Spelling suggestions: "subject:"entailing"" "subject:"etailing""
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[pt] O Peru se localiza na região denominada cinturão de fogo do Pacífico, onde se registra aproximadamente 85 porcento da atividade sísmica mundial. Como grande produtor de minérios, importantes estruturas são construídas no país para desenvolvimento de projetos de mineração, incluindo barragens de rejeitos. Nesta dissertação é investigado o potencial de liquefação dinâmica de uma barragem de rejeitos localizada na região central do Peru, que atualmente passa por uma etapa de alteamento pelo método construtivo da linha de centro. A liquefação dos solos é um fenômeno caracterizado pela perda de rigidez e resistência durante curto intervalo de tempo, mas suficiente para causar instabilidades e, em casos extremos, o colapso da estrutura. Análises numéricas foram realizadas para verificar o potencial de liquefação dinâmica da barragem, representando o comportamento cíclico dos materiais suscetíveis à liquefação pelo modelo constitutivo UBCSand e de Byrne, considerando terremotos de magnitude 8,2, 7,8 e 8,1. Resultados numéricos obtidos foram comparados com formulações simplificadas, utilizadas na prática de engenharia para determinação do fator de segurança contra liquefação dinâmica. As análises indicaram que rejeitos finos, abaixo do nível de lençol freático, apresentam potencial de liquefação, conforme valores do parâmetro de razão de poropressão (ru) computados, porém sem provocar risco à estabilidade geral da estrutura. São também apresentados resultados de deslocamentos permanentes em alguns pontos da barragem e dos rejeitos. / [en] Peru is located in the region called the Pacific fire belt, where approximately 85 percent of the world seismic activity is recorded. As a major ore producer, important structures are built in the country to develop mining projects, including tailings dam. The dissertation investigates the potential for dynamic liquefaction of a tailings dam located in the central region of Peru, whose height is currently being raised by the center line construction method. Liquefaction of soils is a phenomenon characterized by loss of stiffness and resistance over a short period of time, but sufficient to cause instability and, in extreme cases, the collapse of the structure. Numerical analyses were carried out to verify the dynamic liquefaction potential of the dam, representing the cyclical behavior of the materials susceptible to liquefaction by the constitutive model UBCSand and Byrne, considering an earthquakes of magnitude 8,2, 7,8 and 8,1. Numerical results obtained were compared with simplified formulations used in the practice of engineering in order to determine the safety factor against dynamic liquefaction. The analyses indicated that fine tailings, below the water table level, have potential for liquefaction, according to the values of the poropression parameter (ru) computed, but without risk to the general stability of the structure. Results are also presented in terms of permanent displacements at some points of the dam and tailings.
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[pt] O Peru está localizado em uma área de alta atividade sísmica
conhecida como cinturão de fogo. Os terremotos registrados com diferentes
mecanismos de falha resultam da interação entre as placas tectônicas de
Nazca e Sul-americana. É nesta região onde acontecem atividades de
mineração no país, juntamente com a construção de grandes estruturas
civis, como barragens de rejeitos, projetadas para armazenar grande
quantidade de material na menor área possível. Neste trabalho, foi avaliado
o comportamento sísmico de uma barragem de rejeitos localizada em
Arequipa, Peru, construída com o método a montante. Em evento sísmico
ocorrido em 2013, a barragem sofreu trincas no seu corpo, recalques na
crista e pequenos vulcões de areia, indicando a redução dos parâmetros
de resistência no rejeito devido a possível fenômeno de liquefação. Nesta
pesquisa, a estimativa da ameaça sísmica foi feita por métodos
probabilísticos, com o terremoto artificial de projeto obtido por método de
ajuste espectral. Foram feitas análises pseudo-estáticas de estabilidade
dos taludes, bem como estimados deslocamentos permanentes e o
potencial de liquefação dinâmica por métodos simplificados. A análise
global da barragem de rejeitos foi executada pelo método dos elementos
finitos, considerando o modelo constituivo UBC3D-PLM para simular o
comportamento mecânico dos rejeitos sob carregamento cíclico. / [en] Peru is located in an area of high seismic activity known as the fire
belt. Earthquakes recorded with different failure mechanisms result from the
interaction between the Nazca and South-American tectonic plates. It is in
this region where mining activities take place in the country, along with the
construction of large civil structures, such as tailings dams, designed to
store large amounts of material in the smallest possible area. In this work,
the seismic behavior of a tailings dam located in Arequipa, Peru, built with
the upstream method, was evaluated. In a seismic event that occurred in
2013, the dam suffered cracks in its body, settlement in the crest and small
sand boils, indicating the reduction of the tailings resistance parameters due
to possible dynamic liquefaction. In this research, the seismic hazard
assessment was made by probabilistic methods, with the artificial design
earthquake obtained by the spectral adjustment method. Pseudo-static
analyzes of slope stability were performed, as well as the estimated
permanent displacements and the potential of dynamic liquefaction were
obtainded by simplified methods. The global seismic analysis of the tailings
dam was carried out through the finite element method, considering the
UBC3D-PLM constitutive model to simulate the mechanical behavior of
tailings under cyclic loading.
