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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Enhancing Silicate Weathering with Citric Acid: A CO2 Sequestration Method / Förbättrad silikatvittring med hjälp av citronsyra: en metod för CO2-infångning

Eriksson, Linn January 2024 (has links)
Continued increase in CO2 emissions has unquestionably led to rising global temperatures. To aid in themitigation of climate change new Negative Emission Technologies (NETs) have been proposed. CO2-sequestration by bio-enhanced silicate weathering is one such proposed NET that seeks to captureatmospheric CO2 by weathering silicate rocks. The research focuses on investigating whether the naturalprocess of weathering can be enhanced using biology. Previous studies have shown promising resultswhere microbes have increased the weathering rates of silicates.As such, this project aimed to investigate how the presence of citric acid affects the weathering rateof dunite. Furthermore, the study aimed to investigate how the process is affected by biological growth.The setup consisted of 50 g of dunite powder mixed with 1 M citric acid that was incubated for aboutthree months. Due to this extensive time-period, most of the analyses made were performed on anexperiment started in December of 2023. The following analyses consisted of Scanning ElectronMicroscopy (SEM) imaging, geochemical analyses such as pH, anions, organic carbon content, specificsurface area analyses (BET) and X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD). The second part of this studyconsisted of starting up a new more extensive setup similar to the original one. Furthermore, the studyalso investigated the biological growth that could be seen on the original setup and how the weatheringrate was affected.The setup demonstrated a substantial increase in weathering rate in the presence of citric acid. Theanalyses also showed that the alkalinity had significantly increased during incubation, demonstratingthe method’s possible use in mitigating acidification as well as the CO2 emissions. Although the initialpH of the citric acid solution was low (pH 2), fungal growth became evident after a few weeks. Thisobservation holds promise for an efficient bio-enhanced silicate weathering experimental setup, as lowerpH levels are associated with an increased weathering rate. This report concludes that citric acid cansignificantly enhance silicate weathering, thus proving to be a promising NET to mitigate climatechange. However, earlier research has shown that weathering of olivine risks accumulation of heavymetals. As such, further studies are needed to fully understand how the combination of organic acid andmicrobes affect the weathering rate of dunite and other silicate minerals and the net accumulation ofheavy metals in leachate and cells. / Med de ökande koldioxidutsläppen ökar även de globala temperaturerna såväl som andraklimatförändringar. För att på ett snabbt men även rimligt sätt sänka CO2-utsläppen har så kalladeNegative Emission Technologies (NETs) lagts fram som en möjlig lösning. En sådan teknik ärkoldioxidinfångst med hjälp av accelererad silikatvittring, som bygger på att använda biologi för attpåskynda vittringsprocessen som naturligt tar upp CO2 från atmosfären. Tidigare studier har visat på attmikrober kan förbättra vittringen av silikater.Detta arbete hade som syfte att undersöka hur vittringen av dunitpulver påverkas av citronsyra.Utöver detta undersöktes även hur vittringen påverkas av mikrobiologisk tillväxt inom reaktorerna.Reaktorerna bestod av 50 g dunitpulver och 1 M citronsyra som fick inkuberas under ungefär tremånaders tid. På grund av denna tidsperiod utfördes majoriteten av analyserna på experiment somstartades i december 2023. Analyser som utfördes var bland annat svepelektronmikroskopering (SEM),geokemiska analyser såsom pH, anjoner, organiska syror, organiskt kol samt analys av specifik ytarea(BET) och röntgendiffraktion (XRD). Förutom analyser av det originella experimentet, startades ävenett nytt, utökat experiment liknande det första. En tredje del av denna studie bestod av att undersöka denbiologiska tillväxten inom reaktorerna och hur den har påverkat vittringen.Experimentet visade på en betydande ökning i vittringshastighet med citronsyra närvarande.Analyser visade också på en markant ökning i alkalinitet, vilket pekar på en möjlig användning avaccelererad silikatvittring för att motverka försurning så väl som CO2-utsläppen. Trots de låga pHnivåerna i början av experimentet (pH 2), fanns ingen antydan om att citronsyran påverkademöjligheterna för tillväxt av liv, vilket öppnar för möjligheten att påskynda vittringen ännu mer iexperiment för bio-accelererad silikatvittring. Slutsatsen för projektet blir att citronsyra kan användasför att accelerera silikatvittring, och därmed användas för att motverka de stigande koldioxidutsläppen.Dock har tidigare forskning visat att vittring av olivin kan leda till en ackumulation av tungmetaller,vilket har gjort att andra silikater såsom basalt har blivit populära. Därför behövs mer undersökning föratt fullt förstå hur kombinationen av organisk syra och mikrober påverkar vittring av dunit och andrasilikatmineral samt ackumulation av tungmetaller i lakvatten och celler.

Gamybinių užsakymų projektavimo ir valdymo programinė įranga / Manufacturing Orders Design and Management Software

Kičas, Rolandas 27 May 2005 (has links)
This master thesis analyses principle manufacturing order design and management methods and schemas. They are practicaly applied in developing software for product‘s graphical-informational model management, feature management, technological data and rules specification and description, product‘s material list creation and estimation. The developed software is suited for both large and small manufacturing corporations, that specializes in plastic or wooden windows, doors, garage gates, glass fillings production. The system may be adjusted to various manufacturing technologies. These software development methods and technologies were applied during system design and implementation: Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM), Object Oriented (OO) Design and Programming, Component Based System Engineering Method (CBSE), Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing Methods, eXtensible Markup Language (XML). Created software was tested with real technological data. Systems suites functional and non-functional specifiaction. Experimets show that the product is more flexible than it‘s previous version.

Tepelné vlastnosti forem v závislosti na použitém ostřivu / Thermoproperties of foundry moulds in dependence on different used foundry sands

Šuráň, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
The project elaborated in frame of engineering studies is submitting the study of thermal properties of holding mixtures using different types of sand. Were tested a total of 5 sands: zirkon, ŠH22, chromite, olivine and dunite. Molding compounds were tested for thermal capacity, thermal conductivity and heat accumulation. The highest heat capacity was achieved in dunite sand. The largest heat accumulation had mixture with chromite sand and the best thermal conductivity was found in a mixture with olivine sand.

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