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Efetividade da tutela jurisdicional coletiva sob a ótica dos direitos individuais homogêneosPontes, Hamilton Valvo Cordeiro 10 March 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-03-10 / The defense of groups rights slowly stops to be studied only by few people to become a reality in modern world. Brazil was the pioneer on creating and applying collective procedure. However, it is important to highlight that the tools set on Brazilian laws are not enough. To develop research about collective procedures´ efectivity represents a step forward in order to turn real the Democratical State of Law. In this sense, it is important to emphasize the draft law for a Brazilian Code of Collective Procedure and the Pattern Code of Collective Procedure for Iberian America, which shall contribute to improve jurisdictional service and to provide universal access to Justice. / A defesa dos direitos coletivos lentamente deixa de ser objeto de estudo de poucos para se tornar realidade no mundo moderno. O Brasil foi pioneiro na criação e implementação dos processos coletivos. Todavia, frise-se que os instrumentos previstos na legislação pátria são insuficientes. Avanço no tocante à realização do Estado Democrático de Direito é desenvolver estudo destinado à busca da efetividade do processo coletivo, destacando-se os Anteprojetos de Código Brasileiro de Processos Coletivos e o Código Modelo de Processos Coletivos para Ibero-América, contribuindo-se, assim, para a melhoria na prestação jurisdicional e para o acesso à Justiça.
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Obtíže podniku a jejich řešení (srovnání francouzské a české právní úpravy) / Difficulties of enterprises and their solutions (comparison of French and Czech legislation)Hudáková, Jana January 2011 (has links)
Difficulties of enterprises constitute negative phenomenon in society. They occur so often that both French and Czech legislator decided to regulate them by adoption of relevant legal provisions that offer particular ways of solution of debtor's bankruptcy. Bankruptcy law, term generally denoting this legal area, passed through "rich" historical development, what reflects in its legal, economic and social framework. Thesis is divided into four parts. The first one briefly defines difficulties of enterprises. The second one deals with different ways of solution of debtor's bankruptcy in French law, introduces principal changes that were made by the latest amendments from the area of bankruptcy law and by means of attached statistics illustrates number of bankruptcies and ways of their "treatment" in France. The third part deals with Czech insolvency law and underlines changes introduced by the new law of bankruptcy and ways of its solution that entirely replaced previous "law about bankruptcy and settlement". The last part summarizes findings of my thesis, proposes eventual ways of mutual inspiration derived from French or Czech bankruptcy law, deals with reflections de lege ferenda and outlines some terminological problems.
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L'harmonisation des législations de l'insolvabilité bancaire : utopie ou nécessité ? / The harmonisation of the legislations of the banking insolvency : utopia or necessity ?Zhou, Yuanzhi 17 March 2016 (has links)
Les risques systémiques des défaillances financières des établissements bancaires bouleversent les limites de compétence des législations nationales. De très grandes disparités entre les systèmes sont de nature à perturber les marchés, nationaux et internationaux, en raison de la spécificité de l’activité bancaire qui est de servir l’intérêt général. Toutefois, les grands systèmes normatifs qu’ils soient chinois, européens ou des Etats-Unis, révèlent des convergences d’ensemble pour prévenir ou résoudre les risques de défaillance des établissements bancaires, au sein d’une « lex argentariae » d’un milieu professionnel homogène. Une analyse comparée de ces législations qui privilégient l’intervention d’autorités administratives montre clairement la prise en considération des nécessités économiques et financières, alors que le juge judiciaire même subsidiairement imposera des solutions ayant autorité erga omnes et conservera ses missions essentielles notamment de protection des droits et des libertés individuels. L’analogie des solutions pose alors une question essentielle, celle de la coordination internationale des interventions administratives et judiciaires, afin de surmonter l’utopie d’une législation mondiale unifiée. Ces réflexions sont confirmées par l'évolution de l'Union bancaire européenne et de l'activité des banques chinoises à l'international. / The systemic risk of the financial failure of the banking institutions has overturned profoundly the limits of the competence of the national legislations. Though the banking activities have the characteristics that serve the general interest, the great disparity between those jurisdictions creates the instability of the national and international markets. However, the major jurisdictions whichever the Europe, the UnitedStates or the China, have revealed overall convergence in preventing or resolving the risk of the bank failure, in a “lex argentariae” of a group of professionals that are homogeneous. The comparative analysis of those legislations that prevails the intervention of the administrative authority has clearly indicated the economic and financial needs, while the judges on bench, though of being subsidiary, continue to impose the solutions that has the authority erga omnes, and maintain their core functions, particularly the protection of the individual rights and freedoms. In order to surmount the utopia of a unified international legislation, the analogy of the solution has raised another important question, which is, the global coordination of the administrative and judicial intervention. These thoughts are confirmed by the evolution of the European Banking Union and of the activities of Chinese banks abroad.
