Spelling suggestions: "subject:"drop.in"" "subject:"dropcan""
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Estudo teórico-experimental da perda de pressão durante a ebulição convectiva de refrigerantes halogenados no interior de microcanais circulares / Experimental and theorical study on pressure drop in microchannels during convective boiling of halogen refrigerantsJaqueline Diniz da Silva 27 September 2012 (has links)
A presente dissertação trata de um estudo teórico-experimental sobre a perda de pressão em canais de diâmetro reduzido durante escoamento bifásico de refrigerantes halogenados. Trocadores de calor baseados na ebulição convectiva, em condições de micro-escala são amplamente estudados devido à intensificação da troca de calor proporcionada e a possibilidade de compactação de sistemas de resfriamento. Proporcionam também a redução do inventário de refrigerante e do material utilizado no processo de fabricação do trocador. Porém, o incremento da transferência de calor é acompanhada pelo aumento da perda de pressão, parâmetro também fundamental para o desempenho do sistema. Para o projeto satisfatório e otimizado destes dispositivos são necessários métodos de previsão de transferência de calor e perda de pressão. Entretanto, no caso de canais de diâmetro reduzido, tais ferramentas não encontram-se disponíveis e trocadores de calor baseados em escoamentos bifásicos no interior de canais de diâmetro reduzido vêm sendo desenvolvidos heuristicamente. Desta forma, inicialmente neste estudo, realizou-se uma revisão crítica da literatura envolvendo critérios de transição entre padrões de escoamento, fração de vazio superficial, perda de pressão no interior de canais com diâmetro reduzido durante escoamento bifásico e os principais métodos de estimativa da perda de pressão para macro e micro-escala. Resultados experimentais para perda de pressão levantados neste estudo em condições adiabáticas para os fluidos R245fa e R134a e tubo com 1,1 mm de diâmetro interno foram descritos e comparados aos métodos preditivos encontrados na literatura. Finalmente um novo método da previsão da perda de pressão foi proposto baseado na correlação de Müller-Steinhagen e Heck (1986), ajustando os valores do coeficiente e do expoente com base nos resultados experimentais levantados. / A theorical and experimental study on two-phase pressure drop inside micro-scale channels has been developed. Recently, the study of flow boiling in micro-scale channel have received special attention from academia and industry due to several advantages that they offer such as minimization of fluid inventory, high degree of compactness of the heat exchangers, better performance and the capacity of dissipate extremely high heat fluxes. The significant heat transfer coefficient enhancement provided by micro-scale channels comes together with a huge pressure drop penalty that impacts the efficiency of the overall cooling system. So, accurate predictive methods to evaluate the pressure drop are necessary for the appropriate design of the system and for its optimization. In the present study, firstly, a critical review on studies from literature was performed that covers criteria of transition between micro- and macro-scale flow boiling, void fraction, frictional pressure drop on micro-scale channels and the leading frictional pressure drop predictive methods. Experimental pressure drop results were acquired under adiabatic conditions for R245fa and R134a fluids and internal diameter tube of 1.1 mm. Then, the leading pressure drop predictive methods were compared against the present database. Also a new correlation based on Muller-Steinhagen e Heck (1986) method was proposed in this work by adjusting new empirical constants based on the present database together with previous results obtained by Tibiriçá et al. (2011) for a 2.3 mm ID tube.
