo, cuja funcionalidade neutraliza a perda de informa??o. Conclui-se que o procedimento de tratamento document?rio das ementas em quatro categorias, Fato, Instituto jur?dico, Argumento e Entendimento, responde de modo objetivo e claro ? estrutura informacional necess?ria para a compreens?o espec?fica da ementa jurisprudencial, que na sua aus?ncia n?o pode se prevalecer de procedimentos de organiza??o e de recupera??o consistentes.
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Contemporary art: the key issues: art, philosophy and politics in the context of contemporary cultural productionWillis, Gary C. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This submission comes in two parts; the written dissertation, Contemporary art: the key issues, and the exhibition Melbourne - Moderne. When taken together they present a discourse on the conditions facing contemporary art practice and one artist’s response to these conditions in the context of Melbourne 2003-2007. (For complete abstract open document)
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?Pedagogia Freinet: a constru??o de uma pr?xis em turmas de 5? a 8? s?riesRosa, Cl?udia Sueli Rodrigues Santa 08 March 2004 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2004-03-08 / ?Ce travail que nous venons de pr?senter apport une syst?matisation sur la viabilit? de la praxis de l??ducateur fran?ais C?lestin Freinet (1896-1996). Il s?agit d?une ?tude qualificative, recherche-action, d?velopp?e dans une ?cole coop?rative l? ?cole Freinet ? Natal/RN Br?sil, aupr?s des ?l?ves du 5?me et 8?me s?ries de l?Enseignement
Fondamental. Le probl?me central que nous a amen? ? cette recherche, a ?t? le fait de v?rifier les progressions dans la production scientifique et dans les pratiques des enseignants qui ont ? la charge l??ducation Infantine et les premi?res s?ries de l?Enseignement Fondamental. Tout cela en tenant compte en concevoir l??l?ve en tant que sujet actif de son apprentissage et coresponsable ? l?organisation du travail scolaire. Toutefois, qaund-il s?agit des quatre derni?res s?ries de l?Enseignement Fondamental (5?me au 8?me s?ries), les propositions progressistes sont prises comme quelque chose pratiquement impossible d?en mettre en marche. Pour attenuer la lacune th?orique sur le sujet, nous avons offert un texte significatif pour les enseignants d?une fa?on g?n?rale, les chercheurs de l?acad?mie et pour l??colechamp de la recherch?. Tout cela par le fait de ne pas donner de priorit? ? une technique ou ? un principe, en particulier. Cette p?dagogie est discut?e autant que possible dans son contexte global et aussi sur le comment s?est manifest?e dans sa pr?xis . Nous avons mis en relief les aspects importants pour le fonctionnement de la salle de classe, aussi que les estrat?gies utilis?es pour la construction, communication et documentation des connaissances
L?intervention nous a permis de construire l?objet par la r?flexion en action, ? partir des donn?es obtenues pendant les observations, les entretiens, les enterviews, les moments d??tudes et de la qu?te des textes ?crits. L?analyse a ?t? faite ? la lumi?re de la methodologie comprehensive (Kaufmann, 1996), entrelac?e au materiau empirique et ? la th?orie. Cette forme d?analyse nous a permis d?obtenir la logique dans l?ensemble comme nous crayons que
doit caracteriser la recherche aux Sciences Humaines et Sociales. Les consid?rations finales mettent l?accent d?un c?t? sur l?efficacit? de la p?dagogie Freinet, pour orienter le processus de l?enseignement apprentissage, en tous les d?gres de l?enseignement et de l?autre c?t? nous
montre la n?cessit? urgente de l??quipe de l??cole champ de la recherche, de qualifier sa pratique ? partir des r?f?rences th?oriques-pratiques de la p?dagogie Freinet / ?Esta disserta??o constitui-se na sistematiza??o de um estudo qualitativo, pesquisa-a??o, que realizamos na Escola Freinet, em Natal/RN - Brasil, sobre a viabilidade da pr?xis da
pedagogia do educador franc?s, C?lestin Freinet (1896-1966), em turmas de 5? a 8? s?ries do ensino b?sico. O problema central que nos mobilizou ? pesquisa, foi o fato de verificarmos os avan?os na produ??o cient?fica e nas pr?ticas dos docentes que atuam na educa??o infantil e nas primeiras s?ries do ensino fundamental, na perspectiva de conceber o aluno enquanto sujeito ativo da sua aprendizagem e co-respons?vel na organiza??o do trabalho escolar. Por?m, quando se trata das quatro ?ltimas s?ries do fundamental, as propostas progressistas s?o tomadas como algo praticamente imposs?vel de materializar-se. Procuramos atenuar a
lacuna te?rica sobre o tema, oferecendo um texto relevante para professores, de modo geral, pesquisadores da academia e para a escola pesquisada, sobretudo, pelo fato de n?o
priorizarmos uma t?cnica ou princ?pio freinetiano, em particular. Essa pedagogia ? discutida, o mais pr?ximo poss?vel, da sua globalidade e de como se revelou naquela pr?xis. Destacamos os aspectos relevantes para o funcionamento da sala de aula, bem como as estrat?gias utilizadas para a constru??o, comunica??o e documenta??o dos conhecimentos. A interven??o permitiu que constru?ssemos o objeto pela reflex?o em a??o, a partir de dados produzidos durante as observa??es, as entrevistas, as conversas, os momentos de estudos e a consulta a materiais escritos. A an?lise se deu, ? luz da metodologia compreensiva (Kaufmann, 1996), entrela?ando-se o material emp?rico com a teoria. Esta forma de an?lise permitiu alcan?armos a l?gica do conjunto, como cremos que deve caracterizar a pesquisa nas Ci?ncias Humanas e Sociais. As considera??es finais indicam o potencial da pedagogia Freinet, para orientar os processos de ensino e aprendizagem em todas as etapas da escolaridade. Revelam, ainda, a necessidade, premente, da equipe da escola pesquisada qualificar a sua pr?xis, a partir do referencial te?rico-pr?tico da pedagogia Freinet
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Falling from the Grip of Grace: The Exhibition as a Critical Form since 1968Voorhies, James Timothy, Jr. 13 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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