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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A novel multi-standard dual-wide band polygon SLSIR filter

Tu, Yuxiang X., Ali, Ammar H., Elmegri, Fauzi, Abousitta, M., Abd-Alhameed, Raed, Hussaini, Abubakar S., Elfergani, Issa T., Rodriguez, Jonathan, Atiah, A.S. January 2015 (has links)
No / A novel multi-standard dual-wide band filter with a compact size of only 8.8 mm by 16.8mm is designed and developed for transceiver devices. The proposed filter has a fundamental bandwidth of 1.6GHz with fractional bandwidth (FBW) of 29.7% centered at the 5.4GHz band, and second bandwidth of 300.0MHz with FBW of 3.6% centered at the 8.15GHz band. The basic dual-wide bandwidth is attributed to the interaction of the novel modified polygon pair and upper stub loaded stepped impedance resonator. Moreover, the added down stub loaded stepped impedance resonator (SLSIR) further enhances the pass band performance by widening the bandwidth and optimizing reflection coefficient performance considerably. To validate the proposed ideas, the multi-standard filter is designed and simulated by Ansoft HFSS software. The simulated results agree well with the theory predictions. The featured broad bandwidths over two frequency bands and the miniaturized size of the proposed filter make it very promising for applications in future multi-standard wireless communication.

A dual-band dual-polarized antenna for WLAN applications

Steyn, Johanna Mathilde 21 October 2009 (has links)
The recent growth in the ambit of modern wireless communication and in particular WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) systems has created a niche for novel designs that have the capacity to send and/or receive arbitrary orthogonal polarizations. The designs should also be able to support dual-band functionality, while maintaining a compact structure. The first aim of this dissertation was thus to develop a dual-band single radiating element that can cover the 2.4 GHz (2.4 – 2.484 GHz) band and the 5.2 GHz (5.15 – 5.85 GHz) band for the IEEE 802.11b and IEEE 802.11a WLAN standards respectively. Dual-frequency elements such as stacked-, notched- and dichroic patches have been considered, but due to the size and the high cross-polarization levels associated with these designs, the design process was propelled towards various dipole and monopole configurations. The attributes of various designs were compared, where the double Rhombus antenna pregnant with dual-band and dual-polarization potential was used as basis in the development of the DBDP (Dual-Band Dual-Polarized) antenna design. The single-element design exhibited wide bandwidths, good end-fire radiation patterns and relatively high gain over the 2.4/5.2 GHz bands. A two-element configuration was also designed and tested, to firstly increase the gain of the configuration and secondly to facilitate the transformation of the dipole design into a dual-polarized configuration. The second aim of this dissertation was to develop a dual-polarized array, while making use of only two ports, each pertaining to a specific polarization and to implement the design on a single-dielectric-layer substrate. Most dual-polarized structures such as circular, square and annular microstrip antenna designs only support one band, where multi-dielectric-layer structures are the norm. The disadvantages associated with multi-layered designs, such as fabrication difficulties, high costs, high back lobes and the size of the arrays, further supported the notion of developing an alternative configuration. The second contribution was thus the orthogonal interleaving of the two-element array configurations, to address the paucity of single-dielectric-layer dual-band dual-polarized designs that can be implemented with only two ports. This design was first developed and simulated with the aid of the commercial software package CST Microwave Studio® and the results were later corroborated with the measured data obtained from the Compact Antenna Range at the University of Pretoria. AFRIKAANS : Die onlangse groei in die area van moderne draadlose kommunikasie en met spesifieke verwysing na DLAN (Draadlose Lokale Area Netwerk) stelsels, het ‘n nis vir nuwe ontwerpe geskep. Daar word van hierdie nuwe ontwerpe die kapasiteit verlang om verskeie ortogonale polarisasies te stuur en/of te ontvang in samewerking met dubbel-band eienskappe, terwyl ‘n kompakte struktuur nogsteeds aandag moet geniet. Die eerste doel met hierdie verhandeling was dus die ontwikkeling van ‘n dubbel-band enkel stralingselement wat instaat is om die 2.4 GHz (2.4 – 2.484 GHz) band en die 5.2 GHz (5.15 – 5.85 GHz) band wat as die IEEE 802.11b en die IEEE 802.11a DLAN standaarde respektiewelik bekend staan, te bedek. Dubbel-frekwensie elemente soos onder andere die gepakte-, merkkepie- en dichromatiese strook antenne was as moontlike oplossings ondersoek, maar die grootte en hoë kruispolarisasie wat gewoonlik met hierdie ontwerpe gepaard gaan, het die ontwerpsproses in die rigting van verskeie dipool en monopool konfigurasies gestoot. Die aantreklike eienskappe van die verskeie ontwerpe was met mekaar vergelyk, waar die dubbel Rhombus antenna, verwagtend met dubbel-band dubbel-polarisasie potensiaal, as basis vir die ontwikkeling van die DBDP (Dubbel-Band Dubbel-Polarisasie) antenna ontwerp gebruik is. Die enkelelementontwerp het wye bandwydtes, goeie direktiewe stralingspatrone en relatiewe hoë wins oor die 2.4/5.2 GHz bande geopenbaar. Die twee-element konfigurasies was ook ontwerp en getoets om eerstens die wins van die konfigurasie te verhoog en tweedens om die transformasie na ‘n dubbel-gepolariseerde konfigurasie te fassiliteer. Die tweede doel van hierdie verhandeling was om ‘n dubbel-gepolariseerde elementopstelling met net twee poorte te ontwikkel, waar elkeen verantwoordelik is vir ‘n spesifieke polarisasie, en te implementeer op ‘n enkel-diëlektriese-laag substraat. Die meeste dubble-polarisasiestrukture, soos onder andere die sirkulêre-, vierkantige- en ringvormige antenne ontwerpe, kan net een frekwensieband onderhou en word gewoonlik met behulp van meervoudige-diëlektriese-laagstrukture geimplementeer. Die negatiewe eienskappe soos onder andere die vervaardigingsmoeilikhede, hoë kostes, hoë teruglobbe en die grootte van die meervoudige-elementopstellings wat aan hierdie meervoudige-diëlektriese-laagontwerpe behoort, het verder die denkbeeld van ‘n alternatiewe konfigurasie bekragtig. Die tweede hoofbydrae was dus die ortogonale insleuteling van die twee-element meervoudige-elementopstelling konfigurasies om die geringheid van enkel-diëlektriese-laag dubbel-band dubbel-polarisasie ontwerpe, wat net met twee poorte geïmplementeer kan word, te adresseer. Hierdie ontwerp was eers met behulp van die kommersiële sagtewarepakket CST Microwave Studio® ontwikkel en gesimuleer, waarna die resultate bevestig was deur meetings by die Kompakte Antenna Meetbaan van die Universiteit van Pretoria. / Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / unrestricted

