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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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La fiabilidad y la seguridad percibidas en relación con la intención de compra online en la categoría de ropa y accesorios en tiendas por departamento por hombres y mujeres en Lima Metropolitana / The perceived reliability and security in relation to the online purchase intention in the category of clothing and accessories retails by men and women in Lima Metropolitana

Barandiarán Bueno, Luis Brian 10 April 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación fue desarrollado con la finalidad de identificar y encontrar la relación que pueden tener las dimensiones de la calidad de servicio online en la intención de compra en tiendas por departamento como Ripley, Saga Falabella, en otros, en Lima Metropolitana. Se busca responder al problema de investigación planteado, donde según la teoría la calidad de servicio online influye y tiene una relación positiva con la intención de compra online, pero los peruanos seguimos comprando aún cuando se ha tenido o escuchado de una mala experiencia previa. Para poder desarrollar el presente estudio, se implementó una metodología mixta que, con el empleo de entrevistas a profundidad, focus group y encuestas, permite obtener una perspectiva más amplia y profunda del fenómeno en estudio, produciendo datos con más información y más variados. Dicha metodología implicará, además, un conjunto de procesos de recolección, un análisis de regresión lineal múltiple para conocer la relación entre las variables planteadas y la vinculación de datos cuantitativos y cualitativos en un mismo estudio. El resultado de esta investigación muestra que, efectivamente existe una relación positiva entre las variables dependientes, la fiabilidad y seguridad como dimensiones de la calidad de servicio online, y la variable independiente que es la intención de compra online. Los principales hallazgos demuestran que, si bien las dimensiones planteadas de la calidad de servicio online tienen una relación positiva en la intención de compra online, existen otras dimensiones que pueden influenciar aún más en dicha intención. Además, aún cuando la fiabilidad se presentaba como la variable más decisiva según la teoría y el estudio cualitativo, el resultado cuantitativo de las 240 encuestas efectuadas evidenció a la seguridad como la variable con mayor relación en la intención de compra online. Como recomendación para las futuras investigaciones, con respecto a los modelos de investigación y a las dimensiones o variables seleccionadas para el presente trabajo de investigación, se propone incorporar y ampliar nuevas variables como la capacidad de respuesta o cumplimiento, personalización y empatía o servicio al cliente, las cuales son dimensiones que se repiten en los nuevos modelos de medición de la calidad de servicio online. / This research work was developed in order to identify and find the relationship that the dimensions of service quality in online may have in the intention of purchasing in retails such as Ripley, Saga Falabella, and others, in Lima Metropolitana. It seeks to respond to the research problem posed, where according to theory the quality of online service influences and has a positive relation with the online purchase intention, but the Peruvians continue to buy even when they have had or heard of a previous bad experience. In order to carry out the present study, a mixed methodology was implemented that, using in-depth interviews, focus groups and surveys, allows obtaining a broader and deeper perspective of the phenomenon under study, producing data with more variety and more information. Said methodology will also involve a set of collection processes, a multiple linear regression analysis to determine the relation between the variables proposed and the linking of quantitative and qualitative data in the same study. The results of this research show that there is, indeed, a positive relation between the dependent variables, reliability and security as dimensions of the online service quality, and the independent variable that is the online purchase intention. The main findings demonstrate that, although the dimensions of online service quality have a positive relation in the online purchase intention, there are other dimensions that may influence this intention even more. Furthermore, even when reliability was presented as the most decisive variable according to the theory and the qualitative study, the quantitative result of the 240 surveys carried out showed security as the variable with the highest relation in online purchase intention of clothes and accessories in retails. As a recommendation for future research, with respect to the research models and the dimensions or variables selected for this research, it is proposed to incorporate and expand new variables such as responsiveness or compliance, personalization and empathy or customer service, which are dimensions that repeated in the new online service quality measurement models. / Tesis

