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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Methodology For Determination Of Performance Based Design Parameters

Yazgan, Ufuk 01 January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Establishment of relationships for predicting the lateral drift demands of near-fault ground motions is one of the major challenges in earthquake engineering. Excessive lateral drifts caused by earthquake ground motions are the major causes of structural damage observed in structures. In this study, some of the fundamental characteristics of near-fault ground motions are examined. Response characteristics of elastic frame structures to near-fault ground motions are investigated. An approximate method for estimating the elastic ground story and interstory drifts for regular frame type structures is presented. Inelastic displacement demands imposed on elasto-plastic single degree of freedom (SDOF) systems subjected to near-fault ground are examined. Three equations for estimating the maximum lateral inelastic displacement demand from the maximum elastic displacement demand are established. Two of these equations relate the inelastic and elastic displacement demands through natural period and strength reduction factor. The third equation relates the inelastic and elastic displacement demands through the ratio of natural period to pulse period and the strength reduction factor. Efficiency of the natural period to pulse period ratio for estimating the inelastic displacement ratio is shown. Error statistics of the proposed equations are presented and compared with similar studies in the literature. According to the results, these equations can be used for quick and rough estimates of displacement demands imposed on regular elastic moment resisting frames and elasto-plastic single degree of systems.

Seismic performance of brick infilled RC frame structures in low and medium rise buildings in Bhutan

Dorji, Jigme January 2009 (has links)
The construction of reinforced concrete buildings with unreinforced infill is common practice even in seismically active country such as Bhutan, which is located in high seismic region of Eastern Himalaya. All buildings constructed prior 1998 were constructed without seismic provisions while those constructed after this period adopted seismic codes of neighbouring country, India. However, the codes have limited information on the design of infilled structures besides having differences in architectural requirements which may compound the structural problems. Although the influence of infill on the reinforced concrete framed structures is known, the present seismic codes do not consider it due to the lack of sufficient information. Time history analyses were performed to study the influence of infill on the performance of concrete framed structures. Important parameters were considered and the results presented in a manner that can be used by practitioners. The results show that the influence of infill on the structural performance is significant. The structural responses such as fundamental period, roof displacement, inter-storey drift ratio, stresses in infill wall and structural member forces of beams and column generally reduce, with incorporation of infill wall. The structures designed and constructed with or without seismic provision perform in a similar manner if the infills of high strength are used.

Vad påverkar revisionskvalitet? : En studie om revisorers utfärdande av fortsatt drift-kommentarer

Lindström, Camilla, Sverin, Rebecka January 2018 (has links)
Intressenter grundar många av sina investeringsbeslut på vad som presenteras i bolags finansiella rapporter. Revisorer har därmed en viktig roll i samhället eftersom deras uppgift är att bestyrka finansiella rapporter och säkerställa att de i all väsentlighet ger en rättvisande bild av bolaget. För att revisorers arbete ska kunna ses som tillförlitligt krävs det att de producerar revision av hög kvalitet, vilket kräver att de är opartiska, har rätt kompetens och följer de riktlinjer och standarder som finns. Ett vanligt sätt att mäta revisionskvalitet är genom antalet fortsatt drift-kommentarer som utfärdats i revisionsberättelsen hos konkursdrabbade bolag. Att bristande revisionskvalitet har en negativ inverkan på samhället visades tydligt efter de uppmärksammade revisionsskandaler som inträffade under början av 2000-talet. Till följd av detta blev revisionskvaliteten starkt ifrågasatt, diskussioner och arbete för att höja revisionskvaliteten påbörjades. Forskning fokuserade mycket på att finna vilka faktorer som påverkar revisionskvaliteten. Dessa visade varierade resultat och det har även efterfrågats forskning med fokus på hur en revisors egenskaper kan påverka revisionskvaliteten. Det ger tydliga indikationer till att mer forskning gällande revisorers egenskaper behövs. Syftet med studien var att genom fortsatt drift-kommentarer uppskatta revisionskvalitet för att se om det skett en förbättring mellan åren 2012–2017. Syftet var också att undersöka hur en revisors kön, erfarenhet, ålder och storleken på staden revisorn arbetar i påverkar revisionskvaliteten. Studien genomfördes med en kvantitativ metod där ett urval på 1871 på bolag gjordes. De bolag som inkluderades i urvalet var svenska aktiebolag som har inlett en konkurs mellan 2012-01-01 och 2018-03-16. Det krävdes att konkursen var inledd inom loppet av tolv månader från det senaste bokslutsåret och att bolaget har haft en årsredovisning med en revisionsberättelse tillgänglig. Resultatet visar att det skett en procentuell förbättring av revisionskvalitet mellan år 2012 och 2017. Dock har det endast skett en signifikant förbättring från år 2012 fram till 2014. Resultatet visar även att det finns ett negativt samband mellan revisionskvalitet och en revisors ålder respektive erfarenhet. Sambandet innebär att yngre och mindre erfarna revisorer håller högre revisionskvalitet jämfört med äldre och mer erfarna revisorer. Studien visar att det inte förekommer något samband mellan en revisors kön och revisionskvalitet. Det identifierades endast ett svagt samband mellan stadsstorleken på staden som revisorn arbetar i och revisionskvalitet. Dock finns indikationer att revisorer som arbetar i storstäder håller högre revisionskvalitet.

