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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A comparative analysis of lectures versus interactive computer-assisted learning packages for the teaching and learning of anatomy by tertiary students.

Lee, Harry B. January 1996 (has links)
The primary aim of this study was to validate interactive computer-assisted learning packages (ICALP) in a self operated computer controlled educational resource (SOCCER) to undergraduate (UG) physiotherapy students of anatomy. The development of ICALP, Test and FeedBack items for SOCCER are described, as well as the mechanism of delivery with continuous positive reinforcement to randomly selected students. To meet this requirement, a computer managed learning environment (CMLE) was established to affirm the value of ICALP and SOCCER materials to replace traditional lectures in anatomy. Quantitative data is given to verify this hypothesis during the education of UG physiotherapy students of anatomy. Throughout 1992, the UG population was randomly divided into Lecture and ICALP groups, with mutual exclusion of each to the other, for ten areas of study. These results were validated by re-application to the succeeding UG population in 1993. The secondary aim of this study was in two-parts. Firstly, to verify that ICALP materials can be applied to transfer 2-D cognitive anatomical information in a self-paced format of autonomous learning. Secondly, to investigate a premise that previously acquired 2-D anatomical information may be transferred into a 3-D psycho-motor skill. Ample data is given to verify the first hypothesis, with sufficient evidence to support the second. The subsidiary aim of this study compared the educational and administrative cost-effectiveness of ICALP and SOCCER with traditional lectures used in anatomy. Evidence is given to demonstrate that the time saved in lectures can be replaced by a lecture-seminar approach to problem-based learning to empower UG2 students to achieve at a level beyond that which would normally be expected. Sufficient data is provided to affirm the cost-benefits of ICALP and SOCCER to academic staff, individual students, and ++ / administrators. The untested belief held by schools of anatomy that high ranking pre-entrants in English, English Literature, and Human Biology, are more likely to transpose 2-D anatomical information into a 3-D skill than high ranking pre-entrants in Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics was also investigated. Scrutiny of these data could not determine any discriminatory differences of ability to succeed in UG anatomy by either of these two categories.

Actituds envers la lectura: un model d'anàlisi a 1'Educació Primaria, Les

Rajadell, Núria 25 April 1990 (has links)
Aquesta tesi doctoral consta de cinc capítols, una introducció general, la bibliografia i un annex. A l'introducció general, fem una justificació de l'importància del tema triat, centrada en els tres aspectes següents: actualitat, interès didàctic i el seu estudi sobre un enfoc realista. El primer capítol es diu "Les Actituds" i comprèn els següents apartats:(1.1) Aprofundim en el Concepte a travès de diferents facetes. Es fa una anàlisi minuciosa del que aporten diversos autors i per últim donem la nostra definició personal, i que seria "Predisposició de l'individu per a respondre devant estímuls". Presentem les caractrerístiques més destacades i fem èmfasi en els seus components: afectiu, cognoscitiu i comportamental. Presentem una mostra de les seves quatre funcions i fem una reflexió entorn el problema de la classificació, amb la proposta d'un model senzill. Per últim, contrastem aquest Concepte amb d'altres que sovint han estat motiu de confusions. (1.2) Analitzem els diferents aspectes que intervenen per a la Formació (o no) d'una actitud. (1.3) De manera paral.lela tractem el Canvi d'actitud, aprofundint en tots aquells elements influents i esbrinant les "Teories de la Consistència Cognitiva", que pretenen explicar aques canvi. (1.4) Com que la Relació entre Actitud i Conducta és un tema de gran actualitat, aquest apartat vé dedicat a mostrar les tendències existents en el decurs de l'història, els factors més influents i els models presentats per diversos autors amb els quals pretenen explicar aquesta relació.(1.5) Un dels aspectes més polèmics ha estat i és el Mesurament de les actituds. En el present apartat s'expliciten els motius fonamentals d'aquesta problemàtica així com els diferents tipus de mesures existents. El Capítol Segon du com a títol "Les actituds i la lectura", i podriem dir que forma el nucli teòric de l'investigació. Un cop feta una presentación molt general sobre el camp de la lectura (concepte, elements i línies de recerca), es presenta una recopilació de materials d'arreu del món sobre el tema de les actituds i la lectura, tot i considerant que es tracta d'una matèria que es va començar a estudiar en una data relativament recent. (1978). També s'analitzen els factors que hi intervenen: la família, l'escola, l'ambient i el nen. El Capítol Tercer inclou el material d'investigació i la metodologia utilitzada. Prenent com a base una mostra d'infants de 5è. d'Educació General Bàsica (EGB) de les escoles de Sant Feliu del Llobregat (Barcelona), es presenta la instrumentació utilitzada per la recerca i quines són les variables que s'han tingut en consideració. El Capítol Quart comenta d'una manera àmplia els resultats obtinguts com a resultat de la recerca. Se'n fa una anàlisi descriptiva (barems, fiabilitat i validesa dels inventaris, proves de normalitat, associació i correlación, proves de contrast.) i també una anàlisi cualitativa a nivell d'estudi del contingut de frases ofertes, mitjançant el SPAD. Per últim, el Capítol Cinquè inclou les conclusions més rellevants a nivell teòric i experimental, a més d'assenyalar quines són les noves línies de recerca que s'obren en aquest tema.