Studente se persepsie van kliëntediens deur 'n akademiese departement

Mouton, Michelle 10 June 2003 (has links)
Customer service has recently become an important subject with significant consequences for academic institutions. However, there is a lack of research in this area and relevant, scientifically justifiable studies should assist in determining what is required for the provision of good quality service to students. The purpose of this study was to determine the difference between the expectations of service and the perceptions of actual service provided by the Human Resources Department at the University of Pretoria. The respondent group included students from a variety of disciplines who chose Industrial and Organisational Psychology as subject. Based on the survey method a questionnaire was used to gather the relevant information. The literature study identified five important dimensions of customer service namely tangibles, reliability, responsibility, security and empathy. The expectations and perceptions of the students (n=255) of actual service in terms of the above dimensions were determined and weighed against each other. The results of this study showed that although there is room for improvement, the level of customer service provided by the department was proven to be satisfactory. The following conclusions were made regarding the perceptions of the research group in terms of current and expected levels of service. Aspects that appeared to be most satisfactory, were appearance of employees, reliability of lecturers, safety of interaction, time spent with students and keeping of accurate records. There is room for improvement in the following areas: spending time with individuals, current working and consulting hours, efficiency of available facilities and attention given to students' needs. Field of study, age, language, residence, academic and historical year did not have any effect worth mentioning on the perceptions of current levels of service. Biographical variables did have an impact on the expectations of levels of service. / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2001. / Human Resource Management / unrestricted

Evaluating Trust and Satisfaction in AI Chatbots in Customer Service : A User-Centric Study

Karlsson, Emil, Vang, Kajsa January 2024 (has links)
Artificially intelligent chatbots are rapidly gaining popularity in customer service, and they can offer businesses benefits such as increased stock prices and low-cost, efficient service. However, customer trust and satisfaction with these chatbots are often low. Most current research focuses on which business benefits artificially intelligent systems can yield, and less focus lies on how to create satisfactory experiences for the customers. This study examines which chatbot characteristics that build customer trust and satisfaction, and identifies the types of inquiries where customers prefer artificially intelligent chatbots over human customer service agents. An online questionnaire was conducted with 47 participants, primarily 18-24-year-old females from Sweden, with a university degree and high comfort with modern technology. The data analysis, using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test and an investigation of the mean and median scores, revealed no characteristic was significantly more important for trust than for enhancing experience. However, anthropomorphism was indicated to have some importance for trust, though not statistically significant. Machine reading comprehension, perceived accuracy, and privacy concerns were found to be important for a positive customer experience. Participants preferred artificially intelligent chatbots over human customer service agents only for basic information inquiries. The findings support existing theories such as the service quality model and can provide guidance for businesses wanting to implement artificially intelligent chatbots in customer service.

Use of the Academic Services Experience Survey for Formative Assessment of the Service Quality of a New College Campus

West, James Robert 08 1900 (has links)
Education and academic related services have become as important as manufacturing and, in some cases, even more important. Considering the importance of these services as it relates to manufacturing, a problem exists. Products such as education and academic services are far less specific in value when comparing with manufactured goods, even though their quality depends on resources which can be measured, such as funding. At the same time, we must be able to quantify them and compare their values with predetermined expected levels for each area of expertise, as well as with each other. The quality of the services provided, specifically academic services, is an intangible concept that can be assessed through various methods. This research study applies the Academic Services Experience Survey, a modified version of SERVQUAL, to solve a complex and multifaceted problem of assessing and improving the quality of academic services in higher education institutions.

Квалитет хотелских услуга као фактор тржишног позиционирања у бањама Западноморавске бањске зоне / Kvalitet hotelskih usluga kao faktor tržišnog pozicioniranja u banjama Zapadnomoravske banjske zone / Quality of hotel servicies as a factor of market position in spas of the west Morava region

