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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Human Whole Body Pharmacokinetic Minimal Model for the Liver Specific Contrast Agent Gd-EOB-DTPA

Forsgren, Mikael Fredrik January 2011 (has links)
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the liver is an important non-invasive tool for diagnosing liver disease. A key application is dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI). With the use of the hepatocyte specific contrast agent (CA) Gd-EOB-DTPA it is now possible to evaluate the liver function. Beyond traditional qualitative evaluation of the DCE-MRI images, parametric quantitative techniques are on the rise which yields more objective evaluations. Systems biology is a gradually expanding field using mathematical modeling to gain deeper mechanistic understanding in complex biological systems. The aim of this thesis to combine these two fields in order to derive a physiologically accurate minimal whole body model that can be used to quantitatively evaluate liver function using clinical DCE-MRI examinations.  The work is based on two previously published sources of data using Gd-EOB-DTPA in healthy humans; i) a region of interest analysis of the liver using DCE-MRI ii) a pre-clinical evaluation of the contrast agent using blood sampling.  The modeling framework consists of a system of ordinary differential equations for the contrast agent dynamics and non-linear models for conversion of contrast agent concentrations to relaxivity values in the DCE-MRI image volumes. Using a χ2-test I have shown that the model, with high probability, can fit the experimental data for doses up to twenty times the clinically used one, using the same parameters for all doses. The results also show that some of the parameters governing the hepatocyte flux of CA can be numerically identifiable. Future applications with the model might be as a basis for regional liver function assessment. This can lead to disease diagnosis and progression evaluation for physicians as well as support for surgeons planning liver resection.

Pokročilé metody zpracování signálů v zobrazování perfúze magnetickou rezonancí / Advanced signal processing methods in dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging

Bartoš, Michal January 2015 (has links)
Tato dizertační práce představuje metodu zobrazování perfúze magnetickou rezonancí, jež je výkonným nástrojem v diagnostice, především v onkologii. Po ukončení sběru časové sekvence T1-váhovaných obrazů zaznamenávajících distribuci kontrastní látky v těle začíná fáze zpracování dat, která je předmětem této dizertace. Je zde představen teoretický základ fyziologických modelů a modelů akvizice pomocí magnetické rezonance a celý řetězec potřebný k vytvoření obrazů odhadu parametrů perfúze a mikrocirkulace v tkáni. Tato dizertační práce je souborem uveřejněných prací autora přispívajícím k rozvoji metodologie perfúzního zobrazování a zmíněného potřebného teoretického rozboru.

Feasibility Study of Phase Measurements of the Arterial Input Function in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI

Marklund, Sandra January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p>Acquired data from dynamic contrast enhanced MRI measurements can be used to non-invasively assess tumour vascular characteristics through pharmacokinetic modelling. The modelling requires an arterial input function which is the concentration of contrast agent in the blood reaching the volume of interest as a function of time. The aim of this work is testing and optimizing a turboFLASH sequence to appraise its suitability for measuring the arterial input function by measuring phase.</p><p>Contrast concentration measurements in a phantom were done with both phase and relaxivity techniques. The results were compared to simulations of the experiment conditions to compare the conformance. The results using the phase technique were promising, and the method was carried on to in-vivo testing. The in-vivo data displayed a large signal loss which motivated a new phantom experiment to examine the cause of this signal reduction. Dynamic measurements were made in a phantom with pulsatile flow to mimic a blood vessel with a somewhat modified turboFLASH sequence. The conclusions drawn from analyzing the data were used to further improve the sequence and this modified turboFLASH sequence was tested in an in-vivo experiment. The obtained concentration curve showed significant improvement and was deemed to be a good representation of the true blood concentration.</p><p>The conclusion is that phase measurements can be recommended over relaxivity based measurements. This recommendation holds for using a slice selective saturation recovery turboFLASH sequence and measuring the arterial input function in the neck. Other areas of application need more thorough testing.</p><p> </p>