Assessment of Item Parameter Drift of Known Items in a University Placement Exam

January 2012 (has links)
abstract: ABSTRACT This study investigated the possibility of item parameter drift (IPD) in a calculus placement examination administered to approximately 3,000 students at a large university in the United States. A single form of the exam was administered continuously for a period of two years, possibly allowing later examinees to have prior knowledge of specific items on the exam. An analysis of IPD was conducted to explore evidence of possible item exposure. Two assumptions concerning items exposure were made: 1) item recall and item exposure are positively correlated, and 2) item exposure results in the items becoming easier over time. Special consideration was given to two contextual item characteristics: 1) item location within the test, specifically items at the beginning and end of the exam, and 2) the use of an associated diagram. The hypotheses stated that these item characteristics would make the items easier to recall and, therefore, more likely to be exposed, resulting in item drift. BILOG-MG 3 was used to calibrate the items and assess for IPD. No evidence was found to support the hypotheses that the items located at the beginning of the test or with an associated diagram drifted as a result of item exposure. Three items among the last ten on the exam drifted significantly and became easier, consistent with item exposure. However, in this study, the possible effects of item exposure could not be separated from the effects of other potential factors such as speededness, curriculum changes, better test preparation on the part of subsequent examinees, or guessing. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.A. Educational Psychology 2012

Transport and attenuation of pesticides in runoff from agricultural headwater catchments : from field characterisation to modelling / Atténuation et transport par ruissellement des pesticides dans les têtes de bassins versants agricoles : de la caractérisation sur le terrain à la modélisation

Lefrancq, Marie 11 April 2014 (has links)
Comprendre le transport des pesticides est crucial pour évaluer leur impact écologique. Les connaissances sur la variabilité spatiale des dépôts de pesticides, l'impact de l'érosion sur leur export et leur dégradation in situ restent très limitées à l'échelle des bassins versants. La caractérisation expérimentale et la modélisation ont donc été combinées à deux échelles, parcelle et bassin versant, dans deux contextes agricoles. Un formalisme a été développé pour prédire le transport des pesticides par ruissellement et a été intégré dans le modèle LISEM (LImbourg Soil Erosion Model). Les résultats montrent que les surfaces imperméables contribuent significativement à la masse exportée par ruissellement du vignoble. La partition des pesticides entre phase dissoute et particulaire diffère considérablement selon les molécules et le forçage hydrologique, et la présence de produits de dégradation et un enrichissement en R-métolachlore ont été observés ce qui souligne le potentiel des analyses énantiomériques pour évaluer la biodégradation des pesticides. Globalement, cette étude a démontré que la combinaison des échelles et des approches permet une meilleure compréhension du transport des pesticides. / Understanding pesticide transport is crucial to evaluate their ecological impact on ecosystems. Current knowledge on the spatial variability of pesticide deposition, the impact of erosion on pesticides export and the in situ pesticide degradation is very limited at the catchment scale. In this thesis, characterisation and modeling at two scales, the plot and catchment, were combined in two agricultural contexts. A formalism was developed to predict pesticide transport in runoff and was integrated in LISEM (LImbourg Soil Erosion Model). The results show that impermeable roads contributed to more than 40% to the overall load of fungicides exported via runoff from the vineyard. Pesticide partitioning between suspended solids and runoff water differed largely according to the molecules and the hydrological dynamics. The occurrence of degradation products and the enrichment of one enantiomer were observed suggesting the potential of chiral analyses for assessing biodegradation of chiral pesticides at such scale. Overall, the investigation demonstrated that combining different approaches enable a better understanding of pesticide transport.

