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Accessory dwelling units : an infill opportunity for Denton, TexasKing, Jessica Lee 26 November 2012 (has links)
This study explores the potential to increase housing options in the core of Denton, Texas by way of an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) housing type. Literature on ADU development, including state and local laws that enable their development, were reviewed to explore the potential for an ADU initiative in Denton. Case study cities with ADU ordinances, Santa Cruz, CA and El Paso, TX, were reviewed to gather insight on their purpose, process and ordinance. Local multi-family development in downtown Denton was reviewed to document an increase in multi-family development in the core of the city since 2003. City of Denton planning and development policies were reviewed to understand the extent to which ADUs are currently permitted. Finally, based on the literature, case study findings and existing conditions in Denton, this report suggests methods to permit ADUs at a more comprehensive scale. This study concludes with a recommendation to designate the existing infill special purpose district as a boundary to promote comprehensive accessory dwelling unit development within the City of Denton. / text
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Intra urban migration with special emphasis on housing and neighborhood attributesBible, Douglas Spencer January 1977 (has links)
No description available.
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Investeringskalkylens roll : För beslutsfattare vid investering i energieffektiviserande åtgärder av flerbostadsfastigheter från miljonprogrammetLudvigsson, Andreas, Jensen, Emil January 2015 (has links)
Miljonprogrammet syftar till bostadsbyggandet i Sverige mellan åren 1965 – 1974 där drygten miljon bostäder upprättades, varav majoriteten var flerbostadsfastigheter. Vid upprättandetav miljonprogrammets bostäder prövades nya arbetsmetoder och inga krav ställdes påenergiförbrukning. Idag är dessa flerbostadsfastigheter eftertraktade investeringsobjekt, mende är samtidigt i behov av teknisk upprustning. I samband med detta finns det forskare somhävdar att energieffektiviserande åtgärder bör utföras. Dock påpekar en del fastighetsbolag attde avstår från att utföra energieffektiviserande investeringar då det är svårt att göra dessalönsamma. För att utröna lönsamheten i en investering utförs investeringskalkyler, vilkavanligen utgör en del av ett beslutsunderlag. Energieffektiviserande investeringar innehållerdock osäkerheter vilket gör de svåra att beräkna på ett vis så att kalkylens utfall ligger nära detverkliga utfallet. Denna studie undersöker därför vilken roll investeringskalkylen har förbeslutsfattare vid investering i energieffektiviserande åtgärder av flerbostadsfastigheter frånmiljonprogrammet. För att undersöka detta fenomen har teori gällande investeringskalkylersanvändning som beslutsunderlag tagits fram. Teoretiskt har det även påvisats att andrafaktorer såsom erfarenhet, strategi och intuition påverkar investeringsbeslut, och då det finnsosäkerheter vid investeringsbeslutet kan dessa övriga faktorer användas mer eller mindre. Detbidrar till att investeringskalkylens roll vid beslut påverkas. Empiriskt har vi använt enkvalitativ metod där intervjuer har utförts med fyra fastighetsbolag. Telefonintervjuer ochpersonliga möten har tillämpats. Fastighetsbolagen har valts utifrån ett minimikrav gällandeden andel fastigheter från miljonprogrammet de besitter.I studien har det framkommit att investeringskalkyler alltid finns med som en del av ettbeslutsunderlag vid investering i energieffektiviserande åtgärder. På grund av osäkerheterbehöver kalkylerna dock kompletteras med övriga faktorer såsom erfarenhet, strategi ochkompetens. Dessa övriga faktorer möjliggör en mer precis kalkyl, men visar även påmervärdet av en investering. Teoretiskt har intuition påvisats vara relevant vidinvesteringsbeslut, emellertid har denna faktor inte framkommit som relevant i vår kontext. / Between the years 1965-1974 over a million residences were built in Sweden, this is referredto as the Million Programme. The majority of the buildings that were established during theMillion Programme were so called multidwelling units (MDUs). When establishing thebuildings of the Million Programme new construction methods were tested and there were norequirements regarding energy consumption. Today these MDUs are coveted investmentobjects, but they are still in need of refurbishment. Some researchers point out that energyefficient actions should be implemented in conjunction with this. However, some real estatecompanies argue they refrain from implementing energy efficient investments since they aredifficult to make profitable. Investment calculations are made to determine the profitability ofan investment, these calculations are usually used as a basis of a decision. Energy efficientinvestments, however, contains uncertainties and because of this they are hard to calculateclose to actual outcome. Therefore this study examines the role of the investment calculationfor decision makers while investing in energy efficiency in the Million Programmes MDUs.To examine this phenomenon theory regarding investment calculations as a basis for decisionmaking has been gathered. It has also been shown theoretically that other factors such asstrategy, experience and intuition affect decisions. When an investment contains uncertaintiesthese factors can be used more or less. This affect the investment calculations role in thedecision. Empirically we have been using a qualitative approach. Interviews by telephone andpersonal meetings have been made with four real estate companies. The real estate companiesthat have been examined possess a certain proportion of MDUs from the Million Programmein their property portfolio.The study has shown that the investment calculation always is a part of a decision regardinginvestments in energy efficiency. Due to uncertainties investment calculations however needto be supplemented with other factors such as experience, strategy and competence. Theseother factors enables an investment calculation that is more precise estimated, but they canalso show the added value an investment in energy efficiency may result in. Theoreticallyintuition has been proved to be relevant in investment decisions, however this factor has notbeen emerged as relevant in our empirical context.
