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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diagênese meteórica e relacionada a domos de sal em reservatórios turbidíticos terciários da bacia do Espírito Santo

Oliveira, Daniel Martins de January 2018 (has links)
A evolução diagenética de dois reservatórios turbidíticos terciários da porção offshore da Bacia do Espírito Santo, foi influenciada tanto por processos meteóricos como por processos relacionados a domos salinos adjacentes aos reservatórios, que tiveram diferente impacto sobre sua qualidade. A precipitação de pirita framboidal, dolomita microcristalina e siderita ocorreram sob condições eodiagenéticas marinhas. A percolação por água meteórica ocorreu ainda durante a eodiagênese, e promoveu extensiva caulinização (δ18OSMOW=+15.3‰ a +18.2‰; δDSMOW=-51‰ a -66‰) e dissolução de feldspatos, micas e intraclastos lamosos. Durante o progressivo soterramento da sequência (profundidades atuais: 2600-3000m) e consequente compactação, fluidos oriundos dos lutitos circundantes, modificados por reações com a matéria orgânica e carbonatos, deslocaram gradualmente os fluidos salobros marinhos-meteóricos, levando à precipitação de calcita poiquilotópica (valores médios: δ18OVPDB= -6.6‰; δ13CVPDB= -1.2‰). A composição dos fluidos mesodiagenéticos foi progressivamente modificada pela proximidade dos domos de sal, promovendo ubíqua albitização dos feldspatos e precipitação localizada de quartzo, calcita (valores médios: δ18O= -10.2‰; δ13C= -3.9‰) e dolomita em sela (valores médios: δ18O= -10.2‰; δ13C= -4.2‰). A análise de inclusões fluidas nos crescimentos de quartzo indicou que os fluidos precipitantes tinham salinidade predominantemente entre 9 e 13 % de NaCl (em peso) e temperaturas de homogeneização na faixa de 1050 a 1450 C Estes valores são mais altos do que aqueles esperados para o gradiente geotérmico normal da área. A distribuição da albitização dos feldspatos sugere que as fraturas ao longo das margens dos domos de sal atuaram como caminho preferencial para a circulação das salmouras quentes. Os valores de δ13C e δ18O dos cimentos de calcita e dolomita seguem um padrão de covariância, mostrando um declínio desde daqueles representativos da água do mar (~0%), para δ13C =-5.9‰ e δ18O = -10.9‰ para a calcita, e δ13C = -5.4‰ e δ18O = -11.7‰ para a dolomita, o que sugere a progressiva participação da descarboxilação térmica da matéria orgânica dos lutitos com o soterramento. A compactação mecânica foi mais importante do que a cimentação na redução da porosidade, e a dissolução de feldspatos foi o processo mais importante na geração de porosidade nos reservatórios. Apesar da proximidade dos domos de sal, a intensidade dos processos diagenéticos foi moderada, já que não ocorreu autigênese de ilita, e a cimentação de quartzo foi limitada. Estas características podem estar relacionadas com o soterramento relativamente recente destes reservatórios. Este estudo mostra que a predição da diagênese e qualidade de reservatórios relacionados a domos de sal é uma função de múltiplas variáveis, incluindo as dimensões dos domos, o regime térmico regional da bacia, a condutividade térmica e de fluidos, e a composição mineral e propriedades geomecânicas dos reservatórios e litologias associadas. / The diagenetic evolution of two tertiary turbidite reservoirs from the offshore portion of the Espírito Santo Basin, eastern Brazil, was influenced by meteoric and salt dome-related processes, which had different impact on their quality. Marine eogenetic processes included the precipitation of framboidal pyrite, microcrystalline dolomite and siderite. Meteoric water influx during eodiagenesis occurred in response to relative sea-level falls that promoted extensive kaolinization (δ18O=+15.3‰ to +18.2‰; δD= -51‰ to -66‰) and dissolution of framework silicate grains. During progressive burial (present depths – 2600 m – 3000 m), connate marine fluids modified by reactions with organic matter and carbonates presented in the surrounding mudrocks gradually displaced brackish fluids generated by the meteoric influx and led to concretionary cementation by poikilotopic calcite (average δ18O= -6.6‰; δ13C= -1.2‰). Mesogenetic fluids were progressively modified by the proximity of salt domes, which led to ubiquitous feldspar albitization and localized quartz, calcite (average δ18O= -10.2‰; δ13C= -3.9‰) and saddle dolomite precipitation (average δ18O= -10.2‰; δ13C= -4.2‰). Fluid inclusion analysis in quartz overgrowths indicate that the precipitating fluids had salinities predominantly in the range 9-13 wt% NaCl equivalent and temperatures largely in the 105 – 145oC range These values are higher than those expected considering the normal geothermal gradient for the area. The distribution of feldspar albitization suggests that the fracture systems along the salt domes margins acted as preferential pathways for such hot, saline diagenetic fluids. Isotopic values for calcite and dolomite cements follow a co-variance trend of decreasing δ13C and δ18O from close to marine (~0‰) towards negative values (δ13C and δ18O down to -5.9‰ and -10.9‰ for calcite; -5.4‰ and -11.7‰ for dolomite), suggesting increasing contribution from thermal decarboxylation with increasing temperature and depth. Mechanical compaction was more important than cementation in reducing depositional porosity, and the dissolution of framework silicate grains is the most important processes for enhancing reservoir quality. Despite the proximity to the salt domes, the intensity of the influenced diagenetic processes is relatively mild, as illite authigenesis is lacking, and quartz cementation is limited, features that may be related to the recent burial of the reservoirs.