Passive antenna systems printable on conformable supports / Système passif antennaire imprimable sur support conformable

Nguyen, Hong Duc 23 May 2018 (has links)
Au cours des dernières années, en raison de la demande croissante de produits de plus enplus légers, plus petits et moins chers à l'intérieur des appareils portables, l'électronique flexible émerge sur le marché commercial comme une nouvelle génération d'électroniques. Les substrats rigides conventionnels sont remplacés par des matériaux plus minces, flexibles et à faible coût tels que papier, polymère, plastique pour la fabrication des composants et circuits. En même temps, les futurs boîtiers électroniques demandent de plus en plus de nombreux systèmes sans fil afin d'offrir de multiples services et applications (ZigBee/Z-Wave, WLAN, DECT, Bluetooth, RF4CE, 3G/4G, etc.). À cause de l'intégration d'un très grand nombre d'antennes pour satisfaire l'opération de toutes ces applications, les connectivités deviennent donc un grand défi pour les exigences de coût. C'est pourquoi on voudrait remplacer l'ensemble du système d'alimentation/d'interconnexion à la carte mère PCB par une technologie homogène, collective. Ce travail de thèse vise à développer une nouvelle technologie "verte" et faible coût dédiée à la conception et réalisation de systèmes antennaires et d'interconnexions sur les matériaux flexibles (tels que papier) à base d'encres conductrices et de procédés de fabrication additifs comme impression. Le défi scientifique est de concevoir des systèmes antennaires répartis spatialement sur les faces internes en plastique du boîtier électronique sous forme des stickers RF 3D et connectés directement à la carte PCB par une solution innovante, à faible coût pour des applications multimédia sans fil dans la gamme de fréquences de 1.8-6 GHz. / In recent years, due to the growing demand for lighter, smaller and cheaper electronic products Inside portable devices, clothing and packaging materials, flexible electronics is emerging on the commercial market as a new generation of electronics. Conventional rigid substrates will be replaced by thin, flexible, low-cost materials such as paper, polymer, and plastic for the manufacturing of components and circuits. Concurrently with the powerful development of flexible electronics, the future electronic devices have drastically demanded more wireless systems in order to offer multiple services and applications (ZigBee/Z-Wave, WLAN, DECT, Bluetooth, RF4CE, 3G/4G, etc.). Because of the integration of a great number of antennas to satisfy the operation of all these applications, the connectivities thus become a big challenge for cost constraints. This is the reason why we would like to replace the entire interconnection system with the PCB mainboard by a homogeneous, collective technology.This thesis work aims at developing "green", low-cost and innovative technology devoted to the design and realization of antenna systems and interconnections on flexible materials (such as paper) based on conductive inks and additive manufacturing processes like printing. The scientific challenge lies on the design of spatially distributed antenna systems on the internal plastic sidewall of the electronics box in the form of 3D RF stickers and directly connected to the PCB mainboard by an innovative, low-cost solution for wireless multimedia applications in the frequency range of 1.8-6 GHz.

