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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Domain Specific Language Based Approach for Developing Complex Cloud Computing Applications

Manjunatha, Ashwin Kumar 28 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Design und Management von Experimentier-Workflows

Kühnlenz, Frank 27 November 2014 (has links)
Experimentieren in der vorliegenden Arbeit bedeutet, Experimente auf der Basis von computerbasierten Modellen durchzuführen, wobei diese Modelle Struktur, Verhalten und Umgebung eines Systems abstrahiert beschreiben. Aus verschiedenen Gründen untersucht man stellvertretend für das System ein Modell dieses Systems. Systematisches Experimentieren bei Variation der Modelleingabeparameterbelegung führt in der Regel zu sehr vielen, potentiell lang andauernden Experimenten, die geplant, dokumentiert, automatisiert ausgeführt, überwacht und ausgewertet werden müssen. Häufig besteht dabei das Problem, dass dem Experimentator (der üblicherweise kein Informatiker ist) adäquate Ausdrucksmittel fehlen, um seine Experimentier-Prozesse formal zu beschreiben, so dass sie von einem Computersystem automatisiert ausgeführt werden können. Dabei müssen Verständlichkeit, Nachnutzbarkeit und Reproduzierbarkeit gewahrt werden. Der neue Ansatz besteht darin, generelle Experimentier-Workflow-Konzepte als Spezialisierung von Scientific-Workflows zu identifizieren und diese als eine metamodellbasierte Domain-Specific-Language (DSL) zu formalisieren, die hier als Experimentation-Language (ExpL) bezeichnet wird. ExpL beinhaltet allgemeine Workflow-Konzepte und erlaubt das Modellieren von Experimentier-Workflows auf einer frameworkunabhängigen, konzeptuellen Ebene. Dadurch werden die Nachnutzbarkeit und das Publizieren von Experimentier-Workflows nicht mehr durch die Gebundenheit an ein spezielles Framework behindert. ExpL wird immer in einer konkreten Experimentierdomäne benutzt, die spezifische Anforderungen an Konfigurations- und Auswertemethoden aufweist. Um mit dieser Domänenspezifik umzugehen, wird in dieser Arbeit gezeigt, diese beiden Aspekte separat in zwei weiteren, abhängigen Domain-Specific-Languages (DSLs) zu behandeln: für Konfiguration und Auswertung. / Experimentation in my work means performing experiments based on computer-based models, which describe system structure and behaviour abstractly. Instead of the system itself models of the system will be explored due to several reasons. Systematic experimentation using model input parameter variation assignments leads to lots of possibly long-running experiments that must be planned, documented, automated executed, monitored and evaluated. The problem is, that experimenters (who are usually not computer scientists) miss the proper means of expressions (e. g., to express variations of parameter assignments) to describe experimentation processes formally in a way, that allows their automatic execution by a computer system while preserving reproducibility, re-usability and comprehension. My approach is to identify general experimentation workflow concepts as a specialization of a scientific workflow and formalize them as a meta-model-based domain-specific language (DSL) that I call experimentation language (ExpL). experimentation language (ExpL) includes general workflow concepts like control flow and the composition of activities, and some new declarative language elements. It allows modeling of experimentation workflows on a framework-independent, conceptional level. Hence, re-using and sharing the experimentation workflow with other scientists is not limited to a particular framework anymore. ExpL is always being used in a specific experimentation domain that has certain specifics in configuration and evaluation methods. Addressing this, I propose to separate the concerns and use two other, dependent domain-specific languages (DSLs) additionally for configuration and evaluation.

Methodology for the derivation of product behaviour in a Software Product Line / Méthodologie SPL pour la dérivation de modèles comportementaux des produits