Localisation d'une flotte de véhicules communicants par approche de type SLAM visuel décentralisé / Location of a fleet of communicating vehicles using a decentralized visual SLAM approach

Bresson, Guillaume 21 February 2014 (has links)
La localisation d’un véhicule via les techniques de SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping pour cartographie et localisation simultanées) a connu un essor important durant les 20 dernières années. Pourtant, peu d’approches ont tenté d’étendre ces algorithmes à une flotte de véhicules malgré les nombreuses applications potentielles. C’est ici l’objectif de cette thèse. Pour ce faire, une approche de SLAM monoculaire pour un seul véhicule a d’abord été développée. Celle-ci propose de coupler un filtre de Kalman étendu avec une représentation cartésienne des amers afin de produire des cartes de faible densité mais de qualité. En effet, l’extension à plusieurs véhicules nécessite des échanges permanents par l’intermédiaire de communications sans fil. Avec peu d’amers dans les cartes, notre approche s’accommode bien du nombre de véhicules de la flotte. Des capteurs peu onéreux ont aussi été privilégiés (une unique caméra et un odomètre) afin de réduire le coût d’une extension multivéhicule. Des correctifs ont été proposés afin d’éviter les problèmes de divergence induits par les choix précédents. Des expérimentations ont montré que la solution de SLAM produite était légère et rapide tout en fournissant une localisation de qualité. La dérive, inhérente à tout algorithme de SLAM, a également fait l’objet d’une analyse. Celle-ci a été intégrée au SLAM par l’intermédiaire d’une architecture dédiée et d’un modèle dynamique. Le but est de pouvoir rendre consistante la localisation fournie par le SLAM, même en l’absence d’estimation de la dérive. Cela permet d’effectuer des fermetures de boucle ou encore d’intégrer des informations géo-référencées de manière naturelle tout en conservant l’intégrité de la solution. En multivéhicule, cet aspect est un point clef puisque chaque véhicule dérive différemment des autres. Il est donc important de le prendre en compte. Enfin, le SLAM a été étendu à plusieurs véhicules. Une structure générique a été prévue afin que notre approche monoculaire puisse être remplacée par n’importe quel algorithme de SLAM. Notre architecture décentralisée évite la consanguinité des données (le fait de compter deux fois une même information) et gère les défaillances réseau, que cela soit des ruptures de communication ou encore des latences dans la réception des données. La partie statique du modèle de dérive permet également de prendre en compte le fait que les positions initiales des véhicules d’une flotte puissent être inconnues. L’intégrité est ainsi maintenue en permanence. Enfin, notre approche étant entièrement décentralisée, elle a pu être testée et validée en simulation et avec des expérimentations réelles dans diverses configurations (convoi en colonne ou en ligne, avec 2 ou 3 véhicules). / The localization of a vehicle with the use of SLAM techniques (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping) has been extensively studied during the last 20 years. However, only a few approaches have tried to extend these algorithms to a fleet of vehicles despite the many potential applications. It is the objective of this thesis. First of all, a monocular SLAM for a single vehicle has been developed. This one proposes to pair an Extended Kalman Filter with a Cartesian representation for landmarks so as to produce accurate low density maps. Indeed, the extension of SLAM to several vehicles requires permanent communications inside the fleet. With only a few landmarks mapped, our approach scales nicely with the number of vehicles. Cheap sensors have been favored (a single camera and an odometer) in order to spread more easily the use of multi-vehicle applications. Correctives have been proposed in order to avoid the divergence problems induced by such a scheme. The experiments showed that our SLAM is able to furnish good localization results while being light and fast.The drift affecting every SLAM algorithm has also been studied. Its integration inside the SLAM process, thanks to a dedicated architecture and a dynamic model, allows to ensure consistency even without an estimation of it. Loop closures or the integration of geo-referenced information becomes straightforward. They naturally correct all the past positions while still maintaining consistency. In a multi-vehicle scenario, it is a key aspect as each vehicle drifts differently from one another. It is consequently important to take it into account. Our SLAM algorithm has then been extended to several vehicles. A generic structure has been used so as to allow any SLAM algorithm to replace our monocular SLAM. The multi-vehicle architecture avoids data incest (double-counting information) and handles network failures, be they communication breakdowns or latencies when receiving data. The static part of the drift model allows to take into account the fact that the initial positions of the different vehicles composing the fleet might be unknown. Consistency is thus permanently preserved. Our approach has been successfully tested using simulations and real experiments with various settings (row or column convoy with 2 or 3 vehicles) in a fully decentralized way.