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[pt] A ocorrência de dois acidentes de proporções inaceitáveis no Brasil, num período de 4 anos, resultou em problemas de confiança nos projetos e na operação de barragens de rejeitos, em especial as construídas pelo método de montante. Esse trabalho tem o objetivo de auxiliar no entendimento dos riscos de barragens de rejeitos, propondo uma metodologia para estimativa desses riscos e indicação de valores para limites de aceitabilidade e tolerabilidade. A metodologia proposta foi aplicada em duas barragens que romperam recentemente, Barragem de Fundão (Mariana/MG) e Barragem de Feijão (Brumadinho/MG), e uma barragem existente, a Barragem do Germano. A aplicação do método probabilístico FOSM em conjunto com a análise de equilíbrio limite por Spencer foi sugerida para estimar a probabilidade de ruptura por liquefação. Adicionalmente, a probabilidade de ocorrência dos gatilhos foi estimada de acordo com as características e operação da barragem. Nos casos estudados nesse trabalho, as probabilidades de ruptura determinadas pela metodologia desenvolvida são iguais a 36 por cento no caso de Fundão, 47 por cento no caso de Feijão e 3 por cento no caso de Germano. Os resultados mostraram que o risco associado às barragens que romperam era incompatível com qualquer obra de engenharia e muito acima dos limites normativos considerando as consequências da ruptura. / [en] Two accidents in tailings dams occurred in the last few years in Brazil and they
resulted in the lack of trust in their design and performance. The aim of this work is to
provide a better understanding of the risks on existing tailings dams, presenting a
methodology for risk estimate and recommendation of values for acceptability and
tolerability limits. The combination of the Spencer’s limit equilibrium method and the
first-order second-moment (FOSM) probabilistic method (Christian et al., 1992) were
chosen to be applied in the Fundão Dam (collapsed in 2015 in Mariana/MG), Feijão
Dam (collapsed in 2019 in Brumadinho/MG), and Germano Dam. There is also a
methodology suggested for trigger probability evaluation according to the dam s
characteristics and operation. The probabilities of rupture through liquefaction during
the time of the accidents are 36 per cent in case of Fundão Dam, 47 per cent in case of Feijão Dam and 3 per cent in case of Germano Dam. The results shows that the risk associated with the collapsed structures was much higher than the tolerable level of the standards.
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Stabilization of sulphidic mine tailings by different treatment methods:heavy metals and sulphate immobilizationKiventerä, J. (Jenni) 22 October 2019 (has links)
Millions of tons of mine tailings are generated worldwide annually. Since many valuable metals such as Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn, Au and Ni are usually incorporated into sulphidic minerals, a large proportion of the tailings generated contain high amounts of sulphates and heavy metals. Some of these tailings are used as paste backfill material at mining sites, but large amounts are still being deposited into the tailings dams under water coverage. Sulphidic minerals are stable underground but after mining of the ore and several processing steps these minerals can be oxidized when they come into contact with water and air. This oxidation generates acid and thus reduces the pH of the surrounding environment. Furthermore, the heavy metals present in the mine tailings can be leached into the environment. This phenomenon, called Acid Mine Drainage (AMD), is one of the most critical environmental issues related to the management of sulphidic-rich tailings. Since AMD generation can still occur hundreds of years after closure of the mine, the mine tailings need stable, sustainable and economically viable management methods in order to prevent AMD production in the long term.