Blešić Ivana 16 July 2010 (has links)
<p>Захтев за бољим квалитетом производа и услуга, један је од најважнијих стратешких приоритета с којим се суочавају хотелска предузећа. Хотели који се определе за примену концепта квалитета као кључног фактора успеха требало би да постигну пораст задовољства корисника (гостију), односно, да се успешно позиционирају на тржишту и тако остваре већи профит. У раду се испитује концепт и мерење квалитета услуге у хотелском сектору. Приказани су резултати анкетног истраживања који се односе на очекивања и перцепције корисника о квалитету услуге у бањским хотелима. Истраживање је спроведено у пет бања Западноморавске зоне, у току августа и септембра 2008. Модел за мерење квалитета услуга развијен је на основу SERVQUAL модела. Коришћени су статистички методи дескриптивна статистичка анализа, Т тест за независне узорке и анализа варијансе ANOVA, помоћу које је испитано да ли између зависних варијабли (питања из домена очекивања и перцепције) и независних варијабли (старосне и образовне структуре испитаника) постоји статистички сигнификантна веза. Добијени резултати могу бити значајни за пружаоце хотелских услуга и допринети унапређењу пословања кроз прилагођавање хотелског производа потребама госта. Резултати спроведеног итраживања показали су да гости генерално нису задовољни хотелским услугама. Њихова очекивања била су већа од доживљеног квалитета услуге код свих детерминанти, изузев детерминанте &bdquo;саосећање&ldquo;, где је позитивна вредност јаза резултат ниских очекивања. Укупни SERVQUAL јаз је негативан и износи &ndash; 0,21. Горући проблем у пружању квалитетне услуге у бањским хотелима, представља неадекватна уређеност и опремљеност објеката и недостатак додатних хотелских садржаја (садржаја за забаву и рекреацију гостију као и wellness &amp; spa програма). Превазилажење овог проблема треба тражити у изградњи стратегије развоја са краткорочним и дугорочним плановима и стимулацији инвестирања у развој бањског туризма. Уређење и изградња објеката који су у складу са захтевима савременог госта, довели би до продужетка туристичке сезоне и привлачења платежнијих туриста. Понуда услуга високог квалитета представља најбољи начин за постизање конкурентске предности хотелског предузећа и изградње добрих односа са гостом, стога, у управљачким одлукама хотелских менаџера, концепти као што су очекивана и перципирана вредност треба да имају пресудну улогу.</p> / <p>Zahtev za boljim kvalitetom proizvoda i usluga, jedan je od najvažnijih strateških prioriteta s kojim se suočavaju hotelska preduzeća. Hoteli koji se opredele za primenu koncepta kvaliteta kao ključnog faktora uspeha trebalo bi da postignu porast zadovoljstva korisnika (gostiju), odnosno, da se uspešno pozicioniraju na tržištu i tako ostvare veći profit. U radu se ispituje koncept i merenje kvaliteta usluge u hotelskom sektoru. Prikazani su rezultati anketnog istraživanja koji se odnose na očekivanja i percepcije korisnika o kvalitetu usluge u banjskim hotelima. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u pet banja Zapadnomoravske zone, u toku avgusta i septembra 2008. Model za merenje kvaliteta usluga razvijen je na osnovu SERVQUAL modela. Korišćeni su statistički metodi deskriptivna statistička analiza, T test za nezavisne uzorke i analiza varijanse ANOVA, pomoću koje je ispitano da li između zavisnih varijabli (pitanja iz domena očekivanja i percepcije) i nezavisnih varijabli (starosne i obrazovne strukture ispitanika) postoji statistički signifikantna veza. Dobijeni rezultati mogu biti značajni za pružaoce hotelskih usluga i doprineti unapređenju poslovanja kroz prilagođavanje hotelskog proizvoda potrebama gosta. Rezultati sprovedenog itraživanja pokazali su da gosti generalno nisu zadovoljni hotelskim uslugama. NJihova očekivanja bila su veća od doživljenog kvaliteta usluge kod svih determinanti, izuzev determinante &bdquo;saosećanje&ldquo;, gde je pozitivna vrednost jaza rezultat niskih očekivanja. Ukupni SERVQUAL jaz je negativan i iznosi &ndash; 0,21. Gorući problem u pružanju kvalitetne usluge u banjskim hotelima, predstavlja neadekvatna uređenost i opremljenost objekata i nedostatak dodatnih hotelskih sadržaja (sadržaja za zabavu i rekreaciju gostiju kao i wellness &amp; spa programa). Prevazilaženje ovog problema treba tražiti u izgradnji strategije razvoja sa kratkoročnim i dugoročnim planovima i stimulaciji investiranja u razvoj banjskog turizma. Uređenje i izgradnja objekata koji su u skladu sa zahtevima savremenog gosta, doveli bi do produžetka turističke sezone i privlačenja platežnijih turista. Ponuda usluga visokog kvaliteta predstavlja najbolji način za postizanje konkurentske prednosti hotelskog preduzeća i izgradnje dobrih odnosa sa gostom, stoga, u upravljačkim odlukama hotelskih menadžera, koncepti kao što su očekivana i percipirana vrednost treba da imaju presudnu ulogu.</p> / <p>Demand for better quality of products and service is one of the most important strategic priorities that hotel companies have to manage with. Hotels that choose to implement the concept of quality as the key success factor needed to achieve increased customer satisfaction, respectively, to be successfully positioned in the market and thus achieve higher profits.The paper examines the concept and measurement of quality of service in the hotel sector. The results of research survey that relate to the expectations and perceptions of consumers about the quality of services in the spa hotels are represented here. The survey was conducted in five Serbian spas (West Morava region) in August and September 2008. A model for measuring the quality of services is developed based on the SERVQUAL model. Statistical methods used here are descriptive statistical analysis, t-test and analysis of variance ANOVA, which is used for analyzing whether there is a statistically significant link between the dependent variables (questions in the domain of expectations and perceptions) and the independent variables (age structure of respondents). The results may be important to the providers of hotel services and contribute to the advancement of business through the adjustment of the product to the needs of the guest. Results of the research showed that guests are not generally satisfied with hotel services. Their expectations were higher than their perceptions of quality services in all determinants, except the determinants of &quot;empathy&quot;, where the positive value of gap is the result of low expectations. Total SERVQUAL gap is negative and amounts to - 0.21. The burning issue in the provision of quality services in the spa hotels, is inadequate organization and infrastructure facilities and lack of additional hotel content (content for entertainment and recreation and spa &amp; wellness contents). Overcoming of this problem should be sought in construction of development strategies with short-term and long-term plans and cultural stimulation of investment in development of spa tourism. Planning and construction of facilities that are in accordance with the requirements of the guest, would lead to the extention of the tourist season and that would attract wealthier tourists. Offering high quality service is the best way to achieve competitive advantage of hotel companies and building good relations with the guests, therefore, in the management decisions of the hotel manager, concepts such as expected value and the perceived need have a crucial rolе.</p>