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Correlações da aptidão aeróbia e de fatores neuromusculares no desempenho em sprints repetidos em tenistas de diferentes níveis competitivos / Correlations of aerobic fitness and neuromuscular factors with repeated sprints performance in tennis players of different competitive levelRodrigo Poles Urso 13 February 2015 (has links)
O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar a relação da aptidão aeróbia e de fatores neuromusculares com o desempenho em SR em tenistas com diferentes níveis de jogo. Um grupo de dez tenistas profissionais (GP) e um grupo de dez tenistas amadores (GA) foram submetidos a quatro sessões experimentais, a saber: 1) medidas antropométricas, familiarização com o teste de drop jump (DJ) e com o teste de contração voluntária isométrica máxima (CVIM) para membros inferiores, e um teste progressivo até a exaustão; 2) um teste de DJ e um teste de carga constante para avaliar a cinética on e off do consumo de oxigênio (VO2); 3) um teste de CVIM para membros inferiores, outro teste de carga constante para avaliar a cinética on e off do VO2 e familiarização com o teste de SR; 4) um teste composto por dez SR. O GP apresentou valores significativamente menores para o tempo do melhor sprint (SRmelhor) e para a média dos tempos de todos os sprints (SRmédio) em relação ao GA (p < 0,05). O percentual de aumento do tempo ao longo dos sprints (SR%aumento) do GP não foi significativamente menor em comparação ao GA (p = 0,102), porém a chance dessa variável ser menor para o GP foi considerada \"provável\". Para o GP, a única correlação significativa observada foi entre o SRmédio e o tempo de contato obtido no teste de DJ (r = 0,641, p < 0,05). Em relação ao GA, foram observadas correlações significativas da velocidade pico obtida no teste progressivo até a exaustão com o SRmelhor (r = -0,680, p < 0,05) e SRmédio (r = -0,744, p < 0,05), assim como da amplitude da fase lenta da cinética off do VO2 com o SRmelhor (r = -0,756, p < 0,05) e SRmédio (r = -0,794, p < 0,05). Portanto, esses dados sugerem que tenistas profissionais possuem um melhor desempenho em SR em comparação aos tenistas amadores. Entretanto, não está clara a importância de fatores da aptidão aeróbia e neuromusculares no desempenho dessa atividade / The objective of this study was to verify the relationship of aerobic fitness and neuromuscular factors with RS performance in tennis players with different playing level. A group of ten professional (PG) and ten amateur (AG) tennis players were submitted to four experimental sessions, to know: 1) anthropometric measurements, familiarization with the drop jump (DJ) test and the maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) test for the lower limbs, and a progressive test until exhaustion; 2) a DJ test and a constant load test for on and off oxygen consumption (VO2) kinetics measurement; 3) a MVIC test for the lower limbs, another constant load test for on and off VO2 kinetics measurement, and familiarization with the RS test; 4) a test of ten RS. The PG presented significant lower values for the best sprint time (RSbest) and mean time of all sprints (RSmean) in relation to the AG (p < 0.05). The percentage increase in time over all sprints (RSincrease) of the PG was not significantly lower in comparison to the AG (p = 0.102), however the chance of this variable to be lower for the PG was considered \"probable\". For the PG the only significant correlation observed was between RSmean and the contact time obtained in the DJ test (r = 0.641, p < 0.05). In relation to the AG, significant correlations were observed for the peak speed obtained on the progressive test until exhaustion with the RSbest (r = -0.680, p < 0.05) and RSmean (r = -0.744, p < 0.05), likewise for the amplitude of the slow phase in oxygen uptake off-kinetics with the RSbest (r = -0.756, p < 0.05) and RSmean (r = -0.794, p < 0.05). Thus, these data suggest that professional tennis players have a better performance in RS compared to amateur tennis players. However, it is not clear the importance of aerobic fitness and neuromuscular factors in the performance of this activity
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Drop som affärsstrategi i textil detaljhandel : Knapphet, sociala medie som marknadsföringsplattform och unikhet. / Drop as a business strategy in textile retail : Scarcity, social media as a marketing platform and uniqueness.Kipriyanova, Sandra, Holm, Maxime, Andersson, Isabella January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Konsumenter värderar individualism vilket leder till hög efterfrågan av unika produkter. Massproducerade produkter anses inte längre vara lika värdefulla vilket har utvecklat drop till en vanligt förekommande affärsstrategi. Modeföretag kan tillämpa drop i syfte att signalera unikhet genom att begränsa dess tillgänglighet. Marknadsföringen inom drop handlar om att framhäva produktens knapphet och på så sätt förstärka dess unika attribut. Modeföretag väljer att använda sig av sociala medier som marknadsföringsplattform för att stärka varumärkets community och skapa en hype kring lanseringen. I samband med att produkter behöver ha en förmåga att särskilja sig samtidigt som de kan tillfredsställa konsumenternas behov av att vara unika, behövs effektiva marknadsföringsstrategier som betonar produkternas knapphet, framkallar efterfrågan och skapar en känsla av gemenskap för konsumenten. