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Reedukace specifických poruch učení formou kroužku na ZŠ / Reeducation of specific learning disabilities through the group of interest in primary schoolMIKEŠOVÁ, Iva January 2012 (has links)
This thesis focuses on specific learning disorders of primary school pupils and reeducational care that takes place in the school under the guidance of trained teachers. It deals with the oraganization and content of reeducational group in Vodňanská Elementary School in Prachatice. It captures the extent to which improved underdeveloped cognitive and motor areas of the pupils who attend the group. It finds out the efficiency of the group reeducation.
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Současná praxe v reedukaci specifických poruch učení u žáků na základních školách v okrese Kutná Hora / Current practice in reeducation of specific learning disabilities of pupils at primary schools in Kutna HoraNáhlovská, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of reeducation of specific learning disorders of pupils at elementary schools in Kutná Hora district. The goal of this paper is to gain insight into contemporary practice in SLD reeducation, more specifically to find out whose job it is to provide reeducation, what their qualification is, and how they are further educated on this issue. Another goal is to find out how reeducation is carried out at selected schools, what study materials and aids are used, and this paper will also attempt to compare the quality of special pedagogical care at urban and village schools. The paper is divided into two parts, theoretical and research part. Theoretical part is dedicated to specific learning disorders, especially general characteristics of specific learning disorders, diagnostics, reeducation, and also education and care of children with SLD. Research part then deals with research survey at selected schools with the usage of qualitative method.
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Analyzing Spelling Errors by Linguistic Features among Children with Learning DisabilitiesJohnson, Christine 03 July 2016 (has links)
In order to spell fluently and accurately, phonology, orthography, and morphology must be integrated and stored into long term memory (Berninger & Richards, in press; Berninger, Nagy, Tanimoto, Thompson, Abbott, 2015). Children with dysgraphia, dyslexia, and OWL-LD have specific deficits in linguistic processing that impede the cross-mapping of these linguistic elements. This study analyzes the frequency and nature of spelling errors produced by children with dysgraphia, dyslexia, and OWL-LD during an academic writing task in order to determine if known deficits in linguistic processing affect the type and severity of spelling errors made by these children.
The present study analyzed error severity and frequency of spelling errors produced by children with dysgraphia (n=13), dyslexia (n=17), or OWL-LD (n=5) during the academic writing tasks obtained in the Berninger et al. (2015) study. In the previous study, students read or listened to computerized lessons about basic mathematical concepts and then typed summaries of what they learned. For the current study, all spelling errors made during the typed summary writing tasks were extracted and analyzed using the Phonological, Orthographic, Morphological Assessment of Spelling (POMAS) and then recoded with POMplexity (a measure of error severity) to determine the severity and frequency of spelling errors made in the linguistic categories of phonology, orthography, and morphology.
Results indicated that the students did not differ in error severity by diagnostic category. However, a qualitative analysis using the POMAS revealed that children from different diagnostic categories produced different types of errors. With respect to error frequency, only students with dysgraphia made significantly fewer errors than students with OWL-LD, and all participants, regardless of diagnostic category produced more errors in typed summaries following the reading condition.
These results are consistent with previous research indicating that children with learning disabilities do not produce deviant spelling errors when compared to typically-developing, age-matched peers or typically-developing, spelling-matched peers (Silliman, Bahr, and Peters, 2006, among others). The current results demonstrate that the spelling errors of children with learning disabilities reflect the expected linguistic breakdowns in cross-code mapping, and that children with learning disabilities may display these spelling deficits beyond an appropriate age.