An Investigation Of Bacterial And Fungal Xylanolytic Systems

Ersayin Yasinok, Aysegul 01 November 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Endo-b-1,4 xylanases (EC. are typically produced as a mixture of different hydrolytic enzymes such as b-1,4-xylosidase (EC. , a-Larabinofuranosidases (EC., and feruloyl esterase (EC that hydrolyze xylan molecule, which constitutes 20-30% of the weight of wood and agricultural wastes. Thus, xylan, a renewable biomass, can be utilized as a substrate for the preparation of many products such as fuels, solvents and pharmaceuticals. Besides, xylanolytic enzymes themselves are also used in food,feed, textile industries and pre-bleaching of kraft. In the first part of the study, xylanolytic systems of a soil isolate Bacillus pumilus SB-M13 and a thermophilic fungus Scytalidium thermophilum were investigated. Production rate and type of xylanolytic changed depending on the carbon source and the microorganism. However, xylanolytic enzyme production was found to be sequential, in synergy and under the control of carbon catabolite repression for both microorganisms. In the second part, B. pumilus SB-M13 b-1,4 xylanase was purified and biochemically characterized. The enzyme was stable at alkaline pHs and highest activity was observed at 60&deg / C and pH 7.5. Enzyme Km and kcat values were determined as 1.87 mg/ml and 43,000 U/mg, respectively. B. pumilus SB-M13 and S .thermophilum a-L-arabinofuranosidases were also purified and biochemically characterized. Although produced from a mesophilic microorganism, B. pumilus SB-M13 arabinofuranosidase was quite thermostable. Moreover, unlike other fungi, S. thermophilum produced alkaline stable arabinofuranosidases. Both enzymes were multimeric, alkaline stable and most active at 70&deg / C and pH 7.0. However, when compared to S. thermophilum, catalytic power of B. pumilus SB-M13 arabinofuranosidase was higher.

Presplit Blast Induced Air Overpressure Investigation At Usak Kisladag Gold Mine

Bigikocin, Onur 01 May 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In presplit blasting operations airborne energy called air blast overpressure or impulsive sound is produced. The air blast induced by blasting may vary significantly at or around an open pit mine depending on several parameters such as the amount of charge detonated, the physical distance between the blast and the monitoring locations and the weather conditions. Therefore evaluation and assessment of noise condition at or around an open pit mine is necessary. The objective of this research study is to monitor and record the noise and to investigate and assess the noise conditions that will be induced from presplit blasting operations at Kisladag Gold Mine. In this research study, several parameters such as the amount of charge, the physical distance to the location of monitoring device or residential structures and the weather condition parameters such as wind direction, wind speed were recorded, analyzed and evaluated. It is observed that with increasing charge per delay air overpressure increases, whereas with increasing scaled distances it decreases. It is also understood that wind speed and the direction are effective in air overpressure propagation also, but this subject needs further investigation. It is concluded that according to the U.S. regulations there is no damage risk to the structures and no disturbance to the inhabitants at present. Due to the uncertainties in weather conditions, in order not to take any risks, the charge amount per delay should be kept at 35 kg or less for presplit blasting at the mine.