Mhlanga, Osward January 2014 (has links)
Thesis (M. Tech. (Tourism and Hospitality management)) -- Central University, Free State, 2014 / The formal full-service restaurant industry in South Africa is undergoing a period of anaemic growth due to the after effects of the 2009 global economic recession. Since the recession, industry growth has been subdued as diners seek more for their money when spending at restaurants. Consequently, industry revenue declined 1.8% in 2013 as diners tightened their purse strings. It is for this reason that it was decided to investigate diners’ expectations and experiences in selected formal full-service restaurants in Port Elizabeth. A pilot study was conducted among five diners in two formal full-service restaurants in Port Elizabeth, and the empirical study was conducted in December 2011 and January 2012 among 400 diners of eight formal full-service restaurants in Port Elizabeth. The research findings revealed that respondents with a tertiary diploma recorded the highest expectation score (4.25) whilst those who spoke languages other than Afrikaans, English, IsiZulu and IsiXhosa recorded the lowest (3.69). Respondents in the age group 55 to 64 years recorded the highest experience score (4.53) whilst those who spoke IsiXhosa recorded the lowest (3.84). Altogether 44.5% of the respondents frequented restaurants at different intervals two to four times in the previous six months whilst 51.2% spent on average, R200 to R299 per person and 18.5% held occupations in business, commerce and finance. Respondents who spent more than R399 had the highest expectation score (4.53) whilst those who frequented restaurants at different intervals more than 10 times in the previous six months had the lowest (3.97). Respondents with an occupation in education reported the highest experience score (4.36) whilst those who frequented restaurants at different intervals of nil to one time in the previous six months reported the lowest (4.04). A total of 22% of the respondents patronised restaurants because of good service. Restaurant B obtained the highest expectation (4.39) and experience (4.51) scores whilst restaurant C recorded the lowest expectation (3.71) and experience (4.03) scores. All diners’ experiences were below expectations giving an overall gap of -0.47. The strongest correlation with diners’ expectations was level of service whilst the strongest correlation with diners’ experiences was food quality. The regression model showed that the level of service was rated as the most important variable for diners’ expectations whilst the quality of food was rated as the most important for diners’ experiences. However, recommendations were made to improve diners’ experiences in the selected formal full-service restaurants in Port Elizabeth. The results of this study would help restaurateurs to identify areas of improvement and increase customer satisfaction.