Antenas têxteis de micro-ondas. / Textile microwave antennas.

Marcus Grilo 09 December 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho, foram desenvolvidas antenas têxteis de micro-ondas para aplicação em sistemas vestíveis, operando nas bandas ISM de 2,45 GHz e 5,8 GHz. Foram compiladas informações sobre o estado da arte em antenas têxteis, sendo realizado um estudo sobre antenas planares de micro-ondas e técnicas de alimentação das mesmas. Foi feita uma prospecção dos processos de fabricação de antenas têxteis de micro-ondas, definindo-se o processo e materiais têxteis usados na construção das antenas desenvolvidas. Procedeu-se à caracterização do tecido usado como substrato das antenas determinando-se suas características eletromagnéticas, utilizadas no projeto das antenas. Foram desenvolvidas antenas de microfita com plaqueta retangular e alimentação por sonda coaxial, para banda ISM de 2,45 GHz. Investigou-se o efeito da espessura do substrato da antena, tendo-se obtido experimentalmente larguras de banda de 4,8% e 6,0% para substratos com 0,7 mm e 1,4 mm de espessura, respectivamente. Foi proposta uma antena de microfita alimentada via acoplamento por proximidade que integra um transformador de um quarto de comprimento de onda ao circuito de alimentação, resultando em alargamento de banda da antena. Essa configuração foi utilizada no projeto de quatro antenas, que demonstraram experimentalmente larguras de banda de 11,2%, 13,4%, 17,0% e 24,0%. Uma configuração de antena têxtil empregando cavidade de um quarto de modo foi proposta para operação em banda dupla, sendo a tecnologia de guia de ondas integrado ao substrato - SIW, empregada em sua fabricação. Foi desenvolvido um procedimento de projeto para essa antena, o qual foi aplicado ao projeto de uma antena de banda dupla para as faixas ISM e 2,45 GHz e 5,8 GHz. Os resultados experimentais demostraram operação em banda dupla, com largura da banda inferior de 9,3%, e largura da banda superior de 9,2%. A antena de cavidade de quarto de modo apresentou as vantagens de maior ganho e menores dimensões relativamente às antenas têxteis de microfita desenvolvidas. De forma geral, os resultados experimentais dos protótipos construídos apresentaram boa concordância com os resultados fornecidos por simulação, demonstrando que as configurações de antenas propostas atenderam a seus objetivos, e a efetividade dos procedimentos de projeto adotado. / In this work, textile microwave antennas for use in wearable systems operating at 2.45 GHz and 5.8 GHz ISM bands were developed. Information on the state of art in textile antennas were compiled, and a study on microwave planar antennas and feeding techniques was performed. Processes for manufacturing textile microwave antennas were presented, and the fabrication process and textile materials used in this work were defined. The electromagnetic characteristics of the fabric used as antenna substrate were experimentally obtained, and used in the antenna design. Microstrip antennas using rectangular patch and coaxial probe feed were designed to operate at the 2.45 GHz ISM band. The effect of the antenna substrate thickness on the antenna characteristics was investigated, and experimental bandwidths of 4,8% and 6% were demonstrated for antennas with 0.7 mm and 1.4 mm thick substrates, respectively. A microstrip antenna fed by proximity coupling, including a quarter wavelength transformer at the feeding circuit, was proposed, resulting in the widening of the antenna bandwidth. This configuration was used to design four antennas, which experimentally demonstrated bandwidths of 11.2%, 13.4%, 17.0% and 24.0%. A textile antenna configuration employing a fourth mode cavity was proposed for dual band operation. Substrate integrated waveguide technology - SIW, was used for the antenna manufacturing. A design procedure was developed for this antenna, which has been applied to the design of a dual band antenna for the 2.45 GHz and 5.8 GHz ISM bands. The experimental results of this antenna demonstrated dual band operation, with 9.3% bandwidth at the lower band and 9.2% bandwidth at the higher band. The quarter mode cavity antenna presented the advantages of increased gain and smaller area than the designed textile microstrip antennas. In general, the experimental results of the fabricated prototypes exhibited good agreement with the results provided by simulation, demonstrating that the textile antenna configurations proposed met their expected performance and validating the design procedures adopted.

Antenas têxteis de micro-ondas. / Textile microwave antennas.

