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Arbitration law in Qatar : the way forwardAl-Obaidli, Jassim Mohammed A. A. January 2016 (has links)
Qatar is among the fastest growing developing countries in all fields. Since the State of Qatar gained independence from the United Kingdom, the Qatari government has been focusing on the formation of state institutions to keep pace with global development. In 1971, Qatar released the first civil and commercial law. The country established the first step towards the separation of civil and commercial transactions of Islamic law. However, the ever-changing nature of business and global economy requires significant economic and societal changes. With the increase of foreign investors in Qatar, there had to be a law governing arbitration in contracts. Therefore, the government promulgated the arbitration clause in commercial contracts; the first code of civil and commercial procedure contains a chapter of the arbitration. However, the provisions of arbitration included in this law are not compatible with the UNCITRAL Model Law. Although there is a shortage in literature regarding arbitration in Qatar, several studies discussed issues related to arbitration in Qatar and called for the adoption of a new separate arbitration law in Qatar compatible with the UNCITRAL one. This prompted Qatar to work on a new draft law of arbitration, especially after the ratification of the New York Convention 1985 by Qatar. However, these studies did not cover other factors which affect arbitration; such as cultural attitude towards arbitration and issues affecting the practice of arbitration in Qatar. Unlike previous studies regarding arbitration in Qatar, this thesis uses multi-methods to get an answer of the main question of the research, which is: “Will the new Arbitration Draft Law solve all the issues related to arbitration in Qatar, thereby attracting international companies to Qatar and its law for their arbitration?” The thesis reviews the related literature in the first stage. Then it analyses interviews which were held with a number of arbitration stakeholders, the recent Qatari draft law of arbitration, the GCC unified arbitration draft law and the Qatar Financial Centre (QFC) draft law. After that it conducts a comparison between the current provisions of arbitration, the Qatari arbitration draft law and the GCC unified arbitration draft law in light of the UNCITRAL Model Law and the Egyptian Arbitration Law. This multi-methods study results in recommendations which are listed in its conclusion. It is worth mentioning that both the Qatari arbitration draft law and the QFC draft law are considered for the first time in a research study. Also, the interviews which were held for the purpose of this research enrich the outcome as the participants were chosen from various categories of arbitration stakeholder, where some of them represent official entities; such as the Legislation Department of the Ministries Council and some of them are high ranking officials of these entities; such as the Minister of Justice.
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Seguros: beneficiários e suas implicações / Insurance: beneficiaries and their implicationsSouza, Bárbara Bassani de 21 October 2015 (has links)
O seguro é abordado de forma pouco detalhada pela doutrina. A figura do beneficiário no seguro é ainda menos estudada, tendo em vista que, por se relacionar tanto a questões típicas de direito securitário, como de direito de família e sucessões, acaba não sendo analisada de forma profunda, nem pelos estudiosos de direito securitário e, tampouco, pelos de direito de família e sucessões. O objetivo da presente dissertação é traçar os principais aspectos relacionados ao contrato de seguro, desde a sua origem e evolução histórica, natureza jurídica, conceito, elementos e partes, à luz da legislação securitária, tanto no âmbito civil como no âmbito regulatório (Superintendência de Seguros Privados SUSEP e Conselho Nacional de Seguros Privados CNSP), para então, demonstrar as espécies e as coberturas securitárias nas quais pode surgir a figura do beneficiário. O estudo do tema estará limitado ao beneficiário de seguro com cobertura de morte, seu conceito, como se dá a sua designação, substituição e renúncia, as pessoas que podem ser beneficiárias (companheira como beneficiária, pessoa jurídica, o nascituro). Será analisada a sistemática do artigo 792, do Código Civil Brasileiro atual, no tocante ao pagamento de indenização securitária na falta de indicação de beneficiário e a polêmica em torno do referido artigo, além de situações como a perda da condição de beneficiário, premoriência e comoriência, a prescrição da pretensão do direito do beneficiário, o suicídio do segurado. Em todas essas situações, a jurisprudência e a doutrina divergem, seja em razão da interpretação dada ao dispositivo legal pertinente (como ocorre na prescrição e no suicídio), seja porque não há previsão específica na lei (como ocorre nos casos de premoriência e comoriência). Para dirimir tal divergência, na árdua tarefa de buscar uma solução equânime às questões práticas expostas, sugere-se, ao final, um projeto de lei para modificar a redação de alguns artigos do Código Civil referentes à matéria. / Jurists provide little in the way of detailed analysis of insurance. The figure of the insurance beneficiary has been studied even less. It is related to typical questions both of insurance law and of family and successions law, and as a result, it has not been thoroughly analyzed by students of either of these branches of the law. The purpose of this dissertation is to trace the key aspects related to insurance contracts, from their origin, looking at changes that have taken place, their legal nature, concept, elements and parties involved, in the light of the insurance legislation both in the civil and in the regulatory sphere (Private Insurance Superintendence - SUSEP and the National Private Insurance Council - CNSP), and subsequently to demonstrate the types of insurance and of insurance coverage in which the figure of the beneficiary may arise. The study of the topic will be limited to beneficiaries of life insurance: the concept of the beneficiary, how they are designated and replaced, how they can waive their position, and who can be a beneficiary (companions, legal entities, unborn children). The implications of Article 792 of the Brazilian Civil Code will be analyzed, in relation to the payment of indemnity when no beneficiary is named and the controversy this article has stirred up, as well as situations such as the loss of the status of beneficiary, predeceasing and simultaneous death, the statute of limitations affecting beneficiaries claims, and the suicide of the insured. In all these situations, case law and jurists diverge, whether because of the interpretation given to the pertinent legal device (as in the case of statute of limitations and suicide) or because there is no specific provision in the law (as in the case of predeceasing and simultaneous death). It is no easy task to find a fair solution to these practical issues. In conclusion, as a way of settling the differences identified, the dissertation proposes a draft law amending the wording of certain relevant articles in the Civil Code.