Istoan, Paul 21 February 2013 (has links)
Le principal problème abordé dans cette thèse est la définition d'une nouvelle méthodologie SPL qui couvre les deux phases du processus et met l'accent sur la dérivation de modèles comportementaux des produits. Le chapitre 2 définit le cadre de cette thèse : les lignes de produits logiciels, les processus opérationnels et l'ingénierie dirigé par les modèles. Dans le chapitre 3, nous proposons une nouvelle méthodologie SPL centrée sur la dérivation de comportement des produits. Nous décrivons d'abord le courant principal de la méthodologie, et ensuite les différentes étapes. Dans le chapitre 4, nous proposons un nouveau langage spécifique domaine appelé CBPF pour la modélisation des fragments de processus opérationnels. Une approche dirigée par les modèles est suivie pour créer CBPF: syntaxe abstraite, syntaxe concrète graphique et sémantique translationnelles. Dans le chapitre 5, nous proposons plusieurs types de vérifications applicables aux fragments afin de déterminer leur justesse. Pour la vérification structurelle, est définit un ensemble des règles de cohérence qui doivent être valides pour chaque fragment réalisé avec CBPF. Pour vérifier le comportement, nous transformons d'abord les fragments dans des réseaux de Pétri équivalents. On peut alors vérifier des propriétés génériques mais aussi définir des propriétés spécifiques. Dans le chapitre 6, nous illustrons la méthodologie proposée en l'appliquant à une étude de cas à partir du domaine système de gestion de crise. Nous proposons également une suite d'outils qui supporte notre méthodologie. Le chapitre 7 décrit les améliorations possibles et les extensions aux contributions de cette thèse. Nous concluons la thèse dans le chapitre 8. / The major problem addressed in this thesis is the definition of a new SPLE methodology that covers both phases of the SPLE process and focuses on the derivation of behavioral models of SPL products. In Chapter 2 three research areas scope context of this thesis: Software Product Lines, Business Processes, and Model-Driven Engineering. Throughout Chapter 3, we propose a new SPLE methodology that focuses on the derivation of product behavior. We first describe the main flow of the methodology, and then detail the individual steps. In chapter 4 we propose a new domain specific language called CBPF created for modeling composable business process fragments. A model driven approach is followed for creating CBPF: definition of the abstract syntax, graphical concrete syntax and translational semantics. In Chapter 5 we propose several types of verifications that can be applied to business processfragments to determine their "correctness". For structural verification we definine a set of fragment consistency rules that should be valid for every business process fragment created with CBPF. To check behavioral correctness we first transform the business process fragment into an equivalent HCPN. We can then check generic properties but also define aset of fragment specific properties. In chapter 6 we exemplify the proposed SPL methodology by applying it to a case study from the crisis management system domain. We also propose a tool suite that supports our methodology. Chapter 7 describes possible improvements and extensions to the contributions of this thesis. We conclude the thesis in Chapter 8 and draw some conclusions.

Canevas de programmation pour gérer l'hétérogénéité et la consommation d'énergie des mobiles dans un environnement ubiquitaire / Managing heterogeneity and energy via high-level programming framework

Guan, Hongyu 01 June 2012 (has links)
L'hétérogénéité et l'énergie sont deux considérations fondamentales pour les environnements informatiques ubiquitaires. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons notre approche pour gérer l'hétérogénéité et pour économiser l'énergie via des canevas de programmation intégrés. Pour gérer l'hétérogénéité, nous proposons une méthodologie et un support de programmation qui vise à faire communiquer les différentes entités de l’environnement ubiquitaire en utilisant le protocole SIP considéré alors comme un bus logique universel de communication. Nous avons intégré ce bus SIP dans le langage de description d’architecture DiaSpec développé par notre équipe Phoenix. Concernant la consommation d’énergie, nous proposons une méthodologie qui utilise les techniques d’offloading et de compression de données pour minimiser la consommation d'énergie des applications mobiles. Nous avons ainsi construit une stratégie d’aide à la conception au travers d’un outil qui permet de déterminer le meilleur mode d’exécution pour une tâche donnée que nous proposons d’intégrer dans le langage de description DiaSpec. / The topics of heterogeneity and energy are two fundamental considerations for pervasive computing environments. Inthis thesis, we describe our approach to manage heterogeneity and to handle energy concerns via a high-level programming framework.To manage heterogeneity, we describe a methodology and a programming support that use the SIP protocol as a universal communication bus in pervasive computing environments. Ourwork enables homogeneous communications between heterogeneous distributed entities. In doing so, we integrate the SIP communication bus into our programming framework. We rely on adeclarative language named DiaSpec to describe the architecture of pervasive applications. This description is passed to a generator for producing a Java programming framework dedicated to the application area. We leverage the generated framework with SIP adaptations to raise the abstraction level of SIP operations.We then present a classification of a wide variety of entities interms of features, capabilities and network connectors. Based on this classification, a methodology and a programming supportare described for connecting entities on the SIP communication bus. This work has been validated by applications using theSIP communication bus to coordinate widely varying entities,including serial-based sensors (RS232, 1-Wire), ZigBee devices,X10 devices, PDA, native SIP entities, and software components.Regarding the energy concerns, we describe a methodology that uses two strategies, namely computation offloading and data compression, to minimize energy cost of mobile applications.In doing so, we present an execution and transfer model for atask of a mobile application and define its five different stubs forthree program execution and data transfer modes. Based on this model and our two strategies, we construct a strategy scheme to determine the most efficient stub in terms of energy consumption.We then design the OffDeci tool, using this strategy scheme, toprovide energy feedback for the developer and to analyze thebalance between local and remote computing with consideration of data compression. Our experimental study demonstrates thefeasibility of the strategy scheme of our approach. Finally, weextend DiaSpec with declarations dedicated to manage energy concerns during the application design phase. We sketched the integration of this energy-handling declaration and OffDeci intoour high-level programming framework. This integration permitsto determine the best stub of a declared DiaSpec component interms of its energy cost.