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka och kartlägga vad affärsstrategin drop innebär och hur det utvalda modeföretaget anpassar strategin i sin verksamhet, samt undersöka i vilken utsträckning knapphet, sociala medier som marknadsföringsplattform och unikhet kan utnyttjas i samband med drop. Avsikten med studien är att öka förståelsen för drop som strategi samt bidra med att berika forskningsområdet genom nya effektiva analyser och slutsatser kring vilka effekter limiterade produkter inom drop har på efterfrågan. Metod: Studien bygger på en kvalitativ forskningsmetod där tre semistrukturerade intervjuer samt en observation har genomförts. Datainsamlingen har utgått ifrån fyra teman och frågeställningar som har förankring till studiens teoretiska referensramen. Resultat och slutsats: Resultatet i denna studie indikerar på att drop generellt ökar produktens exklusivitet och efterfrågan genom att skapa en illusion av knapphet. Vidare visar resultatet på att företag med hjälp av knapphet kan upprätthålla konsumenters uppmärksamhet och därmed öka lönsamheten. Studien indikerar på att det är väsentligt att begränsa antalet drop samt att det är viktigt att ständigt uppdatera produkterna så de upprätthåller sina unika attribut. Marknadsföring via sociala medieplattformar har en förmåga att höja värdet av varumärket och skapa en hype bland konsumenterna innan ett drop. Sociala medier är dessutom lönsamt att tillämpa då det inte kräver stora investeringar samtidigt som det möjliggör att nå ut till en bredare räckvidd konsumenter. / Background: Consumer value individualism which leads to a higher demand for unique products. Mass produced products are no longer considered as valuable which has developed drop into a common occurring business strategy. Fashion companies can apply drop in order to indicate uniqueness by limiting it’s availability. Marketing within drop is about emphasising the products scarcity and thus enhancing its unique attribute. Fashion companies choose to use social media as a marketing platform in order to strengthen the brand community and create a hype around the launch. As well as products need to be able to differentiate and at the same time satisfy the consumers need for uniqueness, it requires effective marketing strategies that emphasizes the products scarcity, provokes demand and creates a feeling of a community for the consumer. Aim: The aim of this study is to examine and map what the business strategy drop means and how the chosen fashion company adopts the strategy into their business, also examine to what extent scarcity, social media as a marketing platform and uniqueness can be utilized within drop. The intention of this study is to increase the understanding about drop as a business strategy as well as contribute to the research area through new effective analyses and conclusions about the effects limited products within drop have on the demand. Methodology: This study is based on a qualitative research method where three semi-structured interviews and one observation have been done. The data collection derives from four themes and the questions which are anchored from the theoretical framework. Findings and conclusion: The result of this study indicated that drop generally enhances the products exclusivity and demand by creating an illusion of scarcity. Furthermore the results show that companies can by scarcity gain the ability to maintain consumers attention and thereby increase the profitability. The study indicates that it is significant to limit the amount of drops as well as it is important to constantly develop the products in order to maintain their unique attributes. Marketing through social media platforms have the ability to increase the value of the brand and create a hype among the consumers before a drop. Social media is also profitable to apply because it doesn't need large investments even though it is possible to reach a wider range of consumers.
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Výroba opěry tvářením / Production of support by formingPalán, Robert January 2008 (has links)
PALÁN Robert, Production of support forming.A graduation thesis of master´s studies, Mechanical engineering, Department M2307 Metal forging technology, Specialization 02 Forming, Welding, 2. graduate, 2. year, school – year 2007/2008. FSI VUT Brno, ÚST Department of Metal Forging Technology, May 2008, page NO 66, picture NO 36, chart NO 8, suplement NO 12 The graduation thesis, drew up with in the frame of engeneering studies department M2307, submits a concept of a production by forming. A materiál of a forget piece is steel ČSN 12 050, provided as a semi – finished product in a form of a bar 210 mm, lenght 4 000 mm. The particular dimension stocks with be cut from it to forge out a part. Production work is 100 000 pcs. Based on studies of technologies, suitable for producing the part a specific two stage technology of a drop forging was chozen on a vertical forging press LMZ 6 500, with induction heating of the semi – finished product and a product – trim of fin and pellicle or a trimming press LDO 315 A/S. For this alternate all the required calculations are realized of swages and all the necessary machines for the production of are quested enganget part.
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Transakční analýza při práci s klientem v nízkoprahových adiktologických službách / Transactional Analysis Approaches Aplicable in Working with Clients in Low-Treshold Addictology ServicesStaňková, Nora January 2020 (has links)
Te aim of the research dissertation thesis is to introduce transactional analysis as a practi- cal tool applicable for efective communication with clients in low-threshold addictology services. Te main objective is the discovery of ego-states that clients use in communication with employees, determining the representation of individual ego-states at both client and employee side. A partial goal is to observe the methods of communication with the client, which lead to the provision of services in the framework of Adult to Adult transactions. Te output usable in real life is a manual of communication between employees and clients using principles of transaction analysis. Te research group consists of 88 observed, recorded and evaluated interviews between employees and clients of the low-threshold addictology service Drop In Prevention and Treatment of Drug Addiction Center, specifcally in the Drop In Low-threshold Center. Tey were active users of illegal addictive substances who have requested some service from the spectrum of harm reduction services at the time of the research. Te thesis uses qualitative research in the form of text and word analysis used in the com- munication of clients and employees in the Drop In Low-threshold Center with the aim of capturing the usual communication...