Grilo, Marcus 09 December 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho, foram desenvolvidas antenas têxteis de micro-ondas para aplicação em sistemas vestíveis, operando nas bandas ISM de 2,45 GHz e 5,8 GHz. Foram compiladas informações sobre o estado da arte em antenas têxteis, sendo realizado um estudo sobre antenas planares de micro-ondas e técnicas de alimentação das mesmas. Foi feita uma prospecção dos processos de fabricação de antenas têxteis de micro-ondas, definindo-se o processo e materiais têxteis usados na construção das antenas desenvolvidas. Procedeu-se à caracterização do tecido usado como substrato das antenas determinando-se suas características eletromagnéticas, utilizadas no projeto das antenas. Foram desenvolvidas antenas de microfita com plaqueta retangular e alimentação por sonda coaxial, para banda ISM de 2,45 GHz. Investigou-se o efeito da espessura do substrato da antena, tendo-se obtido experimentalmente larguras de banda de 4,8% e 6,0% para substratos com 0,7 mm e 1,4 mm de espessura, respectivamente. Foi proposta uma antena de microfita alimentada via acoplamento por proximidade que integra um transformador de um quarto de comprimento de onda ao circuito de alimentação, resultando em alargamento de banda da antena. Essa configuração foi utilizada no projeto de quatro antenas, que demonstraram experimentalmente larguras de banda de 11,2%, 13,4%, 17,0% e 24,0%. Uma configuração de antena têxtil empregando cavidade de um quarto de modo foi proposta para operação em banda dupla, sendo a tecnologia de guia de ondas integrado ao substrato - SIW, empregada em sua fabricação. Foi desenvolvido um procedimento de projeto para essa antena, o qual foi aplicado ao projeto de uma antena de banda dupla para as faixas ISM e 2,45 GHz e 5,8 GHz. Os resultados experimentais demostraram operação em banda dupla, com largura da banda inferior de 9,3%, e largura da banda superior de 9,2%. A antena de cavidade de quarto de modo apresentou as vantagens de maior ganho e menores dimensões relativamente às antenas têxteis de microfita desenvolvidas. De forma geral, os resultados experimentais dos protótipos construídos apresentaram boa concordância com os resultados fornecidos por simulação, demonstrando que as configurações de antenas propostas atenderam a seus objetivos, e a efetividade dos procedimentos de projeto adotado. / In this work, textile microwave antennas for use in wearable systems operating at 2.45 GHz and 5.8 GHz ISM bands were developed. Information on the state of art in textile antennas were compiled, and a study on microwave planar antennas and feeding techniques was performed. Processes for manufacturing textile microwave antennas were presented, and the fabrication process and textile materials used in this work were defined. The electromagnetic characteristics of the fabric used as antenna substrate were experimentally obtained, and used in the antenna design. Microstrip antennas using rectangular patch and coaxial probe feed were designed to operate at the 2.45 GHz ISM band. The effect of the antenna substrate thickness on the antenna characteristics was investigated, and experimental bandwidths of 4,8% and 6% were demonstrated for antennas with 0.7 mm and 1.4 mm thick substrates, respectively. A microstrip antenna fed by proximity coupling, including a quarter wavelength transformer at the feeding circuit, was proposed, resulting in the widening of the antenna bandwidth. This configuration was used to design four antennas, which experimentally demonstrated bandwidths of 11.2%, 13.4%, 17.0% and 24.0%. A textile antenna configuration employing a fourth mode cavity was proposed for dual band operation. Substrate integrated waveguide technology - SIW, was used for the antenna manufacturing. A design procedure was developed for this antenna, which has been applied to the design of a dual band antenna for the 2.45 GHz and 5.8 GHz ISM bands. The experimental results of this antenna demonstrated dual band operation, with 9.3% bandwidth at the lower band and 9.2% bandwidth at the higher band. The quarter mode cavity antenna presented the advantages of increased gain and smaller area than the designed textile microstrip antennas. In general, the experimental results of the fabricated prototypes exhibited good agreement with the results provided by simulation, demonstrating that the textile antenna configurations proposed met their expected performance and validating the design procedures adopted.

Etude des Antennes à Résonateurs Diélectriques. : Application aux Réseaux de Télécommunications / Study of cylindrical resonator antenna for telecommunications networks application