Application of total quality management (TQM) in evaluating the quality of library services at the Aga Khan University Library

Kanguru, Anne Gathoni January 2014 (has links)
The study investigated the service quality of the Aga Khan University (AKU) library as an example of an academic library in Kenya using SERVQUAL, a user based assessment tool. Total Quality Management (TQM) philosophy formed the basis of the study; a philosophy that is customer oriented and lays great emphasis on enhancing customer satisfaction. The study adopted a survey design and data was collected using a structured selfadministered questionnaire by the name of SERVQUAL. The study sample consisted of nursing and medical faculty; nursing and medical students. A total of 78 (63%) respondents responded to the questionnaire. The data was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 17.0. Descriptive statistics was provided and univariate analysis was applied to examine the characteristics of the 2 main variables; perceptions and expectations. The findings of the study established that the expectations of AKU library users are higher than their perceptions. It is also evident from the findings that there are service quality gaps in a number of library services offered by AKU library. This is demonstrated through the gap analysis between the AKU library users‟ perceptions and the users‟ expectations of AKU library. The study recommends that AKU library as well as other academic libraries in Kenya adopt user based assessment tools such as SERVQUAL in the evaluation of library service quality. The study further recommends that AKU library needs to address gaps between the library users‟ perception and the users‟ expectation in order to enhance customer satisfaction through the provision of quality services. The study also recommends that AKU library needs to address the gaps in service attributes such as those relating to AKU library staff, reliability and efficiency of AKU library service delivery. In line with the findings the study further recommends more training for AKU library staff in areas such as customer service skills as well as the need for AKU library to invest more in its physical facility and equipment. / Information Science / M.A. (Information Science)

Service Quality and Perceived Value of Cloud Computing-Based Service Encounters: Evaluation of Instructor Perceived Service Quality in Higher Education in Texas

Egedigwe, Eges 01 June 2015 (has links)
Cloud computing based technology is becoming increasingly popular as a way to deliver quality education to community colleges, universities and other organizations. At the same time, compared with other industries, colleges have been slow on implementing and sustaining cloud computing services on an institutional level because of budget constraints facing many large community colleges, in addition to other obstacles. Faced with this challenge, key stakeholders are increasingly realizing the need to focus on service quality as a measure to improve their competitive position in today's highly competitive environment. Considering the amount of study done with cloud computing in education, very little has been done in examining the needs and the satisfactions of the instructor customer. The purpose of this study was to examine the expectations and perceptions of instructors’ usage of cloud computing based technology on overall quality of service (QoS). An extension and adaptation of the SERVQUAL model tailored to the higher education environment was introduced for this study. Using the established service quality (SERVQUAL) dimensions (tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy), the study investigated the relationship between instructors’ views (perception and expectation) and overall service quality received on their use of cloud computing based technology. A total of 301 online instructors at large Texas community colleges completed a Web-based survey containing previously validated and adapted items. The participants in this study completed four parts of the survey instruments that were used to measure service quality of academic cloud computing technology: Service Quality Expectations, Service Quality Perceptions, Perceived Service Quality and Demographic. The survey questions were answered using a seven-point Likert scale and the survey results were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical methods. The results indicated that the difference between instructors’ perception and expectation affected their perceived service quality of cloud computing based systems. The differences between the expectation and perception on all five SERVQUAL dimensions load to the instructors’ perceived service quality; gender but not age, income or education has significant effect on instructors’ overall perceived service quality. The results of the study create an awareness of instructors’ needs and offer useful feedback to college administrators and institutional planners in their efforts to improve service quality of educational technology initiative in higher education.