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A legitimidade da defensoria pública para promover a tutela coletiva da moralidade administrativaSilva, Orlando Sampaio de Almeida Monteiro da 23 January 2018 (has links)
The creates mechanisms to collective tuttelage of diffuse rights represented the overcoming of the individual paradigm wich was the base of the access to the justice. This is a conceptual enlargement that is based on the social discursive participation at the Decision-making political body. Working on the basis that the access to justice aims to protect the fundamental rights, your exercise must be enable towards all the three branches. At this point, the Public Defender institution represents a organism that can provides this type of access to justice. After a long discussion about the existence of the coletive legitimation of the Public Defense to use the class actions despite of the normative statement at the Law 7.347/85, the Constitutional Amendment 80/2014 and the judgment of the ADIn 3943/DF by the Supreme Court that certified your existence. In other way, theese normative innovations and the alluded judgment just partially made obsolete the discussion, cause some subject still remains, specially about the legitimation to intent civil action whose object relates to administrative impropriety. At this context, should be investigated the Public Defender legitimation, to provides the collective protection of the administrative morality. The study used the premisse that the administrative morality is a diffused right, which is judicialized by a colletive action, what brings the question about the defensorial legitimation to use it though non-existence express legal base at the Law 8.429/92. / A criação de mecanismos específicos que possibilitem a tutela coletiva de direitos metaindividuais representou a necessária superação do paradigma individualista de processo civil e de acesso à justiça. De outro lado, a previsão legal de órgãos legitimados ao ajuizamento de ações coletivas se insere no transcurso de democratização do acesso à justiça, fenômeno este que os professores Mauro Cappelletti e Bryant Garth denominaram de segunda e terceira ondas renovatórias do acesso à justiça. Nesse contexto, a Defensoria Pública, no exercício de sua vocação constitucional, se encontra em constante contato com grupos sociais vulneráveis, cujo estado de necessidade transcende a seara econômica. Outossim, o Supremo Tribunal Federal, no julgamento da ADIn nº 3943/DF, consolidou o entendimento de que a Defensoria Pública tem legitimidade coletiva para fins de tutela coletiva de todas as espécies de direitos metaindividuais, desde que em situações que se harmonizem com o respectivo regime jurídico-constitucional. Conquanto a legitimidade defensorial tenha sido positivada na Lei nº 7.347/85, assim como reputada constitucional pelo STF, persiste discussão no que toca à extensão dessa legitimidade e, igualmente, à sua compatibilização com o critério de vulnerabilidade econômica, em especial no âmbito dos direitos difusos. Assim, o presente trabalho busca examinar essas indagações no que concerne, especificamente, à tutela da moralidade administrativa e o respectivo dever de probidade, mediante o ajuizamento de ação civil pública correlata. A discussão parte da premissa de que o direito à moralidade administrativa é difuso e de que o processamento de atos de improbidade tem lugar por meio de ação civil pública, de modo que se questiona se a legitimidade coletiva defensorial se estenderia a esta, embora a Lei nº 8.429/92 não a insira no elenco de legitimados. / São Cristóvão, SE
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L'échec du plan de sauvegarde de l'entreprise en difficulté / The failure of the bankruptcy planSaaied, Semia 30 September 2013 (has links)
L’article L 626-27 du Code de commerce sanctionne l’échec du plan de sauvegarde par la résolution. L’effet destructeur de cette sanction peut, de prime abord, séduire lorsque la solution arrêtée par le tribunal ne répond plus à l’objectif de sauvegarde de l’entreprise. Cependant, ce choix suscite l’étonnement dans la mesure où il s’agit d’une sanction de l’inexécution d’une obligation contractuelle. Or, il apparaît difficile de considérer le plan comme un contrat. Malgré l’effort de contractualisation opéré par la loi du 26 juillet 2005 à travers la participation des comités de créanciers à son élaboration, il demeure un acte juridictionnel. Cette incompatibilité invite à redéfinir la nature de la sanction. Une étude minutieuse de l’échec du plan montre que sa sanction répond à une logique propre à la procédure collective qui s’illustre principalement dans la diversité de ses causes et de ses effets. Contrairement à la résolution, la sanction de l’échec du plan peut être prononcée soit en présence d’une inexécution des engagements qu’il contient soit en raison de la survenance d’une cessation des paiements au cours de son exécution. En outre, elle produit des effets distincts étrangers à toute idée de rétroactivité. Si elle permet, en cas d’inexécution, de revenir à la relation contractuelle initiale, elle assure, en cas de cessation des paiements, la clôture de la sauvegarde et le retour simultané de la procédure collective. Aussi, elle ne saurait être une résolution, mais constitue un instrument de nature procédurale hybride propre à la procédure collective. Une approche cohérente de l’échec du plan de sauvegarde invite, par conséquent, à reformuler l’article L 626-27 du Code de commerce. / Article L 626-27 of the French Commercial Code punishes the failure of a bankruptcy plan by cancellation. The destructive impact of this sanction may, at first, trigger a company's interest when the court's decision does not correspond to the company's bankruptcy goal. Nonetheless this choice is surprising given that it punishes the non-execution of a contractual obligation. However it seems difficult to consider the plan as a contract. The Act of July 26, 2005 looks to formalizing this process by contract namely through the participation of creditor committees in the early stages of the procedure, but it remains a jurisdictional action. This incompatibility encourages one to redefine the nature of this sanction. A careful examination of the plan's failure shows that the sanction fulfills a logic pertaining to a collective procedure, the causes and consequences of which are diverse. Contrary to the cancellation, the sanction punishing the plan's failure may be delivered in case of the non-execution of commitments put forth in the plan or the suspension of payments during its execution. Furthermore its consequences are distinct, with no retro activity. In case of non-execution, the sanction allows for a return to the initial contractual relation, but in case of suspension of payments it guarantees a bankruptcy closure and a return to collective procedure. Thus, it would no longer be a cancellation but a hybrid procedural instrument pertaining to a collective procedure. Therefore a coherent approach to the failure of the bankruptcy plan encourages one to rephrase article L 626-27 of the French Commercial Code.