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Träbjälklag i flerbostadshus - Balkriktningens och bärande innerväggars påverkan på bjälklagshöjd och materialåtgång / Wooden slabs in multi-dwelling units - The effect of beam direction and load-bearing inner walls on slab height and material useAl-Robaei, Ahmad, Skuza, Adrian January 2022 (has links)
En återkommande kritik när det kommer till byggnader med trästomme, har att göra med de relativt stora bjälklagshöjderna som uppstår till följd av träets egenskaper. Trots många fördelar i övrigt, måste bjälklag i trä vara avsevärt tjockare än motsvarande element i betong om de ska uppnå erforderlig styvhet, ljudisolering och brandteknisk prestanda. I detta arbete studeras aspekter som eventuellt kan optimera bjälklagsdimensioner för flerbostadshus med trästomme. Syftet med arbetet har varit att undersöka hur ett högre nyttjande av innerväggar som bärande, samt variation av bärriktningen för balkarna, kan påverka bjälklagshöjder och materialåtgång i bjälklag för flerbostadshus med trästomme. För att undersöka frågan har alternativa bjälklagskonstruktioner dimensionerat för tre befintliga flerbostadshus. För att kunna göra en rättvis jämförelse, har samma förutsättningar använts i samtliga fall vad beträffar bjälklagstyp och antaganden vid dimensionering. För att undersöka påverkan av ett högre nyttjande av innerväggar som bärande, har utgångspunkten varit ett befintligt flerbostadshus med trästomme (Byggnad A), där fyra alternativa bjälklagskonstruktioner dimensionerats. För två av alternativen har utgångspunkten varit byggnadens faktiska K-ritningar där samma bärande element som har nyttjats i det verkliga fallet har använts. De två alternativen har endast skilt sig med avseende på bärriktning. För de två återstående alternativen har utgångspunkten varit byggnadens A-ritningar. För fallen har ett fullt nyttjande av innerväggar som bärande nyttjats i konstruktionen. Alternativen har även i detta fall endast skilt sig med avseende på bärriktning. Frågan om balkriktningens påverkan har besvarats dels genom det ovan beskrivna fallet, dels genom att motsvarande dimensioneringar har utförts för två andra byggnader (Byggnad B och C). För dessa fall har flerbostadshusens stomutförande utgjorts av betong- samt kombinerad betong- och trästomme. För byggnaderna har två alternativa bjälklagskonstruktioner dimensionerats med ett fullt nyttjande av innerväggar som bärande. Skillnaden mellan alternativen har endast bestått i varierande bärriktning för balkarna. Vad beträffar ett högre nyttjande av innerväggar som bärande, har resultat erhållits ur analys av den befintliga träbyggnaden (Byggnad A). Resultaten visar att en besparing i bjälklagshöjd på 90 mm kan göras om innerväggar tillåts vara bärande, men endast för fallet där balkarna får löpa i byggnadens längdriktning. Lösningen leder även till en besparing av virke i bjälklaget på ca 26,3 % (balkåtgång) per våningsplan. Endast små skillnader uppstår om balkarna får löpa i byggnadens breddriktning, oavsett om fler innerväggar används som bärande eller inte. För balkriktningens påverkan har även de två återstående byggnaderna analyserats. För en av byggnaderna (Byggnad B) blir resultatet en 90 mm lägre bjälklagshöjd, samt en 28 % (balkåtgång) lägre virkesåtgång i bjälklaget per våningsplan, då balkarna löper i breddriktningen. För den tredje byggnaden (Byggnad C) leder olika balkriktningar inte till någon skillnad i bjälklagshöjd, och endast mycket små skillnader i virkesåtgång. Slutsatsen av studien är att för vissa byggnader kan bjälklagshöjd och materialåtgång i bjälklaget minskas om man beaktar bärriktningen för balkarna, detsamma gäller om man nyttjar fler innerväggar som bärande. Resultaten är dock specifika för de byggnader som använts, samt de förutsättningar som antagits i arbetet. Viss generalisering kan göras till flerbostadshus i allmänhet. / When considering slabs in wooden frame structure buildings, to achieve sufficient stiffness, soundproofing, and fire resistance in the structure, the wooden slabs must be significantly thicker than their concrete counterparts. This paper investigates the potential effect on slab height and total material use in the slab, when allowing for higher utilization of inner walls as load-bearing, while also considering the bearing direction of the beams. For the study, three existing multi-dwelling unit buildings have been subject to dimensioning of alternative slab constructions. To allow for a just comparison, a consistent approach has been kept when dimensioning the alternative constructions. One of the buildings (Building A) has been studied to compare a slab construction utilizing the actual number of bearing elements, with a construction utilizing a higher number of bearing elements by utilizing a higher number of inner walls. The results show a decrease in slab height by 90 mm, and in material use (beam volume) by 26,3 % per floor in favor of the alternative utilizing more bearing walls. However, this is only the case with the bearing direction of the beams spanning parallel to the length of the building. The two remaining buildings have been used to further study the effect of the bearing direction of the beams. The results show that for one of the buildings (Building B) there is a decrease in slab height by 90 mm and a decrease in material use by 28 % (beam volume) per floor in favor of the beams spanning parallel to the width of the building. For the third building (Building C), there is no difference in slab height and very little difference in material use.
