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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kroniskt trötthetssyndrom : en diskursanalys av artiklar 1989-2006

Komulainen, Heidi, Sandström, Ulrika January 2006 (has links)
<p>The purpose with this work is to describe the language that is built around the chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) in Sweden. Our questions are: What does the professional field look like; who writes, about what and for which kind of readers? How do they describe the expressions and the upcoming of CFS? For which reasons can CFS be considered as a medical diagnosis/illness? How can CFS be understood from a social perspective? Our theoretical starting point is a social constructive theory and also Karin Johannisson's theory about medicalization and Foucault’s theory about power. We have from a literature-exposition of Swedish articles from 1989 to 2006, done a social constructive discourse analysis with help from Laclau & Mouffe's discourse theory, and Fairclough's model of social practices. In our textual analysis we found three dominating discourses: A medical discourse, a social/cultural discourse and a general/popular discourse. Our results showed that the dominating professional category is doctors and those who have medical direction within their work. In most cases they wrote articles that searched for medical explanations of CFS and their common factor was that they looked at CFS as an illness. The articles that had a social constructive, anthropological, idea historical or religious perspective to CFS was in a minority and they often defined the phenomenon as an expression of different kind of public elements and were often critical to medicalization.</p>

Kroniskt trötthetssyndrom : en diskursanalys av artiklar 1989-2006

Komulainen, Heidi, Sandström, Ulrika January 2006 (has links)
The purpose with this work is to describe the language that is built around the chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) in Sweden. Our questions are: What does the professional field look like; who writes, about what and for which kind of readers? How do they describe the expressions and the upcoming of CFS? For which reasons can CFS be considered as a medical diagnosis/illness? How can CFS be understood from a social perspective? Our theoretical starting point is a social constructive theory and also Karin Johannisson's theory about medicalization and Foucault’s theory about power. We have from a literature-exposition of Swedish articles from 1989 to 2006, done a social constructive discourse analysis with help from Laclau &amp; Mouffe's discourse theory, and Fairclough's model of social practices. In our textual analysis we found three dominating discourses: A medical discourse, a social/cultural discourse and a general/popular discourse. Our results showed that the dominating professional category is doctors and those who have medical direction within their work. In most cases they wrote articles that searched for medical explanations of CFS and their common factor was that they looked at CFS as an illness. The articles that had a social constructive, anthropological, idea historical or religious perspective to CFS was in a minority and they often defined the phenomenon as an expression of different kind of public elements and were often critical to medicalization.

Reflections Of Cultural Capital On Exchange Of Populations: The Case Of Cesme And Alacati

Aslankan, Ali 01 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
&ldquo / Migration&rdquo / is not a term that was totally alien for anyone throughout the history. However, Lausanne Convention of 30 January 1923 -between Greek and Turkish authorities- was a new page to conceptualize and comprise both the theoretical and practical frame of the &ldquo / population transfer&rdquo / . Thus, the problems encountered with the decision of proposing a new model of compulsory exchange of minorities resulted into social, economical, political and cultural transformation in the social space and the physical environment in the Aegean regions. This thesis, briefly, aims to re-evaluate the criteria and the manner that leads the transformation in the physical environment and the organization of the social space after the mutual exchange of populations. In this attempt, the thesis suggests an alternative way of understanding towards the evaluation of the results of population transfer by introducing Pierre Bourdieu&rsquo / s extended capital. Thus, the theoretical frame of this study is constructed by Bourdieu&rsquo / s four capitals, the multi-dimensional social space and the physical environment as its reflection. Yet, this thesis assumes that &ldquo / wars&rdquo / could be the ultimate devastation for the capital network which influentially characterizes the physical environment and this theory will be examplified by a migration period that was experienced between 1900 and 1930 in Aegean regions.