Monitoring vranky obecné (\kur{Cottus gobio}) v horním toku Labe. / Monitoring of the bullhead (\kur{Cottus gobio}) in the upper reaches of the river Elbe.

GUČÍK, Michal January 2013 (has links)
Bullhead is common fish of our trout zones of streams and small rivers. It lives in mountain streams or small rivers. It needs clear water with high oxygen saturation. Therefor bullhead is used as a bioindicatorof clear waters. The aim of our experiment was compare the influence of artificial and natural flood on bullhead population in river Labe. Artificial flood was caused by wild water race competition in 2011. There was drained the water reservoir Labská during this event. The observed stretch of river Labe was fished out before and after this competition using electric generator. The fish obtained before the artificial flood were branded and released back to the river. New out fishing was done immediately after the flood. There were counted and measured the fish with or without brands. The same manner was used for obtaining of dates before and after natural flood in 2012. The main result of this experiment is showing the artificial flood is more destructive and dangerous than natural flood. The reason is faster increase and decrease of flow in river during the artificial flood.

Identification des descripteurs macroscopiques de la dérive pour sa modélisation / Identification of macroscop descriptors of drift for spray drift modeling

Alheidary, Majid 07 March 2016 (has links)
La dérive de pulvérisation peut être mesurée au champ ou en soufflerie. Paradoxalement, les tests au champ sont sujets à de grandes variations dues aux conditions atmosphériques mais peuvent être plus facilement réalisés contrairement aux tests en soufflerie. Ainsi les principaux modèles de dérive sont basés sur des mesures au champ alors que peu de modèles s’inspirent de mesures en soufflerie. L’objectif de ce travail a été de définir un ou des descripteurs de la dérive sur la base de l’analyse de courbes de dépôts obtenues dans la soufflerie d’IRSTEA Montpellier. Par rapport aux souffleries existantes, un protocole d’exposition de longue durée a été utilisé avec une forte densité d’échantillonnage. Un plan expérimental comprenant 99 modalités a été réalisé en tenant compte de différents types de buses (FF, AI, AI Twin jet), différente hauteurs de rampe de 40 à 80cm, différentes positions de la rampe (frontale, latérale et angles intermédiaires) et différentes vitesses de vent entre 2 et 7.5m s-1. Les résultats ont montré que le taux de dérive à 5m sous le vent (DR5) correspond au descripteur le plus robuste si l’on tient compte du large spectre de paramètres et de réglages. Des modèles de premier ordre ont été définis pour l’expression de l’effet de la vitesse du vent ainsi que de la hauteur de rampe selon le temps de vol des gouttes (ToF). Ainsi il est possible de comparer des résultats issus de conditions expérimentales différentes et de simuler l’effet de la vitesse du vent et la hauteur de la rampe pour un type donné de buse. Des mesures in situ de taille de gouttes ont confirmé la pertinence du temps de vol comme base de l’expression des résultats. / Spray drift might be measured either infield or in a wind tunnel through specific sampling strategies. Paradoxically field tests are subjected to a high variability due to the atmospheric conditions but can be more easily conducted in the absence of a wind tunnel. The result is that most of spray drift models are based on infield measurements. Conversely very few models were developed on the basis of wind tunnel measurements. The objective of this work was to define spray drift descriptors from the analysis of drift curves in IRSTEA wind tunnel. Compared to the majority of existing wind tunnels, a long duration exposure protocol was applied with a high sampling density. A large experimental plan of 99 modalities were conducted including nozzle types (FF, AI, AI Twin jet), boom heights from 40 to 80cm, boom positions (frontal, lateral, and intermediate angles) and wind velocities from 2 to 7.5ms-1. Results showed that the drift ratio at 5m (DR5) was the most robust drift indicator considering the wide range of parameters and operations conditions (wind velocity, boom height). First order models were drawn for the expression of the effect of the wind velocity and the boom height according to the droplet time of flight (ToF). As a result it was possible to compare data from different experimental conditions and to simulate the effect of the wind velocity and the boom height for a given type of nozzle. In situ droplet size measurements confirmed the relevance of the time of flight expression.

Medidas de velocidade de arrastamento de eletrons no isobutano puro / Measurements of electron drift velocity in pure isobutane

VIVALDINI, TULIO C. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:27:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:04:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP / FAPESP:07/06771-8

Avaliação quali-quantitativa da pulverização em barra assistida por ar na cultura da soja em diferentes estádios fenológicos / Quali-Quantitative assessment of air-assisted boom spraying in soybean different phenological stages