The aim of this PhD thesis was to study various solidification/stabilization (S/S) methods for the immobilization of sulphidic mine tailings. The main focus was to develop a suitable chemical environment for achieving effective heavy metal (mainly arsenic) and sulphate immobilization while simultaneously ensuring good mechanical properties. Three treatment methods were tested: alkali activation, stabilization using hydrated lime (Ca(OH)2) and blast furnace slag (GBFS), and calcium sulphoaluminate-belite (CSAB) cement stabilization.
The mine tailings used in this study contained large amounts of sulphates and heavy metals such as Cr, Cu, Ni, Mn, Zn, V and As. The leaching of arsenic and sulphates from powdered tailings exceeded the legal limits for regular and inert waste. All treatment methods were found to generate a hardened matrix that was suitable for use as a backfilling or construction material, but the calcium-based binding system was the most suitable for effective immobilization of all the heavy metals (including arsenic) and the sulphates. Precipitation in the form of calcium sulphates/calcium arsenate and the formation of ettringite are the main stabilization methods employed in calcium-based stabilization/solidification (S/S) systems. Some evidence of physical encapsulation occurring simultaneously with chemical stabilization was noted. These results can be exploited further to develop more sustainable mine tailing management systems for use in the future. The tailings could be stored in a dry landfill area instead of in tailing dams, and in this way a long-term decrease in AMD generation could be achieved, together with a high potential for recycling. / Tiivistelmä
Monet arvometallit kuten kulta, kupari ja nikkeli ovat sitoutuneena sulfidipitoisiin mineraaleihin. Louhittaessa ja rikastettaessa näitä sulfidimineraaleja syntyy miljoonia tonneja sulfidipitoisia rikastushiekkoja vuosittain. Rikastushiekat voivat sisältää myös runsaasti erilaisia raskasmetalleja. Osa rikastushiekoista hyödynnetään kaivostäytössä, mutta suurin osa rikastushiekoista läjitetään edelleen ympäristöön rikastushiekka-altaisiin veden alle. Kun sulfidipitoinen malmi kaivetaan ja käsitellään, sulfidiset mineraalit hapettuvat ollessaan kosketuksissa veden ja hapen kanssa. Hapettuessaan ne muodostavat rikkihappoa, laskien ympäristön pH:ta jolloin useimmat raskasmetallit liukenevat ympäristöön. Muodostuvia happamia kaivosvesiä voi syntyä vielä pitkään kaivoksen sulkemisen jälkeen ja ovat näin ollen yksi suurimmista kaivosteollisuuteen liittyvistä ympäristöongelmista. Lisäksi suuret rikastushiekka-altaat voivat aiheuttaa vaaraa myös ihmisille, mikäli altaan rakenteet pettävät. Rikastushiekkojen kestäviä ja ympäristöystävällisiä varastointimenetelmiä täytyy kehittää, jotta näitä ongelmia voidaan tulevaisuudessa ehkäistä.
Tässä työssä tutkittiin menetelmiä, joilla kultakaivoksella syntyvät sulfidipitoiset vaaralliseksi jätteeksi luokitellut rikastushiekat saataisiin stabiloitua tehokkaasti. Työssä keskityttiin kolmeen erilaiseen menetelmään: alkali-aktivointiin, stabilointiin kalsiumhydroksidin ja masuunikuonan avulla ja stabilointiin CSAB sementin avulla. Valmistettujen materiaalien mekaanisia ja kemiallisia ominaisuuksia arvioitiin. Tavoitteena oli ymmärtää, miten eri menetelmät soveltuvat raskasmetallien (erityisesti arseenin) ja sulfaattien sitoutumiseen ja mikä on eri komponenttien rooli reaktioissa.
Alkali-aktivoimalla rikastushiekkaa sopivan sidosaineen kanssa saavutettiin hyvät mekaaniset ominaisuudet ja useimmat haitta-aineet sitoutuivat materiaaliin. Ongelmia aiheuttivat edelleen sulfaatit ja arseeni. Kalsiumpohjaiset menetelmät sitoivat raskasmetallit (myös arseenin) ja sulfaatit tehokkaimmin. Sulfaatit ja arseeni saostuivat muodostaen niukkaliukoisia komponentteja kalsiumin kanssa. Samanaikaisesti rakenteeseen muodostui ettringiittiä, jolla on tutkitusti hyvä kyky sitoa erilaisia raskasmetalleja rakenteeseensa. Raskasmetallit myös kapseloituivat rakenteen sisään.