Benomar, Ahmed 06 June 2015 (has links)
Un développement technologique rapide dans le domaine de télécommunication, qu'il s'agisse de la téléphonie mobile, des réseaux sans fils, de la télévision par satellites, ou des applications radar (civiles ou militaires)...etc. est observé. Cet essor considérable a engendré d'énormes besoins et entraîne une évolution technologique majeure au niveau des antennes. Ces dernières doivent faire face aux différentes exigences, à savoir l'augmentation du gain, l'élargissement de la bande passante… et aux différents problèmes existant, à savoir le coût, l’encombrement…etc. Notre objectif est donc de concevoir des topologies d’antennes simples, à faible encombrement et à gain relativement élevé avec un fonctionnement multibande et/ou ultra large bande. Pour cela nous nous sommes orientés vers des antennes à résonateur diélectrique (ARD) dans les bandes UHF et SHF. Récemment, elles ont fait l’objet de plusieurs recherches et ont acquis un grand intérêt du monde académique et industriel. Les ARDs, par leurs simples et diverses géométries, peuvent être alimentées par différentes usuelles techniques. En outre, leurs tailles peuvent être plus petites que leurs homologues à savoir les antennes imprimées. Une première partie de ce travail s’est concentré sur l’étude des ARDs de forme cylindrique, puis une validation de l’outil de simulation par comparaison avec la mesure. En vue d’une utilisation multistandards, d’un élargissement des bandes de fonctionnement ou d’une modification de la fréquence, une seconde partie a été consacrée à l’étude de nouvelles topologies de résonateurs basées sur un empilement vertical et radial de deux cylindres, une topologie en multicouche et en anneau. Les résultats obtenus trouvent leurs applications dans le GSM900-DSC1800, UMTS, WIFI… / A fast technological development in the telecommunications domain, as mobile telephony, wireless networks, TV over Satellite, Radar Applications (civil or military)…etc, is observed. This considerable growth has led to enormous needs and caused a major technological evolution in antennas. These have to face different needs such as gain improvement, bandwidth enlargement, and different existing problems, such as cost and overcrowding…etc. Though, our goal is to design antenna topologies that are simple, having Low overcrowding and relatively with high gain operating in multiband and/or ultra large. To achieve this we headed to Dielectric Resonator Antennas (DRA) in UHF and SHF bands. Recently they have been the subject of several studies and have gained great interest from both academic and industrial sectors. Due to their diverse and simple geometries, they can be fed with different usual techniques. Furthermore, they can be smaller than patch antennas. The first part of this work has focused on the study of cylindrical DRAs, and then a validation of the simulating tool has been done after comparison with measurement results. For a multi-standard utilization, enlargement antennas’ operating bands, to have bi-band behaviour, get a modification of the resonant frequency and also a reduction of the overcrowding, the second part is dedicated to the study of new resonator topologies based on a vertical and radial stack of two cylinders, and then a multilayer and ring topologies. The obtained results found their applications in GSM900-DCS1800-UMTS-WiFi…

Gap Waveguide Array Antennas and Corporate-Feed Networks for mm-Wave band Applications

Ferrando Rocher, Miguel 21 January 2019 (has links)
[ES] Esta tesis aborda temas de especial interés en el diseño de antenas en la banda de milimétricas. Hui en dia, implementar components passius per a operar en la banda de mil·limètriques i assegurar el contacte i l'alineament metàl·lic apropiat entre peces, resulta un desafiament complex. Habitualment les línies de transmissió i les guies d'ones metàl·liques són les solucions adoptades, però en el primer cas es presenten pèrdues al ser solucions impreses i en el segon cas un mal contacte metàl·lic comporta fugues de camp. Per tant, s'estan explorant nous conceptes que solucionen estos problemes. La tecnología Gap Waveguide (GW) resulta adecuada ya que no requiere de contactos metálicos. En los últimos años han surgido las agrupaciones de antenas basadas en la tecnología Gap Waveguide y son un candidato prometedor para satisfacer algunas de las necesidades mencionadas. La tecnología GW ha demostrado ser atractiva para dispositivos de milimétricas porque permite redes de distribución completamente metálicas de una manera más simple que las guías de onda convencionales. Por tanto, estas redes tienen muy bajas pérdidas pero además son simples de fabricar. Esto es posible gracias a la capacidad de las GW de confinar de forma segura la propagación de ondas electromagnéticas por medio de una estructura que no requiere de contacto. Durante la última década, se han hecho avances importantes en la tecnología GW y en la literatura se pueden encontrar un buen número de antenas basadas en GW. Esta tesis va un paso más allá en la contribución de este tipo de antenas. Aquí, no solo se presentan antenas con polarización lineal, como suelen ser las desarrolladas hasta ahora, sino también con polarización dual, circular y duales en banda. Estas aportaciones son especialmente atractivas dentro del campo de las comunicaciones por satélite en movimiento (SATCOM on-the-move). Además, se han explorado nuevas redes de distribución que permiten antenas planas más compactas, más ligeras. / [CAT] Esta tesi aborda temes d'especial interés en el disseny d'antenes en la banda de mil.limètriques. Hui en dia, implementar components passius per a operar en longituds d'onda tan xicotetes (de l'orde de mil.límetres) i assegurar el contacte i l'alineament metàl-lic apropiat entre peces, resulta un desafiament complex. Habitualment les línies de transmissió i les guia d'ones metàl.liques són les solucions adoptades, però en el primer cas es presenten pèrdues al ser solucions impreses i en el segon cas un mal contacte metàl.lic comporta fugues de camp. Per tant, s'estan explorant nous conceptes que solucionen estos problemes. La tecnologia Gap Waveguide (GW) resulta adequada ja que no requerix de contactes metàl.lics. En els últims anys han sorgit les agrupacions d'antena basades en la tecnologia Gap Waveguide i són un candidat prometedor per a satisfer algunes de les necessitats mencionades. La tecnologia GW ha demostrat ser atractiva per a dispositius de banda d'ones mil-limètriques perquè permet xarxes de distribució completament metàl-liques d'una manera més simple que les guies d'onda convencionals. Per tant estes xarxes tenen baixes pèrdues peró, a més, són simples de fabricar. Açò és possible gràcies a la capacitat de les GW de confinar de forma segura la propagació d'ones electromagnètiques per mitjà d'una estructura que no requerix de contacte. Durant l'última dècada, s'han fet avanços importants en la tecnologia GW i en la literatura es poden trobar un bon nombre d'antenes basades en GW. Esta tesi va un pas més enllà en la contribució d'este tipus d'antenes. Ací, no sols es presenten antenes amb polarització lineal com solen ser les desenrotllades fins ara, sinó també antenes amb polarització dual, circular i inclús antenes duals en banda. Estes aportacions són especialment atractives dins del camp de les comunicacions per satèl.lit en moviment (SATCOM on-the-move). A més també s'han explorat noves xarxes de distribució que permeten obtindre antenes planes més compactes, més lleugeres. / [EN] This thesis deals with topics of special interest regarding the design of antennas at the mm-wave band. Today, implementing passive components that operate in the mm-wave band and to ensure the appropriate metallic contact is challenging. Commonly, conventional planar transmission lines and hollow metallic waveguides are the usual solutions but they present high losses or they do not ensure a good metallic contact. So, new concepts must be explored. Gap Waveguides (GWs), result suitably since they do not require metallic contact for shielding. Antenna arrays in Gap Waveguide Technology (GW) emerges as one promising candidate to naturally meet some of the mentioned needs. GW technology has demonstrated to be effective for mm-wave band devices because it enables full-metal distribution networks in a much simpler way than conventional waveguides. Very low distribution losses can be achieved preserving at the same time the assembly simplicity of multilayer microstrip feeding networks. This unique feature is a consequence of gap waveguides ability to safely confine the electromagnetic wave propagation through a contactless structure. During the last decade, there have been important advances in GW technology and a good number of gap waveguide-based arrays can be found in the literature. This thesis goes a step further in the contribution to mm-wave gap waveguide antennas. Here, antennas with linear polarization as well as circular or dual polarization are proposed. Dual band antennas has also been explored. These contributions have been carried out with a focus on satellite communications on-the-move. In addition, new distribution networks have also been explored to obtain more compact, low-profile and lighter antennas. / Ferrando Rocher, M. (2018). Gap Waveguide Array Antennas and Corporate-Feed Networks for mm-Wave band Applications [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/115933 / TESIS