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Functional analysis of proteins in the conifer ovular secretionCoulter, Andrea Elizabeth 31 August 2020 (has links)
Almost all conifer ovules produce a liquid secretion as part of reproduction. This secretion, termed an ovular secretion, is produced during ovule receptivity and is involved in pollen capture and transport. Historically, examinations of the ovular secretion have focused on how they are part of pollination mechanisms. As a result, the chemical composition of the ovular secretion has not been examined systematically. Investigations into the constituents of the ovular secretion were limited to analyses for simple water soluble compounds such as sugars, minerals, amino acids and organic acids. More recently, the protein component of the secretion has been investigated using mass spectrometry-based proteomics. Proteins involved in processes such as carbohydrate modification, proteolysis, and defence have been identified in conifer ovular secretions. This biochemical complexity suggests a broader view of the function of the ovular secretion is warranted. However, protein identifications only provide putative information on function. Functional characterization of these proteins is needed in order to fully understand how they contribute to ovular secretion function. The research outlined in this dissertation describes the first functional characterizations of proteins found in conifer ovular secretions. Three proteins - invertase, chitinase, and thaumatin-like protein - were characterized in the ovular secretions of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and hybrid yew (Taxus × media). The Douglas-fir ovular secretion is capable of converting sucrose to glucose and fructose, confirming that invertases present in the secretion are functional. The invertase activity was maximal at pH 4.0. Activity was 77% of maximal at pH 4.5, the physiological pH. This indicates that post-secretory hydrolysis of sucrose occurs in situ in the Douglas-fir ovular secretion. Invertases in the ovular secretion are likely involved in controlling the movement of carbohydrates to developing pollen and could facilitate pollen selection. Chitinases present in the Douglas-fir ovular secretion are functional at physiological conditions. All three modes of chitinolytic activity, i.e. endochitinase, chitobiosidase and β-N-acetylglucosaminidase, were detected at physiological pH. β-N-acetylglucosaminidase activity was 80 % of maximal at physiological pH. Chitinases are pathogenesis-related proteins capable of hydrolysing chitin in fungal cell walls. These results suggest the ovular secretion is capable of defending the ovule against infection by phytopathogens. Thaumatin-like protein was immunolocalized to the cell wall and amyloplasts in Douglas-fir and yew nucellar tissue in a pattern consistent with a defensive role. It was also localized to the cell wall of fungal spores and germinating hyphae that were present in the micropyle of a yew ovule. These results provide additional evidence for an antifungal role for the ovular secretion. Functioning enzymes involved in pollen-ovule interactions and ovule defence are present in the conifer ovular secretion. The ovular secretion has functions beyond pollen capture. A revised functional model for the conifer ovular secretion is proposed. / Graduate / 2021-08-17
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Modeling and Analysis of New Extensions for the News-Vendor Problem / Modélisation et Analyse de Nouvelles Extensions pour le Problème du Vendeur de JournauxMa, Shouyu 30 May 2016 (has links)
Le NVP (Problème du Vendeur de Journaux) a été étudiée de façon continue au cours des dernières décennies pour la prise de décision dans les industries manufacturières et de services. Bien que beaucoup de travail a été fait dans le domaine du NVP, l'intérêt sur ce sujet ne diminue pas. Alors que de nouvelles tendances émergent dans les affaires, par exemple flux internationaux de produits et de e-commerce, les détaillants sont confrontés à de nouvelles situations et la littérature de NVP doit être enrichi. Dans ce travail, nous proposons trois nouvelles extensions NVP compte tenu des questions importantes rencontrées par le NV: plusieurs soldes, variété de produits et d'assortiment ainsi que des problèmes de drop-shipping et de retour des produits qui sont liés à l'e-commerce. Notre travail ajoute de la valeur à partir des travails antérieurs dans plusieurs aspects: assouplissement des hypothèses, l'examen de nouvelles questions, de nouvelles formulations et de la méthodologie ainsi que des aperçus intéressants. Nous formulons les modèles et donner les conditions d'optimalité de la quantité de commande. Aperçus utiles sont fournis sur la base des études numériques.En particulier, pour faire face à surstock, nous présentons un modèle NVP avec le prix dépendant de la demande et de multiples soldes. Nous prouvons la concavité de l’espérance de profit sur la quantité avec les distributions générales de la demande. Le prix initial et les pourcentages de soldes sont également analysés. La variété de produit est traité dans un multi-produits Problème avec le transfert de la demande (les demandes de