Asymptotic autobiography : fairy tales as narrative map in the writing of Zelda Fitzgerald

McKetta, Elisabeth Sharp 19 January 2011 (has links)
When a writer, usually a woman, uses fairy tales as a veil through which to narrate a story of her life, I call this practice asymptotic autobiography. In mathematics, the asymptote is a straight line that a curve approaches increasingly closely, but never actually touches. I define “asymptotic autobiography” as a term for discussing any personal narrative that deliberately employs fiction in order to tell truth. In this inquiry, I examine the use of fairy tale language in giving voice to women writers’ autobiographical representations, using Zelda Fitzgerald’s novel and letters as the focus for my analysis. My research and critical analysis will examine how Save Me the Waltz, which Zelda Fitzgerald wrote while she was a psychiatric patient in the Phipps Clinic, uses fairy tales to provide a mapping of the many performances that autobiographical selfhood entails. By experimenting with open-ended fairy tale conventions instead of being limited by clinical truths, and by contextualizing her personal history in the realm of the imaginary, Fitzgerald removes her story from the psychiatric ward and places it safely in legend. The first three chapters of this dissertation show how, in sequence, the autobiographical self becomes free through the use of fairy tales in three stages: once the autobiographer has worked to separate herself from being bound by illness or clinical reality (Chapter One), she is free to make the decision of which self or selves she wishes to narrate and perform (Chapter Two); only once she has established her sense of self can the autobiographer then locate her plot, her map, and her narrative (Chapter Three). In Chapter Four, I offer an example of asymptotic autobiography in the form of a one-person play script that I wrote and performed about Zelda Fitzgerald’s life and hospitalization, using as a frame the fairy tale “The Swan Maiden.” This hybrid essay-performance combines the play script itself with personal writing of my own in which I describe the difficulties I had approaching and performing the rich material of Zelda’s life. / text

När bok blir film… : En jämförande analys av boken och filmen Catch me if you can

Juniku, Majlinda January 2008 (has links)
Abstract Title: When book becomes film... – a comparative analysis of the book and film Catch me if you can (När bok blir till film…En jämförande analys av boken och filmen Catch me if you can) Number of pages: 46 Author: Majlinda Juniku Tutor: Amelie Hössjer Course: Media and Communication Studies C Period: Autumn term 2007 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University. Purpose/Aim: To study what model of dramaturgy belongs to the film Catch me if you can and to see what has been crossed out, altered and added from the book so the narrative will fit this model. Material/Method: The film Catch me if you can and the book with the same name has been used to analyze the differences between them. I have divided the differences into three categories: Crossed out, Altered and Added. In the analysis section these have been presented in each section of the film. Main results: Catch me if you can is definetly a film made with the design of the Anglosaxon model, mostly because of its timestructure and that it portrays an action and not just a condition which is normal in the epic-lyric model. Big parts of the story have been crossed out, altered and added to make the film more acceptabel to the audience. Most of the changeshad been done to make the story shorter to fit the timeframe of a film. Events had been joinedtogether to save time but not miss anything. A character, Hanratty, has been reinforced to create a cat-and-mouse story and add excitement to the film. Other changes have been made to make the main character seem more likeable to the audience. Keywords: book, film, dramaturgy, Catch me if you can, anglo-saxon, epic-lyric

Mod??lisation d'un syst??me de lib??ration d'un peptide d??riv?? de la BMP-9 et ??tude m??canistique comparative entre la BMP-9 et la BMP-2