Utilização de eletrodos de Cu e Au em eletroanalítica: detecção amperométrica de etanol em ar exalado e outras aplicações / Utilization of gold and copper electrodes in electroanalysis: amperometric detection of ethanol in breath and other applications

Paixão, Thiago Regis Longo Cesar da 12 March 2004 (has links)
A potencialidade do eletrodo de cobre em meio alcalino foi demonstrada para o determinação de etanol a +0,6 V vs Ag/AgCl. A participação de espécies solúveis de Cu(III) no processo eletrocatalítico envolvendo a oxidação do etanol foi demonstrada por experimentos utilizando eletrodo disco-anel. A influência do potencial de pré-tratamento no sinal anódico foi investigada e correlacionada com a morfologia dos filmes formados na superfície do eletrodo por EDS (Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy), indicando que as espécies de Cu(III) são originadas a partir da oxidação da camada de CuO. As medidas de etanol foram realizadas por amperometria em 0,6 V (vs Ag/AgCl). A repetibilidade das medidas utilizando padrão aquoso de etanol 0,05 % (v/v) foi de 3 % (v/v) e os limites de detecção e quantificação foram de 0,005 % (v/v) e 0,01 % (v/v), respectivamente. Nas condições experimentais otimizadas, o sensor amperométrico foi utilizado para o monitoramento da concentração de etanol no ar exalado (BrAC), que foi convenientemente coletado em um balão de borracha (V = 3 L) e introduzido em uma solução de NaOH 1 mol L-1 (V = 10 mL). O sensor apresentou uma faixa linear para concentrações de etanol em ar exalado na faixa de 0,26 – 130 mg L-1, operando de acordo com os parâmetros analíticos especificados na Legislação Brasileira para a quantificação de etanol no ar exalado em condutores de veículos automotores. A constante de eliminação de etanol do corpo humano também foi investigada e os resultados concordaram com os valores da literatura. Empregando-se eletrodos de Cu e Au foram também desenvolvidas outras metodologias para a quantificação de dipirona, glicose e ácido ascórbico e sistemas em fluxo. Estudos sobre o desenvolvimento e propriedades de um sistema gerador-coletor foram realizados e o dispositivo foi utilizado em titulações de substâncias redutoras com iodo gerado eletroquimicamente. / A copper disc working electrode in alkaline solutions was demonstrated to act as a suitable amperometric sensor for ethanol determination at +0.6 V vs Ag/AgCl. The participation of free-soluble Cu(III) species in the electrocatalytic process involving the anodic oxidation of ethanol has been demonstrated by rotating ring-disc electrode voltammetry. The influence of the pretreatment potential on the anodic signal was investigated and a correlation with the morphology of the electrode surface characterized by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS) indicated that the Cu(III) species is originated from the oxidation of a CuO layer. Ethanol measurements were performed in the amperometric mode at 0.6 V (vs Ag/AgCl). The repeatability of the measurements for a 0.05 % aqueous ethanol solution was estimated as 3 %, and the detection and quantification limits were determined as 0.005 % and 0.01 %, respectively. At the optimum experimental conditions, the amperometric sensor was used to monitor the concentration of ethanol in breath (BrAC), which was conveniently collected in a rubber air balloon (volume = 3 L) and introduced in a 1 mol L-1 NaOH working solution (volume = 10 mL). The sensor can measure a person\'s breath ethanol over the concentration range 0.26 - 130 mg L-1 by operating it according to an established protocol, of which the analytical parameters are specified by the Brazilian Legislation for BrAC measurements in drivers. The rate of ethanol degradation in the body was followed, and the results agree with predictions in the literature. Methodologies for the determination of dipyrone, glucose and ascorbic acid were also developed by using Cu and Au electrodes. Features of a dual-band electrochemical cell were investigated towards the development of a generator-collector system, which was employed in titrations with electrogenerated iodine.