produits non inclus dans l'assortiment proposé dans le magasin sont en partie transférés aux produits conservés dans l'assortiment) et substitution de la demande entre les produits qui sont inclus dans l'assortiment, en faisant la détermination conjointe de décision optimale de l'assortiment et des quantités de commande pour les produits qui sont inclus dans l'assortiment, pour optimiser le profit total prévu. Pour e-commerce, nous considérons un NV qui gère à la fois un magasin physique et un canal de vente sur Internet qui est remplie par une option drop-shipping, ainsi que la possibilité de revendre les produits qui sont retournés par les consommateurs au cours de la saison de vente. La concavité de l’espérance profit est prouvée et différents résultats sont obtenus à partir d'une analyse numérique. / The NVP (News-Vendor Problem) has been continuously studied over the last decades for decision making in manufacturing and service industries. Although a lot of work has been done in the NVP area, interest on this topic does not decrease. As new trends emerge in business, e.g. international flow of products and e-commerce, retailers are facing new situations and the literature of NVP needs to be enriched. In this work, we propose three new NVP extensions considering important issues faced by the NV: multiple discounts, product variety and assortment as well as drop-shipping and product return problems that are related to e-commerce. Our work adds value from earlier achievements in several aspects: relaxation of assumptions, consideration of new issues, new formulations and methodology as well as interesting insights. We formulate the models and give the optimality conditions of the order quantity. Useful insights are provided based on numerical studies.In particular, for dealing with overstock, we present a NVP model with price-dependent demand and multiple discounts. We prove the concavity of the expected profit on order quantity under general demand distributions. The optimal initial price and discount scheme are also analyzed. The product variety is treated in a multi-product News-Vendor Problem with demand transfer (the demands of products not included in the assortment proposed in the store are partly transferred to products retained in the assortment) and demand substitution between products that are included in the assortment, by focusing on the joint determination of optimal product assortment decision and optimal order quantities for products that are included in the assortment to optimize the expected total profit. For e-commerce, we consider a NV managing both a physical store inventory and a sale channel on internet that is fulfilled by a drop-shipping option, as well as the possibility of reselling products that are returned by consumers during the selling season. The concavity of the expected profit is proven and various results are obtained from a numerical analysis.
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Effervescent Breakup and Combustion of Liquid Fuels: Experiment and Modelling / Effervescent Breakup and Combustion of Liquid Fuels: Experiment and ModellingBroukal, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
Tato práce se zaměřuje na oblast effervescentních sprejů a jejich aplikace na kapalné spalování s důrazem na průmyslové spalovací komory. Oba aspekty – modelování a experiment – jsou řešeny. Práce obsahuje obecný úvod, ve kterém jsou vysvětleny základní jevy rozpadu kapaliny a vířivého spalování a dále je představena effervescentní atomizace. Poté jsou popsány použité experimentální postupy jak pro měření spreje, tak pro měření tepelných toků do stěn při spalování. V následující kapitole jsou popsány numerické modely a jejich podstata je vysvětlena. Jsou zde uvedeny modely pro rozpad spreje, turbulenci a spalování použité během výzkumu. Vlastní výsledky práce jsou uvedeny formou samostatných článků (vydaných nebo přijatých) s dodatečnou částí věnovanou nepublikovaným relevantním výsledkům. Bylo zjištěno, že standardní modely sprejů jsou do jisté míry schopny popsat effervescentní spreje. Nicméně aby bylo možné predikovat plamen kapalného spreje, jsou zapotřebí detailnější modely sprejů, které dokáží přesně zachytit změnu průměrů kapek v radiálním a axiálním směru. Experimentální měření effervescentních sprejů bylo provedeno pomocí navrhnuté metodiky. Výsledky měření byly analyzovány s důrazem na radiální a axiální vývoj průměrů kapek a některé nové jevy byly popsány. Nepřímá úměrnost mezi gas-liquid-ratio a středním průměrem kapek byla potvrzena. Dále by popsán jev, kdy pro různé axiální vzdálenosti které dojde k úplnému převrácení závislosti středního průměru na axiální vzdálenosti. V závěru je uvedeno shrnutí, které rekapituluje hlavní výsledků a závěry. V závěrečných poznámkách je nastíněn možný budoucí postup. Experimentální data pro ověřování budoucích effervescentních modelů jsou poskytnuta.
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No description available.
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Distributed Decap-Padded Standard Cell based On-Chip Voltage Drop Compensation FrameworkJohari, Pritesh N. 17 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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