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Aplikace podpůrných opatření ve vzdělávání žáků s dysgrafií z pohledu učitele na 2. stupni ZŠ / Application of supportive measures in the education of pupils with dysgraphia from the perspective of teachers at the second stage of primary schoolSmíšková, Eliška January 2020 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with application of supportive measures in the education of pupils with dysgraphia from the perspective of teachers at the second stage of primary school. It aims to a recommendation that a teacher can support provided to students with dysgraphia. It will bring teachers' insight into the use of selected support measures for pupils with dysgraphia. The theoretical part of the description of the education of pupils with special educational needs, especially with a focus on support measures, further recording of problems with learning disabilities, where there is more space for imprisonment of dysgraphia and application of support measures for pupils with dysgraphia at the 2nd level. The empirical part contains qualitative research, which enables methods of semi-structured interview. Subsequently, it is possible to analyze the data using open coding. Research questions and formulation recommendations that may be available in practice are answered. According to the research results, teachers use support measures in the field of teaching organization, methods and forms of teaching and evaluation in the education of a pupil with dysgraphia. Of great importance for the application of support measures for teachers is cooperation with the family of a pupil with dysgraphia and...
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Čtení s porozuměním a žáci s SPU ve výuce francouzštiny / Reading skills and specific learning difficulties in French as a foreign language teachingNemravová, Magdalena January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of teaching French to children affected by learning disorders. It aims to describe various principles and their application into practice at beginners classes. The theoretical part investigates learning disorders as a whole with their causes, manifestations, diagnose and reeducational techniques and activities that are applied in practice. The last part of the thesis is dedicated to foreign language teaching in the context of learning disorders, fundamental principles and methods of partial linguistic spheres. Further on, the practical part presents a case study of two children with learning disorders during a French class. Individual activities are introduced that are appropriate for their teaching. Finally, two applications suitable for both class at school and home preparation are designed, with their main contribution being the immediate feedback that allows children to work alone. Regarding the rather practical character of the diploma thesis, a great number of examples illustrating various learning disorders are introduced in order for the reader to understand the difficulties that affected children encounter. KEYWORDS specific learning difficulties, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysorthographia, foreign languages, French, reading skills, activities, reeducation
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Role přípravné třídy v prevenci specifických poruch učení / Role of Preparatory Class in the Intervention for Specific Learning disabilitiesMalinová, Jana January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis "Role of preparatory classes in prevention of specific learning disabilities" is to compare intervention of kindergarten and elementary school preparratory classes during suspension of school attendance. It describes all the kinds of specific learning disabilities. It works out in detail diagnostics of specific learning disabilities risk factors from the special education perspective. It offers integral methodology for time undemanding orientational testing of specific learning disabilities risk factors for preschool children. This methodology was used for testing children with suspended school attendance at the start of a school year and in A March of the same school year. Evaluation of test results for each participant is presented in graphs, case study and documentation of the drawing and graphomotoric creations are also incuded. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Evidensbaserad logopedisk intervention vid nedsatt skrivförmåga för personer med afasi : En systematisk kunskapsöversiktAlvaeus, Arvid, Ebba, Lundin January 2021 (has links)
Writing impairments are common as part of aphasia. To make qualified decisions regarding what intervention to provide, speech and language pathologists need easy access to the current knowledge base. The purpose of this study was to identify, describe and rate the level of evidence for interventions targeting writing impairments following aphasia. A systematic literature search procedure in six databases was performed during May 2020, which generated 1937 results. Based on criteria concerning inclusion and exclusion 26 articles were included in the review. 16 interventions were identified and their purpose, underlying theory, participants, execution and resulting effects were described. The methodological quality of the reviewed articles was assessed using validated rating scales and each identified intervention had their level of evidence graded according to GRADE (SBU, 2017). All of the reviewed articles were single- or multiple subject design studies, which resulted in an insufficient level of evidence. Improved writing abilities were noted for each intervention and most were deemed suitable for Swedish clinical conditions. The insufficient level of evidence accentuated the need for more research concerning interventions for acquired writing impairments. / Afasi är en förvärvad språkstörning där skrivsvårigheter är vanligt förekommande. En kartläggning av interventioner vid nedsatt skrivförmåga vid afasi behövs för att underlätta för logopeder vid val av intervention. Syftet med den här litteraturöversikten var att identifiera, beskriva och evidensgradera behandlingsmetoder för skrivsvårigheter vid afasi. En systematisk litteratursökning i sex databaser genomfördes i maj 2020, vilken resulterade i 1937 sökträffar. Efter jämförelse med inklusions- och exklusionskriterier inkluderades 26 artiklar i översikten. Vid granskningen identifierades 16 behandlingsmetoder, som beskrevs sett till syfte, bakomliggande teori, försöksgrupp, utförande och uppmätta resultat. Artiklarnas metodologiska kvalitet granskades och behandlingsmetoderna evidensgraderades. Samtliga granskade studier var av single- eller multiple subject design, vilket resulterade i otillräcklig evidensstyrka för samtliga interventioner. Förbättrad skrivförmåga noterades vid alla interventioner och de flesta bedömdes vara tillämpbara i svensk klinik sett till beskrivet utförande. Evidensgraderingen enligt GRADE (SBU, 2017) tydliggjorde behovet av mer forskning inom området.