RestMDD: Ambiente colaborativo para o apoio no desenvolvimento de serviços Web RESTful / RestMDD: collaborative environment to support the development of RESTful web services

Sanchez, Robson Vinicius Vieira 02 September 2013 (has links)
Na ultima década o paradigma de computação orientada a serviços (SOC - Service Oriented Computing) tem ganhado cada vez mais espaço na indústria e na academia, a fim de solucionar o problema da falta de comunicação entre os diversos sistemas de informação presentes dentro de um ambiente corporativo. Graças aos recentes avanços da chamada \"Web 2.0\" um novo estilo arquitetural chamado de Arquitetura orientada a Web (WOA - Web Oriented Architecture) foi proposto a fim de garantir uma maneira simples de conectar os componentes de software dinamicamente. Esse estilo tem como um dos princípios o uso de serviços Web RESTful, a fim de conseguir uma interface funcional simples e uniforme. Este trabalho apresenta um ambiente colaborativo de apoio ao desenvolvimento de serviços Web RESTful utilizando o paradigma de desenvolvimento orientado a modelos (MDD - Model Driven Development). Pretende-se mostrar os benefícios do MDD aplicado a Engenharia Web e também as vantagens apresentadas pela colaboração nesse cenário. Foi realizado ainda um experimento a fim de comprovar a eficiência do ambiente colaborativo e benefícios alcançados por ele / In the last decade the paradigm of Service Oriented Computing has gained more attention in industry and academia in order to solve the problem of lack of communication between different information systems present within a corporate environment. Due to recent advances in Web 2.0 a new architectural style called Web Oriented Architecture is proposed to ensure a simple way to connect software components dynamically. This style has as a principle the use of RESTful Web Services in order to achieve a uniform interface simple and functional. This paper presents a collaborative environment to support the development of RESTful Web Services using the Model Driven Development paradigm. It is intended to show the benefits of MDD applied to Web Engineering and also the advantages presented by collaboration in this scenario. It was also performed a experiment to prove the efficiency of the collaborative environment and benefits achieved by the same

安全多方計算協定描述語言之設計與實作 / A Protocol Description Language for Secure Multi-Party Computation