Debapriya Pinaki Mohanty (11797322) 19 December 2021 (has links)
<div>The proliferation of single-use plastics in the foodware and packaging sector has stimulated interest in sustainable material substitutes that can be processed efficiently and which possess sufficient structural integrity. Herein, we study the structure, mechanical response and diffusion properties of leaf-sheath from a representative palm species—<i>Areca catechu</i>—widely cultivated in the Indian sub-continent and Southeast Asia. The study of this material system, and the specific attributes, are motivated by the use of this material in foodware applications. Foodware such as plates and bowls can be produced from the areca sheath, directly, in a single step, by stretch forming analogous to sheet metals. The material is eco-friendly, biodegrading in ~100 days. Formability and water diffusion are two key attributes of relevance for foodware, since the former attribute determines the shape change capability of the material and range of producible shapes; and the latter, foodware product (structural) integrity and life.<br></div><div><br></div><div>We characterize the morphology (external structure) and anatomy (internal structure) of the sheath using imaging techniques and composition analysis. The sheath is shown to resemble a composite material, with structural characteristics intermediate between those of the palm leaf and stem. By measuring the mechanical response of the sheath to various types of 1D and 2D loading (e.g., uniaxial tension and compression, biaxial stretching, rolling), and hydration conditions, we show that the sheath material has high stretch-formability, especially when hydrated. This formability is similar to that of the most ductile sheet metals. The formability is shown to be further enhanced by addition of small quantities of NaOH (~5%) during hydration. Local deformation measurements in biaxial stretching, based on analysis of distortion of grid-markers inscribed onto sheath samples, have enabled characterization of strain-field anisotropy and mode of failure in the sheath. By consolidating the mechanical test results, we present a forming limit diagram for the leaf-sheath.<br></div><div><br></div><div>The structural integrity and life of foodware products produced from the leaf-sheath are directly determined by diffusion of liquids (e.g., water, oils) through the sheath wall thickness. Water and oils are important constituents of semi-solid and solid foods. Diffusion of water is also important for designing the hydration cycle to enhance formability. The diffusion of water through the sheath material process is studied using mass gain measurements and<i> in situ</i> imaging of water transport.<br></div><div><br></div><div>We determine the diffusion coefficient for water, which is critical for estimating product life. The diffusion coefficient for the matrix is shown to be one order of magnitude greater than for the fiber. We vary salt concentration in the water by controlled additions of NaCl and note a non-monotonic dependence of the diffusion on concentration. By subjecting the leaf-sheath to a short-time (~ 3 minutes) thermal treatment (~ 80<sup>0</sup>C), a hydrophobic wax layer can be made to secrete onto the leaf surface. This wax coating is found to significantly reduce the water diffusion, enabling the sheath foodware life to be increased. <br></div><div><br></div><div>Lastly, we argue, that since the leaf-sheath is a “waste product” of the palm, it has negligible embodied energy (4 to 5 orders of magnitude smaller) compared to paper and plastics based foodware.<br></div><div><br></div><div>We discuss the implications of the results for single-step forming of high-aspect ratio products and structures from the palm sheath, methods to reduce diffusion of liquids and improve foodware product life, and some directions for future research into mechanical behavior of plant leaf materials from a forming perspective.<br></div>