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Dětský domov v Táboře / Children's home in TaborSvoboda, Martin January 2015 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is a fabrication drawings on the theme "Children's Home" by urban, architectural, design and construction-technical solution that meets and complies with applicable standards, regulations and laws.
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Polyfunkční dům / Multi-functional BuildingKožina, Jan January 2018 (has links)
The subject of my diploma thesis is the design documentation for polyfunctional building and will be supplemented with a specialty from the air-conditioning branch. The building is situated in the town Velká Bíteš and it's located at 336/1 and 336/8 about the total area of 5110 m2. The building has a L-shaped ground plan consisting. Has got three above-ground floors with partial basement. The building is designed as masonry structure with sharpened clay blocks Porotherm 38 Profi with thickness 380 mm. The ceiling from structure prestressed concrete floor slab Spiroll. The roof of the building is suggested as a single-coated flat roof. The building is covered with a ventilated facade from fiber cement board and thermal insulation is mineral fibreglass insulation Isover Multimax. The building is located on the first floor of the fitness room, on the second floor are offices and on the third floor there are 4 flat.
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Polyfunkční dům, Brumov - Bylnice / Multifunctional building, Brumov - BylniceSkřek, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the design of a multifunctional building, which consists of parking lots, store section, office as well as dwelling units. Multifunctional building has four above-ground floors, full basement and a flat roof. During processing, emphasis was placed on layout solutions to be designed according to legislation and standards. In the basement there are parking lots, the ground flood is used as a store section, the first floor consists of office units designed for start-up companies. The third and fourth floor consists dwelling units from one-bedroom to three-bedroom apartments. The building has a concrete frame structure combined with a masonry system from Porotherm ceramic pieces. Horizontal load bearing system is designed of two way reinforced concrete slabs. Walls bellow the ground level are made from core-filled reinforced concrete blocks. The building is supported by the spread footing concrete system. Multifunctional building is situated in flat terrain in the city of Brumov-Bylnice.
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Bytový dům / Block of flatsKrejsa, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Block of flats" is processed in the form of project documentation for the construction, according to valid standards and regulations. Residential house is designed as a four-storey building with warm flat roof. It is a detached house on flat terrain. There is a workshop, storage and technical facilities of the building on the first floor, in the other floors are located 8 dwelling units. The whole building is made of the sand-lime brick blocks and reinforced concrete ceilings. The building is based on reinforced concrete strip foundations. Material and structural solutions were chosen so that the object is approaching to the passive standard. The project also includes specialization of the diploma thesis processing at the Institute of building services
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Víceúčelový objekt v Opavě / The Multipurpose Building in OpavaGross, Petr January 2017 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the processing of design documentation for realization of the new-build multipurpose building in Opava. The building is designed on the grounds of a former dairy in the Krnovská street where the demolition of obsolete buildings passed off recently. Now are these areas designed to build up again. Designed object will function as a multipurpose building with the operation of a restaurant on the 1st floor, office spaces on the 2nd floor and dwelling units on the 3rd floor. Part of the first floor is a mass garage primarily intended for residents of dwelling units with a total of 9 parking places. It is designed eight dwelling units in total of which six are one-room flats and two are four-room flats. Plan shape of the building is rectangular. The londbearing structure of the building is a reinforced concrete prefabricated precast concrete frame founded on cast-in-place concreted pads. Infill walls are clay brick. The building is roofed with warm flat roof. Dominant features of the building are large glass areas in all floors, metal ventilated facade and loggias of dwelling units. The drawings are processed in AutoCAD programme.
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Polyfunkční dům ve Strakonicích / Multifunctional house in StrakoniceKolesa, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the design and project documentation of a new multifunctional house in Strakonice. The building has four floors, without basement, and is located on a slightly sloping land in the suburban part of the town of Strakonice. It is based on shallow foundations and covered with a flat roof. It is a transverse wall structural system, build with clay block masonry, with the semi-assembled ceiling structures of ceramic and concrete beams and inserts. It is conceived as a double-aisle layout. The ground floor of each wing consists of the establishment of shops and house facilities. The overground floors are designed as six residential units of varying size category. Both tracts have separate entrances to both the residential portion and to individual businesses. The building is designed from traditional building materials. In addition to the architectural construction and civil-engineering design, a part of this project is also a fire safety design and an assessment from the perspective of building physics.
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