黃文楷, Huang, Wen Kai Unknown Date (has links)
安全多方計算的研究主要是針對在分散環境下的兩造(或多方)之間,如何在不透露彼此私有的資料的情況下,計算一個約定函數的問題,並要確保除了計算結果及其可能推導出的資訊,不會洩漏額外的私有資料。依此設計出來的函數算法,稱為安全的多方計算協定(protocol)。 過去兩年本實驗室根據一套基於向量內積運算(scalar product)發展出的安全多方計算方法,設計了一個雛型的分散式系統框架,開發了一套符合其安全要求的常用算數運算函數庫。 但目前個別的應用問題在此系統上發展安全協定的程式時,使用者必須相當熟悉其架構與程式庫細節,才能開發所需程式,造成推廣上的障礙。有鑑於此,本論文採用領域專屬語言(domain-specific language)的方法與技術,針對一般安全多方協定程式的特徵來進行歸納與分析,找出協助其表達計算步驟的適當抽象機制,並在設計上訂定了以下目標: 1. 設計一高階語言用以描述多方安全計算,以提供使用者撰寫安全多方計算程式。 2. 檢查並確保使用者撰寫的程式不會有資訊洩漏。 3. 多方安全運算執行上能保持一定的效率。 4. 建立多方安全計算的運算流程,讓PDL與現有的運作環境配合,達到各伺服器合作運行多方安全計算的目的。 朝向這四個目標發展出一套協定描述語言與其編譯器。以便與SMC-Protocol以及其環境合作,協助領域專家以更簡便的方式來設計與實驗更多的安全多方協定。我們稱此語言為多方安全計算協定描述語言(Protocol Description Language, PDL)。 / Protocols for secure multi-party computation (SMC) allow participants to share a computation while each party learns only what can be inferred from their own inputs and the output of the computation. In the past two years, we developed an SMC implementation framework for both integers and floating numbers which comprises a set of arithmetic operations that manipulate secret values among involved parties using the scalar product protocol as the basis. Such a library of arithmetic operations is call building blocks. But using this library is not easy. To solve individual SMC problem, programmer should knowing the given framework and protocol detail very well. This difficulty makes them won't consider this framework while facing the need of SMC. To ease the writing of more complex user-defined protocols, using the technique of domain-specific language, this thesis analysis the general needs of SMC, develop a domain-specific language of SMC, and implement a compiler that coverts this language to SMC code, which is executable code composed of the protocols of given framework. We called this language Protocol Description Language, PDL.

Building environment rule and analysis (BERA) language and its application for evaluating building circulation and spatial program

Lee, Jin Kook 18 January 2011 (has links)
This study aims to design and implement a domain-specific computer programming language: the Building Environment Rule and Analysis (BERA) Language. As a result of the growing area of Building Information Modeling (BIM), there has been a need to develop highly customized domain-specific programming languages for handling issues in building models in the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry. The BERA Language attempts to deal with building information models in an intuitive way in order to define and analyze rules in design stages. The application of the BERA Language aims to provide efficiency in defining, analyzing and checking rules. Specific example applications implemented in this dissertation are on the evaluation of two key aspects: building circulation and spatial programming. The objective of this study is to accomplish an effectiveness and ease of use without precise knowledge of general-purpose languages that are conventionally used in BIM software development. To achieve the goal, this study proposes an abstraction of the universe of discourse - it is the BERA Object Model (BOM). It is a human-centered abstraction of complex state of building models rather than the computation-oriented abstraction. By using BOM, users can enjoy the ease of use and portability of BIM data, rather than complex and platform-dependent data structures. This study also has reviewed and demonstrated its potential for extensibility of BOM. Not only its lateral extensions such as structural building elements, but also the vertical extensions such as additional properties for existing BOM objects are good examples. In current BERA Language Tool, many computed and derived properties/relations have been proposed and implemented, as well as some basic data directly from the given building model. Target users of the BERA Language are domain experts such as architects, designers, reviewers, owners, managers, students, etc., rather than BIM software developers. It means that the people who are interested in the building environment rule and analysis are the potential users. The BERA Language Tool comprises many libraries to alleviate common but unnecessary problems and limitations that are encountered when users attempt to analyze and evaluate building models using commercially available tools. Combined with other libraries which populate rich and domain-specific datasets for certain purposes, the BERA Language will be fairly versatile to define rules and analyze various building environmental conditions.