Souza, Felipe Matheus Santos e [UNESP] 28 July 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Felipe Matheus Santos e Souza null (felipemss@outlook.com) on 2017-09-07T13:49:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 AVALIAÇÃO QUALI-QUANTITATIVA DA PULVERIZAÇÃO EM BARRA ASSISTIDA POR AR NA CULTURA DA SOJA EM DIFERENTES ESTÁDIOS FENOLÓGICOS.pdf: 1530915 bytes, checksum: 85c32ee7704cf819e405f4592eacf302 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Monique Sasaki (sayumi_sasaki@hotmail.com) on 2017-09-11T20:17:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 souza_fms_me_bot.pdf: 1530915 bytes, checksum: 85c32ee7704cf819e405f4592eacf302 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-11T20:17:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 souza_fms_me_bot.pdf: 1530915 bytes, checksum: 85c32ee7704cf819e405f4592eacf302 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-07-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A homogeneidade na distribuição da pulverização no dossel das culturas pode melhorar a eficiência de controle de agentes fitopatogênicos e minimizar a contaminação do meio ambiente. Portanto, este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o efeito da velocidade do ar junto à barra de pulverização na distribuição e qualidade da pulverização e sua relação com a deriva de produtos fitossanitários sob diferentes índices de área foliar (IAF) da cultura da soja. Para as avaliações da pulverização um experimento foi conduzido no delineamento em blocos ao acaso com 4 tratamentos: 0, 10, 20 e 30 km.h-1 do fluxo de ar assistido junto à barra em 5 repetições. As pulverizações foram realizadas aos 30, 60 e 90 dias após a emergência (DAE) da cultura, com IAFs de 2.56, 6.67 e 4.64 m2.m-2 respectivamente. Um pulverizador com disponibilidade ou não de ar assistido junto à barra, equipado com pontas de pulverização de jato plano, modelo AXI 11003, espaçadas de 0,5 m, e regulado para pulverizar 200 L.ha-1 de calda foi utilizado nos ensaios experimentais. Antes da pulverização foram selecionadas, ao acaso, dez plantas em cada parcela para amostragem dos depósitos da pulverização. Alvos artificiais, papel filtro nas dimensões 3 x 3 cm foram fixados às plantas, dois na parte superior e outros dois na parte inferior, em ambas superfícies dos folíolos (adaxial e abaxial). Para avaliação de cobertura de pulverização e perda para o solo foram colocados papéis hidrossensíveis, um na parte superior e outro na parte inferior das plantas, bem como três alvos artificiais no solo em cada parcela para determinar a quantidade de produto não interceptada pelas plantas. Para as avaliações de depósito e perdas da pulverização um marcador cúprico foi usado e sua quantificação feita por espectrofotometria de absorção atômica. As avaliações qualitativas da cobertura foram determinadas pelo software GOTAS®. Aos 30 DAE, com IAF de 2.56 m2.m-2, a velocidade máxima de ar proporcionou maior depósito e cobertura da pulverização na parte inferior das plantas e melhor uniformidade na parte superior, entretanto houve incremento