Työn tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää, kehitettäessä rikastushiekkojen turvallista varastointia. Kun materiaalille saavutetaan riittävän hyvä lujuus ja kemiallinen stabiilius, rikastushiekat voitaisiin läjittää tulevaisuudessa kuivalle maalle altaan sijaan. Näin vältyttäisiin rikastushiekka-altaiden rakentamiselta ja voitaisiin vähentää happamien kaivosvesien muodostumista pitkällä ajanjaksolla. Saavutettujen tulosten perusteella rikastushiekkoja voidaan mahdollisesti tulevaisuudessa hyödyntää myös erilaisissa betonin tapaisissa rakennusmateriaaleissa.
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Valorisation des rejets miniers à faible teneur en sulfures comme granulats pour mortiers / The reuse of low sulfide mineArgane, Rabei 07 May 2015 (has links)
Les résidus miniers représentent les sous-produits minéraux finement broyés issus des procédés de traitement et d’enrichissement des minerais. Durant l’exploitation d’une mine, ces rejets sont habituellement transportés sous formes de pulpes et entreposés en surface dans des aires d’accumulation appelées parcs à résidus. Ces derniers sont des ouvrages, le plus souvent, difficiles à gérer et coûteux à restaurer. Ils sont à l’origine d’une multitude d’impacts environnementaux qui dépendent principalement de leur potentiel polluant, de leur mode de gestion, de la stabilité physique des infrastructures de confinement et des conditions climatiques spécifiques au site d’entreposage. Dans ce contexte, plusieurs études ont été entreprises afin de développer de nouvelles techniques qui permettraient une gestion effective et durable de ces sous-produits minéraux. Des voies de valorisation dans le domaine du BTP ont ainsi été explorées. Les résultats ont montré la possibilité de réutilisation de certains rejets miniers comme matériaux cimentaires et additifs pour mortiers ou béton. Toutefois, la majorité des formulations proposées n’ont pas dépassé le stade du laboratoire. De plus, l’utilisation des rejets miniers comme matériaux de construction est encore sujet à des difficultés en matière d’acceptabilité sociale et à d’innombrables préoccupations, notamment leur stabilité physico-chimique et leur éco-compatibilité. En parallèle, l’utilisation artisanale et non contrôlée des rejets miniers à faibles teneurs en sulfures comme matériaux de construction est en pleine croissance dans quelques pays tel que le Maroc. En effet, à proximité de quelques sites miniers abandonnés, ces rejets sont considérés comme des sables naturels et sont utilisés pour la confection de mortier de finition et de surfaçage des murs d’habitations. Ce recyclage artisanal peut constituer des risques mécaniques et environnementaux liés surtout à la non-conformité mécanique de ces matériaux et à la présence de concentrations non négligeables de métaux résiduels dans les rejets miniers. L’objectif de ce travail de recherche est donc d’évaluer l’impact de l’utilisation actuelle de deux rejets miniers marocains (Zeida et Mibladen), communément utilisés comme agrégats dans la région de la haute-Moulouya, sur les propriétés physico-chimiques des mortiers de finition et d’étudier, sur le long terme, le relargage des métaux lourds en scénario de lixiviation. Ce travail se donne aussi comme objectif spécifique, d’étudier la faisabilité technique d’utilisation des rejets miniers à faible teneur en sulfures comme substituant au sable conventionnel pour la confection de mortiers d’enduit et de maçonnerie. / Mine tailings represent the finely ground industrial by products generated throw beneficiation of ore minerals. During mine exploitation, these tailings are generally transported in slurry form to large storage facilities, called tailings ponds or impoundments. These facilities are, in most cases, difficult to manage and expensive to rehabilitate. They are responsible for the generation of important environmental impacts and significant ecological disruptions, depending on their pollution potential, management technique, physical stability and the climate conditions. In this context, numerous studies have been conducted to develop new techniques for a sustainable management of mine tailings. The feasibility of reusing some tailings in the construction sector as cementing materials and additives for mortars or concretes were successfully achieved. However, the majority of the conducted studies are still at laboratory stages. Moreover