支援虛實互動展演之程式環境 / Programming Support for Cyber-Physical Interactive Performance Art

蕭奕凱, Hsiao, Yi Kai Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係發想自政治大學「未來馬戲團」的展演活動表演方式,嘗試改進表演方式中的程式技術,以程式化方式整合展演藝術中實體與虛擬的互動平台,我們希望提供導演撰寫較為口語或展演描述方式的腳本敘述如『when ... other-wise ...』,如此一來就可以任意組合實體演員的肢體動作與指示虛擬環境的特效,因此我們採用了一套介接實體與虛擬環境應用程式的領域專屬語言- Digital In-teractive Performance Sketch (DIPS),用以開發客製化的展演程式庫,並佈署於本團隊自行開發的執行引擎 Wearable Item Service runtimE (WISE),提供導演在這個引擎上透過這個DIPS編寫前述口語的程式腳本,讓程式自行互動,達成展演效果的自動變化。 我們的系統會接收來自展演人員穿配的連網感應器上的訊號,並且根據導演寫好的腳本規則,自動根據接收到的裝置訊號判斷出該指示虛擬環境做出什麼樣的效果,以達到展演效果自動變化,完成虛擬與實體展互動的程式支援。 為了減少腳本程式撰寫前須具備的程式邏輯訓練,本研究開發一款所見即所得(WYSIWYG)的視覺化腳本編輯器 DIPS Creator,提供腳本編寫者可以直覺的方式組合編輯器中的展演詞彙方塊,完成腳本設計。 本研究展示了如何以較為口語或展演語意的方式敘述展演規則,以實現虛實互動的程式化,並且提供了具有彈性的客製化展演函式庫及圖形化展演規則編輯器的製作方式,未來可增加多演員層次的抽象支援以展現本研究系統的更多程式化能力,並加入表演階段設計、雙向溝通與規則互斥等能力,擴充系統功能。 / This research was inspired by “The Future Circus”, a cyber-physical interactive performance art developed in National Chengchi University. In this thesis, we pro-pose some mechanisms to support such performance art programmatically in a more effective manner. Specially, we provide a high-level scripting tool for directors to de-scribe the performance rules abstractly in the form of “when ... otherwise ...”, so that directors can compose arbitrary actions and effects easily. Underlying such abstract rules are a domain specific language – Digital Interactive Performance Sketch (DIPS), and a middleware. Wearable Item Service runtime (WISE), developed by our research team. Given a script with those abstract rules, our system will receive signals sent from a sensor on wearable devices of actors, and then it will command cyber environment perform effects, the performance effects or actions according to rules written by the director. Through our integration efforts, the performance effects in the cyber environment will change automatically in a programmatic way. Besides, for users without prior scripting experience, we developed a WYSIWYG GUI editor, DIPS Creator, that allows users to write a script intuitively by dragging and dropping pre-built rule blocks. We conduct a few experiments with real sensor device to demonstrate the programming support of our tool. The preliminary results are satisfactory in terms of prototype support. To further extend our tool for practical performance, we describe in detail a few directions such as support for multiple actor performance stage model-ing, and integrity check of related rules that will make our system more powerful.

Effective reuse of coupling technologies for Earth System Models

Dunlap, Ralph S. 16 September 2013 (has links)
Designing and implementing coupled Earth System Models (ESMs) is a challenge for climate scientists and software engineers alike. Coupled models incorporate two or more independent numerical models into a single application, allowing for the simulation of complex feedback effects. As ESMs increase in sophistication, incorporating higher fidelity models of geophysical processes, developers are faced with the issue of managing increasing software complexity. Recently, reusable coupling software has emerged to aid developers in building coupled models. Effective reuse of coupling infrastructure means increasing the number of coupling functions reused, minimizing code duplication, reducing the development time required to couple models, and enabling flexible composition of coupling infrastructure with existing constituent model implementations. Despite the widespread availability of software packages that provide coupling infrastructure, effective reuse of coupling technologies remains an elusive goal: coupling models is effort-intensive, often requiring weeks or months of developer time to work through implementation details, even when starting from a set of existing software components. Coupling technologies are never used in isolation: they must be integrated with multiple existing constituent models to provide their primary services, such as model-to-model data communication and transformation. Unfortunately, the high level of interdependence between coupling concerns and scientific concerns has resulted in high interdependence between the infrastructure code and the scientific code within a model’s implementation. These dependencies are a source of complexity which tends to reduce reusability of coupling infrastructure. This dissertation presents mechanisms for increasing modeler productivity based on improving reuse of coupling infrastructure and raising the level of abstraction at which modelers work. This dissertation argues that effective reuse of coupling technologies can be achieved by decomposing existing coupling technologies into a salient set of implementation-independent features required for coupling high-performance models, increasing abstraction levels at which model developers work, and facilitating integration of coupling infrastructure with constituent models via component-based modularization of coupling features. The contributions of this research include: (1) a comprehensive feature model that identifies the multi-dimensional design space of coupling technologies used in high-performance Earth System Models, (2) Cupid, a domain-specific language and compiler for specifying coupling configurations declaratively and generating their implementations automatically, and (3) Component-based Coupling Operators (CC-Ops), a modular approach to code reuse of coupling infrastructure based on component technologies for high-performance scientific settings. The Cupid domain-specific language is evaluated by specifying a coupling configuration for an example fluid dynamics model and measuring the amount of code generated by the Cupid compiler compared to a hand coded version. The CC-Op approach is evaluated by implementing several CC-Ops using an existing high-performance component framework and measuring performance in terms of scalability and overhead.