Antenas de microfita dupla-faixa para aplicações em estações rádio-base de telefonia móvel celular

Farias, Roger Lorenzoni 08 September 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Sandro Camargo (sandro.camargo@unipampa.edu.br) on 2015-05-09T22:22:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 126110018.pdf: 3775876 bytes, checksum: 4a58f20709bf7c39682924a84079246d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-09T22:22:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 126110018.pdf: 3775876 bytes, checksum: 4a58f20709bf7c39682924a84079246d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-09-08 / Neste trabalho, são apresentadas diferentes técnicas que possibilitam a obtenção de característica dupla-faixa para antenas de microfita especificamente voltadas para aplicações em estações rádio-base de telefonia móvel celular no Brasil. As faixas de frequência de interesse encontram-se no intervalo de 0,824 GHz a 0,960 GHz para a banda inferior e 1,710 GHz a 2,165 GHz para a banda superior. Além de atender as especificações técnicas de faixa de passagem, devem ser atendidos os requisitos de coeficiente de reflexão, polarização, ganho, largura de feixe de irradiação e impedância de entrada na faixa de interesse. Primeiramente, para obtenção de antenas de microfita com característica multibanda, descreve-se a técnica em que são dispostas fendas nos elementos irradiadores, onde são estudadas três topologias de antenas, explicando-se os princípios de funcionamento e destacando-se as particularidades de cada geometria. As três antenas são analisadas e projetadas com o auxílio do software comercial de simulação eletromagnética Ansoft Designer ® , visando levantar os parâmetros elétricos através de diversos estudos paramétricos em função da variação das dimensões das antenas para compreender melhor o comportamento de cada estrutura simulada. A antena com elemento irradiador em forma de H foi a única que cumpriu os requisitos em termos de faixa de passagem e diagramas de irradiação para operação em sistemas de telefonia móvel celular. No entanto, esta geometria resultou em dimensões físicas consideráveis, pois necessita da utilização de múltiplas camadas dielétricas, acarretando em um protótipo de volume considerável e de elevado custo de produção. Outra técnica estudada foi a sobreposição de elementos irradiadores, porém a mesma não é investigada detalhadamente em função de o custo de produção da antena ser mais elevado em comparação a topologias coplanares. Em seguida, uma técnica com irradiadores em fenda anelar e dupla alimentação é proposta. A antena é projetada considerando-se duas portas independentes, uma para cada banda de operação, formando uma antena de dois acessos altamente isolados. Simulações com o software HFSS TM mostraram que é possível satisfazer as especificações para operação em estações rádio-base de telefonia móvel celular. A grande vantagem desta estrutura é a possibilidade de utilização de apenas um laminado de micro-ondas, o que reduz o custo de produção em comparação a outras topologias. Protótipos foram construídos e caracterizados experimentalmente para validar o projeto realizado no simulador eletromagnético. Constatou-se a presença de discrepâncias entre os resultados simulados e medidos. Após simulações paramétricas, verificou-se que o processo de construção alterou a geometria do protótipo em relação ao modelo de simulação. Após a inclusão das imperfeições do processo construtivo no modelo, foi possível estimar as mudanças necessárias no protótipo. Após os devidos ajustes realizados em bancada, os resultados medidos exibiram boa concordância com a previsão teórica. Por fim, realizou-se um estudo de viabilidade da utilização da antena em fenda anelar dupla-faixa para composição de uma rede de antenas para estações rádio-base. A análise teve como principal objetivo verificar a possibilidade de síntese de diagramas de irradiação em forma de cossecante ao quadrado em ambas as bandas de operação. Excelente resultado foi obtido para a banda inferior, enquanto que algumas limitações foram encontradas na banda superior. / In this work we present different techniques for achieving the dual-band feature for microstrip antennas aimed to be used in the mobile communication base stations of Brazil. The focused frequency range for lower and higher bands is in the 0.824-0.960 GHz and 1.710-2.165 GHz intervals, respectively. In addition to comply with the technical specifications, the solution is also supposed to meet the requirements of return loss, polarization, gain, beamwidth radiation and input impedance in the focused frequency range. Initially, in order to obtain microstrip antennas with dual-band characteristic, we describe the technique in which slots are placed in the irradiating elements. Three antenna topologies are analyzed in its operation principles, emphasizing the particularities of each geometry. The antennas are designed with support of Ansoft Designer ® , a commercial software that simulates electromagnetic features, in order to find out the electrical parameters through parametric studies and to better understand the behavior of each simulated structure. These studies considered the variation in the dimensions of antennas. The H-shaped microstrip antenna was the only one able to fulfill the requirements of bandwidth and irradiation diagrams for operation in mobile communication. However, this geometry originated an antenna of considerable physical dimensions, because it requires the use of multiple dielectric layers, resulting in a prototype of considerable volume and high production cost. Another technique studied was the stacking of irradiating elements. However it isn’t investigated in detail because of the production cost of the antenna, which is higher than the ones of coplanar topologies. After all that, we propose a technique based in annular-slot antennas and double feed. The antenna is designed considering two independent ports, one for each band of operation, making an antenna of two highly insulated accesses. Simulations by the HFSS TM software have shown that it’s possible to comply with the specifications for operation in base stations of the mobile communication. The biggest advantage of this structure over other topologies is that it may be made of only one microwave laminate, reducing the production cost. Prototypes were built and measured to validate the design in the electromagnetic simulator. It was noted the discrepancies between the simulated and measured results. After running parametric simulations, we found out that the building process of the prototype changed the geometry of the simulation model. We included these imperfections in the model and it was possible to estimate the necessary changes in the prototype. After inclusion of the adjustments, the measured results behaved just alike the theoretical prediction. Finally, we’ve done a feasibility study on the use of the dual-band annular slot antenna for making an array of antennas for base stations. The study aimed to verify the suitability of synthetizing squared-cosecant shaped pattern in both operation bands. We got excellent results for the lower band, although some limitations were found for the higher band.