the reuse of tailings as construction material is yet subject of numerous difficulties in term of social acceptance. Various parameters are also of concern, especially the physical and chemical stability of tailings as well as their eco-compatibility. In parallel, the uncontrolled reuse of low sulfide tailings as construction material is increasing in some developing countries (e.g. Morocco). In fact, nearby some abandoned mine sites, these tailings are considered as natural sands and are used for the manufacture of surface finishing mortars. This traditional recycling may constitute mechanical and environmental risks, principally related to tailings mechanical unconformity and to their non-negligible residual metal concentrations. Therefore, the aim of the current research is to evaluate the actual impact of two Moroccan mine tailings (named Zeida and Mibladen), commonly used as aggregates in the Upper-Moulouya region, on the mechanical properties of mortars and on their long term environmental behavior. This work has also as specific aim, to study the technical feasibility of using low sulfide tailings as sand substitute for the manufacture of rendering and masonry mortars. To attain this aim, a thorough characterization of the physical, chemical and mineralogical properties as well as the geochemical behavior of mine tailings was carried out. Mechanical properties of tailings-based mortars were then measured and compared to reference samples (sand-based mortars) using different tests such as setting time, entrained air volume and compressive strength. In parallel, mortars durability and hydration products were evaluated by mean of durability tests (wetting drying cycles, sulfate attack and acid rain simulation) and analytical methods (scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and thermo-gravimetric analysis). Finally, mortar samples were submitted to various leaching tests to evaluate the pollution potential of these matrices.
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La poursuite au cinéma : pérennité d’une forme esthétique / The chasing in movies : perenity of an aesthetic formMarcel, Philippe 26 June 2009 (has links)
La poursuite est une figure qui accompagne le cinéma depuis ses débuts jusqu’à en devenir, presque, la forme archétypale. Elle a constitué le principal mode de linéarisation des formes courtes du cinéma des premiers temps et reste un mode habituel de structuration des grands récits. Présence et absence de poursuites, existence sous des formes apparentées telles que la filature ou la déambulation, sont des éléments de caractérisation des films particulièrement intéressants. Leurs conditions d’élaboration et de réception sont à replacer dans leur contexte et à étudier dans une perspective d’une histoire des formes. Observer la place qui est donnée à la poursuite par quatre réalisateurs français, d’époques différentes, Louis Feuillade, René Clair, Jean-Pierre Melville et Philippe de Broca, conduit à mettre en évidence sa pérennité. L’analyse comparée de sa mise en scène chez ces cinéastes que tout, parfois, semble opposer, permet d’utiliser la poursuite comme un critère de distinction pour mettre en évidence la valeur symbolique et la signification intrinsèque de cette figure, tant comme forme esthétique que comme forme anthropologique. / The Notion of Chasing has been part of cinema life from the very beginning, so much so that it has almost become an archetypal form. It was the principal method of moving the plot forward in short films when cinema began and remained a normal method of structure for feature-films. The presence, or absence of chasing whether in a related form such as tailing someone or on foot, is an extremly interesting element of film characterisation. The condition of its elaboration and of reception must be put back into context and studied with the perspective of the history of the form. Studying the importance given to chasing by four French film directors of different eras, Louis Feuillade, René Clair, Jean-Pierre Melville et Philippe de Broca, will bring out the form’s perennity. Likewise comparing the director’s management of such scenes, especially since these four can on occasion seem like opposites, enables one to use chasing as an differentiating criteria that is particulary important when bringing out the value, both symbolic and intrinsic, of this form as an aesthetic and anthropological form.