A 20-coil array system for high-throughput dynamic contrast-enhanced mouse MRI

Ramirez, Marc Stephen 03 July 2013 (has links)
MRI is a versatile tool for systematically assessing anatomical and functional changes in small animal models of human disease. Its noninvasive nature makes MRI an ideal candidate for longitudinal evaluation of disease progression in mice; however achieving the desired level of statistical power can be expensive in terms of imaging time. This is particularly true for cancer studies, where dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE-) MRI, which involves the repeated acquisition of anatomical images before, during, and after the injection of a paramagnetic contrast agent, is used to monitor changes in tumor vasculature. A means of reducing the overall time required to scan multiple cohorts of animals in distinct experimental groups is therefore highly desirable. Multiple-mouse MRI, in which several animals are simultaneously scanned in a common MRI system, has been successfully used to improve study throughput. However, to best utilize the next generation of small-animal MRI systems that will be equipped with an increased number of receive channels, a paradigm shift from simultaneously scanning as many animals as possible to scanning a more manageable number, at a faster rate, must be considered. Given a small-animal MRI system with 16 available receive channels, the simulations described in this work explore the tradeoffs between the number of animals scanned at once and the number of array elements dedicated to each animal for maximizing throughput. An array system consisting of 15 receive and 5 transmit coils allows throughput-optimized acceleration of a DCE-MRI protocol by a combination of multi-animal and parallel imaging techniques. The array system was designed and fabricated for use on a 7.0-T / 30-cm MRI system, and tested for high-throughput imaging performance in phantoms. Results indicate that up to a nine-fold throughput improvement is possible without sacrificing image quality compared to standard single-animal imaging hardware. A DCE-MRI study throughput improvement of just over six times that achieved with conventional single-mouse imaging was realized. This system will lower the barriers for DCE-MRI in preclinical research and enable more thorough sampling of disease pathologies that progress rapidly over time. / text

Feasibility Study of Phase Measurements of the Arterial Input Function in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI

Marklund, Sandra January 2009 (has links)
Acquired data from dynamic contrast enhanced MRI measurements can be used to non-invasively assess tumour vascular characteristics through pharmacokinetic modelling. The modelling requires an arterial input function which is the concentration of contrast agent in the blood reaching the volume of interest as a function of time. The aim of this work is testing and optimizing a turboFLASH sequence to appraise its suitability for measuring the arterial input function by measuring phase. Contrast concentration measurements in a phantom were done with both phase and relaxivity techniques. The results were compared to simulations of the experiment conditions to compare the conformance. The results using the phase technique were promising, and the method was carried on to in-vivo testing. The in-vivo data displayed a large signal loss which motivated a new phantom experiment to examine the cause of this signal reduction. Dynamic measurements were made in a phantom with pulsatile flow to mimic a blood vessel with a somewhat modified turboFLASH sequence. The conclusions drawn from analyzing the data were used to further improve the sequence and this modified turboFLASH sequence was tested in an in-vivo experiment. The obtained concentration curve showed significant improvement and was deemed to be a good representation of the true blood concentration. The conclusion is that phase measurements can be recommended over relaxivity based measurements. This recommendation holds for using a slice selective saturation recovery turboFLASH sequence and measuring the arterial input function in the neck. Other areas of application need more thorough testing.

Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI and Diffusion-Weighted MRI for the Diagnosis of Bladder Cancer

Nguyen, Huyen Thanh 12 July 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Targeted anti-angiogenic therapy in metastatic renal cell carcinoma and methodological improvements in assessment of therapeutic response with imaging biomarkers