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Responsabilité civile et procédures collectives. / Civil liability and collective proceduresCottigny, Maxime 15 December 2016 (has links)
Responsabilité civile et procédures collectives, sont des termes aux effets a priori inconciliables. Pourtant, la politique juridique de la procédure collective utilise, de manière à la fois cohérente et opportuniste, la responsabilité civile, qui est alors mise au service de ses finalités et de son régime et dont l’usage se révèle fluctuant et opportuniste. Le résultat ? La mutation de la responsabilité civile. En effet, d’une part l’efficacité juridique du droit des procédures collectives fait évoluer sa fonction. Fondée sur un équilibre des intérêts, elle laprotège. D’autre part, elle fait évoluer le régime de la responsabilité civile, que se soit ses conditions de fond ou de forme. Mais pourquoi circonscrire la protection de l’intérêt à la procédure collective ? Ne peut-on pas voir dans cette fonction la direction de l’évolution de la responsabilité civile en droit des affaires ? / Civil liability and collective procedures, are terms in the effects a priori irreconcilable. Nevertheless, the legal politics of the collective procedure uses, so as to coherent and opportunist time, the civil liability, which is then put in the service of its purposes and of his regime and the use of which shows itself fluctuating and opportunist. The profit ? The mutation of the civil liability. Indeed, on one hand the legal efficiency of the law of the collective procedures makes its function evolve. Established on a balance of the interests, itprotects her. On the other hand, it develops the regime of the civil liability, that is his conditions of bottom or shape. But why to confine the protection of the interest in the collective procedure? Cannot we see in this function, the direction of the evolution of the civil liability in business law?
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La société plaideur : plaidoyer pour la reconnaissance d'un droit commun du contentieux sociétaire / The claimant company : a plea for the recognition of the governing law in company disputesAlias, Aymeric 26 June 2015 (has links)
L'accès d'une société à un prétoire est source de nombreuses problématiques procédurales. Cela étant, ces dernières n'étant pas suffisamment considérées par le législateur ou idéalement compilées au sein d'une codification spécifique, elles demeurent la cause de légitimes tourments pratiques. Les interrogations sont alors nombreuses : elles portent sur les droits susceptibles d’être invoqués devant le juge, par ou contre la société, sa capacité à jouir de l'action en justice, le pouvoir ou la qualité de ceux qui prétendent être à même de l’incarner à la barre ; la juridiction compétente pour connaître du litige qui l'intéresse ; la gestion du temps procédural en adéquation avec le rythme de la vie sociale ; l’élaboration et la communication des actes de procédure établis en son nom ou à son intention ; la garantie d'exécution des décisions rendues en sa présence. Le risque appréhendé est l’échec procédural. À l’origine de la difficulté : toute l'ambiguïté existentielle et fonctionnelle de ce justiciable atypique qu'est la société. L’on aurait pu a priori douter que le droit procédural parvienne à s’adapter aux singularités du justiciable sociétaire. Il suffisait, pour laisser place à quelques humbles mais utiles certitudes en la matière, de procéder à un rassemblement cohérent de tout ce qui constitue la substance du droit procédural sociétaire, suivant un axe de lecture le rendant compréhensible. Et c'est ce que s'efforce de réaliser la présente thèse, au gré des difficultés pratiques qu'elle traite et auxquelles elle suggère les solutions susceptibles de convenir / Going to court for a company involves many procedural issues. Since those issues are not sufficiently taken into account by legislators or ideally part of a compilation within a specific form of codification, they may be held responsible for inevitable practical difficulties. Many questions arise : concerning rights likely to be brought up before a judge by a company or against a company ; its ability to benefit from an action ; the power or quality of those who claim to represent the company before a judge, the competence of a court to hear the case at hand ; managing procedural time in line with the pace of corporate life ; drafting and communicating the procedural acts issued in the company’s name or for the company ; ensuring the court rulings taken in the company’s presence be enforced. The obvious risk is procedural failure. The difficulty stems from the existential and functional ambiguities of this a-typical company. At first sight, procedural does not seem to be able to adapt to the nature of the claimant company. In order to leave room for some humble but useful certainties in this area, one must coherently gather all that constitutes the substance of companies’ procedural law, based on an interpretation that will make it understandable. That is the aim of the present dissertation while dealing with practical difficulties and suggesting suitable solutions. “The Claimant Company” is a plea for the recognition of the governing law in disputes between companies, which deserves to be part and parcel of the many implications of jurisprudence
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