das perdas para o solo. Aos 60 DAE, com IAF de 6.67 m2.m-2, não houve diferença entre os tratamentos quanto à cobertura e perdas de pulverização para o solo. No entanto, a assistência de ar, independente da velocidade, melhorou a cobertura da pulverização. Já aos 90 DAE, com IAF de 4.64 m2.m-2, a assistência de ar em 30 km.h-1 incrementou os níveis de depósitos da calda na parte inferior da planta e na superfície adaxial dos folíolos, além de proporcionar maior cobertura em todas as partes do dossel da cultura. Também aos 90 DAE, quanto maior a velocidade do ar, menos foram as perdas para o solo. / Homogeneity in spray distribution into crop canopy can improve efficiency control of phytopathogenic agents and minimize the environment contamination. Therefore, the objective of this work is to evaluate velocity effect on an air-assisted boom spraying on spray quality and distribution and its relation with phytosanitary products drift under different leaf area indexes (LAI) of the soybean crop. For spray evaluations, an experiment was conducted in a randomized block design with 4 treatments: 0, 10, 20 and 30 km.h-1 of the airflow in 5 replications. It was sprayed at 30, 60 and 90 days after emergence (DAE) of the culture, also establishing LAI in the respective application period. A sprayer with or without air assistance, equipped with flat fan nozzles AXI 11003 model, spaced 0,5 m, and 200L.ha-1 volume rate was used in this experiment. During the spraying, ten plants were randomly selected in each plot to sample the spray deposits. Artificial targets, 3 x 3 cm dimensions, were fixed to the plants, two on the upper part and two on the lower part, on both leaflet surfaces (adaxial and abaxial). To evaluate spray coverage and soil loss, hydrosensible papers were placed, one at the top and one at the bottom of the plants, as well as three artificial targets in the soil in each plot to determine the amount of product not intercepted by the plants. For the deposition and spray loss evaluations a cupric marker was used and its quantification made by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. GOTAS® software to determine the qualitative evaluations of coverage percentage. At 30 DAE, with initial soybean development, the maximum air velocity provided greater deposit and spray coverage in the lower part of the plants and better uniformity in the upper part, however, there was an increase in soil losses. At 60 DAE, with maximum leaf density, there was no difference between the treatments in terms of coverage and spray losses to the soil. However, air assistance, regardless of speed, has improved spray coverage. At 90 DAE, air assistance at its maximum capacity increased spray deposit levels at the bottom of the plant and its adaxial surface of the leaflets, in addition to providing greater coverage in all parts of the canopy crop. Also at 90 DAE, the higher air velocity, the less is soil losses. In absolute values relating to spraying moment, the higher the LAI the lower is the soil losses.

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