Lauzon, Marc-Antoine January 2014 (has links)
Le vieillissement croissant de la population canadienne aura une incidence, dans les ann??es ?? venir, sur les risques de fractures ost??oporotiques et autres pathologies de l'os. Parmi ces risques, les fractures avec pertes osseuses pr??sentent des d??fis consid??rables et causent un lourd fardeau ??conomique. La soci??t?? Ost??oporose Canada estime que plus de 30 milliards de dollars seront d??pens??s pour le traitement de l???ost??oporose et de leurs fractures associ??es d???ici 2018. La m??thode de comblement des pertes osseuses standard actuelle, soit l'autogreffe, est limit??e et pr??sente des risques pour le patient. ?? titre d'alternative, deux strat??gies ont ??t?? jusqu'?? maintenant ??tudi??es: les syst??mes de lib??ration de facteurs de croissance (?? growth factor delivery systems ??, GFDS) et le d??veloppement de mat??riaux biomim??tiques. Ces deux strat??gies ont comme point commun l'utilisation de facteurs de croissance ost??og??niques comme les prot??ines morphog??n??tiques osseuses (BMPs), telles la BMP-2 (r??f??rence commerciale) et la BMP-9. Malgr?? leur effet important, les BMPs restent couteuses ?? produire. Le laboratoire de N. Faucheux a d??velopp?? un peptide (pBMP-9) d??riv?? de la BMP-9 qui poss??de un effet ost??og??nique d??montr??, mais dont les m??canismes d???action et le comportement en syst??me de lib??ration restent ?? ??tre ??tudi??s. Les objectifs de ce projet de recherche ont donc port?? sur l?????tude du comportement de cellules osseuses pr??ost??oblastes murins (MC3T3-E1) face ?? ces facteurs de croissance ainsi que sur le suivi et la mod??lisation des cin??tiques de lib??ration du pBMP-9 ?? partir d???une matrice de collag??ne, utilis??e actuellement en clinique. Le m??moire poss??de ainsi trois volets. Le premier volet de ces travaux a consist?? ?? faire une revue de la litt??rature sur le processus de r??g??n??ration osseuse endochondrale afin de bien comprendre le r??le jou?? par les facteurs de croissance et cerner les d??fis de conception d???un GFDS utilis?? en r??g??n??ration osseuse. Les nouvelles approches de GFDS ont ??t?? revues en d??tail ainsi que les principaux mod??les math??matiques d??velopp??s et appliqu??s aux mol??cules th??rapeutiques. Cette revue de la litt??rature a ??t?? publi??e dans Journal of Controlled Release. Le second volet de ces travaux s???est pench?? sur l?????tude et la mod??lisation math??matique des cin??tiques de lib??ration du pBMP-9 ?? partir d???hydrogels de collag??ne. Les r??sultats exp??rimentaux ont men?? ?? la r??daction d???un article qui vient d?????tre accept?? dans la revue Journal of Controlled Release. Cette ??tude consistait ?? ??valuer les m??canismes de transfert de masse impliqu??s dans la lib??ration pour diff??rentes concentrations de pBMP-9 ?? partir d'hydrogels de collag??ne. Les cin??tiques de lib??ration ont ??t?? mod??lis??es et ont montr?? la pr??sence d'interactions importantes entre le pBMP-9 et les fibres de collag??ne. Le troisi??me volet a consist?? ?? d??terminer l'effet dose de la BMP-9 et de la BMP-2 sur la capacit?? des MC3T3-E1 ?? se diff??rencier en pr??sence ou en absence de s??rum de veau foetal (?? foetal bovine serum ??, FBS). Ces travaux ont conduit ?? la r??daction d???un article qui vient d?????tre accept?? dans la revue Tissue Engineering Part A. La BMP-9 ??tant jusqu'alors mal comprise, l'??tude s'est pench??e sur cette prot??ine tout en ayant comme objectif de transposer les connaissances au pBMP-9. Les r??sultats ont d??montr?? que les m??canismes d'action de la BMP-9 ??taient tr??s diff??rents de ceux de la BMP-2 en pr??sence de FBS. Les r??sultats ont ??galement permis d'??tablir que, ?? l'instar de la BMP-2, la pr??sence de FBS potentialise fortement l'effet ost??og??nique de la BMP-9. Cet effet a d???ailleurs pu ??tre r??cr???? par l???IGF-2. Les conclusions de ce travail favoriseront le d??veloppement de syst??mes de lib??ration ost??og??niques plus efficaces.