Vinayan, Anup January 2018 (has links)
Background: Drugs targeting angiogenic pathway remain the mainstay of treatment for metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC). Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors (TKI) as Sunitinib, Pazopanib as single agents and humanised monoclonal antibody bevacizumab (Bev) in combination with Interferon- α2a (IFN) have established as the first-line therapy for mRCC. Despite improvements in treatment, there are multiple questions which remain unanswered. In the combination of Bev and IFN, the respective role of each drug and whether any additional anti-angiogenic activity is gained by adding IFN to Bev remains unknown. As the clinical benefit obtained with these cytostatic agents does not always correlate with the conventional response assessment techniques as RECIST, it is necessary to reconsider the methods by which we assess benefit from these therapies. In this thesis, I report three studies aiming to answer these questions. Methods: With the clinical trial reported here, I explore whether Bev induced changes in vascular parameters measured by Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) is significantly enhanced by the addition of IFN. In a phase II, randomised, open labelled, multicentre trial, treatment naïve mRCC patients were randomised to receive Bev on its own or in combination with a low dose (3MU) or standard dose (9MU) IFN. DCE-MRI was used to assess the changes in vascularity with the primary endpoint being, changes in transfer coefficient (Ktrans) after six weeks of treatment. I also report two retrospective imaging-based studies, using contrast-enhanced CT scans, performed to improve the methodology of response assessment for these antiangiogenic therapeutics. Here I explore the use of a) combining changes in size and arterial phase contrast enhancement measured using CT scan and b) changes in CT texture as methods of therapeutic response assessment in mRCC patients treated with TKI. Results: With the phase 2 clinical trial, we faced significant difficulty in recruitment as a result of restrictions in access to treatment in NHS, other competing studies and restrictions proposed by the DCE-MRI inclusion criteria. With slow recruitment, an unplanned analysis was performed after 21 patients were recruited. Analysis of primary endpoint showed no trend in the difference between arms with no correlation found between change in Ktrans and addition of IFN to bevacizumab. Effect size analysis performed due to the small numbers recruited failed to show any significance in the observed difference in Ktrans. Change in Ktrans and Kep may identify a group of patients likely to have PFS > 6 months, but this observation needs to evaluation in a larger sample size. Measuring size and change in arterial phase enhancement retrospectively using CT, a new criterion "modified" Choi, which prerequisite a combination of a decrease in arterial phase density by 15% and a decrease in size by 10% for response was proposed. Response assessment was measured with RECIST, Choi and modified Choi individually in 20 evaluable patients retrospectively and clinical benefit compared with Kaplan-Meier statistics and Log-Rank test. Response assessment as defined by the modified Choi criteria successfully identified patients who received clinical benefit from the treatment. Time to progression (TTP) was 448 days for the partial response and 89 days for stable disease as per the new criteria which were statistically significant with a p-value of 0.002. The second retrospective analysis explored the textural changes in enhanced CT scan. Performed in collaboration with researchers from Brighton University who developed the software algorithm used to assess changes in entropy and uniformity, 87 metastases from 39 patients with mRCC were analysed at baseline and after two cycles of TKI treatment. Textural parameters and response assessment criteria were correlated with TTP. After two cycles of TKI, the decrease in tumour entropy was 3%-45%, and increase in uniformity was 5%-21%. At a threshold change of -2% with uniformity, on a coarse scale of 2.5, the textural change was able to separate responders from non-responders. With Kaplan-Meier analysis comparing all four criteria, the percentage change in uniformity was statistically more significant than for RECIST, Choi, and Modified Choi criteria. Cox regression analysis showed that texture uniformity was an independent predictor of time to progression. Discussion: With the studies reported here, I was able to demonstrate the importance of improving the methodology in assessment of therapeutic response to targeted anti-angiogenic therapy in metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Even though the clinical trial, terminated early due to slow recruitment, did not reach its primary endpoint, changes in other vascular parameters as Kep combined with changes Ktrans showed tendency towards identifying a group of patients who derived clinical benefit of >6months with these therapies. This is particularly exciting as given the vascular stabilisation effect proposed for bevacizumab, the effusion parameter Kep may be a better tool in assessing response rather than Ktrans and warrants further assessment in a larger cohort. Modified choi criterion and textural analysis are two important methodological improvements in response assessment of cytostatic anti-angiogenic therapy. In the analyses reported here, both techniques have shown superiority over RECIST in response assessment and differentiating mRCC patients who is likely to gain clinical benefit by TKI therapy. Validation of these criteria on a larger patient cohort is important. As these criterions are assessed on standard enhanced CT scans, incorporating these criteria, especially modified choi criterion, as part of standard CT assessment could be performed and will provide a real world validation. Retrospective assessment using larger cohort of patients from previous phase 3 trials or inclusion of these parameters prospectively in phase 3 trials would also help us in evaluating these modalities further.

Perfusion imaging and tissue biomarkers for colorectal cancer

Hill, Esme January 2015 (has links)
<b>Background:</b> Systemic chemotherapy and radiotherapy play an important role in the treatment of colorectal cancer. Tumour perfusion and oxygenation is known to influence radiosensitivity and chemosensitivity. In this thesis, I propose that the evaluation of changes in tumour perfusion using perfusion CT (pCT) and dynamic contrast-enhanced (Dce) MRI can guide the rational sequencing of drugs and radiation. <b>Methods:</b> Dce-MRI and pCT scans were incorporated into a clinical trial of hypofractionated pelvic radiotherapy and nelfinavir in 10 patients with rectal cancer. Toxicity and tissue biomarkers (tumour cell density, microvessel density, CAIX, HIF1-alpha, phospho-Akt and phospho-PRAS40) were evaluated. pCT liver scans were incorporated into an imaging study in patients with colorectal liver metastases randomised to receive either oxaliplatin/ 5FU chemotherapy or oxaliplatin/ 5FU chemotherapy plus selective internal radiotherapy. <b>Results:</b> After 7 days of nelfinavir concurrent with hypo-fractionated pelvic radiotherapy, there was a mean 42&percnt; increase in median K<sup>trans</sup> (P=0.03, paired t test) on Dce-MRI and a median 30&percnt; increase in mean blood flow on pCT (P=0.028, Wilcoxon Rank Sum), although no statistically significant changes in perfusion parameters were demonstrated after 7 days of nelfinavir prior to radiotherapy. The feasibility of evaluating tumour cell density in rectal biopsies before and after radiotherapy and a radiosensitising drug as an early endpoint of response was demonstrated. In patients with colorectal liver metastases who received oxaliplatin and modified de Gramont chemotherapy alone, after 4 cycles of chemotherapy, a 28&percnt; decrease in the mean hepatic arterial fraction was observed (P=0.018, paired t test). Between pCT scans 2 days before SIRT and 39-47 days following SIRT and continued 2-weekly chemotherapy, there was a mean 62&percnt; (P=0.009) reduction in Blood Flow and 61&percnt; (P=0.006) reduction in Blood Volume (paired t test). <b>Conclusions</b> This research does not support the hypothesis that nelfinavir before radiotherapy improves blood flow to human rectal cancer. Increases in rectal tumour perfusion during radiotherapy and concurrent nelfinavir are likely to be primarily explained by the acute biological effects of radiation. Four or more cycles of oxaliplatin and modified de Gramont chemotherapy may result in changes in tumour perfusion of colorectal liver metastases which would be detrimental to subsequent radiotherapy. Selective internal radiotherapy resulted in substantial reductions in tumour perfusion 39-47 days after the treatment. Perfusion imaging can be used to detect changes in tumour perfusion in response to radiotherapy and systemic therapy which have implications for the sequencing of therapies.