Conception et mise en oeuvre d'une plate-forme pour la sûreté de fonctionnement des services Web

Salatgé, Nicolas 08 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Basés sur les protocoles XML, SOAP et WSDL, les Services Web (SW) sont la technologie de base pour le développement d'Architectures Orientées Services (AOS). Ces architectures permettent de mettre en place des applications faiblement couplées avec un fort degré de configuration dynamique. Elles se basent sur la notion de relation de "services" formalisée par un contrat qui unit le client et le prestataire de services. Ce contrat est le point charnière de ce type d'applications. D'un point de vue purement marketing, les Services Web peuvent être développés pour satisfaire les besoins des clients, être facile à maintenir et aussi fournir un haut niveau de qualité de service. Les prestataires de Services Web doivent s'assurer de la fiabilité et de la disponibilité de leur infrastructure individuelle de Services Web. Cependant, les prestataires ne peuvent pas tenir compte de tous les besoins possibles des clients et des contraintes liées au développement de l'application donnée. Cela signifie que des mécanismes additionnels doivent être développés et ciblés pour un contexte d'utilisation donné. C'est exactement le type de problèmes que j'ai examiné dans mes travaux. Les développeurs d'application regardent les Services Web comme des COTS (Component Off-The Shell) et ignorent donc leurs implémentations et leurs comportements en présence de fautes. De ce point de vue, les clients ont besoin de développer des mécanismes de tolérances aux fautes spécifiques bien adaptés à leurs applications. Dans ce but, mes travaux de thèse m'ont conduit à proposer une plate-forme pour aider les clients à réaliser des connecteurs spécifiques de tolérance aux fautes (SFTC - Specifique Fault Tolerance Connectors) qui implémentent des filtres et autres techniques de détection d'erreurs (c.à.d des assertions exécutables) ainsi que des mécanismes de recouvrement qui sont déclenchés quand les Services Web ne satisfont plus les caractéristiques de sûreté demandées. De plus, le même Services Web peut être employé dans plusieurs applications orientées services avec différentes contraintes et peut donc tirer profit de plusieurs connecteurs (SFTCs). Le problème est similaire à l'utilisation des composants COTS dans les systèmes critiques de sûreté, et des travaux précédents ont déjà prouvé que des mécanismes tels que les wrappers étaient une solution possible. La différence dans le contexte des Architectures Orientées Services est que des wrappers prédéfinis ne peuvent pas être spécifiés pour satisfaire tous les besoins possibles. L'approche doit être plus adaptative pour permettre à des mécanismes de sûreté : 1) d'être définis au cas par cas pour une utilisation donnée du Service Web et 2) d'avoir une forte dynamique afin d'être modifiés selon les besoins. Ainsi, mes travaux de recherches ont permis de fournir aux développeurs d'Architectures Orientées Services: 1) un langage nommé DeWeL pour décrire les caractéristiques de sûreté de fonctionnement du connecteur et 2) l'infrastructure IWSD pour dynamiquement contrôler et exécuter les connecteurs dans des applications critiques. L'objectif final est de fournir aux développeurs d' Architectures Orientées Services une infrastructure et des outils capables de les aider à déployer des applications orientées services tolérants les fautes.

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