Mod??lisation d'un syst??me de lib??ration d'un peptide d??riv?? de la BMP-9 et ??tude m??canistique comparative entre la BMP-9 et la BMP-2

Lauzon, Marc-Antoine January 2014 (has links)
Le vieillissement croissant de la population canadienne aura une incidence, dans les ann??es ?? venir, sur les risques de fractures ost??oporotiques et autres pathologies de l'os. Parmi ces risques, les fractures avec pertes osseuses pr??sentent des d??fis consid??rables et causent un lourd fardeau ??conomique. La soci??t?? Ost??oporose Canada estime que plus de 30 milliards de dollars seront d??pens??s pour le traitement de l???ost??oporose et de leurs fractures associ??es d???ici 2018. La m??thode de comblement des pertes osseuses standard actuelle, soit l'autogreffe, est limit??e et pr??sente des risques pour le patient. ?? titre d'alternative, deux strat??gies ont ??t?? jusqu'?? maintenant ??tudi??es: les syst??mes de lib??ration de facteurs de croissance (?? growth factor delivery systems ??, GFDS) et le d??veloppement de mat??riaux biomim??tiques. Ces deux strat??gies ont comme point commun l'utilisation de facteurs de croissance ost??og??niques comme les prot??ines morphog??n??tiques osseuses (BMPs), telles la BMP-2 (r??f??rence commerciale) et la BMP-9. Malgr?? leur effet important, les BMPs restent couteuses ?? produire. Le laboratoire de N. Faucheux a d??velopp?? un peptide (pBMP-9) d??riv?? de la BMP-9 qui poss??de un effet ost??og??nique d??montr??, mais dont les m??canismes d???action et le comportement en syst??me de lib??ration restent ?? ??tre ??tudi??s. Les objectifs de ce projet de recherche ont donc port?? sur l?????tude du comportement de cellules osseuses pr??ost??oblastes murins (MC3T3-E1) face ?? ces facteurs de croissance ainsi que sur le suivi et la mod??lisation des cin??tiques de lib??ration du pBMP-9 ?? partir d???une matrice de collag??ne, utilis??e actuellement en clinique. Le m??moire poss??de ainsi trois volets. Le premier volet de ces travaux a consist?? ?? faire une revue de la litt??rature sur le processus de r??g??n??ration osseuse endochondrale afin de bien comprendre le r??le jou?? par les facteurs de croissance et cerner les d??fis de conception d???un GFDS utilis?? en r??g??n??ration osseuse. Les nouvelles approches de GFDS ont ??t?? revues en d??tail ainsi que les principaux mod??les math??matiques d??velopp??s et appliqu??s aux mol??cules th??rapeutiques. Cette revue de la litt??rature a ??t?? publi??e dans Journal of Controlled Release. Le second volet de ces travaux s???est pench?? sur l?????tude et la mod??lisation math??matique des cin??tiques de lib??ration du pBMP-9 ?? partir d???hydrogels de collag??ne. Les r??sultats exp??rimentaux ont men?? ?? la r??daction d???un article qui vient d?????tre accept?? dans la revue Journal of Controlled Release. Cette ??tude consistait ?? ??valuer les m??canismes de transfert de masse impliqu??s dans la lib??ration pour diff??rentes concentrations de pBMP-9 ?? partir d'hydrogels de collag??ne. Les cin??tiques de lib??ration ont ??t?? mod??lis??es et ont montr?? la pr??sence d'interactions importantes entre le pBMP-9 et les fibres de collag??ne. Le troisi??me volet a consist?? ?? d??terminer l'effet dose de la BMP-9 et de la BMP-2 sur la capacit?? des MC3T3-E1 ?? se diff??rencier en pr??sence ou en absence de s??rum de veau foetal (?? foetal bovine serum ??, FBS). Ces travaux ont conduit ?? la r??daction d???un article qui vient d?????tre accept?? dans la revue Tissue Engineering Part A. La BMP-9 ??tant jusqu'alors mal comprise, l'??tude s'est pench??e sur cette prot??ine tout en ayant comme objectif de transposer les connaissances au pBMP-9. Les r??sultats ont d??montr?? que les m??canismes d'action de la BMP-9 ??taient tr??s diff??rents de ceux de la BMP-2 en pr??sence de FBS. Les r??sultats ont ??galement permis d'??tablir que, ?? l'instar de la BMP-2, la pr??sence de FBS potentialise fortement l'effet ost??og??nique de la BMP-9. Cet effet a d???ailleurs pu ??tre r??cr???? par l???IGF-2. Les conclusions de ce travail favoriseront le d??veloppement de syst??mes de lib??ration ost??og??niques plus efficaces.