Semiconductor Quantum Structures for Ultraviolet-to-Infrared Multi-Band Radiation Detection

Ariyawansa, Gamini 06 August 2007 (has links)
In this work, multi-band (multi-color) detector structures considering different semiconductor device concepts and architectures are presented. Results on detectors operating in ultraviolet-to-infrared regions (UV-to-IR) are discussed. Multi-band detectors are based on quantum dot (QD) structures; which include quantum-dots-in-a-well (DWELL), tunneling quantum dot infrared photodetectors (T-QDIPs), and bi-layer quantum dot infrared photodetectors (Bi-QDIPs); and homo-/heterojunction interfacial workfunction internal photoemission (HIWIP/HEIWIP) structures. QD-based detectors show multi-color characteristics in mid- and far-infrared (MIR/FIR) regions, where as HIWIP/HEIWIP detectors show responses in UV or near-infrared (NIR) regions, and MIR-to-FIR regions. In DWELL structures, InAs QDs are placed in an InGaAs/GaAs quantum well (QW) to introduce photon induced electronic transitions from energy states in the QD to that in QW, leading to multi-color response peaks. One of the DWELL detectors shows response peaks at ∼ 6.25, ∼ 10.5 and ∼ 23.3 µm. In T-QDIP structures, photoexcited carriers are selectively collected from InGaAs QDs through resonant tunneling, while the dark current is blocked using AlGaAs/InGaAsAlGaAs/ blocking barriers placed in the structure. A two-color T-QDIP with photoresponse peaks at 6 and 17 µm operating at room temperature and a 6 THz detector operating at 150 K are presented. Bi-QDIPs consist of two layers of InAs QDs with different QD sizes. The detector exhibits three distinct peaks at 5.6, 8.0, and 23.0 µm. A typical HIWIP/HEIWIP detector structure consists of a single (or series of) doped emitter(s) and undoped barrier(s), which are placed between two highly doped contact layers. The dual-band response arises from interband transitions of carriers in the undoped barrier and intraband transitions in the doped emitter. Two HIWIP detectors, p-GaAs/GaAs and p-Si/Si, showing interband responses with wavelength thresholds at 0.82 and 1.05 µm, and intraband responses with zero response thresholds at 70 and 32 µm, respectively, are presented. HEIWIP detectors based on n-GaN/AlGaN show an interband response in the UV region and intraband response in the 2-14 µm region. A GaN/AlGaN detector structure consisting of three electrical contacts for separate UV and IR active regions is proposed for simultaneous measurements of the two components of the photocurrent generated by UV and IR radiation.

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