Measuring service excellence in banking industry using an integrated approach : an empirical study in the Saudi context

Al-Rayes, Raed Nasser January 2006 (has links)
The research sought to investigate the Critical Excellence Factors (CEFs) that drive Excellence in banking industry. Moreover, it examines whether customers perceive the service of an excellent bank differently from a less-excellent bank. Three hypotheses were formed then tested through case study and survey strategy (triangulation), within the Saudi banking industry context. The study combines the EFQM excellence model as an internal assessment tool (case studies), with the SERVQUAL gap model for external assessment (questionnaires). Analysing and contrasting the two sets of results allowed the study to achieve its main objective. Based on the empirical work, the study identifies several CEFs that must be carefully considered when driving excellence in banking. These factors were proposed in a generic integrated model for driving Excellence in Banking.

Examining customer-supplier relationships: customer service quality in a precast concrete manufacturing company

Masitenyane, Lehlohonolo Amos 01 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech - Marketing, Faculty of Management Sciences)--Vaal University of Technology, 2010 / This study provides a framework for customer-supplier relationships and service quality measurement in a precast concrete manufacturing firm with the use of the universally accepted SERVQUAL model. Within an increasingly competitive precast concrete market, customer satisfaction is a critical goal for manufacturers of all types. Customer-supplier relationships and service quality were therefore investigated in this study. A quantitative research approach was used in the study to analyse the data. This approach enabled the researcher to obtain an accurate measure of all constructs that relate to service quality improvement for the particular concrete manufacturing firm amongst contractors, civil consultants, government institutions and end users. A sample size of 246 respondents from Gauteng Province was used. Descriptive statistics were used to explain the characteristics of sample data. In addition, factor analysis was used to condense the variables into five factors in order to capture the essence of service quality within a cementitious products organisation. Five dimensions, responsiveness, problem- solving, physical aspects, service personnel and physical appearance were extracted to measure service quality. Results showed that satisfied customers tend to re-patronise suppliers who enhance their service outputs provided to the customers. Thus it is imperative to enhance customer satisfaction and ultimately customer loyalty. These results suggest that improved service qualities can be useful for building customer loyalty and long- lasting relationships. The reliability analysis produced a Cronbach alpha which ranged from 0.700 to 0.815 which were deemed acceptable. The Pearson correlation analysis showed that service quality is associated with customers' future buying behaviour in terms of their decisions to purchase and recommend the supplier to others. Customers felt that service personnel were friendly, courteous and possessed the knowledge to answer customer questions. They exhibited a favourable image of the company and its services. This service dimension was ranked first in terms of importance by the customers therefore, the precast concrete manufacturer ought not be complacent but rather seek innovative ways in maintaining the service personnel dimension of service quality. The overall mean score of expectation of service quality by customers was 4.71. This indicates that the service provided by this company is satisfactory. It therefore suggests that, it is necessary for managerial intervention to prioritise in all these areas to develop a strategy of service quality improvement. Training of personnel is an essential component of service quality enhancement especially with complaints and the complaints-handling procedures. The management team of the organisation needs to play an active role in ensuring that all personnel are adequately trained and highly motivated to understand the user‟s specific problems and in the process to provide competent solutions to problems. Based on literature and results emanating from the empirical survey, these findings may assist the organisation in the enhancement of its service-quality levels. Hence, service-quality levels should be monitored carefully on a continuous basis.

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