Hi-Performance Sport Centre

Steyn, Pieter W.A. 26 November 2003 (has links)
The city of Centurion houses various sporting facilities such as SuperSport Park and Centurion Gymnastics Club as well as other training facilities. The proposed site for this thesis is on the edge of the Hennops River and forms part of the Lyttelton Agricultural holdings. It borders SuperSport Park as well as the Centurion Rugby club. The proposed site is located North of South Street in Centurion. Currently there is only one Hi-Performance Sport Centre in South Africa. It is located on the Sports grounds of the University of Pretoria. This centre, although only one year old, is already fully booked well into the year 2004. The overwhelming response to this sports facility is a clear indication that centres like these are in great demand in South Africa. One of the main reasons for its popularity is our appealing weather that attracts many foreign athletes. Another reason is the diversity of sport in one complex and the highly equipped training facilities. The athletes can be monitored throughout training with the proper nutrition and medical support. It is the only facility of its kind, combining a training facility with accommodation. This thesis proposes to provide the Centurion area with a similar centre and including improvements to the existing centre. According to the Centurion Integrated Development Framework the site and its surroundings should be used for sport development and recreational facilities. The surrounding sports grounds are another reason for the choice of site. The site is visible from the main road between Pretoria and Johannesburg (N1 Highway) which increases visibility. According to the Centurion Integrated Development Framework all the developments adjacent to the N1 highway should convey a hi-tech image. This thesis evolved as a comprehensive reaction to the immediate site and the physical, social, cultural and technological conditions. It is the amalgamation of these concepts and ideas that serves as metaphor for the architectural response and process. Since the thesis deals with the professional sport industry and high technological precision research and training, so too does this project focus on presenting this idea of "precision" throughout the architectural-, space-, and tangible experience. In totality, the proposed design is the synthesis of various interrelated influences. The product is site specific, individualistic and realistic. / Dissertation (MArch (Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2003. / Architecture / unrestricted

Som fisken i vattnet på torra land / Like a fish in the sea on dry land

Hallström, Gustav January 2015 (has links)
Vad gör en fiskmarknad i Stockholm? Projektet, som utgår från idén om en fiskmarknad på Skeppsbron i Gamla stan, har fokuserats på en alternativ lösning där fisk och grönsaker odlas i ett slutet system – akvaponi. Anledning till den alternativa ingången är Östersjöns dåliga hälsotillstånd, som är en följd av en lång tids ogenerade föroreningar. Östersjöfisken är i dag förbjuden att sälja som matfisk inom EU, men svenska politiker har aktivt sökt, och fått, dispens för en inhemsk försäljning av den förgiftade fisken. Kvinnor och barn avråds i dag från att äta östersjöfisk mer än tre gånger per år. Är det då hållbart att viga en så central plats som Skeppsbron åt en romantiserad fiskhall som bär färre än hundra ”lokala” fiskare under armarna, och som riktar sig till ett smalt, i huvudsak manligt kundsegment? En strategi formas för att kunna tillgodose en fiskmarknad med enbart fisk odlad på plats, samtidigt som den inre organisation och stadsrummet tas i beaktan. / What is a fish market doing in Stockholm? The project, based on the idea of a fish market on Skeppsbron in the old town of Stockholm (Gamla stan), has its focus on an alternative solution where fish and vegetables are grown in a closed system – aquaponics. The reason for the alternative solution is the bad health situation for the Baltic sea, which is the outcome of a long period of unashamed polluting. The fish from the Baltic sea is illegal to sell as food within the EU, but Swedish politicians have actively sought, and received, exemption for a regional trade with the poisoned fish. Women and children are advised to refrain from eating fish from the Baltic sea more than three times per year. Is it then sustainable to use such a central place as Skeppsbron for a romanticized fish market that pays for less than a hundred “local” fishermen, and that addresses a narrow, mainly male segment? A strategy is formed to provide for a fish market with only fish bred on location, at the same time taking in consideration the inner organization and the cityscape.