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Acciones de CRM en relación con la compra online en tiendas por departamento en la categoría de moda en Lima Metropolitana / Actions by crm in relation to online purchasing in stores by department in the fashion category in metropolitan limaBueno Díaz Mori, Maira Segevel, Buitrón Vásquez, Franco Alejandro 10 November 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación busca determinar la problemática es determinar si existe una relación positiva entre las acciones de CRM y la compra online. La metodología que se utilizará para esta investigación busca comprobar las hipótesis mediante una encuesta online dirigida a 300 personas, en relación a la muestra esta estará conformada por varones o mujeres de 18 a 25 años del NSE B y C que residan en Lima Metropolitana. De esta manera, se busca comprobar que las acciones de CRM impactan directamente en la compra online. En ese sentido, se busca concluir resultados positivos en cuanto a nuestra metodología e hipótesis, las cuales determinarán el efecto positivo de implementar acciones de CRM en el retail de moda. / This research seeks to determine the problem is to determine if there is a positive relationship between CRM actions and online shopping. The methodology that will be used for this research seeks to verify the hypotheses through an online survey directed to 300 people, in relation to the sample this will be made up of men or women between 18 and 25 years of age from NSE B and C who reside in Metropolitan Lima. In this way, it seeks to verify that CRM actions have a direct impact on online shopping. In this sense, we seek to conclude positive results regarding our methodology and hypotheses, which will determine the positive effect of implementing CRM actions in fashion retail. / Trabajo de investigación
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Effects of Static and Dynamic Thermal Gradients in Gas ChromatographyAvila, Samuel 07 January 2021 (has links)
Gas chromatography (GC) is an analytical chemistry tool used to determine the chemical composition of a gas sample by separating sample analytes as they travel through a GC column. Recent efforts have been made to understand and control gas chromatography separations with a negative thermal gradient on the column. The present work presents results from thermal gradient GC separations on two GC columns in different configurations (serpentine and radial) in a stainless-steel plate. Methods to fabricate the GC systems capable of isothermal, temperature programmed and thermal gradient separations are presented. Isothermal experimental data from the serpentine column were used to fit retention and dispersion parameters in a transport model that simulates GC separation for hydrocarbons C12-C14. Transport model simulated retention times and peak widths matched experimental values well for isothermal, temperature programmed and thermal gradient separations. The validated transport model was used to study the effect of static (not varying temporally) thermal gradients on GC separations with varying injection widths, injection band shapes and stationary phase thickness. Resolution results from different heating conditions were considered comparable if retention times for each analyte were within 5%. An optimal, static thermal gradient is shown to reduce analyte band spreading from axially-varying velocity gradients with resolution improvements over isothermal separations of up to 8% for analytes with similar retention factors. Static thermal gradients have a larger effect on fronting peak shape than tailing peak shape. Stationary phase distribution acts similar to a velocity gradient and can be corrected by a thermal gradient. Another transport model was created from isothermal experimental data on a commercial column for hydrocarbons C12-C20. An optimal, static thermal gradient does not improve resolution for all analyte pairs. An optimal, dynamic (varying tempo-rally) thermal gradient is created by uniformly increasing the temperature on an optimal, static thermal gradient. Improvements in resolution of up to 20% are achievable over temperature programmed GC separation. A dynamic thermal gradient can also correct for a poor sample injection by creating a temperature trap at the beginning of the column.
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[pt] Este trabalho apresenta a utilização de métodos de equilíbrio limite em conjunto com métodos numéricos pela abordagem probabilística, para avaliação da estabilidade de uma barragem de rejeitos de mineração de ferro situada no quadrilátero ferrífero, no Estado de Minas Gerais. Foram conduzidas análises fazendo uso dos métodos de Bishop Simplificado (1955) e Morgenstern e Price (1965), além de análises numéricas de tensão vs deformação pelo método dos elementos finitos. Os campos de poropressão gerados no modelo numérico em dois momentos distintos da obra foram exportados para os modelos de equilíbrio limite, de forma que ambas análises fossem realizadas em condições piezométricas similares. Para as análises probabilísticas foram adotados os métodos FOSM (First Order Second Moment) e Monte Carlo. São apresentandos os conceitos básicos de análises de estabilidade determinísticas e probabilísticas, abrangendo os métodos de cálculo de FS, fundamentos de probabilidade e estatística e conceitos de modelagem numérica. Este estudo aborda também os princípios construtivos de barragens de rejeito de mineração, além da aplicação dos métodos probabilísticos para avaliação da estabilidade de uma barragem de rejeitos, construída pelo método de jusante. Os resultados indicaram que a consideração de uma superfície de ruptura livre foi fator preponderante na influência dos parâmetros na PR (Probabilidade de Ruptura). Concluiu-se também que os método de cálculo de FS teve maior influência no valor da PR do que as condições piezométricas da fundação. / [en] This work presents the use of limit equilibrium (LEM) and numerical methods by the probabilistic approach, in order to evaluate the stability of an iron ore tailings dam located in Minas Gerais s iron quadrangle. LEM analyzes were carried out using the Simplified Bishop (1955) and Morgenstern and Price (1965) methods, in addition to stress vs strain analyzes with the finite element method. The pore pressure fields generated in the numerical model at two distinct construction stages were exported to the limit equilibrium models in order to guarantee that both analyzes were performed on the same piezometric conditions. For the probabilistic analyzes the FOSM (First Order Second Moment) and Monte Carlo methods were applied. The basic concepts of deterministic and probabilistic stability analysis are presented together with the fundamentals of statistics and probability, FoS (Factor of Safety) calculation methods, as well as numerical modeling concepts. This work also addresses the definition and construction principles of tailings dams. This study presents an application of probabilistic methods to assess the stability of a tailings dam built and heightened by the downstream method. The results indicate that the consideration of a free failure surface was the decisive factor to the magnitude of the influence of each parameter on the PF (Probability of Failure). It was also concluded that the FoS calculation methods had a greater influence on the PF than the foundation s piezometric conditions.