Prometheus Abandoned : Figural Eddies as an Alternative Method of Reading Out 1: Noli me tangere / Prometheus övergiven : figurala virvlar som en alternativ metod till att läsa Out 1: Noli me tangere

Andersson, Martin January 2014 (has links)
The thesis combines D.N. Rodowick’s concept of the figural, denoting the complex nature of filmic signification; Roland Barthes’ distinctions between the readerly and the writerly, which are different methods of engaging with a text; and Thierry Kuntzel’s concept of semiotic constellations, the reading of recurring yet fragmented motifs that occur throughout the film. Here reintroduced through the concept of eddies—discursive fields within the film which displace the connection between the signifier and signified (the flow of signification), instead distinguished by signifiers engendering new signifiers (the swirl of signification)—to unlock a new method of reading a film. This method focuses on interpreting the latent meanings of the plural of the text; the residual signs in the film which hold little to no bearing on its narrative, but through their deconstruction and later reassembly they may guide to viewer to new meanings. By first delineating the method proposed for this type of reading, the thesis then applies this method to the reading of one such eddy in the art-film Out 1: Noli me tangere from 1970, which is connected to the discursive field of Prometheus Bound, a play rehearsed within the film by a group of six actors who engage in various exercises, which at first glance seem to be entirely unconnected to the play. In this case, the method reveals through the figural activity of the film that the exercises of the group are engaged in dialogue with themes touched upon in the play.

Simulation to Build Empathy in Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorders: a Video Modeling Study

Kajganich, Gillian 21 June 2013 (has links)
Since a deficit in empathy is not only characteristic among individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) but categorically used in defining ASD, it is of utmost importance to explore educational avenues to build prosocial skills among this group. This study sought to explore the primary research question: What impact does the implementation of an empathy-focused video modeling intervention have on frequency of empathic behaviour among adolescents with ASD? The secondary research questions examined were: In what ways does employing a video modeling simulation intervention using the Model Me Kids Friendship program impact the ability of adolescents with ASD to demonstrate empathic behaviour? How do adolescents with ASD express or speak about their empathic behaviour following participation in a simulation intervention using Model Me Kids Friendship? How do the Educational Resource Facilitators (teaching assistants) perceive the same individuals’ empathic behaviour following participation in a simulation intervention using Model Me Kids Friendship (MMF)? This mixed methods study explores 1 particular video modeling simulation program as a focused approach to building empathic behaviour among adolescents with ASD. The theoretical framework presented blends theory of mind, simulation theory, and psychological theories of empathic behaviour including the inherent motor, cognitive, and emotional components. Individuals with ASD may not learn empathic behaviours solely through observation as typically developing children do, but findings suggest that through video simulation, practice may, in fact, lead to increased empathic behaviour. The quantitative findings were not significant but did show increase in motor empathy behaviour ratings among intervention group participants. Support for video modeling as a vehicle to teach empathic behaviour was provided by qualitative data collected over the course of 4 months contextualizing specific examples of empathic behaviour exhibited by participating teens with ASD. There is a link made between high levels of systematizing among teens on the spectrum (the drive to analyze and build a system) and video modeling as a means to foster empathic behaviour, thereby supporting an increased use of video simulation strategies to teach social skills among this group.

Confronting the intractable an evaluation of the Seeds of Peace experience /

Schleien, Sara Melissa. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
These (Ph.D.)--University of Waterloo, 2007. / Title from PDF title page. Available through UMI ProQuest Digital Dissertations. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 118-131). Also issued in print.

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