Computer-Aided Detection of Malignant Lesions in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI Breast and Prostate Cancer Datasets

Woods, Brent J. 11 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Imagerie fonctionelle corps entier dans les hémopathies lymphoïdes

Lin, Chieh 11 December 2009 (has links)
Trois aspects principaux de l'imagerie fonctionnelle corps entier dans les hémopathies lymphoïdes ont été étudiés dans ma thèse. Nous avons d'abord démontré en étudiant 92 patients avec un lymphome B à grandes cellules que 14 patients (15%) considérés positifs sur l'analyse visuelle du FDG-TEP après deux cycles de chimiothérapie, auraient pu être reclassés comme des bons répondeurs si le pourcentage de réduction du SUVmax avait été mesuré. Dans un sous groupe de 80 patients, une deuxième étude a permis de montrer qu'après 4 cycles, l'analyse visuelle et l'analyse semi-quantitative SUV étaient équivalentes. Nous avons ensuite développé un protocole d'IRM fonctionnelle corps entier, utilisant une injection dynamique de Gadolinium et 5 stations d'acquisition. Cela a permis de mesurer les courbes signal-temps du rehaussement de la moelle osseuse et des lésions focales. Notre étude a permis d'optimiser un protocole d'imagerie dynamique corps entier après injection de Gadolinium, et de montrer que nous avions pu explorer avec succès 21 patients présentant un myélome multiple sous traitement, nous avons montré que cette nouvelle méthode d'IRM fonctionnelle corps entier avec injection de Gadolinium pouvait être utilisée pour évaluer la réponse du traitement. De plus, cette technique a aidé à détecter les lésions résiduelles actives de myélome après traitement alors qu'aucun signe clinique ou une immunoglobine monoclonale minime n'était présent. Le troisième aspect a été d'optimiser un protocole d'IRM fonctionnelle corps entier utilisant l'imagerie de diffusion avec asservissement respiratoire. Le but est de pouvoir mesurer le coefficient de diffusion apprent des lésions disséminées. L'étude pilote a été réalisée chez 15 patients avec un lymphome B à grandes cellules avant traitement. Nous avons aussi pu montrer les changements d'ADC après 4 cycles de chimiothérapie en considérant l'imagerie FDG-TEP/scanner comme imagerie de référence / Three components regarding whole-body functional imaging in lymphoid malignancies have been studies in this thesis. We first demonstrated retrospectively in a series of 92 patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) that 14 patients (15%) considered as positive on visual analysis on FDG-PET after only 2 cycles of chemotherapy could have been correctly re-classified as good responders by measuring the percentage reduction of maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax); in a subgroup of 80 patients, SUV-based assessment was equivalent to visual analysis at 4 cycles for patient outcome prediction. We secondly developed a whole-body 5-station dynamic contrast- enhanced MR protocol and time-signal intensity curves for the bone marrow and the focal lesions were successfully obtaines in 21 patients with plasma cell disorders included in the feasibility study; later in a pilot prospective study with 30 patients with multiple myeloma who received systemic therapy, we showed that this novel whole-body functional MR technique can be used to assess treatment response and helps to delect residual active disease after completion of therapy when clinically no or only minimum monoclonal protein can be identified. We thirdly optimized a whole-body diffusion-weighted MR protocol with respiratory gating in order to determine apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) value on a whole-body scale. Pilot study was performed in 15 patients with DLBCL for both staging and response assessment at 4 cycles of chemotherapy, with FDG PET/CT as the standard of reference

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