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[pt] O gerenciamento e estocagem dos residuos de mineração apresentam desafios
constantes devido às crescentes demandas do setor, dessa forma, o aperfeiçoamento
dos processos de gestão dos rejeitos e a otimização da capacidade de estocagem dos
reservatórios são fundamentais para a viabilidade de um empreendimento de
exploração de recursos minerais. O presente trabalho apresenta a metodologia
utilizada para avaliação do processo de ressecamento de rejeito da lavagem de
bauxita da Mineração Rio do Norte, sendo proposta a execução de dois
reservatórios experimentais, em escala piloto, possibilitando o monitoramento do
comportamento de ressecamento do rejeito in loco e a cxecução de ensaios em
laboratório. A proposta do estudo é avaliar o comportamento do rejeito quando
disposto em diferentes espessuras de camadas, incluindo aspectos de condições
climáticas e tempo de secagem. O objetivo foi calibrar o modelo de enchimento e
otimizar a área dos reservatórios contidos no sistema de contenção de rejeitos da
MRN, aperfeiçoando a previsibilidade do final da vida útil das estruturas e maior
assertividade do balanço de massas no longo prazo. Os estudos de campo e
laboratório consistiram na disposição e monitoramento de camadas com 0,50 m e
0,80 m. Dessa forma, foi possível a avaliacão dos teores de sólidos ao final do
periodo de secagem das camadas dispostas, avaliar as curvas de enchimento e
recalque do rejeito, medir os ângulos de repouso no momento da disposição e após
periodo de ressecamento e analisar a morfologia e desenvolvimento das trincas de
contração. Com base nos resultados laboratoriais e de campo obtidos nesse trabalho,
conclui-se que o comportamento do processo de ressecamento do rejeito é
influenciado por uma série de fatores, podendo citar a permeabilidade do fiundo dos
reservatórios as condições climáticas (incidência pluviométrica e taxa de
evaporação) como os mais impactantes ao processo. No trabalho não foi observado
uma grande diferença do comportamento de rejeito para as camadas de 0,50 cm e
0.80 cm. / [en] The management and storage of mining waste present constant challenges due tothe increasing demands of the sector. Therefore, improving waste managementprocesses and optimizing the storage capacity of reservoirs are fundamental to theviability of a mineral resource exploration project. This study presents themethodology used to evaluate the desiccation process of washed bauxite tailings atMineração Rio do Norte (MRN). The implementation of two experimentalreservoirs at a pilot scale is proposed, allowing on-site monitoring and laboratorytests for the tailings desiccation behavior. The objective of the study is to assess thetailings behavior when disposed in different layer thicknesses, considering aspectssuch as weather conditions and drying time. The aim was to calibrate the fillingmodel and optimize the area of the reservoirs within MRN s tailings storage facility,thus improving the predictability of the structures end-of-life and enhancing theaccuracy of long-term mass balance. Field and laboratory studies involved thedeposition and monitoring of layers with thicknesses of 0.50 m and 0.80 m. Thisenabled the evaluation of the solids content at the end of the drying period.assessment of filling and settlement curves, measurement of the angle of repose atthe time of deposition and after the drying period, and analysis of crack morphologyand development. Based on the field and laboratory results obtained in this study,it can be concluded that the behavior of the tailings desiccation process is influencedby several factors. The permeability of the reservoir bottom and weather conditions(rainfall and evaporation rate) are identified as the most impactful to the process.No significant difference in the behavior of the waste was observed between the 0.50 cm and 0.80 cm layers.
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