Beam Switching Reflectarray With Rf Mems Technology

Bayraktar, Omer 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis 10x10 reconfigurable reflectarray is designed at 26.5 GHz where the change in the progressive phase shift between elements is obtained with RF MEMS switches in the transmission lines of unit elements composed of aperture coupled microstrip patch antenna (ACMPA). The reflectarray is illuminated by a horn antenna, and the reflected beam is designed to switch between broadside and 40&deg / by considering the position of the horn antenna with respect to the reflectarray. In the design, the transmission line analysis is applied for matching the ACMPA to the free space. The full wave simulation techniques in HFSS are discussed to obtain the phase design curve which is used in determining two sets of transmission line lengths for each element, one for the broadside and the other for switching to the 40&deg / at 26.5 GHz. The switching between two sets of transmission line lengths is sustained by inserting RF MEMS switches into the transmission lines in each element. Two types of RF MEMS switches, series and shunt configurations, are designed for the switching purpose in the reflectarray. The phase errors due to nonideal phase design curve and type of the RF MEMS switch are reduced. The possible mutual coupling effects of the bias lines used to actuate the RF MEMS switches are also eliminated by the proper design. To show the validity of the design procedure, a prototype of 20x20 reflectarray composed of ACMPA elements is designed at 25GHz and produced using Printed Circuit Board (PCB) technology. The measurement results of the prototype reflectarray show that the main beam can be directed to the 40&deg / as desired. The process flow for the production of the reconfigurable reflectarray is suggested in terms of integration of the wafer bonding step with the in-house standard surface micromachined RF MEMS process.

Non-destructive X-ray Flourescence Analysis Of Early Bronze Age Metal Items From Kalinkaya-toptastepe: With Critical Remarks On The Formerly Applied Electrochemical Cleaning Procedure

Genis, Evren Yigit 01 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis focuses on late Early Bronze Age metal objects from funeral context from the site Kalinkaya-Toptastepe, dated to the late 4th and 3rd millennium BCE. The site yielded a large number of metal objects from EBA necropolis of the southern slope of Toptastepe, offering an ideal closed assemblage for an archaeometrical analysis to reveal the metalworking technologies of an early small rural community of Central Anatolia. First archaeometrical analysis applied on these objects, however, revealed unexpectedly high amounts of Zinc, which turned out to be not an intentional alloy, but modern contamination due to the electrochemical cleaning, carried out in the 1970s. A second analysis has carried out after cleaning the metal objects with micro-sandblasting technique, to remove the artificial Zn contamination. The accumulated data provided us with important insights into the metal consumption and alloying traditions of a late EBA village community in Central Anatolia, showing the earliest conscious alloys were being applied in small hamlets of the EBA as well. It has been apparent that any pre-Iron Age metal object, revealing Zn in its chemical composition can not be considered as early brass, but clearly a result of modern, ill-advised cleaning application.

Experimental And Numarical Investigation Of Carbon Dioxide Sequestration In Deep Saline Aquifers

Izgec, Omer 01 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Started as an EOR technique to produce oil, injection of carbon dioxide which is essentially a greenhouse gas is becoming more and more important. Although there are a number of mathematical modeling studies, experimental studies are limited and most studies focus on injection into sandstone reservoirs as opposed to carbonate ones. This study presents the results of computerized tomography (CT) monitored laboratory experiments to characterize relevant chemical reactions associated with injection and storage of CO2 in carbonate formations. Porosity changes along the core plugs and the corresponding permeability changes are reported for varying CO2 injection rates, temperature and salt concentrations. CT monitored experiments are designed to model fast near well bore flow and slow reservoir flows. It was observed that either a permeability improvement or a permeability reduction can be obtained. The trend of change in rock properties is very case dependent because it is related to distribution of pores, brine composition and as well the thermodynamic conditions. As the salt concentration decreased the porosity and thus the permeability decrease was less pronounced. Calcite scaling is mainly influenced by orientation and horizontal flow resulted in larger calcite deposition compared to vertical flow. The duration of CO2 &ndash / rock contact and the amount of area contacted by CO2 seems to have a more pronounced effect compared to rate effect. The experiments were modeled using a multi-phase, non-isothermal commercial simulator where solution and deposition of calcite were considered by the means of chemical reactions. The calibrated model was then used to analyze field scale injections and to model the potential CO2 sequestration capacity of a hypothetical carbonate aquifer formation. It was observed that solubility and hydrodynamic storage of CO2 is larger compared to mineral trapping.