Geology of Lagoa das Furnas, a crater lake on São Miguel, Azores archipelago

Andersson, Thommy January 2015 (has links)
In this thesis, the results from a geophysical mapping and coring campaign of Lagoa das Furnas are presented. Specific focus is placed on the origin of a subaqueous volcanic cone mapped in the southern part of the lake. Lagoa das Furnas is a crater lake within the Furnas volcanic centre which is located on the island of São Miguel in the Azores archipelago. The Furnas volcanic centre has a long history of earthquakes and volcanic activity. The area is relatively well-studied, except for the lake floor. Therefore, a high resolution geophysical and geological mapping survey was conducted at Lagoa das Furnas. Sidescan sonar was used to map the surface of the lake floor and single beam sonar was used to acquire sub-bottom profiles. In addition to the geophysical mapping, sediment surface sampling and core drilling were carried out followed by geochemical analyses of the retrieved material. The mapped data permitted a characterisation of the floor of Lagoa das Furnas and revealed several volcanic features including fumarole activity and a volcanic cone in the southern part of the lake. In order to unravel the origin of this cone several methods were applied, including analyses of tephra and minerals collected from the cone itself and from nearby deposits of two known eruptions Furnas I and Furnas 1630. Sedimentological, petrological, geochemical and geochronological studies of pyroclastic deposits from the cone suggest a subaqueous eruption linked to the Furnas 1630 eruption. The chemistry of glass and crystal fragments sampled from the cone suggests that it is composed of more evolved magma than that of the main Furnas 1630 implying that the lake cone is likely a product of the last eruptional phase. Historical documents reveal three lakes in Furnas valley before the 1630 eruption. Two of these lakes were lost due the eruption and the remaining lake is most likely Lagoa das Furnas and consequently did exist before the 1630 eruption.

Fractures of the Dammam Dome Carbonate Outcrops: Their Characterization, Development, and Implications for Subsurface Reservoirs

Al-fahmi, Mohammed M 01 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The exposed Tertiary carbonates of the Dammam Dome present an opportunity to study fractures in outcrops within the oil-producing region of Eastern Saudi Arabia. The study focuses on: 1) the characterization of fractures, 2) interpretation of their fracturing mechanism, and 3) the implications for the deep carbonate reservoirs of the Dammam Dome. The characterization of the outcrop fractures is integrated with structural analysis of the near-surface horizons mapped from reflection seismic and well data. Fractures are observed within all exposed carbonate units, but predominantly within the widely exposed Middle Rus unit. The fractures are opening-mode, bed-bound joints that form orthogonal sets (NW-SE and NE-SW trending joints). The trends of through-going, primary NW-SE trending joints do not correlate with the trends of remote regional stress associated with compression of Zagros uplift, suggesting they did not develop due to that orogenic event. The primary joints also seem to have developed independently of the observed karst features and interpreted near-surface faults. The analysis of joint pattern and their spacings generally seem to reflect the fold growth of the strata, position on fold and mechanical stratigraphy. The study results provide a first-order conceptual fracture model for the subsurface reservoirs to guide future development.