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Efetividade da tutela jurisdicional coletiva sob a ótica dos direitos individuais homogêneosPontes, Hamilton Valvo Cordeiro 10 March 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-03-10 / The defense of groups rights slowly stops to be studied only by few people to become a reality in modern world. Brazil was the pioneer on creating and applying collective procedure. However, it is important to highlight that the tools set on Brazilian laws are not enough. To develop research about collective procedures´ efectivity represents a step forward in order to turn real the Democratical State of Law. In this sense, it is important to emphasize the draft law for a Brazilian Code of Collective Procedure and the Pattern Code of Collective Procedure for Iberian America, which shall contribute to improve jurisdictional service and to provide universal access to Justice. / A defesa dos direitos coletivos lentamente deixa de ser objeto de estudo de poucos para se tornar realidade no mundo moderno. O Brasil foi pioneiro na criação e implementação dos processos coletivos. Todavia, frise-se que os instrumentos previstos na legislação pátria são insuficientes. Avanço no tocante à realização do Estado Democrático de Direito é desenvolver estudo destinado à busca da efetividade do processo coletivo, destacando-se os Anteprojetos de Código Brasileiro de Processos Coletivos e o Código Modelo de Processos Coletivos para Ibero-América, contribuindo-se, assim, para a melhoria na prestação jurisdicional e para o acesso à Justiça.
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Lobbing - ekonomické a právní aspekty : Postoje členů akademické právnické obce a zákonodárného sboru dolní komory Parlamentu České republiky k regulaci lobbingu / Lobbying - economic and legal aspects : attitudes of members of the law academia and members of the lower house of the Parliament of the Czech Republic to the regulation of lobbyingBlažek, Matej January 2018 (has links)
Lobbying - Economic and Legal aspects Abstract The diploma thesis deals with lobbying and its economic and legal aspects. The aim of the thesis is to present lobbying from a broad perspective in the context of other regulations by using descriptive, comparative and analytical methods and to provide a comprehensive overview of the development of efforts to regulate lobbying in the Czech Republic. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the last governmental regulatory initiative where I am testing a hypothesis of whether the underway regulation is systemically correct in light of examples in other countries. I also conducted two surveys aimed at finding out the attitudes of members of the law academia and members of the lower house of the Parliament of the Czech Republic to the regulation of lobbying in the Czech Republic. The data serve both to (i) illustrate the interpretation of lobbying across the work, (ii) but also because of the specific proposed variant of lobbying within the framework of the approved substantive intent of the lobbying law (the deadline for submitting a paragraph to the government is set to end 2018), and (iii) I believe that they can be useful even when finalizing the bill, or other later proposed measures under the de lege ferenda considerations on lobbying. The thesis is...
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Previous issue date: 2012-05-30 / This thesis aims to propose the adoption of the International Criminal Court and
the Draft Law no.: 4.038/2008 as instruments for the implementation of Human
Rights. For this, we analyzed the form of organization, structure, jurisdiction,
powers, operations performed by the International Criminal Court and the Draft
Law no.: 4.038/2008, in its characteristic for the implementation of Human
Rights. This analysis concluded that the lack of effectiveness has been the
biggest problem facing actions for protecting international human rights. Under
this aspect was studied lack of an institute that guarantees the effectiveness of
their legal actions when they depend on cooperation with States. Thus, it
argues the need for transformation of the Draft Law no.: 4.038/2008 in law as a
counter measure under the responsibility of a State before the International
Criminal Court. / Esta dissertação tem por objetivo propor a adoção do Tribunal Penal
Internacional e do Projeto de Lei n.º: 4.038/2008, como instrumentos para a
implementação dos Direitos Humanos. Para isto, foram analisadas a forma de
organização, estrutura, jurisdição, competência, operações realizadas pelo
Tribunal Penal Internacional e o Projeto de Lei n.º: 4.038/2008, em sua
característica para a implementação dos Direitos Humanos. Esta análise
concluiu que a falta de efetividade tem sido o maior problema enfrentado pelas
ações voltadas à proteção internacional dos direitos humanos. Sob este
aspecto foi estudada a falta de um instituto que garanta a eficácia de seus atos
jurídicos quando estes dependem da cooperação com Estados. Sendo assim,
defende-se a necessidade da transformação do Projeto de Lei n.º: 4.038/2008,
em Lei como uma contra medida no contexto da responsabilidade de um
Estado perante o Tribunal Penal Internacional.
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