Hazardous Waste Inventory Of Turkey

Yilmaz, Ozge 01 February 2006 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, hazardous waste inventory for Turkey is developed based on wastes identified as hazardous in European Waste Catalogue and Regulation on Control of Hazardous Wastes, Annex 7 Necessity of such inventory arises from importance of acquiring information on the amount of hazardous wastes generated and on their countrywide distribution for a sound hazardous waste management system for Turkey. Hazardous waste inventory is constructed by using waste generation factors obtained from literature which are coefficients that relate production with environmental emissions. Whenever possible, direct information obtained from generators was utilized. Both absolute and minor entries are covered. It is estimated that 4,940,000 &ndash / 5,110,000 t/yr of hazardous wastes are being generated in Turkey. 1,790,000 &ndash / 2,252,000 t/yr of these are classified as absolute entries and 3,146,000 &ndash / 3,160,000 t/yr of hazardous wastes are minor entries. It is observed that highest generation occurs from mining and thermal processes which involve high amounts of minor entries. Beside these industries highest generation occurs from wood preservation. Per capita hazardous waste generation is estimated as 30 &ndash / 77 kg/capita/yr which is in accordance with per capita generation range of EU. Highest hazardous waste generation occurs from Marmara Region with 527,730 t/yr followed by Aegean (524,580 t/yr), Central Anatolia (481,820 t/yr), Black Sea Region (277,850 t/yr), Mediterranean (211,580 t/yr), Southeast Anatolia (58,290 t/yr) and Eastern Anatolia (36,520 t/yr) excluding minor entries from mining industry and thermal processes. The trends in hazardous waste generation and GDP from manufacturing industry show the same trend. Contribution of regions are in the same order both in hazardous waste generation and GDP.

Självskattad aktivitetsbalans och arbetsrelaterad stress : hos universitetslärare / Self-perceived occupational balance and work-related stress : among university lectures

Eliasson, Karolin, Sörensen, Lena January 2018 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva skattad förekomst av arbetsrelaterad stress och aktivitetsbalans hos universitetslärare. Metod: Uppsatsen hade en kvantitativ ansats och baserades på insamlat datamaterial från en enkätundersökning med självskattningsinstrumenten Work Stress Questionnaire (WSQ) och Occupational Balance Questionnaire (OBQ). Undersökningsgruppen var ett totalurval av all undervisande personal vid en institution på ett universitet i Sverige och totalt svarade 41 universitetslärare. Data analyserades explorativt och presenterades med deskriptiv statistik. Resultat: Deltagarna i studien skattade generellt en låg förekomst av arbetsrelaterad stress (utifrån WSQ) samt låg grad av aktivitetsbalans (utifrån OBQ). Vidare visade resultaten, gällande relation mellan arbetsrelaterad stress och aktivitetsbalans, att deltagare som skattat låg grad av aktivitetsbalans även skattat högre förekomst av arbetsrelaterad stress. Slutsats: Studien visade att deltagare som skattat en lägre aktivitetsbalans även skattat högre arbetsrelaterad stress inom kategorierna Konflikt mellan arbete och fritid, Upplevd stress pga. otydlig organisation och konflikter samt Upplevd stress pga. höga egna krav och engagemang vilket eventuellt indikerar att det kan finnas ett samband mellan låg aktivitetsbalans och hög arbetsrelaterad stress. / ABSTRACT Aim: The aim of this study was to describe self-perceived incidence of work-related stress and occupational balance among university lectures. Method: The essay had a quantitative approach and was based on data collected from a survey of the Work Stress Questionnaire (WSQ) and Occupational Balance Questionnaire (OBQ) self-assessment tools. The study group was a total selection of all teaching staff at an institution at a university in Sweden and 41 lectures responded. The data was explored exploratively and presented with descriptive statistics. Results: The participants in the study generally estimated a low incidence of work-related stress (based on WSQ) and low occupational balance (based on OBQ). Furthermore, the results, current relationship between work-related stress and occupational balance showed that participants who estimated a low level of occupational balance also estimated higher incidence of work-related stress. Conclusion: The study showed that participants who estimated a lower occupational balance also estimated higher work-related stress in the categories of Conflict between work and leisure, Experienced stress due to unclear organization and conflicts and Experienced stress due to high self-esteem and commitment which may indicate that there may be a correlation between low occupational balance and high work-related stress.

Využití památkového fondu Malé Strany v Praze ve výtvarné výchově na druhém stupni základních škol / Usage of Prague{\crq}s Malá Strana historical landmarks for art lectures at the higher levels of elementary schools

ČERMÁKOVÁ, Klára January 2009 (has links)
The key topic of enclosed Diploma thesis is the project that was running at the higher level of the elementary school in Prague. The Project itself is supplied by the theoretical part, including description of pedagogic procedures used in the real life, history and finally includes the list of Malá Strana heritage sights used in my project. The final attachment includes my short project summary as well. The main objective of this Thesis is to support realization of art lectures at the elementary school. Diploma thesis doesn{\crq}t feel obligation to cover all issues connected with defined topic, but shows a direction, how to use our historical heritage for lectures at the elementary schools and hope will finally boost public attention in this matter too.

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