Hur kan Design Fiction användas för att skapa en visuellt informativ video om kolonier på Venus, för unga

Wallhede, Johan, Franzén, Emma January 2022 (has links)
Denna artikel handlar om hur Design fiction kan användas för att skapa en visuell informativ video till unga. Förutom det handlar denna artikel om den tekniska vägen till att få en 3D animation som både kan visas i en domteater, VR 360o bild och platt skärm. Sedan är det en analys på både bilderna rent tekniskt där 3D bilderna visas på många olika medier som ger en validitet till resultatet. Förutom det har denna artikel en guide till det “best practices” för en domteater och vad du som designer ska tänka på när du ska göra ett projekt till en domteater. Läsaren ska vara medveten om att det kan finnas variabler i dessa “best practices” beroende på domteater, som inte tas upp i denna artikel. Artikeln handlar även om det tekniska utmaningar av att arbeta med 3D grafik och deras lösningar och farhågor. 3D grafik har gett undersökningen många förmågor men också många utmaningar på grund av det medium som har valts. / This article is about Design fiction and how it can be used to create a visual informative video for younger people. The article also describes the process to create a 3D graphic animation that can be shown in a theatre dome, VR 360o video as well as a normal computer screen. There is also an analysis of the technical achievement where the 3D rendered images can and are shown in different mediums as described above, it gives the project a certain validity. There is also a general “best practice” guide to how a production can be done for a dom theatre however keep in mind that there may be variables depending on the dom theatre that are not highlighted in this article. The article also describes the technical challenges and opportunities that come with working with 3D graphics, and as such can give a reader advice on what to avoid and do in such projects.

Building a Small Scale Anaerobic Digester in Quelimane

Lehtinen, Silja January 2017 (has links)
Anaerobic digestion is a process where biogas is generated from organic substance in the absence of oxygen. The most common application of the anaerobic digestion technology in developing countries is small-scale household digesters producing biogas for cooking purposes. These systems are usually fed with cattle dung or organic household waste. The typical small-scale digester models are fixed-dome digester, floating-drum digester and rubber-balloon digester. Biogas systems contribute to self-sustainability of energy production, improve waste management and mitigate deforestation and health problems caused by poor waste management and usage of traditional cooking fuels such as firewood and charcoal. Anaerobic digestion technology is still quite unknown in Mozambique. An initiative to implement this technology in the municipality of Quelimane located in Zambézia province in the central part of the country, was taken in 2015 and background studies were performed during spring 2015 and 2016. As a part of the study resulting in this report, performed in spring 2017, a small-scale biogas digester was installed in Quelimane city. The digester was fed with the initial input of cow manure in order to create population of anaerobic bacteria and in the future it’s planned to be fed with food waste. The purpose of the first installed digester is to serve for educational purposes and to produce cooking fuel for the few people working in the municipal location where the digester is installed. It’s estimated that the digester has a potential to produce daily 0.3 m3 of biogas from 2 kg of food waste which can be used for preparing lunch for the employees or for heating water. In the future, possible applications of anaerobic digestion technology in Quelimane are a municipal biogas plant, cooling systems for the fish industry and biogas based latrines in the less developed areas located outside of the city center.

Measuring Community Attitudes Towards Toronto's Dome Stadium

Gallagher, Tim L. 04 1900 (has links)
This report fulfills the requirements of Geography 4C6. / This research report focuses on explaining the attitudinal and behavioral relationship toward public facilities. This relationship is founded from two bodies of theory; public facility location theory and the theory of attitude formation. Empirical results for testing the relationship were obtained through a survey of the Downsview community's attitudes toward Toronto's proposed dome stadium. It was found that the relationship between attitudes and behaviour can stem from the perceived impacts that a facility may generate on one's neighborhood as well as one's perceived effect or influence creating a change in the planning process. / Thesis / Bachelor of Arts (BA)

Trace and Rare Earth Element Chemistry of Fluorite from the Illinois-Kentucky Fluorspar District and its Implications for the Origins of Mineralizing Fluids

Bergbower, Joshua N. 30 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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