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Výzkum nových parametrů online písma u dětí s grafomotorickými obtížemi / Research of new online handwriting features in children with graphomotor difficultiesGavenčiak, Michal January 2021 (has links)
In the Czech Republic, there is currently no objective method to diagnose graphomotor difficulties in children. Ongoing research uses modern digitizers to capture the hand-writing process and quantify its parameters. The first goal of this thesis is to develop software tools to faciliate work with the collected data, such as database validation and writing exercise rating, done by specialists. Another goal of this thesis is to design new on-line handwriting parameters which are then to be analysed on a cohort of school children from 2nd to 4th class of primary school (n=239). The implementation of two desktop programs on the .NET platform is described, among three new quantifying parameters based on the principles of isochrony, two-dimensional cross-correlation, and geometrical centroid. All three parameters show significant correlation (r = [0,2; 0,3])with the HPSQ-C rating in 2nd- and 4th-graders and correlation (𝜌= [0,2; 0,5]) with specialist’s subjective scores in all children from the cohort. The analysis suggests children with graphomotor difficulties struggle with regulating handwriting speed and working memory.
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"Pozitivní aspekty" dyslexie / "The Positive Aspects" of DyslexiaBrancuská, Hana January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the so called "positive aspects" of dyslexia, specifically enhanced creativity in dyslexics. It has recently become common to associate dyslexia not only with its symptoms and deficits, but also to emphasize its possible gains. Anecdotal evidence refers to enhanced creativity and more specific abilities of individuals with dyslexia. Based on the results of foreign studies that suggest a relationship between dyslexia and increased creativity, this research study was carried out in the environment of Czech secondary schools. The research group consisted of 67 adolescents with dyslexia and 67 intact counterparts at the age range from 17 to 20 years (including 108 boys and 26 girls). The data were obtained via figural Torrance Test of Creative Thinking. We then compared levels obtained within experimental and comparison groups in three specific fields - originality, elaboration and provision of non-standard and unusual responses. This was to lead to confirmation (or refusal) of a presumption that dyslexics show significantly higher scores in all three areas. Although the overall results of the research did not demonstrate a significant difference between the groups, we observed a trend indicating a higher score in dyslexics in all the defined areas. Results of our research study...
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Možnosti rozvoje dílčích funkcí v první třídě základní školy / Possibilities of partial functions development in the first class of elementary schoolHroudová, Irena January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with pupils' possibilities of partial functions development in the first class of elementary school. The theoretical part defines the basic terms and it introduces the definitions in the field of specific dysfunctions of learning. It also deals with a possible diagnostics of the specific dysfunctions. The thesis describes crucial partial functions in the relation to school skills acquirement and it presents the partial function theory as one of the causes in difficulties in reading and writing acquirement. The practical part analyses the results of the diagnostics which was realized in the first grade at elementary school. This diagnostics was aimed to chosen partial functions and the results were taken before and after the exercises aimed to partial functions development.
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